Java tutorial
/** * * BERInputStream : An implementation of the SerializationManager class that takes * an InputStream and can then be used as a parameter to a codec instance. * The data from the input stream will then be decoded according to the * basic encoding rules. * * @author Ian Ibbotson ( ) * @version $Id:,v 1.8 2005/06/09 17:53:07 ibbo Exp $ * @see org.jzkit.a2j.codec.runtime.SerializationManager * * Copyright: Copyright (C) 2000, Knowledge Integration Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the license, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite * 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * */ package org.jzkit.a2j.codec.runtime; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Stack; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jzkit.a2j.codec.util.OIDRegister; import org.apache.commons.logging.*; public class BERInputStream implements SerializationManager { private Stack encoding_info = new Stack(); public int tag_class = -1; public int tag_value = -1; public int next_tag_class = -1; public int next_tag_number = -1; public boolean next_is_constructed = false; public boolean next_is_indefinite = false; public int next_length = -1; public boolean is_constructed = false; private BufferedInputStream in = null; private base_codec codec_hint = null; public String encoding = "US-ASCII"; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(BERInputStream.class); private OIDRegister oid_register; public BERInputStream(InputStream from, OIDRegister oid_register) { = new BufferedInputStream(from); this.oid_register = oid_register; } public BERInputStream(InputStream from, String encoding, OIDRegister oid_register) { = new BufferedInputStream(from); this.encoding = encoding; this.oid_register = oid_register; } public BERInputStream(InputStream from, String encoding, int buffsize, OIDRegister oid_register) { = new BufferedInputStream(from, buffsize); this.encoding = encoding; this.oid_register = oid_register; } // Methods from SerializationManager public int getDirection() { return DIRECTION_DECODE; } // Return length of tag encoding public int tag_codec(boolean is_constructed) throws { // We expect to find the tag (tag_class, tag_value) on the input stream, if so, decode the length // octets also, if not, return -1 if (next_tag_class < 0) { // First thing to to is to check that there is actually some more data in this PDU // The problem now is that if the last thing in a constructed type is an ASN NULL, then // there will be no data left in the constructed type after we have read the next tag and // length.... // So, if we are in the middle of decoding something. if (encoding_info.size() > 0) { // But there is no more data if (!moreData()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("tag_codec returning -1 whilst expecting (" + tag_class + "," + tag_value + ") because there is no more data in the constructed type"); } tag_class = -1; return -1; } } // Peek at the next tag decodeNextTag(); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Looking for " + tag_class + " " + tag_value + " next = " + next_tag_class + " " + next_tag_number); if ((next_tag_class == tag_class) && (next_tag_number == tag_value)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("[" + next_tag_class + "," + next_tag_number + "] cons=" + next_is_constructed + " len=" + next_length + " is indef:" + next_is_indefinite); // Set up to read next tag class next_tag_class = -1; tag_class = -1; // We have a match, so return enc len return next_length; } else { // Did not find the expected tag, reset next tag tag_class = -1; } return -1; } private void decodeNextTag() throws { byte c = (byte) read(); c &= 0xFF; next_tag_class = c & 0xC0; next_is_constructed = (c & 0x20) != 0; // System.err.println("First byte of tag is "+c); next_tag_number = c & 0x1F; // If there are multiple octets to encode the tag if (next_tag_number == 0x1F) { next_tag_number = 0; do { c = (byte) read(); // Shift value 7 bits left next_tag_number = next_tag_number << 7; // Merge with the octets we just got next_tag_number = (next_tag_number | (c & 0x7F)); } while ((c & 0x80) != 0); } next_length = decodeLengthOctets(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("[class:" + next_tag_class + " tag:" + next_tag_number + " cons:" + next_is_constructed + " stack:" + encoding_info.size() + " len:" + next_length + "]"); } } private int decodeLengthOctets() throws { int datalen; byte lenpart = (byte) read(); // System.err.println("First