Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2004-2013 The Kuali Foundation
 * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.kuali.kpme.tklm.time.flsa;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.joda.time.Interval;
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime;
import org.kuali.kpme.core.util.HrConstants;
import org.kuali.kpme.core.util.TKUtils;
import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.leave.block.LeaveBlock;
import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.time.timeblock.TimeBlock;
import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.time.timehourdetail.TimeHourDetail;

public class FlsaDay {

    private Map<String, List<TimeBlock>> earnCodeToTimeBlocks = new HashMap<String, List<TimeBlock>>();
    private List<TimeBlock> appliedTimeBlocks = new ArrayList<TimeBlock>();

    private Map<String, List<LeaveBlock>> earnCodeToLeaveBlocks = new HashMap<String, List<LeaveBlock>>();
    private List<LeaveBlock> appliedLeaveBlocks = new ArrayList<LeaveBlock>();

    Interval flsaDateInterval;
    LocalDateTime flsaDate;
    DateTimeZone timeZone;

     * @param flsaDate A LocalDateTime because we want to be conscious of the
     * relative nature of this flsa/window
     * @param timeBlocks
     * @param timeZone The timezone we are constructing, relative.
    public FlsaDay(LocalDateTime flsaDate, List<TimeBlock> timeBlocks, List<LeaveBlock> leaveBlocks,
            DateTimeZone timeZone) {
        this.flsaDate = flsaDate;
        this.timeZone = timeZone;
        flsaDateInterval = new Interval(flsaDate.toDateTime(timeZone), flsaDate.toDateTime(timeZone).plusHours(24));

     * Handles the breaking apart of existing time blocks around FLSA boundaries.
     * This method will compare the FLSA interval against the timeblock interval
     * to determine how many hours overlap.  It will then examine the time hour
     * details
     * @param timeBlocks a sorted list of time blocks.
    public void setTimeBlocks(List<TimeBlock> timeBlocks) {
        for (TimeBlock block : timeBlocks) {
            applyBlock(block, this.appliedTimeBlocks);

     * Handles the breaking apart of existing leave blocks around FLSA boundaries.
     * This method will compare the FLSA interval against the leaveblock interval
     * to determine how many hours overlap.  It will then examine the leave hour
     * details
     * @param leaveBlocks a sorted list of time blocks.
    public void setLeaveBlocks(List<LeaveBlock> leaveBlocks) {
        for (LeaveBlock block : leaveBlocks) {
            applyBlock(block, this.appliedLeaveBlocks);

     * This method will compute the mappings present for this object:
     * earnCodeToTimeBlocks
     * earnCodeToHours
    public void remapTimeHourDetails() {
        List<TimeBlock> reApplied = new ArrayList<TimeBlock>(appliedTimeBlocks.size());
        for (TimeBlock block : appliedTimeBlocks) {
            applyBlock(block, reApplied);

     * This method will compute the mappings present for this object:
     * earnCodeToTimeBlocks
     * earnCodeToHours
    public void remapLeaveHourDetails() {
        List<LeaveBlock> reApplied = new ArrayList<LeaveBlock>(appliedLeaveBlocks.size());
        for (LeaveBlock block : appliedLeaveBlocks) {
            applyBlock(block, reApplied);

      * This method determines if the provided TimeBlock is applicable to this
      * FLSA day, and if so will add it to the applyList. It could be the case
      * that a TimeBlock is on the boundary of the FLSA day so that only a
      * partial amount of the hours for that TimeBlock will count towards this
      * day.
      * |---------+------------------+---------|
      * | Day 1   | Day 1/2 Boundary | Day 2   |
      * |---------+------------------+---------|
      * | Block 1 |             | Block 2      |
      * |---------+------------------+---------|
      * The not so obvious ascii diagram above is intended to illustrate the case
      * where on day one you have 1 fully overlapping time block (block1) and one
      * partially overlapping time block (block2). Block 2 belongs to both FLSA
      * Day 1 and Day 2.
     * @param block A time block that we want to check and apply to this day.
     * @param applyList A list of time blocks we want to add applicable time blocks to.
     * @return True if the block is applicable, false otherwise.  The return
     * value can be used as a quick exit for the setTimeBlocks() method.
     * TODO : Bucketing of partial FLSA days is still suspect, however real life examples of this are likely non-existent to rare.
      * Danger may still lurk in day-boundary overlapping time blocks that have multiple Time Hour Detail entries.
    private boolean applyBlock(TimeBlock block, List<TimeBlock> applyList) {
        DateTime beginDateTime = block.getBeginDateTime().withZone(timeZone);
        DateTime endDateTime = block.getEndDateTime().withZone(timeZone);

        if (beginDateTime.isAfter(flsaDateInterval.getEnd()))
            return false;

        Interval timeBlockInterval = null;
        //Requested to have zero hour time blocks be able to be added to the GUI
        boolean zeroHoursTimeBlock = false;
        if (endDateTime.getMillis() > beginDateTime.getMillis()) {
            timeBlockInterval = new Interval(beginDateTime, endDateTime);

        if (flsaDateInterval.contains(beginDateTime)) {
            zeroHoursTimeBlock = true;

        Interval overlapInterval = flsaDateInterval.overlap(timeBlockInterval);
        long overlap = (overlapInterval == null) ? 0L : overlapInterval.toDurationMillis();
        BigDecimal overlapHours = TKUtils.convertMillisToHours(overlap);
        if ((overlapHours.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) && flsaDateInterval.contains(beginDateTime)
                && flsaDateInterval.contains(endDateTime)) {
            if (block.getHours().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0) {
                overlapHours = block.getHours();

