Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2010 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * '$Author: crawl $' * '$Date: 2012-11-26 14:21:34 -0800 (Mon, 26 Nov 2012) $' * '$Revision: 31119 $' * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above * copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies * of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY * FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE * PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF * CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, * ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * */ package org.kepler.kar.karxml; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.Attributes.Name; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.kepler.configuration.ConfigurationProperty; import org.kepler.kar.KAREntry; import org.kepler.kar.KARFile; import org.kepler.util.FileUtil; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * The KarXmlGenerator class reads in a KARFile and generates an xml string that * can be used to upload the KAR file to Metacat. * * @author Aaron Schultz */ public class KarXmlGenerator { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(KarXmlGenerator.class.getName()); private static final boolean isDebugging = log.isDebugEnabled(); private String _schemaUrl = null; private String _XSNamespace = "xmlns:xsi=\"\""; private String _namespace = null; private String _schemaLocation = null; private Name _manifestVersion = new Name("Manifest-Version"); private KARFile _karFile; private StringBuffer karxml; private boolean hasReportLayout = false; public static final String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator"); public static final String tab = "\t"; /** * Empty Constructor */ public KarXmlGenerator() { } /** * Constructor that takes a KARFile as a parameter. This will be the KARFile * read in during the call to getKarXml() * * @param karFile */ public KarXmlGenerator(KARFile karFile) { setKarFile(karFile); } /** * Set the KARFile object to generate the karxml from. * * @param karFile * @return */ public void setKarFile(KARFile karFile) { _karFile = karFile; setKARVersionSpecificInfo(_karFile.getVersion()); } /** * Set _namespace, _schemaUrl, and _schemaLocation for KAR version * @param karFileVersion */ public void setKARVersionSpecificInfo(String karFileVersion) { ConfigurationProperty KARVersionsProp = KARFile.getKARVersionsConfigProperty(); Iterator<ConfigurationProperty> karVersionsItr = KARVersionsProp.getProperties().iterator(); while (karVersionsItr.hasNext()) { ConfigurationProperty prop =; if (prop.getName().equals(KARFile.KAR_VERSION_PROPERTY_NAME)) { ConfigurationProperty version = prop.getProperty(KARFile.KAR_VERSION_VERSION_PROPERTY_NAME); if (version.getValue().equals(karFileVersion)) { ConfigurationProperty namespaceConfigProp = prop .getProperty(KARFile.KAR_VERSION_NAMESPACE_PROPERTY_NAME); ConfigurationProperty schemaUrlConfigProp = prop .getProperty(KARFile.KAR_VERSION_SCHEMAURL_PROPERTY_NAME); _namespace = namespaceConfigProp.getValue(); _schemaUrl = schemaUrlConfigProp.getValue(); _schemaLocation = "xsi:schemaLocation=\"" + _namespace + " " + _schemaUrl + "\""; } } } } /** * Get an XML file representation for a KARFile. Pass in the KARFile to be * used while generating the karxml. * * @param karFile * @return * @throws IOException */ public String getKarXml(KARFile karFile) throws IOException, SAXException { setKarFile(karFile); String xml = getKarXml(); return xml; } /** * Get an XML file representation for a KARFile. Use the setKarFile(KARFile) * method before calling this method. * * @return * @throws IOException */ public String getKarXml() throws IOException, SAXException { karxml = new StringBuffer(); karxml.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" + nl); karxml.append("<kar:kar xmlns:kar=\"" + _namespace + "\"" + " " + _XSNamespace + " " + _schemaLocation + ">" + nl); // Adding this for Sean Riddle to facilitate using the kar filename // in remote search results File f = _karFile.getFileLocation(); String filename = f.getName(); karxml.append(tab + "<karFileName>" + nl); karxml.append(tab + tab + filename + nl); karxml.append(tab + "</karFileName>" + nl); long fileSize = f.length(); karxml.append(tab + "<karFileSize>" + nl); karxml.append(tab + tab + fileSize + nl); karxml.append(tab + "</karFileSize>" + nl); appendXmlForMainAttributes(); for (KAREntry entry : _karFile.karEntries()) { if (entry != null && entry.isReportLayout()) { hasReportLayout = true; } karxml.append(tab + "<karEntry>" + nl); appendXmlForEntryAttributes(entry); appendXmlFor(entry); karxml.append(tab + "</karEntry>" + nl); } karxml.append("</kar:kar>" + nl); String karXmlStr = karxml.toString(); validateKarXml(karXmlStr); return karXmlStr; } /** * Determine if the generated kar xml has a report layout. * This method can only be called after calling getKarXml() * @return */ public boolean hasReportLayout() { return hasReportLayout; } /* * validate the generated kar xml */ private void validateKarXml(String xml) throws SAXException { if (xml != null) { Document