Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2004-2014 The Kuali Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.kuali.kpme.tklm.time.detail.validation; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.joda.time.*; import org.kuali.kpme.core.api.assignment.Assignment; import org.kuali.kpme.core.api.assignment.AssignmentDescriptionKey; import org.kuali.kpme.core.api.calendar.entry.CalendarEntry; import org.kuali.kpme.core.api.earncode.EarnCode; import org.kuali.kpme.core.api.job.JobContract; import org.kuali.kpme.core.calendar.entry.CalendarEntryBo; import org.kuali.kpme.core.service.HrServiceLocator; import org.kuali.kpme.core.util.HrConstants; import org.kuali.kpme.core.util.HrContext; import org.kuali.kpme.core.util.TKUtils; import org.kuali.kpme.core.util.ValidationUtils; import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.api.common.TkConstants; import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.api.leave.block.LeaveBlock; import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.api.leave.summary.LeaveSummaryContract; import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.api.time.clocklog.ClockLog; import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.api.time.timeblock.TimeBlock; import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.common.CalendarValidationUtil; import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.leave.calendar.validation.LeaveCalendarValidationUtil; import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.leave.service.LmServiceLocator; import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.time.clocklog.ClockLogBo; import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.time.detail.web.TimeDetailActionFormBase; import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.time.service.TkServiceLocator; import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.time.timesheet.TimesheetDocument; import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.ObjectUtils; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class TimeDetailValidationUtil extends CalendarValidationUtil { public static List<String> validateLeaveEntry(TimeDetailActionFormBase tdaf) throws Exception { // This validator could be shared between LeaveCalendarValidationUtil and TimeDetailValidationUtil // if the common parameters required by both are moved to a shared parent of TimeDetailActionFormBase and LeaveCalendarForm. List<String> errorMsgList = new ArrayList<String>(); CalendarEntry payCalendarEntry = tdaf.getCalendarEntry(); if (ObjectUtils.isNotNull(payCalendarEntry)) { LeaveBlock lb = null; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tdaf.getLmLeaveBlockId())) { lb = LmServiceLocator.getLeaveBlockService().getLeaveBlock(tdaf.getLmLeaveBlockId()); } errorMsgList.addAll(CalendarValidationUtil.validateEarnCode(tdaf.getSelectedEarnCode(), tdaf.getStartDate(), tdaf.getEndDate())); if (errorMsgList.isEmpty()) { LeaveSummaryContract ls = LmServiceLocator.getLeaveSummaryService().getLeaveSummaryAsOfDate( HrContext.getTargetPrincipalId(), TKUtils.formatDateString(tdaf.getEndDate())); BigDecimal leaveAmount = tdaf.getLeaveAmount(); if (leaveAmount == null) { Long startTime = TKUtils .convertDateStringToDateTimeWithoutZone(tdaf.getStartDate(), tdaf.getStartTime()) .getMillis(); Long endTime = TKUtils .convertDateStringToDateTimeWithoutZone(tdaf.getEndDate(), tdaf.getEndTime()) .getMillis(); leaveAmount = TKUtils.getHoursBetween(startTime, endTime); } // Validate LeaveBlock timings and all that /** * In all cases, TIME, AMOUNT, HOUR, DAY, we should validate usage and balance limits. But depending on earn code record method, the derivation of requested * leave amount varies. It can be derived from endTime - startTime, or vary by units. * * TimeDetailValidationUtil.validateLeaveParametersByEarnCodeRecordMethod offers a form of organization for these validations. */ errorMsgList.addAll(TimeDetailValidationUtil.validateLeaveParametersByEarnCodeRecordMethod(tdaf)); errorMsgList.addAll(LeaveCalendarValidationUtil.validateAvailableLeaveBalanceForUsage( tdaf.getSelectedEarnCode(), tdaf.getStartDate(), tdaf.getEndDate(), leaveAmount, lb)); //Validate leave block does not exceed max usage. Leave Calendar Validators at this point rely on a leave summary. errorMsgList.addAll(LeaveCalendarValidationUtil.validateLeaveAccrualRuleMaxUsage(ls, tdaf.getSelectedEarnCode(), tdaf.getStartDate(), tdaf.getEndDate(), leaveAmount, lb)); errorMsgList.addAll(LeaveCalendarValidationUtil.validateHoursUnderTwentyFour( tdaf.getSelectedEarnCode(), tdaf.getStartDate(), tdaf.getEndDate(), leaveAmount)); } } return errorMsgList; } public static List<String> validateLeaveParametersByEarnCodeRecordMethod(TimeDetailActionFormBase lcf) { List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(lcf.getSelectedEarnCode()) && lcf.getCalendarEntry() != null) { //earn code is validate through the span of the leave entry, could the earn code's record method change between then and the leave period end date? //Why not use endDateS to retrieve the earn code? CalendarEntry calendarEntry = lcf.getCalendarEntry(); EarnCode earnCode = HrServiceLocator.getEarnCodeService().getEarnCode(lcf.getSelectedEarnCode(), calendarEntry.getEndPeriodFullDateTime().toLocalDate()); if (earnCode != null) { if (earnCode.getRecordMethod().equalsIgnoreCase(HrConstants.EARN_CODE_TIME)) { return LeaveCalendarValidationUtil.validateTimeParametersForLeaveEntry(earnCode, lcf.getCalendarEntry(), lcf.getStartDate(), lcf.getEndDate(), lcf.getStartTime(), lcf.getEndTime(), lcf.getSelectedAssignment(), lcf.getLmLeaveBlockId(), null); } // we should not have any leave earn codes with amount recording method // else if (earnCode.getRecordMethod().equalsIgnoreCase(HrConstants.EARN_CODE_AMOUNT)) { // return validateAmountParametersForLeaveEntry(earnCode, lcf.getCalendarEntry(), lcf.getStartDate(), lcf.getEndDate(), lcf.getSelectedAssignment(), lcf.getLmLeaveBlockId()); // } else if (earnCode.getRecordMethod().equalsIgnoreCase(HrConstants.EARN_CODE_HOUR)) { return validateHourParametersForLeaveEntry(earnCode, lcf.getCalendarEntry(), lcf.getStartDate(), lcf.getEndDate(), lcf.getLeaveAmount()); } else if (earnCode.getRecordMethod().equalsIgnoreCase(HrConstants.EARN_CODE_DAY)) { return validateDayParametersForLeaveEntry(earnCode, lcf.getCalendarEntry(), lcf.getStartDate(), lcf.getEndDate(), lcf.getLeaveAmount()); } } } return errors; } /** * Validate the earn code exists on every day within the date rage * @param earnCode * @param startDateString * @param endDateString * * @return A list of error strings. */ @Deprecated public static List<String> validateEarnCode(String earnCode, String startDateString, String endDateString) { List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); LocalDate tempDate = TKUtils.formatDateTimeStringNoTimezone(startDateString).toLocalDate(); LocalDate localEnd = TKUtils.formatDateTimeStringNoTimezone(endDateString).toLocalDate(); // tempDate and localEnd could be the same day while (!localEnd.isBefore(tempDate)) { if (!ValidationUtils.validateEarnCode(earnCode, tempDate)) { errors.add("Earn Code " + earnCode + " is not available for " + tempDate); break; } tempDate = tempDate.plusDays(1); } return errors; } /** * Convenience method for handling validation directly from the form object. * @param tdaf The populated form. * * @return A list of error strings. */ public static List<String> validateTimeEntryDetails(TimeDetailActionFormBase tdaf) { boolean spanningWeeks = false; boolean acrossDays = false; if (tdaf.getAcrossDays() != null) { acrossDays = tdaf.getAcrossDays().equalsIgnoreCase("y"); } return validateTimeEntryDetails(tdaf.getHours(), tdaf.getAmount(), tdaf.getStartTime(), tdaf.getEndTime(), tdaf.getStartDate(), tdaf.getEndDate(), tdaf.getTimesheetDocument(), tdaf.getSelectedEarnCode(), tdaf.getSelectedAssignment(), acrossDays, tdaf.getTkTimeBlockId(), tdaf.getOvertimePref()); } public static List<String> validateTimeEntryDetails(BigDecimal