Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 CyberVision, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.kaaproject.kaa.server.control.cli; import static org.kaaproject.kaa.server.common.thrift.util.ThriftDtoConverter.toDataStruct; import static org.kaaproject.kaa.server.common.thrift.util.ThriftDtoConverter.toDto; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.ApplicationDto; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.ConfigurationDto; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.ConfigurationSchemaDto; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.EndpointGroupDto; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.EndpointNotificationDto; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.EndpointUserDto; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.HasId; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.NotificationDto; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.NotificationSchemaDto; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.NotificationTypeDto; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.ProfileFilterDto; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.ProfileSchemaDto; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.TenantDto; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.TopicDto; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.TopicTypeDto; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.UpdateStatus; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.UserDto; import org.kaaproject.kaa.common.dto.logs.LogSchemaDto; import org.kaaproject.kaa.server.common.core.schema.KaaSchemaFactoryImpl; import org.kaaproject.kaa.server.common.thrift.gen.control.ControlThriftService; import org.kaaproject.kaa.server.common.thrift.gen.control.Sdk; import org.kaaproject.kaa.server.common.thrift.gen.control.SdkPlatform; import org.kaaproject.kaa.server.common.thrift.util.ThriftDtoConverter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * The Class ControlApiCommandProcessor.<br> * Used to process Control API commands from API console. */ public class ControlApiCommandProcessor { /* The constant logger */ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ControlApiCommandProcessor.class); /** The Constant UTF8. */ private static final Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); private static final String CREATE = "create"; private static final String TENANT_ID = "tenantId"; private static final String TENANT_ID_OPTION = "Tenant Id option"; private static final String OUTPUT = "output"; private static final String OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_OBJECT_ID = "Output file to store Object Id"; private static final String NOT_FOUND = " not found!"; private static final String UNABLE_TO = "Unable to "; private static final String UPDATE = "update"; private static final String APPLICATION_ID = "applicationId"; private static final String APPLICATION_ID_OPTION = "Application Id option"; private static final String PROFILE_SCHEMA = " Profile Schema"; private static final String PROFILE_SCHEMA_ID = "profileSchemaId"; private static final String PROFILE_SCHEMA_ID_OPTION = "Profile Schema Id option"; private static final String VERSION_OUTPUT = "versionOutput"; private static final String OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_VERSION = "Output file to store version"; private static final String CONFIGURATION_SCHEMA = " Configuration Schema"; private static final String CONFIGURATION_SCHEMA_ID = "configurationSchemaId"; private static final String CONFIGURATION_SCHEMA_ID_OPTION = "Configuration Schema Id option"; private static final String LOG_SCHEMA = " Log Schema"; private static final String LOG_SCHEMA_ID = "logSchemaId"; private static final String LOG_SCHEMA_ID_OPTION = "Log Schema Id option"; private static final String ENDPOINT_GROUP = " Endpoint Group"; private static final String ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID = "endpointGroupId"; private static final String ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID_OPTION = "Endpoint Group Id option"; private static final String TOPIC_ID = "topicId"; private static final String TOPIC_ID_OPTION = "Topic Id option"; private static final String INCORRECT_ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID = "Incorrect endpoint group id."; private static final String INCORRECT_TOPIC_ID = "Incorrect topic id."; private static final String PROFILE_FILTER = " Profile Filter"; private static final String PROFILE_FILTER_ID = "profileFilterId"; private static final String PROFILE_FILTER_ID_OPTION = "Profile Filter Id option"; private static final String UNABLE_TO_ACTIVATE_CONFIGURATION = "Unable to activate Configuration"; private static final String CONFIGURATION = " Configuration"; private static final String CONFIGURATION_ID = "configurationId"; private static final String CONFIGURATION_ID_OPTION = "Configuration Id option"; private static final String TOPIC = " Topic"; private static final String NOTIFICATION = " Notification"; private static final String SCHEMA_ID = "schema-id"; private static final String NOTIFICATION_SCHEMA_ID_OPTION = "Notification schema id option"; private static final String NOTIFICATION_TOPIC_ID_OPTION = "Notification topic id option."; private static final String TOPIC__ID = "topic-id"; //NOSONAR private static final String NOTIFICATION_BODY_FILE_OPTION = "Notification body file option."; private static final String BODY_FILE = "body-file"; private static final String NOTIFICATION_BODY_OPTION = "Notification body option."; private static final String INVALID_SCHEMA_ID_FOR_NOTIFICATION = "Invalid schema id for notification."; private static final String INVALID_TOPIC_ID_FOR_NOTIFICATION = "Invalid topic id for notification."; private static final String INCORRECT_FORMAT_OF_TTL = "Incorrect format of ttl: "; private static final String CANT_READ_FILE = "Can't read file. Please check file name."; private static final String NEED_TO_SET_BODY = "Need to set body or file with body for notification"; private static final String ID_OPTION = " Id option"; private static final String OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_IDS = "Output file to store Object Ids"; private static final String TOTAL = "Total: "; private static final String SPECIFIED_FILE = "Specified file '"; /** * The Enum EntityType. Main types of processed entities. */ public enum EntityType { /** The tenant. */ TENANT("Tenant"), /** The user. */ USER("User"), /** The application. */ APPLICATION("Application"), /** The profile schema. */ PROFILE_SCHEMA("ProfileSchema"), /** The configuration schema. */ CONFIGURATION_SCHEMA("ConfigurationSchema"), /** The log schema. */ LOG_SCHEMA("LogSchema"), /** The log schema. */ LOG_APPENDER("LogAppender"), /** The endpoint group. */ ENDPOINT_GROUP("EndpointGroup"), /** The profile filter. */ PROFILE_FILTER("ProfileFilter"), /** The configuration. */ CONFIGURATION("Configuration"), /** The topic. */ TOPIC("Topic"), /** The notification. */ NOTIFICATION("Notification"), /** The notification. */ NOTIFICATION_SCHEMA("NotificationSchema"), /** The unicast notification. */ PERSONAL_NOTIFICATION("UnicastNotification"), /** The endpoint user. */ ENDPOINT_USER("EndpointUser"); /** The name. */ String name; /** * Instantiates a new entity type. * * @param name * the name */ EntityType(String name) { = name; } /** * Gets the name. * * @return the name */ String getName() { return name; } } /** The control API commands map. */ private final Map<String, ControlApiCommand> commandsMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, ControlApiCommand>(); /** * Instantiates a new control api command processor. */ public ControlApiCommandProcessor() { initApiCommands(); } /** * Inits the api commands. */ private void initApiCommands() { addCommand(helpCommand()); addCommand(createTenantCommand(false)); addCommand(createTenantCommand(true)); addCommand(createUserCommand(false)); addCommand(createUserCommand(true)); addCommand(createApplicationCommand(false)); addCommand(createApplicationCommand(true)); addCommand(createProfileSchemaCommand(false)); addCommand(createProfileSchemaCommand(true)); addCommand(createConfigurationSchemaCommand(false)); addCommand(createConfigurationSchemaCommand(true)); addCommand(createLogSchemaCommand(false)); addCommand(createLogSchemaCommand(true)); addCommand(createEndpointGroupCommand(false)); addCommand(createEndpointGroupCommand(true)); addCommand(createProfileFilterCommand(false)); addCommand(createProfileFilterCommand(true)); addCommand(activateProfileFilterCommand()); addCommand(createConfigurationCommand(false)); addCommand(createConfigurationCommand(true)); addCommand(activateConfigurationCommand()); addCommand(removeTopicFromEndpointGroupCommand()); addCommand(addTopicToEndpointGroupCommand()); addCommand(createTopicCommand(true)); addCommand(createTopicCommand(false)); addCommand(createNotificationCommand()); addCommand(createNotificationSchemaCommand(true)); addCommand(createNotificationSchemaCommand(false)); addCommand(createUnicastNotificationCommand()); addCommand(createEndpointUserCommand(false)); addCommand(createEndpointUserCommand(true)); addCommand(listCommand(EntityType.USER)); addCommand(listCommand(EntityType.TENANT)); addCommand(listCommand(EntityType.TOPIC)); addCommand(listCommand(EntityType.ENDPOINT_USER)); addCommand(listApplicationsCommand()); addCommand(listProfileSchemasCommand()); addCommand(listConfigurationSchemasCommand()); addCommand(listNotificationsCommand()); addCommand(listNotificationSchemasCommand()); addCommand(listTopicsCommand()); addCommand(listEndpointGroupsCommand()); addCommand(listLogSchemasCommand()); addCommand(listLogAppendersCommand()); for (EntityType type : EntityType.values()) { addCommand(showCommand(type)); addCommand(deleteCommand(type)); } addCommand(generateSdkCommand()); } /** * Adds the API command and inits default command options. * * @param command * the control api command */ private void addCommand(ControlApiCommand command) { command.addOption(new Option("h", "help", false, "Print command help information")); commandsMap.put(command.getCommand(), command); } /** * Execute control API command. * * @param ss * the Control Clisent Session state * @param commandLineString * the command line string */ public void executeCommand(ControlClientSessionState ss, String commandLineString) { PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(ss.out); PrintWriter errorWriter = new PrintWriter(ss.err); String[] args = null; try { args = parseCommand(commandLineString); } catch (ParseException e) { writer.println("Unable to parse command line: " + e.getMessage()); writer.println(); } if (args != null && args.length > 0) { String commandString = args[0]; ControlApiCommand command = commandsMap.get(commandString); if (command != null) { CommandLineParser cmdLinePosixParser = new PosixParser(); String[] commandArgs = new String[args.