Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2010 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above * copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies * of this software. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY * FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE * PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF * CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, * ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * PT_COPYRIGHT_VERSION_2 * COPYRIGHTENDKEY */ package org.kepler.kar; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.Attributes.Name; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import org.kepler.configuration.ConfigurationManager; import org.kepler.configuration.ConfigurationManagerException; import org.kepler.configuration.ConfigurationProperty; import org.kepler.configuration.NamespaceException; import org.kepler.objectmanager.cache.CacheException; import org.kepler.objectmanager.cache.CacheManager; import org.kepler.objectmanager.cache.CacheObject; import org.kepler.objectmanager.cache.LocalRepositoryManager; import org.kepler.objectmanager.lsid.KeplerLSID; import; /** * A KAR file is just a jar file that requires a manifest to be present that has * "KAR-Version" and "lsid" main attributes. This KARFile is used for reading * KAR files. For Writing KARFiles see KARBuilder class. * * @author Aaron Schultz */ public class KARFile extends JarFile implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1522142700198331341L; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(KARFile.class.getName()); private static final boolean isDebugging = log.isDebugEnabled(); /** * This is the current KAR version. */ public static final String VERSION_2_1 = "2.1"; public static final String CURRENT_VERSION = VERSION_2_1; /** * Old versions still supported. */ public static final String VERSION_2_0 = "2.0"; public static final String VERSION_1_0 = "1.0"; //TODO these variables might be better placed elsewhere /** "strict"*/ public static final String KAR_COMPLIANCE_STRICT = "strict"; /** "relaxed"*/ public static final String KAR_COMPLIANCE_RELAXED = "relaxed"; /** "relaxed" if you change this you should also change KARFILE_CONFIG_PROP_MODULE's configuration.xml we need to keep both for users that started with an earlier version of configuration.xml that lacks the KAR_COMPLIANCE_PROPERTY */ public static final String KAR_COMPLIANCE_DEFAULT = KAR_COMPLIANCE_RELAXED; /** "KARComplianceMode"*/ public static final String KAR_COMPLIANCE_PROPERTY_NAME = "KARComplianceMode"; /** "core" Module*/ public static final Module KARFILE_CONFIG_PROP_MODULE = ConfigurationManager.getModule("core"); /** "karVersions"*/ public static final String KAR_VERSIONS_PROPERTY_NAME = "karVersions"; /** "currentVersion" sub-element of karVersions*/ public static final String KAR_CURRENT_VERSION_PROPERTY_NAME = "currentVersion"; /** "karVersion" sub-element of karVersions*/ public static final String KAR_VERSION_PROPERTY_NAME = "karVersion"; /** "version" sub-element of karVersion*/ public static final String KAR_VERSION_VERSION_PROPERTY_NAME = "version"; /** "namespace" sub-element of karVersion*/ public static final String KAR_VERSION_NAMESPACE_PROPERTY_NAME = "namespace"; /** "schemaUrl" sub-element of karVersion*/ public static final String KAR_VERSION_SCHEMAURL_PROPERTY_NAME = "schemaUrl"; /** "resourceDir" sub-element of karVersion*/ public static final String KAR_VERSION_RESOURCEDIR_PROPERTY_NAME = "resourceDir"; /** "resourceFileName" sub-element of karVersion*/ public static final String KAR_VERSION_RESOURCE_FILENAME_PROPERTY_NAME = "resourceFileName"; //if you change any of these you must also change KARFILE_CONFIG_PROP_MODULE's configuration.xml public static final String KAR_CURRENT_VERSION_DEFAULT = "2.1"; public static final String KAR_VERSION_200_RESOURCEDIR_DEFAULT = "kar-2.0.0"; public static final String KAR_VERSION_200_RESOURCE_FILENAME_DEFAULT = "KARFile.xsd"; public static final String KAR_VERSION_200_VERSION_DEFAULT = "2.0"; public static final String KAR_VERSION_200_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT = ""; public static final String KAR_VERSION_200_SCHEMAURL_DEFAULT = ""; public