Java tutorial
/*---------------- FILE HEADER KALYPSO ------------------------------------------ * * This file is part of kalypso. * Copyright (C) 2004 by: * * Technical University Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH) * Institute of River and coastal engineering * Denickestrae 22 * 21073 Hamburg, Germany * * * and * * Bjoernsen Consulting Engineers (BCE) * Maria Trost 3 * 56070 Koblenz, Germany * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Contact: * * E-Mail: * * * * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ package org.kalypso.jts; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert; import; import; import org.kalypso.commons.math.LinearEquation; import org.kalypso.commons.math.LinearEquation.SameXValuesException; import org.kalypso.commons.math.geom.PolyLine; import org.kalypsodeegree.model.geometry.GM_Envelope; import org.kalypsodeegree_impl.model.geometry.JTSAdapter; import com.infomatiq.jsi.Rectangle; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.CoordinateList; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.CoordinateSequence; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineSegment; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiLineString; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPolygon; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.util.GeometryEditor; import com.vividsolutions.jts.linearref.LengthIndexedLine; import com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.valid.IsValidOp; import com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.valid.TopologyValidationError; /** * Utility class for some geometry operations. * * @author Holger Albert */ public final class JTSUtilities { /** * The allowed tolerance. */ // FIXME: bad, rather use precisions model of JTS public static final double TOLERANCE = 10E-04; private JTSUtilities() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * This function delivers the first point from a line in another geometry. * * @param line * The points of this line will be checked. The first, which lies in the given geometry is returned. * @param geometry_2nd * The points of the line will be checked with this geometry. * @return The first point of the line, which lies in the second geometry. */ public static Point linePointInGeometry(final LineString line, final Geometry geometry_2nd) { final int numPoints = line.getNumPoints(); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { final Point pointN = line.getPointN(i); if (geometry_2nd.contains(pointN)) { final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(pointN.getPrecisionModel(), pointN.getSRID()); return factory.createPoint(new Coordinate(pointN.getCoordinate())); } } return null; } /** * This function calculates the distance from the start point to a point, lying on the line. * * @param line * The line. * @param point * One point lying on the line. * @return The distance of the point on the line. * @deprecated This method is too slow for long chains. Use {@link com.vividsolutions.jts.linearref.LengthIndexedLine} instead. And does not work for last line segment!!!! */ @Deprecated public static double pointDistanceOnLine(final LineString line, final Point point) { /* Check for intersection. */ if (point.distance(line) >= TOLERANCE) throw new IllegalStateException("The point does not lie on the line..."); if (line.getEndPoint().equals(point)) return line.getLength(); /* The needed factory. */ final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(line.getPrecisionModel(), line.getSRID()); /* Get all coordinates. */ final Coordinate[] coordinates = line.getCoordinates(); /* Only loop until the one before the last one. */ for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.length - 2; i++) { /* Get the coordinates to the current one + 1. */ final Coordinate[] coords = ArrayUtils.subarray(coordinates, 0, i + 2); /* Create a new line with the coordinates. */ final LineString ls = factory.createLineString(coords); if (point.distance(ls) >= TOLERANCE) continue; /* Point was intersecting the last segment, now take all coordinates but the last one ... */ final LinkedList<Coordinate> lineCoords = new LinkedList<>(); for (int j = 0; j < coords.length - 1; j++) lineCoords.add(coords[j]); /* ... and add the point as last one. */ lineCoords.add(point.getCoordinate()); /* Create the new geometry. */ final LineString tempLine = factory.createLineString(lineCoords.toArray(new Coordinate[] {})); return tempLine.getLength(); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } /** * This function calculates a point at a specific length of a line. * * @param lineJTS * The line string on which the point has to be. * @param distance * The distance at which the point should be placed on the line. * @return The newly created point on the line or null, if something was wrong. */ public static Point pointOnLine(final LineString lineJTS, final double distance) { final Coordinate crd = posOnLine(lineJTS, distance); final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(lineJTS.getPrecisionModel(), lineJTS.getSRID()); return factory.createPoint(crd); } /** * This function calculates a specific position on a line. * * @param lineJTS * The line string on which the point has to be. * @param distanceOnLine * The distance at which the point should be placed on the line. * @return The newly created position on the line or null, if something was wrong. * @deprecated Use LenghtIndexedLine instead. */ @Deprecated public static Coordinate posOnLine(final LineString line, final double distanceOnLine) { final double length = line.getLength(); if (distanceOnLine < 0 || distanceOnLine > length) return null; final int numPoints = line.getNumPoints(); if (numPoints == 0) return null; /* Only loop until the point before the last point. */ /* The remaining distance will be the remaining distance on the found line segment */ double remainingDistance = distanceOnLine; LineSegment segment = null; for (int i = 0; i < numPoints - 1; i++) { final Point startPoint = line.getPointN(i); final Point endPoint = line.getPointN(i + 1); segment = new LineSegment(new Coordinate(startPoint.getCoordinate()), new Coordinate(endPoint.getCoordinate())); final double