Java tutorial
/*---------------- FILE HEADER KALYPSO ------------------------------------------ * * This file is part of kalypso. * Copyright (C) 2004 by: * * Technical University Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH) * Institute of River and coastal engineering * Denickestrae 22 * 21073 Hamburg, Germany * * * and * * Bjoernsen Consulting Engineers (BCE) * Maria Trost 3 * 56070 Koblenz, Germany * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Contact: * * E-Mail: * * * * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Created on 31.01.2005 * */ package org.kalypso.wizard; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectDescription; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.ErrorDialog; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection; import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench; import org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardNewProjectCreationPage; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.wizards.newresource.ResourceMessages; import org.kalypso.afgui.wizards.INewProjectWizard; import; import org.kalypso.commons.xml.XmlTypes; import org.kalypso.contribs.eclipse.core.resources.ResourceUtilities; import org.kalypso.convert.namodel.NaModelConstants; import org.kalypso.gmlschema.GMLSchema; import org.kalypso.gmlschema.GMLSchemaCatalog; import org.kalypso.gmlschema.GMLSchemaFactory; import org.kalypso.gmlschema.IGMLSchema; import org.kalypso.gmlschema.KalypsoGMLSchemaPlugin; import org.kalypso.gmlschema.feature.IFeatureType; import; import; import; import org.kalypso.gmlschema.types.IMarshallingTypeHandler; import org.kalypso.gmlschema.types.ITypeRegistry; import org.kalypso.gmlschema.types.MarshallingTypeRegistrySingleton; import org.kalypso.ogc.gml.serialize.GmlSerializer; import org.kalypso.ui.ImageProvider; import org.kalypso.wizard.i18n.Messages; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.feature.Feature; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.feature.FeatureList; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.feature.GMLWorkspace; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.geometry.GM_Curve; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.geometry.GM_MultiCurve; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.geometry.GM_MultiSurface; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.geometry.GM_Object; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.geometry.GM_Surface; import org.kalypsodeegree_impl.gml.schema.SpecialPropertyMapper; import org.kalypsodeegree_impl.model.feature.FeatureFactory; import org.kalypsodeegree_impl.model.geometry.GeometryFactory; import; /** * @author kuepfer */ public class KalypsoNAProjectWizard extends Wizard implements INewProjectWizard { // Constants public static final String NULL_KEY = "-NULL-"; //$NON-NLS-1$ static final String CATCHMENT_PAGE = "page_type:catchment"; //$NON-NLS-1$ static final String HYDROTOP_PAGE = "page_type:hydrotop"; //$NON-NLS-1$ static final String NODE_PAGE = "page_type:node"; //$NON-NLS-1$ static final String RIVER_PAGE = "page_type:river"; //$NON-NLS-1$ static final String PROJECT_PAGE = "page_type:createNewProject"; //$NON-NLS-1$ static final String PREFERENCE_PAGE = "page_type:preferences"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private final String m_resourceBase = "resources/"; //$NON-NLS-1$ final HashMap<String, Feature> m_IDMap = new HashMap<String, Feature>(); private IFeatureType createGewaesserFT() { final ITypeRegistry<IMarshallingTypeHandler> registry = MarshallingTypeRegistrySingleton.getTypeRegistry(); final QName featureQName = new QName("", "Gewsser"); //$NON-NLS-1$ final IMarshallingTypeHandler lineStringTH = registry .getTypeHandlerForClassName(GeometryUtilities.getLineStringClass()); final IPropertyType pt1 = GMLSchemaFactory.createValuePropertyType(new QName("", "Ort"), //$NON-NLS-1$ lineStringTH, 0, 1, false); final IMarshallingTypeHandler stringTH = registry.getTypeHandlerForTypeName(XmlTypes.XS_STRING); final IPropertyType pt2 = GMLSchemaFactory.createValuePropertyType(new QName("", "name"), //$NON-NLS-1$ stringTH, 1, 1, false); final IPropertyType pt3 = GMLSchemaFactory .createValuePropertyType(new QName("", "description"), stringTH, 1, 1, false); //$NON-NLS-1$ final IMarshallingTypeHandler