        // Local lookup for this time-block to ensure we are not over applicable hours.
        // You will notice below we are earn codes globally per day, and also locally per timeblock.
        // The local per-time block mapping is used only to verify that we have not gone over allocated overlap time
        // for the individual time block.
        Map<String, BigDecimal> localEarnCodeToHours = new HashMap<String, BigDecimal>();

        if (zeroHoursTimeBlock || overlapHours.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0
                || (flsaDateInterval.contains(beginDateTime)
                        && StringUtils.equals(block.getEarnCodeType(), HrConstants.EARN_CODE_AMOUNT))) {

            List<TimeHourDetail> details = block.getTimeHourDetails();
            for (TimeHourDetail thd : details) {
                BigDecimal localEcHours = localEarnCodeToHours.containsKey(thd.getEarnCode())
                        ? localEarnCodeToHours.get(thd.getEarnCode())
                        : BigDecimal.ZERO;
                //NOTE adding this in the last few hours before release.. remove if side effects are noticed
                if (overlapHours.compareTo(localEcHours) >= 0 || thd.getAmount().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
                    localEcHours = localEcHours.add(thd.getHours(), HrConstants.MATH_CONTEXT);
                    localEarnCodeToHours.put(thd.getEarnCode(), localEcHours);

            List<TimeBlock> blocks = earnCodeToTimeBlocks.get(block.getEarnCode());
            if (blocks == null) {
                blocks = new ArrayList<TimeBlock>();
                earnCodeToTimeBlocks.put(block.getEarnCode(), blocks);

        return true;

      * This method determines if the provided LeaveBlock is applicable to this
      * FLSA day, and if so will add it to the applyList. It could be the case
      * that a LeaveBlock is on the boundary of the FLSA day so that only a
      * partial amount of the hours for that LeaveBlock will count towards this
      * day.
      * |---------+------------------+---------|
      * | Day 1   | Day 1/2 Boundary | Day 2   |
      * |---------+------------------+---------|
      * | Block 1 |             | Block 2      |
      * |---------+------------------+---------|
      * The not so obvious ascii diagram above is intended to illustrate the case
      * where on day one you have 1 fully overlapping leave block (block1) and one
      * partially overlapping leave block (block2). Block 2 belongs to both FLSA
      * Day 1 and Day 2.
     * @param block A leave block that we want to check and apply to this day.
     * @param applyList A list of leave blocks we want to add applicable leave blocks to.
     * @return True if the block is applicable, false otherwise.  The return
     * value can be used as a quick exit for the setLeaveBlocks() method.
     * TODO : Bucketing of partial FLSA days is still suspect, however real life examples of this are likely non-existent to rare.
    private boolean applyBlock(LeaveBlock block, List<LeaveBlock> applyList) {
        DateTime beginDateTime = new DateTime(block.getLeaveDate(), this.timeZone);
        DateTime endDateTime = new DateTime(block.getLeaveDate(), this.timeZone);

        if (beginDateTime.isAfter(flsaDateInterval.getEnd())) {
            return false;

        Interval leaveBlockInterval = null;
        if (endDateTime.getMillis() > beginDateTime.getMillis()) {
            leaveBlockInterval = new Interval(beginDateTime, endDateTime);

        Interval overlapInterval = flsaDateInterval.overlap(leaveBlockInterval);
        long overlap = (overlapInterval == null) ? 0L : overlapInterval.toDurationMillis();
        BigDecimal overlapHours = TKUtils.convertMillisToHours(overlap);
        if ((overlapHours.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) && flsaDateInterval.contains(beginDateTime)
                && flsaDateInterval.contains(endDateTime)) {
            if (block.getLeaveAmount().negate().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0) {
                overlapHours = block.getLeaveAmount().negate();

        if (overlapHours.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0) {
            List<LeaveBlock> blocks = earnCodeToLeaveBlocks.get(block.getEarnCode());
            if (blocks == null) {
                blocks = new ArrayList<LeaveBlock>();
                earnCodeToLeaveBlocks.put(block.getEarnCode(), blocks);

        return true;

    public Map<String, List<TimeBlock>> getEarnCodeToTimeBlocks() {
        return earnCodeToTimeBlocks;

    public void setEarnCodeToTimeBlocks(Map<String, List<TimeBlock>> earnCodeToTimeBlocks) {
        this.earnCodeToTimeBlocks = earnCodeToTimeBlocks;

    public List<TimeBlock> getAppliedTimeBlocks() {
        return appliedTimeBlocks;

    public void setAppliedTimeBlocks(List<TimeBlock> appliedTimeBlocks) {
        this.appliedTimeBlocks = appliedTimeBlocks;

    public Map<String, List<LeaveBlock>> getEarnCodeToLeaveBlocks() {
        return earnCodeToLeaveBlocks;

    public void setEarnCodeToLeaveBlocks(Map<String, List<LeaveBlock>> earnCodeToLeaveBlocks) {
        this.earnCodeToLeaveBlocks = earnCodeToLeaveBlocks;

    public List<LeaveBlock> getAppliedLeaveBlocks() {
        return appliedLeaveBlocks;

    public void setAppliedLeaveBlocks(List<LeaveBlock> appliedLeaveBlocks) {
        this.appliedLeaveBlocks = appliedLeaveBlocks;
