Java tutorial
// // Copyright 2011 Kuali Foundation, Inc. Licensed under the // Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" // BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express // or implied. See the License for the specific language governing // permissions and limitations under the License. // package org.kuali.continuity.admin.main.client; // import; import java.util.Date; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.ColumnConfig; import com.gwtext.client.widgets.grid.ColumnModel; public class ActivityLog extends SimpleGridViewerSAL { String datePattern = "MM/dd/yyyy"; final TextBox acronym = new TextBox(); final ListBox access = new ListBox(); int[] gcsize = { 180, 50, 50, 50, 0, 0 }; public ColumnConfig planNameCol = new ColumnConfig("Plan Name", "name", gcsize[0], true); public ColumnConfig actDateCol = new ColumnConfig("Date", "actDate", gcsize[1], true); public ColumnConfig actionCol = new ColumnConfig("Action", "fullName", gcsize[1], true); ColumnModel columnModel = new ColumnModel(new ColumnConfig[] { planNameCol, actDateCol, actionCol }); RecordDef recordDef = new RecordDef(new FieldDef[] { new StringFieldDef("id"), new StringFieldDef("name"), new StringFieldDef("actDate"), new StringFieldDef("fullName"), new StringFieldDef("order") }); String[] w = { "310px", "85px", "85px" }; String[] w2 = { "325px", "95px", "95px" }; final Image showActivityButton = new Image("ShowActivity.gif"); final Image dateChooserS = new Image("DateChooser.png"); final Image dateChooserE = new Image("DateChooser.png"); Label planSearchStatus = new Label(""); // date picker options int options = GWTCDatePicker.CONFIG_DIALOG | GWTCDatePicker.CONFIG_FLAT_BUTTONS | GWTCDatePicker.CONFIG_NO_HELP_BUTTON; // Date Picker final GWTCDatePicker startDatePicker = new GWTCDatePicker(options); final GWTCDatePicker endDatePicker = new GWTCDatePicker(options); ClickListener startDateClickListener; ClickListener endDateClickListener; String planStatusFmt = "This plan is currently in (%s) status"; public void onModuleLoad() { // Grid String proxyUrl = "./items.lst"; final DateTimeFormat dateFormater = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(datePattern); startDatePicker.setMinimalDate(dateFormater.parse("01/01/1901")); endDatePicker.setMinimalDate(dateFormater.parse("01/01/1901")); // set default dates Date startDefDate = new Date(); Date endDefDate = new Date(); int startDefMonth = startDefDate.getMonth() - 1; startDefDate.setMonth(startDefMonth); startDatePicker.setSelectedDate(startDefDate); endDatePicker.setSelectedDate(endDefDate); startDate.setText(DateTimeFormat.getFormat("MM/dd/yyyy").format(startDefDate)); endDate.setText(DateTimeFormat.getFormat("MM/dd/yyyy").format(endDefDate)); startDatePicker.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void onChange(Widget sender) { Date date = startDatePicker.getSelectedDate(); startDate.setText(dateFormater.format(date)); startDatePicker.hide(); } }); endDatePicker.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void onChange(Widget sender) { Date date = endDatePicker.getSelectedDate(); endDate.setText(dateFormater.format(date)); endDatePicker.hide(); } }); startDate.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void onChange(Widget sender) { Date d1 = getDateFromString(((TextBox) sender).getText()); ((TextBox) sender).setText(formatDate(d1)); } }); endDate.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void onChange(Widget sender) { Date d1 = getDateFromString(((TextBox) sender).getText()); ((TextBox) sender).setText(formatDate(d1)); } }); ClickListener startDateClickListener = new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) {; } }; ClickListener endDateClickListener = new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) {; } }; dateChooserS.addClickListener(startDateClickListener); dateChooserE.addClickListener(endDateClickListener); this.formController = sf; this.showButtonRow = false; String formItemName = this.setElementNames(columnModel, recordDef); planSearchStatus.setStyleName("ShowInfoClass"); // Form Label lab1 = new Label("Plan Name"); lab1.setWidth(w[0]); Label lab2 = new Label("Start"); lab2.setWidth(w[1]); Label lab3 = new Label("End"); lab3.setWidth(w[2]); // flexForm.addFormItem("",lab1); // flexForm.addFormItem("",lab2); // flexForm.addFormItem("",lab3); // // flexForm.addRow(); // textBox.setMaxLength(120); planListBox.setWidth(w[0]); textBox.setWidth(w[0]); startDate.setMaxLength(10); startDate.setWidth(w[1]); String marginstr = " "; HTML margin = new HTML(marginstr); HorizontalPanel sdp = new HorizontalPanel(); sdp.setWidth(w2[1]); HorizontalPanel edp = new HorizontalPanel(); HorizontalPanel bdp = new HorizontalPanel(); bdp.