lineLength = segment.getLength(); if (remainingDistance - lineLength < 0) break; remainingDistance -= lineLength; } if (segment == null) return null; /* Now calculate the rest of the line. */ final double max = segment.getLength(); final Coordinate startPoint = segment.p0; final Coordinate endPoint = segment.p1; /* If the two X koords are equal, take one of them for the new point. */ final double x = interpolateX(startPoint.x, endPoint.x, 0, max, remainingDistance); final double y = interpolateX(startPoint.y, endPoint.y, 0, max, remainingDistance); final double z = interpolateX(startPoint.z, endPoint.z, 0, max, remainingDistance); return new Coordinate(x, y, z); } private static double interpolateX(final double x1, final double x2, final int y1, final double y2, final double y) { if (Double.isNaN(x1) || Double.isNaN(x2)) return Double.NaN; if (, x2) == 0) return x1; else { try { final LinearEquation computeX = new LinearEquation(x1, y1, x2, y2); return computeX.computeX(y); } catch (final SameXValuesException e) { // should never happen, has we tests this explicitly e.printStackTrace(); return x1; } } } public static LineSegment findSegmentInLine(final LineString line, final double distanceOnLine) { final double length = line.getLength(); if (distanceOnLine < 0 || distanceOnLine > length) return null; final int numPoints = line.getNumPoints(); if (numPoints == 0) return null; double currentDistance = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numPoints - 1; i++) { final Point startPoint = line.getPointN(i); final Point endPoint = line.getPointN(i + 1); final double distance = endPoint.distance(startPoint); currentDistance += distance; if (distanceOnLine < currentDistance) return new LineSegment(startPoint.getCoordinate(), endPoint.getCoordinate()); } return null; } /** * This function calculates a point at a specific length of a line. * * @param lineJTS * The line string on which the point has to be. * @param percent * The distance in percent at which the point should be placed on the line as Int(!) * @return The newly created point on the line or null, if something was wrong. Returns the start point or the end * point if percentage is 0 or 100. */ public static Point pointOnLinePercent(final LineString lineJTS, final double percent) { if (percent < 0 || percent > 100) return null; if (percent == 0) return lineJTS.getPointN(0); if (percent == 100) return lineJTS.getPointN(lineJTS.getNumPoints() - 1); final double length = lineJTS.getLength(); final double distance = length / 100.0 * percent; return pointOnLine(lineJTS, distance); } /** * This function creates a line segment (JTS) of a line from a given start point to an end point, including all points * on the given line.<br> * The returned line always starts at <code>start</code> and ends at <code>end</code>, regardless of the orientation * of the input line.<br/> * The start and end point are projected to the given linear geometry, so do not necessarily need to lie on the given * line.<br/> * This implementation is based on {@link LengthIndexedLine} of JTS and has the same restraints. * * @param line * The original line. * @param start * The start point of the new line * @param end * The end point of the new line * @return A linear geometry (i.e. either a {@link LineString} or a {@link MultiLineString} on the original line * starting at with the start point and ending with the end point. If the input is a {@link LineString}, the * result can be safelay cast to {@link LineString} as well. */ public static Geometry extractLineString(final Geometry linearGeomety, final Point startPoint, final Point endPoint) { final LengthIndexedLine index = new LengthIndexedLine(linearGeomety); final double startIndex = index.project(startPoint.getCoordinate()); final double endIndex = index.project(endPoint.getCoordinate()); /* make sure orientiation is from start to end */ final double start = Math.min(startIndex, endIndex); final double end = Math.max(startIndex, endIndex); return index.extractLine(start, end); } /** * This function creates a line segment (JTS) of a line from a given start point to an end point, including all points * on the given line.<br> * TODO: The used distance is calculated only by the x- and y-coordinates!! For an 3-dimensaional distance * calculation, the start and end point should have z-coordinates. * * @param line * The original line. * @param start * The start point of the new line (it has to be one point that lies on the original line). * @param end * The end point of the new line (it has to be one point that lies on the original line). * @return A LineString on the original line starting at with the start point and ending with the end point. * @deprecated Use {@link #extractLineString(Geometry, Point, Point)} instead */ @Deprecated public static LineString createLineString(final Geometry line, final Point start, final Point end) { /* Check if both points are lying on the line (2d!). */ if (line.distance(start) >= TOLERANCE || line.distance(end) >= TOLERANCE) return null; if (line instanceof LineString) { /* Check the orientation of the line. */ if (!getLineOrientation((LineString) line, start, end)) return createLineStringFromLine((LineString) line, end, start); return createLineStringFromLine((LineString) line, start, end); } else if (line instanceof MultiLineString) return createLineStringFromMultiLine((MultiLineString) line, start, end); return null; } /** * Evaluates the two given points and returns true, if the direction is equal of that from line (its points). * * @param line * The original LineString. * @param start * The start point of the new line (it has to be one point that lies on the original LineString). * @param end * The end point of the new line (it has to be one point that lies on the original LineString). * @return True, if the first found point of the line is nearer to the start point, than to the end point. */ public static boolean getLineOrientation(final LineString line, final Point start, final Point end) { /* Check if both points are lying on the line. */ if (line.distance(start) >= TOLERANCE || line.distance(end) >= TOLERANCE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("One of the two points does not lie on