static final String KAR_VERSION_210_RESOURCEDIR_DEFAULT = "kar-2.1.0"; public static final String KAR_VERSION_210_RESOURCE_FILENAME_DEFAULT = "KARFile-2.1.0.xsd"; public static final String KAR_VERSION_210_VERSION_DEFAULT = "2.1"; public static final String KAR_VERSION_210_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT = ""; public static final String KAR_VERSION_210_SCHEMAURL_DEFAULT = ""; /** * This is the File extension to be used for KAR files. */ public static final String EXTENSION = "kar"; /** * This is the list of all supported versions. */ private Vector<String> _supportedVersions = new Vector<String>(); /** * <code>Name</code> object for <code>lsid</code> manifest attribute used * for globally identifying KAREntries as unique. */ public static final Name LSID = new Name("lsid"); /** * <code>Name</code> object for <code>KAR-Version</code> manifest attribute. * This attribute indicates the version number of the manifest standard to * which a KAR file's manifest conforms. */ public static final Name KAR_VERSION = new Name("KAR-Version"); /** * <code>Name</code> object for <code>MOD_DEPEND</code> manifest attribute. * This attribute indicates modules that are needed in order to open this * KAR file. */ public static final Name MOD_DEPEND = new Name("module-dependencies"); /** * <code>Name</code> object for <code>OPENABLE</code> manifest attribute. * This attribute indicates whether or not this KAR file is openable. */ public static final Name OPENABLE = new Name("openable"); /** * Separator to be used for dependency lists. */ public static final String DEP_SEPARATOR = ";"; /** * If the KARFile object was created from a KARFile on disk this is the File * path and name of that file. */ private File _fileOnDisk; /** * A list of all the entry types contained in this KARFile indexed by LSID. */ private Hashtable<KeplerLSID, String> _lsidTypes = new Hashtable<KeplerLSID, String>(); /** * A list of all the entry names contained in this KARFile indexed by LSID. */ private Hashtable<KeplerLSID, String> _lsidNames = new Hashtable<KeplerLSID, String>(); /** * Constructor for creating a KARFile from an existing file. * * @param f * the file to create the KAR from * @throws IOException */ public KARFile(File f) throws IOException { super(f); if (isDebugging) log.debug("KARFile(" + f + ")"); _fileOnDisk = f; initializeSupportedVersions(); if (getManifest() == null) { throw new IOException("This KAR file does not contain a Manifest."); } String lsidStr = getManifest().getMainAttributes().getValue(LSID); if (isDebugging) log.debug(lsidStr); if (lsidStr == null) { throw new IOException("The KAR file does not contain an lsid attribute in the manifest"); } if (!KeplerLSID.isKeplerLSIDFormat(lsidStr)) { throw new IOException("The LSID of the KAR file is not properly formatted."); } String version = getManifest().getMainAttributes().getValue(KAR_VERSION); if (version == null) { throw new IOException("The KAR file does not contain a KAR-Version attribute in the manifest."); } if (!_supportedVersions.contains(version)) { throw new IOException(version + " is not a supported KAR version.\n" + getSupportedVersionString()); } Enumeration<JarEntry> karFileEnum = entries(); while (karFileEnum.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry entry = (JarEntry) karFileEnum.nextElement(); KeplerLSID lsid = getEntryLSID(entry); String type = getEntryType(entry); if (lsid != null && type != null) { _lsidNames.put(lsid, entry.getName()); _lsidTypes.put(lsid, type); } } } private void initializeSupportedVersions() { _supportedVersions.add(VERSION_1_0); _supportedVersions.add(VERSION_2_0); _supportedVersions.add(VERSION_2_1); } public KeplerLSID getLSID() { try { return new KeplerLSID(getManifest().getMainAttributes().getValue(LSID)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * @param lsid * @throws IOException */ public void setLSID(KeplerLSID lsid) throws IOException { Attributes atts = getManifest().getMainAttributes(); if (atts.containsKey(LSID)) { atts.remove(LSID); } atts.put(LSID, lsid.toString()); } public String getVersion() { try { Attributes atts = getManifest().getMainAttributes(); String karVersion = atts.getValue(KAR_VERSION); return karVersion; } catch (IOException e) { return null; } } public boolean isOpenable() { try { Attributes atts = getManifest().getMainAttributes(); String openable = atts.getValue(OPENABLE); if (openable != null) { openable = openable.trim(); if (openable.