Java tutorial
// // Copyright 2011 Kuali Foundation, Inc. Licensed under the // Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" // BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express // or implied. See the License for the specific language governing // permissions and limitations under the License. // package org.kuali.continuity.admin.main.client; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.ColumnConfig; import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.ColumnModel; public class Dependency extends SimpleGridViewer { // Setup specific for Dependencies final TextBox textBox = new TextBox(); final ListBox type = new ListBox(); int[] gcsize = { 100, 40, 300 }; public ColumnConfig typeCol = new ColumnConfig("Type", "description", gcsize[0], true); public ColumnConfig orderColumn = new ColumnConfig("Order", "order", gcsize[1], true); public ColumnConfig dependencyCol = new ColumnConfig("Dependency", "name", gcsize[2], true); ColumnModel columnModel = new ColumnModel(new ColumnConfig[] { typeCol, orderColumn, dependencyCol }); public void onModuleLoad() { // Top level info itemService = (ItemServiceAsync) GWT.create(ItemService.class); Element screenelement = DOM.getElementById("itemdata"); Element formelement = DOM.getElementById("formelement"); Element pluralelement = DOM.getElementById("plural"); String plural = pluralelement.getTitle(); String pageInfo = screenelement.getTitle(); String pageTitle = screenelement.getTitle(); String proxyUrl = "./items"; String formItemName = pageTitle; itemRootName = pageInfo; // Grid RecordDef recordDef = new RecordDef(new FieldDef[] { new StringFieldDef("id"), new StringFieldDef("name"), new IntegerFieldDef("order"), new StringFieldDef("description") }); super.onModuleLoad(plural, proxyUrl, columnModel, recordDef); this.formController = dependencyFormController; // Buttons this.setButtonNames(pageTitle); // Heading this.setHeadingName(plural + " Setup"); // Form Data textBox.setMaxLength(50); textBox.setWidth("335px"); flexForm.addFormItem(formItemName, textBox); type.setVisibleItemCount(1); type.addItem("--Select--", "2"); type.addItem("Upstream", "1"); type.addItem("Downstream", "0"); flexForm.addFormItem("Type", type); flexForm.addFormItem("Order", orderBox); // set token String token = Cookies.getCookie(CSRF_TOKEN); csrfToken.setValue(token); flexForm.registerWidget(csrfToken); gridPanel.setCls(".myclass"); itemRootName = itemRootName.toLowerCase(); } public AsyncCallback selectItemCallback = new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { // Get Item from result and load form. // Window.alert("We got an item here."+item.getName()); dependencyFormController.formLoad(result); // textBox.setText(item.getName()); // orderBox.setText(item.getOrder()); // //Load item fields. } public void onFailure(Throwable e) { String directLoginCookie = Cookies.getCookie(KUALI_DIRECTLOGIN_COOKIE_KEY); String shibbolethLoginCookie = Cookies.getCookie(SHIBBOLETH_LOGIN_IDP_ID); if (directLoginCookie != null || shibbolethLoginCookie != null) { redirect(getWelcomeUrl()); } else { redirect(getLogoutUrlWithParm(SESSION_EXPIRED_ERROR)); } } }; SimpleFormController dependencyFormController = new SimpleFormController() { public boolean formLoad(Object result) { DependencyItem item = (DependencyItem) result; textBox.setText(item.getName()); orderBox.setText(item.getOrder()); String typestr = item.getDescription(); int typeIndex = 1; if (typestr.equals("Downstream")) { typeIndex = 2; } type.setSelectedIndex(typeIndex); return true; } public NamedItem validateSave(NamedItem namedItem) { DependencyItem di = (DependencyItem) namedItem; di.setName(textBox.getText()); int tind = type.getSelectedIndex(); int itype = Integer.parseInt(type.getValue(tind)); di.setType(itype); di.setCsrfToken(csrfToken.getValue()); return (NamedItem) di; } Item saveFields() { Item item = this.validate(); if (item != null) { item.setId(currentId); } return item; } public Item validate() { DependencyItem item = new DependencyItem(); boolean ret = true; int order = 0; String excp = ""; try { // This check can be removed. All these are orderedTypes if (checkForGetMethod(item, "getOrder")) { String orderStr = orderBox.getText(); if (orderStr.trim().isEmpty()) orderStr = "999"; // max 3 digit int item.setOrder(orderStr); order = Integer.parseInt(item.getOrder().trim()); // if (order == 0) { // ret = false; // setError("Order must be a numeric value. " + excp); // } } // dependency type String typeString = type.getValue(type.getSelectedIndex()); if (typeString.isEmpty() || typeString.equals("2")) { ret = false; setError("Type selection required"); } else { item = (DependencyItem) validateSave((NamedItem) item); item.setId(currentId); } // item.setName(textBox.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { ret = false; setError("Order must be a numeric value. " + excp); } catch (Exception e) { excp = e.toString(); } ret = ret && validation(); showErr(!ret); if (!ret) { item = null; } return item; } public boolean delete(String itemRootName, AsyncCallback updateItemCallback) { Item item = saveFields(); itemService.deleteItem(itemRootName, item, updateItemCallback); return true; } public boolean insert(String itemRootName, AsyncCallback updateItemCallback) { Item item = saveFields(); if (item != null) { itemService.insertItem(itemRootName, item, updateItemCallback); } return true; } public boolean update(String itemRootName, AsyncCallback updateItemCallback) { Item item = saveFields(); if (item != null) { itemService.updateItem(itemRootName, item, updateItemCallback); } return true; } public void getItem(String itemRootName, String id) { itemService.getItem(itemRootName, id, selectItemCallback); } public boolean gridDisplayEdit() { return true; } }; }