the given line ..."); boolean first = false; for (int i = 0; i < line.getNumPoints() - 1; i++) { final Point pointN = line.getPointN(i); final Point pointN1 = line.getPointN(i + 1); /* Build a line with the two points to check the flag. */ final LineSegment testLine = new LineSegment(new Coordinate(pointN.getCoordinate()), new Coordinate(pointN1.getCoordinate())); if (testLine.distance(start.getCoordinate()) < TOLERANCE) first = true; if (testLine.distance(end.getCoordinate()) < TOLERANCE) { /* The direction is inverse. */ if (!first) return false; break; } } return true; } /** * This function creates a LineString (JTS) of a LineString from a given start point to an end point, including all * points on the given LineString. However it does not check the orientation of the start and end point. This must be * done before calling this method. Use {@link JTSUtilities#getLineOrientation(LineString, Point, Point)} for this * operation. Both points should have the same orientation than the line, otherwise the new line has only two points, * namly the start and end point. * * @param line * The original LineString. * @param start * The start point of the new line (it has to be one point that lies on the original LineString). * @param end * The end point of the new line (it has to be one point that lies on the original LineString). * @return A LineString on the original LineString starting at with the start point and ending with the end point. */ private static LineString createLineStringFromLine(final LineString line, final Point start, final Point end) { final List<Point> points = new LinkedList<>(); boolean add = false; points.add(start); for (int i = 0; i < line.getNumPoints() - 1; i++) { final Point pointN = line.getPointN(i); final Point pointN1 = line.getPointN(i + 1); if (add) points.add(pointN); /* Build a line with the two points to check the flag. */ final LineSegment testLine = new LineSegment(new Coordinate(pointN.getCoordinate()), new Coordinate(pointN1.getCoordinate())); if (testLine.distance(start.getCoordinate()) < TOLERANCE) add = true; if (testLine.distance(end.getCoordinate()) < TOLERANCE) { add = false; break; } } points.add(end); /* Create the coordinates for the new line string. */ final Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[points.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) coordinates[i] = new Coordinate(points.get(i).getCoordinate()); final GeometryFactory factory = line.getFactory(); return factory.createLineString(coordinates); } /** * This function creates a LineString (JTS) of a MultiLineString from a given start point to an end point, including * all points on the given MultiLineString. Gaps between the different LineStrings will be connected in the result, if * it should contain more than one LineString of the original MultiLineString. However it does not check the * orientation of the start and end point.<br> * <br> * KNOWN ISSUE:<br> * It is possible that this function produce errors, if the start or the end point lies in a gap between two * LineStrings. The two points of the gap will not be checked for that point. The result than, will possibly be * nonsense. <br> * <br> * ATTENTION:<br> * This class is strange, because creating a LineString part of a MultiLineString should be normally done by * dissolving the MultiLineString in one LineString-Object and getting the LineString part of it.<br> * There can not be quaranteed, that this function works error free! * * @param line * The original MultiLineString. * @param start * The start point of the new line (it has to be one point on the original MultiLineString). * @param end * The end point of the new line (it has to be one point on the original MultiLineString). * @return A LineString on the original MultiLineString starting at with the start point and ending with the end * point. */ private static LineString createLineStringFromMultiLine(final MultiLineString line, final Point start, final Point end) { final List<Point> points = new LinkedList<>(); boolean add = false; boolean endPointFound = false; points.add(start); for (int i = 0; i < line.getNumGeometries(); i++) { final LineString lineN = (LineString) line.getGeometryN(i); for (int j = 0; j < lineN.getNumPoints() - 1; j++) { final Point pointN = lineN.getPointN(j); final Point pointN1 = lineN.getPointN(j + 1); if (add) points.add(pointN); /* Build a line with the two points to check the flag. */ final LineSegment testLine = new LineSegment(new Coordinate(pointN.getCoordinate()), new Coordinate(pointN1.getCoordinate())); if (testLine.distance(start.getCoordinate()) < TOLERANCE) add = true; if (testLine.distance(end.getCoordinate()) < TOLERANCE) { add = false; endPointFound = true; break; } } if (endPointFound) break; } points.add(end); /* Create the coordinates for the new line string. */ final Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[points.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) coordinates[i] = new Coordinate(points.get(i).getCoordinate()); final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(line.getPrecisionModel(), line.getSRID()); return factory.createLineString(coordinates); } /** * This function creates a line segment with the two given points, calculates the length of the line segment and * returns the length. * * @param pointOne * This point will be used as start point of the line segment. * @param pointTwo * This point will be used as end point of the line segment. * @return The length of the line between the two points given. */ public static double getLengthBetweenPoints(final Point pointOne, final Point pointTwo) { return getLengthBetweenPoints(pointOne.getCoordinate(), pointTwo.getCoordinate()); } /** * This function creates a line segment with the two given coordinates, calculates the length of the line segment and * returns the length. * * @param coordinateOne * This coordinate will be used as start point of the line segment. * @param coordinateTwo * This coordinate will be used as end point of the line segment. * @return The length of the line between the two coordinates given. */ public static double getLengthBetweenPoints(final Coordinate coordinateOne, final Coordinate coordinateTwo) { final LineSegment