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { return false; } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Vector<String> moduleDependencies = getModuleDependencies(); if (ModuleDependencyUtil.checkIfModuleDependenciesSatisfied(moduleDependencies)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Set the version of the KARFile. * * @param version * @throws IOException * if the given version is not supported */ public void setVersion(String version) throws IOException { if (_supportedVersions.contains(version)) { Attributes atts = getManifest().getMainAttributes(); if (atts.containsKey(KAR_VERSION)) { atts.remove(KAR_VERSION); } atts.put(KAR_VERSION, version); } else { throw new IOException(version + " is not a supported KAR version.\n" + getSupportedVersionString()); } } public Vector<String> getModuleDependencies() { Vector<String> dependencies = new Vector<String>(); try { String depStr = getManifest().getMainAttributes().getValue(MOD_DEPEND); if (depStr == null) { return dependencies; } dependencies = ModuleDependencyUtil.parseDependencyString(depStr); } catch (Exception e) { } return dependencies; } /** * Return the LSIDs of all of the entries contained by this KARFile. * * */ public Set<KeplerLSID> getContainedLSIDs() { return _lsidTypes.keySet(); } public String getEntryType(KeplerLSID lsid) { return _lsidTypes.get(lsid); } public String getEntryName(KeplerLSID lsid) { return _lsidNames.get(lsid); } /** * Return the name of the local repository that this KAR is stored in. * * @return null if no name is found */ public String getLocalRepoName() { LocalRepositoryManager lrm = LocalRepositoryManager.getInstance(); LocalRepositoryManager.LocalRepository repository = lrm.getContainingLocalRepository(getFileLocation()); if (repository != null) { return lrm.getLocalRepositories().get(repository); } return null; } /** * Return the path where this kar file is found on disk. */ public String getPath() { String filePath = getFileLocation().getPath(); String fileName = getFileLocation().getName(); if (isDebugging) log.debug(filePath + " " + fileName); if (filePath.endsWith(fileName)) { // remove the filename int i = filePath.length() - fileName.length(); if (i > 0) { filePath = filePath.substring(0, i); } if (isDebugging) log.debug("New filePath: " + filePath); } return filePath; } public File getFileLocation() { return _fileOnDisk; } /** * returns a KAREntry for the given lsid. If there is not KAREntry then * return null. * * @param name * the name of the entry to return */ public ZipEntry getKAREntry(KeplerLSID lsid) { String path = _lsidNames.get(lsid); ZipEntry ze = super.getEntry(path); if (ze != null) { return ze; } return null; } /** * Returns only valid KAREntries contained in this KARFile. To get all of * the JarEntries use the entries() method. * * @return List<KAREntry> of all valid KAREntries in this KARFile. */ public List<KAREntry> karEntries() { if (isDebugging) log.debug("karEntries()"); Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = entries(); Vector<KAREntry> karEntries = new Vector<KAREntry>(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); if (isDebugging) log.debug(entry.getName()); if (entry.getName().equals("MANIFEST.MF") || entry.getName().equals("META-INF/") || entry.getName().equals(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME)) { // skip manifest entries } else { KAREntry karEntry = new KAREntry(entry); if (karEntry.isValid()) { if (isDebugging) log.debug("karEntry.isValid() == true"); karEntries.add(karEntry); } else { if (isDebugging) log.debug("karEntry.isValid() == false"); } } } return karEntries; } /** * Return an array of lsids of a certain type from within this kar. if the * type is null return all of the lsids * * @param getType * the type of the content to get */ public KeplerLSID[] getContentOfType(String getType) throws Exception { Vector<KeplerLSID> returnVec = new Vector<KeplerLSID>(); for (KeplerLSID lsid : this.getContainedLSIDs()) { String type = this.getEntryType(lsid); if (getType == null || getType.equals(type)) { returnVec.addElement(lsid); } else if (isSubclass(getType, type)) { returnVec.addElement(lsid); } } KeplerLSID[] lsids = new KeplerLSID[returnVec.