Java tutorial
/** * (c) Copyright 2014 WibiData, Inc. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.kiji.schema.util; import; import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.kiji.annotations.ApiAudience; import org.kiji.annotations.ApiStability; import org.kiji.schema.InternalKijiError; /** * Tracks stateful resources which require manual cleanup. * * <p> * Resources which require explicit cleanup before being garbage collected may register themselves * with this tracker by calling {@link #registerResource} and unregister by calling * {@link #unregisterResource}. If registered resources are not unregistered before garbage * collection or JVM shutdown the tracker will print log messages to the cleanup log. Note that * the tracker will not cleanup the leaked resources, it will only log the failure to do so. * The granularity of tracking and type of logging is defined by the {@link TrackingLevel} of the * {@code DebugResourceTracker}, which is configured by the {@value #TRACKING_LEVEL_PROPERTY} * system property. * </p> */ @ApiAudience.Framework @ApiStability.Experimental public final class DebugResourceTracker { /** * The system property to set to configure the tracking level of this tracker. */ public static final String TRACKING_LEVEL_PROPERTY = "org.kiji.schema.util.DebugResourceTracker.tracking_level"; /** * The configured tracking level of this tracker. This value is set by the system property * specified by TRACKING_LEVEL_PROPERTY, and may be set to any value of the enum * {@link DebugResourceTracker.TrackingLevel}. */ public static final TrackingLevel TRACKING_LEVEL = TrackingLevel .valueOf(System.getProperty(TRACKING_LEVEL_PROPERTY, "COUNTER")); private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DebugResourceTracker.class); private static final Logger CLEANUP_LOG = LoggerFactory .getLogger("cleanup." + DebugResourceTracker.class.getName()); private static final DebugResourceTracker SINGLETON = new DebugResourceTracker(); /** * Get the singleton DebugResourceTracker. * * @return the singleton DebugResourceTracker. */ public static DebugResourceTracker get() { return SINGLETON; } /** * Options for resource tracking granularity. * * <p> * The {@code TrackingLevel} determines how the {@code DebugResourceTracker} handles leaked * resources (resources which are registered and never unregistered). * </p> * * <h3>{@code NONE}</h3> * * <p> * No tracking is performed. This tracking level imposes no performance overhead. * </p> * * <h3>{@code COUNTER}</h3> * * <p> * The total count of registered resources is tracked. This is the recommended tracking level * to use in production. The total registered resource count is logged at shutdown if the count * is greater than zero. * </p> * * <p> * {@code COUNTER} level tracking imposes minimal performance overhead: a global atomic counter * must be incremented or decremented during each resource registration or deregistration. * Additionally, a JVM shutdown hook is registered when {@code COUNTER} level tracking is used. * </p> * * <h3>{@code REFERENCES}</h3> * * <p> * Individual registered resources are tracked. This is the recommended tracking level * while developing and debugging. Leaked resources are logged along with an associated message * and the stack trace at the point of their registration. * </p> * * <p> * {@code REFERENCES} level tracking imposes some performance overhead. Registering and * deregistering resources is globally synchronized. The message and associated stack trace for * currently registered resources use memory. Weak references are held to currently registered * resources, which may affect garbage collector performance, especially for leaked resources. * Additionally, a JVM shutdown hook is registered when {@code REFERENCES} level tracking is * used. * </p> */ public enum TrackingLevel { NONE, COUNTER, REFERENCES } /** Count of tracked resources. */ private final AtomicInteger mCounter; /** Tracks individual resources. */ private final ReferenceTracker mReferenceTracker; /** Initializes the singleton DebugResourceTracker based on the value of TRACKING_LEVEL. */ private DebugResourceTracker() { switch (TRACKING_LEVEL) { case NONE: { mReferenceTracker = null; mCounter = null; break; } case COUNTER: { mReferenceTracker = null; mCounter = new AtomicInteger(0); LOG.debug("Registering hook to log number of unclosed resources at shutdown."); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new ShutdownHook()); break; } case REFERENCES: { mReferenceTracker = new ReferenceTracker(); mCounter = new AtomicInteger(0); LOG.debug("Registering hook to log details of unclosed resources at