Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2005-2010 The Kuali Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.kuali.kra.award.home.ContactRole; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.kuali.kra.budget.core.BudgetParent; import org.kuali.kra.budget.document.BudgetDocument; import org.kuali.kra.budget.personnel.PersonRolodex; import org.kuali.kra.infrastructure.Constants; import org.kuali.kra.infrastructure.KraServiceLocator; import org.kuali.kra.proposaldevelopment.document.ProposalDevelopmentDocument; import org.kuali.kra.proposaldevelopment.hierarchy.HierarchyStatusConstants; import org.kuali.kra.proposaldevelopment.hierarchy.ProposalHierarchyException; import org.kuali.kra.proposaldevelopment.hierarchy.service.ProposalHierarchyService; import org.kuali.kra.proposaldevelopment.service.KeyPersonnelService; import org.kuali.kra.proposaldevelopment.service.NarrativeService; import org.kuali.kra.proposaldevelopment.service.ProposalDevelopmentService; import org.kuali.kra.proposaldevelopment.service.ProposalPersonBiographyService; import org.kuali.kra.proposaldevelopment.service.ProposalStatusService; import org.kuali.kra.proposaldevelopment.specialreview.ProposalSpecialReview; import org.kuali.kra.proposaldevelopment.specialreview.ProposalSpecialReviewExemption; import; import; import; import org.kuali.kra.service.Sponsorable; import org.kuali.kra.service.YnqService; import org.kuali.rice.kns.service.BusinessObjectService; import org.kuali.rice.kns.service.ParameterService; import org.kuali.rice.kns.util.GlobalVariables; import org.kuali.rice.kns.util.TypedArrayList; /** * This class... */ public class DevelopmentProposal extends KraPersistableBusinessObjectBase implements BudgetParent, Sponsorable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -9211313487776934111L; private static final String ATTACHMENTS_COMPLETE = "Complete"; private static final String ATTACHMENTS_INCOMPLETE = "Inomplete"; private static final String ATTACHMENTS_NONE = "None"; private String proposalNumber; private String proposalTypeCode; private ProposalType proposalType; private String continuedFrom; private String sponsorCode; private String activityTypeCode; private String ownedByUnitNumber; private Date requestedStartDateInitial; private Date requestedEndDateInitial; private String title; private String currentAwardNumber; private Date deadlineDate; private String noticeOfOpportunityCode; private NoticeOfOpportunity noticeOfOpportunity; private String deadlineType; private String cfdaNumber; private String programAnnouncementNumber; private String primeSponsorCode; private String sponsorProposalNumber; private String nsfCode; private NsfCode nsfCodeBo; private Boolean subcontracts; private String agencyDivisionCode; private String agencyProgramCode; private String programAnnouncementTitle; private String mailBy; private String mailType; private String mailAccountNumber; private String mailDescription; private Integer mailingAddressId; private String numberOfCopies; private String proposalStateTypeCode; private ProposalState proposalState; private List<ProposalSite> proposalSites; // TODO: just for delivery panel. not a real reference private Rolodex rolodex; private List<ProposalSpecialReview> propSpecialReviews; private List<PropScienceKeyword> propScienceKeywords; private List<ProposalPerson> proposalPersons; private List<S2sOppForms> s2sOppForms; private S2sOpportunity s2sOpportunity; private List<S2sAppSubmission> s2sAppSubmission; private String newScienceKeywordCode; private String newDescription; private Sponsor sponsor; private Integer nextProposalPersonNumber; private String budgetStatus; private String budgetStatusDescription; private List<Narrative> narratives; private List<ProposalAbstract> proposalAbstracts; private List<Narrative> instituteAttachments; private List<ProposalPersonBiography> propPersonBios; private List<ProposalPerson> investigators; private Collection<InvestigatorCreditType> investigatorCreditTypes; private Unit ownedByUnit; transient private NarrativeService narrativeService; transient private ProposalPersonBiographyService proposalPersonBiographyService; private ActivityType activityType; private List<ProposalYnq> proposalYnqs; private List<YnqGroupName> ynqGroupNames; // private List<BudgetDocumentVersion> budgetDocumentVersions; private String creationStatusCode; private Map<String, String> nihDescription; private boolean sponsorNihMultiplePi; private boolean sponsorNihOsc; private List<ProposalChangedData> proposalChangedDataList; private Map<String, List<ProposalChangedData>> proposalChangeHistory; private Boolean submitFlag = Boolean.FALSE; private ProposalDevelopmentDocument proposalDocument; private String hierarchyStatus; private String hierarchyStatusName; private String hierarchyOriginatingChildProposalNumber; private String hierarchyParentProposalNumber; private Integer hierarchyLastSyncHashCode; private String hierarchyBudgetType; private transient ParameterService parameterService; private transient ProposalHierarchyService proposalHierarchyService; private transient KeyPersonnelService keyPersonnelService; private Sponsor primeSponsor; /** * Looks up and returns the ParameterService. * @return the parameter service. */ protected ParameterService getParameterService() { if (this.parameterService == null) { this.parameterService = KraServiceLocator.getService(ParameterService.class); } return this.parameterService; } /** * Looks up and returns the ProposalHierarchyService. * @return the proposal hierarchy service. */ protected ProposalHierarchyService getProposalHierarchyService() { if (this.proposalHierarchyService == null) { this.proposalHierarchyService = KraServiceLocator.getService(ProposalHierarchyService.class); } return this.proposalHierarchyService; } protected KeyPersonnelService getKeyPersonnelService() { if (keyPersonnelService == null) { keyPersonnelService = KraServiceLocator.getService(KeyPersonnelService.class); } return keyPersonnelService; } /** * Gets the hierarchy attribute. * @return Returns the hierarchy. */ public String getHierarchyStatus() { return hierarchyStatus; } /** * Sets the hierarchy attribute value. * @param hierarchy The hierarchy to set. */ public void setHierarchyStatus(String hierarchyStatus) { this.hierarchyStatus = hierarchyStatus; } /** * Gets the hierarchyParentProposalNumber attribute. * @return Returns the hierarchyParentProposalNumber. */ public String getHierarchyParentProposalNumber() { return hierarchyParentProposalNumber; } /** * Sets the hierarchyParentProposalNumber attribute value. * @param hierarchyParentProposalNumber The hierarchyParentProposalNumber to set. */ public void setHierarchyParentProposalNumber(String hierarchyParentProposalNumber) { this.hierarchyParentProposalNumber = hierarchyParentProposalNumber; } public String getHierarchyOriginatingChildProposalNumber() { return hierarchyOriginatingChildProposalNumber; } public void setHierarchyOriginatingChildProposalNumber(String hierarchyOriginatingChildProposalNumber) { this.hierarchyOriginatingChildProposalNumber = hierarchyOriginatingChildProposalNumber; } /** * Sets the hierarchyLastSyncHashCode