Java tutorial
/* * $RCSfile$ * * $Author: crawl $ * $Date: 2012-11-28 09:22:15 -0800 (Wed, 28 Nov 2012) $ * $Revision: 31147 $ * * For Details: * * Copyright (c) 2007 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY * FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE * PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY * OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, * UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. */ package org.kepler.monitor; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.Timer; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.kepler.monitor.MonitoredStatus.State; import org.kepler.monitor.figure.TrafficLightFigure; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity; import ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity; import ptolemy.kernel.Port; import ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute; import ptolemy.kernel.util.ChangeRequest; import ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException; import ptolemy.kernel.util.Location; import ptolemy.kernel.util.NameDuplicationException; import ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj; import ptolemy.kernel.util.Settable; import ptolemy.kernel.util.SingletonAttribute; import ptolemy.moml.MoMLChangeRequest; import; import; import ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditorIcon; import diva.canvas.CompositeFigure; import diva.canvas.Figure; import diva.graph.GraphController; import diva.graph.GraphPane; import diva.graph.GraphViewEvent; import diva.graph.GraphViewListener; import diva.graph.JGraph; /** * The monitor manager. * <p> * An instance of this attribute can be inserted in a workflow to dynamically * associate activity icons to the existing entities ( * {@link ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity}). * * <p> * Demo workflows are under $KEPLER/workflows/test/monitor/ * * <p> * Note: Configuration is very limited in this preliminary version. * * @author Carlos Rueda * @version $Id: 31147 2012-11-28 17:22:15Z crawl $ */ public class MonitorManager extends SingletonAttribute implements Initializable { /** * The icon type for all created monitor attributes */ public StringParameter iconType; /** Delay for the timer */ public StringParameter timerDelay; /** * Add monitor attributes for input ports? */ public Parameter addInputPortCounters; /** * Add monitor attributes for output ports? */ public Parameter addOutputPortCounters; /** * Creates a monitor manager. * * @see ptolemy.kernel.util.SingletonAttribute#SingletonAttribute(NamedObj, * String) */ public MonitorManager(NamedObj container, String name) throws IllegalActionException, NameDuplicationException { super(container, name); // set up my own icon and figure: _managerIcon = new MonitorIcon(this, "_icon"); _managerIcon.setText("MonitorManager"); _managerFigure = new TrafficLightFigure(1, new Rectangle2D.Double(3, 8, 7, 7)); _managerIcon.setFigure(_managerFigure); // Parameters: iconType = new StringParameter(this, "iconType"); String none = ICON_TYPE_NONE; String[] iconTypes = MonitorAttribute.iconTypes(); iconType.setExpression(none); iconType.addChoice(none); for (int i = 0; i < iconTypes.length; i++) { // don't show the COUNTER style: if (!iconTypes[i].equals(MonitorAttribute.COUNTER)) { iconType.addChoice(iconTypes[i]); } } iconType.setDisplayName("Monitor icon type for entities"); timerDelay = new StringParameter(this, "timerDelay"); timerDelay.setExpression("1000"); timerDelay.setDisplayName("Timer delay for created indicators (ms)"); addInputPortCounters = new Parameter(this, "addInputPortCounters"); addInputPortCounters.setTypeEquals(BaseType.BOOLEAN); addInputPortCounters.setExpression("false"); addInputPortCounters.setDisplayName("Add counters for input ports?"); addOutputPortCounters = new Parameter(this, "addOutputPortCounters"); addOutputPortCounters.setTypeEquals(BaseType.BOOLEAN); addOutputPortCounters.setExpression("false"); addOutputPortCounters.setDisplayName("Add counters for output ports?"); if (isDebugging) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> container=" + container + " name=" + name); } // Hide the name. SingletonParameter hideName = new SingletonParameter(this, "_hideName"); hideName.setToken(BooleanToken.TRUE); hideName.setVisibility(Settable.EXPERT); } /** * Sets