Source code

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/*----------------    FILE HEADER KALYPSO ------------------------------------------
 *  This file is part of kalypso.
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 by:
 *  Technical University Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH)
 *  Institute of River and coastal engineering
 *  Denickestrae 22
 *  21073 Hamburg, Germany
 *  and
 *  Bjoernsen Consulting Engineers (BCE)
 *  Maria Trost 3
 *  56070 Koblenz, Germany
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 *  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 *  Contact:
 *  E-Mail:
 *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
package org.kalypso.jts;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.kalypso.commons.math.LinearEquation;
import org.kalypso.commons.math.LinearEquation.SameXValuesException;
import org.kalypso.commons.math.geom.PolyLine;
import org.kalypsodeegree.model.geometry.GM_Envelope;
import org.kalypsodeegree_impl.model.geometry.JTSAdapter;

import com.infomatiq.jsi.Rectangle;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.CoordinateList;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.CoordinateSequence;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineSegment;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiLineString;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPolygon;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.util.GeometryEditor;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.linearref.LengthIndexedLine;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.valid.IsValidOp;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.valid.TopologyValidationError;

 * Utility class for some geometry operations.
 * @author Holger Albert
public final class JTSUtilities {
     * The allowed tolerance.
    // FIXME: bad, rather use precisions model of JTS
    public static final double TOLERANCE = 10E-04;

    private JTSUtilities() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * This function delivers the first point from a line in another geometry.
     * @param line
     *          The points of this line will be checked. The first, which lies in the given geometry is returned.
     * @param geometry_2nd
     *          The points of the line will be checked with this geometry.
     * @return The first point of the line, which lies in the second geometry.
    public static Point linePointInGeometry(final LineString line, final Geometry geometry_2nd) {
        final int numPoints = line.getNumPoints();

        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
            final Point pointN = line.getPointN(i);

            if (geometry_2nd.contains(pointN)) {
                final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(pointN.getPrecisionModel(), pointN.getSRID());
                return factory.createPoint(new Coordinate(pointN.getCoordinate()));

        return null;

     * This function calculates the distance from the start point to a point, lying on the line.
     * @param line
     *          The line.
     * @param point
     *          One point lying on the line.
     * @return The distance of the point on the line.
     * @deprecated This method is too slow for long chains. Use {@link com.vividsolutions.jts.linearref.LengthIndexedLine} instead. And does not work for last line segment!!!!
    public static double pointDistanceOnLine(final LineString line, final Point point) {
        /* Check for intersection. */
        if (point.distance(line) >= TOLERANCE)
            throw new IllegalStateException("The point does not lie on the line...");

        if (line.getEndPoint().equals(point))
            return line.getLength();

        /* The needed factory. */
        final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(line.getPrecisionModel(), line.getSRID());

        /* Get all coordinates. */
        final Coordinate[] coordinates = line.getCoordinates();

        /* Only loop until the one before the last one. */
        for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.length - 2; i++) {
            /* Get the coordinates to the current one + 1. */
            final Coordinate[] coords = ArrayUtils.subarray(coordinates, 0, i + 2);

            /* Create a new line with the coordinates. */
            final LineString ls = factory.createLineString(coords);
            if (point.distance(ls) >= TOLERANCE)

            /* Point was intersecting the last segment, now take all coordinates but the last one ... */
            final LinkedList<Coordinate> lineCoords = new LinkedList<>();
            for (int j = 0; j < coords.length - 1; j++)

            /* ... and add the point as last one. */

            /* Create the new geometry. */
            final LineString tempLine = factory.createLineString(lineCoords.toArray(new Coordinate[] {}));

            return tempLine.getLength();

        throw new IllegalStateException();

     * This function calculates a point at a specific length of a line.
     * @param lineJTS
     *          The line string on which the point has to be.
     * @param distance
     *          The distance at which the point should be placed on the line.
     * @return The newly created point on the line or null, if something was wrong.
    public static Point pointOnLine(final LineString lineJTS, final double distance) {
        final Coordinate crd = posOnLine(lineJTS, distance);
        final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(lineJTS.getPrecisionModel(), lineJTS.getSRID());
        return factory.createPoint(crd);

     * This function calculates a specific position on a line.
     * @param lineJTS
     *          The line string on which the point has to be.
     * @param distanceOnLine
     *          The distance at which the point should be placed on the line.
     * @return The newly created position on the line or null, if something was wrong.
     * @deprecated Use LenghtIndexedLine instead.
    public static Coordinate posOnLine(final LineString line, final double distanceOnLine) {
        final double length = line.getLength();
        if (distanceOnLine < 0 || distanceOnLine > length)
            return null;

        final int numPoints = line.getNumPoints();
        if (numPoints == 0)
            return null;

        /* Only loop until the point before the last point. */
        /* The remaining distance will be the remaining distance on the found line segment */
        double remainingDistance = distanceOnLine;
        LineSegment segment = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints - 1; i++) {
            final Point startPoint = line.getPointN(i);
            final Point endPoint = line.getPointN(i + 1);

            segment = new LineSegment(new Coordinate(startPoint.getCoordinate()),
                    new Coordinate(endPoint.getCoordinate()));
            final double lineLength = segment.getLength();
            if (remainingDistance - lineLength < 0)

            remainingDistance -= lineLength;

        if (segment == null)
            return null;

        /* Now calculate the rest of the line. */
        final double max = segment.getLength();
        final Coordinate startPoint = segment.p0;
        final Coordinate endPoint = segment.p1;