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < returnVec.size(); i++) { lsids[i] = (KeplerLSID) returnVec.elementAt(i); } return lsids; } /** * Determine if type is a subclass of getType. This belongs in a UTIL class * somewhere? * * @param getType * @param type * @return * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ public static boolean isSubclass(String getType, String type) throws ClassNotFoundException { // protect against nulls if (getType == null || type == null) return false; // the superclass test Class getClazz = Class.forName(getType); // handle superclasses Class theClazz = Class.forName(type); Class superClazz = theClazz.getSuperclass(); while (superClazz != null) { if (superClazz.getName().equals(getClazz.getName())) { return true; } superClazz = superClazz.getSuperclass(); } return false; } /** * @return String of the supported KAR versions. */ private String getSupportedVersionString() { String s = "Supported KAR versions:\n"; for (String v : _supportedVersions) { s += " " + v + "\n"; } return s; } /** * Read the LSID from the attributes of the given entry and return it as a * KeplerLSID. * * @param entry * @return * @throws IOException */ private KeplerLSID getEntryLSID(JarEntry entry) throws IOException { Attributes atts = entry.getAttributes(); if (atts == null) { return null; } String lsidStr = atts.getValue(KAREntry.LSID); if (lsidStr == null) { log.error("KAREntries must have an LSID and a type."); return null; } KeplerLSID lsid = null; try { lsid = new KeplerLSID(lsidStr); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(lsidStr + " is not a properly formatted KeplerLSID"); return null; } return lsid; } /** * Read the type attribute from the given entry and return it as a string. * * @param entry * @return * @throws IOException */ private String getEntryType(JarEntry entry) throws IOException { Attributes atts = entry.getAttributes(); if (atts == null) { return null; } String type = atts.getValue(KAREntry.TYPE); return type; } /** * This method makes sure that all of the entries of this KARFile are in the * Cache. It caches the entries in the order that their dependencies * dictate. * * @throws Exception */ public void cacheKARContents() throws Exception { if (isDebugging) { log.debug("openKAR: " + this.toString()); } try { // get references to all the managers we'll be using LocalRepositoryManager lrm = LocalRepositoryManager.getInstance(); KARCacheManager kcm = KARCacheManager.getInstance(); CacheManager cm = CacheManager.getInstance(); // Make sure the file is in a local repository if (!lrm.isInLocalRepository(getFileLocation())) { log.warn("KAR should be in a Local Repository Folder to be inserted in the cache: " + getFileLocation()); // return; } // Add a row to the KARS_CACHED table boolean inserted = kcm.insertIntoCache(this); if (!inserted) { // This KAR has already been cached, don't do it again return; } // keep two lists while traversing the dependencies, start with all // of the entries (we don't know yet if they are cached or not) // and move them into the cached entries as they are cached (or if // they are already cached) Vector<KAREntry> entries = (Vector<KAREntry>) karEntries(); Hashtable<KeplerLSID, KAREntry> cachedEntries = new Hashtable<KeplerLSID, KAREntry>(); // do one pass through the entries to see if any of them are already // in the cache for (KAREntry entry : entries) { KeplerLSID lsid = entry.getLSID(); // See if this entry is already in the Cache boolean alreadyCached = cm.isContained(lsid); if (alreadyCached) { // add this entry into the cachedEntries list cachedEntries.put(entry.getLSID(), entry); // Insert a row into the KAR_CONTENTS table for this entry File karFile = getFileLocation(); KeplerLSID entryLsid = entry.getLSID(); String entryName = entry.getName(); String entryType = entry.getType(); kcm.insertEntryIntoCache(karFile, entryLsid, entryName, entryType); } } // remove entries that were already cached for (KAREntry entry : cachedEntries.values()) { entries.remove(entry); } // keep