attribute value. * @param hierarchyLastSyncHashCode The hierarchyLastSyncHashCode to set. */ public void setHierarchyLastSyncHashCode(Integer hierarchyLastSyncHashCode) { this.hierarchyLastSyncHashCode = hierarchyLastSyncHashCode; } /** * Gets the hierarchyLastSyncHashCode attribute. * @return Returns the hierarchyLastSyncHashCode. */ public Integer getHierarchyLastSyncHashCode() { return hierarchyLastSyncHashCode; } public boolean isParent() { return HierarchyStatusConstants.Parent.code().equals(hierarchyStatus); } public boolean isChild() { return HierarchyStatusConstants.Child.code().equals(hierarchyStatus); } public boolean isInHierarchy() { return !HierarchyStatusConstants.None.code().equals(hierarchyStatus); } public String getHierarchyStatusName() { hierarchyStatusName = HierarchyStatusConstants.None.description(); for (HierarchyStatusConstants status : HierarchyStatusConstants.values()) { if (status.code().equals(getHierarchyStatus())) hierarchyStatusName = status.description(); } return hierarchyStatusName; } public void setHierarchyStatusName(String hierarchyStatusName) { this.hierarchyStatusName = hierarchyStatusName; } /** * Sets the hierarchyBudgetType attribute value. * @param hierarchyBudgetType The hierarchyBudgetType to set. */ public void setHierarchyBudgetType(String hierarchyBudgetType) { this.hierarchyBudgetType = hierarchyBudgetType; } /** * Gets the hierarchyBudgetType attribute. * @return Returns the hierarchyBudgetType. */ public String getHierarchyBudgetType() { return hierarchyBudgetType; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public DevelopmentProposal() { super(); setProposalStateTypeCode(ProposalState.IN_PROGRESS); propScienceKeywords = new TypedArrayList(PropScienceKeyword.class); newDescription = getDefaultNewDescription(); propSpecialReviews = new TypedArrayList(ProposalSpecialReview.class); proposalPersons = new ArrayList<ProposalPerson>(); nextProposalPersonNumber = Integer.valueOf(1); narratives = new ArrayList<Narrative>(); proposalAbstracts = new ArrayList<ProposalAbstract>(); instituteAttachments = new ArrayList<Narrative>(); propPersonBios = new ArrayList<ProposalPersonBiography>(); proposalYnqs = new ArrayList<ProposalYnq>(); ynqGroupNames = new ArrayList<YnqGroupName>(); investigators = new ArrayList<ProposalPerson>(); s2sOppForms = new ArrayList<S2sOppForms>(); s2sAppSubmission = new ArrayList<S2sAppSubmission>(); proposalChangedDataList = new TypedArrayList(ProposalChangedData.class); proposalChangeHistory = new TreeMap<String, List<ProposalChangedData>>(); hierarchyStatus = HierarchyStatusConstants.None.code(); hierarchyStatusName = HierarchyStatusConstants.None.description(); initProposalSites(); } private void initProposalSites() { proposalSites = new ArrayList<ProposalSite>(); setApplicantOrganization(new ProposalSite()); setPerformingOrganization(new ProposalSite()); } public void initializeOwnedByUnitNumber() { ProposalDevelopmentService proposalDevelopmentService = KraServiceLocator .getService(ProposalDevelopmentService.class); List<Unit> userUnits = proposalDevelopmentService .getDefaultModifyProposalUnitsForUser(GlobalVariables.getUserSession().getPrincipalId()); if (userUnits.size() == 1) { this.setOwnedByUnitNumber(userUnits.get(0).getUnitNumber()); proposalDevelopmentService.initializeUnitOrganizationLocation(this.getProposalDocument()); } } /** * Gets the value of proposalPersons * * @return the value of proposalPersons */ public List<ProposalPerson> getProposalPersons() { evaluateMoveOptions(); return this.proposalPersons; } private void evaluateMoveOptions() { for (int i = 0; i < proposalPersons.size(); i++) { ProposalPerson person = proposalPersons.get(i); person.setMoveUpAllowed(i > 0 && person.getProposalPersonRoleId() .equals(proposalPersons.get(i - 1).getProposalPersonRoleId())); person.setMoveDownAllowed(i < (proposalPersons.size() - 1) && person.getProposalPersonRoleId() .equals(proposalPersons.get(i + 1).getProposalPersonRoleId())); if (isSponsorNihMultiplePi() && getKeyPersonnelService().isCoInvestigator(person)) { person.setMoveUpAllowed(person.isMoveUpAllowed() && person.isMultiplePi() == proposalPersons.get(i - 1).isMultiplePi()); person.setMoveDownAllowed(person.isMoveDownAllowed() && person.isMultiplePi() == proposalPersons.get(i + 1).isMultiplePi()); } } } public void setInvestigators(List<ProposalPerson> investigators) { this.investigators = investigators; } public List<ProposalPerson> getInvestigators() { return investigators; } /** * Sets the value of proposalPersons * * @param argProposalPersons Value to assign to this.proposalPersons */ public void setProposalPersons(List<ProposalPerson> argProposalPersons) { this.proposalPersons = argProposalPersons; } public String getActivityTypeCode() { return activityTypeCode; } public void setActivityTypeCode(String activityTypeCode) { this.activityTypeCode = activityTypeCode; } public String getOwnedByUnitNumber() { return ownedByUnitNumber; } public void setOwnedByUnitNumber(String ownedByUnit) { this.ownedByUnitNumber = ownedByUnit; } public String getProposalTypeCode() { return proposalTypeCode; } public void setProposalTypeCode(String proposalTypeCode) { this.proposalTypeCode = proposalTypeCode; } /** * Gets the continuedFrom attribute. * * @return Returns the continuedFrom. */ public String getContinuedFrom() { return continuedFrom; } /** * Sets the continuedFrom attribute value. * * @param continuedFrom The continuedFrom to set. */ public void setContinuedFrom(String continuedFrom) { this.continuedFrom = continuedFrom; } public Date getRequestedEndDateInitial() { return requestedEndDateInitial; } public void setRequestedEndDateInitial(Date requestedEndDateInitial) { this.requestedEndDateInitial = requestedEndDateInitial; } public Date getRequestedStartDateInitial() { return requestedStartDateInitial; } public void setRequestedStartDateInitial(Date requestedStartDateInitial) { this.requestedStartDateInitial = requestedStartDateInitial; } public String getSponsorCode() { return sponsorCode; } public void setSponsorCode(String sponsorCode) { this.sponsorCode = sponsorCode; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public String getProposalNumber() { return proposalNumber; } public void setProposalNumber(String proposalNumber) { this.proposalNumber = proposalNumber; } public String getCurrentAwardNumber() { return currentAwardNumber; } public void setCurrentAwardNumber(String currentAwardNumber) { this.currentAwardNumber = currentAwardNumber; } /** * Gets the agencyDivisionCode attribute. * * @return Returns the agencyDivisionCode. */ public String getAgencyDivisionCode() { return agencyDivisionCode; } /** * Sets the agencyDivisionCode attribute value. * * @param agencyDivisionCode The agencyDivisionCode to set. */ public void setAgencyDivisionCode(String agencyDivisionCode) { this.agencyDivisionCode = agencyDivisionCode; } /** * Gets the agencyProgramCode attribute. * * @return Returns the agencyProgramCode. */ public String getAgencyProgramCode() { return agencyProgramCode; } /** * Sets the agencyProgramCode attribute value. * * @param agencyProgramCode The agencyProgramCode to set. */ public