Java tutorial
/* * (c) Kitodo. Key to digital objects e. V. <> * * This file is part of the Kitodo project. * * It is licensed under GNU General Public License version 3 or later. * * For the full copyright and license information, please read the * GPL3-License.txt file that was distributed with this source code. */ package org.kitodo.dataformat.access; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.function.Function; import; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.kitodo.api.MdSec; import org.kitodo.api.Metadata; import org.kitodo.api.MetadataEntry; import org.kitodo.api.MetadataGroup; import org.kitodo.api.dataformat.IncludedStructuralElement; import org.kitodo.api.dataformat.MediaUnit; import org.kitodo.api.dataformat.View; import org.kitodo.dataformat.metskitodo.AmdSecType; import org.kitodo.dataformat.metskitodo.DivType; import org.kitodo.dataformat.metskitodo.KitodoType; import org.kitodo.dataformat.metskitodo.MdSecType; import org.kitodo.dataformat.metskitodo.MdSecType.MdWrap; import org.kitodo.dataformat.metskitodo.MdSecType.MdWrap.XmlData; import org.kitodo.dataformat.metskitodo.MetadataGroupType; import org.kitodo.dataformat.metskitodo.MetadataType; import org.kitodo.dataformat.metskitodo.Mets; /** * The tree-like outline structure for digital representation. This structuring * structure can be subdivided into arbitrary finely granular * {@link #substructures}. It can be described by {@link #metadata}. */ public class DivXmlElementAccess extends IncludedStructuralElement { /** * The qualified name of the Kitodo meta-data format, needed to assemble the * meta-data entries in METS using JAXB. */ private static final QName KITODO_QNAME = new QName("", "kitodo"); /** * Some magic numbers that are used in the METS XML file representation of * this structure to describe relations between XML elements. They need to * be stored because some scatty third-party scripts rely on them not being * changed anymore once assigned. */ private final String metsReferrerId; /** * Creates a new DivXmlElementAccess. */ public DivXmlElementAccess() { super(); metsReferrerId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } /** * Creates a new DivXmlElementAccess for an existing structure. */ DivXmlElementAccess(IncludedStructuralElement includedStructuralElement) { super(includedStructuralElement); metsReferrerId = includedStructuralElement instanceof DivXmlElementAccess ? ((DivXmlElementAccess) includedStructuralElement).metsReferrerId : UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } /** * Constructor to read a structure from METS. * * @param div * METS {@code <div>} element from which the structure is to be * built * @param mets * METS data structure from which it is possible to determine * what kind of metadata section is linked * @param mediaUnitsMap * From this map, the media units are read, which must be * referenced here by their ID. */ DivXmlElementAccess(DivType div, Mets mets, Map<String, Set<FileXmlElementAccess>> mediaUnitsMap) { super(); super.setLabel(div.getLABEL()); for (Object mdSecType : div.getDMDID()) { super.getMetadata().addAll(readMetadata((MdSecType) mdSecType, MdSec.DMD_SEC)); } for (Object mdSecType : div.getADMID()) { super.getMetadata() .addAll(readMetadata((MdSecType) mdSecType, amdSecTypeOf(mets, (MdSecType) mdSecType))); } metsReferrerId = div.getID(); super.setOrderlabel(div.getORDERLABEL()); for (DivType child : div.getDiv()) { super.getChildren().add(new DivXmlElementAccess(child, mets, mediaUnitsMap)); } super.setType(div.getTYPE()); Set<FileXmlElementAccess> fileXmlElementAccesses = mediaUnitsMap.get(div.getID()); if (Objects.nonNull(fileXmlElementAccesses)) { for (FileXmlElementAccess fileXmlElementAccess : fileXmlElementAccesses) { if (Objects.nonNull(fileXmlElementAccess)) { super.getViews().add(new AreaXmlElementAccess(fileXmlElementAccess).getView()); } } } super.setLink(MptrXmlElementAccess.getLinkFromDiv(div)); } /** * Determines from a METS data structure of which type is a meta-data * section. * * <p> * Implementation note: This method would be a good candidate for * parallelization. * * @param mets * METS data structure that determines what type of meta-data * section is * @param mdSec * administrative meta-data section whose type is to be * determined * @return the type of administrative meta-data section */ static final MdSec amdSecTypeOf(Mets mets, MdSecType mdSec) { for (AmdSecType amdSec : mets.getAmdSec()) { if (amdSec.getSourceMD().contains(mdSec)) { return MdSec.SOURCE_MD; } else if (amdSec.getDigiprovMD().contains(mdSec)) { return MdSec.DIGIPROV_MD; } else if (amdSec.getRightsMD().contains(mdSec)) { return MdSec.RIGHTS_MD; } else if (amdSec.getTechMD().contains(mdSec)) { return MdSec.TECH_MD; } } throw new NoSuchElementException(); } /** * Reads a meta-data section and adds the meta-data to the structure. * * @param mdSecType * type of meta-data section * @param mdSec * meta-data section to be read * * @return */ static final Collection<Metadata> readMetadata(MdSecType mdSecType, MdSec mdSec) { Collection<Metadata> metadata = new HashSet<>(); for (Object object : mdSecType.getMdWrap().getXmlData().getAny()) { if (object instanceof JAXBElement) { JAXBElement<?> jaxbElement = (JAXBElement<?