Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2010 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * '$Author: barseghian $' * '$Date: 2010-12-21 17:17:53 -0800 (Tue, 21 Dec 2010) $' * '$Revision: 26584 $' * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above * copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies * of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY * FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE * PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF * CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, * ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * */ package org.kepler.sms; /** * */ import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.semanticweb.owl.apibinding.OWLManager; import; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.AddAxiom; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLAnnotation; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLAxiom; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLClass; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLDataFactory; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLDescription; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLLabelAnnotation; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntology; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntologyChangeException; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntologyManager; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntologyStorageException; import org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLRuntimeException; import org.semanticweb.owl.vocab.OWLRDFVocabulary; public class NamedOntClass implements Comparable { protected OWLClass _ontClass; protected OWLOntology _ontology; protected String _name; protected NamedOntModel _model = null; protected boolean _orphaned; private boolean _removable = true; public String getManualUrl() { return _manualUrl; } public void setManualUrl(String _manualUrl) { this._manualUrl = _manualUrl; } protected String _manualUrl; public boolean isOrphaned() { return _orphaned; } public void setOrphaned(boolean orphaned) { this._orphaned = orphaned; } public NamedOntClass(String url, String label) { this.setOrphaned(true); this.setManualUrl(url); _name = label; } public NamedOntClass(String text) { OntologyCatalog catalog = OntologyCatalog.instance(); _ontology = catalog.getDefaultOntology(); _name = text; _ontClass = catalog.getConceptWithLabel(text); _orphaned = false; if (_ontClass == null) { // This isn't already in the default ontology, so we have to deal with that. OWLOntologyManager manager = OntologyCatalog.getManager(); OWLDataFactory factory = manager.getOWLDataFactory(); OWLClass cls = factory.getOWLClass(URI.create(_ontology.getURI() + makeNameIntoOWLClass(text))); OWLLabelAnnotation label = factory.getOWLLabelAnnotation(text); OWLAxiom axiom = factory.getOWLEntityAnnotationAxiom(cls, label); try { manager.applyChange(new AddAxiom(_ontology, axiom)); } catch (OWLOntologyChangeException ex) { log.error("Error adding new class and label: " + text, ex); } try { // NOTE: Must specify a separate physical URI or it doesn't // NOTE: know where it is. The logical URI is no help. Iterator<NamedOntModel> iterator = catalog.getNamedOntModels(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { NamedOntModel model =; if (isDefaultModel(model)) { manager.saveOntology(_ontology, new RDFXMLOntologyFormat(), model.getFile().toURI());"Saved ontology"); break; } } } catch (OWLOntologyStorageException ex) { log.error("Error saving ontology", ex); } _ontClass = cls; } } private void setModel() { OntologyCatalog catalog = OntologyCatalog.instance(); Iterator<NamedOntModel> iterator = catalog.getNamedOntModels(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { NamedOntModel model =; if (model.getOntology().equals(_ontology)) { _model = model; } } } public NamedOntClass getThisClass() { return this; } private boolean isDefaultModel(NamedOntModel model) { return Constants.defaultOntologyName.equals(model.getName()); } private String makeNameIntoOWLClass(String text) { return makeNameIntoOWLClassByAddingUnderscores(text); } private String makeNameIntoOWLClassByAddingUnderscores(String text) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("#"); for (String chunk : text.split("\\s+")) { buffer.append(chunk).append("_"); } String string = buffer.toString(); return string.substring(0, string.length() - 1); } // This has been deprecated in favor of the whitespace replacement // approach (see: makeNameIntoOWLClassByAddingUnderscores(String). /* private String makeNameIntoOWLClassByRemovingWhitespace(String text) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("#"); for (String chunk : text.split("\\s+")) { buffer.append(chunk); } return buffer.toString(); } */ public NamedOntClass(OWLClass ontClass, OWLOntology ontology) { _ontClass = ontClass; _ontology = ontology; try { String str = NamedOntModel .parseLabel(ontClass.getAnnotations(ontology, OWLRDFVocabulary.RDFS_LABEL.getURI()) .toArray(new OWLAnnotation[1])[0]); if (str != null) _name = str; else _name = ontClass.toString(); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { _name = ontClass.toString(); } } public NamedOntClass(NamedOntClass noc) { this._ontClass = noc.ontClass(); this._ontology = noc.getOntology(); this._name = noc.getName(); } public boolean isRemovable() { return _removable; } public void setRemovable(boolean removable) { _removable = removable; } public static class IteratorIterable<T> implements Iterable<T> { public IteratorIterable(Iterator<T> iterator) { this.iterator = iterator; } public Iterator<T> iterator() { return this.iterator; } private Iterator<T> iterator; } public static NamedOntClass createNamedOntClassFromURI(String tagURIString) { String ontologyURIString; String[] parts = tagURIString.split("#"); if (parts.length < 2) { return null; } else { ontologyURIString = parts[0]; } return createNamedOntClassFromURIs(tagURIString, ontologyURIString); } public static NamedOntClass createNamedOntClassFromURIs(String tagURIString, String ontologyURIString) { //String originalTagURIString = tagURIString; String[] parts = tagURIString.split("#"); String label; if (parts.length > 2) { label = parts[2]; tagURIString = parts[0] + "#" + parts[1]; } else { label = parts[1]; } OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager(); OWLClass cls = manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLClass(URI.create(tagURIString)); NamedOntModel theModel = null; for (NamedOntModel model : new IteratorIterable<NamedOntModel>( OntologyCatalog.instance().getNamedOntModels())) { if (ontologyURIString.equals(model.getOntology().getURI().toString())) { theModel = model; } } if (theModel == null) { // Model not found /// changed 12.21.10 ///return new NamedOntClass(originalTagURIString, label); /// sometimes the originalTagURIString looks like (dont want extra label): /// urn:lsid:localhost:onto:797050988:1#testtag#testtag return new NamedOntClass(tagURIString, label); } OWLOntology ontology = theModel.getOntology(); return new NamedOntClass(cls, ontology); } public String toString() { return getName(); } public OWLClass ontClass() { return _ontClass; } public OWLOntology getOntology() { return _ontology; } public String getName() { return _name; } private static Pattern parseAnnotation = Pattern.compile("\"(.*)\"\\^\\^string"); public String getComment() { try { OWLAnnotation annotation = _ontClass.getAnnotations(_ontology, OWLRDFVocabulary.RDFS_COMMENT.getURI()) .iterator().next(); String rawAnnotation = annotation.getAnnotationValue().toString(); Matcher matcher = parseAnnotation.matcher(rawAnnotation); if (matcher.matches()) { return; } return rawAnnotation; } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) { return ""; } } public NamedOntModel getModel() { if (_model == null) { setModel(); } return _model; } public String getOntologyName() { String nspace = getNameSpace(); OntologyCatalog _catalog = OntologyCatalog.instance(); return _catalog.getOntologyName(nspace); } public String getLocalName() { String uriString = getConceptUri(); return uriString.split("#")[1]; // return _ontClass.toString(); } public boolean hasNameSpace() { String uriString = getConceptUri(); // String uriString = _ontClass.getURI().toString(); String localName = getLocalName(); assert (uriString.endsWith(localName)); return uriString.length() - localName.length() > 1; } private String getConceptUri() { if (isOrphaned()) { return getManualUrl(); } else { return _ontClass.getURI().toString(); } } public String getNameSpace() { if (hasNameSpace()) { return _getNameSpace(); } else { return _ontology.getURI().toString() + "#"; } } public String _getNameSpace() { String uriString = getConceptUri(); String localName = getLocalName(); assert (uriString.endsWith(localName)); return uriString.substring(0, uriString.length() - localName.length()); } public String getConceptId() { return getNameSpace() + getLocalName(); } public String getConceptIdWithLabel() { return getConceptId() + "#" + getName(); } /** * @param sorted * Return sorted list if true. */ public Iterator<NamedOntClass> getNamedSubClasses(boolean sorted) { Vector<NamedOntClass> result = new Vector<NamedOntClass>(); for (OWLDescription desc : _ontClass.getSubClasses(_ontology)) { OWLClass subcls = desc.asOWLClass(); boolean hasLabel = !subcls.getAnnotations(_ontology, OWLRDFVocabulary.RDFS_LABEL.getURI()).isEmpty(); if (hasLabel || subcls.toString() != null) { // NOTE: Does subcls.toString == null happen? result.add(new NamedOntClass(subcls, _ontology)); } } if (sorted) { Collections.sort(result); } return result.iterator(); } /** * @param sorted * Return sorted list if true. */ public Iterator<NamedOntClass> getNamedSuperClasses(boolean sorted) { Vector<NamedOntClass> result = new Vector<NamedOntClass>(); for (OWLDescription desc : _ontClass.getSuperClasses(_ontology)) { OWLClass supcls; try { supcls = desc.asOWLClass(); } catch (OWLRuntimeException ex) { log.warn("Failed to parse: " + desc + " (" + desc.getClass().getName() + ")"); continue; } boolean hasLabel = !supcls.getAnnotations(_ontology, OWLRDFVocabulary.RDFS_LABEL.getURI()).isEmpty(); if (hasLabel || supcls.toString() != null) { // NOTE: Does supcls.toString == null happen? result.add(new NamedOntClass(supcls, _ontology)); } } if (sorted) { Collections.sort(result); } return result.iterator(); } public Iterator<NamedOntProperty> getNamedProperties(boolean sorted) { return Collections.