Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2014 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
 *                    Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
 *                    Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *    Technical University Darmstadt - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation

package org.key_project.sed.key.ui.jdt;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMethod;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.MainMethodSearchEngine;
import org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableContext;
import org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableWithProgress;
import org.key_project.sed.key.ui.util.LogUtil;

 * <p>
 * Searches all available Java methods and constructors ({@link IMethod}).
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Usage example:
 * <pre><code>
 * IJavaProject javaProject = ...;
 * IJavaSearchScope searchScope = SearchEngine.createJavaSearchScope(new IJavaElement[] {javaProject}, IJavaSearchScope.SOURCES);
 * AllOperationsSearchEngine engine = new AllOperationsSearchEngine();
 * engine.setIncludeOperationsOfAnnotations(true);
 * engine.setIncludeOperationsOfInnerAndAnonymousTypes(true);
 * IMethod[] methods = engine.searchOperations(new NullProgressMonitor(), searchScope);
 * </code></pre>
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * The implementation is oriented at {@link MainMethodSearchEngine}.
 * </p>
 * @author Martin Hentschel
public class AllOperationsSearchEngine {
     * Include operations of inner and anonymous types in the search result?
    private boolean includeOperationsOfInnerAndAnonymousTypes = false;

     * Include operations of annotations?
    private boolean includeOperationsOfAnnotations = false;

     * Implementation of {@link SearchRequestor} to collect found
     * {@link IMethod}s in a search.
     * @author Martin Hentschel
    private class MethodCollector extends SearchRequestor {
         * Contains all found {@link IMethod}s.
        private List<IMethod> result = new LinkedList<IMethod>();

         * Returns the found {@link IMethod}s.
         * @return The found {@link IMethod}s.
        public List<IMethod> getResult() {
            return result;

         * Checks if the found element is a valid result and adds it 
         * to {@link #getResult()}.
        public void acceptSearchMatch(SearchMatch match) throws CoreException {
            Object enclosingElement = match.getElement();
            if (enclosingElement instanceof IMethod) {
                IMethod method = (IMethod) enclosingElement;
                IType type = (IType) method.getParent();
                if ((isIncludeOperationsOfInnerAndAnonymousTypes() || (!type.isMember() && !type.isAnonymous()))
                        && (isIncludeOperationsOfAnnotations() || !type.isAnnotation())) {

     * Searches all methods and constructors.
     * @param pm The {@link IProgressMonitor} to use.
     * @param scope The {@link IJavaSearchScope} to search in.
     * @return The found {@link IMethod}s.
    public IMethod[] searchOperations(IProgressMonitor pm, IJavaSearchScope scope) {
        pm.beginTask("Searching for methods...", 100);
        int searchTicks = 100;
        SearchPattern constructorPattern = SearchPattern.createPattern("*", IJavaSearchConstants.CONSTRUCTOR,
                IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS, SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH | SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE);
        SearchPattern methodPattern = SearchPattern.createPattern("*", IJavaSearchConstants.METHOD,
                IJavaSearchConstants.DECLARATIONS, SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH | SearchPattern.R_CASE_SENSITIVE);
        SearchPattern pattern = SearchPattern.createOrPattern(constructorPattern, methodPattern);
        SearchParticipant[] participants = new SearchParticipant[] { SearchEngine.getDefaultSearchParticipant() };
        MethodCollector collector = new MethodCollector();
        IProgressMonitor searchMonitor = new SubProgressMonitor(pm, searchTicks);
        try {
            new SearchEngine().search(pattern, participants, scope, collector, searchMonitor);
        } catch (CoreException ce) {
        List<IMethod> result = collector.getResult();
        return result.toArray(new IMethod[result.size()]);

     * Searches all methods and constructors.
     * @param context The {@link IRunnableContext} to search in.
     * @param scope The {@link IJavaSearchScope} to search in.
     * @return The found {@link IMethod}s.
     * @throws InvocationTargetException Occurred Exception.
     * @throws InterruptedException Occurred Exception.
    public IMethod[] searchOperations(IRunnableContext context, final IJavaSearchScope scope)
            throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException {
        final IMethod[][] res = new IMethod[1][];
        IRunnableWithProgress runnable = new IRunnableWithProgress() {
            public void run(IProgressMonitor pm) throws InvocationTargetException {
                res[0] = searchOperations(pm, scope);
        };, true, runnable);
        return res[0];

     * Checks if methods and constructors of if inner and anonymous types are included in the search result?
     * @return {@code true} included, {@code false} not included.
    public boolean isIncludeOperationsOfInnerAndAnonymousTypes() {
        return includeOperationsOfInnerAndAnonymousTypes;

     * Defines if methods and constructors of inner and anonymous types are included in the search result?
     * @param includeOperationsOfInnerAndAnonymousTypes {@code true} included, {@code false} not included.
    public void setIncludeOperationsOfInnerAndAnonymousTypes(boolean includeOperationsOfInnerAndAnonymousTypes) {
        this.includeOperationsOfInnerAndAnonymousTypes = includeOperationsOfInnerAndAnonymousTypes;

     * Checks if methods of annotations are included in the search result.
     * @return {@code true} included, {@code false} not included.
    public boolean isIncludeOperationsOfAnnotations() {
        return includeOperationsOfAnnotations;

     * Defines if methods of annotations are included in the search result.
     * @param includeOperationsOfAnnotations {@code true} included, {@code false} not included.
    public void setIncludeOperationsOfAnnotations(boolean includeOperationsOfAnnotations) {
        this.includeOperationsOfAnnotations = includeOperationsOfAnnotations;