Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2010 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * '$Author: welker $' * '$Date: 2010-05-05 22:21:26 -0700 (Wed, 05 May 2010) $' * '$Revision: 24234 $' * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above * copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies * of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY * FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE * PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF * CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, * ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * */ package org.kepler.dataproxy.datasource.geon; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.DriverManager; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI; import; import; import; import org.geon.DatabaseQuery; import org.kepler.configuration.ConfigurationManager; import org.kepler.configuration.ConfigurationProperty; import org.kepler.dataproxy.datasource.DataSourceInterface; import org.kepler.dataproxy.metadata.ADN.ADNMetadataSpecification; import org.kepler.objectmanager.cache.DataCacheListener; import org.kepler.objectmanager.cache.DataCacheManager; import org.kepler.objectmanager.cache.DataCacheObject; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import; import; import; import ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity; import ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException; import ptolemy.kernel.util.NameDuplicationException; import ptolemy.kernel.util.Settable; import ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute; import ptolemy.vergil.icon.EditorIcon; import ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.EllipseAttribute; import ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.ResizablePolygonAttribute; import ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.TextAttribute; /** * An actor that serves as a proxy to query a specific database (defined by geon * id). */ public class GEONDatabaseResource extends DatabaseQuery implements DataCacheListener, DataSourceInterface { private static final String SCHEMAENTITY = "//databaseMetaData/schema"; private static final String TABLEENTITY = "//databaseMetaData/schema/table"; private static final String VIEWENTITY = "//databaseMetaData/schema/view"; private static final String SCHEMANAMEATT = "name"; private static final String TABLENAMEATT = "name"; private static final String FIELDTAG = "column"; private static final String FIELDATT = "name"; private static final String FIELDDATATYPE = "datatype"; private static final String FIELDSIZE = "size"; private static final String FIELDRESTRICTION = "nullable"; private static final String EMAILPATH = "//sqlEngine[sqlEngineName=\"geon\"]/email"; private static final String USERNAMEPATH = "//sqlEngine[sqlEngineName=\"geon\"]/userName"; private static final String DRIVERPATH = "//sqlEngine[sqlEngineName=\"geon\"]/dbDriver"; private static final String JDBCCONNECTPATH = "//sqlEngine[sqlEngineName=\"geon\"]/jdbcConnect"; private DataSourceControllerFactory _nodeController = null; // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // private variables //// private DBQueryDef _queryDef = null; private EcogridMetaDataCacheItem _cacheMetaDataItem = null; // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // private variables //// /** Icon indicating the communication region. */ protected EllipseAttribute _elli; protected ResizablePolygonAttribute _rect; protected TextAttribute _text; // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ports and parameters //// public StringAttribute _idAtt = null; public StringAttribute _endpointAtt = null; public StringAttribute _namespaceAtt = null; public StringAttribute _descriptionAtt = null; public SingletonParameter hideCon; public SingletonParameter _hideNS; protected final static Log log; static { log = LogFactory.getLog("org.kepler.dataproxy.datasource.geon.GEONDatabaseResource"); } /** * Construct an actor with the given container and name. * * @param container * The container. * @param name * The name of this actor. * @exception IllegalActionException * If the actor cannot be contained by the proposed * container. * @exception NameDuplicationException * If the container already has an actor with this name. s * @since */ public GEONDatabaseResource(CompositeEntity container, String name) throws NameDuplicationException, IllegalActionException { super(container, name); TextStyle queryDefTS = new TextStyle(query, "query"); hideCon = new SingletonParameter(dbcon, "_hide"); hideCon.setToken(BooleanToken.TRUE); // _sqlAttr = new StringAttribute(this, "sqlDef"); // _sqlAttr.setVisibility(Settable.NONE); // TextStyle sqlDefTS = new TextStyle(_sqlAttr, "sqlDef"); _idAtt = new StringAttribute(this, RECORDID); _idAtt.setVisibility(Settable.NOT_EDITABLE); _endpointAtt = new