Java tutorial
/*---------------- FILE HEADER KALYPSO ------------------------------------------ * * This file is part of kalypso. * Copyright (C) 2004 by: * * Technical University Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH) * Institute of River and coastal engineering * Denickestrae 22 * 21073 Hamburg, Germany * * * and * * Bjoernsen Consulting Engineers (BCE) * Maria Trost 3 * 56070 Koblenz, Germany * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Contact: * * E-Mail: * * * * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ package org.kalypso.model.hydrology.internal.preprocessing.writer; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.NaModelConstants; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.binding.NAOptimize; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.binding.control.NAControl; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.binding.model.Catchment; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.binding.model.channels.Channel; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.internal.i18n.Messages; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.internal.preprocessing.NAPreprocessorException; import; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.internal.preprocessing.timeseries.GrapWriter; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.internal.preprocessing.timeseries.RangeFactor; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.DateRange; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.IAxis; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.IObservation; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.ITupleModel; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.ObservationUtilities; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.SensorException; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.metadata.ITimeseriesConstants; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.util.ZmlLink; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.zml.ZmlFactory; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.zml.ZmlURL; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.feature.Feature; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.feature.GMLWorkspace; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.feature.IFeatureBindingCollection; import org.kalypsodeegree_impl.model.feature.FeatureHelper; /** * @author Gernot Belger */ public class TsFileWriter { private final Logger m_logger; private final URL m_zmlContext; private final NetElement[] m_channels; private final TimeseriesFileManager m_tsFileManager; private final GMLWorkspace m_synthNWorkspace; private final NAControl m_metaControl; private final NAOptimize m_naOptimize; public static enum TSFormat { GRAP, EX2 } public TsFileWriter(final GMLWorkspace synthNWorkspace, final NAControl naControl, final NAOptimize naOptimize, final NetElement[] channels, final URL zmlContext, final TimeseriesFileManager tsFileManager, final Logger logger) { m_synthNWorkspace = synthNWorkspace; m_metaControl = naControl; m_naOptimize = naOptimize; m_channels = channels; m_zmlContext = zmlContext; m_tsFileManager = tsFileManager; m_logger = logger; } public void write(final File targetDir) throws NAPreprocessorException { for (final NetElement netElement : m_channels) { final Channel channel = netElement.getChannel(); generateTimeSeries(channel, targetDir); } } private void generateTimeSeries(final Channel channel, final File klimaDir) throws NAPreprocessorException { final Date simulationStart = m_metaControl.getSimulationStart(); final Date simulationEnd = m_metaControl.getSimulationEnd(); final DateRange simulationRange = new DateRange(simulationStart, simulationEnd); final Catchment[] catchments = channel.findCatchments(); for (final Catchment catchment : catchments) { try { writeCatchmentTimeseries(klimaDir, simulationRange, catchment); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); final String message = String.format(Messages.getString("TsFileWriter.0"), catchment.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ throw new NAPreprocessorException(message, e); } } } private void writeCatchmentTimeseries(final File klimaDir, final DateRange simulationRange, final Catchment catchment) throws SensorException, IOException { final File targetFileN = m_tsFileManager.getNiederschlagEingabeDatei(catchment, klimaDir); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (m_metaControl.isUsePrecipitationForm()) { if (!targetFileN.exists()) writeSynthNFile(targetFileN, catchment); } else { if (!targetFileN.exists()) writeNFile(targetFileN, catchment); final ZmlLink linkT = catchment.getTemperatureLink(); final File targetFileT = m_tsFileManager.getTemperaturEingabeDatei(catchment, klimaDir); //$NON-NLS-1$ writeExtTimeseries(targetFileT, linkT, m_zmlContext, ITimeseriesConstants.TYPE_MEAN_TEMPERATURE, "1.0", //$NON-NLS-1$ simulationRange); final ZmlLink linkV = catchment.getEvaporationLink(); final File targetFileV = m_tsFileManager.getVerdunstungEingabeDatei(catchment, klimaDir); //$NON-NLS-1$ writeExtTimeseries(targetFileV, linkV, m_zmlContext, ITimeseriesConstants.TYPE_EVAPORATION_LAND_BASED, "0.5", simulationRange); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } private void writeNFile(final File targetFileN, final Catchment catchment) throws SensorException, IOException { final ZmlLink linkN = catchment.getPrecipitationLink(); final IObservation observation = loadObservationWithFilter(linkN, m_zmlContext, null); if (observation == null) return; final StringBuilder writer = new StringBuilder(); final GrapWriter grapWriter = new GrapWriter(ITimeseriesConstants.TYPE_RAINFALL, observation); final RangeFactor forecastFactor = createForecastFactor(catchment); grapWriter.setRangeFactor(forecastFactor); grapWriter.write(writer); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(targetFileN, writer.toString()); } /** * Very specialized: we have a special factor for precipitation in the forecast date range.