        /* If the two X koords are equal, take one of them for the new point. */
        final double x = interpolateX(startPoint.x, endPoint.x, 0, max, remainingDistance);
        final double y = interpolateX(startPoint.y, endPoint.y, 0, max, remainingDistance);
        final double z = interpolateX(startPoint.z, endPoint.z, 0, max, remainingDistance);
        return new Coordinate(x, y, z);

    private static double interpolateX(final double x1, final double x2, final int y1, final double y2,
            final double y) {
        if (Double.isNaN(x1) || Double.isNaN(x2))
            return Double.NaN;

        if (, x2) == 0)
            return x1;
        else {
            try {
                final LinearEquation computeX = new LinearEquation(x1, y1, x2, y2);
                return computeX.computeX(y);
            } catch (final SameXValuesException e) {
                // should never happen, has we tests this explicitly
                return x1;

    public static LineSegment findSegmentInLine(final LineString line, final double distanceOnLine) {
        final double length = line.getLength();
        if (distanceOnLine < 0 || distanceOnLine > length)
            return null;

        final int numPoints = line.getNumPoints();
        if (numPoints == 0)
            return null;

        double currentDistance = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints - 1; i++) {
            final Point startPoint = line.getPointN(i);
            final Point endPoint = line.getPointN(i + 1);

            final double distance = endPoint.distance(startPoint);
            currentDistance += distance;

            if (distanceOnLine < currentDistance)
                return new LineSegment(startPoint.getCoordinate(), endPoint.getCoordinate());

        return null;

     * This function calculates a point at a specific length of a line.
     * @param lineJTS
     *          The line string on which the point has to be.
     * @param percent
     *          The distance in percent at which the point should be placed on the line as Int(!)
     * @return The newly created point on the line or null, if something was wrong. Returns the start point or the end
     *         point if percentage is 0 or 100.
    public static Point pointOnLinePercent(final LineString lineJTS, final double percent) {
        if (percent < 0 || percent > 100)
            return null;

        if (percent == 0)
            return lineJTS.getPointN(0);

        if (percent == 100)
            return lineJTS.getPointN(lineJTS.getNumPoints() - 1);

        final double length = lineJTS.getLength();
        final double distance = length / 100.0 * percent;

        return pointOnLine(lineJTS, distance);

     * This function creates a line segment (JTS) of a line from a given start point to an end point, including all points
     * on the given line.<br>
     * The returned line always starts at <code>start</code> and ends at <code>end</code>, regardless of the orientation
     * of the input line.<br/>
     * The start and end point are projected to the given linear geometry, so do not necessarily need to lie on the given
     * line.<br/>
     * This implementation is based on {@link LengthIndexedLine} of JTS and has the same restraints.
     * @param line
     *          The original line.
     * @param start
     *          The start point of the new line
     * @param end
     *          The end point of the new line
     * @return A linear geometry (i.e. either a {@link LineString} or a {@link MultiLineString} on the original line
     *         starting at with the start point and ending with the end point. If the input is a {@link LineString}, the
     *         result can be safelay cast to {@link LineString} as well.
    public static Geometry extractLineString(final Geometry linearGeomety, final Point startPoint,
            final Point endPoint) {
        final LengthIndexedLine index = new LengthIndexedLine(linearGeomety);

        final double startIndex = index.project(startPoint.getCoordinate());
        final double endIndex = index.project(endPoint.getCoordinate());

        /* make sure orientiation is from start to end */
        final double start = Math.min(startIndex, endIndex);
        final double end = Math.max(startIndex, endIndex);

        return index.extractLine(start, end);

     * This function creates a line segment (JTS) of a line from a given start point to an end point, including all points
     * on the given line.<br>
     * TODO: The used distance is calculated only by the x- and y-coordinates!! For an 3-dimensaional distance
     * calculation, the start and end point should have z-coordinates.
     * @param line
     *          The original line.
     * @param start
     *          The start point of the new line (it has to be one point that lies on the original line).
     * @param end
     *          The end point of the new line (it has to be one point that lies on the original line).
     * @return A LineString on the original line starting at with the start point and ending with the end point.
     * @deprecated Use {@link #extractLineString(Geometry, Point, Point)} instead
    public static LineString createLineString(final Geometry line, final Point start, final Point end) {
        /* Check if both points are lying on the line (2d!). */
        if (line.distance(start) >= TOLERANCE || line.distance(end) >= TOLERANCE)
            return null;

        if (line instanceof LineString) {
            /* Check the orientation of the line. */
            if (!getLineOrientation((LineString) line, start, end))
                return createLineStringFromLine((LineString) line, end, start);

            return createLineStringFromLine((LineString) line, start, end);
        } else if (line instanceof MultiLineString)
            return createLineStringFromMultiLine((MultiLineString) line, start, end);

        return null;

     * Evaluates the two given points and returns true, if the direction is equal of that from line (its points).
     * @param line
     *          The original LineString.
     * @param start
     *          The start point of the new line (it has to be one point that lies on the original LineString).
     * @param end
     *          The end point of the new line (it has to be one point that lies on the original LineString).
     * @return True, if the first found point of the line is nearer to the start point, than to the end point.
    public static boolean getLineOrientation(final LineString line, final Point start, final Point end) {
        /* Check if both points are lying on the line. */
        if (line.distance(start) >= TOLERANCE || line.distance(end) >= TOLERANCE)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("One of the two points does not lie on the given line ...");

        boolean first = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < line.getNumPoints() - 1; i++) {
            final Point pointN = line.getPointN(i);
            final Point pointN1 = line.getPointN(i + 1);

            /* Build a line with the two points to check the flag. */
            final LineSegment testLine = new LineSegment(new Coordinate(pointN.getCoordinate()),
                    new Coordinate(pointN1.getCoordinate()));

            if (testLine.distance(start.getCoordinate()) < TOLERANCE)
                first = true;

            if (testLine.distance(end.getCoordinate()) < TOLERANCE) {
                /* The direction is inverse. */
                if (!first)
                    return false;


        return true;