segment = new LineSegment(coordinateOne, coordinateTwo); return segment.getLength(); } /** Creates a jts-polygon from a deegree-envelope */ public static Polygon convertGMEnvelopeToPolygon(final GM_Envelope envelope, final GeometryFactory gf) { final Coordinate minCoord = JTSAdapter.export(envelope.getMin()); final Coordinate maxCoord = JTSAdapter.export(envelope.getMax()); final Coordinate tmp1Coord = new Coordinate(minCoord.x, maxCoord.y); final Coordinate tmp2Coord = new Coordinate(maxCoord.x, minCoord.y); final Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[] { minCoord, tmp1Coord, maxCoord, tmp2Coord, minCoord }; final LinearRing linearRing = gf.createLinearRing(coordinates); return gf.createPolygon(linearRing, null); } /** Converts an envelope to a polygon that covers the envelope. */ public static Polygon convertEnvelopeToPolygon(final Envelope envelope, final GeometryFactory gf) { final Coordinate minCoord = new Coordinate(envelope.getMinX(), envelope.getMinY()); final Coordinate maxCoord = new Coordinate(envelope.getMaxX(), envelope.getMaxY()); final Coordinate tmp1Coord = new Coordinate(minCoord.x, maxCoord.y); final Coordinate tmp2Coord = new Coordinate(maxCoord.x, minCoord.y); final Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[] { minCoord, tmp1Coord, maxCoord, tmp2Coord, minCoord }; final LinearRing linearRing = gf.createLinearRing(coordinates); return gf.createPolygon(linearRing, null); } /** * @param ring * array of ordered coordinates, last must equal first one * @return signed area, area >= 0 means points are counter clockwise defined (mathematic positive) */ public static double calcSignedAreaOfRing(final Coordinate[] ring) { if (ring.length < 4) // 3 points and 4. is repetition of first point throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can not calculate area of < 3 points ..."); final Coordinate a = ring[0]; // base double area = 0; for (int i = 1; i < ring.length - 2; i++) { final Coordinate b = ring[i]; final Coordinate c = ring[i + 1]; area += (b.y - a.y) * (a.x - c.x) // bounding rectangle - ((a.x - b.x) * (b.y - a.y)// + (b.x - c.x) * (b.y - c.y)// + (a.x - c.x) * (c.y - a.y)// ) / 2d; } return area; } /** * This function will check all line segments and return the one, in which the given point lies. If no segment is * found it will return null. * * @param curve * The curve to check. * @param point * The point, which marks the segment (e.g. an intersection point of another geometry). * @return The line segment or null. */ public static LineSegment findLineSegment(final LineString curve, final Point point) { for (int i = 0; i < curve.getNumPoints() - 1; i++) { final Point pointN = curve.getPointN(i); final Point pointN1 = curve.getPointN(i + 1); /* Build a line with the two points to check the intersection. */ final LineSegment segment = new LineSegment(pointN.getCoordinate(), pointN1.getCoordinate()); /* If found, return it. */ if (segment.distance(point.getCoordinate()) < TOLERANCE) return segment; } return null; } /** * This function adds points to the line.<br> * It will not change the topology of the line in that way, that it changes direction.<br> * <br> * REMARK:<br> * It can be very slow, in dependance of the amount of points to be added. * * @param line * The line, to which the points are added to. * @param originalPoints * The points, which should be added. The points has to lie on the line. * @return The new line as copy of the old line, including the given points. The result may be null. */ public static LineString addPointsToLine(final LineString line, final List<Point> originalPoints) { return addPointsToLine(line, originalPoints.toArray(new Point[] {})); } public static LineString addPointsToLine(final LineString line, final Point... points) { final Coordinate[] crds = new Coordinate[points.length]; for (int i = 0; i < crds.length; i++) crds[i] = new Coordinate(points[i].getCoordinate()); return addPointsToLine(line, crds); } public static LineString addPointsToLine(final LineString line, final Coordinate... locations) { /* The geometry factory. */ final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(line.getPrecisionModel(), line.getSRID()); /* Memory for the new coordinates. */ final CoordinateList newCoordinates = new CoordinateList(); /* Get all coordinates. */ final Coordinate[] lineCoordinates = line.getCoordinates(); /* Always add the first coordinate. */ newCoordinates.add(lineCoordinates[0], false); final Collection<Coordinate> toIgnore = new HashSet<>(); /* Only loop until the one before the last one. */ for (int i = 0; i < lineCoordinates.length - 1; i++) { /* Get the coordinates. */ final Coordinate startCoord = lineCoordinates[i]; final Coordinate endCoord = lineCoordinates[i + 1]; /* Create a new line with the coordinates. */ final LineSegment ls = new LineSegment(startCoord, endCoord); /* If no one is intersecting, the current end coordinate has to be added. */ final List<Coordinate> toAdd = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Coordinate location : locations) { if (toIgnore.contains(location)) continue; if (ls.distance(location) < TOLERANCE) { /* The point intersects, and has to be added. */ toAdd.add(location); /* The points should be removed from the old points list for performance reasons. */ toIgnore.add(location); continue; } } /* Add all points. */ final List<CoordinatePair> coordinatePairs = getCoordinatePairs(startCoord, toAdd); for (final CoordinatePair coordinatePair : coordinatePairs) newCoordinates.add(coordinatePair.getSecondCoordinate(), false); /* Add the end coordinate. */ newCoordinates.add(endCoord, false); } return factory.createLineString(newCoordinates.toCoordinateArray()); } /** * Inverts a given geometry. * * @param geometry * The geometry, which should be inverted. */ public static Geometry invert(final Geometry geometry) { final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(geometry.getPrecisionModel(), geometry.getSRID()); if (geometry instanceof LineString) { final LineString lineString = (LineString) geometry; final Coordinate[] coordinates = lineString.getCoordinates(); final Set<Coordinate> myCoordinates = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (int i = coordinates.