integerTH = registry.getTypeHandlerForTypeName(XmlTypes.XS_INT); final IPropertyType pt4 = GMLSchemaFactory .createValuePropertyType(new QName("", "StrangArt"), integerTH, 0, 1, false); //$NON-NLS-1$ final IPropertyType[] pts = new IPropertyType[] { pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4 }; return GMLSchemaFactory.createFeatureType(featureQName, pts); } private KalypsoNAProjectWizardPage m_createMappingCatchmentPage; private KalypsoNAProjectWizardPage m_createMappingHydrotopPage; private KalypsoNAProjectWizardPage m_createMappingNodePage; private KalypsoNAProjectWizardPage m_createMappingRiverPage; private KalypsoNAProjectPreferences m_createPreferencePage; private WizardNewProjectCreationPage m_createProjectPage; private final GMLSchema m_modelSchema; private GMLWorkspace m_modelWS; private IPath m_workspacePath; private IProject m_projectHandel; private IPath m_modelPath; private GMLSchema m_hydrotopSchema; private Path m_hydPath; private GMLWorkspace m_hydWS; public KalypsoNAProjectWizard() { GMLSchema schema = null; try { final GMLSchemaCatalog schemaCatalog = KalypsoGMLSchemaPlugin.getDefault().getSchemaCatalog(); schema = schemaCatalog.getSchema(NaModelConstants.NS_NAMODELL, (String) null); m_hydrotopSchema = schemaCatalog.getSchema(NaModelConstants.NS_NAHYDROTOP, (String) null); } catch (final Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } m_modelSchema = schema; setNeedsProgressMonitor(true); setWindowTitle("New Project"); } @Override public void addPages() { try { m_createProjectPage = new WizardNewProjectCreationPage(PROJECT_PAGE); m_createProjectPage.setTitle(ResourceMessages.NewProject_title); m_createProjectPage.setDescription(ResourceMessages.NewProject_description); m_createProjectPage.setImageDescriptor(ImageProvider.IMAGE_KALYPSO_ICON_BIG); addPage(m_createProjectPage); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } m_createPreferencePage = new KalypsoNAProjectPreferences(PREFERENCE_PAGE, m_modelSchema); addPage(m_createPreferencePage); m_createMappingCatchmentPage = new KalypsoNAProjectWizardPage(CATCHMENT_PAGE, Messages.get("KalypsoNAProjectWizard.CatchmentPageTitle"), //$NON-NLS-1$ ImageProvider.IMAGE_KALYPSO_ICON_BIG, getFeatureType("Catchment")); //$NON-NLS-1$ addPage(m_createMappingCatchmentPage); final IFeatureType gewaesserFT = createGewaesserFT(); m_createMappingRiverPage = new KalypsoNAProjectWizardPage(RIVER_PAGE, Messages.get("KalypsoNAProjectWizard.ChannelPageTitle"), //$NON-NLS-1$ ImageProvider.IMAGE_KALYPSO_ICON_BIG, gewaesserFT); addPage(m_createMappingRiverPage); m_createMappingNodePage = new KalypsoNAProjectWizardPage(NODE_PAGE, Messages.get("KalypsoNAProjectWizard.NodePageTitle"), //$NON-NLS-1$ ImageProvider.IMAGE_KALYPSO_ICON_BIG, getFeatureType("Node")); //$NON-NLS-1$ addPage(m_createMappingNodePage); m_createMappingHydrotopPage = new KalypsoNAProjectWizardPage(HYDROTOP_PAGE, Messages.get("KalypsoNAProjectWizard.HydrotopePageTitle"), //$NON-NLS-1$ ImageProvider.IMAGE_KALYPSO_ICON_BIG, getFeatureType("Hydrotop")); //$NON-NLS-1$ addPage(m_createMappingHydrotopPage); } private IFeatureType getFeatureType(final String featureName) { IFeatureType ft = null; ft = m_modelSchema.getFeatureType(new QName(NaModelConstants.NS_NAMODELL, featureName)); if (ft == null) ft = m_hydrotopSchema.getFeatureType(new QName(NaModelConstants.NS_NAHYDROTOP, featureName)); return ft; } /** * We will accept the selection in the workbench to see if we can initialize from it. * * @see IWorkbenchWizard#init(IWorkbench, IStructuredSelection) */ public void init(final IWorkbench workbench, final IStructuredSelection selection) { } /** * This method creates the new Project and all the necessary , performs the mapping and writes the new modell.gml file * . * * @see org.eclipse.jface.wizard.IWizard#performFinish() */ @Override public boolean performFinish() { // TODO: // - put all code into a WorkspaceModifyOperation // - run it with RunnableContextHelper on getContainer() // - remove cathes and show resulting status in errod dialog // - use operation's monitor to show progress (dont give null to Project.create and so on) m_workspacePath = m_createProjectPage.getLocationPath(); m_projectHandel = m_createProjectPage.getProjectHandle(); try { m_projectHandel.create(new NullProgressMonitor()); NullProgressMonitor()); final