     * This function creates a LineString (JTS) of a LineString from a given start point to an end point, including all
     * points on the given LineString. However it does not check the orientation of the start and end point. This must be
     * done before calling this method. Use {@link JTSUtilities#getLineOrientation(LineString, Point, Point)} for this
     * operation. Both points should have the same orientation than the line, otherwise the new line has only two points,
     * namly the start and end point.
     * @param line
     *          The original LineString.
     * @param start
     *          The start point of the new line (it has to be one point that lies on the original LineString).
     * @param end
     *          The end point of the new line (it has to be one point that lies on the original LineString).
     * @return A LineString on the original LineString starting at with the start point and ending with the end point.
    private static LineString createLineStringFromLine(final LineString line, final Point start, final Point end) {
        final List<Point> points = new LinkedList<>();

        boolean add = false;


        for (int i = 0; i < line.getNumPoints() - 1; i++) {
            final Point pointN = line.getPointN(i);
            final Point pointN1 = line.getPointN(i + 1);

            if (add)

            /* Build a line with the two points to check the flag. */
            final LineSegment testLine = new LineSegment(new Coordinate(pointN.getCoordinate()),
                    new Coordinate(pointN1.getCoordinate()));

            if (testLine.distance(start.getCoordinate()) < TOLERANCE)
                add = true;

            if (testLine.distance(end.getCoordinate()) < TOLERANCE) {
                add = false;


        /* Create the coordinates for the new line string. */
        final Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[points.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
            coordinates[i] = new Coordinate(points.get(i).getCoordinate());

        final GeometryFactory factory = line.getFactory();
        return factory.createLineString(coordinates);

     * This function creates a LineString (JTS) of a MultiLineString from a given start point to an end point, including
     * all points on the given MultiLineString. Gaps between the different LineStrings will be connected in the result, if
     * it should contain more than one LineString of the original MultiLineString. However it does not check the
     * orientation of the start and end point.<br>
     * <br>
     * KNOWN ISSUE:<br>
     * It is possible that this function produce errors, if the start or the end point lies in a gap between two
     * LineStrings. The two points of the gap will not be checked for that point. The result than, will possibly be
     * nonsense. <br>
     * <br>
     * ATTENTION:<br>
     * This class is strange, because creating a LineString part of a MultiLineString should be normally done by
     * dissolving the MultiLineString in one LineString-Object and getting the LineString part of it.<br>
     * There can not be quaranteed, that this function works error free!
     * @param line
     *          The original MultiLineString.
     * @param start
     *          The start point of the new line (it has to be one point on the original MultiLineString).
     * @param end
     *          The end point of the new line (it has to be one point on the original MultiLineString).
     * @return A LineString on the original MultiLineString starting at with the start point and ending with the end
     *         point.
    private static LineString createLineStringFromMultiLine(final MultiLineString line, final Point start,
            final Point end) {
        final List<Point> points = new LinkedList<>();

        boolean add = false;
        boolean endPointFound = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < line.getNumGeometries(); i++) {
            final LineString lineN = (LineString) line.getGeometryN(i);

            for (int j = 0; j < lineN.getNumPoints() - 1; j++) {
                final Point pointN = lineN.getPointN(j);
                final Point pointN1 = lineN.getPointN(j + 1);

                if (add)

                /* Build a line with the two points to check the flag. */
                final LineSegment testLine = new LineSegment(new Coordinate(pointN.getCoordinate()),
                        new Coordinate(pointN1.getCoordinate()));

                if (testLine.distance(start.getCoordinate()) < TOLERANCE)
                    add = true;

                if (testLine.distance(end.getCoordinate()) < TOLERANCE) {
                    add = false;
                    endPointFound = true;

            if (endPointFound)


        /* Create the coordinates for the new line string. */
        final Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[points.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
            coordinates[i] = new Coordinate(points.get(i).getCoordinate());

        final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(line.getPrecisionModel(), line.getSRID());

        return factory.createLineString(coordinates);

     * This function creates a line segment with the two given points, calculates the length of the line segment and
     * returns the length.
     * @param pointOne
     *          This point will be used as start point of the line segment.
     * @param pointTwo
     *          This point will be used as end point of the line segment.
     * @return The length of the line between the two points given.
    public static double getLengthBetweenPoints(final Point pointOne, final Point pointTwo) {
        return getLengthBetweenPoints(pointOne.getCoordinate(), pointTwo.getCoordinate());

     * This function creates a line segment with the two given coordinates, calculates the length of the line segment and
     * returns the length.
     * @param coordinateOne
     *          This coordinate will be used as start point of the line segment.
     * @param coordinateTwo
     *          This coordinate will be used as end point of the line segment.
     * @return The length of the line between the two coordinates given.
    public static double getLengthBetweenPoints(final Coordinate coordinateOne, final Coordinate coordinateTwo) {
        final LineSegment segment = new LineSegment(coordinateOne, coordinateTwo);
        return segment.getLength();

    /** Creates a jts-polygon from a deegree-envelope */
    public static Polygon convertGMEnvelopeToPolygon(final GM_Envelope envelope, final GeometryFactory gf) {
        final Coordinate minCoord = JTSAdapter.export(envelope.getMin());
        final Coordinate maxCoord = JTSAdapter.export(envelope.getMax());
        final Coordinate tmp1Coord = new Coordinate(minCoord.x, maxCoord.y);
        final Coordinate tmp2Coord = new Coordinate(maxCoord.x, minCoord.y);

        final Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[] { minCoord, tmp1Coord, maxCoord, tmp2Coord, minCoord };
        final LinearRing linearRing = gf.createLinearRing(coordinates);
        return gf.createPolygon(linearRing, null);