the icon type and timer delay according to the changed attribute. */ public void attributeChanged(Attribute attribute) throws IllegalActionException { if (attribute == iconType) { String iconTypeValue = iconType.stringValue(); if (iconTypeValue.equals(ICON_TYPE_NONE) || Arrays.asList(MonitorAttribute.iconTypes()).contains(iconTypeValue)) { _iconType = iconTypeValue; } else { throw new IllegalActionException("Unexpected iconType: " + iconTypeValue); } } else if (attribute == timerDelay) { try { _timerDelay = Integer.parseInt(timerDelay.stringValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalActionException("NumberFormatException: " + e); } } else if (attribute == addInputPortCounters) { Token token = addInputPortCounters.getToken(); boolean newValue = ((BooleanToken) token).booleanValue(); if (newValue != _addInputPortCounters) { _addInputPortCounters = newValue; } } else if (attribute == addOutputPortCounters) { Token token = addOutputPortCounters.getToken(); boolean newValue = ((BooleanToken) token).booleanValue(); if (newValue != _addOutputPortCounters) { _addOutputPortCounters = newValue; } } else { super.attributeChanged(attribute); } } /** * Finishes the monitors. */ public void wrapup() throws IllegalActionException { if (isDebugging) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> #wrapup"); } Manager manager = ((CompositeActor) getContainer()).getManager(); if (manager != null) { manager.removeExecutionListener(_executionListener); } _executionFinished(); } /** * If container is null, it finishes monitoring */ public void setContainer(NamedObj container) throws IllegalActionException, NameDuplicationException { if (isDebugging) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> new container=" + container); } NamedObj previousContainer = getContainer(); super.setContainer(container); if (previousContainer != null) { if (previousContainer instanceof Initializable) { ((Initializable) previousContainer).removeInitializable(this); } } if (container != null) { // Try to add this as an initialible object to the toplevel // container: NamedObj toplevel = toplevel(); if (toplevel instanceof Initializable) { // make sure we don't add ourselves multiple times: ((Initializable) toplevel).removeInitializable(this); ((Initializable) toplevel).addInitializable(this); if (isDebugging) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> added initializable to toplevel=" + toplevel); } } } else { _executionFinished(); _removeMIcons(); } } /** * Creates the MI attributes for the existing component entities in the * container and activates the MI icons. */ public void initialize() throws IllegalActionException { if (isDebugging) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> #initialize()"); } _getGraphController(); _initialize(); Manager manager = ((CompositeActor) getContainer()).getManager(); if (manager != null) { manager.addExecutionListener(_executionListener); } for (MonitoredEntity item : _monitoredEntities.values()) { item.startFigureUpdater(); } _managerFigure.setState(State.RUNNING); if (isDebugging && _graphController != null) { for (MonitoredEntity item : _monitoredEntities.values()) { item._showPortLocations(_graphController); } } _registerGraphViewListener(true); } /** Does nothing. */ public void addInitializable(Initializable initializable) { } /** Does nothing. */ public void preinitialize() throws IllegalActionException { } /** Does nothing. */ public void removeInitializable(Initializable initializable) { } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // private members //// /** * Calls _relocate(item) when a monitored entity changes its location, so * the corresponding MI attribute is relocated accordingly. * * <p> * Note: it seems nodeMoved(e) is never called, so the action is done in * nodeDrawn(e). */ private class MyGraphViewListener implements GraphViewListener { public void edgeDrawn(GraphViewEvent e) { // Ignore. } public void edgeRouted(GraphViewEvent e) { // Ignore. } public void nodeDrawn(GraphViewEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); Object target = e.getTarget(); if (source instanceof ActorController && target instanceof Location) { Location loc = (Location) target; NamedObj