IProjectDescription description = m_projectHandel.getDescription(); final String[] nanature = { "org.kalypso.simulation.ui.ModelNature" }; //$NON-NLS-1$ description.setNatureIds(nanature); m_projectHandel.setDescription(description, new NullProgressMonitor()); // set charSet for the new project to the UTF-8 standard // TODO: do not do such a thing (at least without comment why). // The workspace has its own preference settings // m_projectHandel.setDefaultCharset( "UTF-8", new NullProgressMonitor() ); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (final CoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); ErrorDialog.openError(getShell(), "Create Project", "Failed to create project", e.getStatus()); return false; } // copy all the resources to the workspace into the new created project copyResourcesToProject(m_workspacePath.append(m_projectHandel.getFullPath())); try { ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, new NullProgressMonitor()); // open modell.gml and hydrotop.gml file to write imported feature m_modelPath = new Path(m_projectHandel.getFullPath().append("/modell.gml").toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$ final URL modelURL = new URL(ResourceUtilities.createURLSpec(m_modelPath)); m_modelWS = GmlSerializer.createGMLWorkspace(modelURL, null); m_hydPath = new Path(m_projectHandel.getFullPath().append("/hydrotop.gml").toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$ final URL hydURL = new URL(ResourceUtilities.createURLSpec(m_hydPath)); m_hydWS = GmlSerializer.createGMLWorkspace(hydURL, null); } catch (final Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } // map catchment shape file final HashMap catchmentMapping = m_createMappingCatchmentPage.getMapping(); if (catchmentMapping != null && catchmentMapping.size() != 0) { final List catchmentFeatureList = m_createMappingCatchmentPage.getFeatureList(); mapCatchment(catchmentFeatureList, catchmentMapping); } // map river shape file final HashMap riverMapping = m_createMappingRiverPage.getMapping(); if (riverMapping != null && riverMapping.size() != 0) { final List riverFeatureList = m_createMappingRiverPage.getFeatureList(); mapRiver(riverFeatureList, riverMapping); } // map node shape file final HashMap nodeMapping = m_createMappingNodePage.getMapping(); if (nodeMapping != null && nodeMapping.size() != 0) { final List nodeFeatureList = m_createMappingNodePage.getFeatureList(); mapNode(nodeFeatureList, nodeMapping); } // map hydrotop shape file final HashMap hydMapping = m_createMappingHydrotopPage.getMapping(); if (hydMapping != null && hydMapping.size() != 0) { final List hydFeatureList = m_createMappingHydrotopPage.getFeatureList(); mapHyd(hydFeatureList, hydMapping); } // write all new imported features to the modell.gml and hydrotop.gml file // in the // workspace try { // model.gml final IPath modelPath2 = m_workspacePath.append(m_modelPath); final OutputStreamWriter modelWriter = new FileWriter(modelPath2.toFile()); GmlSerializer.serializeWorkspace(modelWriter, m_modelWS); modelWriter.close(); // hydrotop.gml final IPath hydPath = m_workspacePath.append(m_hydPath); final OutputStreamWriter hydrotopWriter = new FileWriter(hydPath.toFile()); GmlSerializer.serializeWorkspace(hydrotopWriter, m_hydWS); hydrotopWriter.close(); } catch (final Exception e3) { e3.printStackTrace(); return false; } try { ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null); } catch (final CoreException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); return false; } m_createMappingCatchmentPage.dispose(); m_createMappingRiverPage.dispose(); m_createMappingNodePage.dispose(); m_createMappingHydrotopPage.dispose(); return true; } private void mapHyd(final List sourceFeatureList, final HashMap mapping) { final Feature rootFeature = m_hydWS.getRootFeature(); final IFeatureType hydFT = getFeatureType("Hydrotop"); //$NON-NLS-1$ final FeatureList hydList = (FeatureList) rootFeature.getProperty(NaModelConstants.HYDRO_MEMBER); final IRelationType targetRelation = hydList.getParentFeatureTypeProperty(); for (int i = 0; i < sourceFeatureList.size(); i++) { final Feature sourceFeature = (Feature) sourceFeatureList.get(i); final Feature targetFeature = FeatureFactory.createFeature(rootFeature, targetRelation, sourceFeature.getId(), hydFT, true); final IPropertyType flaechPT = hydFT.getProperty(NaModelConstants.HYDRO_PROP_AREA); final IPropertyType fakVersPT = hydFT.getProperty(NaModelConstants.HYDRO_PROP_SEAL_CORR_FACTOR); final Iterator it = mapping.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final String targetkey = (String); final IPropertyType targetPT = hydFT.getProperty(targetkey); final String sourcekey = (String) mapping.get(targetkey); if (!sourcekey.equalsIgnoreCase(NULL_KEY)) { Object so = sourceFeature.getProperty(sourcekey); final IPropertyType pt = targetFeature.getFeatureType().getProperty(targetkey); if (so instanceof GM_MultiSurface) { targetFeature.setProperty(targetPT, so); final double area = GeometryUtilities.calcArea((GM_Object) so); targetFeature.setProperty(flaechPT, new Double(area)); } else if (so instanceof GM_Surface) { final GM_Surface surface = (GM_Surface) so; final GM_Surface[] surfaces = new GM_Surface[] { surface }; final GM_MultiSurface MultiSurface = GeometryFactory.createGM_MultiSurface(surfaces, surface.getCoordinateSystem()); so = MultiSurface; targetFeature.setProperty(targetPT, so); final double area = GeometryUtilities.calcArea((GM_Object) so); targetFeature.setProperty(flaechPT, new Double(area)); } else if (pt instanceof IValuePropertyType) { final IValuePropertyType vpt = (IValuePropertyType) pt; if (so.getClass().equals(vpt.getTypeHandler().getValueClass())) { targetFeature.setProperty(targetkey, so); } else { try { targetFeature.setProperty(targetkey,, vpt.getTypeHandler().getValueClass(), so)); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } hydList.add(targetFeature); } } private void copyResourcesToProject(final IPath path) { final String resource = m_resourceBase; // System.out.print( "resource: " + resource + "\n" ); final InputStream resourceAsStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(resource); try { ZipUtilities.unzip(resourceAsStream, path.toFile()); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(resourceAsStream); } } /** * generates an ID based on the FeatureType. If the idColKey variable is set, then use this field to generate the ID * and check if the ID doesnt exist in the idMap. if the id ColKey is not set, use the ID of the sourceFeature (shape * file). * * @param idColKey * @param sourceFeature * @param IDText * @return fid */ private String getId(final String idColKey, final Feature sourceFeature, final String IDText) { String fid; if (idColKey != null) { String idKey = null; try { idKey =, Integer.class, sourceFeature.getProperty(idColKey)).toString(); } catch (final Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // String idKey = (sourceFeature.getProperty( idColKey )).toString(); if (!m_IDMap.containsKey(IDText + idKey)) { fid = IDText + idKey; m_IDMap.put(fid, sourceFeature); } else { System.out.println(Messages.get("org.kalypso.wizard.KalypsoNAProjectWizard.11") + IDText + idKey //$NON-NLS-1$ + Messages.get("org.kalypso.wizard.KalypsoNAProjectWizard.12")); //$NON-NLS-1$ fid = sourceFeature.getId(); m_IDMap.put(fid, sourceFeature); System.out.println(Messages.get("org.kalypso.wizard.KalypsoNAProjectWizard.13") + fid //$NON-NLS-1$ + Messages.get("org.kalypso.wizard.KalypsoNAProjectWizard.14")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else fid = sourceFeature.getId(); return fid; } public void mapCatchment(final List sourceFeatureList, final HashMap mapping) { final Feature rootFeature = m_modelWS.getRootFeature(); final IFeatureType modelFT = getFeatureType("Catchment"); //$NON-NLS-1$ final Feature catchmentCollectionFE = (Feature) rootFeature .getProperty(NaModelConstants.CATCHMENT_COLLECTION_MEMBER_PROP); final FeatureList catchmentList = (FeatureList) catchmentCollectionFE .getProperty(NaModelConstants.CATCHMENT_MEMBER_PROP); final IRelationType targetRelation = catchmentList.getParentFeatureTypeProperty(); // find column for id final String idColKey; if (mapping.containsKey("name")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { idColKey = (String) mapping.get("name"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else idColKey = null; for (int i = 0; i < sourceFeatureList.size(); i++) { final Feature sourceFeature = (Feature) sourceFeatureList.get(i); final String fid = getId(idColKey, sourceFeature, "TG"); final Feature targetFeature = FeatureFactory.createFeature(catchmentCollectionFE, targetRelation, fid, modelFT, true); final IPropertyType flaechPT = modelFT.getProperty(NaModelConstants.NA_MODEL_FLAECH_PROP); final IRelationType bodenkorrekturMemberRT = (IRelationType) modelFT .getProperty(NaModelConstants.BODENKORREKTUR_MEMBER); final Iterator it = mapping.