Java tutorial
/*--------------- Kalypso-Header -------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is part of kalypso. Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 by: Technical University Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH) Institute of River and coastal engineering Denickestr. 22 21073 Hamburg, Germany and Bjoernsen Consulting Engineers (BCE) Maria Trost 3 56070 Koblenz, Germany This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Contact: E-Mail: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ package org.kalypso.model.hydrology.internal.preprocessing.writer; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.kalypso.contribs.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatusCollector; import org.kalypso.contribs.eclipse.core.runtime.StatusCollector; import; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.binding.control.NAControl; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.binding.model.KontEntnahme; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.binding.model.KontZufluss; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.binding.model.Ueberlauf; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.binding.model.nodes.Branching; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.binding.model.nodes.BranchingWithNode; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.binding.model.nodes.INode; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.binding.model.nodes.Node; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.binding.model.nodes.Verzweigung; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.internal.IDManager; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.internal.ModelNA; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.internal.NaAsciiDirs; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.internal.i18n.Messages; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.internal.preprocessing.NAPreprocessorException; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.internal.preprocessing.RelevantNetElements; import; import org.kalypso.model.hydrology.internal.preprocessing.timeseries.GrapWriter; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.IAxis; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.IObservation; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.ITupleModel; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.ObservationUtilities; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.SensorException; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.metadata.ITimeseriesConstants; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.util.ZmlLink; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.zml.ZmlFactory; import org.kalypso.ogc.sensor.zml.ZmlURL; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.feature.Feature; /** * Writes the collected net elements etc. into the .ntz file. * * @author doemming */ public class NetFileWriter extends AbstractCoreFileWriter { private final IStatusCollector m_log = new StatusCollector(ModelNA.PLUGIN_ID); private final UrlUtilities m_urlUtilities = new UrlUtilities(); private final RelevantNetElements m_relevantElements; private final IDManager m_idManager; private final NAControl m_metaControl; private final NaAsciiDirs m_asciiDirs; private final URL m_zmlContext; public NetFileWriter(final NaAsciiDirs asciiDirs, final RelevantNetElements relevantElements, final IDManager idManager, final URL zmlContext, final NAControl metaControl, final Logger logger) { super(logger); m_asciiDirs = asciiDirs; m_relevantElements = relevantElements; m_idManager = idManager; m_zmlContext = zmlContext; m_metaControl = metaControl; } @Override protected void writeContent(final PrintWriter writer) throws IOException, NAPreprocessorException { final NetElement[] channels = m_relevantElements.getChannels(); for (final NetElement netElement : channels) netElement.write(writer); final Entry<NetElement, Integer>[] rootChannels = m_relevantElements.getRootChannels(); for (final Entry<NetElement, Integer> entry : rootChannels) { final NetElement netElement = entry.getKey(); final Integer virtualChannelId = entry.getValue(); netElement.writeRootChannel(writer, virtualChannelId); } try { final Node[] nodeCollector = m_relevantElements.getNodes(); writer.append("99999\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ appendNodeList(nodeCollector, writer); writer.append("99999\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (final SensorException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new NAPreprocessorException(Messages.getString("NetFileWriter_0"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } private void appendNodeList(final Node[] nodes, final PrintWriter netBuffer) throws IOException, SensorException { // FIXME: theses nodes do