Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * '$Author: crawl $' * '$Date: 2014-07-21 13:34:17 -0700 (Mon, 21 Jul 2014) $' * '$Revision: 32850 $' * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above * copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies * of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY * FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE * PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF * CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, * ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** A task to execute the workflows in modules' test/workflows directory, * and load workflows in workflows/demos. The output from checking these * workflows is printed to stdout. Additionally, XML files are created in * build-area/test that summarize the test results. The format of the XML * files is based on the ant junit task, which can be used in Hudson. * * @author Daniel Crawl * @version $Id: 32850 2014-07-21 20:34:17Z crawl $ */ public class RunTestWorkflows extends ModulesTask { /** Run the task. */ @Override public void run() throws Exception { // TODO this is somewhat of a hack, but i don't know how // else to set the classpath: execute main() in a separate JVM. Java java = new Java(); java.bindToOwner(this); java.init(); java.setFork(true); java.setSpawn(false); RunClasspath runClasspath = new RunClasspath(); java.setClasspath(runClasspath); // set the class to be this one java.setClassname(getClass().getName()); if (_moduleName != null && !_moduleName.equals("undefined")) { java.createArg().setLine(_moduleName); } // pass command line properties java.createJvmarg().setLine("-Dfastfail=" + Boolean.toString(_fastFail)); java.createJvmarg().setLine("-DtestActors=" + Boolean.toString(_testActors)); java.createJvmarg().setLine("-DtestLoadDemos=" + Boolean.toString(_testLoadDemos)); java.createJvmarg().setLine("-Dtimeout=" + _testTimeout); //System.out.println(java); //System.out.println(java.getCommandLine()); java.execute(); } /** Execute the test workflows. * * @param argv a list of modules to test */ public static void main(String[] argv) { try { // set the ant project; otherwise DirectoryScanner has an exception Project project = new Project(); project.setBaseDir(ProjectLocator.getKeplerModulesDir()); ProjectLocator.setAntProject(project); final RunTestWorkflows runTestWorkflows = new RunTestWorkflows(); // set the command line properties final String fastFailStr = System.getProperty("fastfail"); if (fastFailStr != null) { runTestWorkflows.setFastfail(fastFailStr); } final String testActorsStr = System.getProperty("testActors"); if (testActorsStr != null) { runTestWorkflows.setTestActors(testActorsStr); } final String testLoadDemosStr = System.getProperty("testLoadDemos"); if (testLoadDemosStr != null) { runTestWorkflows.setTestLoadDemos(testLoadDemosStr); } final String testTimeoutStr = System.getProperty("timeout"); if (testTimeoutStr != null) { runTestWorkflows.setTimeout(testTimeoutStr); } ModuleTree tree = ModuleTree.instance(); if (argv.length == 0 || argv[0].equals("undefined")) { for (Module module : tree) { runTestWorkflows._checkModule(module); if (_fastFailed) { break; } } } else { for (String name : argv) { Module module = tree.getModule(name); if (module == null) { PrintError.message("Could not find module " + argv[0] + " in suite."); } else { runTestWorkflows._checkModule(module); if (_fastFailed) { break; } } } } } catch (Throwable t) { PrintError.message("Error running tests.", t); } finally { // report which workflows failed for (TestInfo info : _failedTests) { System.out.println("FAILED: " + info.getPath()); } } } /** Set the fast fail value. */ public void setFastfail(String fastFail) { if (fastFail.equals("unknown")) { _fastFail = false; } else { _fastFail = Boolean.valueOf(fastFail).booleanValue(); } } /** Set the test actors value. */ public void setTestActors(String testActors) { if (testActors.equals("false")) { _testActors = false; } } /** Set the test loading demos value. */ public void setTestLoadDemos(String testLoadDemos) { if (testLoadDemos.equals("false")) { _testLoadDemos = false; } } /** Set the test timeout value. */ public void setTimeout(String timeout) { _testTimeout = Long.valueOf(timeout).longValue(); } /** * set the module to test * * @param moduleName */ public void setModule(String moduleName) { _moduleName = moduleName; } /** Load a workflow or actor and parse the output. */ private void _loadWorkflowOrActor(TestInfo test) throws Exception { if (_parseWorkflowMain == null) { Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("org.kepler.loader.util.ParseWorkflow"); _parseWorkflowMain = clazz.getMethod("main", String[].class); } // redirect stdout and stderr PrintStream stdoutOrig = System.out; PrintStream stderrOrig = System.err; ByteArrayOutputStream stdoutByteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream stdoutPrintStream = new PrintStream(stdoutByteStream); System.setOut(stdoutPrintStream); ByteArrayOutputStream stderrByteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream stderrPrintStream = new PrintStream(stderrByteStream); System.setErr(stderrPrintStream); // call the method String[] args; // if test is for an actor, add -a argument for ParseWorkflow.main() if (test.getTestType() == TestType.Actor) { args = new String[] { "-a", test.getPath() }; } else { args = new String[] { test.getPath() }; } long startTime = System.nanoTime(); _parseWorkflowMain.invoke(null, (Object) args); long elapsed = System.nanoTime() - startTime; if (elapsed > 0) { elapsed = elapsed / 1000000000; } test.setTime(elapsed); // restore stdout and stderr System.setOut(stdoutOrig); System.setErr(stderrOrig); // parse stdout and stderr InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(stdoutByteStream.toByteArray()); _parseOutput(test, stream, true); stdoutByteStream.close(); stream.close(); stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(stderrByteStream.toByteArray()); _parseOutput(test, stream, false); stderrByteStream.close(); stream.close(); } /** Execute a class in Kepler to check a workflow and updates the * WorkflowInfo object if there are errors. */ private void _executeKeplerClassAsSeparateJVM(String className, final TestInfo info) { // use ant java task to get a command line Java java = new Java(); java.bindToOwner(this); java.init(); java.setFork(true); java.setSpawn(false); // set fail on error true so that if a timeout occurs, then an // exception is thrown. java.setFailonerror(true); RunClasspath runClasspath = new RunClasspath(); java.setClasspath(runClasspath); java.setClassname(className); java.createJvmarg().setLine("-Djava.awt.headless=true"); java.createArg().setValue(info.getPath()); File stdoutFile = null; File stderrFile = null; try { try { stdoutFile = File.createTempFile("hudson", ".stdout"); stderrFile = File.createTempFile("hudson", ".stderr"); } catch (IOException e) { String message = "Error creating stdout/stderr file: " + e.getMessage(); info.setError(message); System.err.println(message); return; } java.setOutput(stdoutFile); java.setError(stderrFile); java.setTimeout(Long.valueOf(_testTimeout * 1000)); Project javaProject = new Project(); javaProject.setBaseDir(ProjectLocator.getKeplerModulesDir()); java.setProject(javaProject); try { java.execute(); } catch (BuildException e) { String message = "Error running workflow: " + e.getMessage(); System.err.println(message); info.setError(message); return; } InputStream stdoutStream = null; InputStream stderrStream = null; try { // read stdout and stderr stdoutStream = new FileInputStream(stdoutFile); try { _parseOutput(info, stdoutStream, true); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error reading stdout: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } stderrStream = new FileInputStream(stderrFile); try { _parseOutput(info, stderrStream, false); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error reading stderr: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error running Kepler: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (stdoutStream != null) { try { stdoutStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } if (stderrStream != null) { try { stderrStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } finally { if (stdoutFile != null && !stdoutFile.delete()) { System.err.println("WARNING: unable to delete " + stdoutFile); } if (stderrFile != null && !stderrFile.delete()) { System.err.println("WARNING: unable to delete " + stderrFile); } } } /** Test loading the actors for a specific module. */ private void _loadActorsForModule(Module module, Set<TestInfo> tests) throws Exception { // find the actors to load File karDir = module.getKarResourcesDir(); if (!karDir.exists()) { System.out.println(" No actors found."); return; } final DirectoryScanner scanner = new DirectoryScanner(); scanner.setBasedir(karDir); scanner.setIncludes(new String[] { "**/*.xml" }); scanner.scan(); String[] actorFileNames = scanner.getIncludedFiles(); // load the actors if (actorFileNames == null || actorFileNames.length == 