Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2010, Kohsuke Kawaguchi * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package org.kohsuke.github; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.VisibilityChecker.Std; import com.infradna.tool.bridge_method_injector.WithBridgeMethods; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import org.apache.commons.codec.Charsets; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import; import static com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY; import static com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.NONE; import static; import static java.util.logging.Level.FINE; import static org.kohsuke.github.Previews.DRAX; /** * Root of the GitHub API. * * <h2>Thread safety</h2> * <p> * This library aims to be safe for use by multiple threads concurrently, although * the library itself makes no attempt to control/serialize potentially conflicting * operations to GitHub, such as updating & deleting a repository at the same time. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public class GitHub { /*package*/ final String login; /** * Value of the authorization header to be sent with the request. */ /*package*/ final String encodedAuthorization; private final Map<String, GHUser> users = new Hashtable<String, GHUser>(); private final Map<String, GHOrganization> orgs = new Hashtable<String, GHOrganization>(); private final String apiUrl; /*package*/ final RateLimitHandler rateLimitHandler; /*package*/ final AbuseLimitHandler abuseLimitHandler; private HttpConnector connector = HttpConnector.DEFAULT; private final Object headerRateLimitLock = new Object(); private GHRateLimit headerRateLimit = null; private volatile GHRateLimit rateLimit = null; /** * Creates a client API root object. * * <p> * Several different combinations of the login/oauthAccessToken/password parameters are allowed * to represent different ways of authentication. * * <dl> * <dt>Loging anonymously * <dd>Leave all three parameters null and you will be making HTTP requests without any authentication. * * <dt>Log in with password * <dd>Specify the login and password, then leave oauthAccessToken null. * This will use the HTTP BASIC auth with the GitHub API. * * <dt>Log in with OAuth token * <dd>Specify oauthAccessToken, and optionally specify the login. Leave password null. * This will send OAuth token to the GitHub API. If the login parameter is null, * The constructor makes an API call to figure out the user name that owns the token. * </dl> * * @param apiUrl * The URL of GitHub (or GitHub enterprise) API endpoint, such as "" or * "". Note that GitHub Enterprise has <tt>/api/v3</tt> in the URL. * For historical reasons, this parameter still accepts the bare domain name, but that's considered deprecated. * Password is also considered deprecated as it is no longer required for api usage. * @param login * The use ID on GitHub that you are logging in as. Can be omitted if the OAuth token is * provided or if logging in anonymously. Specifying this would save one API call. * @param oauthAccessToken * Secret OAuth token. * @param password * User's password. Always used in conjunction with the {@code login} parameter * @param connector * HttpConnector to use. Pass null to use default connector. */ /* package */ GitHub(String apiUrl, String login, String oauthAccessToken, String password, HttpConnector connector, RateLimitHandler rateLimitHandler, AbuseLimitHandler abuseLimitHandler) throws IOException { if (apiUrl.endsWith("/")) apiUrl = apiUrl.substring(0, apiUrl.length() - 1); // normalize this.apiUrl = apiUrl; if (null != connector) this.connector = connector; if (oauthAccessToken != null) { encodedAuthorization = "token " + oauthAccessToken; } else { if (password != null) { String authorization = (login + ':' + password); String charsetName =; encodedAuthorization = "Basic " + new String(Base64.encodeBase64(authorization.getBytes(charsetName)), charsetName); } else {// anonymous access encodedAuthorization = null; } } this.rateLimitHandler = rateLimitHandler; this.abuseLimitHandler = abuseLimitHandler; if (login == null && encodedAuthorization != null) login = getMyself().getLogin(); this.login = login; } /** * Obtains the credential from "~/.github" or from the System Environment Properties. */ public static GitHub connect() throws IOException { return GitHubBuilder.fromCredentials().build(); } /** * Version that connects to GitHub Enterprise. * * @param apiUrl * The URL of GitHub (or GitHub enterprise) API endpoint, such as "" or * "". Note that GitHub Enterprise has <tt>/api/v3</tt> in the URL. * For historical reasons, this parameter still accepts the bare domain name, but that's considered deprecated. */ public static GitHub connectToEnterprise(String apiUrl, String oauthAccessToken) throws IOException { return new GitHubBuilder().withEndpoint(apiUrl).withOAuthToken(oauthAccessToken).build(); } public static GitHub connectToEnterprise(String apiUrl, String login, String password) throws IOException { return new GitHubBuilder().withEndpoint(apiUrl).withPassword(login, password).build(); } public static GitHub connect(String login, String oauthAccessToken) throws IOException { return new GitHubBuilder().withOAuthToken(oauthAccessToken, login).build(); } /** * @deprecated * Either OAuth token or password is sufficient, so there's no point in passing both. * Use {@link #connectUsingPassword(String, String)} or {@link #connectUsingOAuth(String)}. */ public static GitHub connect(String login, String oauthAccessToken, String password) throws IOException { return new GitHubBuilder().withOAuthToken(oauthAccessToken, login).withPassword(login, password).build(); } public static GitHub connectUsingPassword(String login, String password) throws IOException { return new GitHubBuilder().withPassword(login, password).build(); } public static GitHub connectUsingOAuth(String oauthAccessToken) throws IOException { return new GitHubBuilder().withOAuthToken(oauthAccessToken).build(); } public static GitHub connectUsingOAuth(String githubServer, String oauthAccessToken) throws IOException { return new GitHubBuilder().withEndpoint(githubServer).withOAuthToken(oauthAccessToken).build(); } /** * Connects to GitHub anonymously. * * All operations that requires authentication will fail. */ public static GitHub connectAnonymously() throws IOException { return new GitHubBuilder().build(); } /** * Connects to GitHub Enterprise anonymously. * * All operations that requires authentication will fail. */ public static GitHub connectToEnterpriseAnonymously(String apiUrl) throws IOException { return new GitHubBuilder().withEndpoint(apiUrl).build(); } /** * An offline-only {@link GitHub} useful for parsing event notification from an unknown source. * * All operations that require a connection will fail. * * @return An offline-only {@link GitHub}. */ public static GitHub offline() { try { return new GitHubBuilder().withEndpoint("https://api.github.invalid") .withConnector(HttpConnector.OFFLINE).build(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("The offline implementation constructor should not connect", e); } } /** * Is this an anonymous connection * @return {@code true} if operations that require authentication will fail. */ public boolean isAnonymous() { return login == null && encodedAuthorization == null; } /** * Is this an always offline "connection". * @return {@code true} if this is an always offline "connection". */ public boolean isOffline() { return connector == HttpConnector.OFFLINE; } public HttpConnector getConnector() { return connector; } public String getApiUrl() { return apiUrl; } /** * Sets the custom connector used to make requests to GitHub. */ public void setConnector(HttpConnector connector) { this.connector = connector; } /*package*/ void requireCredential() { if (isAnonymous()) throw new IllegalStateException( "This operation requires a credential but none is given to the GitHub constructor"); } /*package*/ URL getApiURL(String tailApiUrl) throws IOException { if (tailApiUrl.startsWith("/")) { if ("".equals(apiUrl)) {// backward compatibility return new URL(GITHUB_URL + tailApiUrl); } else { return new URL(apiUrl + tailApiUrl); } } else { return new URL(tailApiUrl); } } /*package*/ Requester retrieve() { return new Requester(this).method("GET"); } /** * Gets the current rate limit. */ public GHRateLimit getRateLimit() throws IOException { try { return rateLimit = retrieve().to("/rate_limit", JsonRateLimit.class).rate; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // GitHub Enterprise doesn't have the rate limit, so in that case // return some big number that's not too big. // see issue #78 GHRateLimit r = new GHRateLimit(); r.limit = r.remaining = 1000000; long hour = 60L * 60L; // this is madness, storing the date as seconds in a Date object r.reset = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L + hour); return rateLimit = r; } } /*package*/ void updateRateLimit(@Nonnull GHRateLimit observed) { synchronized (headerRateLimitLock) { if (headerRateLimit == null || headerRateLimit.getResetDate().getTime() < observed.getResetDate().getTime() || headerRateLimit.remaining > observed.remaining) { headerRateLimit = observed; LOGGER.log(FINE, "Rate limit now: {0}", headerRateLimit); } } } /** * Returns the most recently observed rate limit data or {@code null} if either there is no rate limit * (for example GitHub Enterprise) or if no requests have been made. * * @return the most recently observed rate limit data or {@code null}. */ @CheckForNull public GHRateLimit lastRateLimit() { synchronized (headerRateLimitLock) { return headerRateLimit; } } /** * Gets the current rate limit while trying not to actually make any remote requests unless absolutely necessary. * * @return the current rate limit data. * @throws IOException if we couldn't get the current rate limit data. */ @Nonnull public GHRateLimit rateLimit() throws IOException { synchronized (headerRateLimitLock) { if (headerRateLimit != null) { return headerRateLimit; } } GHRateLimit rateLimit = this.rateLimit; if (rateLimit == null || rateLimit.getResetDate().getTime() < System.currentTimeMillis()) { rateLimit = getRateLimit(); } return rateLimit; } /** * Gets the {@link GHUser} that represents yourself. */ @WithBridgeMethods(GHUser.class) public GHMyself getMyself() throws IOException { requireCredential(); GHMyself u = retrieve().to("/user", GHMyself.class); u.root = this; users.put(u.getLogin(), u); return u; } /** * Obtains the object that represents the named user. */ public GHUser getUser(String login) throws IOException { GHUser u = users.get(login); if (u == null) { u = retrieve().to("/users/" + login, GHUser.class); u.root = this; users.put(u.getLogin(), u); } return u; } /** * clears all cached data in order for external changes (modifications and del */ public void refreshCache() { users.clear(); orgs.clear(); } /** * Interns the given {@link GHUser}. */ protected GHUser getUser(GHUser orig) { GHUser u = users.get(orig.getLogin()); if (u == null) { orig.root = this; users.put(orig.getLogin(), orig); return orig; } return u; } public GHOrganization getOrganization(String name) throws IOException { GHOrganization o = orgs.get(name); if (o == null) { o = retrieve().to("/orgs/" + name, GHOrganization.class).wrapUp(this); orgs.put(name, o); } return o; } /** * Gets the repository object from 'user/reponame' string that GitHub calls as "repository name" * * @see GHRepository#getName() */ public GHRepository getRepository(String name) throws IOException { String[] tokens = name.split("/"); return retrieve().to("/repos/" + tokens[0] + '/' + tokens[1], GHRepository.class).wrap(this); } /** * Returns a list of popular open source licenses * * WARNING: This uses a PREVIEW API. * * @see <a href="">GitHub API - Licenses</a> * * @return a list of popular open source licenses */ @Preview @Deprecated public PagedIterable<GHLicense> listLicenses() throws IOException { return new PagedIterable<GHLicense>() { public PagedIterator<GHLicense> _iterator(int pageSize) { return new PagedIterator<GHLicense>( retrieve().withPreview(DRAX).asIterator("/licenses", GHLicense[].class, pageSize)) { @Override protected void wrapUp(GHLicense[] page) { for (GHLicense c : page) c.wrap(GitHub.this); } }; } }; } /** * Returns a list of all users. */ public PagedIterable<GHUser> listUsers() throws IOException { return new PagedIterable<GHUser>() { public PagedIterator<GHUser> _iterator(int pageSize) { return new PagedIterator<GHUser>(retrieve().asIterator("/users", GHUser[].class, pageSize)) { @Override protected void wrapUp(GHUser[] page) { for (GHUser u : page) u.wrapUp(GitHub.this); } }; } }; } /** * Returns the full details for a license * * WARNING: This uses a PREVIEW API. * * @param key The license key provided from the API * @return The license details * @see GHLicense#getKey() */ @Preview @Deprecated public GHLicense getLicense(String key) throws IOException { return retrieve().withPreview(DRAX).to("/licenses/" + key, GHLicense.class); } /** /** * This method returns a shallowly populated organizations. * * To retrieve full organization details, you need to call {@link #getOrganization(String)} * TODO: make this automatic. */ public Map<String, GHOrganization> getMyOrganizations() throws IOException { GHOrganization[] orgs = retrieve().to("/user/orgs", GHOrganization[].class); Map<String, GHOrganization> r = new HashMap<String, GHOrganization>(); for (GHOrganization o : orgs) { // don't put 'o' into orgs because they are shallow r.put(o.getLogin(), o.wrapUp(this)); } return r; } /** * Gets complete map of organizations/teams that current user belongs to. * * Leverages the new GitHub API /user/teams made available recently to * get in a single call the complete set of organizations, teams and permissions * in a single call. */ public Map<String, Set<GHTeam>> getMyTeams() throws IOException { Map<String, Set<GHTeam>> allMyTeams = new HashMap<String, Set<GHTeam>>(); for (GHTeam team : retrieve().to("/user/teams", GHTeam[].class)) { team.wrapUp(this); String orgLogin = team.getOrganization().getLogin(); Set<GHTeam> teamsPerOrg = allMyTeams.get(orgLogin); if (teamsPerOrg == null) { teamsPerOrg = new HashSet<GHTeam>(); } teamsPerOrg.add(team); allMyTeams.put(orgLogin, teamsPerOrg); } return allMyTeams; } /** * Public