hours, BigDecimal amount, String startTimeS, String endTimeS, String startDateS, String endDateS, TimesheetDocument timesheetDocument, String selectedEarnCode, String selectedAssignment, boolean acrossDays, String timeblockId, String overtimePref) { List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); LocalDate savedStartDate = TKUtils.formatDateString(startDateS); LocalDate savedEndDate = TKUtils.formatDateString(endDateS); if (timesheetDocument == null) { errors.add("No timesheet document found."); } if (errors.size() > 0) return errors; CalendarEntry payCalEntry = timesheetDocument.getCalendarEntry(); EarnCode earnCode = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(selectedEarnCode)) { earnCode = HrServiceLocator.getEarnCodeService().getEarnCode(selectedEarnCode, TKUtils.formatDateTimeStringNoTimezone(endDateS).toLocalDate()); } boolean isTimeRecordMethod = earnCode != null && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(earnCode.getRecordMethod(), HrConstants.EARN_CODE_TIME); errors.addAll(CalendarValidationUtil.validateDates(startDateS, endDateS)); if (isTimeRecordMethod) { errors.addAll(CalendarValidationUtil.validateTimes(startTimeS, endTimeS)); } if (errors.size() > 0) return errors; Long startTime; Long endTime; if (!isTimeRecordMethod) { startTimeS = "0:0"; endTimeS = "0:0"; } if (acrossDays && !endTimeS.equals("0:00")) { endDateS = startDateS; } startTime = TKUtils.convertDateStringToDateTimeWithoutZone(startDateS, startTimeS).getMillis(); endTime = TKUtils.convertDateStringToDateTimeWithoutZone(endDateS, endTimeS).getMillis(); errors.addAll(CalendarValidationUtil.validateInterval(payCalEntry, startTime, endTime)); if (errors.size() > 0) return errors; if (isTimeRecordMethod) { if (startTimeS == null) errors.add("The start time is blank."); if (endTimeS == null) errors.add("The end time is blank."); if (startTime - endTime == 0) errors.add("Start time and end time cannot be equivalent"); } if (errors.size() > 0) return errors; DateTime startTemp = new DateTime(startTime); DateTime endTemp = new DateTime(endTime); /* * KPME-2687: * * Removed 24 hour limitation. System creates continuous sequence of time blocks when !accrossDays, * hours between startTemp and endTemp may be over 24 hours. * if (errors.size() == 0 && !acrossDays && !StringUtils.equals(TkConstants.EARN_CODE_CPE, overtimePref)) { Hours hrs = Hours.hoursBetween(startTemp, endTemp); if (hrs.getHours() > 24) errors.add("One timeblock cannot exceed 24 hours"); } if (errors.size() > 0) return errors; */ //Check that assignment is valid within the timeblock span. AssignmentDescriptionKey assignKey = HrServiceLocator.getAssignmentService() .getAssignmentDescriptionKey(selectedAssignment); Assignment assign = HrServiceLocator.getAssignmentService().getAssignmentForTargetPrincipal(assignKey, startTemp.toLocalDate()); if (assign == null) errors.add("Assignment is not valid for start date " + TKUtils.formatDate(new LocalDate(startTime))); assign = HrServiceLocator.getAssignmentService().getAssignmentForTargetPrincipal(assignKey, endTemp.toLocalDate()); if (assign == null) errors.add("Assignment is not valid for end date " + TKUtils.formatDate(new LocalDate(endTime))); if (errors.size() > 0) return errors; //------------------------ // some of the simple validations are in the js side in order to reduce the server calls // 1. check if the begin / end time is empty - tk.calenadr.js // 2. check the time format - timeparse.js // 3. only allows decimals to be entered in the hour field //------------------------ //------------------------ // check if the overnight shift is across days //------------------------ if (acrossDays && hours == null && amount == null) { if (savedEndDate.isAfter(savedStartDate) && startTemp.getHourOfDay() > endTemp.getHourOfDay() && !