    /** Converts an envelope to a polygon that covers the envelope. */
    public static Polygon convertEnvelopeToPolygon(final Envelope envelope, final GeometryFactory gf) {
        final Coordinate minCoord = new Coordinate(envelope.getMinX(), envelope.getMinY());
        final Coordinate maxCoord = new Coordinate(envelope.getMaxX(), envelope.getMaxY());
        final Coordinate tmp1Coord = new Coordinate(minCoord.x, maxCoord.y);
        final Coordinate tmp2Coord = new Coordinate(maxCoord.x, minCoord.y);

        final Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[] { minCoord, tmp1Coord, maxCoord, tmp2Coord, minCoord };
        final LinearRing linearRing = gf.createLinearRing(coordinates);
        return gf.createPolygon(linearRing, null);

     * @param ring
     *          array of ordered coordinates, last must equal first one
     * @return signed area, area >= 0 means points are counter clockwise defined (mathematic positive)
    public static double calcSignedAreaOfRing(final Coordinate[] ring) {
        if (ring.length < 4) // 3 points and 4. is repetition of first point
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can not calculate area of < 3 points ...");

        final Coordinate a = ring[0]; // base
        double area = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < ring.length - 2; i++) {
            final Coordinate b = ring[i];
            final Coordinate c = ring[i + 1];

            area += (b.y - a.y) * (a.x - c.x) // bounding rectangle

                    - ((a.x - b.x) * (b.y - a.y)//
                            + (b.x - c.x) * (b.y - c.y)//
                            + (a.x - c.x) * (c.y - a.y)//
                    ) / 2d;

        return area;

     * This function will check all line segments and return the one, in which the given point lies. If no segment is
     * found it will return null.
     * @param curve
     *          The curve to check.
     * @param point
     *          The point, which marks the segment (e.g. an intersection point of another geometry).
     * @return The line segment or null.
    public static LineSegment findLineSegment(final LineString curve, final Point point) {
        for (int i = 0; i < curve.getNumPoints() - 1; i++) {
            final Point pointN = curve.getPointN(i);
            final Point pointN1 = curve.getPointN(i + 1);

            /* Build a line with the two points to check the intersection. */
            final LineSegment segment = new LineSegment(pointN.getCoordinate(), pointN1.getCoordinate());

            /* If found, return it. */
            if (segment.distance(point.getCoordinate()) < TOLERANCE)
                return segment;

        return null;

     * This function adds points to the line.<br>
     * It will not change the topology of the line in that way, that it changes direction.<br>
     * <br>
     * REMARK:<br>
     * It can be very slow, in dependance of the amount of points to be added.
     * @param line
     *          The line, to which the points are added to.
     * @param originalPoints
     *          The points, which should be added. The points has to lie on the line.
     * @return The new line as copy of the old line, including the given points. The result may be null.
    public static LineString addPointsToLine(final LineString line, final List<Point> originalPoints) {
        return addPointsToLine(line, originalPoints.toArray(new Point[] {}));

    public static LineString addPointsToLine(final LineString line, final Point... points) {
        final Coordinate[] crds = new Coordinate[points.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < crds.length; i++)
            crds[i] = new Coordinate(points[i].getCoordinate());

        return addPointsToLine(line, crds);

    public static LineString addPointsToLine(final LineString line, final Coordinate... locations) {
        /* The geometry factory. */
        final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(line.getPrecisionModel(), line.getSRID());

        /* Memory for the new coordinates. */
        final CoordinateList newCoordinates = new CoordinateList();

        /* Get all coordinates. */
        final Coordinate[] lineCoordinates = line.getCoordinates();

        /* Always add the first coordinate. */
        newCoordinates.add(lineCoordinates[0], false);

        final Collection<Coordinate> toIgnore = new HashSet<>();

        /* Only loop until the one before the last one. */
        for (int i = 0; i < lineCoordinates.length - 1; i++) {
            /* Get the coordinates. */
            final Coordinate startCoord = lineCoordinates[i];
            final Coordinate endCoord = lineCoordinates[i + 1];

            /* Create a new line with the coordinates. */
            final LineSegment ls = new LineSegment(startCoord, endCoord);

            /* If no one is intersecting, the current end coordinate has to be added. */
            final List<Coordinate> toAdd = new ArrayList<>();

            for (final Coordinate location : locations) {
                if (toIgnore.contains(location))

                if (ls.distance(location) < TOLERANCE) {
                    /* The point intersects, and has to be added. */

                    /* The points should be removed from the old points list for performance reasons. */

            /* Add all points. */
            final List<CoordinatePair> coordinatePairs = getCoordinatePairs(startCoord, toAdd);
            for (final CoordinatePair coordinatePair : coordinatePairs)
                newCoordinates.add(coordinatePair.getSecondCoordinate(), false);

            /* Add the end coordinate. */
            newCoordinates.add(endCoord, false);

        return factory.createLineString(newCoordinates.toCoordinateArray());

     * Inverts a given geometry.
     * @param geometry
     *          The geometry, which should be inverted.
    public static Geometry invert(final Geometry geometry) {
        final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(geometry.getPrecisionModel(), geometry.getSRID());

        if (geometry instanceof LineString) {
            final LineString lineString = (LineString) geometry;
            final Coordinate[] coordinates = lineString.getCoordinates();

            final Set<Coordinate> myCoordinates = new LinkedHashSet<>();
            for (int i = coordinates.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)

            return factory.createLineString(myCoordinates.toArray(new Coordinate[] {}));

        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * This function adds a z-coordinate to each point of a line string. It interpolates the z-coordinate, using the
     * length of the line segment between the start point (parameter start) and the current point. The last point will get
     * the maximum as the z-coordinate (parameter end).
     * @param lineString
     *          To each point on this line string the z-coordinate will be added.
     * @param start
     *          A start value (a start time, for example).
     * @param end
     *          A end value (an end time, for example).
     * @return A new line string with z-coordinate.
    public static LineString addInterpolatedZCoordinates(final LineString lineString, final double start,
            final double end) throws SameXValuesException {
        /* Interpolate the times for each points, if time is given. */

        /* List with the coordinates of the new line string. */
        final List<Coordinate> coordinates = new ArrayList<>();

        /* The x-axis represents the distance on the line string. */
        final double x1 = 0.0;
        final double x2 = lineString.getLength();

        /* The y-axis represents the values given by the parameters (a time, for example). */
        final double y1 = start;
        final double y2 = end;

        /* Create the linear equation. */
        final LinearEquation equation = new LinearEquation(x1, y1, x2, y2);

        for (int i = 0; i < lineString.getNumPoints(); i++) {
            /* Get the points. */
            final Point point = lineString.getPointN(i);

            /* The distance from start to this point. */
            /* If this point is the start, it should be 0. */
            /* If this point is the end, it should be lineString.getLength(). */
            final double distance = pointDistanceOnLine(lineString, point);

            /* Compute the x to this point (needed time to this point, for example). */
            final double x = equation.computeY(distance);

            /* Create the coordinate. */
            final Coordinate coordinate = new Coordinate(point.getX(), point.getY(), x);

        /* Create the new line string. */
        final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(lineString.getPrecisionModel(), lineString.getSRID());

        return factory.createLineString(coordinates.toArray(new Coordinate[] {}));

     * This function calculates the center coordinate between two coordinates.
     * @param coordinate_one
     *          The first coordinate.
     * @param coordinate_two
     *          The second coordinate.
     * @return The center coordinate.
    public static Coordinate getCenterCoordinate(final Coordinate coordinate_one, final Coordinate coordinate_two) {
        final double x = (coordinate_one.x + coordinate_two.x) / 2;
        final double y = (coordinate_one.y + coordinate_two.y) / 2;

        return new Coordinate(x, y);

     * This function collects polygons from polygons (which will return itself in the list) or multi polygons.
     * @param geometry
     *          The geometry to collect from. If it is no polygon, an empty list will be returned.
     * @return The list of contained polygons or an empty list.
    public static List<Polygon> collectPolygons(final Geometry geometry) {
        /* Memory for the results. */
        final List<Polygon> polygons = new ArrayList<>();

        if (!(geometry instanceof Polygon) && !(geometry instanceof MultiPolygon))
            return polygons;

        if (geometry instanceof Polygon) {
            polygons.add((Polygon) geometry);
            return polygons;

        if (geometry instanceof MultiPolygon) {
            final MultiPolygon multi = (MultiPolygon) geometry;
            final int num = multi.getNumGeometries();

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
                final Geometry geometryN = multi.getGeometryN(i);
                polygons.add((Polygon) geometryN);

        return polygons;

     * This function inspects each coordinate of the given array and removes the z-coordinate from it (sets Double.NaN).
     * @param coordinates
     *          The array of coordinates.
     * @return A new array of new coordinates without the z-coordinate.
    public static Coordinate[] removeZCoordinates(final Coordinate[] coordinates) {
        /* Memory for the results. */
        final List<Coordinate> results = new ArrayList<>();

        for (final Coordinate coordinate : coordinates)
            results.add(new Coordinate(coordinate.x, coordinate.y));

        return results.toArray(new Coordinate[] {});

     * Buffers a geometry.<br>
     * The size of the buffer is determined as a ratio of the size of its envelope.<br>
     * More exact, it is <code>ratio * Math.max(envelope.getWidht(), envelope.getHeight())</code>.
    public static Geometry bufferWithRatio(final Geometry geometry, final double ratio) {
        final Envelope envelope = geometry.getEnvelopeInternal();
        final double width = envelope.getWidth();
        final double height = envelope.getHeight();
        final double max = Math.max(width, height);

        return geometry.buffer(max * ratio);

     * Calculates the fractions some polygons are covering one base geometry (should be a geometry with an area).
     * @see #fractionAreaOf(Geometry, Polygon)
    public static double[] fractionAreasOf(final Geometry baseGeometry, final Polygon[] coverPolygons) {
        final double[] factors = new double[coverPolygons.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < coverPolygons.length; i++)
            factors[i] = JTSUtilities.fractionAreaOf(baseGeometry, coverPolygons[i]);

        return factors;

     * Calculates the part (as fraction) of one polygon covering another.
     * @param baseGeometry
     *          The geometry (should be a geometry with an area), that is covered (by the calculated fraction) by the <code>coverPolygon</code>. May NOT be <code>null</code>.
     * @param coverPolygon
     *          The polygon covering (or not) the basePolygon. My be <code>null</code> (in that case, <code>0.0</code> is
     *          returned).
    public static double fractionAreaOf(final Geometry baseGeometry, final Polygon coverPolygon) {

        if (coverPolygon == null)
            return 0.0;

        /* The intersect function is much faster, than the intersection function. */
        /* So you should use it to check for intersection, even if you need the polygon of the overlapping area. */
        if (!baseGeometry.intersects(coverPolygon))
            return 0.0;

        final Geometry intersection = baseGeometry.intersection(coverPolygon);
        if (intersection == null)
            return 0.0;

        final double totalArea = baseGeometry.getArea();
        final double intersectionArea = intersection.getArea();

        return intersectionArea / totalArea;

    public static double getAreaFraction(final Geometry baseGeometry, final Polygon coverPolygon) {

        if (coverPolygon == null)
            return 0.0;