container = loc.getContainer(); if (container instanceof ComponentEntity) { ComponentEntity entity = (ComponentEntity) container; MonitoredEntity item = _monitoredEntities.get(entity.getName()); if (item != null) { for (MonitorAttribute attr : item.attrs) { _relocate(item, attr); } } } } } public void nodeMoved(GraphViewEvent e) { // NOTE haven't seen this method being called -- why? log.debug("nodeMoved e=" + e); } } private void _getGraphController() { Effigy effigy = Configuration.findEffigy(this.toplevel()); if (effigy == null) { if (isDebugging) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> No top effigy"); } return; } effigy = effigy.topEffigy(); TableauFactory tf = effigy.getTableauFactory(); if (isDebugging) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> top effigy class = " + effigy.getClass() + "\n" + "tableau factory = " + tf); } try { Tableau tableau = tf.createTableau(effigy); JFrame frame = tableau.getFrame(); if (frame instanceof ActorGraphFrame) { ActorGraphFrame agf = (ActorGraphFrame) frame; JGraph jgraph = agf.getJGraph(); GraphPane graphPane = jgraph.getGraphPane(); _graphController = (GraphController) graphPane.getGraphController(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("error in _getGraphController", e); } } /** * Registers/Unregisters our GraphViewListener so we can react to changes in * location of entities. * * @param register * true to call controller.addGraphViewListener(gvl), false to * call controller.removeGraphViewListener(gvl), where controller * is the GraphController obtained through the top effigy * associated with this.toplevel(). * * @return true iff the {add|remove}GraphViewListener call was done. */ private boolean _registerGraphViewListener(boolean register) { Effigy effigy = Configuration.findEffigy(this.toplevel()); if (effigy == null) { if (isDebugging) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> No top effigy"); } return false; } effigy = effigy.topEffigy(); TableauFactory tf = effigy.getTableauFactory(); if (isDebugging) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> top effigy class = " + effigy.getClass() + "\n" + "tableau factory = " + tf); } try { Tableau tableau = tf.createTableau(effigy); JFrame frame = tableau.getFrame(); if (frame instanceof ActorGraphFrame) { ActorGraphFrame agf = (ActorGraphFrame) frame; JGraph jgraph = agf.getJGraph(); GraphPane graphPane = jgraph.getGraphPane(); _graphController = (GraphController) graphPane.getGraphController(); if (register) { _graphController.addGraphViewListener(gvl); log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> GraphViewListener added"); } else { _graphController.removeGraphViewListener(gvl); log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> GraphViewListener removed"); } return true; } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> error in _registerGraphViewListener", e); } return false; } /** * Creates and initialize the monitors to the entities in my container. * * @throws IllegalActionException */ private/* synchronized */void _initialize() throws IllegalActionException { if (getContainer() == null) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> NO container!"); return; } boolean wasDeferringChangeRequests = isDeferringChangeRequests(); if (isDebugging) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> isDeferringChangeRequests = " + wasDeferringChangeRequests); } if (wasDeferringChangeRequests) { setDeferringChangeRequests(false); } List entityList = ((CompositeEntity) getContainer()).entityList(ComponentEntity.class); for (Iterator it = entityList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ComponentEntity entity = (ComponentEntity); _monitor(entity); } setDeferringChangeRequests(wasDeferringChangeRequests); for (MonitoredEntity item : _monitoredEntities.values()) { item.update(); } } /** * Creates the monitors for a given entity. * * @param entity */ private void _monitor(final ComponentEntity entity) { // We need the icon to get the location of the entity Attribute attr = entity.getAttribute("_icon"); if (attr == null) { log.error(" Unexpected: No attribute by name '_icon' in entity " + entity); return; } if (!