(endTemp.getDayOfYear() - startTemp.getDayOfYear() <= 1 && endTemp.getHourOfDay() == 0)) { errors.add("The \"apply to each day\" box should not be checked."); } } if (errors.size() > 0) return errors; //------------------------ // check if the begin / end time are valid //------------------------ if ((startTime.compareTo(endTime) > 0 || endTime.compareTo(startTime) < 0)) { errors.add("The time or date is not valid."); } if (errors.size() > 0) return errors; // KPME-1446 // ------------------------------- // check if there is a weekend day when the include weekends flag is checked //-------------------------------- //------------------------ // Amount cannot be zero //------------------------ if (amount != null && earnCode != null && StringUtils.equals(earnCode.getEarnCodeType(), HrConstants.EARN_CODE_AMOUNT)) { if (amount.equals(BigDecimal.ZERO)) { errors.add("Amount cannot be zero."); } if (amount.scale() > 2) { errors.add("Amount cannot have more than two digits after decimal point."); } } if (errors.size() > 0) return errors; //------------------------ // check if the hours entered for hourly earn code is greater than 24 hours per day // Hours cannot be zero //------------------------ if (hours != null && earnCode != null && StringUtils.equals(earnCode.getEarnCodeType(), HrConstants.EARN_CODE_HOUR)) { if (hours.equals(BigDecimal.ZERO)) { errors.add("Hours cannot be zero."); } if (hours.scale() > 2) { errors.add("Hours cannot have more than two digits after decimal point."); } /* * KPME-2671: * * Replacing this conditional with the one below. Shouldn't matter if the date range spans more than one day, * hours shouldn't exceed 24. * * int dayDiff = endTemp.getDayOfYear() - startTemp.getDayOfYear() + 1; if (hours.compareTo(new BigDecimal(dayDiff * 24)) == 1) { errors.add("Cannot enter more than 24 hours per day."); } */ } if (errors.size() > 0) return errors; /** * KPME-2671: * * Generalize 24 limit to hour field on time entry form. * */ if (hours != null && hours.compareTo(new BigDecimal(24.0)) > 0) { errors.add("Hours cannot exceed 24."); } //------------------------ // check if time blocks overlap with each other. Note that the tkTimeBlockId is used to // determine is it's updating an existing time block or adding a new one //------------------------ boolean isRegularEarnCode = StringUtils.equals(assign.getJob().getPayTypeObj().getRegEarnCode(), selectedEarnCode); startTime = TKUtils.convertDateStringToDateTime(startDateS, startTimeS).getMillis(); endTime = TKUtils.convertDateStringToDateTime(endDateS, endTimeS).getMillis(); errors.addAll(validateOverlap(startTime, endTime, acrossDays, startDateS, endTimeS, startTemp, endTemp, timesheetDocument, timeblockId, isRegularEarnCode, selectedEarnCode)); if (errors.size() > 0) return errors; // Accrual Hour Limits Validation //errors.addAll(TkServiceLocator.getTimeOffAccrualService().validateAccrualHoursLimitByEarnCode(timesheetDocument, selectedEarnCode)); return errors; } public static List<String> validateOverlap(Long startTime, Long endTime, boolean acrossDays, String startDateS, String endTimeS, DateTime startTemp, DateTime endTemp, TimesheetDocument timesheetDocument, String timeblockId, boolean isRegularEarnCode, String selectedEarnCode) { List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); Interval addedTimeblockInterval = new Interval(startTime, endTime); List<Interval> dayInt = new ArrayList<Interval>(); //if the user is clocked in, check if this time block overlaps with the clock action ClockLog lastClockLog = TkServiceLocator.getClockLogService() .getLastClockLog(HrContext.getTargetPrincipalId()); if (lastClockLog != null && (lastClockLog.getClockAction().equals(TkConstants.CLOCK_IN) || lastClockLog.getClockAction().equals(TkConstants.LUNCH_IN))) { DateTime lastClockDateTime = lastClockLog.getClockDateTime(); //String lastClockZone = lastClockLog.getClockTimestampTimezone(); //if (StringUtils.isEmpty(lastClockZone)) { // lastClockZone = TKUtils.getSystemTimeZone(); //} //DateTimeZone zone = DateTimeZone.forID(lastClockZone); //DateTime clockWithZone = lastClockDateTime.withZone(zone); //DateTime currentTime = new DateTime(System.currentTimeMillis(), zone); DateTime