shutdown."); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new ShutdownHook()); break; } default: throw new InternalKijiError( String.format("Unknown DebugResourceTracker.TrackingType: %s", TRACKING_LEVEL)); } } /** Runs at JVM shutdown and logs warnings for open resources. */ private final class ShutdownHook extends Thread { /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void run() { switch (TRACKING_LEVEL) { case NONE: break; case COUNTER: { logCounter(); break; } case REFERENCES: { logCounter(); mReferenceTracker.close(); break; } default: throw new InternalKijiError( String.format("Unknown DebugResourceTracker.TrackingType: %s", TRACKING_LEVEL)); } } } /** Logs the number of outstanding resources during the shutdown hook. */ private void logCounter() { final String message; switch (TRACKING_LEVEL) { case COUNTER: { message = String.format( "Found {} unclosed resources. Run with system property %s=REFERENCES for more details.", TRACKING_LEVEL_PROPERTY); break; } case REFERENCES: { message = "Found {} unclosed resources."; break; } default: throw new InternalKijiError( String.format("Illegal DebugResourceTracker.TrackingType: %s", TRACKING_LEVEL)); } final int count = mCounter.get(); if (0 != count) { CLEANUP_LOG.error(message, count); LOG.error(message, count); } else { LOG.debug("JVM shutdown with no unclosed resources."); } } /** * Registers a resource that should be cleaned up and removed before JVM shutdown. When using * reference level tracking, the message and the current stack trace will be logged. * * @param resource Object which should be cleaned up before JVM shutdown. * @param message string which will be logged along with the current stack trace if the resource * is not closed before shutdown. A good example of this error message is the stack trace at * the time the object was created. */ public void registerResource(final Object resource, final String message) { switch (TRACKING_LEVEL) { case NONE: break; case COUNTER: { mCounter.incrementAndGet(); break; } case REFERENCES: { // Skip two stack frames. One for the throwable, one for this method. final String stackTrace = Joiner.on('\n') .join(Iterables.skip(Lists.newArrayList(ExceptionUtils.getStackFrames(new Throwable())), 2)); mCounter.incrementAndGet(); mReferenceTracker.registerResource(resource, message, stackTrace); break; } default: throw new InternalKijiError( String.format("Unknown DebugResourceTracker.TrackingType: %s", TRACKING_LEVEL)); } } /** * Registers a resource that should be cleaned up and removed before JVM shutdown. When using * reference level tracking, the message will be the {@link #toString()} of the resource, and the * current stack trace. * <p> * This method will call {@link #toString()} on the passed in resource, so it must be in a valid * state. * * @param resource Object which should be cleaned up before JVM shutdown. */ public void registerResource(final Object resource) { switch (TRACKING_LEVEL) { case NONE: break; case COUNTER: { mCounter.incrementAndGet(); break; } case REFERENCES: { // Skip two stack frames. One for the throwable, one for this method. final String stackTrace = Joiner.on('\n') .join(Iterables.skip(Lists.newArrayList(ExceptionUtils.getStackFrames(new Throwable())), 2)); mCounter.incrementAndGet(); mReferenceTracker.registerResource(resource, resource.toString(), stackTrace); break; } default: throw new InternalKijiError( String.format("Unknown DebugResourceTracker.TrackingType: %s", TRACKING_LEVEL)); } } /** * Removes tracking from a resource, indicating that it has been successfully cleaned up. * <p> * This method will call {@link #toString()} on the passed in resource, so it must be in a valid * state. * * @param resource Object which has been cleaned up and need no longer be tracked. */ public void unregisterResource(final Object resource) { switch (TRACKING_LEVEL) { case NONE: break; case COUNTER: { mCounter.decrementAndGet(); break; } case REFERENCES: { mCounter.decrementAndGet(); mReferenceTracker.unregisterResource(resource); break; } default: throw new InternalKijiError( String.format("Unknown DebugResourceTracker.TrackingType: %s", TRACKING_LEVEL)); } } /** * Tracks registered resources. Uses the phantom reference mechanism of the JVM to recognize when * registered resources are no longer reachable, and logs them. Will log any registered resources * when closed. */ private static final class ReferenceTracker implements Closeable { private final ExecutorService mExecutorService = Executors .newSingleThreadExecutor(new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true) .setNameFormat("DebugResourceTracker.ReferenceTracker").build()); /** Create a {@code ReferenceTracker} instance. */ private ReferenceTracker() { mExecutorService.execute(new ReferenceLogger()); } /** Ref queue for resource references. */ private final ReferenceQueue<Object> mReferenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<Object>(); /** Map of identity hash of registered resource to reference. Access must be synchronized. */ private final ListMultimap<Integer, ResourceReference> mReferences = ArrayListMultimap.create(); /** * Register a resource to be tracked. * * @param resource to be registered to this tracker. * @param message associated with the resource. * @param stackTrace associated with the resource. */ public void registerResource(final Object resource, final String message, final String stackTrace) { LOG.debug("Registering resource {}.", resource); final ResourceReference ref = new ResourceReference(mReferenceQueue, resource, message, stackTrace); synchronized (mReferences) { mReferences.put(ref.getIdentityHash(), ref); } } /** * Unregister a resource from this tracker. * * @param resource to be unregistered from this tracker. */ public void unregisterResource(final Object resource) { LOG.debug("Unregistering resource {}.", resource); synchronized (mReferences) { final List<ResourceReference> refs = mReferences.get(System.identityHashCode(resource)); for (int i = 0; i < refs.size(); i++) { final ResourceReference ref = refs.get(i); // The referent is guaranteed to be present, because the argument is a strong reference if (resource == ref.get()) { refs.remove(i); return; } } }"Attempted to unregister an untracked resource: {}.", resource); } /** * Close this {@code ReferenceTracker}. Will log any outstanding registered resources. */ @Override public void close() { mExecutorService.shutdownNow(); synchronized (mReferences) { for (ResourceReference reference : mReferences.values()) { logReference(reference); reference.clear(); // Prevent the reference from being enqueued } mReferences.clear(); } } /** * Log a reference in the cleanup log with it's message. * * @param reference to log. */ private static void logReference(ResourceReference reference) { CLEANUP_LOG.error("Leaked resource detected: {}\n{}", reference.getMessage(), reference.getStackTrace()); } /** Task which waits for {@code ResourceReference} instances to be enqueued, and logs them. */ private class ReferenceLogger implements Runnable { /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void run() { try { while (true) { ResourceReference ref = (ResourceReference) mReferenceQueue.remove(); synchronized (mReferences) { // Remove multiple times in case of multiple registrations while (mReferences.remove(ref.getIdentityHash(), ref)) { logReference(ref); } } ref.clear(); // Clear the reference to indicate we are finished with it } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // If this thread is interrupted, then die. This happens normally when // ReferenceTracker#close is called. // Restore the interrupted status Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } /** * A {@link WeakReference} to a resource which holds an identity hash code, message, and * stacktrace for the resource. */ @ApiAudience.Private private static final class ResourceReference extends WeakReference<Object> { /** The identity hash code of the resource. */ private final int mIdentityHash; /** Message associated with the resource. */ private final String mMessage; /** Stack trace associated with the resource. */ private final String mStackTrace; /** * Create a {@code ResourceReference} with the provided queue, resource, message, and * stack trace. * * @param refQueue to which this reference will be enqueued when the JVM determines the * resource is no longer reachable. * @param resource to reference. * @param message associated with the resource. * @param stackTrace associated with the resource. */ public ResourceReference(final ReferenceQueue<Object> refQueue, final Object resource, final String message, final String stackTrace) { super(resource, refQueue); mIdentityHash = System.identityHashCode(resource); mMessage = message; mStackTrace = stackTrace; } /** * @return the identity hash code of the resource. */ public int getIdentityHash() { return mIdentityHash; } /** * @return the message associated with the resource. */ public String getMessage() { return mMessage; } /** * @return the stack trace associated with the resource. */ public String getStackTrace() { return mStackTrace; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { return Objects.toStringHelper(this.getClass()).add("identity hash", mIdentityHash) .add("message", mMessage).add("stack trace", mStackTrace).toString(); } } } }