<NamedOntProperty>emptyList().iterator(); // Vector<NamedOntProperty> result = new Vector<NamedOntProperty>(); // // Set<OWLAnnotation> annotations = _ontClass.getAnnotations(_ontology); //// for (OWLAnnotation annotation : annotations) { //// annotation.getAnno //// } // for (Iterator<OWLProperty> iter = _ontClass.listDeclaredProperties(true); iter // .hasNext();) { // OWLProperty prop = (OWLProperty); // result.add(new NamedOntProperty(prop)); // } // if (sorted) // Collections.sort(result); // return result.iterator(); } // /** // * @return The (first) comment associated with the class // */ // // NOTE: Not used // public String getComment() { // return _ontClass.getComment(null); // } // /** // * @return Answer true if the given class is a "direct" sub-class of this // * class. // */ // // NOTE: Not used - but would be easy to convert // public boolean isDirectSubClass(NamedOntClass cls) { // for (Iterator<NamedOntClass> iter = getNamedSubClasses(false); iter.hasNext();) { // NamedOntClass tmpCls = (NamedOntClass); // if (tmpCls.equals(cls)) // return true; // } // return false; // } /** * @return Answer true if the given class is a sub-class of this class. */ public boolean isSubClass(NamedOntClass cls) { // return _ontClass.hasSubClass(cls.ontClass(), false); Set<OWLDescription> descriptions = this.ontClass().getSubClasses(this.getOntology()); for (OWLDescription description : descriptions) { NamedOntClass newClass = new NamedOntClass(description.asOWLClass(), this.getOntology()); if (cls.equals(newClass)) { return true; } } return false; } // /** // * @return Answer true if the given class is a "direct" super-class of this // * class. // */ // // NOTE: Not used - but would be easy to convert // public boolean isDirectSuperClass(NamedOntClass cls) { // // return _ontClass.hasSuperClass(cls.ontClass(), true); // for (Iterator<NamedOntClass> iter = getNamedSuperClasses(false); iter.hasNext();) { // NamedOntClass tmpCls = (NamedOntClass); // if (tmpCls.equals(cls)) // return true; // } // return false; // } // /** // * @return Answer true if the given class is a super-class of this class. // */ // // NOTE: Not used - but would be easy to convert // public boolean isSuperClass(NamedOntClass cls) { // // return _ontClass.hasSuperClass(cls.ontClass(), false); // for (Iterator<NamedOntClass> iter = getNamedSuperClasses(false); iter.hasNext();) { // NamedOntClass tmpCls = (NamedOntClass); // if (tmpCls.equals(cls)) // return true; // if (tmpCls.isSuperClass(cls)) // return true; // } // return false; // } /** * @return Answer true if the given class is disjoint with this class. */ // NOTE: Not used public boolean isDisjointWith(NamedOntClass cls) { Set<OWLDescription> descriptions = ontClass().getDisjointClasses(this.getOntology()); for (OWLDescription description : descriptions) { NamedOntClass newClass = new NamedOntClass(description.asOWLClass(), this.getOntology()); if (cls.equals(newClass)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @return Answer true if the given class is equivalent to this class. */ // NOTE: Not used public boolean isEquivalent(NamedOntClass cls) { Set<OWLDescription> descriptions = ontClass().getEquivalentClasses(this.getOntology()); for (OWLDescription description : descriptions) { NamedOntClass newClass = new NamedOntClass(description.asOWLClass(), this.getOntology()); if (cls.equals(newClass)) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof NamedOntClass)) return false; NamedOntClass tmp = (NamedOntClass) obj; String myUri, yourUri; myUri = this.isOrphaned() ? this.getManualUrl() : this.getAbsoluteURI().toString(); yourUri = tmp.isOrphaned() ? tmp.getManualUrl() : tmp.getAbsoluteURI().toString(); return myUri.equals(yourUri); } @Override public int hashCode() { if (isOrphaned()) { return getManualUrl().hashCode(); } return getAbsoluteURI().hashCode(); } private URI getAbsoluteURI() { // Make OWL class absolute URI absoluteOntClassURI; if (_ontClass.getURI().toString().startsWith("#")) { absoluteOntClassURI = URI.create(_ontology.getURI().toString() + _ontClass.getURI().toString()); } else { absoluteOntClassURI = _ontClass.getURI(); } return absoluteOntClassURI; } public int compareTo(Object obj) { String str1 = toString(); String str2 = obj.toString(); return str1.compareTo(str2); } private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(NamedOntClass.class); }