Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2009 Karl J. Ots <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.kjots.json.object.gwt.rebind; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.kjots.json.object.gwt.client.impl.GwtJsonObjectImpl; import org.kjots.json.object.shared.JsonBooleanPropertyAdapter; import org.kjots.json.object.shared.JsonException; import org.kjots.json.object.shared.JsonFunction; import org.kjots.json.object.shared.JsonNumberPropertyAdapter; import org.kjots.json.object.shared.JsonObject; import org.kjots.json.object.shared.JsonObjectArray; import org.kjots.json.object.shared.JsonObjectFactory; import org.kjots.json.object.shared.JsonObjectMap; import org.kjots.json.object.shared.JsonObjectPropertyAdapter; import org.kjots.json.object.shared.JsonProperty; import org.kjots.json.object.shared.JsonPropertyAdapter; import org.kjots.json.object.shared.JsonStringPropertyAdapter; /** * GWT JSON Object Generator. * <p> * Created: 6th December 2009. * * @author <a href="">Karl J. Ots <></a> * @since json-object-0.1 */ public class GwtJsonObjectGenerator extends Generator { /** * Generate the code for the type with the given name. * * @param logger The logger. * @param context The context. * @param typeName The type name. * @return The name of the generated class. * @throws UnableToCompleteException */ @Override public String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException { JClassType typeClassType = context.getTypeOracle().findType(typeName); JPackage typePackage = typeClassType.getPackage(); if (typePackage == null) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, typeClassType.getQualifiedSourceName() + " is not in a package", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } if (typeClassType.isInterface() == null) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, typeClassType.getQualifiedSourceName() + " is not an interface", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } JClassType[] implementedInterfaces = typeClassType.getImplementedInterfaces(); if (implementedInterfaces == null || implementedInterfaces.length == 0) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, typeClassType.getQualifiedSourceName() + " must extend at least one interface", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } String superClassImplClassName; JClassType mainImplementedInterface = implementedInterfaces[0]; if (mainImplementedInterface.getQualifiedBinaryName().equals(JsonObject.class.getName())) { superClassImplClassName = GwtJsonObjectImpl.class.getName(); } else { superClassImplClassName = new GwtJsonObjectGenerator().generate(logger, context, mainImplementedInterface.getQualifiedSourceName()); } String implPackage = typePackage.getName(); String implClassName = typeClassType.getName().replace('.', '_') + "Impl"; PrintWriter printWriter = context.tryCreate(logger, implPackage, implClassName); if (printWriter != null) { ClassSourceFileComposerFactory composerFactory = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory(implPackage, implClassName); composerFactory.setSuperclass(superClassImplClassName); composerFactory.addImplementedInterface(typeClassType.getParameterizedQualifiedSourceName()); SourceWriter sourceWriter = composerFactory.createSourceWriter(context, printWriter); sourceWriter.println("public " + implClassName + "(" + Class.class.getName() + "<? extends " + typeClassType.getQualifiedSourceName() + "> jsonObjectClass, " + JavaScriptObject.class.getName() + " jsObject) {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter.println("super(jsonObjectClass, jsObject);"); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); for (JMethod method : typeClassType.getMethods()) { sourceWriter.println(); if (method.getAnnotation(JsonFunction.class) != null) { this.writeFunctionMethod(sourceWriter, logger, context, method, method.getAnnotation(JsonFunction.class)); } else if (method.getAnnotation(JsonException.class) != null) { this.writeExceptionMethod(sourceWriter, logger, context, method, method.getAnnotation(JsonException.class)); } else if (method.getAnnotation(JsonProperty.class) != null) { this.writePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, logger, context, method, method.getAnnotation(JsonProperty.class)); } else { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, method.getName() + "() is not annotated with suitable annotation", null); } } sourceWriter.commit(logger); } return implPackage + "." + implClassName; } /** * Write a function method. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param logger The logger. * @param context The context. * @param method The method. * @param jsonFunctionAnnotation The JSON function annotation. * @throws UnableToCompleteException */ private void writeFunctionMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, JMethod method, JsonFunction jsonFunctionAnnotation) throws UnableToCompleteException { Class<?