Java tutorial
/** This file is part of kalypso/deegree. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * history: * * Files in this package are originally taken from deegree and modified here * to fit in kalypso. As goals of kalypso differ from that one in deegree * interface-compatibility to deegree is wanted but not retained always. * * If you intend to use this software in other ways than in kalypso * (e.g. OGC-web services), you should consider the latest version of deegree, * see . * * all modifications are licensed as deegree, * original copyright: * * Copyright (C) 2001 by: * EXSE, Department of Geography, University of Bonn * * lat/lon GmbH * */ package org.kalypso.shape.shp; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert; import org.kalypso.shape.FileMode; import org.kalypso.shape.ShapeHeader; import org.kalypso.shape.ShapeType; import org.kalypso.shape.geometry.ISHPGeometry; import org.kalypso.shape.geometry.SHPEnvelope; import org.kalypso.shape.geometry.SHPMultiPoint; import org.kalypso.shape.geometry.SHPMultiPointm; import org.kalypso.shape.geometry.SHPMultiPointz; import org.kalypso.shape.geometry.SHPNullShape; import org.kalypso.shape.geometry.SHPPoint; import org.kalypso.shape.geometry.SHPPointm; import org.kalypso.shape.geometry.SHPPointz; import org.kalypso.shape.geometry.SHPPolyLine; import org.kalypso.shape.geometry.SHPPolyLinem; import org.kalypso.shape.geometry.SHPPolyLinez; import org.kalypso.shape.geometry.SHPPolygon; import org.kalypso.shape.geometry.SHPPolygonz; import org.kalypso.shape.shx.SHXRecord; import; import; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.geometry.ByteUtils; /** * Class representing an ESRI Shape File. * <p> * Uses class ByteUtils modified from the original package com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape <br> * Copyright (C) 1998 BBN Corporation 10 Moulton St. Cambridge, MA 02138 <br> * <br> * Original Author: Andreas Poth */ public class SHPFile extends AbstractSHPFile { public static SHPFile create(final File file, final ShapeType shapeType) throws IOException { if (file.isFile() && file.exists()) file.delete(); final RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw"); final ShapeHeader header = new ShapeHeader(ShapeHeader.SHAPE_FILE_HEADER_LENGTH, shapeType, null); header.write(raf); raf.close(); return new SHPFile(file, FileMode.WRITE); } /** * Opens a .shp file which must already exist. */ public SHPFile(final File file, final FileMode mode) throws IOException { super(openInput(file, mode), mode); } private static DataInput openInput(final File file, final FileMode mode) throws IOException { final String rwMode = mode == FileMode.READ ? "r" : "rw"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ switch (mode) { case READ: return new BufferedRandomAccessFile(file, rwMode, 1024 * 8); case WRITE: return new RandomAccessFile(file, rwMode); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } private RandomAccessFile getRandomAccessFile() { return (RandomAccessFile) getInput(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { final RandomAccessFile raf = getRandomAccessFile(); if (isWriting()) { // Update header with length final long fileLength = raf.length(); updateHeader((int) fileLength, getMBR()); /* and write the header */; final ShapeHeader header = getHeader(); header.write(raf); } raf.close(); } /** * returns the minimum bound rectangle of RecNo's Geometrie of the shape-file <BR> */ public SHPEnvelope getEnvelope(final SHXRecord record) throws IOException { final RandomAccessFile raf = getRandomAccessFile(); final int position = record.getOffset() * 2; + 8); final ShapeType shpType = ShapeType.valueOf(DataUtils.readLEInt(raf)); /* * only for PolyLines, Polygons and MultiPoints minimum bounding rectangles are defined */ if (shpType == ShapeType.POLYLINE || shpType == ShapeType.POLYGON || shpType == ShapeType.MULTIPOINT || shpType == ShapeType.POLYLINEZ || shpType == ShapeType.POLYGONZ || shpType == ShapeType.MULTIPOINTZ) return new SHPEnvelope(raf); return null; } /** * method: getByRecNo (int RecNo) <BR> * returns a ShapeRecord-Geometry by RecorcNumber <BR> */ public ISHPGeometry getShape(final SHXRecord record) throws IOException { final RandomAccessFile raf = getRandomAccessFile(); final int position = record.getOffset() * 2; final int contentLength = record.getLength() * 2; final byte[] recBuf = new byte[contentLength]; + 8); raf.readFully(recBuf); final ShapeType shpType = ShapeType.valueOf(ByteUtils.readLEInt(recBuf, 0)); if (shpType == ShapeType.NULL) return new SHPNullShape(); // create a geometry out of record buffer with shape type switch (shpType) { case NULL: return new SHPNullShape(); case POINT: return new SHPPoint(recBuf); case MULTIPOINT: return; case POLYLINE: return new SHPPolyLine(recBuf); case POLYGON: return new SHPPolygon(recBuf); case POINTZ: return new SHPPointz(recBuf); case POLYLINEZ: return new SHPPolyLinez(recBuf); case POLYGONZ: return new SHPPolygonz(recBuf); case MULTIPOINTZ: return; case POINTM: return new SHPPointm(recBuf); case MULTIPOINTM: return; case POLYLINEM: return new SHPPolyLinem(recBuf); case POLYGONM: return new SHPPolyLinem(recBuf); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown shape type: " + shpType); } /** * Adds a new shape entry to the end of the file.<br> * This method is atomic in that sense that if an exception occurs while a shape convertet to bytes, inetad a * Null-Shape will be written. */ public SHXRecord addShape(final ISHPGeometry shape, final int recordNumber) throws IOException, SHPException { if (shape == null) throw new SHPException("shape == null not allowed. Add SHPNullShape instead."); if (!(shape instanceof SHPNullShape) && shape.getType() != getShapeType()) throw new SHPException("Cannot add shape, wrong type."); final RandomAccessFile raf = getRandomAccessFile(); final long currentFileLength = raf.length(); /* Convert shape into bytes and write them in one go */ final byte[] bytes = writeRecordAsBytes(recordNumber, shape);; raf.write(bytes); /* Update header */ final SHPEnvelope shapeMbr = shape.getEnvelope(); expandMbr(shapeMbr); /* Create and return index record */ final int contentLength = bytes.length - RECORD_HEADER_BYTES; return new SHXRecord((int) currentFileLength / 2, contentLength / 2); } private byte[] writeRecordAsBytes(final int recordNumber, final ISHPGeometry shape) throws IOException { final int contentLength = shape.length() + 4; final int recordLength = RECORD_HEADER_BYTES + contentLength; final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(recordLength); final DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(out); /* Record Header */ os.writeInt(recordNumber); os.writeInt(contentLength / 2); /* record Content */ DataUtils.writeLEInt(os, shape.getType().getType()); shape.write(os); // TODO: why flush here? os.flush(); final byte[] byteArray = out.toByteArray(); Assert.isTrue(recordLength == byteArray.length); return byteArray; } private void expandMbr(final SHPEnvelope shapeMbr) { final SHPEnvelope mbr = getMBR(); final SHPEnvelope newMbr = mbr == null ? shapeMbr : mbr.expand(shapeMbr); // PERFORMANCE: we always set -1 as file length here. The file length will e updated as soon as the // header gets really written updateHeader(-1, newMbr); } private boolean isWriting() { return getMode() == FileMode.WRITE; } }