document = KarXml.parseXml(new StringReader(xml)); if (document == null) { throw new SAXException( "Kepler couldn't transform the generated kar xml to a DOM tree model. So the generated kar xml is not valid"); } else { boolean isValid = KarXml.validateDocument(document); if (!isValid) { throw new SAXException("The generated kar xml is not valid"); } } } else { throw new SAXException("The generated kar xml is null and it is invalid"); } } /** * Read in the main attributes of the KAR and append them to the xml. * * @throws IOException */ private void appendXmlForMainAttributes() throws IOException { karxml.append(tab + "<mainAttributes>" + nl); // gets the manifest Manifest mf = _karFile.getManifest(); // gets the main attributes in the manifest Attributes atts = mf.getMainAttributes(); if (atts != null) { String lsid = atts.getValue(KARFile.LSID); if (lsid != null) { karxml.append(tab + tab + "<" + KARFile.LSID + ">" + nl); karxml.append(tab + tab + tab + lsid + nl); karxml.append(tab + tab + "</" + KARFile.LSID + ">" + nl); } String moduleDependencies = atts.getValue(KARFile.MOD_DEPEND); if (moduleDependencies != null) { karxml.append(tab + tab + "<" + KARFile.MOD_DEPEND + ">" + nl); karxml.append(tab + tab + tab + moduleDependencies + nl); karxml.append(tab + tab + "</" + KARFile.MOD_DEPEND + ">" + nl); } String karVersion = atts.getValue(KARFile.KAR_VERSION); if (karVersion != null) { karxml.append(tab + tab + "<" + KARFile.KAR_VERSION + ">" + nl); karxml.append(tab + tab + tab + karVersion + nl); karxml.append(tab + tab + "</" + KARFile.KAR_VERSION + ">" + nl); } String manifestVersion = atts.getValue(_manifestVersion); if (manifestVersion != null) { karxml.append(tab + tab + "<" + _manifestVersion + ">" + nl); karxml.append(tab + tab + tab + manifestVersion + nl); karxml.append(tab + tab + "</" + _manifestVersion + ">" + nl); } } // Loop through the attributes /*for (Object att : atts.keySet()) { if (att instanceof Name) { Name attrName = (Name) att; String attrValue = atts.getValue(attrName); karxml.append(tab + tab + "<" + attrName + ">" + nl); karxml.append(tab + tab + tab + attrValue + nl); karxml.append(tab + tab + "</" + attrName + ">" + nl); } else { throw new IOException("Unrecognized Main Attribute"); } }*/ karxml.append(tab + "</mainAttributes>" + nl); //System.out.println("karxml is ==========\n "+karxml.toString()); } /** * Read in all attributes for the entry and append them to the xml. * * @param entry */ private void appendXmlForEntryAttributes(KAREntry entry) { karxml.append(tab + tab + "<karEntryAttributes>" + nl); // the name of a KAREntry is not found in it's attributes // must get it directly String entryName = entry.getName(); karxml.append(tab + tab + tab + "<Name>" + nl); karxml.append(tab + tab + tab + tab + entryName + nl); karxml.append(tab + tab + tab + "</Name>" + nl); Attributes atts = entry.getAttributes(); for (Object att : atts.keySet()) { // System.out.println( att.toString() ); if (att instanceof Name) { Name attrName = (Name) att; String value = atts.getValue(attrName); karxml.append(tab + tab + tab + "<" + attrName + ">" + nl); karxml.append(tab + tab + tab + tab + value + nl); karxml.append(tab + tab + tab + "</" + attrName + ">" + nl); } } karxml.append(tab + tab + "</karEntryAttributes>" + nl); } /** * Decide what to do depending on what kind of entry this is. * * @param entry * @throws IOException */ private void appendXmlFor(KAREntry entry) throws IOException { if (isXmlEntry(entry)) { appendXmlEntryContents(entry); } else { // maybe at some point we'll want to include this // for now, only include the kar entry attributes // for generic (aka non-xml) files // appendGenericEntryXml(entry); } } /** * Checks to see if the entry ends with the xml extension. This method is * case insensitive. * * @param entry * @return */ private boolean isXmlEntry(KAREntry entry) { String entryName = entry.getName(); String lowerCaseEntryName = entryName.toLowerCase(); if (lowerCaseEntryName.endsWith(".xml")) return true; return false; } /** * For an XML file we convert the contents to a string and append it. * * @param entry * @throws IOException */ private void appendXmlEntryContents(KAREntry entry) throws IOException { karxml.append(tab + tab + "<karEntryXML>" + nl); InputStream is = _karFile.getInputStream((ZipEntry) entry); String contents = FileUtil.convertStreamToString(is); contents = processXmlEntryContents(contents); karxml.append(contents + nl); karxml.append(tab + tab + "</karEntryXML>" + nl); } /** * Strip out the "<?xml" tag from the xml. Also removes a header DOCTYPE, if present. * * @param xml * @return */ public String processXmlEntryContents(String xml) { xml = xml.replaceAll("<\\?xml.*?>", ""); xml = Pattern.compile("<!DOCTYPE.*?>", Pattern.DOTALL).matcher(xml).replaceAll(""); return xml; } /** * For a file that is not XML maybe we want to add something here. Or maybe * the attributes for the entry are enough. * * @param entry * * private void appendGenericEntryXml(KAREntry entry) { * * karxml.append(tab + tab + "<genericKarEntry>" + nl); * * karxml.append(tab + tab + "</genericKarEntry>" + nl); } */ }