len octet is "+lenpart); if ((lenpart & 0x80) == 0) // If bit 8 is 0 { // Single octet length encoding // System.err.println("Single octet length encoding"); datalen = lenpart; next_is_indefinite = false; } else if ((lenpart & 0x7F) == 0) // Otherwise we are multiple octets (Maybe 0, which = indefinite) { // System.err.println("Indefinite length encoding"); next_is_indefinite = true; datalen = 0; } else { next_is_indefinite = false; // System.err.println("Multiple octet length encoding ("+(lenpart & 0x7F )+"octets)"); lenpart &= 0x7F; datalen = 0; while (lenpart-- > 0) datalen = (datalen << 8) | ((byte) read() & 0xFF); } return datalen; } public byte[] octetstring_codec(Object instance, boolean is_constructed) throws { byte[] retval = null; // Indefinite length encoding only allowed for constructed types, primitive length 0 must mean // 0 contents octets if ((next_length == 0) && (next_is_constructed)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Indefinite length encoding of octetstring"); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // StringWriter w = new StringWriter(); byte current_octet = (byte) read(); byte next_octet = (byte) read(); while ((current_octet != 0) && (next_octet != 0)) { baos.write(current_octet); current_octet = next_octet; next_octet = (byte) read(); } retval = baos.toByteArray(); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("definite length encoding of octetstring (" + next_length + ")"); byte[] data = new byte[next_length]; int bytes_left_to_read = next_length; int offset = 0; // We may need to call read repeatedly until we have all the data. while (bytes_left_to_read > 0) { int bytes_read = read(data, offset, bytes_left_to_read); bytes_left_to_read -= bytes_read; offset += bytes_read; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Read " + bytes_read + " of " + next_length + " leaving " + bytes_left_to_read + " Next bytes will be at " + offset); } retval = data; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("octetstring_codec returns byte array of length=" + retval.length); return retval; } public Boolean boolean_codec(Object instance, boolean is_constructed) throws { Boolean retval = null; byte val = (byte) read(); if (val != 0x00) retval = Boolean.TRUE; else retval = Boolean.FALSE; // debug("boolean_codec returns "+retval+" length="+next_length); return retval; } public BigInteger integer_codec(Object instance, boolean is_constructed) throws { byte[] data = new byte[next_length]; int bytes_left_to_read = next_length; int offset = 0; // We may need to call read repeatedly until we have all the data. while (bytes_left_to_read > 0) { int bytes_read = read(data, offset, bytes_left_to_read); bytes_left_to_read -= bytes_read; offset += bytes_read; } return new BigInteger(data); } public int[] oid_codec(Object instance, boolean is_constructed) throws { // System.err.println("Decoding OID, length = "+next_length); int[] retval = new int[next_length + 1]; byte[] decode_buffer = new byte[next_length]; int pos = 2; int bytes_left_to_read = next_length; int offset = 0; // We may need to call read repeatedly until we have all the data. while (bytes_left_to_read > 0) { int bytes_read = read(decode_buffer, offset, bytes_left_to_read); bytes_left_to_read -= bytes_read; offset += bytes_read; } ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(decode_buffer); byte octet = (byte); if (octet >= 80) { retval[0] = 2; retval[1] = octet - 80; } else if (octet >= 40) { retval[0] = 1; retval[1] = octet - 40; } else { retval[0] = 0; retval[1] = octet; } // Split first octet into first 2 elements of OID while (bais.available() > 0) { retval[pos++] = decodeBase128Int(bais); } int[] result = new int[pos]; System.arraycopy(retval, 0, result, 0, pos); // debug("oid_codec returns "+result+" length="+next_length); return result; } public byte[] any_codec(Object instance, boolean is_constructed) throws { byte[] data = null; if ((next_length > 0) && (next_is_constructed)) { // debug("definite length encoding of octetstring ("+next_length+")"); data = new byte[next_length]; int bytes_left_to_read = next_length; int offset = 0; // We may need to call read repeatedly until we have all the data. while (bytes_left_to_read > 0) { int bytes_read = read(data, offset, bytes_left_to_read); bytes_left_to_read -= bytes_read; offset += bytes_read; // debug("Read "+bytes_read+" of "+next_length+" leaving "+bytes_left_to_read+" Next bytes will be at "+offset); } } else if (next_length == 0) { // Indefinite length encoding // debug("Indefinite length encoding of any data...."); StringWriter w = new StringWriter(); byte current_octet = (byte) read(); byte next_octet = (byte) read(); while ((current_octet != 0) && (next_octet != 0)) { w.write(current_octet); current_octet = next_octet; next_octet = (byte) read(); } data = w.toString().getBytes(); } else throw new"Problem decoding any"); // debug("any returns ... length="+next_length); return data; } public AsnBitString bitstring_codec(Object instance, boolean is_constructed) throws { AsnBitString abs = (AsnBitString) instance; // debug("Bitstring codec..."); int unused = read(); if (next_length > 0) { byte[] data = new byte[next_length - 1]; data = new byte[next_length - 1]; int bytes_left_to_read = next_length - 1; int offset = 0; // We may need to call read repeatedly until we have all the data. while (bytes_left_to_read > 0) { int bytes_read = read(data, offset, bytes_left_to_read); bytes_left_to_read -= bytes_read; offset += bytes_read; } abs = new AsnBitString(data, unused); // debug("got "+next_length+" bytes of bitstring with "+unused+" unused bits at end); } // debug("bitstring returns ... length="+next_length); return abs; } public AsnNull null_codec(Object instance, boolean is_constructed) throws { AsnNull retval = null; // No contents octets allowed for null encoding if (next_length != 0) { throw new"Unexpected length encoding of null"); } return new AsnNull(); } public Object choice(Object current_instance, Object[][] choice_info, String name) throws { ChoiceType retval = (ChoiceType) current_instance; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("1.... choice_codec (" + name + ") current = " + retval + " number of options=" + choice_info.length); Object result = null; for (int i = 0; ((i < choice_info.length) && (result == null)); i++) { Integer tagmode = (Integer) (choice_info[i][0]); Integer tagclass = (Integer) (choice_info[i][1]); Integer tagnumber = (Integer) (choice_info[i][2]); base_codec codec_to_use = ((base_codec) (choice_info[i][3])); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("choice Trying [" + i + "] : " + tagmode + " " + tagclass + " " + tagnumber + " " + codec_to_use); if (tagmode.equals(SerializationManager.TAGMODE_NONE)) { result = codec_to_use.serialize(this, result, true, ((String) (choice_info[i][4]))); } else { if (tagmode.equals(SerializationManager.IMPLICIT)) { // Implicit Tagging if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "implicit tagging, so simply calling codec for " + ((String) (choice_info[i][4]))); result = implicit_tag(codec_to_use, result, tagclass.intValue(), tagnumber.intValue(), true, ((String) (choice_info[i][4]))); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "explicit tagging, so simply calling codec for " + ((String) (choice_info[i][4]))); if (constructedBegin(tagclass.intValue(), tagnumber.intValue())) { result = codec_to_use.serialize(this, result, false, ((String) (choice_info[i][4]))); constructedEnd(); } } } if (result != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Choice codec matched on choice " + i); retval.o = result; retval.which = i; } } if (result == null) retval = null; return retval; } public boolean sequenceBegin() throws { if (tag_class < 0) { tag_class = SerializationManager.UNIVERSAL; tag_value = SerializationManager.SEQUENCE; } return constructedBegin(tag_class, tag_value); } public boolean sequenceEnd() throws { return constructedEnd(); } public boolean constructedBegin(int tagclass, int tagnumber) throws { if (tag_class < 0) { tag_class = tagclass; tag_value = tagnumber; } if (tag_codec(true) >= 0) { // Entering a constructed block if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("CONS [" + encoding_info.size() + "] (" + tag_class + "," + tag_value + ") " + tagclass + " len=" + next_length); log.debug("{"); } CodecStackInfo csi = new CodecStackInfo(); csi.content_length = next_length; csi.bytes_processed = 0; csi.is_constructed = next_is_constructed; csi.is_indefinite_length = next_is_indefinite; encoding_info.push(csi); return true; } else if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("tag_codec returned < 0"); } return false; } public boolean constructedEnd() throws { CodecStackInfo csi = (CodecStackInfo) encoding_info.pop(); // We now need to add any bytes read on to the bytes processed total for the next // constructed item in the stack if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("}"); // If we are closing an indefinite length encoding, consume the