(attr instanceof EditorIcon)) { log.error(" Unexpected: '_icon' attribute is not an EditorIcon in entity " + entity); return; } log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> _icon attribute class = " + attr.getClass().getName()); // If the entity already uses a MonitorIcon, then do nothing: if (attr instanceof MonitorIcon) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> Entity already uses a MonitorIcon."); return; } // first, create a MonitoredEntity for the entity. // This will be initialized with only the associated MonitoredStatus // object: MonitoredEntity item = new MonitoredEntity(entity); _monitoredEntities.put(entity.getName(), item); // now, create and associate a visual attribute for the entity as a // whole: if (!ICON_TYPE_NONE.equalsIgnoreCase(_iconType)) { _addMonitorAttributeForEntity(item); } // now, create and associate visual attributes for the ports: List ports = item.entity.portList(); for (Object obj : ports) { Port port = (Port) obj; if (port instanceof IOPort) { IOPort ioport = (IOPort) port; if ((ioport.isInput() && _addInputPortCounters) || (ioport.isOutput() && _addOutputPortCounters)) { _addMonitorAttributeForPort(item, ioport); } } } } /** * Adds a new MI attribute with the given name. */ private void _addMonitorAttributeForEntity(final MonitoredEntity item) { final String name = _getMonitorAttributeNameForEntity(item.entity); double[] loc = _getEntityAttributeLocation(item, null); double x = loc[0], y = loc[1]; String moml = _getMonitorAttributeMoml(name, x, y, _iconType, _timerDelay); ChangeRequest request = new MoMLChangeRequest(this, getContainer(), moml) { protected void _execute() throws Exception { try { super._execute(); // ok, we now have our MonitorAttribute: MonitorAttribute attr = (MonitorAttribute) getContainer().getAttribute(name); // associate the MonitorAttribute: item.addMonitorAttribute(attr); attr.setMonitoredStatus(item.status); FigureUpdater figUpdater = new FigureUpdater(); figUpdater.setFigure(attr.getIcon().getFigure()); attr.setFigureUpdater(figUpdater); // and start the figure updater: figUpdater.start(); item.status.addPropertyChangeListener(figUpdater); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; if (isDebugging) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> Request to add monitor with name " + name); } request.setPersistent(false); requestChange(request); } /** * Adds a new MI attribute with the given name. */ private void _addMonitorAttributeForPort(final MonitoredEntity item, final IOPort ioport) { final String name = _getMonitorAttributeNameForPort(item.entity, ioport); double[] loc = _getPortAttributeLocation(item, ioport, null); if (loc == null) { // but we need the location; so, cannot add monitor: return; } double x = loc[0], y = loc[1]; String moml = _getMonitorAttributeMoml(name, x, y, MonitorAttribute.COUNTER, _timerDelay); ChangeRequest request = new MoMLChangeRequest(this, getContainer(), moml) { protected void _execute() throws Exception { try { super._execute(); // ok, we now have our MonitorAttribute: MonitorAttribute attr = (MonitorAttribute) getContainer().getAttribute(name); // associate the ioport with the attribute: attr.setPort(ioport); // associate the MonitorAttribute: item.addMonitorAttribute(attr); attr.setMonitoredStatus(item.status); FigureUpdater figUpdater = new FigureUpdater(); figUpdater.setFigure(attr.getIcon().getFigure()); attr.setFigureUpdater(figUpdater); // set property for the updates String portName = ioport.getName(); String propName = "portEvent:" + portName; figUpdater.setPropertyNameForLabel(propName); // and start the figure updater: figUpdater.start(); item.status.addPropertyChangeListener(figUpdater); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; if (isDebugging) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> Request to add monitor with name " + name); } request.setPersistent(false); requestChange(request); } /** * Gets the location for an entity's monitor attribute. */ private double[] _getEntityAttributeLocation(final MonitoredEntity item, double[] loc) { if (loc == null) { loc = new double[2]; } Location entityLocation = (Location) item.entity.getAttribute("_location"); loc[0] = entityLocation.getLocation()[0]; loc[1] = entityLocation.getLocation()[1]; loc[0] += 12; loc[1] += 6 + item.entityBounds.getY() + item.entityBounds.getHeight(); return