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final String targetkey = (String); // final IPropertyType targetPT = modelFT.getProperty( targetkey ); final String sourcekey = (String) mapping.get(targetkey); if (!sourcekey.equalsIgnoreCase(NULL_KEY)) { final Object so = sourceFeature.getProperty(sourcekey); final IPropertyType pt = targetFeature.getFeatureType().getProperty(targetkey); if (so instanceof GM_MultiSurface) { final GM_Surface[] surfaces = new GM_Surface[] { ((GM_MultiSurface) so).getSurfaceAt(0) }; final Long area = new Long((long) (surfaces[0]).getArea()); targetFeature.setProperty(flaechPT, area); targetFeature.setProperty(targetkey, surfaces[0]); } else if (pt instanceof IValuePropertyType) { final IValuePropertyType vpt = (IValuePropertyType) pt; if (so.getClass().equals(vpt.getTypeHandler().getValueClass())) { targetFeature.setProperty(targetkey, so); } else { try { targetFeature.setProperty(targetkey,, vpt.getTypeHandler().getValueClass(), so)); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } // Bodenkorrekturparameter erstellen final List list = FeatureFactory.createFeatureList(targetFeature, bodenkorrekturMemberRT); targetFeature.setProperty(NaModelConstants.BODENKORREKTUR_MEMBER, list); final int soilLayerNo = Integer.parseInt(m_createPreferencePage.getSoilLayerNo()); for (int j = 0; j < soilLayerNo; j++) { final IRelationType bodFtProp = (IRelationType) modelFT .getProperty(NaModelConstants.BODENKORREKTUR_MEMBER); final IFeatureType bodenKorrekturFT = bodFtProp.getTargetFeatureType(); final Feature newFeature = m_modelWS.createFeature(targetFeature, bodenkorrekturMemberRT, bodenKorrekturFT); try { m_modelWS.addFeatureAsComposition(targetFeature, bodenkorrekturMemberRT, j, newFeature); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catchmentList.add(targetFeature); } } public void mapNode(final List sourceFeatureList, final HashMap mapping) { final Feature rootFeature = m_modelWS.getRootFeature(); final IFeatureType modelFT = getFeatureType("Node"); //$NON-NLS-1$ final Feature nodeCollectionFE = (Feature) rootFeature .getProperty(NaModelConstants.NODE_COLLECTION_MEMBER_PROP); final FeatureList nodeList = (FeatureList) nodeCollectionFE.getProperty(NaModelConstants.NODE_MEMBER_PROP); final IRelationType targetRelation = nodeList.getParentFeatureTypeProperty(); // find column for id final String idColKey; if (mapping.containsKey("name")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { idColKey = (String) mapping.get("name"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else idColKey = null; for (int i = 0; i < sourceFeatureList.size(); i++) { final Feature sourceFeature = (Feature) sourceFeatureList.get(i); final String fid = getId(idColKey, sourceFeature, "K"); final Feature targetFeature = FeatureFactory.createFeature(nodeCollectionFE, targetRelation, fid, modelFT, true); final Iterator it = mapping.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final String targetkey = (String); final IPropertyType targetPT = modelFT.getProperty(targetkey); final String sourcekey = (String) mapping.get(targetkey); if (!sourcekey.equalsIgnoreCase(NULL_KEY)) { final Object so = sourceFeature.getProperty(sourcekey); final IPropertyType pt = targetFeature.getFeatureType().getProperty(targetkey); if (so instanceof GM_Object) targetFeature.setProperty(targetkey, so); else if (pt instanceof IValuePropertyType) { final IValuePropertyType vpt = (IValuePropertyType) pt; if (so.getClass().equals(vpt.getTypeHandler().getValueClass())) { targetFeature.setProperty(targetkey, so); } else { try { targetFeature.setProperty(targetkey,, vpt.getTypeHandler().getValueClass(), so)); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } nodeList.add(targetFeature); } } public void mapRiver(final List sourceFeatureList, final HashMap mapping) { final Feature rootFeature = m_modelWS.getRootFeature(); final Feature channelCollectionFE = (Feature) rootFeature .getProperty(NaModelConstants.CHANNEL_COLLECTION_MEMBER_PROP); final