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); sdp.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); sdp.add(startDate); sdp.add(margin); sdp.add(dateChooserS); sdp.add(margin); edp.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); edp.add(endDate); edp.add(margin); edp.add(dateChooserE); edp.add(margin); edp.setWidth(w2[2]); endDate.setMaxLength(10); endDate.setWidth(w[2]); ((FlexFormPanel) flexForm).currentMargin = " "; flexForm.setWidth("621px"); HorizontalPanel pdp = new HorizontalPanel(); pdp.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); pdp.setWidth(w[0]); pdp.add(planListBox); flexForm.addVerticalItem("Plan Name", pdp, w[0]); flexForm.addVerticalItem(marginstr, margin, "2px"); flexForm.addVerticalItem("Start", sdp, w2[1]); flexForm.addVerticalItem(marginstr, margin, "2px"); flexForm.addVerticalItem("End", edp, w2[2]); flexForm.addVerticalItem(marginstr, margin, "2px"); bdp.add(showActivityButton); HorizontalPanel fdp = new HorizontalPanel(); fdp.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); fdp.setWidth("" + showActivityButton.getWidth() + "px"); fdp.add(showActivityButton); flexForm.addVerticalItem(" ", fdp, "60px"); // flexForm.addFormItem(" ",textBox); // flexForm.addFormItem(" ", startDate); // flexForm.addFormItem(" ", endDate); // flexForm.add(showActivityButton); flexForm.addRow(); flexForm.add(planSearchStatus); // planSearchStatus.setText(getPlanStatus("Complete")); planSearchStatus.setText(""); planSearchStatus.setStylePrimaryName("ShowInfoClass"); showActivityButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(final Widget sender) { showErr(false); boolean oktogo = Window.confirm("Search for Activities: from" + startDate.getText() + " through " + endDate.getText() + "?"); if (oktogo) { String planId = planListBox.getValue(planListBox.getSelectedIndex()); String planStatusId = (String) statusMap.get(planId); String planStatus = "Complete"; if (!planStatusId.equals("C")) { planStatus = "In-Progress"; } planSearchStatus.setText(getPlanStatus(planStatus)); gridLoad(1, 1, "id", "activitylog", store); } } }); itemRootName = "deptplan"; planListBox.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void onChange(Widget sender) { // display status String planId = planListBox.getValue(planListBox.getSelectedIndex()); if ("0".equals(planId)) { planSearchStatus.setText(""); return; } String planStatusId = (String) statusMap.get(planId); String planStatus = "In-Progress"; if ("C".equals(planStatusId)) planStatus = "Complete"; else if ("D".equals(planStatusId)) planStatus = "Deleted"; planSearchStatus.setText(getPlanStatus(planStatus)); } }); itemService.getStringArray(itemRootName, institutionId, callbackPload); } public String getPlanStatus(String status) { // JDK 6 String ret= String.format(planStatusFmt,status); String ret = "This plan is currently in (" + status + ") status"; return ret; } SimpleFormController sf = new SimpleFormController() { @Override public boolean formLoad(Object result) { boolean ret = true; AcronymItem item = (AcronymItem) result; currentId = item.getId(); textBox.setText(item.getName()); startDate.setText(item.getFullName()); return ret; } @Override public NamedItem validateSave(NamedItem item) { AcronymItem it = new AcronymItem(); it.setName(textBox.getText()); it.setFullName(startDate.getText()); return (NamedItem) it; } }; // Load plans into Listbox. Call during onModuleLoad. public AsyncCallback callbackPload = new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { String[][] rs = (String[][]) result; planListBox.clear(); planListBox.addItem("Please select...", "0"); loadListBox(planListBox, (String[][]) result, true); itemRootName = "activitylog"; } public void onFailure(Throwable e) { String directLoginCookie = Cookies.getCookie(KUALI_DIRECTLOGIN_COOKIE_KEY); String shibbolethLoginCookie = Cookies.getCookie(SHIBBOLETH_LOGIN_IDP_ID); if (directLoginCookie != null || shibbolethLoginCookie != null) { redirect(getWelcomeUrl()); } else { redirect(getLogoutUrlWithParm(SESSION_EXPIRED_ERROR)); } } }; // Column 0 is description, column 1 is value. }