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) myCoordinates.add(coordinates[i]); return factory.createLineString(myCoordinates.toArray(new Coordinate[] {})); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * This function adds a z-coordinate to each point of a line string. It interpolates the z-coordinate, using the * length of the line segment between the start point (parameter start) and the current point. The last point will get * the maximum as the z-coordinate (parameter end). * * @param lineString * To each point on this line string the z-coordinate will be added. * @param start * A start value (a start time, for example). * @param end * A end value (an end time, for example). * @return A new line string with z-coordinate. */ public static LineString addInterpolatedZCoordinates(final LineString lineString, final double start, final double end) throws SameXValuesException { /* Interpolate the times for each points, if time is given. */ /* List with the coordinates of the new line string. */ final List<Coordinate> coordinates = new ArrayList<>(); /* The x-axis represents the distance on the line string. */ final double x1 = 0.0; final double x2 = lineString.getLength(); /* The y-axis represents the values given by the parameters (a time, for example). */ final double y1 = start; final double y2 = end; /* Create the linear equation. */ final LinearEquation equation = new LinearEquation(x1, y1, x2, y2); for (int i = 0; i < lineString.getNumPoints(); i++) { /* Get the points. */ final Point point = lineString.getPointN(i); /* The distance from start to this point. */ /* If this point is the start, it should be 0. */ /* If this point is the end, it should be lineString.getLength(). */ final double distance = pointDistanceOnLine(lineString, point); /* Compute the x to this point (needed time to this point, for example). */ final double x = equation.computeY(distance); /* Create the coordinate. */ final Coordinate coordinate = new Coordinate(point.getX(), point.getY(), x); coordinates.add(coordinate); } /* Create the new line string. */ final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(lineString.getPrecisionModel(), lineString.getSRID()); return factory.createLineString(coordinates.toArray(new Coordinate[] {})); } /** * This function calculates the center coordinate between two coordinates. * * @param coordinate_one * The first coordinate. * @param coordinate_two * The second coordinate. * @return The center coordinate. */ public static Coordinate getCenterCoordinate(final Coordinate coordinate_one, final Coordinate coordinate_two) { final double x = (coordinate_one.x + coordinate_two.x) / 2; final double y = (coordinate_one.y + coordinate_two.y) / 2; return new Coordinate(x, y); } /** * This function collects polygons from polygons (which will return itself in the list) or multi polygons. * * @param geometry * The geometry to collect from. If it is no polygon, an empty list will be returned. * @return The list of contained polygons or an empty list. */ public static List<Polygon> collectPolygons(final Geometry geometry) { /* Memory for the results. */ final List<Polygon> polygons = new ArrayList<>(); if (!(geometry instanceof Polygon) && !(geometry instanceof MultiPolygon)) return polygons; if (geometry instanceof Polygon) { polygons.add((Polygon) geometry); return polygons; } if (geometry instanceof MultiPolygon) { final MultiPolygon multi = (MultiPolygon) geometry; final int num = multi.getNumGeometries(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { final Geometry geometryN = multi.getGeometryN(i); polygons.add((Polygon) geometryN); } } return polygons; } /** * This function inspects each coordinate of the given array and removes the z-coordinate from it (sets Double.NaN). * * @param coordinates * The array of coordinates. * @return A new array of new coordinates without the z-coordinate. */ public static Coordinate[] removeZCoordinates(final Coordinate[] coordinates) { /* Memory for the results. */ final List<Coordinate> results = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Coordinate coordinate : coordinates) results.add(new Coordinate(coordinate.x, coordinate.y)); return results.toArray(new Coordinate[] {}); } /** * Buffers a geometry.<br> * The size of the buffer is determined as a ratio of the size of its envelope.<br> * More exact, it is <code>ratio * Math.max(envelope.getWidht(), envelope.getHeight())</code>. */ public static Geometry bufferWithRatio(final Geometry geometry, final double ratio) { final Envelope envelope = geometry.getEnvelopeInternal(); final double width = envelope.getWidth(); final double height = envelope.getHeight(); final double max = Math.max(width, height); return geometry.buffer(max * ratio); } /** * Calculates the fractions some polygons are covering one base geometry (should be a geometry with an area). * * @see #fractionAreaOf(Geometry, Polygon) */ public static double[] fractionAreasOf(final Geometry baseGeometry, final Polygon[] coverPolygons) { final double[] factors = new double[coverPolygons.length]; for (int i = 0; i < coverPolygons.length; i++) factors[i] = JTSUtilities.fractionAreaOf(baseGeometry, coverPolygons[i]); return factors; } /** * Calculates the part (as fraction) of one polygon covering another. * * @param baseGeometry * The geometry (should be a geometry with an area), that is covered (by the calculated fraction) by the <code>coverPolygon</code>. May NOT be <code>null</code>. * @param coverPolygon * The polygon covering (or not) the basePolygon. My be <code>null</code> (in that case, <code>0.0</code> is * returned). */ public static double fractionAreaOf(final Geometry baseGeometry, final Polygon coverPolygon) { Assert.isNotNull(baseGeometry); if (coverPolygon == null) return 0.0; /* The intersect function is much faster, than the intersection function. */ /* So you should use it to check for intersection, even if you need the polygon of the overlapping area. */ if (!baseGeometry.intersects(coverPolygon)) return 0.0; final Geometry intersection = baseGeometry.intersection(coverPolygon); if (intersection == null) return 0.0; final double totalArea = baseGeometry.getArea(); final double intersectionArea = intersection.getArea(); return