void setAgencyProgramCode(String agencyProgramCode) { this.agencyProgramCode = agencyProgramCode; } /** * Gets the cfdaNumber attribute. * * @return Returns the cfdaNumber. */ public String getCfdaNumber() { return cfdaNumber; } /** * Sets the cfdaNumber attribute value. * * @param cfdaNumber The cfdaNumber to set. */ public void setCfdaNumber(String cfdaNumber) { this.cfdaNumber = cfdaNumber; } /** * Gets the deadlineDate attribute. * * @return Returns the deadlineDate. */ public Date getDeadlineDate() { return deadlineDate; } /** * Sets the deadlineDate attribute value. * * @param deadlineDate The deadlineDate to set. */ public void setDeadlineDate(Date deadlineDate) { this.deadlineDate = deadlineDate; } /** * Gets the deadlineType attribute. * * @return Returns the deadlineType. */ public String getDeadlineType() { return deadlineType; } /** * Sets the deadlineType attribute value. * * @param deadlineType The deadlineType to set. */ public void setDeadlineType(String deadlineType) { this.deadlineType = deadlineType; } /** * Gets the noticeOfOpportunityCode attribute. * * @return Returns the noticeOfOpportunityCode. */ public String getNoticeOfOpportunityCode() { return noticeOfOpportunityCode; } /** * Sets the noticeOfOpportunityCode attribute value. * * @param noticeOfOpportunityCode The noticeOfOpportunityCode to set. */ public void setNoticeOfOpportunityCode(String noticeOfOpportunityCode) { this.noticeOfOpportunityCode = noticeOfOpportunityCode; } /** * Gets the nsfCode attribute. * * @return Returns the nsfCode. */ public String getNsfCode() { return nsfCode; } /** * Sets the nsfCode attribute value. * * @param nsfCode The nsfCode to set. */ public void setNsfCode(String nsfCode) { this.nsfCode = nsfCode; } /** * Gets the primeSponsorCode attribute. * * @return Returns the primeSponsorCode. */ public String getPrimeSponsorCode() { return primeSponsorCode; } /** * Sets the primeSponsorCode attribute value. * * @param primeSponsorCode The primeSponsorCode to set. */ public void setPrimeSponsorCode(String primeSponsorCode) { this.primeSponsorCode = primeSponsorCode; } /** * Gets the programAnnouncementNumber attribute. * * @return Returns the programAnnouncementNumber. */ public String getProgramAnnouncementNumber() { return programAnnouncementNumber; } /** * Sets the programAnnouncementNumber attribute value. * * @param programAnnouncementNumber The programAnnouncementNumber to set. */ public void setProgramAnnouncementNumber(String programAnnouncementNumber) { this.programAnnouncementNumber = programAnnouncementNumber; } /** * Gets the programAnnouncementTitle attribute. * * @return Returns the programAnnouncementTitle. */ public String getProgramAnnouncementTitle() { return programAnnouncementTitle; } /** * Sets the programAnnouncementTitle attribute value. * * @param programAnnouncementTitle The programAnnouncementTitle to set. */ public void setProgramAnnouncementTitle(String programAnnouncementTitle) { this.programAnnouncementTitle = programAnnouncementTitle; } /** * Gets the sponsorProposalNumber attribute. * * @return Returns the sponsorProposalNumber. */ public String getSponsorProposalNumber() { return sponsorProposalNumber; } /** * Sets the sponsorProposalNumber attribute value. * * @param sponsorProposalNumber The sponsorProposalNumber to set. */ public void setSponsorProposalNumber(String sponsorProposalNumber) { this.sponsorProposalNumber = sponsorProposalNumber; } /** * Gets the subcontracts attribute. * * @return Returns the subcontracts. */ public Boolean getSubcontracts() { return subcontracts; } /** * Sets the subcontracts attribute value. * * @param subcontracts The subcontracts to set. */ public void setSubcontracts(Boolean subcontracts) { this.subcontracts = subcontracts; } public String getMailBy() { return mailBy; } public void setMailBy(String mailBy) { this.mailBy = mailBy; } public String getMailType() { return mailType; } public void setMailType(String mailType) { this.mailType = mailType; } public String getMailAccountNumber() { return mailAccountNumber; } public void setMailAccountNumber(String mailAccountNumber) { this.mailAccountNumber = mailAccountNumber; } public String getMailDescription() { return mailDescription; } public void setMailDescription(String mailDescription) { this.mailDescription = mailDescription; } public Integer getMailingAddressId() { return mailingAddressId; } public void setMailingAddressId(Integer mailingAddressId) { this.mailingAddressId = mailingAddressId; } public String getNumberOfCopies() { return numberOfCopies; } public void setNumberOfCopies(String numberOfCopies) { this.numberOfCopies = numberOfCopies; } public void setApplicantOrganizationId(String applicantOrganizationId) { ProposalSite applicantOrganization = getApplicantOrganization(); applicantOrganization.setOrganizationId(applicantOrganizationId); setApplicantOrganization(applicantOrganization); } public void setPerformingOrganizationId(String performingOrganizationId) { ProposalSite performingOrganization = getPerformingOrganization(); performingOrganization.setOrganizationId(performingOrganizationId); setPerformingOrganization(performingOrganization); } public void setApplicantOrganization(ProposalSite applicantOrganization) { setProposalSiteForType(applicantOrganization, ProposalSite.PROPOSAL_SITE_APPLICANT_ORGANIZATION); } /** * This method sets the Applicant Organization based on a Organization object. * @param organization * @see setApplicantOrganization(ProposalSite) */ public void setApplicantOrgFromOrganization(Organization organization) { if (organization == null) { setApplicantOrganization((ProposalSite) null); } else { ProposalSite applicantSite = new ProposalSite(); applicantSite.setOrganization(organization); setApplicantOrganization(applicantSite); } } public ProposalSite getApplicantOrganization() { ProposalSite applicant = getProposalSiteForType(ProposalSite.PROPOSAL_SITE_APPLICANT_ORGANIZATION); if (applicant != null) applicant.setRolodex( applicant.getOrganization() == null ? null : applicant.getOrganization().getRolodex()); return applicant; } public void setPerformingOrganization(ProposalSite performingOrganization) { setProposalSiteForType(performingOrganization, ProposalSite.PROPOSAL_SITE_PERFORMING_ORGANIZATION); } /** * This method sets the Performing Organization based on a Organization object. * @param organization * @see setPerformingOrgFromOrganization(ProposalSite) */ public void setPerformingOrgFromOrganization(Organization organization) { if (organization == null) { setPerformingOrganization((ProposalSite) null); } else { ProposalSite performingSite = new ProposalSite(); performingSite.setOrganization(organization); setPerformingOrganization(performingSite); } } public ProposalSite getPerformingOrganization() { ProposalSite performingOrganization = getProposalSiteForType( ProposalSite.PROPOSAL_SITE_PERFORMING_ORGANIZATION); performingOrganization.refreshReferenceObject("rolodex"); if (performingOrganization.getRolodex() == null && performingOrganization.getOrganization() != null) { performingOrganization.setRolodex(performingOrganization.getOrganization().getRolodex()); } return