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(args, 1, commandArgs, 0, args.length - 1); try { CommandLine commandLine = cmdLinePosixParser.parse(command.getOptions(), commandArgs); if (commandLine.hasOption('h')) { printHelp(command, writer); } else { command.runCommand(commandLine, ss.getClient(), writer, errorWriter); } } catch (ParseException e) { writer.println("Unable to parse command arguments: " + e.getMessage()); writer.println(); printHelp(command, writer); } } else { writer.println("Error: unknown command '" + commandString + "'"); help(writer); } } writer.println(); writer.flush(); errorWriter.flush(); } /** * Parses the command. * * @param toProcess the to process * @return the string[] * @throws ParseException the parse exception */ private static String[] parseCommand(String toProcess) throws ParseException { if (toProcess == null || toProcess.length() == 0) { //no command? no string return new String[0]; } // parse with a simple finite state machine final int normal = 0; final int inQuote = 1; final int inDoubleQuote = 2; int state = normal; StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(toProcess, "\"\' ", true); Vector<String> v = new Vector<>(); StringBuffer current = new StringBuffer(); boolean lastTokenHasBeenQuoted = false; while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { String nextTok = tok.nextToken(); switch (state) { case inQuote: if ("\'".equals(nextTok)) { lastTokenHasBeenQuoted = true; state = normal; } else { current.append(nextTok); } break; case inDoubleQuote: if ("\"".equals(nextTok)) { lastTokenHasBeenQuoted = true; state = normal; } else { current.append(nextTok); } break; default: if ("\'".equals(nextTok)) { state = inQuote; } else if ("\"".equals(nextTok)) { state = inDoubleQuote; } else if (" ".equals(nextTok)) { if (lastTokenHasBeenQuoted || current.length() != 0) { v.addElement(current.toString()); current = new StringBuffer(); } } else { current.append(nextTok); } lastTokenHasBeenQuoted = false; break; } } if (lastTokenHasBeenQuoted || current.length() != 0) { v.addElement(current.toString()); } if (state == inQuote || state == inDoubleQuote) { throw new ParseException("unbalanced quotes in " + toProcess); } String[] args = new String[v.size()]; v.copyInto(args); return args; } /** * Creates the string padding. * * @param len * length of the padding * @return the resulting padding string */ private String createPadding(int len) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { sb.append(' '); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Prints the control api command usage. * * @param command * the control api command * @param writer * the writer to write usage output */ private void printHelp(ControlApiCommand command, PrintWriter writer) { writer.println(command.getCommand() + " - " + command.getDesc()); writer.println(); HelpFormatter helpFormatter = new HelpFormatter(); helpFormatter.printHelp(writer, 80, command.getCommand(), "Options", command.getOptions(), 3, 5, "", true); } /** * control api help command to display available commands. * * @return the control api help command */ private ControlApiCommand helpCommand() { return new ControlApiCommand("help", "display available commands") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { help(writer); } }; } /** * Prints Control API Help. * * @param writer * the writer to write help output */ private void help(PrintWriter writer) { writer.println("Available Control Server API commands:"); writer.println(); int max = 0; for (String command : commandsMap.keySet()) { max = Math.max(max, command.length()); } for (String command : commandsMap.keySet()) { String desc = commandsMap.get(command).getDesc(); StringBuffer commandBuf = new StringBuffer(); commandBuf.append(command); if (commandBuf.length() < max) { commandBuf.append(createPadding(max - commandBuf.length())); } commandBuf.append(" "); commandBuf.append(desc); writer.println(commandBuf.toString()); } writer.println(); writer.println("To see command usage execute: <command> -h"); } /** * Creates the API command to work with tenant entities. * * @param edit * edit else create tenant * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand createTenantCommand(final boolean edit) { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand(edit ? "editTenant" : "createTenant", (edit ? "edit" : CREATE) + " Tenant") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { createTenant(line, client, writer, errorWriter, edit); } }; if (edit) { Option opt = new Option("i", TENANT_ID, true, TENANT_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); } else { Option opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_OBJECT_ID); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); } Option opt = new Option("n", "name", true, "Tenant Name option"); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Creates or edits the tenant. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors * @param edit * edit else create tenant */ private void createTenant(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter, boolean edit) { try { TenantDto tenant = null; if (edit) { String tenantId = line.getOptionValue("i"); tenant = toDto(client.getTenant(tenantId)); if (tenant == null) { writer.println("Tenant with id " + tenantId + NOT_FOUND); return; } } else { tenant = new TenantDto(); } if (line.hasOption("n")) { tenant.setName(line.getOptionValue("n")); } TenantDto savedTenant = toDto(client.editTenant(toDataStruct(tenant))); if (edit) { writer.println("Tenant updated."); } else { writer.println("Created new tenant with id: " + savedTenant.getId()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeInfo(outFileName, savedTenant.getId(), errorWriter); } } } catch (TException e) { handleException(UNABLE_TO + (edit ? UPDATE : CREATE) + " tenant", e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates the API command to work with user entities. * * @param edit * edit else create user * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand createUserCommand(final boolean edit) { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand(edit ? "editUser" : "createUser", (edit ? "edit" : CREATE) + " User") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { createUser(line, client, writer, errorWriter, edit); } }; if (edit) { Option opt = new Option("i", "userId", true, "User Id option"); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); } else { Option opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_OBJECT_ID); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); } Option opt = new Option("uid", "externalUid", true, "External user id option"); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("t", TENANT_ID, true, TENANT_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Creates or edits the user. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors * @param edit * edit else create user */ private void createUser(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter, boolean edit) { try { UserDto user = null; if (edit) { String userId = line.getOptionValue("i"); user = toDto(client.getUser(userId)); if (user == null) { writer.println("User with id " + userId + NOT_FOUND); return; } } else { user = new UserDto(); } if (line.hasOption("uid")) { user.setExternalUid(line.getOptionValue("uid")); } if (line.hasOption("t")) { user.setTenantId(line.getOptionValue("t")); } UserDto savedUser = toDto(client.editUser(toDataStruct(user))); if (edit) { writer.println("User updated."); } else { writer.println("Created new user with id: " + savedUser.getId()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeInfo(outFileName, savedUser.getId(), errorWriter); } } } catch (TException e) { handleException(UNABLE_TO + (edit ? UPDATE : CREATE) + " user", e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates the API command to work with application entities. * * @param edit * edit else create application * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand createApplicationCommand(final boolean edit) { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand(edit ? "editApplication" : "createApplication", (edit ? "edit" : CREATE) + " Application") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { createApplication(line, client, writer, errorWriter, edit); } }; if (edit) { Option opt = new Option("i", APPLICATION_ID, true, APPLICATION_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); } else { Option opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_OBJECT_ID); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); } Option opt = new Option("n", "name", true, "Application Name option"); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("t", TENANT_ID, true, TENANT_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Creates or edits the application. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors * @param edit * edit else create application */ private void createApplication(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter, boolean edit) { try { ApplicationDto application = null; if (edit) { String applicationId = line.getOptionValue("i"); application = toDto(client.getApplication(applicationId)); if (application == null) { writer.println("Application with id " + applicationId + NOT_FOUND); return; } } else { application = new ApplicationDto(); } if (line.hasOption("n")) { application.setName(line.getOptionValue("n")); } if (line.hasOption("t")) { application.setTenantId(line.getOptionValue("t")); } ApplicationDto savedApplication = toDto(client.editApplication(toDataStruct(application))); if (edit) { writer.println("Application updated."); } else { writer.println("Created new application with id: " + savedApplication.getId()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeInfo(outFileName, savedApplication.getId(), errorWriter); } } } catch (TException e) { handleException(UNABLE_TO + (edit ? UPDATE : CREATE) + " application", e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates the API command to work with profile schema entities. * * @param edit * edit else create profile schema * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand createProfileSchemaCommand(final boolean edit) { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand(edit ? "editProfileSchema" : "createProfileSchema", (edit ? "edit" : CREATE) + PROFILE_SCHEMA) { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { createProfileSchema(line, client, writer, errorWriter, edit); } }; if (edit) { Option opt = new Option("i", PROFILE_SCHEMA_ID, true, PROFILE_SCHEMA_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); } else { Option opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_OBJECT_ID); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("vo", VERSION_OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_VERSION); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); } Option opt = new Option("f", "file", true, "Profile Schema JSON File"); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("a", APPLICATION_ID, true, APPLICATION_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Creates or edits the profile schema. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors * @param edit * edit else create profile schema */ private void createProfileSchema(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter, boolean edit) { try { ProfileSchemaDto profileSchema = null; if (edit) { String profileSchemaId = line.getOptionValue("i"); profileSchema = toDto(client.getProfileSchema(profileSchemaId)); if (profileSchema == null) { writer.println("Profile Schema with id " + profileSchemaId + NOT_FOUND); return; } } else { profileSchema = new ProfileSchemaDto(); } if (line.hasOption("f")) { String schemaFile = line.getOptionValue("f"); String schema = readFile(schemaFile, errorWriter); if (schema != null) { profileSchema.setSchema(new KaaSchemaFactoryImpl().createDataSchema(schema).getRawSchema()); } else { return; } } if (line.hasOption("a")) { profileSchema.setApplicationId(line.getOptionValue("a")); } ProfileSchemaDto savedProfileSchema = toDto(client.editProfileSchema(toDataStruct(profileSchema))); if (edit) { writer.println("Profile Schema updated."); } else { writer.println("Created new Profile Schema with id: " + savedProfileSchema.getId()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeInfo(outFileName, savedProfileSchema.getId(), errorWriter); } if (line.hasOption("vo")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("vo"); storeInfo(outFileName, "" + savedProfileSchema.getMajorVersion(), errorWriter); } } } catch (TException e) { handleException(UNABLE_TO + (edit ? UPDATE : CREATE) + PROFILE_SCHEMA, e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates the API command to work with configuration schema entities. * * @param edit * edit else create configuration schema * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand createConfigurationSchemaCommand(final boolean edit) { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand( edit ? "editConfigurationSchema" : "createConfigurationSchema", (edit ? "edit" : CREATE) + CONFIGURATION_SCHEMA) { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { createConfigurationSchema(line, client, writer, errorWriter, edit); } }; if (edit) { Option opt = new Option("i", CONFIGURATION_SCHEMA_ID, true, CONFIGURATION_SCHEMA_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); } else { Option opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_OBJECT_ID); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("vo", VERSION_OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_VERSION); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); } Option opt = new Option("f", "file", true, "Configuration Schema JSON File"); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("a", APPLICATION_ID, true, APPLICATION_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Creates or edits the configuration schema. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors * @param edit * edit else create configuration schema */ private void createConfigurationSchema(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter, boolean edit) { try { ConfigurationSchemaDto configurationSchema = null; if (edit) { String configurationSchemaId = line.getOptionValue("i"); configurationSchema = toDto(client.getConfigurationSchema(configurationSchemaId)); if (configurationSchema == null) { writer.println("Configuration Schema with id " + configurationSchemaId + NOT_FOUND); return; } } else { configurationSchema = new ConfigurationSchemaDto(); } if (line.hasOption("f")) { String schemaFile = line.getOptionValue("f"); String schema = readFile(schemaFile, errorWriter); if (schema != null) { configurationSchema .setSchema(new KaaSchemaFactoryImpl().createDataSchema(schema).getRawSchema()); } else { return; } } if (line.hasOption("a")) { configurationSchema.setApplicationId(line.getOptionValue("a")); } ConfigurationSchemaDto savedConfigurationSchema = toDto( client.editConfigurationSchema(toDataStruct(configurationSchema))); if (edit) { writer.println("Configuration Schema updated."); } else { writer.println("Created new Configuration Schema with id: " + savedConfigurationSchema.getId()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeInfo(outFileName, savedConfigurationSchema.getId(), errorWriter); } if (line.hasOption("vo")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("vo"); storeInfo(outFileName, "" + savedConfigurationSchema.getMajorVersion(), errorWriter); } } } catch (TException e) { handleException(UNABLE_TO + (edit ? UPDATE : CREATE) + CONFIGURATION_SCHEMA, e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates the API command to work with log schema entities. * * @param edit * edit else create log schema * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand createLogSchemaCommand(final boolean edit) { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand(edit ? "editLogSchema" : "createLogSchema", (edit ? "edit" : CREATE) + LOG_SCHEMA) { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { createLogSchema(line, client, writer, errorWriter, edit); } }; if (edit) { Option opt = new Option("i", LOG_SCHEMA_ID, true, LOG_SCHEMA_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); } else { Option opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_OBJECT_ID); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("vo", VERSION_OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_VERSION); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); } Option opt = new Option("f", "file", true, "Log Schema JSON File"); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("a", APPLICATION_ID, true, APPLICATION_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Creates or edits the log schema. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors * @param edit * edit else create log schema */ private void createLogSchema(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter, boolean edit) { try { LogSchemaDto logSchema = null; if (edit) { String logSchemaId = line.getOptionValue("i"); logSchema = toDto(client.getLogSchema(logSchemaId)); if (logSchema == null) { writer.println("Log Schema with id " + logSchemaId + NOT_FOUND); return; } } else { logSchema = new LogSchemaDto(); } if (line.hasOption("f")) { String schemaFile = line.getOptionValue("f"); String schema = readFile(schemaFile, errorWriter); if (schema != null) { logSchema.setSchema(new KaaSchemaFactoryImpl().createDataSchema(schema).getRawSchema()); } else { return; } } if (line.hasOption("a")) { logSchema.setApplicationId(line.getOptionValue("a")); } LogSchemaDto savedLogSchema = toDto(client.editLogSchema(toDataStruct(logSchema))); if (edit) { writer.println("Log Schema updated."); } else { writer.println("Created new Log Schema with id: " + savedLogSchema.getId()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeInfo(outFileName, savedLogSchema.getId(), errorWriter); } if (line.hasOption("vo")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("vo"); storeInfo(outFileName, "" + savedLogSchema.getMajorVersion(), errorWriter); } } } catch (TException e) { handleException(UNABLE_TO + (edit ? UPDATE : CREATE) + LOG_SCHEMA, e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates the API command to work with endpoint group entities. * * @param edit * edit else create endpoint group * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand createEndpointGroupCommand(final boolean edit) { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand(edit ? "editEndpointGroup" : "createEndpointGroup", (edit ? "edit" : CREATE) + ENDPOINT_GROUP) { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { createEndpoingGroup(line, client, writer, errorWriter, edit); } }; if (edit) { Option opt = new Option("i", ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID, true, ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); } else { Option opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_OBJECT_ID); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); } Option opt = new Option("n", "name", true, "Endpoint Group Name option"); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("a", APPLICATION_ID, true, APPLICATION_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("w", "weight", true, "Endpoint Group Weight option"); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Creates or edits the endpoint group. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors * @param edit * edit else create endpoint group */ private void createEndpoingGroup(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter, boolean edit) { try { EndpointGroupDto endpointGroup = null; if (edit) { String endpointGroupId = line.getOptionValue("i"); endpointGroup = toDto(client.getEndpointGroup(endpointGroupId)); if (endpointGroup == null) { writer.println("Endpoint Group with id " + endpointGroupId + NOT_FOUND); return; } } else { endpointGroup = new EndpointGroupDto(); } if (line.hasOption("n")) { endpointGroup.setName(line.getOptionValue("n")); } if (line.hasOption("a")) { endpointGroup.setApplicationId(line.getOptionValue("a")); } if (line.hasOption("w")) { String weightStr = line.getOptionValue("w"); Integer weight; try { //NOSONAR weight = Integer.valueOf(weightStr); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { errorWriter.println("Unable to parse weight option!"); return; } endpointGroup.setWeight(weight); } EndpointGroupDto savedEndpointGroup = toDto(client.editEndpointGroup(toDataStruct(endpointGroup))); if (edit) { writer.println("Endpoint Group updated."); } else { writer.println("Created new Endpoint Group with id: " + savedEndpointGroup.getId()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeInfo(outFileName, savedEndpointGroup.getId(), errorWriter); } } } catch (TException e) { handleException(UNABLE_TO + (edit ? UPDATE : CREATE) + ENDPOINT_GROUP, e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates API command to add topic to endpoint group. * * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand addTopicToEndpointGroupCommand() { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("addTopicToEndpointGroup", "add Topic to Endpoint Group") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { addTopicToEndpointGroup(line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("i", ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID, true, ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("t", TOPIC_ID, true, TOPIC_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Add topic to endpoint group. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors */ private void addTopicToEndpointGroup(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { try { String endpointGroupId = null; String topicId = null; if (line.hasOption("i")) { endpointGroupId = line.getOptionValue("i"); if (!StringUtils.isNotBlank(endpointGroupId)) { errorWriter.println(INCORRECT_ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID); return; } } if (line.hasOption("t")) { topicId = line.getOptionValue("t"); if (!StringUtils.isNotBlank(topicId)) { errorWriter.println(INCORRECT_TOPIC_ID); return; } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") EndpointGroupDto endpointGroupDto = toDto(client.addTopicsToEndpointGroup(endpointGroupId, topicId)); //NOSONAR writer.println("Topic was added to Endpoint Group."); } catch (TException e) { handleException("Unable add topic to Endpoint Group ", e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates API command to remove topic to endpoint group. * * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand removeTopicFromEndpointGroupCommand() { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("removeTopicFromEndpointGroup", "remove Topic from Endpoint Group") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { removeTopicFromEndpointGroup(line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("i", ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID, true, ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("t", TOPIC_ID, true, TOPIC_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Add topic to endpoint group. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors */ private void removeTopicFromEndpointGroup(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { try { String endpointGroupId = null; String topicId = null; if (line.hasOption("i")) { endpointGroupId = line.getOptionValue("i"); if (!StringUtils.isNotBlank(endpointGroupId)) { errorWriter.println(INCORRECT_ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID); return; } } if (line.hasOption("t")) { topicId = line.getOptionValue("t"); if (!StringUtils.isNotBlank(topicId)) { errorWriter.println(INCORRECT_TOPIC_ID); return; } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") EndpointGroupDto endpointGroupDto = toDto( client.removeTopicsFromEndpointGroup(endpointGroupId, topicId)); //NOSONAR writer.println("Topic was removed from Endpoint Group."); } catch (TException e) { handleException("Unable remove topic from Endpoint Group ", e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates the API command to work with profile filter entities. * * @param edit * edit else create profile filter * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand createProfileFilterCommand(final boolean edit) { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand(edit ? "editProfileFilter" : "createProfileFilter", (edit ? "edit" : CREATE) + PROFILE_FILTER) { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { createProfileFilter(line, client, writer, errorWriter, edit); } }; if (edit) { Option opt = new Option("i", PROFILE_FILTER_ID, true, PROFILE_FILTER_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); } else { Option opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_OBJECT_ID); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); } Option opt = new Option("s", PROFILE_SCHEMA_ID, true, PROFILE_SCHEMA_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("e", ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID, true, ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("f", "file", true, "Profile Filter JSON file"); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Creates or edits the profile filter. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors * @param edit * edit else create profile filter */ private void createProfileFilter(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter, boolean edit) { try { ProfileFilterDto profileFilter = null; if (edit) { String profileFilterId = line.getOptionValue("i"); profileFilter = toDto(client.getProfileFilter(profileFilterId)); if (profileFilter == null) { writer.println("Profile Filter with id " + profileFilterId + NOT_FOUND); return; } } else { profileFilter = new ProfileFilterDto(); } if (line.hasOption("f")) { String filterFile = line.getOptionValue("f"); String filter = readFile(filterFile, errorWriter); if (filter != null) { profileFilter.setBody(filter); } else { return; } } if (line.hasOption("s")) { profileFilter.setSchemaId(line.getOptionValue("s")); } if (line.hasOption("e")) { profileFilter.setEndpointGroupId(line.getOptionValue("e")); } ProfileFilterDto savedProfileFilter = toDto(client.editProfileFilter(toDataStruct(profileFilter))); if (edit) { writer.println("Profile Filter updated."); } else { writer.println("Created new Profile Filter with id: " + savedProfileFilter.getId()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeInfo(outFileName, savedProfileFilter.getId(), errorWriter); } } } catch (TException e) { handleException(UNABLE_TO + (edit ? UPDATE : CREATE) + PROFILE_FILTER, e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates API command to activate profile filter. * * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand activateProfileFilterCommand() { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("activateProfileFilter", "activate Profile Filter") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { activateProfileFilter(line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("i", PROFILE_FILTER_ID, true, PROFILE_FILTER_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Activate profile filter. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors */ private void activateProfileFilter(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { try { if (line.hasOption("i")) { String profileFilterId = line.getOptionValue("i"); @SuppressWarnings("unused") ProfileFilterDto profileFilter = toDto(client.activateProfileFilter(profileFilterId, null)); //NOSONAR writer.println("Profile Filter Activated."); } } catch (TException e) { handleException(UNABLE_TO_ACTIVATE_CONFIGURATION, e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates the API command to work with configuration entities. * * @param edit * edit else create configuration * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand createConfigurationCommand(final boolean edit) { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand(edit ? "editConfiguration" : "createConfiguration", (edit ? "edit" : CREATE) + CONFIGURATION) { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { createConfiguration(line, client, writer, errorWriter, edit); } }; if (edit) { Option opt = new Option("i", CONFIGURATION_ID, true, CONFIGURATION_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); } else { Option opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_OBJECT_ID); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); } Option opt = new Option("s", CONFIGURATION_SCHEMA_ID, true, CONFIGURATION_SCHEMA_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("e", ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID, true, ENDPOINT_GROUP_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("f", "file", true, "Configuration JSON file"); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Creates or edits the configuration. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors * @param edit * edit else create configuration */ private void createConfiguration(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter, boolean edit) { try { ConfigurationDto configuration = null; if (edit) { String configurationId = line.getOptionValue("i"); configuration = toDto(client.getConfiguration(configurationId)); if (configuration == null) { writer.println("Configuration with id " + configurationId + NOT_FOUND); return; } } else { configuration = new ConfigurationDto(); configuration.setStatus(UpdateStatus.INACTIVE); } if (line.hasOption("f")) { String configFile = line.getOptionValue("f"); String config = readFile(configFile, errorWriter); if (config != null) { configuration.setBody(config); } else { return; } } if (line.hasOption("s")) { configuration.setSchemaId(line.getOptionValue("s")); } if (line.hasOption("e")) { configuration.setEndpointGroupId(line.getOptionValue("e")); } ConfigurationDto savedConfiguration = toDto(client.editConfiguration(toDataStruct(configuration))); if (edit) { writer.println("Configuration updated."); } else { writer.println("Created new Configuration with id: " + savedConfiguration.getId()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeInfo(outFileName, savedConfiguration.getId(), errorWriter); } } } catch (TException e) { handleException(UNABLE_TO + (edit ? UPDATE : CREATE) + CONFIGURATION, e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates API command to activate configuration. * * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand activateConfigurationCommand() { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("activateConfiguration", "activate Configuration") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { activateConfiguration(line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("i", CONFIGURATION_ID, true, CONFIGURATION_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Activate configuration. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors */ private void activateConfiguration(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { try { if (line.hasOption("i")) { String configurationId = line.getOptionValue("i"); @SuppressWarnings("unused") ConfigurationDto configuration = toDto(client //NOSONAR .activateConfiguration(configurationId, null)); writer.println("Configuration Activated."); } } catch (TException e) { handleException(UNABLE_TO_ACTIVATE_CONFIGURATION, e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates API command to generate sdk. * * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand generateSdkCommand() { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("generateSdk", "generate SDK") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { generateSdk(line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("sdk", "sdkPlatform", true, "SDK platform option (java)"); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("a", APPLICATION_ID, true, APPLICATION_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("psv", "profileSchemaVersion", true, "Profile schema version option"); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("csv", "configurationSchemaVersion", true, "Configuration schema version option"); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("nsv", "notificationSchemaVersion", true, "Notification schema version option"); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("lsv", "logSchemaVersion", true, "Log schema version option"); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("out", "outputDir", true, "Output directory to store sdk file"); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Generate sdk. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors */ private void generateSdk(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { try { String sdkPlatformString = line.getOptionValue("sdk"); SdkPlatform sdkPlatform = SdkPlatform.valueOf(sdkPlatformString.trim().toUpperCase()); String applicationId = line.getOptionValue("a"); int profileSchemaVersion = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("psv")); int configurationSchemaVersion = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("csv")); int notificationSchemaVersion = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("nsv")); int logSchemaVersion = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("lsv")); Sdk sdk = client.generateSdk(sdkPlatform, applicationId, profileSchemaVersion, configurationSchemaVersion, notificationSchemaVersion, null, logSchemaVersion, null); writer.println("Generated SDK: " + sdk.getFileName()); String fileName = sdk.getFileName(); File outputFile; if (line.hasOption("out")) { String outDir = line.getOptionValue("out"); File outputDir = new File(outDir); outputDir.mkdirs(); outputFile = new File(outputDir, fileName); } else { outputFile = new File(fileName); } writer.println("Saving SDK to file: " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); try { //NOSONAR FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); fos.write(sdk.getData()); fos.flush(); fos.close(); writer.println("Saved SDK to file: " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Unable to save SDK file: {}", outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } catch (TException e) { handleException("Unable to generate SDK", e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates the API command to work with topic entities. * * @param edit * edit else create topic * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand createTopicCommand(final boolean edit) { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand(edit ? "editTopic" : "createTopic", (edit ? "edit" : CREATE) + TOPIC) { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { createTopic(line, client, writer, errorWriter, edit); } }; if (edit) { Option opt = new Option("i", TOPIC_ID, true, TOPIC_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); } else { Option opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_OBJECT_ID); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); } Option opt = new Option("n", "name", true, "Topic Name option"); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("a", APPLICATION_ID, true, APPLICATION_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("t", "type", true, "Topic type option. Values: MANDATORY, OPTIONAL"); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Creates or edits the topic. * * @param line the command line * @param client the control thrift client * @param writer the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter the error writer to output command errors * @param edit edit else create configuration */ private void createTopic(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter, boolean edit) { try { TopicDto topicDto; if (edit) { String topicId = line.getOptionValue("i"); topicDto = toDto(client.getTopic(topicId)); if (topicDto == null) { writer.println("Topic with id " + topicId + NOT_FOUND); return; } } else { topicDto = new TopicDto(); } if (line.hasOption("a")) { String applicationId = line.getOptionValue("a"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(applicationId)) { topicDto.setApplicationId(applicationId); } else { errorWriter.println("Invalid application id for topic."); return; } } if (line.hasOption("n")) { topicDto.setName(line.getOptionValue("n")); } if (line.hasOption("t")) { String type = line.getOptionValue("t"); topicDto.setType(TopicTypeDto.valueOf(type.toUpperCase())); } TopicDto savedTopic = toDto(client.editTopic(toDataStruct(topicDto))); if (edit) { writer.println("Topic updated."); } else { writer.println("Created new Topic with id: " + savedTopic.getId()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeInfo(outFileName, savedTopic.getId(), errorWriter); } } } catch (TException e) { handleException(UNABLE_TO + (edit ? UPDATE : CREATE) + TOPIC, e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates the API command to work with notification entities. * * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand createNotificationCommand() { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("createNotification", CREATE + NOTIFICATION) { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { createNotification(line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_OBJECT_ID); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("s", SCHEMA_ID, true, NOTIFICATION_SCHEMA_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("t", TOPIC__ID, true, NOTIFICATION_TOPIC_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("l", "ttl", true, "Time to live in seconds for Notification object option."); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("f", BODY_FILE, true, NOTIFICATION_BODY_FILE_OPTION); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("b", "body", true, NOTIFICATION_BODY_OPTION); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Creates or edits the notification. * * @param line the command line * @param client the control thrift client * @param writer the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter the error writer to output command errors */ private void createNotification(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { try { NotificationDto notificationDto = new NotificationDto(); if (line.hasOption("s")) { String schemaId = line.getOptionValue("s"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(schemaId)) { notificationDto.setSchemaId(schemaId); } else { errorWriter.println(INVALID_SCHEMA_ID_FOR_NOTIFICATION); return; } } if (line.hasOption("t")) { String topicId = line.getOptionValue("t"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(topicId)) { notificationDto.setTopicId(topicId); } else { errorWriter.println(INVALID_TOPIC_ID_FOR_NOTIFICATION); return; } } if (line.hasOption("l")) { String ttl = line.getOptionValue("l"); try { //NOSONAR long time = System.currentTimeMillis() + (Integer.valueOf(ttl) * 1000L); notificationDto.setExpiredAt(new Date(time)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { errorWriter.println(INCORRECT_FORMAT_OF_TTL + ex.getMessage()); return; } } if (line.hasOption("f")) { String schemaFile = line.getOptionValue("f"); String schema = readFile(schemaFile, errorWriter); if (schema != null) { notificationDto.setBody(schema.getBytes(UTF8)); } else { errorWriter.println(CANT_READ_FILE); return; } } else if (line.hasOption("b")) { String body = line.getOptionValue("b"); notificationDto.setBody(body.getBytes(UTF8)); } else { errorWriter.println(NEED_TO_SET_BODY); return; } NotificationDto savedNotification = toDto(client.editNotification(toDataStruct(notificationDto))); writer.println("Created new Notification with id: " + savedNotification.getId()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeInfo(outFileName, savedNotification.getId(), errorWriter); } } catch (TException e) { handleException(UNABLE_TO + CREATE + NOTIFICATION, e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates the API command to work with notification entities. * * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand createUnicastNotificationCommand() { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("createUnicastNotification", CREATE + NOTIFICATION) { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { createUnicastNotification(line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_OBJECT_ID); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("k", "key-hash", true, "Unicast Notification key hash option"); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("s", SCHEMA_ID, true, NOTIFICATION_SCHEMA_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("t", TOPIC__ID, true, NOTIFICATION_TOPIC_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("l", "ttl", true, "Time to live in seconds for Unicast Notification object option."); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("f", BODY_FILE, true, NOTIFICATION_BODY_FILE_OPTION); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("b", "body", true, NOTIFICATION_BODY_OPTION); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Creates or edits the notification. * * @param line the command line * @param client the control thrift client * @param writer the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter the error writer to output command errors */ private void createUnicastNotification(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { try { NotificationDto notification = new NotificationDto(); EndpointNotificationDto endpointNotification = new EndpointNotificationDto(); endpointNotification.setNotificationDto(notification); if (line.hasOption("t")) { String topicId = line.getOptionValue("t"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(topicId)) { notification.setTopicId(topicId); } else { errorWriter.println(INVALID_TOPIC_ID_FOR_NOTIFICATION); return; } } if (line.hasOption("s")) { String schemaId = line.getOptionValue("s"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(schemaId)) { notification.setSchemaId(schemaId); } else { errorWriter.println(INVALID_SCHEMA_ID_FOR_NOTIFICATION); return; } } if (line.hasOption("k")) { String keyHash = line.getOptionValue("k"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(keyHash)) { endpointNotification.setEndpointKeyHash(Base64.decodeBase64(keyHash)); } else { errorWriter.println("Empty key hash for unicast notification."); return; } } if (line.hasOption("l")) { String ttl = line.getOptionValue("l"); try { //NOSONAR long time = System.currentTimeMillis() + (Integer.valueOf(ttl) * 1000L); notification.setExpiredAt(new Date(time)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { errorWriter.println(INCORRECT_FORMAT_OF_TTL + ex.getMessage()); return; } } if (line.hasOption("f")) { String schemaFile = line.getOptionValue("f"); String schema = readFile(schemaFile, errorWriter); if (schema != null) { notification.setBody(schema.getBytes(UTF8)); } else { errorWriter.println(CANT_READ_FILE); return; } } else if (line.hasOption("b")) { String body = line.getOptionValue("b"); notification.setBody(body.getBytes(UTF8)); } else { errorWriter.println(NEED_TO_SET_BODY); return; } EndpointNotificationDto savedNotification = toDto( client.editUnicastNotification(toDataStruct(endpointNotification))); writer.println("Created new Unicast Notification with id: " + savedNotification.getId()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeInfo(outFileName, savedNotification.getId(), errorWriter); } } catch (TException e) { handleException(UNABLE_TO + CREATE + " Unicast Notification", e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates the API command to work with notification entities. * * @param edit edit else create topic * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand createNotificationSchemaCommand(final boolean edit) { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand( edit ? "editNotificationSchema" : "createNotificationSchema", (edit ? "edit" : CREATE) + NOTIFICATION) { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { createNotificationSchema(line, client, writer, errorWriter, edit); } }; if (edit) { Option opt = new Option("i", "notificationSchemaId", true, NOTIFICATION_SCHEMA_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); } else { Option opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_OBJECT_ID); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); } Option opt = new Option("a", APPLICATION_ID, true, APPLICATION_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("t", "type", true, "Notification Schema type option. Values: USER, SYSTEM"); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("f", BODY_FILE, true, "Notification Schema body file option."); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("b", "body", true, "Notification Schema body option."); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Creates or edits the notification. * * @param line the command line * @param client the control thrift client * @param writer the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter the error writer to output command errors * @param edit edit else create configuration */ private void createNotificationSchema(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter, boolean edit) { try { NotificationSchemaDto notificationSchemaDto; if (edit) { String notificationSchemaId = line.getOptionValue("i"); notificationSchemaDto = toDto(client.getNotificationSchema(notificationSchemaId)); if (notificationSchemaDto == null) { writer.println("Notification Schema with id " + notificationSchemaId + NOT_FOUND); return; } } else { notificationSchemaDto = new NotificationSchemaDto(); } if (line.hasOption("a")) { String applicationId = line.getOptionValue("a"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(applicationId)) { notificationSchemaDto.setApplicationId(applicationId); } else { errorWriter.println("Invalid application id for notification."); return; } } if (line.hasOption("t")) { String type = line.getOptionValue("t"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(type)) { NotificationTypeDto typeDto; try { //NOSONAR typeDto = NotificationTypeDto.valueOf(type); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { LOG.error("Incorrect type of notification {}", ex); return; } notificationSchemaDto.setType(typeDto); } else { errorWriter.println("Empty type of notification"); return; } } if (line.hasOption("f")) { String schemaFile = line.getOptionValue("f"); String schema = readFile(schemaFile, errorWriter); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(schema)) { notificationSchemaDto .setSchema(new KaaSchemaFactoryImpl().createDataSchema(schema).getRawSchema()); } else { errorWriter.println(CANT_READ_FILE); return; } } else if (line.hasOption("b")) { String body = line.getOptionValue("b"); notificationSchemaDto.setSchema(new KaaSchemaFactoryImpl().createDataSchema(body).getRawSchema()); } else { errorWriter.println("Need to set body or file with body for notification schema"); return; } NotificationSchemaDto savedNotificationSchema = toDto( client.editNotificationSchema(toDataStruct(notificationSchemaDto))); if (edit) { writer.println("Notification Schema updated."); } else { writer.println("Created new Notification Schema with id: " + savedNotificationSchema.getId()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeInfo(outFileName, savedNotificationSchema.getId(), errorWriter); } } } catch (TException e) { handleException(UNABLE_TO + (edit ? UPDATE : CREATE) + NOTIFICATION, e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates the API command to work with endpoint user entities. * * @param edit edit else create endpoint user * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand createEndpointUserCommand(final boolean edit) { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand(edit ? "editEndpointUser" : "createEndpointUser", (edit ? "edit" : "create") + " EndpointUser") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { createEndpointUser(line, client, writer, errorWriter, edit); } }; if (edit) { Option opt = new Option("i", "endpointUserId", true, "Endpoint User Id option"); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); } else { Option opt = new Option("o", "output", true, "Output file to store Object Id"); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); } Option opt = new Option("n", "name", true, "Endpoint User Name option"); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("t", "tenantId", true, "Tenant Id option"); opt.setRequired(!edit); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("e", "externalId", true, "Endpoint User External Id option"); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("a", "accessToken", true, "Endpoint User Access Token option"); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Creates or edits the endpoint user. * * @param line the command line * @param client the control thrift client * @param writer the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter the error writer to output command errors * @param edit edit else create endpoint user */ private void createEndpointUser(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter, boolean edit) { try { EndpointUserDto endpointUser; if (edit) { String endpointUserId = line.getOptionValue("i"); endpointUser = toDto(client.getEndpointUser(endpointUserId)); if (endpointUser == null) { writer.println("Endpoint user with id " + endpointUserId + " not found!"); return; } } else { endpointUser = new EndpointUserDto(); } if (line.hasOption("n")) { endpointUser.setUsername(line.getOptionValue("n")); } if (line.hasOption("t")) { endpointUser.setTenantId(line.getOptionValue("t")); } if (line.hasOption("e")) { endpointUser.setExternalId(line.getOptionValue("e")); } if (line.hasOption("a")) { endpointUser.setAccessToken(line.getOptionValue("a")); } EndpointUserDto savedEndpointUser = toDto(client.editEndpointUser(toDataStruct(endpointUser))); if (edit) { writer.println("Endpoint user updated."); } else { writer.println("Created new endpoint user with id: " + savedEndpointUser.getId()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeInfo(outFileName, savedEndpointUser.getId(), errorWriter); } } } catch (TException e) { handleException("Unable to " + (edit ? "update" : "create") + " endpoint user", e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates show command used to display existing entity. * * @param type * the entity type to display * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand showCommand(final EntityType type) { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("show" + type.getName(), "show " + type.getName()) { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { show(type, line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("i", "id", true, type.getName() + ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Display existing entity. * * @param type * the entity type to display * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors */ private void show(EntityType type, CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { if (line.hasOption("i")) { String id = line.getOptionValue("i"); HasId dto = null; try { switch (type) { case TENANT: dto = ThriftDtoConverter.