intersectionArea / totalArea; } public static double getAreaFraction(final Geometry baseGeometry, final Polygon coverPolygon) { Assert.isNotNull(baseGeometry); if (coverPolygon == null) return 0.0; /* The intersect function is much faster, than the intersection function. */ /* So you should use it to check for intersection, even if you need the polygon of the overlapping area. */ if (!baseGeometry.intersects(coverPolygon)) return 0.0; final Geometry intersection = baseGeometry.intersection(coverPolygon); if (intersection == null) return 0.0; final double coverArea = coverPolygon.getArea(); final double intersectionArea = intersection.getArea(); return intersectionArea / coverArea; } public static Polygon cleanPolygonInteriorRings(Polygon poly) { final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(); final List<LinearRing> myInnerRings = new ArrayList<>(); final int rings = poly.getNumInteriorRing(); for (int i = 0; i < rings; i++) { final LineString lineString = poly.getInteriorRingN(i); final Coordinate[] coordinates = lineString.getCoordinates(); final LinearRing ring = factory.createLinearRing(coordinates); final Polygon innerPolygon = factory.createPolygon(ring, null); final double area = innerPolygon.getArea(); if (area > 0.1) myInnerRings.add(ring); } if (myInnerRings.size() != rings) { final LineString outer = poly.getExteriorRing(); final Coordinate[] outerCoordinates = outer.getCoordinates(); final LinearRing outerRing = factory.createLinearRing(outerCoordinates); poly = factory.createPolygon(outerRing, myInnerRings.toArray(new LinearRing[] {})); } return poly; } public static Geometry[] findGeometriesInRange(final Geometry[] geometries, final Geometry base, final double radius) { final Set<Geometry> myGeometries = new HashSet<>(); for (final Geometry geometry : geometries) { final double distance = base.distance(geometry); if (distance <= radius) myGeometries.add(geometry); } return myGeometries.toArray(new Geometry[] {}); } /** * @return coordinates in range sorted by distance */ public static Coordinate[] findCoordinatesInRange(final Coordinate[] coordinates, final Coordinate base, final double radius) { final Comparator<Coordinate> comparator = new Comparator<Coordinate>() { @Override public int compare(final Coordinate c1, final Coordinate c2) { final Double d1 = Double.valueOf(c1.distance(base)); final Double d2 = Double.valueOf(c2.distance(base)); return d1.compareTo(d2); } }; final Set<Coordinate> myCoordinates = new TreeSet<>(comparator); for (final Coordinate c : coordinates) { final double distance = base.distance(c); if (distance <= radius) myCoordinates.add(c); } return myCoordinates.toArray(new Coordinate[] {}); } /** * This function returns the minimal x-value of a sequence of coordinates. * * @param seq * The coordinate sequence. * @return The minimal x-value of a sequence of coordinates. {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY} If the sequence is * empty. */ public static double getMinX(final CoordinateSequence seq) { double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < seq.size(); i++) min = Math.min(min, seq.getX(i)); return min; } /** * This function returns the maximal x-value of a sequence of coordinates. * * @param seq * The coordinate sequence. * @return The maximal x-value of a sequence of coordinates. {@link Double#NEGATIVE_INFINITY} If the sequence is * empty. */ public static double getMaxX(final CoordinateSequence seq) { double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < seq.size(); i++) max = Math.max(max, seq.getX(i)); return max; } /** * This function returns all x-values of the given sequence as an array. * * @param seq * The coordinate sequence. * @return All x-values of the given sequence as an array. */ public static double[] getXValues(final CoordinateSequence seq) { final double[] x = new double[seq.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < seq.size(); i++) x[i] = seq.getX(i); return x; } /** * This function returns all y-values of the given sequence as an array. * * @param seq * The coordinate sequence. * @return All y-values of the given sequence as an array. */ public static double[] getYValues(final CoordinateSequence seq) { final double[] y = new double[seq.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < seq.size(); i++) y[i] = seq.getY(i); return y; } /** * This function validates geometries. * * @param msg * Basic error message. * @param g * Geometries to check. * @return If an error exists an error message will be returned. */ public static String validateGeometries(String msg, final Geometry... g) { boolean error = false; for (final Geometry geometry : g) { final IsValidOp isValidOp = new IsValidOp(geometry); final TopologyValidationError validationError = isValidOp.getValidationError(); if (validationError != null) { msg += String.format(" Error: %s", validationError.getMessage()); error = true; } } if (error) return msg; return null; } /** * This function adds z coordinates to the given geometry, using the inverse distance weighting on a list of points * with z coordinates. * * @param geometry * The geometry for which the z coordinates should be added. * @param points * The points with z coordinates, which will be used for the inverse distance weighting. * @param numberOfPoints * The number of the nearest points of the list, that will be used in the distance weighting. If this * parameter is <= 0, all points will be used. * @return A new geometry with x, y and z coordinates. */ public static Geometry addZCoordinates(final Geometry geometry, final List<Coordinate> points, final int numberOfPoints) { /* Check the prerequisites. */ if (geometry == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No geometry given ..."); /* Check the prerequisites. */ if (points == null || points.size() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No points with z coordinates given ..."); /* Create the geometry factory. */ final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(); /* Clone the geometry. */ final Geometry newGeometry = factory.createGeometry(geometry); /* Modify the coordinates of the new geometry. */ final Coordinate[] coordinates = newGeometry.getCoordinates(); for (final