0) { System.out.println(" No actors found."); } else { // sort by name Arrays.sort(actorFileNames); for (String name : actorFileNames) { System.out.println(" Loading actor " + name); TestInfo test = new TestInfo(name, TestType.Actor); tests.add(test); final String absoluteWorkflowPath = karDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + name; test.setPath(absoluteWorkflowPath); _loadWorkflowOrActor(test); if (_fastFailed) { break; } } } } /** Test loading the demo workflows for a specific module. */ private void _loadDemoWorkflowsForModule(Module module, Set<TestInfo> tests) throws Exception { // find the demo workflows to load File workflowsDir = module.getDemosDir(); if (!workflowsDir.exists()) { System.out.println(" No demo workflows found."); return; } final DirectoryScanner scanner = new DirectoryScanner(); scanner.setBasedir(workflowsDir); scanner.setIncludes(new String[] { "**/*.xml", "**/*.kar" }); scanner.setExcludes(new String[] { "**/unsupported/" }); scanner.scan(); String[] workflowFileNames = scanner.getIncludedFiles(); // load the workflows if (workflowFileNames == null || workflowFileNames.length == 0) { System.out.println(" No demo workflows found."); } else { // sort by name Arrays.sort(workflowFileNames); for (String name : workflowFileNames) { System.out.println(" Loading workflow " + name); TestInfo test = new TestInfo(name, TestType.DemoWorkflow); tests.add(test); final String absoluteWorkflowPath = workflowsDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + name; test.setPath(absoluteWorkflowPath); _loadWorkflowOrActor(test); if (_fastFailed) { break; } } } } /** Check a module: execute the test workflows, load the demo workflows, * and load the actors. */ private void _checkModule(Module module) throws Exception { final String moduleName = module.getName(); System.out.println("Checking module " + moduleName + "."); final Set<TestInfo> tests = new HashSet<TestInfo>(); _errors = 0; if (_testLoadDemos) { _loadDemoWorkflowsForModule(module, tests); } if (_testActors) { _loadActorsForModule(module, tests); } _executeTestWorkflowsForModule(module, tests); // update the list of failed workflows for (TestInfo test : tests) { if (test.hadError()) { _failedTests.add(test); } } // create the summary XML file for this module FileWriter xmlWriter = null; try { try { File testsDir = new File(ProjectLocator.getBuildDir() + File.separator + "tests"); if (!testsDir.exists() && !testsDir.mkdirs()) { System.err.println("Unable to create directory for " + testsDir); return; } xmlWriter = new FileWriter(new File(testsDir, "workflows-" + moduleName + ".xml")); xmlWriter.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); xmlWriter.write("<testsuite errors=\"" + _errors + "\" tests=\"" + tests.size() + "\">\n"); for (TestInfo test : tests) { String nameWithoutExtension = _removeExtension(test.getName()); String testTypeStr; TestType type = test.getTestType(); if (type == TestType.TestWorkflow) { testTypeStr = "RunTestWorkflow"; } else if (type == TestType.DemoWorkflow) { testTypeStr = "LoadDemoWorkflow"; } else { testTypeStr = "LoadActor"; } xmlWriter.write(" <testcase " + "classname=\"" + moduleName + "." + testTypeStr + "." + nameWithoutExtension + "\"" + " name=\"" + moduleName + " " + nameWithoutExtension + "\" time=\"" + test.getTime() + "\" >\n"); if (test.hadError()) { xmlWriter.write( " <error message=\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(test.getError()) + "\"/>\n"); } xmlWriter.write(" <system-err>"); xmlWriter.write(StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(test.getStderr())); xmlWriter.write("</system-err>\n"); xmlWriter.write(" <system-out>"); xmlWriter.write(StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(test.getStdout())); xmlWriter.write("</system-out>\n"); xmlWriter.write(" </testcase>\n"); } xmlWriter.write("</testsuite>\n"); } finally { if (xmlWriter != null) { xmlWriter.close(); } } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("IOException: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** Execute the test workflows for a specific module. */ private void _executeTestWorkflowsForModule(Module module, Set<TestInfo> tests) { // find the test workflows to run File workflowsDir = module.getTestsWorkflowsDir(); String[] workflowFileNames = workflowsDir.list(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { if (name.endsWith(".xml") || name.endsWith(".kar")) { return true; } return false; } }); // execute the test workflows if (workflowFileNames == null || workflowFileNames.length == 0) { System.out.println(" No test workflows found."); } else { // sort by name Arrays.sort(workflowFileNames); for (String name : workflowFileNames) { System.out.println(" Executing workflow " + name); final TestInfo test = new TestInfo(name, TestType.TestWorkflow); tests.add(test); final String absoluteWorkflowPath = workflowsDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + name; test.setPath(absoluteWorkflowPath); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); // XXX check training mode is off before running _executeKeplerClassAsSeparateJVM("org.kepler.ExecutionEngine", test); long elapsed = System.nanoTime() - startTime; if (elapsed > 0) { elapsed = elapsed / 1000000000; } test.setTime(elapsed); if (_fastFail && test.hadError()) { _fastFailed = true; } if (_fastFailed) { break; } } } } /** Parse the output from a test. * @param test information about the test * @param output the output from the test * @param isStdout if true, output is from stdout. if false, output is stderr. */ private void _parseOutput(TestInfo test, InputStream output, boolean isStdout) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(output)); String line; try { while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (isStdout) { System.out.println(line); } else { System.err.println(line); } synchronized (test) { if (isStdout) { test.appendStdout(line); } else { test.appendStderr(line); } if ((line.toLowerCase().contains("exception") || line.toLowerCase().contains("error")) && !test.hadError()) { test.setError(line); _errors++; } } } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error reading output: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } reader.close(); } /** Remove the extension in a file name. */ private static String _removeExtension(String name) { int index = name.lastIndexOf("."); if (index > -1) { return name.substring(0, index); } return name; } /** A utility class to hold information about a test execution. */ private static class TestInfo { public TestInfo(String name, TestType type) { _name = name; _type = type; } /** Append to the stderr buffer. */ public void appendStderr(String line) { _stderr.append(line); _stderr.append("\n"); } /** Get the stderr buffer. */ public String getStderr() { return _stderr.toString(); } /** Append to the stdout buffer. */ public void appendStdout(String line) { _stdout.append(line); _stdout.append("\n"); } /** Get the stdout buffer. */ public String getStdout() { return _stdout.toString(); } /** Returns the error line if an error occurred. * Returns null if no error occurred. */ public String getError() { return _error; } /** Returns true if an error occurred. */ public boolean hadError() { return _error != null; } public String getPath() { return _path; } /** Set if an error occurred. */ public void setError(String error) { _error = error; } public void setPath(String path) { _path = path; } /** Get the amount of time in seconds elapsed running the test. */ public String getTime() { return String.valueOf(_time); } /** Set the elapsed time in seconds. */ public void setTime(long time) { _time = time; } /** Get the test type. */ public TestType getTestType() { return _type; } /** Get the workflow/actor filename. */ public String getName() { return _name; } /** Workflow or actor file name. */ private String _name; /**If true, an error occurred. */ private String _error; /** The type of test. */ private TestType _type; private String _path; /** Buffer of stdout. */ private final StringBuilder _stdout = new StringBuilder(); /** Buffer of stderr. */ private final StringBuilder _stderr = new StringBuilder(); /** The elapsed time in seconds. */ private long _time; } /** The types of tests. */ private enum TestType { TestWorkflow, DemoWorkflow, Actor }; /** If not null or "undefined", the module to test. */ private String _moduleName; /** The number of errors per module. */ private int _errors = 0; /** If true, stop after the first error. */ private static boolean _fastFail = false; /** This is set to true if _fastFail is true and an error occurred. */ private static boolean _fastFailed = false; /** A list of tests that failed. */ private static List<TestInfo> _failedTests = new LinkedList<TestInfo>(); /** The main() method for ParseWorkflow. */ private static Method _parseWorkflowMain; /** If true, test loading the actors. */ private static boolean _testActors = true; /** If true, test loading the demo workflows. */ private static boolean _testLoadDemos = true; /** The test timeout in seconds. */ private static long _testTimeout = 5 * 60; }