terminating octets // if ( csi.content_length == 0 ) if (csi.is_indefinite_length) { // debug("Reading indefinite length terminating octets"); byte b1 = (byte) read(); byte b2 = (byte) read(); if ((b1 == 0) && (b2 == 0)) { next_tag_class = -1; tag_class = -1; } else { throw new "Expected indefinite length terminating octets for constructed type, found other values"); } } if (encoding_info.size() > 0) { CodecStackInfo curr = (CodecStackInfo) encoding_info.peek(); curr.bytes_processed += csi.bytes_processed; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Constructed End [" + encoding_info.size() + "] (" + csi.bytes_processed + " bytes)"); return true; } public Object implicit_tag(base_codec c, Object current_instance, int tag_class, int tag_number, boolean is_optional, String name) throws { Object retval = null; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("implicit_tag " + tag_class + "," + tag_number + " " + name); implicit_settag(tag_class, tag_number); retval = c.serialize(this, current_instance, is_optional, name); return retval; } public Object explicit_tag(base_codec c, Object current_instance, int tag_class, int tag_number, boolean is_optional, String name) throws { Object retval = current_instance; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("explicit_tag " + tag_class + "," + tag_number + " " + name); if (constructedBegin(tag_class, tag_number)) { retval = c.serialize(this, retval, is_optional, name); constructedEnd(); } return retval; } public ArrayList sequenceOf(ArrayList v, base_codec codec) throws { if (v != null) { while (moreData()) { Object item_to_add = codec.serialize(this, null, true, "SequenceOf item"); if (item_to_add == null) throw new"Error expecting member of sequenceOf"); v.add(item_to_add); } } return v; } public void implicit_settag(int tagclass, int tagvalue) { if (tag_class < 0) { tag_class = tagclass; tag_value = tagvalue; } } // Override default read method with octet counting for constructed members public int read() throws { int retval =; if (retval == -1) throw new"Connection Closed"); if (encoding_info.size() > 0) { // Get head off stack and add 1 to bytes processed CodecStackInfo csi = (CodecStackInfo) encoding_info.peek(); csi.bytes_processed += 1; } return retval; } public int read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int max) throws { int retval =, offset, max); if (retval == -1) throw new"Connection Closed"); if (encoding_info.size() > 0) { // Get head off stack and add retval to bytes processed CodecStackInfo csi = (CodecStackInfo) encoding_info.peek(); csi.bytes_processed += retval; } return retval; } // This function should NEVER consume the 2 octets that terminate indefinite length encoding... // That should be left to the thing encoding the sequence... This func just takes a peek at the // next octets to see what's to come... public boolean moreData() throws { // Get the current top of the encoding stack and compare it's content_length // with the current decode position // debug("moreData called, stack="+encoding_info.size()); if (encoding_info.size() > 0) { CodecStackInfo csi = (CodecStackInfo) encoding_info.peek(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("moreData() Content length=" + csi.content_length + ", bytes_processed=" + csi.bytes_processed + ", constructed=" + csi.is_constructed + ", indefinite length encoding =" + csi.is_indefinite_length); if (csi.content_length > 0) { // debug("MoreData comparing "+csi.bytes_processed+" < "+ csi.content_length); if (csi.bytes_processed < csi.content_length) return true; else return false; } else if (csi.is_indefinite_length) { // Indefinite length encodings are terminated by 00 // debug("MoreData... Indefinite length encoding, so check for terminating octets"); in.mark(5); int i1 =; int i2 =; in.reset(); if ((i1 == 0) && (i2 == 0)) { // debug("MoreData... false ( Next octets are 00 )"); // csi.bytes_processed += 2; return false; } else { // debug("MoreData... true because next 2 octets are not 00: "+i1+" and "+i2); // in.reset(); return true; } } } return false; } private int decodeBase128Int(InputStream ins) throws { int retval = 0; byte octet = (byte) 128; while ((octet & 128) == 128) { octet = (byte); retval = ((retval << 7) | (octet & 127)); } return retval; } public base_codec getHintCodec() { return codec_hint; } public void setHintCodec(base_codec c) { codec_hint = c; } public String getCharsetEncoding() { return encoding; } public OIDRegister getOIDRegister() { return oid_register; } }