not contain the branching nodes final Map<Node, ZuflussBean> nodeInfos = new LinkedHashMap<>(); /* First collect info and potentially add branching nodes */ for (final Node node : nodes) { final ZuflussBean zuflussBean = createZuflussBean(node); // FIXME: strange we map the source-node here... nodeInfos.put(node, zuflussBean); final Node branchingNode = zuflussBean.getBranchingNode(); if (branchingNode != null) { // FIXME: ... but check for the target node here; this can't be right, can it? // FIXME: comment is not correct /* Do not overwrite existing info */ // FIXME: in reality, we make sure a node that is the target of a branching, gets a default bean; but this happens anyways, so what? -> if the target itself has a branching, it might get // removed, if the nodes are in the correct order... if (!nodeInfos.containsKey(branchingNode)) nodeInfos.put(branchingNode, new ZuflussBean(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, StringUtils.EMPTY)); } } /* Write thes infos to file */ final Set<Entry<Node, ZuflussBean>> entrySet = nodeInfos.entrySet(); for (final Entry<Node, ZuflussBean> entry : entrySet) { final Node node = entry.getKey(); final ZuflussBean zuflussBean = entry.getValue(); final int nodeID = m_idManager.getAsciiID(node); netBuffer.format("%5d", nodeID); //$NON-NLS-1$ netBuffer.format("%5d", zuflussBean.getIzug()); //$NON-NLS-1$ netBuffer.format("%5d", zuflussBean.getIabg()); //$NON-NLS-1$ netBuffer.format("%5d", zuflussBean.getIueb()); //$NON-NLS-1$ netBuffer.format("%5d", zuflussBean.getIzuf()); //$NON-NLS-1$ netBuffer.format("%5d\n", zuflussBean.getIvzwg()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ netBuffer.append(zuflussBean.getArgument()); // FIXME: what additional nodes? /* TODO: we should also consider the additional nodes by QQ rleations; but as QQ rleations do not work..... */ } // ENDKNOTEN netBuffer.append(" 9001 0 0 0 0 0\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ netBuffer.append("10000 0 0 0 0 0\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } private ZuflussBean createZuflussBean(final Node node) throws SensorException, IOException { /* first create all possible beans, so we can check if we have multiple branchings */ final ZuflussBean qqRelationBean = createQQRelationZuflussBean(node); final ZuflussBean branchingBean = createBranchingZuflussBean(node); final ZuflussBean zuflussLinkBean = createZuflussLinkZuflussBean(node); /* validation */ final int count = countZuflussBeans(qqRelationBean, branchingBean, zuflussLinkBean); if (count > 1) m_log.add(IStatus.WARNING, Messages.getString("NetFileWriter.0"), null, node.getName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ // QQ has the priority over "Verzweigung", and all of them are mutually exclusive so this is safe if (qqRelationBean != null) return qqRelationBean; // REMARK: only one branching can be used at the same time. Also, braching and zufluss cannot appear at // the same time. This is intended. if (branchingBean != null) return branchingBean; if (zuflussLinkBean != null) return zuflussLinkBean; return new ZuflussBean(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, StringUtils.EMPTY); } private int countZuflussBeans(final ZuflussBean... beans) { int count = 0; for (final ZuflussBean bean : beans) { if (bean != null) count++; } return count; } private ZuflussBean createQQRelationZuflussBean(final Node node) throws SensorException { final Node relatedNode = node.getQQRelatedNode(); if (relatedNode == null) return null; final IObservation observation = (IObservation) node.getProperty(INode.PROPERTY_QQ_RELATION); if (observation == null) return null; /* serialize the qq relation */ final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); final IAxis[] axisList = observation.getAxes(); final IAxis q1Axis = ObservationUtilities.findAxisByType(axisList, ITimeseriesConstants.TYPE_RUNOFF); final IAxis q2Axis = ObservationUtilities.findAxisByType(axisList, ITimeseriesConstants.TYPE_RUNOFF_RHB); final ITupleModel values = observation.getValues(null); final int count = values.size(); if (count < 1) return null; buffer.append(String.format("%4d %6s\n", count, m_idManager.getAsciiID(relatedNode))); //$NON-NLS-1$ for (int row = 0; row < count; row++) { final double q1 = (Double) values.get(row, q1Axis); final double q2 = (Double) values.get(row, q2Axis); buffer.append(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%8.3f %8.3f\n", q1, q2)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } final String value = buffer.toString(); return new ZuflussBean(0, 0, 0, 0, 2, relatedNode, value); } private ZuflussBean createZuflussLinkZuflussBean(final Node node) throws SensorException, IOException { final ZmlLink zuflussLink = node.getZuflussLink(); if (!zuflussLink.isLinkSet()) return null; /* write