performingOrganization; } public void addProposalSite(ProposalSite proposalSite) { proposalSites.add(proposalSite); } /** * This method replaces one or more Proposal Sites of a given type with another Proposal Site. * The new Proposal Site's type is set to the locationType parameter. * @param proposalSite * @param locationType */ private void setProposalSiteForType(ProposalSite proposalSite, int locationType) { deleteAllProposalSitesOfType(locationType); proposalSite.setLocationTypeCode(locationType); // make sure the location type is set addProposalSite(proposalSite); } /** * This method replaces all Proposal Sites of a given type with a new list of Proposal Sites. * Each new Proposal Site's types are set to the locationType parameter. * @param proposalSites * @param locationType */ private void setProposalSitesForType(List<ProposalSite> proposalSites, int locationType) { deleteAllProposalSitesOfType(locationType); for (ProposalSite proposalSite : proposalSites) { proposalSite.setLocationTypeCode(locationType); // make sure the location type is set } proposalSites.addAll(proposalSites); } private void deleteAllProposalSitesOfType(int locationType) { for (int i = proposalSites.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ProposalSite proposalSite = proposalSites.get(i); if (proposalSite.getLocationTypeCode() == locationType) { proposalSites.remove(i); } } } private ProposalSite getProposalSiteForType(int locationType) { List<ProposalSite> matchingSites = getProposalSitesForType(locationType); if (matchingSites.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return matchingSites.get(0); } } private List<ProposalSite> getProposalSitesForType(int locationType) { ArrayList<ProposalSite> matchingSites = new ArrayList<ProposalSite>(); for (ProposalSite proposalSite : proposalSites) { if (proposalSite.getLocationTypeCode() == locationType) { matchingSites.add(proposalSite); } } return matchingSites; } public void setPerformanceSites(List<ProposalSite> performanceSites) { setProposalSitesForType(performanceSites, ProposalSite.PROPOSAL_SITE_PERFORMANCE_SITE); } public List<ProposalSite> getPerformanceSites() { return getProposalSitesForType(ProposalSite.PROPOSAL_SITE_PERFORMANCE_SITE); } public void addPerformanceSite(ProposalSite performanceSite) { performanceSite.setLocationTypeCode(ProposalSite.PROPOSAL_SITE_PERFORMANCE_SITE); // make sure the location type is set addProposalSite(performanceSite); } public void removePerformanceSite(int index) { removeProposalSiteOfType(ProposalSite.PROPOSAL_SITE_PERFORMANCE_SITE, index); } public void clearPerformanceSiteAddress(int index) { ProposalSite performanceSite = getPerformanceSites().get(index); performanceSite.setOrganization(new Organization()); performanceSite.setOrganizationId(""); performanceSite.setRolodex(new Rolodex()); performanceSite.setRolodexId(null); } public void setOtherOrganizations(List<ProposalSite> otherOrganizations) { setProposalSitesForType(otherOrganizations, ProposalSite.PROPOSAL_SITE_OTHER_ORGANIZATION); } public List<ProposalSite> getOtherOrganizations() { return getProposalSitesForType(ProposalSite.PROPOSAL_SITE_OTHER_ORGANIZATION); } public void addOtherOrganization(ProposalSite otherOrganization) { otherOrganization.setLocationTypeCode(ProposalSite.PROPOSAL_SITE_OTHER_ORGANIZATION); // make sure the location type is set addProposalSite(otherOrganization); } public void removeOtherOrganization(int index) { removeProposalSiteOfType(ProposalSite.PROPOSAL_SITE_OTHER_ORGANIZATION, index); } /** * Among all ProposalSites of a given location type, this method deletes the index-th * one of them. * If, for example, there is a total of eight Proposal Sites, of which five are Performance Sites, * then calling this method with the location type ProposalSite.PROPOSAL_SITE_PERFORMANCE_SITE * and index 2 will delete the second Performance Site (not the second Proposal Site overall). * @param locationType * @param index */ private void removeProposalSiteOfType(int locationType, int index) { for (ProposalSite proposalSite : getProposalSitesForType(locationType)) { if (proposalSite.getLocationTypeCode() == locationType) { index--; if (index < 0) { proposalSites.remove(proposalSite); break; } } } } public void setProposalSites(List<ProposalSite> proposalSites) { this.proposalSites = proposalSites; } /** * This method returns all proposal sites associated with the document * @return */ public List<ProposalSite> getProposalSites() { return proposalSites; } public Rolodex getRolodex() { return rolodex; } public void setRolodex(Rolodex rolodex) { this.rolodex = rolodex; } public void setPropScienceKeywords(List<PropScienceKeyword> propScienceKeywords) { this.propScienceKeywords = propScienceKeywords; } public List<PropScienceKeyword> getPropScienceKeywords() { return propScienceKeywords; } public void addPropScienceKeyword(PropScienceKeyword propScienceKeyword) { getPropScienceKeywords().add(propScienceKeyword); } public String getNewScienceKeywordCode() { return newScienceKeywordCode; } public void setNewScienceKeywordCode(String newScienceKeywordCode) { this.newScienceKeywordCode = newScienceKeywordCode; } public String getNewDescription() { return newDescription; } public void setNewDescription(String newDescription) { this.newDescription = newDescription; } public String getDefaultNewDescription() { return "(select)"; } public List<ProposalSpecialReview> getPropSpecialReviews() { return propSpecialReviews; } public void setPropSpecialReviews(List<ProposalSpecialReview> propSpecialReviews) { this.propSpecialReviews = propSpecialReviews; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List buildListOfDeletionAwareLists() { List managedLists = super.buildListOfDeletionAwareLists(); List<ProposalPersonUnit> units = new ArrayList<ProposalPersonUnit>(); List<ProposalPersonDegree> degrees = new ArrayList<ProposalPersonDegree>(); for (ProposalPerson person : getProposalPersons()) { units.addAll(person.getUnits()); degrees.addAll(person.getProposalPersonDegrees()); } managedLists.add(units); managedLists.add(degrees); managedLists.add(getProposalSites()); List<CongressionalDistrict> congressionalDistricts = new ArrayList<CongressionalDistrict>(); for (ProposalSite proposalSite : getProposalSites()) { congressionalDistricts.addAll(proposalSite.getCongressionalDistricts()); } managedLists.add(congressionalDistricts); List<ProposalSpecialReviewExemption> specialReviewExemptions = new ArrayList<ProposalSpecialReviewExemption>(); for (ProposalSpecialReview specialReview : getPropSpecialReviews()) { specialReviewExemptions.addAll(specialReview.getSpecialReviewExemptions()); } managedLists.add(specialReviewExemptions); managedLists.add(getPropSpecialReviews()); managedLists.add(getProposalPersons()); managedLists.add(getPropScienceKeywords()); managedLists.add(getProposalAbstracts()); managedLists.add(getPropPersonBios()); managedLists.add(getS2sAppSubmission()); /* * This is really bogus, but OJB doesn't delete a BO component from the database after it is set to null, i.e. the S2S * Opportunity. It is the same issue as deleting items from a list. To get around OJB's stupidity, we will construct a list * which will contain the Opportunity if it is present. The Kuali Core logic will then force the deletion. */ List<S2sOpportunity> opportunities = new ArrayList<S2sOpportunity>(); S2sOpportunity opportunity = this.getS2sOpportunity(); if (opportunity != null) { opportunities.add(opportunity); s2sOppForms = opportunity.getS2sOppForms(); } if (s2sOppForms != null && s2sOppForms.size() > 0) { managedLists.add(s2sOppForms); } else { managedLists.add(new ArrayList<S2sOppForms>()); } managedLists.add(opportunities); return managedLists; } /** * Gets the sponsor attribute. * * @return Returns the sponsor. */ public Sponsor getSponsor() { return sponsor; } /** * Sets the sponsor attribute value. * * @param sponsor The sponsor to set. */ public void setSponsor(Sponsor sponsor) { this.sponsor = sponsor; } public String getSponsorName() { if (getSponsor() != null) { return getSponsor().getSponsorName(); } return null; } public String getOwnedByUnitName() { Unit unit = getOwnedByUnit(); return unit != null ? unit.getUnitName() : null; } /** * Utility method to get person in ProposalPersons with the PI role * * @return ProposalPerson */ public ProposalPerson getPrincipalInvestigator() { ProposalPerson principalInvestigator = null; for (ProposalPerson person : proposalPersons) { if (StringUtils.equals(person.getProposalPersonRoleId(), Constants.PRINCIPAL_INVESTIGATOR_ROLE)) { principalInvestigator = person; break; } } return principalInvestigator; } public String getPrincipalInvestigatorName() { ProposalPerson pi = getPrincipalInvestigator(); return pi != null ? pi.getFullName() : null; } public void setNextProposalPersonNumber(Integer n) { nextProposalPersonNumber = n; } public Integer getNextProposalPersonNumber() { return nextProposalPersonNumber; } /** * Adds a new proposal person to the collection in the document * * @param p person to add */ public void addProposalPerson(ProposalPerson p) { p.setProposalPersonNumber( this.getProposalDocument().getDocumentNextValue(Constants.PROPOSAL_PERSON_NUMBER)); if (p.getProposalPersonExtendedAttributes() != null && p.getProposalPersonExtendedAttributes().getProposalPersonNumber() == null) { p.getProposalPersonExtendedAttributes().setProposalPersonNumber(p.getProposalPersonNumber()); } p.setDevelopmentProposal(this); getProposalPersons().add(p); } public ProposalPerson getProposalPerson(int index) { while (getProposalPersons().size() <= index) { getProposalPersons().add(new ProposalPerson()); } return getProposalPersons().get(index); } /** * Get the list of Proposal Attachments (Narratives) for this Proposal. * * @return the proposal's list of narratives. */ public List<Narrative> getNarratives() { return narratives; } /** * Set the list of Proposal Attachments (Narratives) for this Proposal. * * @param narratives the proposal's new list of narratives. */ public void setNarratives(List<Narrative> narratives) { this.narratives = narratives; } /** * Get the list of Abstracts for this Proposal. * * @return the proposal's list of abstracts. */ public List<ProposalAbstract> getProposalAbstracts() { return proposalAbstracts; } /** * Set the list of Abstracts for this Proposal. * * @param proposalAbstracts the proposal's new list of abstracts. */ public void setProposalAbstracts(List<ProposalAbstract> proposalAbstracts) { this.proposalAbstracts = proposalAbstracts; } public List<Narrative> getInstituteAttachments() { return instituteAttachments; } public void setInstituteAttachments(List<Narrative> instituteAttachments) { this.instituteAttachments = instituteAttachments; } public List<ProposalPersonBiography> getPropPersonBios() { return propPersonBios; } public void setPropPersonBios(List<ProposalPersonBiography> propPersonBios) { this.propPersonBios = propPersonBios; } /** * Gets the ownedByUnit attribute. * * @return Returns the ownedByUnit. */ public Unit getOwnedByUnit() { return ownedByUnit; } /** * Sets the ownedByUnit attribute value. * * @param ownedByUnit The ownedByUnit to set. */ public void setOwnedByUnit(Unit ownedByUnit) { this.ownedByUnit = ownedByUnit; } /** * * This method adds new personnel attachment to biography and biography attachment bo with proper set up. * * @param proposalPersonBiography * @throws Exception */ public void addProposalPersonBiography(ProposalPersonBiography proposalPersonBiography) { getProposalPersonBiographyService().addProposalPersonBiography(this.getProposalDocument(), proposalPersonBiography); } /** * * This method delete the attachment for the deleted personnel. * * @param proposalPerson * @throws Exception */ public void removePersonnelAttachmentForDeletedPerson(ProposalPerson proposalPerson) throws Exception { getProposalPersonBiographyService().removePersonnelAttachmentForDeletedPerson(this.getProposalDocument(), proposalPerson); } /** * * Method to delete a personnel attachment from personnel attachment list * * @param narrative */ public void deleteProposalPersonBiography(int lineToDelete) { getProposalPersonBiographyService().deleteProposalPersonBiography(this.getProposalDocument(), lineToDelete); } /** * * Method to add a new narrative to narratives list * * @param narrative */ public void addNarrative(Narrative narrative) { getNarrativeService().addNarrative(this.getProposalDocument(), narrative); } /** * * Method to delete a narrative from narratives list * * @param narrative */ public void deleteProposalAttachment(int lineToDelete) { getNarrativeService().deleteProposalAttachment(this.getProposalDocument(), lineToDelete); } /** * * Method to add a new institute attachment to institute attachment list * * @param narrative */ public void addInstituteAttachment(Narrative narrative) { getNarrativeService().addInstituteAttachment(this.getProposalDocument(), narrative); } /** * * Method to delete a narrative from narratives list * * @param narrative */ public void deleteInstitutionalAttachment(int lineToDelete) { getNarrativeService().deleteInstitutionalAttachment(this.getProposalDocument(), lineToDelete); } public void populatePersonNameForNarrativeUserRights(int lineNumber) { if (!getNarratives().isEmpty()) { Narrative narrative = getNarratives().get(lineNumber); getNarrativeService().populatePersonNameForNarrativeUserRights(this.getProposalDocument(), narrative); } } public void populatePersonNameForInstituteAttachmentUserRights(int lineNumber) { if (!getInstituteAttachments().isEmpty()) { Narrative narrative = getInstituteAttachments().get(lineNumber); getNarrativeService().populatePersonNameForNarrativeUserRights(this.getProposalDocument(), narrative); } } public void replaceAttachment(int selectedLine) { Narrative narrative = getNarratives().get(selectedLine); getNarrativeService().replaceAttachment(narrative); } public void replaceInstituteAttachment(int selectedLine) { Narrative narrative = getInstituteAttachments().get(selectedLine); getNarrativeService().replaceAttachment(narrative); } public void populateNarrativeRightsForLoggedinUser() { getNarrativeService().populateNarrativeRightsForLoggedinUser(this.getProposalDocument()); } /** * Gets the narrativeService attribute. * * @return Returns the narrativeService. */ public NarrativeService getNarrativeService() { if (narrativeService == null) { narrativeService = KraServiceLocator.getService(NarrativeService.class); } return narrativeService; } /** * Sets the narrativeService attribute value. * * @param narrativeService The narrativeService to set.` */ public void setNarrativeService(NarrativeService narrativeService) { this.narrativeService = narrativeService; } public ProposalPersonBiographyService getProposalPersonBiographyService() { if (proposalPersonBiographyService == null) { proposalPersonBiographyService = KraServiceLocator.getService(ProposalPersonBiographyService.class); } return proposalPersonBiographyService; } public void setProposalPersonBiographyService(ProposalPersonBiographyService proposalPersonBiographyService) { this.proposalPersonBiographyService = proposalPersonBiographyService; } /** * Accessor method to locally store credit types * * @param creditTypes a <code>{@link Collection}</code> of credit types */ public void setInvestigatorCreditTypes(Collection<InvestigatorCreditType> creditTypes) { investigatorCreditTypes = creditTypes; } /** * Accessor method to locally store credit types * * @return <code>{@link Collection}</code> of credit types */ public Collection<InvestigatorCreditType> getInvestigatorCreditTypes() { return investigatorCreditTypes; } public List<ProposalYnq> getProposalYnqs() { Collections.sort(proposalYnqs); return proposalYnqs; } public void setProposalYnqs(List<ProposalYnq> proposalYnqs) { this.proposalYnqs = proposalYnqs; } public List<YnqGroupName> getYnqGroupNames() { if (ynqGroupNames.isEmpty()) { getYnqService().populateProposalQuestions(this.proposalYnqs, this.ynqGroupNames, this.getProposalDocument()); } Collections.sort(ynqGroupNames); return ynqGroupNames; } public void setYnqGroupNames(List<YnqGroupName> ynqGroupNames) { this.ynqGroupNames = ynqGroupNames; } // getters to auto-grow list to prevent arrayindexoutofbound exception // also used in JSP /** * Gets index i from the propSpecialReviews list. * * @param index * @return Question at index i */ public ProposalSpecialReview getPropSpecialReview(int index) { while (getPropSpecialReviews().size() <= index) { getPropSpecialReviews().add(new ProposalSpecialReview()); } return getPropSpecialReviews().get(index); } /** * Gets index i from the propScienceKeywords list. * * @param index * @return Question at index i */ public PropScienceKeyword getPropScienceKeyword(int index) { while (getPropScienceKeywords().size() <= index) { getPropScienceKeywords().add(new PropScienceKeyword()); } return getPropScienceKeywords().get(index); } /** * Gets index i from the narratives list. * * @param index * @return Question at index i */ public Narrative getNarrative(int index) { while (getNarratives().size() <= index) { getNarratives().add(new Narrative()); } return getNarratives().get(index); } /** * Gets index i from the institute attachment list. * * @param index * @return Question at index i */ public Narrative getInstituteAttachment(int index) { while (getInstituteAttachments().size() <= index) { getInstituteAttachments().add(new Narrative()); } return getInstituteAttachments().get(index); } /** * Gets index i from the proposalAbstracts list. * * @param index * @return Question at index i */ public ProposalAbstract getProposalAbstract(int index) { while (getProposalAbstracts().size() <= index) { getProposalAbstracts().add(new ProposalAbstract()); } return getProposalAbstracts().get(index); } /** * Gets index i from the proposalAbstracts list. * * @param index * @return Question at index i */ public ProposalPersonBiography getPropPersonBio(int index) { while (getPropPersonBios().size() <= index) { getPropPersonBios().add(new ProposalPersonBiography()); } return getPropPersonBios().get(index); } /** * Gets index i from the investigators list. * * @param index * @return Question at index i */ public ProposalPerson getInvestigator(int index) { while (getInvestigators().size() <= index) { getInvestigators().add(new ProposalPerson()); } return getInvestigators().get(index); } /** * Gets index i from the proposalYnqs list. * * @param index * @return Question at index i */ public ProposalYnq getProposalYnq(int index) { while (getProposalYnqs().size() <= index) { getProposalYnqs().add(new ProposalYnq()); } return getProposalYnqs().get(index); } /** * Gets index i from the ynqGroupNames list. * * @param index * @return Question at index i */ public YnqGroupName getYnqGroupName(int index) { while (getYnqGroupNames().size() <= index) { getYnqGroupNames().add(new YnqGroupName()); } return getYnqGroupNames().get(index); } /** * Gets the ynqService attribute. * * @return Returns the ynqService. */ public YnqService getYnqService() { return KraServiceLocator.getService(YnqService.class); } public String getBudgetStatus() { return budgetStatus; } public void setBudgetStatus(String budgetStatus) { this.budgetStatus = budgetStatus; } // public List<BudgetDocumentVersion> getBudgetDocumentVersions() { // return getProposalDocument().getBudgetDocumentVersions(); // } // // public void setBudgetDocumentVersions(List<BudgetDocumentVersion> budgetDocumentVersions) { // this.getProposalDocument().setBudgetDocumentVersions(budgetDocumentVersions); // } /** * This method gets the next budget version number for this proposal. We can't use documentNextVersionNumber because that * requires a save and we don't want to save the proposal development document before forwarding to the budget document. * * @return Integer */ // public Integer getNextBudgetVersionNumber() { // List<BudgetDocumentVersion> versions = getBudgetDocumentVersions(); // if (versions.isEmpty()) { // return 1; // } // Collections.sort(versions); // BudgetDocumentVersion lastVersion = versions.get(versions.size() - 1); // return lastVersion.getBudgetVersionOverview().getBudgetVersionNumber() + 1; // } /** * Sets the budgetStatusDescription attribute value. * @param budgetStatusDescription The budgetStatusDescription to set. */ public void setBudgetStatusDescription(String budgetStatusDescription) { this.budgetStatusDescription = budgetStatusDescription; } /** * Gets the budgetStatusDescription attribute. * @return Returns the budgetStatusDescription. */ public String getBudgetStatusDescription() { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(budgetStatusDescription)) { KraServiceLocator.getService(ProposalStatusService.class).loadBudgetStatus(this); } return budgetStatusDescription; } /** * Gets index i from the budget versions list. * * @param index * @return BudgetVersionOverview at index i */ // public BudgetDocumentVersion getBudgetDocumentVersion(int index) { // while (getBudgetDocumentVersions().size() <= index) { // getBudgetDocumentVersions().add(new BudgetDocumentVersion()); // } // return getBudgetDocumentVersions().get(index); // } public List<S2sOppForms> getS2sOppForms() { return s2sOppForms; } public List<S2sOppForms> getSelectedS2sOppForms() { List<S2sOppForms> aList = new ArrayList<S2sOppForms>(); for (S2sOppForms oppForm : s2sOppForms) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(oppForm.getSelectToPrint())) { aList.add(oppForm); } } return aList; } public void setS2sOppForms(List<S2sOppForms> oppForms) { s2sOppForms = oppForms; } public void setS2sOpportunity(S2sOpportunity s2sOpportunity) { this.s2sOpportunity = s2sOpportunity; } public S2sOpportunity getS2sOpportunity() { return s2sOpportunity; } public ProposalPerson getProposalEmployee(String personId) { for (ProposalPerson proposalPerson : getProposalPersons()) { if (personId.equals(proposalPerson.getPersonId())) { return proposalPerson; } } return null; } public ProposalPerson getProposalNonEmployee(Integer rolodexId) { for (ProposalPerson proposalPerson : getProposalPersons()) { if (rolodexId.equals(proposalPerson.getRolodexId())) { return proposalPerson; } } return null; } public ContactRole getProposalEmployeeRole(String personId) { ProposalPerson principalInvestigator = getPrincipalInvestigator(); if (principalInvestigator != null && personId.equals(principalInvestigator.getPersonId())) { return principalInvestigator.getRole(); } for (ProposalPerson proposalPerson : getInvestigators()) { if (personId.equals(proposalPerson.getPersonId())) { return proposalPerson.getRole(); } } for (ProposalPerson proposalPerson : getProposalPersons()) { if (personId.equals(proposalPerson.getPersonId())) { return proposalPerson.getRole(); } } return null; } public ContactRole getProposalNonEmployeeRole(Integer rolodexId) { ProposalPerson principalInvestigator = getPrincipalInvestigator(); if (principalInvestigator != null && rolodexId.equals(principalInvestigator.getRolodexId())) { return principalInvestigator.getRole(); } for (ProposalPerson proposalPerson : getInvestigators()) { if (rolodexId.equals(proposalPerson.getRolodexId())) { return proposalPerson.getRole(); } } for (ProposalPerson proposalPerson : getProposalPersons()) { if (rolodexId.equals(proposalPerson.getRolodexId())) { return proposalPerson.getRole(); } } return null; } // public BudgetDocumentVersion getFinalBudgetVersion() { // for (BudgetDocumentVersion version : this.getBudgetDocumentVersions()) { // if (version.getBudgetVersionOverview().isFinalVersionFlag()) { // return version; // } // } // return null; // } // public void addNewBudgetVersion(BudgetDocument budgetDocument, String name, boolean isDescriptionUpdatable) { // BudgetDocumentVersion budgetDocumentVersion = new BudgetDocumentVersion(); // budgetDocumentVersion.setParentDocumentKey(getProposalDocument().getDocumentNumber()); // BudgetVersionOverview budgetVersionOverview = budgetDocumentVersion.getBudgetVersionOverview(); // budgetVersionOverview.setDocumentNumber(budgetDocument.getDocumentNumber()); //// budget.setProposalNumber(this.getProposalNumber()); // budgetVersionOverview.setDocumentDescription(name); // budgetVersionOverview.setBudgetVersionNumber(budgetVersionOverview.getBudgetVersionNumber()); // budgetVersionOverview.setStartDate(budgetVersionOverview.getStartDate()); // budgetVersionOverview.setEndDate(budgetVersionOverview.getEndDate()); // budgetVersionOverview.setOhRateTypeCode(budgetVersionOverview.getOhRateTypeCode()); // budgetVersionOverview.setOhRateClassCode(budgetVersionOverview.getOhRateClassCode()); //// budgetVersionOverview.setVersionNumber(budgetDocument.getVersionNumber()); // budgetVersionOverview.setDescriptionUpdatable(isDescriptionUpdatable); // // String budgetStatusIncompleteCode = KraServiceLocator.getService(KualiConfigurationService.class).getParameterValue( // Constants.MODULE_NAMESPACE_BUDGET, ParameterConstants.DOCUMENT_COMPONENT, Constants.BUDGET_STATUS_INCOMPLETE_CODE); // budgetVersionOverview.setBudgetStatus(budgetStatusIncompleteCode); // // this.getBudgetDocumentVersions().add(budgetDocumentVersion); // } /** * Gets the creationStatusCode attribute. * * @return Returns the creationStatusCode. */ public String getCreationStatusCode() { return creationStatusCode; } /** * Sets the creationStatusCode attribute value. * * @param creationStatusCode The creationStatusCode to set. */ public void setCreationStatusCode(String creationStatusCode) { this.creationStatusCode = creationStatusCode; } public final ActivityType getActivityType() { return activityType; } public final void setActivityType(ActivityType activityType) { this.activityType = activityType; } public boolean isProposalComplete() { String budgetStatusCompleteCode = this.getParameterService().getParameterValue(BudgetDocument.class, Constants.BUDGET_STATUS_COMPLETE_CODE); if (this.getBudgetStatus() != null && budgetStatusCompleteCode != null && this.getBudgetStatus().equals(budgetStatusCompleteCode)) { return true; } return false; } public boolean isParentProposalComplete() { boolean retval = false; if (isChild()) { try { DevelopmentProposal parent = getProposalHierarchyService().lookupParent(this); KraServiceLocator.getService(ProposalStatusService.class).loadBudgetStatus(parent); retval = parent.isProposalComplete(); } catch (ProposalHierarchyException x) { // this should never happen throw new IllegalStateException(x); } } return retval; } // public int getNumberOfVersions() { // return this.getBudgetDocumentVersions().size(); // } public Map<String, String> getNihDescription() { return nihDescription; } public void setNihDescription(Map<String, String> nihDescription) { this.nihDescription = nihDescription; } /** * This method returns true if the sponsor is in the NIH Multiple PI hierarchy. * @return */ public boolean isSponsorNihMultiplePi() { return sponsorNihMultiplePi; } public void setSponsorNihMultiplePi(boolean sponsorNihMultiplePi) { this.sponsorNihMultiplePi = sponsorNihMultiplePi; } /** * This method returns true if the sponsor is in the NIH Other Significant Contributor hierarchy. * @return */ public boolean isSponsorNihOsc() { return sponsorNihOsc; } public void setSponsorNihOsc(boolean sponsorNihOsc) { this.sponsorNihOsc = sponsorNihOsc; } public List<S2sAppSubmission> getS2sAppSubmission() { return s2sAppSubmission; } public void setS2sAppSubmission(List<S2sAppSubmission> appSubmission) { s2sAppSubmission = appSubmission; } public List<ProposalChangedData> getProposalChangedDataList() { return proposalChangedDataList; } public void setProposalChangedDataList(List<ProposalChangedData> proposalChangedDataList) { this.proposalChangedDataList = proposalChangedDataList; } public Map<String, List<ProposalChangedData>> getProposalChangeHistory() { return proposalChangeHistory; } public void setProposalChangeHistory(Map<String, List<ProposalChangedData>> proposalChangeHistory) { this.proposalChangeHistory = proposalChangeHistory; } public void setSubmitFlag(Boolean submitFlag) { this.submitFlag = submitFlag; } public Boolean getSubmitFlag() { return this.submitFlag; } public String getProposalStateTypeCode() { return proposalStateTypeCode; } public void setProposalStateTypeCode(String proposalStateTypeCode) { this.proposalStateTypeCode = proposalStateTypeCode; if (proposalStateTypeCode == null) { this.proposalState = null; } else { try { refreshReferenceObject("proposalState"); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { // do nothing: this will happen when // creating a proposal from a unit test // without access to a database. } } } public ProposalState getProposalState() { return proposalState; } public ProposalDevelopmentDocument getProposalDocument() { return proposalDocument; } public void setProposalDocument(ProposalDevelopmentDocument proposalDocument) { this.proposalDocument = proposalDocument; } public void updateProposalChangeHistory() { proposalChangeHistory = new TreeMap<String, List<ProposalChangedData>>(); // Arranging Proposal Change History if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(this.getProposalChangedDataList())) { for (ProposalChangedData proposalChangedData : this.getProposalChangedDataList()) { if (this.getProposalChangeHistory() .get(proposalChangedData.getEditableColumn().getColumnLabel()) == null) { this.getProposalChangeHistory().put(proposalChangedData.getEditableColumn().getColumnLabel(), new ArrayList<ProposalChangedData>()); } this.getProposalChangeHistory().get(proposalChangedData.getEditableColumn().getColumnLabel()) .add(proposalChangedData); } } } public void updateS2sOpportunity() { if (s2sOpportunity != null && s2sOpportunity.getOpportunityId() == null) { s2sOpportunity = null; } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected LinkedHashMap<String, Object> toStringMapper() { LinkedHashMap<String, Object> hashMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); hashMap.put("proposalNumber", getProposalNumber()); hashMap.put("proposalTypeCode", getProposalTypeCode()); return hashMap; } /** * Sets the proposalType attribute value. * @param proposalType The proposalType to set. */ public void setProposalType(ProposalType proposalType) { this.proposalType = proposalType; } /** * Gets the proposalType attribute. * @return Returns the proposalType. */ public ProposalType getProposalType() { return proposalType; } // /** // * Gets the children attribute. // * @return Returns the children. // */ // public List<ProposalHierarchyChild> getChildren() { // return children; // } // /** // * Sets the children attribute value. // * @param children The children to set. // */ // public void setChildren(List<ProposalHierarchyChild> children) { // this.children = children; // } /** * In the case where a person is in the proposal twice (Investigator and Key Person), * this method's return list contains only the Investigator. * * @see org.kuali.kra.budget.core.BudgetParent#getPersonRolodexList() */ public List<PersonRolodex> getPersonRolodexList() { ArrayList<PersonRolodex> filtered = new ArrayList<PersonRolodex>(); for (ProposalPerson person : getProposalPersons()) { if (!filtered.contains(person)) filtered.add(person); else { if (person.isInvestigator()) { filtered.remove(person); filtered.add(person); } } } return filtered; } public Unit getUnit() { return getOwnedByUnit(); } public String getUnitNumber() { return getOwnedByUnitNumber(); } /** * This method sets the proposal number on all sub-BOs that have a proposal number. */ public void updateProposalNumbers() { String proposalNumber = getProposalNumber(); for (ProposalSite site : getProposalSites()) { site.setProposalNumber(proposalNumber); } if (s2sOpportunity != null) s2sOpportunity.setProposalNumber(proposalNumber); } public String getDefaultBudgetStatusParameter() { return Constants.BUDGET_STATUS_INCOMPLETE_CODE; } public boolean isParentInHierarchyComplete() { return isParentProposalComplete(); } public NoticeOfOpportunity getNoticeOfOpportunity() { return noticeOfOpportunity; } public void setNoticeOfOpportunity(NoticeOfOpportunity noticeOfOpportunity) { this.noticeOfOpportunity = noticeOfOpportunity; } public NsfCode getNsfCodeBo() { return nsfCodeBo; } public void setNsfCodeBo(NsfCode nsfCodeBo) { this.nsfCodeBo = nsfCodeBo; } public String getAttachmentsStatus() { String statusString = ATTACHMENTS_COMPLETE; if (!getNarratives().isEmpty()) { for (Narrative aNarrative : getNarratives()) { if (aNarrative.getNarrativeStatus().getDescription().equals(ATTACHMENTS_INCOMPLETE)) { statusString = ATTACHMENTS_INCOMPLETE; } } } else { statusString = ATTACHMENTS_NONE; } return statusString; } public void cleanupSpecialReviews(DevelopmentProposal srcProposal) { List<ProposalSpecialReview> srcSpecialReviews = srcProposal.getPropSpecialReviews(); List<ProposalSpecialReview> dstSpecialReviews = getPropSpecialReviews(); for (int i = 0; i < srcSpecialReviews.size(); i++) { ProposalSpecialReview srcSpecialReview = srcSpecialReviews.get(i); ProposalSpecialReview dstSpecialReview = dstSpecialReviews.get(i); // copy exemption codes, since they are transient and ignored by deepCopy() if (srcSpecialReview.getExemptionTypeCodes() != null) { List<String> exemptionCodeCopy = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String s : srcSpecialReview.getExemptionTypeCodes()) { exemptionCodeCopy.add(new String(s)); } dstSpecialReview.setExemptionTypeCodes(exemptionCodeCopy); } // force new SQL table inserts dstSpecialReview.resetPersistenceState(); } } // Note: following the pattern of Sponsor, this getter indirectly calls a service. // Is there a better way? public Sponsor getPrimeSponsor() { if (outOfSync(primeSponsorCode, primeSponsor)) { this.refreshReferenceObject("primeSponsor"); } return primeSponsor; } /** * checks if a sponsor code needs refreshing. * @param code the code * @param spon the sponsor to refresh * @return true if needs refreshing */ private static boolean outOfSync(String code, Sponsor spon) { return spon == null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(code) || (spon != null && !StringUtils.equals(spon.getSponsorCode(), code)) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(code); } public void setPrimeSponsor(Sponsor primeSponsor) { this.primeSponsor = primeSponsor; this.primeSponsorCode = primeSponsor != null ? primeSponsor.getSponsorCode() : null; } public String getParentNumber() { return this.getProposalNumber(); } public String getParentPIName() { String proposalInvestigatorName = null; for (ProposalPerson pPerson : this.getProposalPersons()) { if (pPerson.getPersonId() != null && pPerson.getProposalPersonRoleId().equals("PI")) { proposalInvestigatorName = pPerson.getFullName(); break; } } return proposalInvestigatorName; } public String getParentTitle() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return this.getTitle(); } public String getIsOwnedByUnit() { Map<String, String> proposalNumberMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String proposalNumber = this.getProposalNumber(); proposalNumberMap.put("proposalNumber", proposalNumber); BusinessObjectService businessObjectService = KraServiceLocator.getService(BusinessObjectService.class); LookupableDevelopmentProposal lookupDevProposal = (LookupableDevelopmentProposal) businessObjectService .findByPrimaryKey(LookupableDevelopmentProposal.class, proposalNumberMap); if (lookupDevProposal != null) { return lookupDevProposal.getSponsor().getOwnedByUnit(); } return ""; } public Integer getParentInvestigatorFlag(String personId, Integer flag) { for (ProposalPerson pPerson : this.getProposalPersons()) { if (pPerson.getPersonId() != null && pPerson.getPersonId().equals(personId) || pPerson.getRolodexId() != null && pPerson.getRolodexId().equals(personId)) { flag = 2; if (pPerson.getProposalPersonRoleId().equals("PI")) { flag = 1; break; } } } return flag; } public String getParentTypeName() { return "Proposal"; } }