        /* The intersect function is much faster, than the intersection function. */
        /* So you should use it to check for intersection, even if you need the polygon of the overlapping area. */
        if (!baseGeometry.intersects(coverPolygon))
            return 0.0;

        final Geometry intersection = baseGeometry.intersection(coverPolygon);
        if (intersection == null)
            return 0.0;

        final double coverArea = coverPolygon.getArea();
        final double intersectionArea = intersection.getArea();

        return intersectionArea / coverArea;

    public static Polygon cleanPolygonInteriorRings(Polygon poly) {
        final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory();

        final List<LinearRing> myInnerRings = new ArrayList<>();
        final int rings = poly.getNumInteriorRing();

        for (int i = 0; i < rings; i++) {
            final LineString lineString = poly.getInteriorRingN(i);
            final Coordinate[] coordinates = lineString.getCoordinates();
            final LinearRing ring = factory.createLinearRing(coordinates);

            final Polygon innerPolygon = factory.createPolygon(ring, null);
            final double area = innerPolygon.getArea();
            if (area > 0.1)

        if (myInnerRings.size() != rings) {
            final LineString outer = poly.getExteriorRing();
            final Coordinate[] outerCoordinates = outer.getCoordinates();
            final LinearRing outerRing = factory.createLinearRing(outerCoordinates);

            poly = factory.createPolygon(outerRing, myInnerRings.toArray(new LinearRing[] {}));

        return poly;

    public static Geometry[] findGeometriesInRange(final Geometry[] geometries, final Geometry base,
            final double radius) {
        final Set<Geometry> myGeometries = new HashSet<>();

        for (final Geometry geometry : geometries) {
            final double distance = base.distance(geometry);
            if (distance <= radius)

        return myGeometries.toArray(new Geometry[] {});

     * @return coordinates in range sorted by distance
    public static Coordinate[] findCoordinatesInRange(final Coordinate[] coordinates, final Coordinate base,
            final double radius) {
        final Comparator<Coordinate> comparator = new Comparator<Coordinate>() {
            public int compare(final Coordinate c1, final Coordinate c2) {

                final Double d1 = Double.valueOf(c1.distance(base));
                final Double d2 = Double.valueOf(c2.distance(base));

                return d1.compareTo(d2);

        final Set<Coordinate> myCoordinates = new TreeSet<>(comparator);

        for (final Coordinate c : coordinates) {
            final double distance = base.distance(c);
            if (distance <= radius)

        return myCoordinates.toArray(new Coordinate[] {});

     * This function returns the minimal x-value of a sequence of coordinates.
     * @param seq
     *          The coordinate sequence.
     * @return The minimal x-value of a sequence of coordinates. {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY} If the sequence is
     *         empty.
    public static double getMinX(final CoordinateSequence seq) {
        double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        for (int i = 0; i < seq.size(); i++)
            min = Math.min(min, seq.getX(i));

        return min;

     * This function returns the maximal x-value of a sequence of coordinates.
     * @param seq
     *          The coordinate sequence.
     * @return The maximal x-value of a sequence of coordinates. {@link Double#NEGATIVE_INFINITY} If the sequence is
     *         empty.
    public static double getMaxX(final CoordinateSequence seq) {
        double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        for (int i = 0; i < seq.size(); i++)
            max = Math.max(max, seq.getX(i));

        return max;

     * This function returns all x-values of the given sequence as an array.
     * @param seq
     *          The coordinate sequence.
     * @return All x-values of the given sequence as an array.
    public static double[] getXValues(final CoordinateSequence seq) {
        final double[] x = new double[seq.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < seq.size(); i++)
            x[i] = seq.getX(i);

        return x;

     * This function returns all y-values of the given sequence as an array.
     * @param seq
     *          The coordinate sequence.
     * @return All y-values of the given sequence as an array.
    public static double[] getYValues(final CoordinateSequence seq) {
        final double[] y = new double[seq.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < seq.size(); i++)
            y[i] = seq.getY(i);

        return y;

     * This function validates geometries.
     * @param msg
     *          Basic error message.
     * @param g
     *          Geometries to check.
     * @return If an error exists an error message will be returned.
    public static String validateGeometries(String msg, final Geometry... g) {
        boolean error = false;
        for (final Geometry geometry : g) {
            final IsValidOp isValidOp = new IsValidOp(geometry);
            final TopologyValidationError validationError = isValidOp.getValidationError();
            if (validationError != null) {
                msg += String.format(" Error: %s", validationError.getMessage());
                error = true;

        if (error)
            return msg;

        return null;

     * This function adds z coordinates to the given geometry, using the inverse distance weighting on a list of points
     * with z coordinates.
     * @param geometry
     *          The geometry for which the z coordinates should be added.
     * @param points
     *          The points with z coordinates, which will be used for the inverse distance weighting.
     * @param numberOfPoints
     *          The number of the nearest points of the list, that will be used in the distance weighting. If this
     *          parameter is <= 0, all points will be used.
     * @return A new geometry with x, y and z coordinates.
    public static Geometry addZCoordinates(final Geometry geometry, final List<Coordinate> points,
            final int numberOfPoints) {
        /* Check the prerequisites. */
        if (geometry == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No geometry given ...");

        /* Check the prerequisites. */
        if (points == null || points.size() == 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No points with z coordinates given ...");

        /* Create the geometry factory. */
        final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory();

        /* Clone the geometry. */
        final Geometry newGeometry = factory.createGeometry(geometry);

        /* Modify the coordinates of the new geometry. */
        final Coordinate[] coordinates = newGeometry.getCoordinates();
        for (final Coordinate coordinate : coordinates) {
            /* Now add a z coordinate to the coordinate. */
            addZCoordinate(coordinate, points, numberOfPoints);

        /* Tell the new geometry, that it has changed. */

        return newGeometry;

     * This function adds a z coordinate to the given point, using the inverse distance weighting on a list of points with
     * z coordinates.
     * @param coordinate
     *          The coordinate for which the z coordinates should be added.
     * @param points
     *          The points with z coordinates, which will be used for the inverse distance weighting.
     * @param numberOfPoints
     *          The number of the nearest points of the list, that will be used in the distance weighting. If this
     *          parameter is <= 0, all points will be used.
    private static void addZCoordinate(final Coordinate coordinate, final List<Coordinate> points,
            final int numberOfPoints) {
        /* Check the prerequisites. */
        if (coordinate == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No geometry given ...");

        /* Check the prerequisites. */
        if (points == null || points.size() == 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No points with z coordinates given ...");

        /* Get the coordinate pairs. */
        final List<CoordinatePair> coordinatePairs = getCoordinatePairs(coordinate, points);

        /* The sum of all distances. */
        double sumDistances = 0.0;

        /* Calculate the distances. */
        final List<Double> distances = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < coordinatePairs.size(); i++) {
            if (numberOfPoints > 0 && i >= numberOfPoints)

            /* Get the coordinate pair. */
            final CoordinatePair coordinatePair = coordinatePairs.get(i);

            final double d = coordinatePair.getDistance();
            if (0.0 == d) {
                final Coordinate second = coordinatePair.getSecondCoordinate();
                coordinate.z = second.z;


            /* Get the distance of the coordinate to the coordinate of the point. */
            final double distance = 1 / d;

            /* First add it to the sum of distances. */
            sumDistances = sumDistances + distance;

            /* Then add it to the list of distances. */
            distances.add(new Double(distance));

        /* Calculate the factors. */
        final List<Double> factors = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < distances.size(); i++) {
            /* Get the distance. */
            final Double distance = distances.get(i);

            /* Calculate the factor. */
            final double factor = distance.doubleValue() / sumDistances;

            /* Add it to the list of factors. */
            factors.add(new Double(factor));

        /* Now calculate the new z coordinate. */
        double newZ = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < coordinatePairs.size(); i++) {
            if (numberOfPoints > 0 && i >= numberOfPoints)

            /* Get the coordinate pair. */
            final CoordinatePair coordinatePair = coordinatePairs.get(i);

            /* Get the factor. */
            final Double factor = factors.get(i);

            /* Calculate the new z coordinate. */
            newZ = newZ + coordinatePair.getSecondCoordinate().z * factor.doubleValue();

        /* Set the new z coordinate. */
        coordinate.z = newZ;

     * This function returns a list of coordinates pairs. The first coordinate of a pair will be always the parameter
     * coordinate and the second coordinate of a pair will be a coordinate of one point of the list. The list will be
     * sorted by the distance, each pair has.
     * @param coordinate
     *          The coordinate.
     * @param points
     *          The list of points.
     * @return A list of coordinate pairs. The first coordinate of a pair will be always the parameter coordinate, and the
     *         second coordinate of a pair will be a coordinate of one point of the list. The list will be sorted by the
     *         distance, each pair has.
    public static List<CoordinatePair> getCoordinatePairs(final Coordinate coordinate,
            final List<Coordinate> points) {
        /* Memory for the results. */
        final List<CoordinatePair> results = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
            /* Get the point. */
            final Coordinate point = points.get(i);

            /* Create the coordinate pair. */
            final CoordinatePair coordinatePair = new CoordinatePair(coordinate, point);

            /* Add to the results. */

        /* Sort the results. */
        Collections.sort(results, null);

        return results;

     * This function returns the nearest point on the line within a distance of the provided point.
     * @param line
     *          The points on this line will be evaluated.
     * @param point
     *          This is the reference point.
     * @param distance
     *          The nearest point of line segment, the point is in must lie within the given distance. If you provide a
     *          invalid distance such as {@link Double#NaN}, {@link Double#NEGATIVE_INFINITY}, {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY} or a negative number, a default distance ({@link #TOLERANCE} =
     *          {@value #TOLERANCE}) will be used.
     * @return The point, if one could be found or null.
    public static Point findPointInLine(final LineString line, final Point point, double distance) {
        /* Check for intersection. */
        if (point.distance(line) >= TOLERANCE)
            throw new IllegalStateException("The point does not lie on the line ...");

        /* Check the distance. */
        if (Double.isNaN(distance) || Double.isInfinite(distance))
            distance = TOLERANCE;

        /* Find the line segment, this point is in. */
        final LineSegment segment = findLineSegment(line, point);
        if (segment == null)
            return null;

        /* Check the distance to the reference point. */
        final Coordinate referenceCoordinate = point.getCoordinate();
        final double distance0 = segment.getCoordinate(0).distance(referenceCoordinate);
        final double distance1 = segment.getCoordinate(1).distance(referenceCoordinate);
        Coordinate closestCoordinate = null;
        if (distance0 <= distance1)
            closestCoordinate = segment.getCoordinate(0);
            closestCoordinate = segment.getCoordinate(1);

        if (closestCoordinate.distance(referenceCoordinate) <= distance) {
            final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(line.getPrecisionModel(), line.getSRID());
            return factory.createPoint(closestCoordinate);

        return null;

     * This function finds the points via the NEAREST rule. Method was copied from InformDSS class AbstractGeoMeasure
     * @return The list of affected points. Always with size = 2.
    public static Point findNearestProjectionPoints(final Polygon polygone, final Point point) {
        final Coordinate base = point.getCoordinate();

        double distance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        Coordinate ptr = null;