> functionClass = jsonFunctionAnnotation.klass(); String functionMethodName = jsonFunctionAnnotation.method(); StringBuilder typeParametersBuilder = new StringBuilder(); JTypeParameter[] typeParameters = method.getTypeParameters(); if (typeParameters.length != 0) { typeParametersBuilder.append("<"); for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { typeParametersBuilder.append(", "); } typeParametersBuilder.append(typeParameters[i].getQualifiedSourceName()); } typeParametersBuilder.append("> "); } String returnTypeName = this.getTypeName(method.getReturnType()); JClassType functionClassType = this.getType(logger, context, functionClass.getName().replace('$', '.')); StringBuilder methodParametersBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder functionArgumentsBuilder = new StringBuilder("this"); JParameter[] methodParameters = method.getParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < methodParameters.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { methodParametersBuilder.append(", "); } methodParametersBuilder.append(this.getTypeName(methodParameters[i].getType())); methodParametersBuilder.append(" arg").append(i); functionArgumentsBuilder.append(", arg").append(i); } sourceWriter.println("@Override"); sourceWriter.println("public final " + typeParametersBuilder.toString() + returnTypeName + " " + method.getName() + "(" + methodParametersBuilder.toString() + ") {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter.println( (!returnTypeName.equals("void") ? "return " : "") + functionClassType.getQualifiedSourceName() + "." + functionMethodName + "(" + functionArgumentsBuilder.toString() + ");"); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); } /** * Write an exception method. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param logger The logger. * @param context The context. * @param method The method. * @param jsonExceptionAnnotation The JSON exception annotation. * @throws UnableToCompleteException */ private void writeExceptionMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, JMethod method, JsonException jsonExceptionAnnotation) throws UnableToCompleteException { Class<?> exceptionClass = jsonExceptionAnnotation.klass(); String message = jsonExceptionAnnotation.message(); StringBuilder typeParametersBuilder = new StringBuilder(); JTypeParameter[] typeParameters = method.getTypeParameters(); if (typeParameters.length != 0) { typeParametersBuilder.append("<"); for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { typeParametersBuilder.append(", "); } typeParametersBuilder.append(typeParameters[i].getQualifiedSourceName()); } typeParametersBuilder.append("> "); } String returnTypeName = this.getTypeName(method.getReturnType()); StringBuilder methodParametersBuilder = new StringBuilder(); JParameter[] methodParameters = method.getParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < methodParameters.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { methodParametersBuilder.append(", "); } methodParametersBuilder.append(this.getTypeName(methodParameters[i].getType())); methodParametersBuilder.append(" arg").append(i); } JClassType exceptionClassType = this.getType(logger, context, exceptionClass.getName().replace('$', '.')); sourceWriter.println("@Override"); sourceWriter.println("public final " + typeParametersBuilder.toString() + returnTypeName + " " + method.getName() + "(" + methodParametersBuilder.toString() + ") {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter.println("throw new " + exceptionClassType.getQualifiedSourceName() + "(" + (!message.isEmpty() ? toQuotedString(message) : "") + ");"); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); } /** * Write a property method. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param logger The logger. * @param context The context. * @param method The method. * @param jsonPropertyAnnotation The JSON property annotation. * @throws UnableToCompleteException */ private void writePropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, JMethod method, JsonProperty jsonPropertyAnnotation) throws UnableToCompleteException { switch (jsonPropertyAnnotation.operation()) { case HAS: this.writeHasPropertyMethod(sourceWriter, logger, method, jsonPropertyAnnotation); return; case IS_NULL: this.writeIsNullPropertyMethod(sourceWriter, logger, method, jsonPropertyAnnotation); return; case DELETE: this.writeDeletePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, logger, method, jsonPropertyAnnotation); return; case GET: this.writeGetPropertyMethod(sourceWriter, logger, context, method, jsonPropertyAnnotation); return; case SET: this.writeSetPropertyMethod(sourceWriter, logger, context, method, jsonPropertyAnnotation); return; default: logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, method.getName() + "() is annotated with unsupported operation type " + jsonPropertyAnnotation.operation(), null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } /** * Write a has property method. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param logger The logger. * @param method The method. * @param jsonPropertyAnnotation The JSON property annotation. * @throws UnableToCompleteException */ private void writeHasPropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, TreeLogger logger, JMethod method, JsonProperty jsonPropertyAnnotation) throws UnableToCompleteException { JParameter[] parameters = method.getParameters(); if (parameters.length != 0) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, method.getName() + "() must have no parameters", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } JType returnType = method.getReturnType(); if (!returnType.getSimpleSourceName().equals("boolean")) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, method.getName() + "() must have a boolean return type", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } this.writeHasPropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),; } /** * Write an is null property method. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param logger The logger. * @param method The method. * @param jsonPropertyAnnotation The JSON property annotation. * @throws UnableToCompleteException */ private void writeIsNullPropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, TreeLogger logger, JMethod method, JsonProperty jsonPropertyAnnotation) throws UnableToCompleteException { JParameter[] parameters = method.getParameters(); if (parameters.length != 0) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, method.getName() + "() must have no parameters", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } JType returnType = method.getReturnType(); if (!returnType.getSimpleSourceName().equals("boolean")) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, method.getName() + "() must have a boolean return type", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } this.writeIsNullPropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),; } /** * Write an delete property method. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param logger The logger. * @param method The method. * @param jsonPropertyAnnotation The JSON property annotation. * @throws UnableToCompleteException */ private void writeDeletePropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, TreeLogger logger, JMethod method, JsonProperty jsonPropertyAnnotation) throws UnableToCompleteException { JParameter[] parameters = method.getParameters(); if (parameters.length != 0) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, method.getName() + "() must have no parameters", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } JType returnType = method.getReturnType(); if (!returnType.getSimpleSourceName().equals("boolean")) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, method.getName() + "() must have a boolean return type", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } this.writeDeletePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),; } /** * Write a get property method. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param logger The logger. * @param context The context. * @param method The method. * @param jsonPropertyAnnotation The JSON property annotation. * @throws UnableToCompleteException */ private void writeGetPropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, JMethod method, JsonProperty jsonPropertyAnnotation) throws UnableToCompleteException { JParameter[] parameters = method.getParameters(); if (parameters.length != 0) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, method.getName() + "() must have no parameters", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } JType returnType = method.getReturnType(); String returnTypeName = returnType.getQualifiedSourceName(); Class<? extends JsonPropertyAdapter<?, ?>> adapterClass = jsonPropertyAnnotation.adapter(); if (adapterClass.equals(JsonProperty.NullAdapter.class) && (returnType instanceof JClassType)) { JClassType returnClassType = (JClassType) returnType; JsonPropertyAdapter.AutoAdaptedType autoAdaptedTypeAnnotation = returnClassType .getAnnotation(JsonPropertyAdapter.AutoAdaptedType.class); if (autoAdaptedTypeAnnotation != null) { adapterClass = autoAdaptedTypeAnnotation.value(); } } if (!adapterClass.equals(JsonProperty.NullAdapter.class)) { this.writeGetAdaptedPropertyMethod(sourceWriter, logger, context, method.getName(),, returnTypeName, adapterClass.getName().replace('$', '.')); } else { if (returnTypeName.equals(Boolean.class.getName())) { this.writeGetJsonPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, Boolean.class.getName(), "getBooleanProperty"); } else if (returnTypeName.equals(Number.class.getName())) { this.writeGetJsonPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, Number.class.getName(), "getNumberProperty"); } else if (returnTypeName.equals(String.class.getName())) { this.writeGetJsonPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, String.class.getName(), "getStringProperty"); } else if (returnTypeName.equals(JsonObjectArray.class.getName()) || returnTypeName.equals(JsonObjectMap.class.getName())) { String elementTypeName; JParameterizedType parameterizedReturnType = returnType.isParameterized(); if (parameterizedReturnType != null) { elementTypeName = parameterizedReturnType.getTypeArgs()[0].getQualifiedSourceName(); } else { elementTypeName = JsonObject.class.getName(); } this.writeGetObjectCompositePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, returnTypeName, elementTypeName); } else if (returnTypeName.equals(boolean.class.getName())) { this.writeGetJavaPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, "boolean", "java.lang.Boolean", "getBooleanProperty", "false"); } else if (returnTypeName.equals(byte.class.getName())) { this.writeGetJavaPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, "byte", "java.lang.Number", "getNumberProperty", "0"); } else if (returnTypeName.equals(short.class.getName())) { this.writeGetJavaPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, "short", "java.lang.Number", "getNumberProperty", "0"); } else if (returnTypeName.equals(int.class.getName())) { this.writeGetJavaPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, "int", "java.lang.Number", "getNumberProperty", "0"); } else if (returnTypeName.equals(long.class.getName())) { this.writeGetJavaPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, "long", "java.lang.Number", "getNumberProperty", "0"); } else if (returnTypeName.equals(float.class.getName())) { this.writeGetJavaPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, "float", "java.lang.Number", "getNumberProperty", "0.0f"); } else if (returnTypeName.equals(double.class.getName())) { this.writeGetJavaPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, "double", "java.lang.Number", "getNumberProperty", "0.0"); } else if (returnTypeName.equals(char.class.getName())) { this.writeGetJavaCharacterPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),; } else { this.writeGetObjectPropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, returnTypeName); } } } /** * Write a set property method. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param logger The logger. * @param context The context. * @param method The method. * @param jsonPropertyAnnotation The JSON property annotation. * @throws UnableToCompleteException */ private void writeSetPropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, JMethod method, JsonProperty jsonPropertyAnnotation) throws UnableToCompleteException { JType returnType = method.getReturnType(); if (!returnType.getSimpleSourceName().equals("void")) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, method.getName() + "() must have a void return type", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } JParameter[] parameters = method.getParameters(); if (parameters.length != 1) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, method.getName() + "() must have exactly one parameter", null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } JType parameterType = parameters[0].getType(); String parameterTypeName = parameterType.getQualifiedSourceName(); Class<? extends JsonPropertyAdapter<?, ?>> adapterClass = jsonPropertyAnnotation.adapter(); if (adapterClass.equals(JsonProperty.NullAdapter.class) && (parameterType instanceof JClassType)) { JClassType parameterClassType = (JClassType) parameterType; JsonPropertyAdapter.AutoAdaptedType autoAdaptedTypeAnnotation = parameterClassType .getAnnotation(JsonPropertyAdapter.AutoAdaptedType.class); if (autoAdaptedTypeAnnotation != null) { adapterClass = autoAdaptedTypeAnnotation.value(); } } if (!adapterClass.equals(JsonProperty.NullAdapter.class)) { this.writeSetAdaptedPropertyMethod(sourceWriter, logger, context, method.getName(),, parameterTypeName, adapterClass.getName().replace('$', '.')); } else { if (parameterTypeName.equals(Boolean.class.getName())) { this.writeSetJsonPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, Boolean.class.getName(), "setBooleanProperty"); } else if (parameterTypeName.equals(Number.class.getName())) { this.writeSetJsonPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, Number.class.getName(), "setNumberProperty"); } else if (parameterTypeName.equals(String.class.getName())) { this.writeSetJsonPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, String.class.getName(), "setStringProperty"); } else if (parameterTypeName.equals(boolean.class.getName())) { this.writeSetJavaPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, "boolean", "java.lang.Boolean", "setBooleanProperty"); } else if (parameterTypeName.equals(byte.class.getName())) { this.writeSetJavaPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, "byte", "java.lang.Byte", "setNumberProperty"); } else if (parameterTypeName.equals(short.class.getName())) { this.writeSetJavaPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, "short", "java.lang.Short", "setNumberProperty"); } else if (parameterTypeName.equals(int.class.getName())) { this.writeSetJavaPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, "int", "java.lang.Integer", "setNumberProperty"); } else if (parameterTypeName.equals(long.class.getName())) { this.writeSetJavaPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, "long", "java.lang.Long", "setNumberProperty"); } else if (parameterTypeName.equals(float.class.getName())) { this.writeSetJavaPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, "float", "java.lang.Float", "setNumberProperty"); } else if (parameterTypeName.equals(double.class.getName())) { this.writeSetJavaPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, "double", "java.lang.Double", "setNumberProperty"); } else if (parameterTypeName.equals(char.class.getName())) { this.writeSetJavaCharacterPrimitivePropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),; } else { this.writeSetObjectPropertyMethod(sourceWriter, method.getName(),, parameterTypeName); } } } /** * Write a has property method for the property with the given name. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param methodName The name of the method. * @param propertyName The name of the property. */ private void writeHasPropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, String methodName, String propertyName) { sourceWriter.println("@Override"); sourceWriter.println("public final boolean " + methodName + "() {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter.println("return this.hasProperty(\"" + propertyName + "\");"); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); } /** * Write an is null property method for the property with the given name. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param methodName The name of the method. * @param propertyName The name of the property. */ private void writeIsNullPropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, String methodName, String propertyName) { sourceWriter.println("@Override"); sourceWriter.println("public final boolean " + methodName + "() {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter.println("return this.isNullProperty(\"" + propertyName + "\");"); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); } /** * Write a delete property method for the property with the given name. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param methodName The name of the method. * @param propertyName The name of the property. */ private void writeDeletePropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, String methodName, String propertyName) { sourceWriter.println("@Override"); sourceWriter.println("public final boolean " + methodName + "() {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter.println("return this.deleteProperty(\"" + propertyName + "\");"); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); } /** * Write a get JSON primitive property method for the property with the given name. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param methodName The name of the method. * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param primitiveTypeName The name of the JSON primitive type. * @param primitiveMethodName The name of the JSON primitive method. */ private void writeGetJsonPrimitivePropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, String methodName, String propertyName, String primitiveTypeName, String primitiveMethodName) { sourceWriter.println("@Override"); sourceWriter.println("public final " + primitiveTypeName + " " + methodName + "() {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter.println("return this." + primitiveMethodName + "(\"" + propertyName + "\");"); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); } /** * Write a set JSON primitive property method for the property with the given name. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param methodName The name of the method. * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param primitiveTypeName The name of the JSON primitive type. * @param primitiveMethodName The name of the JSON primitive method. */ private void writeSetJsonPrimitivePropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, String methodName, String propertyName, String primitiveTypeName, String primitiveMethodName) { sourceWriter.println("@Override"); sourceWriter .println("public final void " + methodName + "(" + primitiveTypeName + " " + propertyName + ") {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter.println("this." + primitiveMethodName + "(\"" + propertyName + "\", " + propertyName + ");"); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); } /** * Write a get Java primitive property method for the property with the given name. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param methodName The name of the method. * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param primitiveTypeName The name of the Java primitive type. * @param primitiveWrapperTypeName The name of the Java primitive wrapper type. * @param jsonPrimitiveMethodName The name of the JSON primitive method. * @param defaultPrimitiveValue The default primitive value. */ private void writeGetJavaPrimitivePropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, String methodName, String propertyName, String primitiveTypeName, String primitiveWrapperTypeName, String jsonPrimitiveMethodName, String defaultPrimitiveValue) { sourceWriter.println("@Override"); sourceWriter.println("public final " + primitiveTypeName + " " + methodName + "() {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter.println(primitiveWrapperTypeName + " _" + propertyName + " = this." + jsonPrimitiveMethodName + "(\"" + propertyName + "\");"); sourceWriter.println(); sourceWriter.println("return _" + propertyName + " != null ? _" + propertyName + "." + primitiveTypeName + "Value() : " + defaultPrimitiveValue + ";"); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); } /** * Write a set Java primitive property method for the property with the given name. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param methodName The name of the method. * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param primitiveTypeName The name of the Java primitive type. * @param primitiveWrapperTypeName The name of the Java primitive wrapper type. * @param jsonPrimitiveMethodName The name of the JSON primitive method. */ private void writeSetJavaPrimitivePropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, String methodName, String propertyName, String primitiveTypeName, String primitiveWrapperTypeName, String jsonPrimitiveMethodName) { sourceWriter.println("@Override"); sourceWriter .println("public final void " + methodName + "(" + primitiveTypeName + " " + propertyName + ") {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter.println("this." + jsonPrimitiveMethodName + "(\"" + propertyName + "\", " + primitiveWrapperTypeName + ".valueOf(" + propertyName + "));"); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); } /** * Write a get Java character primitive property method for the property with the given name. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param methodName The name of the method. * @param propertyName The name of the property. */ private void writeGetJavaCharacterPrimitivePropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, String methodName, String propertyName) { sourceWriter.println("@Override"); sourceWriter.println("public final char " + methodName + "() {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter.println( "java.lang.String _" + propertyName + " = this.getStringProperty(\"" + propertyName + "\");"); sourceWriter.println(); sourceWriter.println("return _" + propertyName + " != null && !_" + propertyName + ".isEmpty() ? _" + propertyName + ".charAt(0) : '\\0';"); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); } /** * Write a set Java character primitive property method for the property with the given name. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param methodName The name of the method. * @param propertyName The name of the property. */ private void writeSetJavaCharacterPrimitivePropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, String methodName, String propertyName) { sourceWriter.println("@Override"); sourceWriter.println("public final void " + methodName + "(char " + propertyName + ") {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter.println("this.setStringProperty(\"" + propertyName + "\", java.lang.Character.toString(" + propertyName + "));"); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); } /** * Write a get object property method for the property with the given name. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param methodName The name of the method. * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param propertyTypeName The name of the property type. */ private void writeGetObjectPropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, String methodName, String propertyName, String propertyTypeName) { sourceWriter.println("@Override"); sourceWriter.println("public final " + propertyTypeName + " " + methodName + "() {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter.println( "return this.getObjectProperty(\"" + propertyName + "\", " + propertyTypeName + ".class);"); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); } /** * Write a set object property method for the property with the given name. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param methodName The name of the method. * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param propertyTypeName The name of the property type. */ private void writeSetObjectPropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, String methodName, String propertyName, String propertyTypeName) { sourceWriter.println("@Override"); sourceWriter .println("public final void " + methodName + "(" + propertyTypeName + " " + propertyName + ") {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter.println("this.setObjectProperty(\"" + propertyName + "\", " + propertyName + ");"); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); } /** * Write a get object composite property method for the property with the given name. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param methodName The name of the method. * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param propertyTypeName The name of the property type. */ private void writeGetObjectCompositePropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, String methodName, String propertyName, String propertyTypeName, String elementTypeName) { sourceWriter.println("@Override"); sourceWriter.println("public final " + propertyTypeName + " " + methodName + "() {"); sourceWriter.indent(); sourceWriter.println(propertyTypeName + " _" + propertyName + " = this.getObjectProperty(\"" + propertyName + "\", " + propertyTypeName + ".class);"); sourceWriter.println(); sourceWriter.println("return _" + propertyName + " != null ? _" + propertyName + ".castElement(" + elementTypeName + ".class) : null;"); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); } /** * Write a get adapted property method for the property with the given name. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param logger The logger. * @param context The context. * @param methodName The name of the method. * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param propertyTypeName The name of the property type. * @param adapterTypeName The name of the adapter type. * @throws UnableToCompleteException */ private void writeGetAdaptedPropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, String methodName, String propertyName, String propertyTypeName, String adapterTypeName) throws UnableToCompleteException { sourceWriter.println("@Override"); sourceWriter.println("public final " + propertyTypeName + " " + methodName + "() {"); sourceWriter.indent(); JClassType adapterType = this.getType(logger, context, adapterTypeName); if (adapterType.isAssignableTo(this.getType(logger, context, JsonBooleanPropertyAdapter.class.getName()))) { sourceWriter .println("boolean _" + propertyName + " = this.getBooleanProperty(\"" + propertyName + "\");"); } else if (adapterType .isAssignableTo(this.getType(logger, context, JsonNumberPropertyAdapter.class.getName()))) { sourceWriter.println(Number.class.getName() + " _" + propertyName + " = this.getNumberProperty(\"" + propertyName + "\");"); } else if (adapterType .isAssignableTo(this.getType(logger, context, JsonStringPropertyAdapter.class.getName()))) { sourceWriter.println(String.class.getName() + " _" + propertyName + " = this.getStringProperty(\"" + propertyName + "\");"); } else if (adapterType .isAssignableTo(this.getType(logger, context, JsonObjectPropertyAdapter.class.getName()))) { JParameterizedType jsonObjectPropertyType = (JParameterizedType) this .getImplementedInterface(adapterType, JsonObjectPropertyAdapter.class.getName()); JClassType jsonObjectType = jsonObjectPropertyType.getTypeArgs()[1]; sourceWriter.println( jsonObjectType.getQualifiedSourceName() + " _" + propertyName + " = this.getObjectProperty(\"" + propertyName + "\", " + jsonObjectType.getQualifiedSourceName() + ".class);"); } else { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unsupported adapter type " + adapterTypeName, null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } sourceWriter.println(); sourceWriter.println("return " + JsonObjectFactory.class.getName() + ".get().getJsonPropertyAdapter(" + adapterType.getQualifiedSourceName() + ".class).fromJsonProperty(_" + propertyName + ");"); sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); } /** * Write a set adapted property method for the property with the given name. * * @param sourceWriter The source writer. * @param logger The logger. * @param context The context. * @param methodName The name of the method. * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param propertyTypeName The name of the property type. * @param adapterTypeName The name of the adapter type. * @throws UnableToCompleteException */ private void writeSetAdaptedPropertyMethod(SourceWriter sourceWriter, TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, String methodName, String propertyName, String propertyTypeName, String adapterTypeName) throws UnableToCompleteException { sourceWriter.println("@Override"); sourceWriter .println("public final void " + methodName + "(" + propertyTypeName + " " + propertyName + ") {"); sourceWriter.indent(); JClassType adapterType = this.getType(logger, context, adapterTypeName); if (adapterType.isAssignableTo(this.getType(logger, context, JsonBooleanPropertyAdapter.class.getName()))) { sourceWriter.println("boolean _" + propertyName + " = " + JsonObjectFactory.class.getName() + ".get().getJsonPropertyAdapter(" + adapterType.getQualifiedSourceName() + ".class).toJsonProperty(" + propertyName + ");"); sourceWriter.println(); sourceWriter.println("this.setBooleanProperty(\"" + propertyName + "\", _" + propertyName + ");"); } else if (adapterType .isAssignableTo(this.getType(logger, context, JsonNumberPropertyAdapter.class.getName()))) { sourceWriter.println(Number.class.getName() + " _" + propertyName + " = " + JsonObjectFactory.class.getName() + ".get().getJsonPropertyAdapter(" + adapterType.getQualifiedSourceName() + ".class).toJsonProperty(" + propertyName + ");"); sourceWriter.println(); sourceWriter.println("this.setNumberProperty(\"" + propertyName + "\", _" + propertyName + ");"); } else if (adapterType .isAssignableTo(this.getType(logger, context, JsonStringPropertyAdapter.class.getName()))) { sourceWriter.println(String.class.getName() + " _" + propertyName + " = " + JsonObjectFactory.class.getName() + ".get().getJsonPropertyAdapter(" + adapterType.getQualifiedSourceName() + ".class).toJsonProperty(" + propertyName + ");"); sourceWriter.println(); sourceWriter.println("this.setStringProperty(\"" + propertyName + "\", _" + propertyName + ");"); } else if (adapterType .isAssignableTo(this.getType(logger, context, JsonObjectPropertyAdapter.class.getName()))) { JParameterizedType jsonObjectPropertyType = (JParameterizedType) this .getImplementedInterface(adapterType, JsonObjectPropertyAdapter.class.getName()); JClassType jsonObjectType = jsonObjectPropertyType.getTypeArgs()[1]; sourceWriter.println(jsonObjectType.getQualifiedSourceName() + " _" + propertyName + " = " + JsonObjectFactory.class.getName() + ".get().getJsonPropertyAdapter(" + adapterType.getQualifiedSourceName() + ".class).toJsonProperty(" + propertyName + ");"); sourceWriter.println(); sourceWriter.println("this.setObjectProperty(\"" + propertyName + "\", _" + propertyName + ");"); } else { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unsupported adapter type " + adapterTypeName, null); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } sourceWriter.outdent(); sourceWriter.println("}"); } /** * Retrieve the implemented interface with the given name from the given * type. * * @param type The type. * @param interfaceName The name of the interface. * @return The interface. */ private JClassType getImplementedInterface(JClassType type, String interfaceName) { for (JClassType implementedInterface : type.getImplementedInterfaces()) { if (implementedInterface.getQualifiedSourceName().equals(interfaceName)) { return implementedInterface; } implementedInterface = this.getImplementedInterface(implementedInterface, interfaceName); if (implementedInterface != null) { return implementedInterface; } } JClassType superType = type.getSuperclass(); if (superType != null) { JClassType implementedInterface = this.getImplementedInterface(superType, interfaceName); if (implementedInterface != null) { return implementedInterface; } } return null; } /** * Retrieve the type with the given name. * * @param logger The logger. * @param context The context. * @param typeName The name of the type. * @return The type. * @throws UnableToCompleteException */ private JClassType getType(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException { try { return context.getTypeOracle().getType(typeName); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Cannot find type " + typeName, nfe); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } /** * Retrieve the name of the given type. * * @param type The type. * @return The name of the type. */ private String getTypeName(JType type) { if (type instanceof JTypeParameter) { JTypeParameter typeParameter = (JTypeParameter) type; return typeParameter.getName(); } else if (type instanceof JArrayType) { return this.getArrayTypeName((JArrayType) type); } else { return type.getQualifiedSourceName(); } } /** * Retrieve the name of the given array type. * * @param arrayType The array type. * @return The name of the array type. */ private String getArrayTypeName(JArrayType arrayType) { JType elementType = arrayType.getComponentType(); int dimensions = 1; while (elementType instanceof JArrayType) { JArrayType elementArrayType = (JArrayType) elementType; elementType = elementArrayType.getComponentType(); dimensions++; } if (elementType instanceof JTypeParameter) { JTypeParameter elementTypeParameter = (JTypeParameter) elementType; StringBuilder arrayTypeNameBuilder = new StringBuilder(); arrayTypeNameBuilder.append(elementTypeParameter.getName()); for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { arrayTypeNameBuilder.append("[]"); } return arrayTypeNameBuilder.toString(); } else { return arrayType.getQualifiedSourceName(); } } /** * Quote the given string. * * @param string The string. * @return The quoted string. */ private String toQuotedString(String string) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append('"'); for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++) { char c = string.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '"': case '\\': stringBuilder.append('\\'); stringBuilder.append(c); break; default: stringBuilder.append(c); } } stringBuilder.append('"'); return stringBuilder.toString(); } }