currentTime =; if (lastClockDateTime.getMillis() > currentTime.getMillis()) { currentTime = new DateTime(lastClockDateTime.getMillis()); } Interval currentClockInInterval = new Interval(lastClockDateTime, currentTime); if (isRegularEarnCode && addedTimeblockInterval.overlaps(currentClockInInterval)) { errors.add("The time block you are trying to add overlaps with the current clock action."); return errors; } } if (acrossDays) { DateTime start = new DateTime(startTime); // KPME-2720 // The line below is necessary because "end" needs to have start date to construct the right end datetime to // create an interval. For example, if user selects from 8a 8/19 to 10a 8/21 and checks across days check box, // startTime would have 8a 8/19 and endTime would have 10a 8/21. With the line below, "end" would have 10a 8/19, and // an interval from 8a 8/19 to 10a 8/19 would be created. However, since it was using convertDateStringToDateTime, // which takes into account user time zone, "end" was off. Use convertDateStringToDateTimeWithoutZone isntead // so that "end" would have the right time in default time zone. // DateTime end = TKUtils.convertDateStringToDateTimeWithoutZone(startDateS, endTimeS); // kpme-3181 // revert the following line of change from kpme-2720 since it's using timezone for starttime but not endtime // that's causing interval not being build correctly issue DateTime end = TKUtils.convertDateStringToDateTime(startDateS, endTimeS); if (endTemp.getDayOfYear() - startTemp.getDayOfYear() < 1) { end = new DateTime(endTime); } DateTime groupEnd = new DateTime(endTime); Long startLong = start.getMillis(); Long endLong = end.getMillis(); //create interval span if start is before the end and the end is after the start except //for when the end is midnight ..that converts to midnight of next day DateMidnight midNight = new DateMidnight(endLong); while (start.isBefore(groupEnd.getMillis()) && ((endLong >= startLong) || end.isEqual(midNight))) { Interval tempInt = null; if (end.isEqual(midNight)) { tempInt = addedTimeblockInterval; } else { tempInt = new Interval(startLong, endLong); } dayInt.add(tempInt); start = start.plusDays(1); end = end.plusDays(1); startLong = start.getMillis(); endLong = end.getMillis(); } } else { dayInt.add(addedTimeblockInterval); } for (TimeBlock timeBlock : timesheetDocument.getTimeBlocks()) { if (errors.size() == 0 && StringUtils.equals(timeBlock.getEarnCodeType(), HrConstants.EARN_CODE_TIME)) { // allow regular time blocks to be added with overlapping non-regular time blocks JobContract aJob = HrServiceLocator.getJobService().getJob(timeBlock.getPrincipalId(), timeBlock.getJobNumber(), timeBlock.getBeginDateTime().toLocalDate()); if (aJob != null && aJob.getPayTypeObj() != null && isRegularEarnCode && !StringUtils.equals(aJob.getPayTypeObj().getRegEarnCode(), timeBlock.getEarnCode())) { continue; } Interval timeBlockInterval = new Interval(timeBlock.getBeginDateTime(), timeBlock.getEndDateTime()); for (Interval intv : dayInt) { // KPME-2720 // timeblockInterval above seems to have the server timezone (America/New York), for example, if you log in as iadetail1 (America/chicago) // and see a timeblock from 8a to 10a on the screen, that time block is actually stored as 9a to 11a in the table because // there is an hour difference. So, timeblockInterval intervale above is 9a to 11a in America/New York timezone. // However, intv interval seems to have local time with the server timezone. For example, if you create a timeblock from 10a to 12p // as iadetail1, intv interval is 10a to 12p in America/New York timezone. This is why it was giving the error below because it was // comparing a time block with 9a-11a to a time block with 10a-12p (overlapping). To fix this, we will create // an interval with the right time in the server timezone. // String start_datetime = TKUtils.formatDateTimeLong(intv.getStart()); // String start_date = TKUtils.formatDateTimeShort(intv.getStart()); // String start_time = TKUtils.formatTimeShort(start_datetime); // String end_datetime = TKUtils.formatDateTimeLong(intv.getEnd()); // String end_date = TKUtils.formatDateTimeShort(intv.getEnd()); // String end_time = TKUtils.formatTimeShort(end_datetime); DateTime start_dt_timezone = new DateTime(startTime); DateTime end_dt_timezone = new DateTime(endTime); Interval converted_intv = new Interval(start_dt_timezone.getMillis(), end_dt_timezone.getMillis()); // interval with start/end datetime in server timezone List<Interval> intervals = new ArrayList<Interval>(); if (acrossDays) { List<LocalDate> localDates = new ArrayList<LocalDate>(); LocalDate startDay = new LocalDate(start_dt_timezone); DateTimeZone userTimeZone = DateTimeZone.forID(HrServiceLocator.getTimezoneService() .getUserTimezone(timesheetDocument.getPrincipalId())); if (userTimeZone == null) { userTimeZone = HrServiceLocator.getTimezoneService() .getTargetUserTimezoneWithFallback(); } int days = end_dt_timezone.withZone(userTimeZone).toLocalTime() .equals(new LocalTime(0, 0, 0)) ? Days.daysBetween(startDay, new LocalDate(end_dt_timezone)).getDays() : Days.daysBetween(startDay, new LocalDate(end_dt_timezone)).getDays() + 1; for (int i = 0; i < days; i++) { LocalDate d = startDay.withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType.days(), i); localDates.add(d); } for (LocalDate localDate : localDates) { DateTime startDateTime = localDate.toDateTime(start_dt_timezone.toLocalTime()); DateTime endDateTime = localDate.toDateTime(end_dt_timezone.toLocalTime()); endDateTime = endDateTime.isBefore(startDateTime) ? endDateTime.plusDays(1) : endDateTime; intervals.add(new Interval(startDateTime, endDateTime)); } } else { intervals.add(converted_intv); } for (Interval interval : intervals) { if (isRegularEarnCode && timeBlockInterval.overlaps(interval) && (timeblockId == null || timeblockId.compareTo(timeBlock.getTkTimeBlockId()) != 0)) { errors.add( "The time block you are trying to add overlaps with an existing time block."); return errors; } else if (timeBlockInterval.overlaps(interval) && (timeblockId == null || timeblockId.compareTo(timeBlock.getTkTimeBlockId()) != 0)) { errors.add( "The time block you are trying to add overlaps with an existing time block."); return errors; } } } } } return errors; } /* * Moving to CalendarValidationUtil * @param startDateS * @param endDateS * @return */ @Deprecated public static List<String> validateDates(String startDateS, String endDateS) { List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); if (errors.size() == 0 && StringUtils.isEmpty(startDateS)) errors.add("The start date is blank."); if (errors.size() == 0 && StringUtils.isEmpty(endDateS)) errors.add("The end date is blank."); return errors; } /* * Moving to CalendarValidationUtil * @param startTimeS * @param endTimeS * @return */ @Deprecated public static List<String> validateTimes(String startTimeS, String endTimeS) { List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); if (errors.size() == 0 && startTimeS == null) errors.add("The start time is blank."); if (errors.size() == 0 && endTimeS == null) errors.add("The end time is blank."); return errors; } /* * Moving to CalendarValidationUtil * @param payCalEntry * @param startTime * @param endTime * @return */ @Deprecated public static List<String> validateInterval(CalendarEntryBo payCalEntry, Long startTime, Long endTime) { List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); LocalDateTime pcb_ldt = payCalEntry.getBeginPeriodLocalDateTime(); LocalDateTime pce_ldt = payCalEntry.getEndPeriodLocalDateTime(); DateTime p_cal_b_dt = pcb_ldt.toDateTime(); DateTime p_cal_e_dt = pce_ldt.toDateTime(); Interval payInterval = new Interval(p_cal_b_dt, p_cal_e_dt); if (errors.size() == 0 && !payInterval.contains(startTime)) { errors.add("The start date/time is outside the pay period"); } if (errors.size() == 0 && !payInterval.contains(endTime) && p_cal_e_dt.getMillis() != endTime) { errors.add("The end date/time is outside the pay period"); } return errors; } }