        /* Get the exterior ring. */
        final LineString ring = polygone.getExteriorRing();
        final Coordinate[] coordinates = ring.getCoordinates();

        for (final Coordinate coordinate : coordinates) {
            final double d = coordinate.distance(base);
            if (d < distance) {
                ptr = coordinate;
                distance = d;

        if (Objects.isNull(ptr))
            return null;

        final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(point.getPrecisionModel(), point.getSRID());
        return factory.createPoint(ptr);

    public static Coordinate[] replace(final Coordinate[] coordinates, final Coordinate old, final Coordinate set) {
        final List<Coordinate> replaced = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final Coordinate coordinate : coordinates) {
            if (coordinate.equals(old))

        return replaced.toArray(new Coordinate[] {});

    public static double distanceZ(final Coordinate c1, final Coordinate c2) {
        if (Double.isNaN(c1.z) || Double.isNaN(c2.z))
            throw new IllegalStateException();

        final double dx = c1.x - c2.x;
        final double dy = c1.y - c2.y;
        final double dz = c1.z - c2.z;

        return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);

    public static Polygon interpolateMissingZ(final Polygon input) {
        final GeometryFactory geomFactory = input.getFactory();
        final LineString exteriorRing = input.getExteriorRing();
        final LinearRing exteriorZ = geomFactory
        final LinearRing[] interiorZ = new LinearRing[input.getNumInteriorRing()];
        for (int i = 0; i < input.getNumInteriorRing(); i++) {
            final LineString interiorRing = input.getInteriorRingN(i);
            interiorZ[i] = geomFactory.createLinearRing(interpolateMissingZ(interiorRing).getCoordinates());
        return geomFactory.createPolygon(exteriorZ, interiorZ);

     * Interpolate missing z values for all vertices from vertices that already have a z value.<br/>
     * For each vertex, the z value is interpolated from the two nearest adjacent vertices with z values. If only one
     * neighbour has a z value, it is directly copied.
    public static LineString interpolateMissingZ(final LineString input) {
        final LengthIndexedLine lengthIndex = new LengthIndexedLine(input);

        final Coordinate[] coordinates = input.getCoordinates();

        /* a create mapping distance - z for later interpolation */
        final Collection<Double> distancesWithZsList = new ArrayList<>(coordinates.length);

        final Collection<Double> zsList = new ArrayList<>(coordinates.length);

        for (final Coordinate vertex : coordinates) {
            if (!Double.isNaN(vertex.z)) {
                final double distance = lengthIndex.indexOf(vertex);

        // nothing to do if there are no z values anywhere
        if (zsList.isEmpty())
            return input;

        final Double[] distances = distancesWithZsList.toArray(new Double[distancesWithZsList.size()]);
        final Double[] zs = zsList.toArray(new Double[zsList.size()]);

        /* create a polyline for interpolation of missing z's */
        final PolyLine interpolator = new PolyLine(distances, zs, TOLERANCE);

        /* last step: interpolate missing z's via interpolator */
        final Coordinate[] coordinatesWithZ = new Coordinate[coordinates.length];

        for (int i = 0; i < coordinatesWithZ.length; i++) {
            final Coordinate vertex = coordinates[i];

            if (Double.isNaN(vertex.z)) {
                final double distance = lengthIndex.indexOf(vertex);
                final double interpolatedZ = interpolator.getYFor(distance, false);
                coordinatesWithZ[i] = new Coordinate(vertex.x, vertex.y, interpolatedZ);
            } else
                coordinatesWithZ[i] = new Coordinate(vertex);

        /* create and return new line string */
        final LineString output = input.getFactory().createLineString(coordinatesWithZ);
        return output;

     * Removes points closer to
    public static Polygon removeCoincidentPoints(final Polygon polygon, final double nearDistance,
            final double distanceTolerance) {
        final LinearRing exteriorRing = (LinearRing) polygon.getExteriorRing();
        final LinearRing newExteriorRing = removeCoincidentPoints(exteriorRing, nearDistance, distanceTolerance);
        final int ringCount = polygon.getNumInteriorRing();
        final LinearRing[] newInteriorRings = new LinearRing[ringCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < ringCount; i++)
            newInteriorRings[i] = removeCoincidentPoints((LinearRing) polygon.getInteriorRingN(i), nearDistance,
        return polygon.getFactory().createPolygon(newExteriorRing, newInteriorRings);

     * Removes interior points of this line that are within the given distance from another point
    public static <T extends LineString> T removeCoincidentPoints(final T linestring, final double nearDistance,
            final double distanceTolerance) {
        final GeometryEditor editor = new GeometryEditor();
        final Geometry result = editor.edit(linestring, new GeometryEditor.CoordinateOperation() {

            public Coordinate[] edit(final Coordinate[] coordinates, final Geometry geometry) {
                final CoordinateList coordList = new CoordinateList();
                for (int i = 1; i < coordinates.length - 1; i++) {
                    final Coordinate p0 = coordList.getCoordinate(coordList.size() - 1);
                    final Coordinate p1 = coordinates[i];
                    final Coordinate p2 = coordinates[i + 1];
                    if (p1.distance(p0) <= nearDistance || p1.distance(p2) <= nearDistance) {
                        final boolean nearlyColinear = new LineSegment(p0, p2).distance(p1) < distanceTolerance;
                        if (nearlyColinear)
                            // gobble
                coordList.add(coordinates[coordinates.length - 1]);
                return coordList.toCoordinateArray();
        return (T) result;

    public static com.infomatiq.jsi.Rectangle toRectangle(final Envelope envelope) {
        final float x1 = MathUtils.floorFloat(envelope.getMinX());
        final float y1 = MathUtils.floorFloat(envelope.getMinY());

        final float x2 = MathUtils.ceilFloat(envelope.getMaxX());
        final float y2 = MathUtils.ceilFloat(envelope.getMaxY());

        return new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2);

    public static Rectangle toRectangle(final double x, final double y) {
        final float x1 = MathUtils.floorFloat(x);
        final float y1 = MathUtils.floorFloat(y);
        final float x2 = MathUtils.ceilFloat(x);
        final float y2 = MathUtils.ceilFloat(y);

        return new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2);