Coordinate coordinate : coordinates) { /* Now add a z coordinate to the coordinate. */ addZCoordinate(coordinate, points, numberOfPoints); } /* Tell the new geometry, that it has changed. */ newGeometry.geometryChanged(); return newGeometry; } /** * This function adds a z coordinate to the given point, using the inverse distance weighting on a list of points with * z coordinates. * * @param coordinate * The coordinate for which the z coordinates should be added. * @param points * The points with z coordinates, which will be used for the inverse distance weighting. * @param numberOfPoints * The number of the nearest points of the list, that will be used in the distance weighting. If this * parameter is <= 0, all points will be used. */ private static void addZCoordinate(final Coordinate coordinate, final List<Coordinate> points, final int numberOfPoints) { /* Check the prerequisites. */ if (coordinate == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No geometry given ..."); /* Check the prerequisites. */ if (points == null || points.size() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No points with z coordinates given ..."); /* Get the coordinate pairs. */ final List<CoordinatePair> coordinatePairs = getCoordinatePairs(coordinate, points); /* The sum of all distances. */ double sumDistances = 0.0; /* Calculate the distances. */ final List<Double> distances = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < coordinatePairs.size(); i++) { if (numberOfPoints > 0 && i >= numberOfPoints) break; /* Get the coordinate pair. */ final CoordinatePair coordinatePair = coordinatePairs.get(i); final double d = coordinatePair.getDistance(); if (0.0 == d) { final Coordinate second = coordinatePair.getSecondCoordinate(); coordinate.z = second.z; return; } /* Get the distance of the coordinate to the coordinate of the point. */ final double distance = 1 / d; /* First add it to the sum of distances. */ sumDistances = sumDistances + distance; /* Then add it to the list of distances. */ distances.add(new Double(distance)); } /* Calculate the factors. */ final List<Double> factors = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < distances.size(); i++) { /* Get the distance. */ final Double distance = distances.get(i); /* Calculate the factor. */ final double factor = distance.doubleValue() / sumDistances; /* Add it to the list of factors. */ factors.add(new Double(factor)); } /* Now calculate the new z coordinate. */ double newZ = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < coordinatePairs.size(); i++) { if (numberOfPoints > 0 && i >= numberOfPoints) break; /* Get the coordinate pair. */ final CoordinatePair coordinatePair = coordinatePairs.get(i); /* Get the factor. */ final Double factor = factors.get(i); /* Calculate the new z coordinate. */ newZ = newZ + coordinatePair.getSecondCoordinate().z * factor.doubleValue(); } /* Set the new z coordinate. */ coordinate.z = newZ; } /** * This function returns a list of coordinates pairs. The first coordinate of a pair will be always the parameter * coordinate and the second coordinate of a pair will be a coordinate of one point of the list. The list will be * sorted by the distance, each pair has. * * @param coordinate * The coordinate. * @param points * The list of points. * @return A list of coordinate pairs. The first coordinate of a pair will be always the parameter coordinate, and the * second coordinate of a pair will be a coordinate of one point of the list. The list will be sorted by the * distance, each pair has. */ public static List<CoordinatePair> getCoordinatePairs(final Coordinate coordinate, final List<Coordinate> points) { /* Memory for the results. */ final List<CoordinatePair> results = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) { /* Get the point. */ final Coordinate point = points.get(i); /* Create the coordinate pair. */ final CoordinatePair coordinatePair = new CoordinatePair(coordinate, point); /* Add to the results. */ results.add(coordinatePair); } /* Sort the results. */ Collections.sort(results, null); return results; } /** * This function returns the nearest point on the line within a distance of the provided point. * * @param line * The points on this line will be evaluated. * @param point * This is the reference point. * @param distance * The nearest point of line segment, the point is in must lie within the given distance. If you provide a * invalid distance such as {@link Double#NaN}, {@link Double#NEGATIVE_INFINITY}, {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY} or a negative number, a default distance ({@link #TOLERANCE} = * {@value #TOLERANCE}) will be used. * @return The point, if one could be found or null. */ public static Point findPointInLine(final LineString line, final Point point, double distance) { /* Check for intersection. */ if (point.distance(line) >= TOLERANCE) throw new IllegalStateException("The point does not lie on the line ..."); /* Check the distance. */ if (Double.isNaN(distance) || Double.isInfinite(distance)) distance = TOLERANCE; /* Find the line segment, this point is in. */ final LineSegment segment = findLineSegment(line, point); if (segment == null) return null; /* Check the distance to the reference point. */ final Coordinate referenceCoordinate = point.getCoordinate(); final double distance0 = segment.getCoordinate(0).distance(referenceCoordinate); final double distance1 = segment.getCoordinate(1).distance(referenceCoordinate); Coordinate closestCoordinate = null; if (distance0 <= distance1) closestCoordinate = segment.getCoordinate(0); else closestCoordinate = segment.getCoordinate(1); if (closestCoordinate.distance(referenceCoordinate) <= distance) { final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(line.getPrecisionModel(), line.getSRID()); return factory.createPoint(closestCoordinate); } return null; } /** * This function finds the points via the NEAREST rule. Method was copied from InformDSS class AbstractGeoMeasure * * @return The list of affected points. Always with size = 2. */ public static Point findNearestProjectionPoints(final Polygon polygone, final Point point) { final Coordinate base = point.getCoordinate(); double distance = Double.MAX_VALUE; Coordinate