events visible to you. Equivalent of what's displayed on */ public List<GHEventInfo> getEvents() throws IOException { GHEventInfo[] events = retrieve().to("/events", GHEventInfo[].class); for (GHEventInfo e : events) e.wrapUp(this); return Arrays.asList(events); } /** * Gets a sigle gist by ID. */ public GHGist getGist(String id) throws IOException { return retrieve().to("/gists/" + id, GHGist.class).wrapUp(this); } public GHGistBuilder createGist() { return new GHGistBuilder(this); } /** * Parses the GitHub event object. * * This is primarily intended for receiving a POST HTTP call from a hook. * Unfortunately, hook script payloads aren't self-descriptive, so you need * to know the type of the payload you are expecting. */ public <T extends GHEventPayload> T parseEventPayload(Reader r, Class<T> type) throws IOException { T t = MAPPER.readValue(r, type); t.wrapUp(this); return t; } /** * Creates a new repository. * * @return * Newly created repository. * @deprecated * Use {@link #createRepository(String)} that uses a builder pattern to let you control every aspect. */ public GHRepository createRepository(String name, String description, String homepage, boolean isPublic) throws IOException { return createRepository(name).description(description).homepage(homepage).private_(!isPublic).create(); } /** * Starts a builder that creates a new repository. * * <p> * You use the returned builder to set various properties, then call {@link GHCreateRepositoryBuilder#create()} * to finally createa repository. * * <p> * To create a repository in an organization, see * {@link GHOrganization#createRepository(String, String, String, GHTeam, boolean)} */ public GHCreateRepositoryBuilder createRepository(String name) { return new GHCreateRepositoryBuilder(this, "/user/repos", name); } /** * Creates a new authorization. * * The token created can be then used for {@link GitHub#connectUsingOAuth(String)} in the future. * * @see <a href="">Documentation</a> */ public GHAuthorization createToken(Collection<String> scope, String note, String noteUrl) throws IOException { Requester requester = new Requester(this).with("scopes", scope).with("note", note).with("note_url", noteUrl); return requester.method("POST").to("/authorizations", GHAuthorization.class).wrap(this); } /** * @see <a href="">docs</a> */ public GHAuthorization createOrGetAuth(String clientId, String clientSecret, List<String> scopes, String note, String note_url) throws IOException { Requester requester = new Requester(this).with("client_secret", clientSecret).with("scopes", scopes) .with("note", note).with("note_url", note_url); return requester.method("PUT").to("/authorizations/clients/" + clientId, GHAuthorization.class); } /** * @see <a href="">Delete an authorization</a> */ public void deleteAuth(long id) throws IOException { retrieve().method("DELETE").to("/authorizations/" + id); } /** * @see <a href="">Check an authorization</a> */ public GHAuthorization checkAuth(@Nonnull String clientId, @Nonnull String accessToken) throws IOException { return retrieve().to("/applications/" + clientId + "/tokens/" + accessToken, GHAuthorization.class); } /** * @see <a href="">Reset an authorization</a> */ public GHAuthorization resetAuth(@Nonnull String clientId, @Nonnull String accessToken) throws IOException { return retrieve().method("POST").to("/applications/" + clientId + "/tokens/" + accessToken, GHAuthorization.class); } /** * Ensures that the credential is valid. */ public boolean isCredentialValid() throws IOException { try { retrieve().to("/user", GHUser.class); return true; } catch (IOException e) { if (LOGGER.isLoggable(FINE)) LOGGER.log(FINE, "Exception validating credentials on " + this.apiUrl + " with login '" + this.login + "' " + e, e); return false; } } private static class GHApiInfo { private String rate_limit_url; void check(String apiUrl) throws IOException { if (rate_limit_url == null) throw new IOException(apiUrl + " doesn't look like GitHub API URL"); // make sure that the URL is legitimate new URL(rate_limit_url); } } /** * Tests the connection. * * <p> * Verify that the API URL and credentials are valid to access this GitHub. * * <p> * This method returns normally if the endpoint is reachable and verified to be GitHub API URL. * Otherwise this method throws {@link IOException} to indicate the problem. */ public void checkApiUrlValidity() throws IOException { try { retrieve().to("/", GHApiInfo.class).check(apiUrl); } catch (IOException e) { if (isPrivateModeEnabled()) { throw (IOException) new IOException( "GitHub Enterprise server (" + apiUrl + ") with private mode enabled").initCause(e); } throw e; } } /** * Ensures if a GitHub Enterprise server is configured in private mode. * * @return {@code true} if private mode is enabled. If it