cycling through the uncached entries until the list is empty while (entries.size() > 0) { // keep track of the entries cached during this pass Vector<KAREntry> cachedThisPass = new Vector<KAREntry>(entries.size()); // cycle through all of the remaining, uncached entries for (KAREntry entry : entries) { if (isDebugging) log.debug(entry.getName()); // get the dependency list for this entry List<KeplerLSID> depList = entry.getLsidDependencies(); if (depList.size() == 0) { // if there are no dependencies we just cache it boolean success = cache(entry); if (success) { cachedEntries.put(entry.getLSID(), entry); cachedThisPass.add(entry); break; } if (isDebugging) log.debug(success); } else { // if there are dependencies then we check to make sure // that all of the dependencies have already been cached boolean allDependenciesHaveBeenCached = true; for (KeplerLSID lsid : depList) { // if any of the dependencies have not been cached, // set false if (!cm.isContained(lsid)) { allDependenciesHaveBeenCached = false; } } if (allDependenciesHaveBeenCached) { // all dependencies have been cached so it is // OK to cache this entry boolean success = cache(entry); if (success) { cachedEntries.put(entry.getLSID(), entry); cachedThisPass.add(entry); break; } if (isDebugging) log.debug(success); } } } if (cachedThisPass.size() == 0) { // Bad news, nothing is getting cached // This means that there are uncached entries that // have unsatisfied dependencies // break out to avoid infinite loop // Vector<KAREntry> entriesWithBrokenDependencies = entries; break; } // remove any entries that got cached this pass for (KAREntry entry : cachedThisPass) { entries.remove(entry); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Here we go through all the KAREntries and call the open method of the * appropriate KAREntryHandlers. It is assumed that cacheKARContents() has * been called at some point before openKAR() In other words everything in * the kar is already cached when calling the open() method of the * KAREntryHandlers. * * Note: There is some issue with having this method here, since it is * really a gui specific function it probably does not belong here in the * core module. * * @param tableauFrame * @param forceOpen * @throws Exception * @returns true if at least one of the entries in the KAR was opened */ public boolean openKARContents(TableauFrame tableauFrame, boolean forceOpen) throws Exception { if (isDebugging) log.debug("openKAR: " + this.toString()); if (!forceOpen && !isOpenable()) { return false; } try { /** * Loop through the kar entries and call the open method of the * appropriate KAREntryHandler */ Vector<KAREntry> unopenedEntries = (Vector<KAREntry>) karEntries(); Hashtable<KeplerLSID, KAREntry> openedEntries = new Hashtable<KeplerLSID, KAREntry>(); // keep cycling through the unopened entries until the list is empty while (unopenedEntries.size() > 0) { // keep track of the entries that were opened during this pass Vector<KAREntry> openedThisPass = new Vector<KAREntry>(unopenedEntries.size()); // cycle through all of the remaining, unopened entries for (KAREntry entry : unopenedEntries) { if (isDebugging) { log.debug(entry.getName()); } // get the dependency list for this entry List<KeplerLSID> depList = entry.getLsidDependencies(); if (depList.size() == 0) { // if there are no dependencies we just open it up boolean success = open(entry, tableauFrame); if (success) { openedEntries.put(entry.getLSID(), entry); openedThisPass.add(entry); break; } if (isDebugging) log.debug(success); } else { // if there are dependencies then we check to make sure // that all of the dependencies have already been opened boolean allDependenciesHaveBeenOpened = true; for (KeplerLSID lsid : depList) { // if any of the dependencies have not been opened, // set false if (!openedEntries.containsKey(lsid)) { allDependenciesHaveBeenOpened = false; } } if (allDependenciesHaveBeenOpened) { // dependencies have been opened so OK to open this // one boolean success = open(entry, tableauFrame); if (success) { openedEntries.put(entry.getLSID(), entry); openedThisPass.add(entry); break; } if (isDebugging) log.debug(success); } } } if (openedThisPass.size() == 0) { // Bad news, nothing is getting opened // break out to avoid infinite loop break; } // remove the entries that were opened during this pass for (KAREntry entry : openedThisPass) { unopenedEntries.remove(entry); } } if (openedEntries.size() == 0) { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error on Open: " + e.getMessage()); } return true; } /** * Get all the KAREntryHandlers that can handle the given entry. * * @param entry * @return KAREntryHandlers that can handle the given entry. */ private Vector<KAREntryHandler> getHandlersForEntry(KAREntry entry) { Vector<KAREntryHandler> handlers = new Vector<KAREntryHandler>(2); // First we make sure that the EntryHandler that wrote the entry // is present in the system try { // check for it in the classpath Class.forName(entry.getHandler()); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("KAREntryHandler not in classpath: " + entry.getHandler()); return handlers; } try { // check to see if it is registered with the KAREntryHandler // extension point boolean writeHandlerPresent = false; for (KAREntryHandler k : CacheManager.getInstance().getKAREntryHandlers()) { if (k.getClass().getName().equals(entry.getHandler())) { writeHandlerPresent = true; break; } } if (writeHandlerPresent) { // continue looking for EntryHandlers that handle this type } else { log.warn("KAREntryHandler is not registered with suite: " + entry.getHandler()); return handlers; } } catch (CacheException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { } KeplerLSID lsid = entry.getLSID(); String type = entry.getType(); if (isDebugging) log.debug(lsid + " " + type); if (lsid == null || type == null) { return null; } try { if (getVersion().equals(VERSION_1_0)) { // In version 1.0 KARs the type is a one word string // that identifies what type of file it is for (KAREntryHandler k : CacheManager.getInstance().getKAREntryHandlers()) { if (k.getTypeName().equals(type)) { handlers.add(k); } } } else if (getVersion().equals(VERSION_2_0) || getVersion().equals(VERSION_2_1)) { // In version 2.0 and 2.1 KARs the type is the binary class // name for the type of file that the KAREntry is. // A KAREntryHandler may be able to handle more than // one type in version 2.0 and 2.1 for (KAREntryHandler k : CacheManager.getInstance().getKAREntryHandlers()) { if (k.handlesType(type)) { handlers.add(k); } } } } catch (CacheException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return handlers; } /** * Insert the object into the cache and record it in the kar contents table. * * @param entry * @return true if the entry could be cached */ private boolean cache(KAREntry entry) { if (entry.getAttributes() == null) { return false; } CacheManager cm; KARCacheManager kcm; try { cm = CacheManager.getInstance(); kcm = KARCacheManager.getInstance(); if (cm.isContained(entry.getLSID())) { // This entry is already cached // make sure there is a row for it in the KAR_CONTENTS table File karFile = getFileLocation(); KeplerLSID entryLsid = entry.getLSID(); String entryName = entry.getName(); String entryType = entry.getType(); kcm.insertEntryIntoCache(karFile, entryLsid, entryName, entryType); return true; } } catch (CacheException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return false; } // get all KAREntryHandlers for this KAREntry Vector<KAREntryHandler> handlers = getHandlersForEntry(entry); if (handlers == null) return false; if (handlers.size() <= 0) { // this KAREntry type is not recognized ignore it log.warn("No KAREntryHandlers found for KAREntry: " + entry.getName() + " ignoring this item."); return false; } // loop through all of the handlers and pass the entry to their cache // method // if they return a cache object then insert it into the cache. for (KAREntryHandler keh : handlers) { try { CacheObject co = keh.cache(this, entry); if (co != null) { // The handler returned a CacheObject, insert it into the // cache cm.insertObject(co); // Insert a row into the KAR_CONTENTS table for this entry File karFile = getFileLocation(); KeplerLSID entryLsid = entry.getLSID(); String entryName = entry.getName(); String entryType = entry.getType(); kcm.insertEntryIntoCache(karFile, entryLsid, entryName, entryType); } } catch (CacheException ce) { log.warn("KAREntry was not cached: " + entry.