ptr = null; /* Get the exterior ring. */ final LineString ring = polygone.getExteriorRing(); final Coordinate[] coordinates = ring.getCoordinates(); for (final Coordinate coordinate : coordinates) { final double d = coordinate.distance(base); if (d < distance) { ptr = coordinate; distance = d; } } if (Objects.isNull(ptr)) return null; final GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(point.getPrecisionModel(), point.getSRID()); return factory.createPoint(ptr); } public static Coordinate[] replace(final Coordinate[] coordinates, final Coordinate old, final Coordinate set) { final List<Coordinate> replaced = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Coordinate coordinate : coordinates) { if (coordinate.equals(old)) replaced.add(set); else replaced.add(coordinate); } return replaced.toArray(new Coordinate[] {}); } public static double distanceZ(final Coordinate c1, final Coordinate c2) { if (Double.isNaN(c1.z) || Double.isNaN(c2.z)) throw new IllegalStateException(); final double dx = c1.x - c2.x; final double dy = c1.y - c2.y; final double dz = c1.z - c2.z; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); } public static Polygon interpolateMissingZ(final Polygon input) { final GeometryFactory geomFactory = input.getFactory(); final LineString exteriorRing = input.getExteriorRing(); final LinearRing exteriorZ = geomFactory .createLinearRing(interpolateMissingZ(exteriorRing).getCoordinates()); final LinearRing[] interiorZ = new LinearRing[input.getNumInteriorRing()]; for (int i = 0; i < input.getNumInteriorRing(); i++) { final LineString interiorRing = input.getInteriorRingN(i); interiorZ[i] = geomFactory.createLinearRing(interpolateMissingZ(interiorRing).getCoordinates()); } return geomFactory.createPolygon(exteriorZ, interiorZ); } /** * Interpolate missing z values for all vertices from vertices that already have a z value.<br/> * For each vertex, the z value is interpolated from the two nearest adjacent vertices with z values. If only one * neighbour has a z value, it is directly copied. */ public static LineString interpolateMissingZ(final LineString input) { final LengthIndexedLine lengthIndex = new LengthIndexedLine(input); final Coordinate[] coordinates = input.getCoordinates(); /* a create mapping distance - z for later interpolation */ final Collection<Double> distancesWithZsList = new ArrayList<>(coordinates.length); final Collection<Double> zsList = new ArrayList<>(coordinates.length); for (final Coordinate vertex : coordinates) { if (!Double.isNaN(vertex.z)) { final double distance = lengthIndex.indexOf(vertex); distancesWithZsList.add(distance); zsList.add(vertex.z); } } // nothing to do if there are no z values anywhere if (zsList.isEmpty()) return input; final Double[] distances = distancesWithZsList.toArray(new Double[distancesWithZsList.size()]); final Double[] zs = zsList.toArray(new Double[zsList.size()]); /* create a polyline for interpolation of missing z's */ final PolyLine interpolator = new PolyLine(distances, zs, TOLERANCE); /* last step: interpolate missing z's via interpolator */ final Coordinate[] coordinatesWithZ = new Coordinate[coordinates.length]; for (int i = 0; i < coordinatesWithZ.length; i++) { final Coordinate vertex = coordinates[i]; if (Double.isNaN(vertex.z)) { final double distance = lengthIndex.indexOf(vertex); final double interpolatedZ = interpolator.getYFor(distance, false); coordinatesWithZ[i] = new Coordinate(vertex.x, vertex.y, interpolatedZ); } else coordinatesWithZ[i] = new Coordinate(vertex); } /* create and return new line string */ final LineString output = input.getFactory().createLineString(coordinatesWithZ); output.setSRID(input.getSRID()); return output; } /** * Removes points closer to */ public static Polygon removeCoincidentPoints(final Polygon polygon, final double nearDistance, final double distanceTolerance) { final LinearRing exteriorRing = (LinearRing) polygon.getExteriorRing(); final LinearRing newExteriorRing = removeCoincidentPoints(exteriorRing, nearDistance, distanceTolerance); final int ringCount = polygon.getNumInteriorRing(); final LinearRing[] newInteriorRings = new LinearRing[ringCount]; for (int i = 0; i < ringCount; i++) newInteriorRings[i] = removeCoincidentPoints((LinearRing) polygon.getInteriorRingN(i), nearDistance, distanceTolerance); return polygon.getFactory().createPolygon(newExteriorRing, newInteriorRings); } /** * Removes interior points of this line that are within the given distance from another point */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends LineString> T removeCoincidentPoints(final T linestring, final double nearDistance, final double distanceTolerance) { final GeometryEditor editor = new GeometryEditor(); final Geometry result = editor.edit(linestring, new GeometryEditor.CoordinateOperation() { @Override public Coordinate[] edit(final Coordinate[] coordinates, final Geometry geometry) { final CoordinateList coordList = new CoordinateList(); coordList.add(coordinates[0]); for (int i = 1; i < coordinates.length - 1; i++) { final Coordinate p0 = coordList.getCoordinate(coordList.size() - 1); final Coordinate p1 = coordinates[i]; final Coordinate p2 = coordinates[i + 1]; if (p1.distance(p0) <= nearDistance || p1.distance(p2) <= nearDistance) { final boolean nearlyColinear = new LineSegment(p0, p2).distance(p1) < distanceTolerance; if (nearlyColinear) // gobble continue; } coordList.add(p1); } coordList.add(coordinates[coordinates.length - 1]); return coordList.toCoordinateArray(); } }); return (T) result; } public static com.infomatiq.jsi.Rectangle toRectangle(final Envelope envelope) { final float x1 = MathUtils.floorFloat(envelope.getMinX()); final float y1 = MathUtils.floorFloat(envelope.getMinY()); final float x2 = MathUtils.ceilFloat(envelope.getMaxX()); final float y2 = MathUtils.ceilFloat(envelope.getMaxY()); return new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2); } public static Rectangle toRectangle(final double x, final double y) { final float x1 = MathUtils.floorFloat(x); final float y1 = MathUtils.floorFloat(y); final float x2 = MathUtils.ceilFloat(x); final float y2 = MathUtils.ceilFloat(y); return new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2); } }