loc; } /** * Gets the location for a port's monitor attribute. */ private double[] _getPortAttributeLocation(final MonitoredEntity item, final IOPort ioport, double[] loc) { boolean ok = false; double x, y; Location portLocation = (Location) ioport.getAttribute("_location"); if (portLocation == null) { Location entityLocation = (Location) item.entity.getAttribute("_location"); x = entityLocation.getLocation()[0]; y = entityLocation.getLocation()[1]; Figure portFigure = _graphController.getFigure(ioport); if (portFigure == null) { } else { Rectangle2D portBounds = portFigure.getBounds(); if (portBounds == null) { } else { if (isDebugging) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> " + ioport.getName() + " no _location. portBounds=" + portBounds); } x += portBounds.getX(); y += portBounds.getY(); ok = true; } } } else { x = portLocation.getLocation()[0]; y = portLocation.getLocation()[1]; ok = true; if (isDebugging) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> " + ioport.getName() + " port location: " + portLocation); } } if (ok) { x += (ioport.isInput() ? -8 : +12); y -= 6; if (loc == null) { loc = new double[2]; } loc[0] = x; loc[1] = y; return loc; } else { return null; } } /** * Relocates the MI attribute according to the location of its monitored * object. */ private void _relocate(final MonitoredEntity item, final MonitorAttribute attr) { Location attrLocation = (Location) attr.getAttribute("_location"); double[] attrLoc = attrLocation.getLocation(); double[] newAttrLoc; IOPort ioport = attr.getPort(); if (ioport == null) { newAttrLoc = _getEntityAttributeLocation(item, null); } else { newAttrLoc = _getPortAttributeLocation(item, ioport, null); } if (newAttrLoc == null) { return; } if (attrLoc[0] == newAttrLoc[0] && attrLoc[1] == newAttrLoc[1]) { return; } final double[] dLoc = newAttrLoc; ChangeRequest request = new ChangeRequest(this, "update location") { protected void _execute() throws Exception { Location newLoc; try { newLoc = new Location(attr, "_location"); newLoc.setLocation(dLoc); } catch (IllegalActionException e) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> error setting location", e); } catch (NameDuplicationException e) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> error setting location", e); } } }; if (isDebugging) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> MI relocation for entity " + item.entity); } request.setPersistent(false); requestChange(request); } /** Unregisters the GraphViewListener and removes all MI attributes */ private/* synchronized */void _executionFinished() { if (isDebugging) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> #_executionFinished()"); } try { _registerGraphViewListener(false); for (MonitoredEntity item : _monitoredEntities.values()) { item.stopFigureUpdater(); } _removeMIcons(); } finally { _managerFigure.setState(State.IDLE); } } /** * Removes all MI attributes from the container. */ private/* synchronized */void _removeMIcons() { final ChangeRequest request = new ChangeRequest(this, "remove all monitor icons") { protected void _execute() throws Exception { for (MonitoredEntity item : _monitoredEntities.values()) { item.status.getPropertyTimer().stop(); item.releaseIOPortEventListeners(); for (MonitorAttribute attr : item.attrs) { _removeProperty(attr.getName()); } } _monitoredEntities.clear(); } }; if (isDebugging) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> Calling requestChange"); } request.setPersistent(false); requestChange(request); } /** * Gets the name for the MI attribute associated with an entity. */ private static String _getMonitorAttributeNameForEntity(ComponentEntity entity) { String entityName = entity.getName(); return entityName + "__monIcon"; } /** * Gets the name for the MI attribute associated with an entity's port. */ private static String _getMonitorAttributeNameForPort(ComponentEntity entity, IOPort ioport) { String entityName = entity.getName(); return entityName + "_PORT_" + ioport.getName() + "__monIcon"; } /** Removes a property with the given name */ private void _removeProperty(final String attrName) { if (isDebugging) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> removing property with name " + attrName + " ..."); } String moml = "<deleteProperty