zufluss file */ final String zuflussFileName = getZuflussEingabeDateiString(node); final File targetFile = new File(m_asciiDirs.zuflussDir, zuflussFileName); final String zuflussFile = ZmlURL.getIdentifierPart(zuflussLink.getHref()); final URL linkURL = m_urlUtilities.resolveURL(m_zmlContext, zuflussFile); if (!targetFile.exists()) { final StringBuilder writer = new StringBuilder(); final IObservation observation = ZmlFactory.parseXML(linkURL); //$NON-NLS-1$ // FIXME: this functionality is currently deactivated, because it is wrongly implemented. final boolean isSynteticZufluss = false; // node.isSynteticZufluss(); if (isSynteticZufluss) { final Integer minutesOfTimestep = m_metaControl.getMinutesOfTimestep(); if (m_metaControl.isUsePrecipitationForm()) { final ITupleModel values = observation.getValues(null); final IAxis[] axis = observation.getAxes(); final IAxis dateAxis = ObservationUtilities.findAxisByType(axis, ITimeseriesConstants.TYPE_DATE); final long simulationStartDateMillis = ((Date) values.get(0, dateAxis)).getTime(); final long simulationEndDateMillis = ((Date) values.get(values.size() - 1, dateAxis)).getTime(); // FIXME: this will not work correctly with timezones final Date simulationStartDate = new Date(100, 0, 1); final Date simulationEndDate = new Date( simulationStartDate.getTime() + simulationEndDateMillis - simulationStartDateMillis); final GrapWriter grapWriter = new GrapWriter(ITimeseriesConstants.TYPE_RUNOFF, observation); grapWriter.writeSyntheticFile(writer, simulationStartDate, simulationEndDate, minutesOfTimestep); } else { final Date simulationStart = m_metaControl.getSimulationStart(); final Date simulationEnd = m_metaControl.getSimulationEnd(); final GrapWriter grapWriter = new GrapWriter(ITimeseriesConstants.TYPE_RUNOFF, observation); grapWriter.writeSyntheticFile(writer, simulationStart, simulationEnd, minutesOfTimestep); } } else { final GrapWriter grapWriter = new GrapWriter(ITimeseriesConstants.TYPE_RUNOFF, observation); grapWriter.write(writer); } FileUtils.writeStringToFile(targetFile, writer.toString()); } /* create arguent */ final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append(" 1234\n"); // dummyLine //$NON-NLS-1$ buffer.append("..").append(File.separator).append("zufluss").append(File.separator).append(zuflussFileName) //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ .append("\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ final String argument = buffer.toString(); /* create bean entry */ return new ZuflussBean(0, 0, 0, 5, 0, null, argument); } private ZuflussBean createBranchingZuflussBean(final Node node) { final Branching branching = node.getBranching(); if (branching == null) return null; final Node branchNode; if (branching instanceof BranchingWithNode) branchNode = ((BranchingWithNode) branching).getNode(); else branchNode = null; String branchIdArgument = StringUtils.EMPTY; if (branchNode != null) { final int branchNodeID = m_idManager.getAsciiID(branchNode); branchIdArgument = String.format(" %7d\n", branchNodeID); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (branching instanceof KontZufluss) { final double qzug = ((KontZufluss) branching).getQZug(); final String argument = String.format(Locale.US, "%10.3f", qzug); //$NON-NLS-1$ return new ZuflussBean(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, branchNode, argument); } if (branching instanceof Verzweigung) { final double zproz = ((Verzweigung) branching).getZProz(); final String argument = String.format(Locale.US, "%10.3f", zproz); //$NON-NLS-1$ return new ZuflussBean(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, branchNode, argument + branchIdArgument); } if (branching instanceof KontEntnahme) { final double qabg = ((KontEntnahme) branching).getQAbg(); final String argument = String.format(Locale.US, "%10.3f", qabg); //$NON-NLS-1$ return new ZuflussBean(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, branchNode, argument + branchIdArgument); } if (branching instanceof Ueberlauf) { final double queb = ((Ueberlauf) branching).getQUeb(); final String argument = String.format(Locale.US, "%10.3f", queb); //$NON-NLS-1$ return new ZuflussBean(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, branchNode, argument + branchIdArgument); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal branching type: " + branching.getClass()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } private String getZuflussEingabeDateiString(final Feature nodeFE) { final int asciiID = m_idManager.getAsciiID(nodeFE); return "Z_" + Integer.toString(asciiID).trim() + ".zufluss"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } public IStatus getStatus() { return m_log.asMultiStatusOrOK(Messages.getString("NetFileWriter.2")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } }