Java tutorial
/* * (c) Kitodo. Key to digital objects e. V. <> * * This file is part of the Kitodo project. * * It is licensed under GNU General Public License version 3 or later. * * For the full copyright and license information, please read the * GPL3-License.txt file that was distributed with this source code. */ package org.kitodo.filemanagement; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.kitodo.api.filemanagement.FileManagementInterface; import org.kitodo.api.filemanagement.ProcessSubType; import org.kitodo.api.filemanagement.filters.FileNameEndsWithFilter; import org.kitodo.config.KitodoConfig; import org.kitodo.config.enums.ParameterFileManagement; public class FileManagement implements FileManagementInterface { private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(FileManagement.class); private static final FileMapper fileMapper = new FileMapper(); private static final String IMAGES_DIRECTORY_NAME = "images"; @Override public URI create(URI parentFolderUri, String name, boolean file) throws IOException { if (file) { return createResource(parentFolderUri, name); } return createDirectory(parentFolderUri, name); } private URI createDirectory(URI parentFolderUri, String directoryName) throws IOException { parentFolderUri = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(parentFolderUri); File directory = new File(Paths.get(new File(parentFolderUri).getPath(), directoryName).toUri()); if (!directory.exists() && !directory.mkdir()) { throw new IOException("Could not create directory."); } return fileMapper.unmapUriFromKitodoDataDirectoryUri(Paths.get(directory.getPath()).toUri()); } private URI createResource(URI targetFolder, String fileName) throws IOException { targetFolder = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(targetFolder); File file = new File(Paths.get(new File(targetFolder).getPath(), fileName).toUri()); if (file.exists() || file.createNewFile()) { return fileMapper.unmapUriFromKitodoDataDirectoryUri(Paths.get(file.getPath()).toUri()); } return URI.create(""); } @Override public OutputStream write(URI uri) throws IOException { uri = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(uri); return Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get(uri)); } @Override public InputStream read(URI uri) throws IOException { uri = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(uri); return uri.toURL().openStream(); } @Override public void copy(URI sourceUri, URI targetUri) throws IOException { sourceUri = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(sourceUri); boolean isDirectory = targetUri.getPath().endsWith("/"); targetUri = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(targetUri); String targetPath = targetUri.getPath(); File targetFile = new File(targetPath); if (!fileExist(sourceUri)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(); } else if (isFile(sourceUri) && ((targetFile.exists() && !targetFile.isDirectory()) || !isDirectory)) { copyFile(new File(sourceUri), new File(targetUri)); } else if (isFile(sourceUri)) { copyFileToDirectory(new File(sourceUri), new File(targetUri)); } else if (isDirectory(sourceUri)) { copyDirectory(new File(sourceUri), new File(targetUri)); } } private void copyDirectory(File sourceDirectory, File targetDirectory) throws IOException { if (!targetDirectory.exists()) { targetDirectory.mkdirs(); } FileUtils.copyDirectory(sourceDirectory, targetDirectory, false); } private void copyFile(File sourceFile, File destinationFile) throws IOException { FileUtils.copyFile(sourceFile, destinationFile); } private void copyFileToDirectory(File sourceFile, File targetDirectory) throws IOException { FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(sourceFile, targetDirectory); } @Override public boolean delete(URI uri) throws IOException { if (Objects.isNull(uri) || uri.getPath().isEmpty()) { /* This exception is thrown when the passed URI is empty or null. Using this URI would cause the deletion of the metadata directory. */ throw new IOException("Attempt to delete subdirectory with URI that is empty or null!"); } uri = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(uri); File file = new File(uri); if (file.exists()) { if (file.isFile()) { return Files.deleteIfExists(file.toPath()); } if (file.isDirectory()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(file); return true; } return false; } return true; } @Override public void move(URI sourceUri, URI targetUri) throws IOException { copy(sourceUri, targetUri); delete(sourceUri); } @Override public URI rename(URI uri, String newName) throws IOException { if (Objects.isNull(uri) || Objects.isNull(newName)) { return null; } String substring = uri.toString().substring(0, uri.toString().lastIndexOf('/') + 1); if (newName.contains("/")) { newName = newName.substring(newName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } URI newFileUri = URI.create(substring + newName); URI mappedFileURI = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(uri); URI mappedNewFileURI = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(newFileUri); if (!fileExist(mappedFileURI)) { logger.debug("File {} does not exist for renaming.", uri.getPath()); throw new FileNotFoundException(uri + " does not exist for renaming."); } if (fileExist(mappedNewFileURI)) { String message = "Renaming of " + uri + " into " + newName + " failed: Destination exists."; logger.error(message); throw new IOException(message); } return performRename(mappedFileURI, mappedNewFileURI); } private URI performRename(URI mappedFileURI, URI mappedNewFileURI) throws IOException { File fileToRename = new File(mappedFileURI); File renamedFile = new File(mappedNewFileURI); final int sleepIntervalMilliseconds = 20; final int maxWaitMilliseconds = KitodoConfig .getIntParameter(ParameterFileManagement.FILE_MAX_WAIT_MILLISECONDS); boolean success; int millisWaited = 0; do { if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS && millisWaited == sleepIntervalMilliseconds) { logger.warn("Renaming {} failed. This is Windows. Running the garbage collector may yield good" + " results. Forcing immediate garbage collection now!", fileToRename.getName()); System.gc(); } success = fileToRename.renameTo(renamedFile); if (!success) { if (millisWaited == 0) {"Renaming {} failed. File may be locked. Retrying...", fileToRename.getName()); } waitForThread(sleepIntervalMilliseconds); millisWaited += sleepIntervalMilliseconds; } } while (!success && millisWaited < maxWaitMilliseconds); if (!success) { logger.error("Rename {} failed. This is a permanent error. Giving up.", fileToRename.getName()); throw new IOException( "Renaming of " + fileToRename.getName() + " into " + renamedFile.getName() + " failed."); } if (millisWaited > 0) {"Rename finally succeeded after {} milliseconds.", Integer.toString(millisWaited)); } return fileMapper.unmapUriFromKitodoDataDirectoryUri(Paths.get(renamedFile.getPath()).toUri()); } private void waitForThread(int sleepIntervalMilliseconds) { try { Thread.sleep(sleepIntervalMilliseconds); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.warn("The thread was interrupted"); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } @Override public boolean fileExist(URI uri) { uri = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(uri); return new File(uri).exists(); } @Override public boolean isFile(URI uri) { uri = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(uri); return new File(uri).isFile(); } @Override public boolean isDirectory(URI directory) { directory = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(directory); return new File(directory).isDirectory(); } @Override public boolean canRead(URI uri) { uri = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(uri); return new File(uri).canRead(); } @Override public Integer getNumberOfFiles(FilenameFilter filter, URI directory) { int count = 0; directory = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(directory); if (filter == null) { count += iterateOverDirectories(directory); } else { count += iterateOverSpecificDirectories(filter, directory); } return count; } /** * Iterate over children directories of directory. * * @param directory * as URI * @return amount of files */ private Integer iterateOverDirectories(URI directory) { int count = 0; if (isDirectory(directory)) { List<URI> children = getSubUris(null, directory); for (URI child : children) { child = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(child); if (isDirectory(child)) { count += getNumberOfFiles(null, child); } else { count += 1; } } } return count; } /** * Iterate over children specific directories of directory. * * @param directory * as URI * @return amount of specific (eg. image) files */ private Integer iterateOverSpecificDirectories(FilenameFilter filter, URI directory) { int count = 0; if (isDirectory(directory)) { count = getSubUris(filter, directory).size(); List<URI> children = getSubUris(null, directory); for (URI child : children) { child = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(child); count += getNumberOfFiles(filter, child); } } return count; } @Override public Long getSizeOfDirectory(URI directory) throws IOException { if (!directory.isAbsolute()) { directory = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(directory); } if (isDirectory(directory)) { return FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory(new File(directory)); } else { throw new IOException("Given URI doesn't point to the directory!"); } } @Override public String getFileNameWithExtension(URI uri) { return FilenameUtils.getName(uri.getPath()); } @Override public List<URI> getSubUris(FilenameFilter filter, URI uri) { if (!uri.isAbsolute()) { uri = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(uri); } List<URI> resultList = new ArrayList<>(); File[] files; if (filter == null) { files = listFiles(new File(uri)); } else { files = listFiles(filter, new File(uri)); } for (File file : files) { URI tempURI = Paths.get(file.getPath()).toUri(); resultList.add(fileMapper.unmapUriFromKitodoDataDirectoryUri(tempURI)); } return resultList; } /** * Lists all Files at the given path. * * @param file * the Directory to get the Files from * @return an Array of Files */ private File[] listFiles(File file) { File[] unchecked = file.listFiles(); return unchecked != null ? unchecked : new File[0]; } /** * Lists all files at the given path and with a given filter. * * @param file * the directory to get the Files from * @return an Array of Files */ private File[] listFiles(FilenameFilter filter, File file) { File[] unchecked = file.listFiles(filter); return unchecked != null ? unchecked : new