tries to use this method with GitHub, returns {@code * false}. */ private boolean isPrivateModeEnabled() { try { HttpURLConnection uc = getConnector().connect(getApiURL("/")); /* $ curl -i HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Server: Date: Sat, 05 Mar 2016 19:45:01 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 130 Status: 401 Unauthorized X-GitHub-Media-Type: github.v3 X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block X-Frame-Options: deny Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none' Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true Access-Control-Expose-Headers: ETag, Link, X-GitHub-OTP, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-OAuth-Scopes, X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes, X-Poll-Interval Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * X-GitHub-Request-Id: dbc70361-b11d-4131-9a7f-674b8edd0411 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains; preload X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff */ try { return uc.getResponseCode() == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED && uc.getHeaderField("X-GitHub-Media-Type") != null; } finally { // ensure that the connection opened by getResponseCode gets closed try { IOUtils.closeQuietly(uc.getInputStream()); } catch (IOException ignore) { // ignore } IOUtils.closeQuietly(uc.getErrorStream()); } } catch (IOException e) { return false; } } /** * Search issues. */ public GHIssueSearchBuilder searchIssues() { return new GHIssueSearchBuilder(this); } /** * Search users. */ public GHUserSearchBuilder searchUsers() { return new GHUserSearchBuilder(this); } /** * Search repositories. */ public GHRepositorySearchBuilder searchRepositories() { return new GHRepositorySearchBuilder(this); } /** * Search content. */ public GHContentSearchBuilder searchContent() { return new GHContentSearchBuilder(this); } /** * List all the notifications. */ public GHNotificationStream listNotifications() { return new GHNotificationStream(this, "/notifications"); } /** * This provides a dump of every public repository, in the order that they were created. * @see <a href="">documentation</a> */ public PagedIterable<GHRepository> listAllPublicRepositories() { return listAllPublicRepositories(null); } /** * This provides a dump of every public repository, in the order that they were created. * * @param since * The integer ID of the last Repository that youve seen. See {@link GHRepository#getId()} * @see <a href="">documentation</a> */ public PagedIterable<GHRepository> listAllPublicRepositories(final String since) { return new PagedIterable<GHRepository>() { public PagedIterator<GHRepository> _iterator(int pageSize) { return new PagedIterator<GHRepository>(retrieve().with("since", since).asIterator("/repositories", GHRepository[].class, pageSize)) { @Override protected void wrapUp(GHRepository[] page) { for (GHRepository c : page) c.wrap(GitHub.this); } }; } }; } /** * Render a Markdown document in raw mode. * * <p> * It takes a Markdown document as plaintext and renders it as plain Markdown * without a repository context (just like a file is rendered this * is the simplest way to preview a readme online). * * @see GHRepository#renderMarkdown(String, MarkdownMode) */ public Reader renderMarkdown(String text) throws IOException { return new InputStreamReader(new Requester(this).with(new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes("UTF-8"))) .contentType("text/plain;charset=UTF-8").asStream("/markdown/raw"), "UTF-8"); } /*package*/ static URL parseURL(String s) { try { return s == null ? null : new URL(s); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid URL: " + s); } } /*package*/ static Date parseDate(String timestamp) { if (timestamp == null) return null; for (String f : TIME_FORMATS) { try { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(f); df.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); return df.parse(timestamp); } catch (ParseException e) { // try next } } throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to parse the timestamp: " + timestamp); } /*package*/ static String printDate(Date dt) { return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'").format(dt); } /*package*/ static final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); private static final String[] TIME_FORMATS = { "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss ZZZZ", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'" }; static { MAPPER.setVisibilityChecker(new Std(NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, ANY)); MAPPER.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); } /* package */ static final String GITHUB_URL = ""; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(GitHub.class.getName()); }