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return true; } /** * Call the open methods of all KAREntryHandlers that support the type of * the given entry. * * @param entry * @param tableauFrame * @return */ public boolean open(KAREntry entry, TableauFrame tableauFrame) { Vector<KAREntryHandler> handlers = getHandlersForEntry(entry); if (handlers == null) return false; if (handlers.size() <= 0) { // this KAREntry type is not recognized ignore it log.warn("No KAREntryHandlers found for KAREntry: " + entry.getName() + " ignoring this item."); return false; } boolean allsuccess = true; for (KAREntryHandler keh : handlers) { try { boolean success =, entry, tableauFrame); if (!success) { allsuccess = false; } if (isDebugging) log.debug(success); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return allsuccess; } public boolean areAllModuleDependenciesSatisfied() { return ModuleDependencyUtil.checkIfModuleDependenciesSatisfied(this.getModuleDependencies()); } /** Get a map of missing module dependencies. */ public Map<String, Version> getMissingDependencies() { List<String> dependencies = getModuleDependencies(); return ModuleDependencyUtil.getUnsatisfiedDependencies(dependencies); } /** * @return karVersions configuration property, adding it to config file * if it doesn't exist. */ public static ConfigurationProperty getKARVersionsConfigProperty() { ConfigurationManager cman = ConfigurationManager.getInstance(); ConfigurationProperty coreProperty = cman.getProperty(KARFILE_CONFIG_PROP_MODULE); ConfigurationProperty KARVersionsProp = coreProperty.getProperty(KAR_VERSIONS_PROPERTY_NAME); try { // add karVersions configuration property (and all sub props) if // necessary if (KARVersionsProp == null) { KARVersionsProp = new ConfigurationProperty(KARFILE_CONFIG_PROP_MODULE, KAR_VERSIONS_PROPERTY_NAME); coreProperty.addProperty(KARVersionsProp); ConfigurationProperty KARCurrentVersionProp = new ConfigurationProperty( KARFile.KARFILE_CONFIG_PROP_MODULE, KARFile.KAR_CURRENT_VERSION_PROPERTY_NAME, KARFile.KAR_CURRENT_VERSION_DEFAULT); ConfigurationProperty KARVersion200Prop = new ConfigurationProperty( KARFile.KARFILE_CONFIG_PROP_MODULE, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_PROPERTY_NAME); ConfigurationProperty KARVersion200VersionProp = new ConfigurationProperty( KARFile.KARFILE_CONFIG_PROP_MODULE, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_VERSION_PROPERTY_NAME, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_200_VERSION_DEFAULT); ConfigurationProperty KARVersion200SchemaUrlProp = new ConfigurationProperty( KARFile.KARFILE_CONFIG_PROP_MODULE, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_SCHEMAURL_PROPERTY_NAME, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_200_SCHEMAURL_DEFAULT); ConfigurationProperty KARVersion200NamespaceProp = new ConfigurationProperty( KARFile.KARFILE_CONFIG_PROP_MODULE, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_NAMESPACE_PROPERTY_NAME, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_200_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT); ConfigurationProperty KARVersion200ResourceDirProp = new ConfigurationProperty( KARFile.KARFILE_CONFIG_PROP_MODULE, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_RESOURCEDIR_PROPERTY_NAME, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_200_RESOURCEDIR_DEFAULT); ConfigurationProperty KARVersion200ResourceFileNameProp = new ConfigurationProperty( KARFile.KARFILE_CONFIG_PROP_MODULE, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_RESOURCE_FILENAME_PROPERTY_NAME, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_200_RESOURCE_FILENAME_DEFAULT); ConfigurationProperty KARVersion210Prop = new ConfigurationProperty( KARFile.KARFILE_CONFIG_PROP_MODULE, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_PROPERTY_NAME); ConfigurationProperty KARVersion210VersionProp = new ConfigurationProperty( KARFile.KARFILE_CONFIG_PROP_MODULE, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_VERSION_PROPERTY_NAME, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_210_VERSION_DEFAULT); ConfigurationProperty KARVersion210SchemaUrlProp = new