File[0]; } @Override public URI createProcessLocation(String processId) throws IOException { File processRootDirectory = new File(KitodoConfig.getKitodoDataDirectory() + File.separator + processId); if (!processRootDirectory.exists() && !processRootDirectory.mkdir()) { throw new IOException("Could not create processRoot directory."); } return fileMapper.unmapUriFromKitodoDataDirectoryUri(Paths.get(processRootDirectory.getPath()).toUri()); } @Override public URI createUriForExistingProcess(String processId) { return URI.create(processId); } @Override public URI getProcessSubTypeUri(URI processBaseUri, String processTitle, ProcessSubType subType, String resourceName) { return URI.create(getProcessSubType(processBaseUri.toString(), processTitle, subType, resourceName)); } /** * Get part of URI specific for process and process sub type. * * @param processTitle * tile of process * @param processSubType * object * @param resourceName * as String * @return process specific part of URI */ private String getProcessSubType(String processID, String processTitle, ProcessSubType processSubType, String resourceName) { processTitle = encodeTitle(processTitle); final String ocr = "/ocr/"; if (Objects.isNull(resourceName)) { resourceName = ""; } switch (processSubType) { case IMAGE: return processID + "/" + IMAGES_DIRECTORY_NAME + "/" + resourceName; case IMAGE_SOURCE: return getSourceDirectory(processID, processTitle) + resourceName; case META_XML: return processID + "/meta.xml"; case TEMPLATE: return processID + "/template.xml"; case IMPORT: return processID + "/import/" + resourceName; case OCR: return processID + ocr; case OCR_PDF: return processID + ocr + processTitle + "_pdf/" + resourceName; case OCR_TXT: return processID + ocr + processTitle + "_txt/" + resourceName; case OCR_WORD: return processID + ocr + processTitle + "_wc/" + resourceName; case OCR_ALTO: return processID + ocr + processTitle + "_alto/" + resourceName; default: return ""; } } /** * Remove possible white spaces from process titles. * * @param title * process title * @return encoded process title */ private String encodeTitle(String title) { if (title.contains(" ")) { title = title.replace(" ", "__"); } return title; } /** * Gets the image source directory. * * @param processTitle * title of the process, to get the source directory for * @return the source directory as a string */ private URI getSourceDirectory(String processId, String processTitle) { final String suffix = "_" + KitodoConfig.getParameter(ParameterFileManagement.DIRECTORY_SUFFIX, "tif"); URI dir = URI.create(getProcessSubType(processId, processTitle, ProcessSubType.IMAGE, null)); FilenameFilter filterDirectory = new FileNameEndsWithFilter(suffix); URI sourceFolder = URI.create(""); try { List<URI> directories = getSubUris(filterDirectory, dir); if (directories.isEmpty()) { sourceFolder = dir.resolve(processTitle + suffix + "/"); if (KitodoConfig.getBooleanParameter(ParameterFileManagement.CREATE_SOURCE_FOLDER, false)) { if (!fileExist(dir)) { createDirectory(dir.resolve(".."), IMAGES_DIRECTORY_NAME); } createDirectory(dir, processTitle + suffix); } } else { sourceFolder = dir.resolve("/" + directories.get(0)); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return sourceFolder; } @Override public boolean createSymLink(URI homeUri, URI targetUri, boolean onlyRead, String userLogin) { File imagePath = new File(fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(homeUri)); File userHome = new File(getDecodedPath(targetUri)); if (userHome.exists()) { return false; } String command = KitodoConfig.getParameter("script_createSymLink"); CommandService commandService = new CommandService(); List<String> parameters = new ArrayList<>(); parameters.add(imagePath.getAbsolutePath()); parameters.add(userHome.getAbsolutePath()); if (onlyRead) { parameters.add(KitodoConfig.getParameter("UserForImageReading", "root")); } else { parameters.add(userLogin); } try { return commandService.runCommand(new File(command), parameters).isSuccessful(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.error("FileNotFoundException in createSymLink", e); return false; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("IOException in createSymLink", e); return false; } } @Override public boolean deleteSymLink(URI homeUri) { File homeFile = new File(fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(homeUri)); String command = KitodoConfig.getParameter("script_deleteSymLink"); CommandService commandService = new CommandService(); List<String> parameters = new ArrayList<>(); parameters.add(homeFile.getAbsolutePath()); try { return commandService.runCommand(new File(command), parameters).isSuccessful(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.error("FileNotFoundException in deleteSymLink", e); return false; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("IOException in deleteSymLink", e); return false; } } private String getDecodedPath(URI uri) { uri = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(uri); String uriToDecode = new File(uri).getPath(); String decodedPath; try { decodedPath = URLDecoder.decode(uriToDecode, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return ""; } return decodedPath; } public File getFile(URI uri) { uri = fileMapper.mapUriToKitodoDataDirectoryUri(uri); return new File(uri); } }