<TenantDto>toDto(client.getTenant(id)); break; case USER: dto = ThriftDtoConverter.<UserDto>toDto(client.getUser(id)); break; case APPLICATION: dto = ThriftDtoConverter.<ApplicationDto>toDto(client.getApplication(id)); break; case PROFILE_SCHEMA: dto = ThriftDtoConverter.<ProfileSchemaDto>toDto(client.getProfileSchema(id)); break; case CONFIGURATION_SCHEMA: dto = ThriftDtoConverter.<ConfigurationSchemaDto>toDto(client.getConfigurationSchema(id)); break; case LOG_SCHEMA: dto = ThriftDtoConverter.<LogSchemaDto>toDto(client.getLogSchema(id)); break; case LOG_APPENDER: dto = ThriftDtoConverter.<LogSchemaDto>toDto(client.getLogAppender(id)); break; case ENDPOINT_GROUP: dto = ThriftDtoConverter.<EndpointGroupDto>toDto(client.getEndpointGroup(id)); break; case PROFILE_FILTER: dto = ThriftDtoConverter.<ProfileFilterDto>toDto(client.getProfileFilter(id)); break; case CONFIGURATION: dto = ThriftDtoConverter.<ConfigurationDto>toDto(client.getConfiguration(id)); break; case NOTIFICATION: dto = ThriftDtoConverter.<ConfigurationDto>toDto(client.getNotification(id)); break; case PERSONAL_NOTIFICATION: dto = ThriftDtoConverter.<ConfigurationDto>toDto(client.getUnicastNotification(id)); break; case NOTIFICATION_SCHEMA: dto = ThriftDtoConverter.<ConfigurationDto>toDto(client.getNotificationSchema(id)); break; case TOPIC: dto = ThriftDtoConverter.<ConfigurationDto>toDto(client.getTopic(id)); break; case ENDPOINT_USER: dto = ThriftDtoConverter.<ConfigurationDto>toDto(client.getEndpointUser(id)); break; default: break; } if (dto != null) { writer.println("Found " + type.getName() + ":"); writer.println(dto); } else { writer.println(type.getName() + " with id " + id + NOT_FOUND); } } catch (TException e) { handleException("Unable to show " + type.getName(), e, errorWriter); } } else { errorWriter.println("Error: " + type.getName() + " Id option is missing!"); } } /** * Creates list command used to display list of existing entities. * * @param type * the entity type to display * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand listCommand(final EntityType type) { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("list" + type.getName(), "list " + type.getName() + "s") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { list(type, line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_IDS); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Display list of existing entities. * * @param type * the entity type to display * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors */ private void list(EntityType type, CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { List<? extends HasId> dtos = null; try { switch (type) { case TENANT: dtos = ThriftDtoConverter.<TenantDto>toDtoList(client.getTenants()); break; case USER: dtos = ThriftDtoConverter.<UserDto>toDtoList(client.getUsers()); break; case ENDPOINT_USER: dtos = ThriftDtoConverter.<UserDto>toDtoList(client.getEndpointUsers()); break; default: break; } if (dtos == null) { writer.println("Not implemented!"); } else { writer.println("List of " + type.getName() + "s:"); writer.println(); for (HasId dto : dtos) { writer.println(dto); } writer.println(); writer.println(TOTAL + dtos.size()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeObjectIds(outFileName, dtos, errorWriter); } } } catch (TException e) { handleException("Unable to get list of " + type.getName(), e, errorWriter); } } /** * Creates API command to list existing applications. * * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand listApplicationsCommand() { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("listApplications", "list Applications by Tenant Id") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { listApplications(line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("t", TENANT_ID, true, TENANT_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_IDS); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * List existing applications. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors */ private void listApplications(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { if (line.hasOption("t")) { try { String tentantId = line.getOptionValue("t"); List<? extends HasId> dtos = ThriftDtoConverter .<ApplicationDto>toDtoList(client.getApplicationsByTenantId(tentantId)); writer.println("List of Applications:"); writer.println(); for (HasId dto : dtos) { writer.println(dto); } writer.println(); writer.println(TOTAL + dtos.size()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeObjectIds(outFileName, dtos, errorWriter); } } catch (TException e) { handleException("Unable to get list of Applications", e, errorWriter); } } } /** * Creates API command to list existing profile schemas. * * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand listProfileSchemasCommand() { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("listProfileSchemas", "list Profile Schemas by Application Id") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { listProfileSchemas(line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("a", APPLICATION_ID, true, APPLICATION_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_IDS); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * List existing profile schemas. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors */ private void listProfileSchemas(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { if (line.hasOption("a")) { try { String applicationId = line.getOptionValue("a"); List<? extends HasId> dtos = ThriftDtoConverter .<ProfileSchemaDto>toDtoList(client.getProfileSchemasByApplicationId(applicationId)); writer.println("List of Profile Schemas:"); writer.println(); for (HasId dto : dtos) { writer.println(dto); } writer.println(); writer.println(TOTAL + dtos.size()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeObjectIds(outFileName, dtos, errorWriter); } } catch (TException e) { handleException("Unable to get list of Profile Schemas", e, errorWriter); } } } /** * Creates API command to list existing configuration schemas. * * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand listConfigurationSchemasCommand() { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("listConfigurationSchemas", "list Configuration Schemas by Application Id") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { listConfigurationSchemas(line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("a", APPLICATION_ID, true, APPLICATION_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_IDS); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * List existing configuration schemas. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors */ private void listConfigurationSchemas(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { if (line.hasOption("a")) { try { String applicationId = line.getOptionValue("a"); List<? extends HasId> dtos = ThriftDtoConverter.<ConfigurationSchemaDto>toDtoList( client.getConfigurationSchemasByApplicationId(applicationId)); writer.println("List of Configuration Schemas:"); writer.println(); for (HasId dto : dtos) { writer.println(dto); } writer.println(); writer.println(TOTAL + dtos.size()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeObjectIds(outFileName, dtos, errorWriter); } } catch (TException e) { handleException("Unable to get list of Configuration Schemas", e, errorWriter); } } } /** * Creates API command to list existing endpoint groups. * * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand listEndpointGroupsCommand() { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("listEndpointGroups", "list Endpoint Groups by Application Id") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { listEndpointGroups(line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("a", APPLICATION_ID, true, APPLICATION_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_IDS); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * List existing endpoint groups. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors */ private void listEndpointGroups(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { if (line.hasOption("a")) { try { String applicationId = line.getOptionValue("a"); List<? extends HasId> dtos = ThriftDtoConverter .<EndpointGroupDto>toDtoList(client.getEndpointGroupsByApplicationId(applicationId)); writer.println("List of Endpoint Groups:"); writer.println(); for (HasId dto : dtos) { writer.println(dto); } writer.println(); writer.println(TOTAL + dtos.size()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeObjectIds(outFileName, dtos, errorWriter); } } catch (TException e) { handleException("Unable to get list of Endpoint Groups", e, errorWriter); } } } /** * Creates API command to list existing topics. * * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand listTopicsCommand() { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("listTopics", "list Topics by Application Id") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { listTopics(line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("a", APPLICATION_ID, true, APPLICATION_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_IDS); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * List existing topics. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors */ private void listTopics(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { if (line.hasOption("a")) { try { String appId = line.getOptionValue("a"); List<? extends HasId> dtos = ThriftDtoConverter.<TopicDto>toDtoList(client.getTopicByAppId(appId)); writer.println("List of Topics:"); writer.println(); for (HasId dto : dtos) { writer.println(dto); } writer.println(); writer.println(TOTAL + dtos.size()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeObjectIds(outFileName, dtos, errorWriter); } } catch (TException e) { handleException("Unable to get list of Topics", e, errorWriter); } } } /** * Creates API command to list existing notifications. * * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand listNotificationsCommand() { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("listNotifications", "list notifications by topic Id") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { listNotifications(line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("t", TOPIC_ID, true, TOPIC_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_IDS); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * List existing notifications. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors */ private void listNotifications(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { if (line.hasOption("t")) { try { String topicId = line.getOptionValue("t"); List<? extends HasId> dtos = ThriftDtoConverter .<NotificationDto>toDtoList(client.getNotificationsByTopicId(topicId)); writer.println("List of Notifications:"); writer.println(); for (HasId dto : dtos) { writer.println(dto); } writer.println(); writer.println(TOTAL + dtos.size()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeObjectIds(outFileName, dtos, errorWriter); } } catch (TException e) { handleException("Unable to get list of Notifications", e, errorWriter); } } } private ControlApiCommand listLogSchemasCommand() { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("listLogSchemas", "list log schemas by application Id") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { listLogSchemas(line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("a", APPLICATION_ID, true, APPLICATION_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_IDS); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); return command; } private void listLogSchemas(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { if (line.hasOption("a")) { try { String appId = line.getOptionValue("a"); List<? extends HasId> dtos = ThriftDtoConverter .<NotificationDto>toDtoList(client.getLogSchemasByApplicationId(appId)); writer.println("List of Log Schemas:"); writer.println(); for (HasId dto : dtos) { writer.println(dto); } writer.println(); writer.println(TOTAL + dtos.size()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeObjectIds(outFileName, dtos, errorWriter); } } catch (TException e) { handleException("Unable to get list of log schemas", e, errorWriter); } } } private ControlApiCommand listLogAppendersCommand() { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("listLogAppender", "list log Appenders by application Id") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { listLogAppenders(line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("a", APPLICATION_ID, true, APPLICATION_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_IDS); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); return command; } private void listLogAppenders(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { if (line.hasOption("a")) { try { String appId = line.getOptionValue("a"); List<? extends HasId> dtos = ThriftDtoConverter .<NotificationDto>toDtoList(client.getLogAppendersByApplicationId(appId)); writer.println("List of logAppenders:"); writer.println(); for (HasId dto : dtos) { writer.println(dto); } writer.println(); writer.println(TOTAL + dtos.size()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeObjectIds(outFileName, dtos, errorWriter); } } catch (TException e) { handleException("Unable to get list of log appenders", e, errorWriter); } } } /** * Creates API command to list existing notification schemas. * * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand listNotificationSchemasCommand() { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("listNotificationSchemas", "list notifications schemas by application Id") { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { listNotificationSchemas(line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("a", APPLICATION_ID, true, APPLICATION_ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("o", OUTPUT, true, OUTPUT_FILE_TO_STORE_IDS); opt.setRequired(false); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * List existing notification schemas. * * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors */ private void listNotificationSchemas(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { if (line.hasOption("a")) { try { String appId = line.getOptionValue("a"); List<? extends HasId> dtos = ThriftDtoConverter .<NotificationSchemaDto>toDtoList(client.getNotificationSchemasByAppId(appId)); writer.println("List of Notification schemas:"); writer.println(); for (HasId dto : dtos) { writer.println(dto); } writer.println(); writer.println(TOTAL + dtos.size()); if (line.hasOption("o")) { String outFileName = line.getOptionValue("o"); storeObjectIds(outFileName, dtos, errorWriter); } } catch (TException e) { handleException("Unable to get list of Notification Schemas", e, errorWriter); } } } /** * Creates API command to delete entity. * * @param type * the entity type to delete * @return the control api command */ private ControlApiCommand deleteCommand(final EntityType type) { ControlApiCommand command = new ControlApiCommand("delete" + type.getName(), "delete " + type.getName()) { @Override public void runCommand(CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { delete(type, line, client, writer, errorWriter); } }; Option opt = new Option("i", "id", true, type.getName() + ID_OPTION); opt.setRequired(true); command.addOption(opt); return command; } /** * Delete entity. * * @param type * the entity type to delete * @param line * the command line * @param client * the control thrift client * @param writer * the writer to output command results * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output command errors */ private void delete(EntityType type, CommandLine line, ControlThriftService.Iface client, PrintWriter writer, PrintWriter errorWriter) { String id = line.getOptionValue("i"); boolean supported = true; try { switch (type) { case TENANT: client.deleteTenant(id); break; case USER: client.deleteUser(id); break; case APPLICATION: client.deleteApplication(id); break; case ENDPOINT_GROUP: client.deleteEndpointGroup(id); break; case TOPIC: client.deleteTopicById(id); break; case ENDPOINT_USER: client.deleteEndpointUser(id); break; default: errorWriter.println("Command not supported!"); supported = false; break; } if (supported) { writer.println("Deleted " + type.getName() + " with id: " + id); } } catch (TException e) { handleException("Unable to delete " + type.getName(), e, errorWriter); } } /** * Read input file and return file contents as string. * * @param file * the input file to read * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output read errors * @return the file contents string */ private String readFile(String file, PrintWriter errorWriter) { String result = null; File f = new File(file); if (f.exists() && f.isFile()) { try { StringBuffer fileData = new StringBuffer(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f)); char[] buf = new char[1024]; int numRead = 0; while ((numRead = != -1) { String readData = String.valueOf(buf, 0, numRead); fileData.append(readData); } reader.close(); result = fileData.toString(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOG.error("Unable to locate specified file '{}'!", file); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Unable to read from specified file '{}'! Error: {}", file, e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(errorWriter); //NOSONAR } } else if (!f.exists()) { errorWriter.println(SPECIFIED_FILE + file + "' does not exists!"); } else if (!f.isFile()) { errorWriter.println(SPECIFIED_FILE + file + "' is not a file!"); } return result; } /** * Store entity info to file. * * @param file * the target file to store object id * @param info * the entity info * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output store errors */ private void storeInfo(String file, String info, PrintWriter errorWriter) { try { File f = new File(file); f.getParentFile().mkdirs(); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f)); writer.append(info); writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to write Object Id to specified file '{}'! Error: {}", file, e.getMessage()); } } /** * Store entities object ids to file. * * @param file * the target file to store object ids * @param objects * the entities object ids * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output store errors */ private void storeObjectIds(String file, List<? extends HasId> objects, PrintWriter errorWriter) { try { File f = new File(file); f.getParentFile().mkdirs(); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f)); for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { writer.newLine(); } writer.append(objects.get(i).getId()); } writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to write Object Ids to specified file '{}'! Error: {}", file, e.getMessage()); } } /** * Handle generic command exception and print resulting error to error * writer. * * @param message * the error message to print out * @param t * the throwable to handle * @param errorWriter * the error writer to output error information */ private void handleException(String message, Throwable t, PrintWriter errorWriter) { errorWriter.println(message + ". Error: " + t.getMessage()); t.printStackTrace(errorWriter); //NOSONAR } }