<br/> * This makes actually only sense for highwater prediction. */ private RangeFactor createForecastFactor(final Catchment catchment) { // FIXME: cannot work any more final Date startForecast = m_metaControl.getSimulationEnd(); if (startForecast == null) return null; final Date simulationEnd = m_metaControl.getSimulationEnd(); if (startForecast.equals(simulationEnd)) return null; if (m_naOptimize == null) return null; final IFeatureBindingCollection<Catchment> catchmentCollection = m_naOptimize.getCatchmentCollection(); if (!catchmentCollection.contains(catchment)) return null; final double faktn = catchment.getFaktn(); final double faktnPrognose = m_naOptimize.getFaktnPrognose(); // THE BIG HACK: We always devide by the catchment factor, else we would get two factors: the catchment factor // (applied by kalypso-na.exe) AND the forecast factor. But we only want one factor. final double forcastFactorN = faktnPrognose / faktn; final DateRange forecastRange = new DateRange(startForecast, simulationEnd); return new RangeFactor(forecastRange, forcastFactorN); } public static final void writeGrapTimeseries(final File targetFile, final ZmlLink link, final URL zmlContext, final String valueAxisType, final String filter) throws SensorException, IOException { if (targetFile.exists()) return; final IObservation observation = loadObservationWithFilter(link, zmlContext, filter); if (observation == null) return; final GrapWriter grapWriter = new GrapWriter(valueAxisType, observation); final StringBuilder writer = new StringBuilder(); grapWriter.write(writer); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(targetFile, writer.toString()); } public static final void writeExtTimeseries(final File targetFile, final ZmlLink link, final URL zmlContext, final String valueAxisType, final String defaultValue, final DateRange simulationRange) throws SensorException, IOException { if (targetFile.exists()) return; final IObservation observation = loadObservationWithFilter(link, zmlContext, null); if (observation == null) return; // TODO: calculate start/end here final Ext2InterpolationWriter writer = new Ext2InterpolationWriter(observation, valueAxisType, defaultValue); writer.write(targetFile, simulationRange); } private static IObservation loadObservationWithFilter(final ZmlLink link, final URL zmlContext, final String filter) throws MalformedURLException, SensorException { if (link == null) return null; final String href = link.getHref(); final String hrefWithFilter = filter == null ? href : ZmlURL.insertFilter(href, filter); final URL location = UrlResolverSingleton.getDefault().resolveURL(zmlContext, hrefWithFilter); return ZmlFactory.parseXML(location); } // FIXME: does not belong here -> move into own writer private void writeSynthNFile(final File targetFileN, final Catchment catchment) throws SensorException, IOException { final List<Feature> statNList = new ArrayList<>(); final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); final Double annualityKey = m_metaControl.getAnnuality(); // Kostra-Kachel/ synth. N gebietsabngig final String synthNKey = catchment.getSynthZR(); statNList.addAll(Arrays .asList(FeatureHelper.getFeaturesWithName(m_synthNWorkspace, NaModelConstants.SYNTHN_STATN_FT))); // Performance & readability: linear search loop; first hash the synth-definitions; then write.... for (final Feature statNFE : statNList) { if (statNFE.getName() != null) { if (statNFE.getName().equals(synthNKey)) { final List<?> statNParameterList = (List<?>) statNFE .getProperty(NaModelConstants.STATNPARA_MEMBER); for (final Object object : statNParameterList) { final Feature fe = (Feature) object; final String annuality = Double .toString(1d / (Double) fe.getProperty(NaModelConstants.STATN_PROP_XJAH)); if (annuality.equals(annualityKey.toString())) { final IObservation tnProp = (IObservation) fe .getProperty(NaModelConstants.STATN_PROP_STATN_DIAG); if (tnProp != null) { final IObservation observation = tnProp; final IAxis[] axisList = observation.getAxes(); final IAxis minutesAxis = ObservationUtilities.findAxisByType(axisList, ITimeseriesConstants.TYPE_MIN); final IAxis precipitationAxis = ObservationUtilities.findAxisByType(axisList, ITimeseriesConstants.TYPE_RAINFALL); buffer.append(FortranFormatHelper.printf(annualityKey, "f6.3") + " " + "1" + "\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ final ITupleModel values = observation.getValues(null); final int count = values.size(); // if( count > 20 ) // throw new Exception( "Fehler!!! NA-Modell: Anzahl Wertepaare synth Niederschlag > maximale Anzahl // (20) \n Niederschlag:" + synthNKey + "\n Wiederkehrwahrscheinlichkeit: " // + annualityKey ); for (int row = 0; row < count; row++) { final Double minutesValue = (Double) values.get(row, minutesAxis); final Double hoursValue = minutesValue / 60d; if (hoursValue.equals(m_metaControl.getDurationHours())) { final Double precipitationValue = (Double) values.get(row, precipitationAxis); buffer.append(FortranFormatHelper.printf(hoursValue, "f9.3") + " " //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ + FortranFormatHelper.printf(precipitationValue, "*") + "\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } // FIXME: highly dubious: the same buffer is written again and again, but never cleared during the // loop... is this correct? final FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(targetFileN); writer.write(buffer.toString()); IOUtils.closeQuietly(writer); } else { final String msg = Messages.getString( "org.kalypso.convert.namodel.manager.CatchmentManager.143", synthNKey, //$NON-NLS-1$ annualityKey); m_logger.log(Level.WARNING, msg); } } } } } } } }