name=\"" + attrName + "\"/>"; ChangeRequest request = new MoMLChangeRequest(this, getContainer(), moml) { protected void _execute() throws Exception { try { super._execute(); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("<" + getFullName() + "> exception executing MoMLChangeRequest", e); } } }; request.setPersistent(false); requestChange(request); } /** * Monitored entity. Association (ComponentEntity, MonitoredStatus, * MonitorAttribute*). */ private static class MonitoredEntity { ComponentEntity entity; Rectangle2D entityBounds; MonitoredStatus status; /** monitor attributes associated to the entity. */ List<MonitorAttribute> attrs = new ArrayList<MonitorAttribute>(); // just to be able to remove them from the ports: Map<String, IOPortEventListener> portEventListeners = new HashMap<String, IOPortEventListener>(); /** * Creates the MonitorStatus member for the given entity. Internal * listeners are registered to update the properties in the status * object according to activity in the entity. */ MonitoredEntity(ComponentEntity entity) { this.entity = entity; entityBounds = _getEntityBounds(entity); status = new MonitoredStatus(); //entity.getAttribute(name) // the entity as a whole has a state status.setProperty(State.STATE, State.IDLE); status.getPropertyTimer().start(); List ports = entity.portList(); for (Object obj : ports) { Port port = (Port) obj; if (port instanceof IOPort) { IOPort ioport = (IOPort) port; String portName = ioport.getName(); final String propName = "portEvent:" + portName; status.setProperty(propName, "0"); IOPortEventListener portEventListener = new IOPortEventListener() { long counter = 0; public void portEvent(IOPortEvent event) { status.setProperty(State.STATE, State.RUNNING); /** Determine whether user specified a quality field*/ String quality_field_value = null; Parameter quality_field = (Parameter) event.getPort().getContainer() .getAttribute("quality_field"); /** If user specified a quality_field, get the value of the field to obtain which port to take * the quality score from */ if (quality_field != null) { Token token = null; try { token = quality_field.getToken(); } catch (IllegalActionException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if (token != null) { if (token instanceof StringToken) { quality_field_value = ((StringToken) token).stringValue(); } else { quality_field_value = token.toString(); } } } /** Initialize parameter attributes to determine * whether user specified quality fields for quality thresholds*/ Parameter quality_high_param = (Parameter) event.getPort().getContainer() .getAttribute("high_quality"); Parameter quality_low_param = (Parameter) event.getPort().getContainer() .getAttribute("low_quality"); /** Initialize quality scores and thresholds*/ Token quality_high_value; Token quality_low_value; /** Check whether user specified a port in the quality field and verify * if the port the event is coming from is the port the user specified * in the quality field*/ if (quality_field_value != null && event.getPort().getDisplayName().equals(quality_field_value)) { /** Check whether user specified fields for quality thresholds*/ if (quality_high_param != null && quality_low_param != null) { try { /** Retrieve quality threshold values */ quality_high_value = quality_high_param.getToken(); quality_low_value = quality_low_param.getToken(); /** Store values in quality states*/ status.setProperty(State.HIGH_QUALITY, quality_high_value); status.setProperty(State.LOW_QUALITY, quality_low_value); } catch (IllegalActionException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } if (event.getToken() != null) { status.setProperty(State.QUALITY_SCORE, event.getToken()); } else { Token[] tokens = event.getTokenArray(); if (tokens != null) { for (Token token : tokens) { status.setProperty(State.QUALITY_SCORE, token); } } } } else { //status.setProperty(State.STATE, event.getToken()); status.setProperty(State.QUALITY_SCORE, State.NO_QUALITY_SCORE); } int eventType = event.getEventType(); if (eventType == IOPortEvent.GET_END || eventType == IOPortEvent.SEND_END) { ++counter; status.setProperty(propName, String.valueOf(counter)); } } }; portEventListeners.put(portName, portEventListener); ioport.addIOPortEventListener(portEventListener); } } } private