>) object; Object value = jaxbElement.getValue(); if (value instanceof KitodoType) { KitodoType kitodoType = (KitodoType) value; for (MetadataType metadataEntry : kitodoType.getMetadata()) { metadata.add(new MetadataXmlElementAccess(mdSec, metadataEntry).getMetadataEntry()); } for (MetadataGroupType metadataGroup : kitodoType.getMetadataGroup()) { metadata.add(new MetadataGroupXmlElementAccess(mdSec, metadataGroup).getMetadataGroup()); } } } } return metadata; } /** * Creates a METS {@code <div>} element from this structure. * * @param mediaUnitIDs * the assigned identifier for each media unit so that the link * pairs of the struct link section can be formed later * @param smLinkData * the link pairs of the struct link section are added to this * list * @param mets * the METS structure in which the meta-data is added * @return a METS {@code <div>} element */ DivType toDiv(Map<MediaUnit, String> mediaUnitIDs, LinkedList<Pair<String, String>> smLinkData, Mets mets) { DivType div = new DivType(); div.setID(metsReferrerId); div.setLABEL(super.getLabel()); div.setORDERLABEL(super.getOrderlabel()); div.setTYPE(super.getType()); smLinkData.addAll(super.getViews().parallelStream().map(View::getMediaUnit).map(mediaUnitIDs::get) .map(mediaUnitId -> Pair.of(metsReferrerId, mediaUnitId)).collect(Collectors.toList())); Optional<MdSecType> optionalDmdSec = createMdSec(super.getMetadata(), MdSec.DMD_SEC); if (optionalDmdSec.isPresent()) { MdSecType dmdSec = optionalDmdSec.get(); String name = metsReferrerId + ':' + MdSec.DMD_SEC.toString(); dmdSec.setID(UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(name.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)).toString()); mets.getDmdSec().add(dmdSec); div.getDMDID().add(dmdSec); } Optional<AmdSecType> optionalAmdSec = createAmdSec(super.getMetadata(), metsReferrerId, div); if (optionalAmdSec.isPresent()) { AmdSecType admSec = optionalAmdSec.get(); mets.getAmdSec().add(admSec); } if (Objects.nonNull(super.getLink())) { MptrXmlElementAccess.addMptrToDiv(super.getLink(), div); } for (IncludedStructuralElement subincludedStructuralElement : super.getChildren()) { div.getDiv().add( new DivXmlElementAccess(subincludedStructuralElement).toDiv(mediaUnitIDs, smLinkData, mets)); } return div; } /** * Creates a meta-data section of the specified domain of the Kitodo type * and returns it with its connection to the METS if there is data for it. * * @param domain * Domain for which a metadata section is to be generated * @return a metadata section, if there is data for it */ static Optional<MdSecType> createMdSec(Iterable<Metadata> metadata, MdSec domain) { KitodoType kitodoType = new KitodoType(); for (Metadata entry : metadata) { if (domain.equals(entry.getDomain())) { if (entry instanceof MetadataEntry) { kitodoType.getMetadata().add(new MetadataXmlElementAccess((MetadataEntry) entry).toMetadata()); } else if (entry instanceof MetadataGroup) { kitodoType.getMetadataGroup() .add(new MetadataGroupXmlElementAccess((MetadataGroup) entry).toXMLMetadataGroup()); } } } if (kitodoType.getMetadata().isEmpty() && kitodoType.getMetadataGroup().isEmpty()) { return Optional.empty(); } else { XmlData xmlData = new XmlData(); xmlData.getAny().add(new JAXBElement<>(KITODO_QNAME, KitodoType.class, kitodoType)); MdWrap mdWrap = new MdWrap(); mdWrap.setXmlData(xmlData); MdSecType dmdSec = new MdSecType(); dmdSec.setMdWrap(mdWrap); return Optional.of(dmdSec); } } /** * Generates an {@code <amdSec>} if administrative meta-data exists on this * structure. * * @param div * div where ADMID references must be added to the generated * meta-data sections * @return an {@code <amdSec>}, if necessary */ static Optional<AmdSecType> createAmdSec(Iterable<Metadata> metadata, String metsReferrerId, DivType div) { AmdSecType amdSec = new AmdSecType(); boolean source = addMdSec(createMdSec(metadata, MdSec.SOURCE_MD), metsReferrerId, MdSec.SOURCE_MD, AmdSecType::getSourceMD, amdSec, div); boolean digiprov = addMdSec(createMdSec(metadata, MdSec.DIGIPROV_MD), metsReferrerId, MdSec.DIGIPROV_MD, AmdSecType::getDigiprovMD, amdSec, div); boolean rights = addMdSec(createMdSec(metadata, MdSec.RIGHTS_MD), metsReferrerId, MdSec.RIGHTS_MD, AmdSecType::getRightsMD, amdSec, div); boolean tech = addMdSec(createMdSec(metadata, MdSec.TECH_MD), metsReferrerId, MdSec.TECH_MD, AmdSecType::getTechMD, amdSec, div); return source || digiprov || rights || tech ? Optional.of(amdSec) : Optional.empty(); } /** * Adds a meta-data section to an administrative meta-data section, if there * is one. This function deduplicates fourfold existing function for four * different meta-data sections. * * @param optionalMdSec * perhaps existing meta-data section to be added if it exists * @param mdSecType * the type of the mdSec, used in ID generation * @param mdSecTypeGetter * the getter via which the meta-data section can be added to the * administrative meta-data section * @param amdSec * administrative meta-data section to which the meta-data * section should be added, if any * @param div * div where ADMID references must be added to the generated * meta-data sections * @return whether something has been added to the administrative meta-data * section */ private static boolean addMdSec(Optional<MdSecType> optionalMdSec, String metsReferrerId, MdSec mdSecType, Function<AmdSecType, List<MdSecType>> mdSecTypeGetter, AmdSecType amdSec, DivType div) { if (!optionalMdSec.isPresent()) { return false; } else { MdSecType mdSec = optionalMdSec.get(); String name = metsReferrerId + ':' + mdSecType.toString(); mdSec.setID(UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(name.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)).toString()); mdSecTypeGetter.apply(amdSec).add(mdSec); div.getADMID().add(mdSec); return true; } } }