ConfigurationProperty( KARFile.KARFILE_CONFIG_PROP_MODULE, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_SCHEMAURL_PROPERTY_NAME, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_210_SCHEMAURL_DEFAULT); ConfigurationProperty KARVersion210NamespaceProp = new ConfigurationProperty( KARFile.KARFILE_CONFIG_PROP_MODULE, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_NAMESPACE_PROPERTY_NAME, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_210_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT); ConfigurationProperty KARVersion210ResourceDirProp = new ConfigurationProperty( KARFile.KARFILE_CONFIG_PROP_MODULE, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_RESOURCEDIR_PROPERTY_NAME, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_210_RESOURCEDIR_DEFAULT); ConfigurationProperty KARVersion210ResourceFileNameProp = new ConfigurationProperty( KARFile.KARFILE_CONFIG_PROP_MODULE, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_RESOURCE_FILENAME_PROPERTY_NAME, KARFile.KAR_VERSION_210_RESOURCE_FILENAME_DEFAULT); KARVersion200Prop.addProperty(KARVersion200VersionProp); KARVersion200Prop.addProperty(KARVersion200SchemaUrlProp); KARVersion200Prop.addProperty(KARVersion200NamespaceProp); KARVersion200Prop.addProperty(KARVersion200ResourceDirProp); KARVersion200Prop.addProperty(KARVersion200ResourceFileNameProp); KARVersion210Prop.addProperty(KARVersion210VersionProp); KARVersion210Prop.addProperty(KARVersion210SchemaUrlProp); KARVersion210Prop.addProperty(KARVersion210NamespaceProp); KARVersion210Prop.addProperty(KARVersion210ResourceDirProp); KARVersion210Prop.addProperty(KARVersion210ResourceFileNameProp); KARVersionsProp.addProperty(KARCurrentVersionProp); KARVersionsProp.addProperty(KARVersion200Prop); KARVersionsProp.addProperty(KARVersion210Prop); } } catch (NamespaceException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ConfigurationManagerException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return KARVersionsProp; } /** * * @return all KAR namespaces found in karVersions config property */ public static List<String> getKARNamespaces() { List<String> namespaces = new ArrayList<String>(); ConfigurationProperty KARVersionsProp = KARFile.getKARVersionsConfigProperty(); Iterator<ConfigurationProperty> karVersionsItr = KARVersionsProp.getProperties().iterator(); while (karVersionsItr.hasNext()) { ConfigurationProperty prop =; if (prop.getName().equals(KAR_VERSION_PROPERTY_NAME)) { ConfigurationProperty namespaceConfigProp = prop.getProperty(KAR_VERSION_NAMESPACE_PROPERTY_NAME); namespaces.add(namespaceConfigProp.getValue()); } } return namespaces; } /** * Return the local resource dir associated with given namespace, * null if can't be found. * * @param namespace * @return */ public static String getResourceDir(String namespace) { ConfigurationProperty KARVersionsProp = KARFile.getKARVersionsConfigProperty(); Iterator<ConfigurationProperty> karVersionsItr = KARVersionsProp.getProperties().iterator(); while (karVersionsItr.hasNext()) { ConfigurationProperty prop =; if (prop.getName().equals(KAR_VERSION_PROPERTY_NAME)) { String namespaceFromConfig = prop.getProperty(KAR_VERSION_NAMESPACE_PROPERTY_NAME).getValue(); if (namespace.equals(namespaceFromConfig)) { return prop.getProperty(KAR_VERSION_RESOURCEDIR_PROPERTY_NAME).getValue(); } } } if (isDebugging) log.error("Couldn't find resourceDir associated with namespace:" + namespace + " return null"); return null; } /** * Return the local resource filename associated with given namespace, * null if can't be found. * * @param namespace * @return */ public static String getResourceFileName(String namespace) { ConfigurationProperty KARVersionsProp = KARFile.getKARVersionsConfigProperty(); Iterator<ConfigurationProperty> karVersionsItr = KARVersionsProp.getProperties().iterator(); while (karVersionsItr.hasNext()) { ConfigurationProperty prop =; if (prop.getName().equals(KAR_VERSION_PROPERTY_NAME)) { String namespaceFromConfig = prop.getProperty(KAR_VERSION_NAMESPACE_PROPERTY_NAME).getValue(); if (namespace.equals(namespaceFromConfig)) { return prop.getProperty(KAR_VERSION_RESOURCE_FILENAME_PROPERTY_NAME).getValue(); } } } if (isDebugging) log.error("Couldn't find resourceFileName associated with namespace:" + namespace + " return null"); return null; } }