void addMonitorAttribute(MonitorAttribute attr) { attrs.add(attr); } private void startFigureUpdater() { for (MonitorAttribute attr : attrs) { FigureUpdater figUpdater = attr.getFigureUpdater(); if (figUpdater != null) { figUpdater.start(); } } } private void stopFigureUpdater() { for (MonitorAttribute attr : attrs) { FigureUpdater figUpdater = attr.getFigureUpdater(); if (figUpdater != null) { figUpdater.stop(); } } } private void update() { for (MonitorAttribute attr : attrs) { FigureUpdater fu = attr.getFigureUpdater(); if (fu != null) { fu.update(); } } } /** Removes the registered port event listeners */ void releaseIOPortEventListeners() { List ports = entity.portList(); for (Object obj : ports) { Port port = (Port) obj; if (port instanceof IOPort) { IOPort ioport = (IOPort) port; String portName = ioport.getName(); ioport.removeIOPortEventListener(portEventListeners.get(portName)); } } } /** debug utility */ void _showPortLocations(GraphController gc) { log.debug("ENTITY: " + entity); List ports = entity.portList(); for (Object obj : ports) { Port port = (Port) obj; if (port instanceof IOPort) { IOPort ioport = (IOPort) port; String portName = ioport.getName(); Location loc = (Location) ioport.getAttribute("_location"); if (loc == null) { log.debug(portName + " no _location. Attr list: " + ioport.attributeList()); // see ActorController._placePortFigures() Figure portFigure = gc.getFigure(port); if (portFigure == null) { log.debug("portFigure is null"); } else { Shape shape = portFigure.getShape(); if (shape == null) { log.debug("shape is null"); } else { Rectangle2D portBounds = shape.getBounds2D(); log.debug("portBounds=" + portBounds); } } } else { log.debug(portName + " port location: " + loc); } } } } } /** For now, intended to detect exceptions and then finish the handling */ private ExecutionListener _executionListener = new ExecutionListener() { public void executionError(Manager manager, Throwable throwable) { _executionFinished(); } public void executionFinished(Manager manager) { _executionFinished(); } public void managerStateChanged(Manager manager) { } }; /** @return the entity bounds. */ private static Rectangle2D _getEntityBounds(ComponentEntity entity) { EditorIcon entityIcon = (EditorIcon) entity.getAttribute("_icon"); CompositeFigure entityFigure = (CompositeFigure) entityIcon.createFigure(); return entityFigure.getBounds(); } private static String _getMonitorAttributeMoml(String name, double x, double y, String iconType, int timerDelay) { return "<property name=\"" + name + "\" " + "class=\"" + MonitorAttribute.class.getName() + "\">\n" + "<property name=\"_location\" " + "class=\"ptolemy.kernel.util.Location\" " + "value=\"[" + x + ", " + y + "]\">\n" + "</property>\n" + "<property name=\"iconType\" " + "class=\"\" " + "value=\"" + iconType + "\">\n" + "</property>\n" + "<property name=\"timerDelay\" " + "class=\"\" " + "value=\"" + timerDelay + "\">\n" + "</property>\n" + "<property name=\"_hideName\" " + "class=\"\" " + "value=\"true\">\n" + "</property>" + "\n" + "</property>"; } /** My own icon */ private MonitorIcon _managerIcon; /** My own figure */ private TrafficLightFigure _managerFigure; private String _iconType; private int _timerDelay; /** Cache of the value of addInputPortCounters. */ boolean _addInputPortCounters = false; /** Cache of the value of addOutputPortCounters. */ boolean _addOutputPortCounters = false; /** Name -> MEntity map of current monitored entities. */ private Map<String, MonitoredEntity> _monitoredEntities = new HashMap<String, MonitoredEntity>(); private GraphController _graphController; /** The GraphViewListener instance for this MI manager. */ private final GraphViewListener gvl = new MyGraphViewListener(); private static final String ICON_TYPE_NONE = "None"; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MonitorManager.class); private static final boolean isDebugging = log.isDebugEnabled(); static { // this helps in debugging the destruction of the created timers Log logTimers = LogFactory.getLog(MonitorManager.class.getPackage().getName() + ".logTimers"); if (logTimers.isDebugEnabled()) { logTimers.debug("setting Timer.setLogTimers(true)"); Timer.setLogTimers(true); } } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; }