StringAttribute(this, ENDPOINT); _endpointAtt.setVisibility(Settable.NOT_EDITABLE); _namespaceAtt = new StringAttribute(this, NAMESPACE); _namespaceAtt.setVisibility(Settable.NONE); _descriptionAtt = new StringAttribute(this, "description"); // _descriptionAtt.setVisibility(Settable.NOT_EDITABLE); TextStyle descTSatt = new TextStyle(_descriptionAtt, "descriptionTS"); // create tableau for editting the SQL String // _qbTableauFactory = new QBTableauFactory(this, "_tableauFactory"); // Create a node controller to control the context menu _nodeController = new DataSourceControllerFactory(this, "_controllerFactory"); EditorIcon node_icon = new EditorIcon(this, "_icon"); _rect = new ResizablePolygonAttribute(node_icon, "inner"); // _rect.rounding.setToken("5.0"); _rect.vertices.setToken("{-20,0, -20,40, 20,40, 20,0}"); _rect.width.setToken("40"); _rect.height.setToken("40"); _rect.centered.setToken("false"); _rect.lineColor.setToken(BLACK); // Create the folder _elli = new EllipseAttribute(node_icon, "outer"); // _elli. // _poly1.vertices.setToken("{7,-27, 7,-8, 28,-10, 28,-27, 16,-27, 15,-29, 7,-29}"); // _elli.vertices.setToken("{0,0, 8,-2, 9,1, 24,-2, 24,20, 0,24, 0,0}"); _elli.width.setToken("40"); _elli.height.setToken("30"); _elli.centered.setToken("true"); _elli.lineColor.setToken(BLACK); _text = new TextAttribute(node_icon, "text"); _text.textSize.setExpression("11"); setIconStatus(TITLE_BINARY, YELLOW); node_icon.setPersistent(false); /* * if (_TypeHash.size() == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < DATATYPES.length; * i++) { _TypeHash.put(DATATYPES[i], BASETYPES[i]); } } */} /** * Callback for changes in attribute values. */ public void attributeChanged(ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute attribute) throws ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException { // dbg.print("In attribute change method", 2); /* * if (attribute == _sqlAttr) { if (_sqlAttr != null && * !_sqlAttr.equals("")) { String sqlXMLStr = ((Settable) * _sqlAttr).getExpression(); DBQueryDef queryDef = * DBQueryDefParserEmitter.parseQueryDef( _schemaDef, sqlXMLStr); String * sqlStr = DBQueryDefParserEmitter.createSQL(_schemaDef, queryDef); if * (sqlStr != null) { query.setToken(new StringToken(sqlStr)); } } } * else if (attribute == _schemaAttr) { String schemaDef = ((Settable) * _schemaAttr).getExpression(); * * if (schemaDef.length() > 0) { dbg.print("schemaDef >>" + schemaDef + * "<<", 2); _schemaDef = * DBSchemaParserEmitter.parseSchemaDef(schemaDef); } } */ if ((attribute.getName().equals(RECORDID) || attribute.getName().equals(ENDPOINT)) // && this.hasConnectionValues() && !(attribute.getContainer().getContainer() instanceof ResultTreeRoot)) { log.debug("change recorid or endpoints"); setIconStatus(TITLE_BUSY, RED); String _recordId = getRecordId(); String _endpoint = getEndpoint(); if (_recordId != null && !_recordId.equals("") && _endpoint != null && !_endpoint.equals("")) { _cacheMetaDataItem = (EcogridMetaDataCacheItem) DataCacheManager.getCacheItem(this, "MetaData " + _recordId, _endpoint, EcogridMetaDataCacheItem.class.getName()); _cacheMetaDataItem.setEndPoint(_endpoint); _cacheMetaDataItem.setRecordId(_recordId); _cacheMetaDataItem.start(); } } else super.attributeChanged(attribute); } /** * Get the database connection. * * @throws IllegalActionException */ public void getConnection() throws IllegalActionException { ConfigurationManager confMan = ConfigurationManager.getInstance(); ConfigurationProperty commonProperty = confMan.getProperty(ConfigurationManager.getModule("common")); ConfigurationProperty geonSqlEngine = commonProperty.getProperty("sqlEngines") .findProperties("sqlEngineName", "geon", true).get(0); String dbURL = geonSqlEngine.getProperty("jdbcConnect").getValue() + "/" + getRecordId(); try { Class.forName(geonSqlEngine.getProperty("dbDriver").getValue()).newInstance(); _db = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL, geonSqlEngine.getProperty("email").getValue(), geonSqlEngine.getProperty("userName").getValue()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IllegalActionException(this, e, "CONNECTION FAILURE"); } } /** * Get a URL pointer to the ADN documentation for this data source. * * @return URL the URL of the HTML file containing the documentation */ public URL getDocumentation() // TODO:: MODIFY THIS FUNCTION!!! { try { URL htmlDoc = ADNMetadataSpecification.getDocumentation(getRecordId()); return htmlDoc; } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } /** * Get the endpoint of this record. The endpoint indicates where the service * generating the record can be accessed. * * @return endpoint the URL of the service that contains the record */ public String getEndpoint() { String value = null; try { StringAttribute attribute = (StringAttribute) this.getAttribute(ENDPOINT); value = attribute.getExpression(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("getEndpoint - ENDPOINT attr is null."); } return value; } /** * Get the namespace of this record. * * @return namespace the URL of the service that contains the record */ public String getNamespace() { String value = null; try { StringAttribute attribute = (StringAttribute) this.getAttribute(NAMESPACE); value = attribute.getExpression(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("getNamespace - NAMESPACE attr is null."); } return value; } /** * Get the identifier of this record. * * @return the String that uniquely identifies the record */ public String getRecordId() { String value = null; try { StringAttribute attribute = (StringAttribute) this.getAttribute(RECORDID); value = attribute.getExpression(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("getRecordId - RECORDID attr is null."); } return value; } /** * Creates the schema definition from the cached metadata file */ private void createSchemaFromData(File cachedMetaDataFile) { StringBuffer schema = new StringBuffer(); schema.append("<schema>\n"); try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setValidating(false); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); InputStream is = new FileInputStream(cachedMetaDataFile); Document doc = builder.parse(is); int numTables = 0; // NodeList tables = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(doc, TABLEENTITY); NodeList schemas = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(doc, SCHEMAENTITY); for (int x = 0; x < schemas.getLength(); x++) { String schemaName = ((Element) schemas.item(x)).getAttribute(SCHEMANAMEATT); NodeList tables = schemas.item(x).getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < tables.getLength(); i++) { Node child = tables.item(i); if (!(child instanceof Element)) continue; // get table name String tableName = ((Element) tables.item(i)).getAttribute(TABLENAMEATT); if (tableName == null || tableName.equals("")) continue; // table with no name else { // get fields if (schemaName != null && !schemaName.equals("") && schemas.getLength() > 1) tableName = schemaName + "." + tableName; StringBuffer table = new StringBuffer(); table.append(" <table name=\"" + tableName + "\">\n"); int numFields = 0; NodeList fields = ((Element) tables.item(i)).getElementsByTagName(FIELDTAG); for (int j = 0; j < fields.getLength(); j++) { Element field = (Element) fields.item(j); // get field name String fieldName = field.getAttribute(FIELDATT); if (fieldName == null || fieldName.equals("")) continue; else { numFields++; // get field type NodeList datatypes = field.getElementsByTagName(FIELDDATATYPE); String datatype = datatypes.item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); if (datatype == null || datatype.equals("")) datatype = "UNKNOWN"; NodeList fieldsizes = field.getElementsByTagName(FIELDSIZE); String size = fieldsizes.item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); if (size != null && !size.equals("")) datatype += "(" + size + ")"; NodeList constraints = field.getElementsByTagName(FIELDRESTRICTION); String constraint = constraints.item(0).getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); if (constraint != null && constraint.trim().toLowerCase().startsWith("no")) datatype += " not null"; table.append( " <field name=\"" + fieldName + "\" dataType=\"" + datatype + "\"/>\n"); } } table.append(" </table>\n"); if (numFields > 0) { numTables++; schema.append(table.toString()); } } } } schema.append("</schema>"); if (numTables > 0) { _schemaAttr.setExpression(schema.toString()); } else { setIconStatus(TITLE_ERROR, MAGENTA); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Unable to populate schema: " + ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Set the text and color of the icon * * @param aText * @param aColor */ private void setIconStatus(String aText, String aColor) { try { _text.text.setExpression(aText); _elli.fillColor.setToken(aColor); _rect.fillColor.setToken(aColor); } catch (Exception e) { } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // -- DataCacheListener // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public void complete(DataCacheObject aItem) { log.debug("complete: " + this); aItem.removeListener(this); // setIconStatus(TITLE_BUSY, RED); if (aItem.isReady()) { boolean resultsetWasOK = false; try { String cachedFileName = aItem.getAbsoluteFileName(); if (cachedFileName != null && cachedFileName.length() > 0) { File cachedMetaDataFile = new File(cachedFileName); if (cachedMetaDataFile.length() > 0) { createSchemaFromData(cachedMetaDataFile); setIconStatus(TITLE_BINARY, YELLOW); } else { setIconStatus(TITLE_ERROR, MAGENTA); System.err.println("File " + cachedFileName + " is empty."); } } else { setIconStatus(TITLE_ERROR, MAGENTA); System.err.println("Cached File Name (LocalName) is null or empty!"); } } catch (Exception e) { setIconStatus(TITLE_ERROR, MAGENTA); } // } else { // setIconStatus(TITLE_ERROR, MAGENTA); } } }