Java tutorial
/** * '$RCSfile$' * '$Author: barseghian $' * '$Date: 2013-01-11 18:13:59 -0800 (Fri, 11 Jan 2013) $' * '$Revision: 31321 $' * * For Details: * * * Copyright (c) 2010 The Regents of the * University of California. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, * without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, * modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, * provided that the above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs * appear in all copies of this software. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF * CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS * DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY * DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE * SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF * CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, * ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. */ package org.kepler.kar; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.Attributes.Name; import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.kepler.kar.handlers.ActorMetadataKAREntryHandler; import org.kepler.moml.NamedObjId; import org.kepler.objectmanager.ActorMetadata; import org.kepler.objectmanager.ObjectManager; import org.kepler.objectmanager.cache.CacheManager; import org.kepler.objectmanager.lsid.KeplerLSID; import org.kepler.objectmanager.lsid.LSIDGenerator; import; import ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException; import ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj; /** * Class to create KAR files from within kepler */ /** * @author Aaron Schultz * */ public class KARBuilder { public static final String KAR_LSID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "karLSID"; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(KARBuilder.class.getName()); private static final boolean isDebugging = log.isDebugEnabled(); /** * The save initiator list is the set of ComponentEntity objects to be saved * into the KAR. */ private Vector<NamedObj> _saveInitiatorList; /* * true if you want new lsids registered with the cache. If you are going to * eventually cache the created kar file, set registerLSID to false. */ private boolean _registerLSID; private boolean _revision; private KeplerLSID _karLSID; private File _karFile; private LinkedHashMap<KAREntry, InputStream> _karItems; private Vector<KeplerLSID> _karItemLSIDs; private Vector<String> _karItemNames; private KARManifest _manifest; /** * Empty Constructor for building a KAR file. */ public KARBuilder() { // initialize the defaults for private variables _saveInitiatorList = new Vector<NamedObj>(); _karItems = new LinkedHashMap<KAREntry, InputStream>(); _karItemLSIDs = new Vector<KeplerLSID>(); _karItemNames = new Vector<String>(); _manifest = new KARManifest(); _karLSID = null; _karFile = null; _revision = false; _registerLSID = false; } public Vector<NamedObj> getSaveInitiatorList() { return _saveInitiatorList; } /** * Add the namedObj to the _saveInitiatorList as well as into the ObjectManager. * @param namedObj */ public void addSaveInitiator(NamedObj namedObj) { _saveInitiatorList.add(namedObj); // XXX KAREntryHandlers may need to access these from the ObjectManager // e.g. does. try { ObjectManager.getInstance().addNamedObj(namedObj); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public File getKarFile() { return _karFile; } public void setKarFile(File karFile) { _karFile = karFile; } public boolean isRevision() { return _revision; } public void setRevision(boolean revision) { _revision = revision; } public boolean isRegisterLSID() { return _registerLSID; } public void setRegisterLSID(boolean registerLSID) { _registerLSID = registerLSID; } public KeplerLSID getKarLSID() { return _karLSID; } public void setKarLSID(KeplerLSID karLSID) { _karLSID = karLSID; } public KARManifest getManifest() { return _manifest; } public void setManifest(KARManifest manifest) { _manifest = manifest; } /** * Handle the creation of the KAREntry objects for the Save Initiator List. * * @return Hashtable<KAREntry, InputStream> */ public Hashtable<KAREntry, InputStream> handleInitiatorList() { Hashtable<KAREntry, InputStream> items = new Hashtable<KAREntry, InputStream>(); for (NamedObj namedObj : _saveInitiatorList) { try { String objType = namedObj.getClass().getName(); KeplerLSID lsid = NamedObjId.getIdFor(namedObj); ActorMetadata aMet = new ActorMetadata(namedObj); aMet.setName(namedObj.getName()); aMet.setId(lsid.toString()); String actorFilename = namedObj.getName() + "." + lsid.createFilename() + ".xml"; if (isDebugging) log.debug(actorFilename); KAREntry entry = new KAREntry(actorFilename); entry.setLSID(lsid); entry.setType(objType); entry.setHandler(ActorMetadataKAREntryHandler.class.getName()); String actorMetadataString = aMet.toString(); byte[] actorMetadataBytes = actorMetadataString.getBytes(); ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayIS = new ByteArrayInputStream(actorMetadataBytes); items.put(entry, byteArrayIS); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return items; } /** * * @param entries * @return */ public Vector<KeplerLSID> getKAREntryLSIDs(Hashtable<KAREntry, InputStream> entries) { Vector<KeplerLSID> lsids = new Vector<KeplerLSID>(); for (KAREntry entry : entries.keySet()) { KeplerLSID lsid = entry.getLSID(); lsids.add(lsid); } return lsids; } private Hashtable<KAREntry, InputStream> queryKAREntryHandlers( Vector<KeplerLSID> lsidsOfEntriesReturnedFromPreviousIteration, TableauFrame tableauFrame) throws Exception { Hashtable<KAREntry, InputStream> entriesForThisIteration = new Hashtable<KAREntry, InputStream>(); Collection<KAREntryHandler> allHandlers = CacheManager.getInstance().getKAREntryHandlers(); // Loop through the KAREntryHandlers for (KAREntryHandler keh : allHandlers) { if (isDebugging) log.debug(keh.getClass().getName()); // Get the KAREntries from each handler Hashtable<KAREntry, InputStream> entries =, _karLSID, tableauFrame); if (entries != null) { for (KAREntry entry : entries.keySet()) { entry.setHandler(keh.getClass().getName()); entriesForThisIteration.put(entry, entries.get(entry)); } } } return entriesForThisIteration; } private void removeDuplicateKAREntries() throws Exception { // now remove any "duplicate" karentries where duplicate // defined as same name and lsid. // see bug#4555. We may remove this in the future, where // such dupes might be allowed // (e.g. same name + lsid but in different subdirs in kar). Hashtable<String, String> nameMap = new Hashtable<String, String>(); for (KAREntry ke : _karItems.keySet()) { String name = ke.getName(); String itemLsid = ke.getAttributes().getValue(KAREntry.LSID); if (nameMap.containsKey(name)) { if (nameMap.get(name).equals(itemLsid)) { _karItemLSIDs.remove(ke.getLSID()); _karItemNames.remove(ke.getName()); _karItems.remove(ke); } } nameMap.put(name, itemLsid); } } private void addEntriesToPrivateItems(Hashtable<KAREntry, InputStream> entries) { if (isDebugging) log.debug("addEntriesToPrivateItems(" + entries.size() + ")"); for (KAREntry karEntryKey : entries.keySet()) { _karItems.put(karEntryKey, entries.get(karEntryKey)); _karItemLSIDs.add(karEntryKey.getLSID()); _karItemNames.add(karEntryKey.getName()); } } public void generateKAR(TableauFrame tableauFrame, String overrideModDeps) throws IllegalActionException { if (isDebugging) log.debug("generateKAR()"); if (_karLSID == null) { try { _karLSID = LSIDGenerator.getInstance().getNewLSID(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("could not generate new LSID for KAR: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } try { // Get KAREntries for the Save Initiator List Hashtable<KAREntry, InputStream> initiatorEntries = handleInitiatorList(); addEntriesToPrivateItems(initiatorEntries); int pass = 1; // Loop through KAR Entry handlers until no more KAREntry objects // are returned Vector<KeplerLSID> previousPassEntryLSIDs = getKAREntryLSIDs(initiatorEntries); if (isDebugging) log.debug("Pass " + pass + " entries: " + previousPassEntryLSIDs.toString()); while (previousPassEntryLSIDs.size() > 0) { pass++; // Get the KAREntries from all of the handlers Hashtable<KAREntry, InputStream> entries = queryKAREntryHandlers(previousPassEntryLSIDs, tableauFrame); if (entries != null) { previousPassEntryLSIDs.removeAllElements(); if (isDebugging) log.debug("Pass " + pass + " entries: "); Vector<KeplerLSID> repeats = new Vector<KeplerLSID>(); for (KAREntry karEntryKey : entries.keySet()) { String entryName = karEntryKey.getName(); String entryType = karEntryKey.getType(); KeplerLSID entryLSID = karEntryKey.getLSID(); if (isDebugging) log.debug(entryName + " " + entryLSID + " " + entryType); if (_karItemLSIDs.contains(entryLSID)) { // TODO make sure existing Entry Handlers do not produce repeated LSIDs. // This should never happen. System.out.println("KARBuilder generateKAR() Trying to add " + entryName + " with " + "type:" + entryType + " but an entry with lsid:" + entryLSID + " has already " + "been added to KAR. Will NOT add this entry."); repeats.add(entryLSID); } else if (_karItemNames.contains(entryName)) { // TODO make sure existing Entry Handlers do not produce repeated LSIDs. // This should never happen. System.out.println("KARBuilder generateKAR() An entry with entryName" + entryName + " has already been added to KAR. Will NOT add this entry with lsid:" + entryLSID); repeats.add(entryLSID); } else { previousPassEntryLSIDs.add(entryLSID); } } // A kludge to protect against entry handlers returning entries that have already been added for (KeplerLSID repeatedLSID : repeats) { for (KAREntry ke : entries.keySet()) { if (ke.getLSID().equals(repeatedLSID)) { entries.remove(ke); if (isDebugging) log.debug("Removed " + repeatedLSID + " from pass " + pass + " entries"); break; } } } addEntriesToPrivateItems(entries); } } prepareManifest(overrideModDeps); writeKARFile(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalActionException("Error building the KAR file: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Prepare the KAR Manifest based on the kar items. * * @param overrideModDeps - Optional override of kar's module dependencies, * set null for normal use. * @throws Exception */ private void prepareManifest(String overrideModDeps) throws Exception { _manifest.addMainAttribute(KARFile.LSID.toString(), _karLSID.toString()); if (overrideModDeps == null) { _manifest.addMainAttribute(KARFile.MOD_DEPEND.toString(), ModuleDependencyUtil.buildModuleDependenciesString()); } else { //System.out.println("KARBuilder prepareManifest using overrideModDeps:"+overrideModDeps); _manifest.addMainAttribute(KARFile.MOD_DEPEND.toString(), overrideModDeps); } // add all the KAREntry attributes to the KARManifest Vector<KAREntry> toRemove = new Vector<KAREntry>(1); for (KAREntry ke : _karItems.keySet()) { Attributes atts = ke.getAttributes(); // Check required attributes String entryLSID = atts.getValue(KAREntry.LSID); String entryType = atts.getValue(KAREntry.TYPE); String entryHandler = atts.getValue(KAREntry.HANDLER); if (entryLSID == null || entryType == null || entryHandler == null) { log.warn(ke.getName() + " KAREntry did not have an LSID, Type, or Handler attribute. KAREntry removed."); toRemove.add(ke); } else { // add all attributes of the karentry to the manifest for (Object att : atts.keySet()) { if (att instanceof Name) { Name attName = (Name) att; String attValue = atts.getValue(attName); _manifest.addEntryAttribute(ke, attName.toString(), attValue); } } } } if (toRemove.size() > 0) { for (KAREntry ke : toRemove) { _karItemLSIDs.remove(ke.getLSID()); _karItems.remove(ke); } } } /** * */ private void writeKARFile() throws IOException { JarOutputStream jos = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(_karFile), _manifest); Iterator<KAREntry> li = _karItems.keySet().iterator(); while (li.hasNext()) { KAREntry entry = (KAREntry); if (isDebugging) log.debug("Writing " + entry.getName()); try { jos.putNextEntry(entry); if (_karItems.get(entry) instanceof InputStream) { // inputstream from a bin file byte[] b = new byte[1024]; InputStream is = (InputStream) _karItems.get(entry); int numread =, 0, 1024); while (numread != -1) { jos.write(b, 0, numread); numread =, 0, 1024); } is.close(); // jos.flush(); jos.closeEntry(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error(" Tried to write Duplicate Entry to kar " + entry.getName() + " " + entry.getLSID()); ioe.printStackTrace(); } } jos.flush(); jos.close();"done writing KAR file to " + _karFile.getAbsolutePath()); } }