FeatureList channelList = (FeatureList) channelCollectionFE .getProperty(NaModelConstants.CHANNEL_MEMBER_PROP); final IRelationType targetRelation = channelList.getParentFeatureTypeProperty(); // find column for id final String idColKey; if (mapping.containsKey("name")) //$NON-NLS-1$ { idColKey = (String) mapping.get("name"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else idColKey = null; // StrangArt is defined in dummyFeatureType (member variable) final String typeKey = (String) mapping.get("StrangArt"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // remove the channel type mapping (just needed once) mapping.remove(typeKey); for (int i = 0; i < sourceFeatureList.size(); i++) { final Feature sourceFeature = (Feature) sourceFeatureList.get(i); final Object o = sourceFeature.getProperty(typeKey); int channelType = 0; try { channelType = ((Integer), Integer.class, o)).intValue(); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new NumberFormatException(Messages.get("KalypsoNAProjectWizard.ExceptionStrangArt")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } Feature targetFeature = null; final String fid = getId(idColKey, sourceFeature, "S"); switch (channelType) { case 0: { final IFeatureType vFT = getFeatureType("VirtualChannel"); //$NON-NLS-1$ targetFeature = FeatureFactory.createFeature(channelCollectionFE, targetRelation, fid, vFT, true); break; } case 1: { final IFeatureType kmFT = getFeatureType("KMChannel"); //$NON-NLS-1$ targetFeature = FeatureFactory.createFeature(channelCollectionFE, targetRelation, fid, kmFT, true); final IRelationType parameterMemberRT = (IRelationType) kmFT .getProperty(NaModelConstants.KM_CHANNEL_PARAMETER_MEMBER); final List list = FeatureFactory.createFeatureList(targetFeature, parameterMemberRT); targetFeature.setProperty(parameterMemberRT, list); final int channelNo = Integer.parseInt(m_createPreferencePage.getKMChannelNo()); for (int j = 0; j < channelNo; j++) { final IFeatureType kmParameterFT = parameterMemberRT.getTargetFeatureType(); final Feature newFeature = m_modelWS.createFeature(targetFeature, targetRelation, kmParameterFT); try { m_modelWS.addFeatureAsComposition(targetFeature, parameterMemberRT, j, newFeature); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } break; } case 2: { final IFeatureType storageFT = getFeatureType("StorageChannel"); //$NON-NLS-1$ targetFeature = FeatureFactory.createFeature(channelCollectionFE, targetRelation, fid, storageFT, true); break; } case 3: { throw new NotImplementedException( Messages.get("KalypsoNAProjectWizard.ExceptionNotImplementedRHT")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } default: { break; } }// switch final Iterator it = mapping.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final String targetkey = (String); final String sourcekey = (String) mapping.get(targetkey); if ("StrangArt".equals(targetkey)) continue; if (!sourcekey.equalsIgnoreCase(NULL_KEY)) { final Object so = sourceFeature.getProperty(sourcekey); final IPropertyType pt = targetFeature.getFeatureType().getProperty(targetkey); if (so instanceof GM_MultiCurve) { final GM_Curve[] curves = new GM_Curve[] { ((GM_MultiCurve) so).getCurveAt(0) }; targetFeature.setProperty(targetkey, curves[0]); } // if( so instanceof GMLMultiLineString ) // targetFeature.setProperty( targetkey, so ); else if (pt instanceof IValuePropertyType) { final IValuePropertyType vpt = (IValuePropertyType) pt; if (so.getClass().equals(vpt.getTypeHandler().getValueClass())) { targetFeature.setProperty(targetkey, so); } else { try { targetFeature.setProperty(targetkey,, vpt.getTypeHandler().getValueClass(), so)); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } channelList.add(targetFeature); } // for i }// mapRiver public IGMLSchema getModelSchema() { return m_modelSchema; } public boolean performCancle() { try { m_projectHandel.delete(true, false, null); } catch (final CoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } /** * @see org.kalypso.afgui.wizards.INewProjectWizard#getNewProject() */ @Override public IProject getNewProject() { return m_projectHandel; } /** * @see org.kalypso.afgui.wizards.INewProjectWizard#setActivateScenarioOnPerformFinish(boolean) */ @Override public void setActivateScenarioOnPerformFinish(final boolean b) { // ignore, makes no sense here } }