Java tutorial
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // jWebSocket - jWebSocket StockTicker Plug-In (Community Edition, CE) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2010-2015 Innotrade GmbH ( // Alexander Schulze, Germany (NRW) // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- package org.jwebsocket.plugins.stockticker.service; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.Mongo; import com.mongodb.MongoException; import org.jwebsocket.plugins.stockticker.Implementation.Purchasing; import org.jwebsocket.plugins.stockticker.Implementation.Record; import org.jwebsocket.plugins.stockticker.StocktickerPlugIn; import org.jwebsocket.plugins.stockticker.api.IPurchasing; import org.jwebsocket.plugins.stockticker.api.IRecord; import org.jwebsocket.plugins.stockticker.api.IService; import org.jwebsocket.plugins.stockticker.api.IUser; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javolution.util.FastList; import org.jwebsocket.api.WebSocketConnector; import org.jwebsocket.token.Token; import org.jwebsocket.token.TokenFactory; /** * * @author Roy */ public class StocktickerService extends Thread implements IService { private Mongo mConnection; private DBCollection mCollectionUser; private DBCollection mCollectionTicker; private DBCollection mCollectionPurchasing; private StocktickerPlugIn mPlugIn; /** * * @return */ public StocktickerPlugIn getPlugIn() { return mPlugIn; } /** * * @param aPlugIn */ public void setPlugIn(StocktickerPlugIn aPlugIn) { this.mPlugIn = aPlugIn; } /** * */ public StocktickerService() { try { mConnection = new Mongo(); mCollectionUser = mConnection.getDB("StockTicker").getCollection("Users"); mCollectionTicker = mConnection.getDB("StockTicker").getCollection("Tickers"); mCollectionPurchasing = mConnection.getDB("StockTicker").getCollection("Purchasing"); createCollection(); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { Logger.getLogger(StocktickerService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (MongoException ex) { Logger.getLogger(StocktickerService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(StocktickerService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /** * */ public void createCollection() { if (!mConnection.getDB("StockTicker").collectionExists("Tickers")) { List history = new FastList<Object>(); history.add(90.1); history.add(91.5); history.add(99.3); history.add(94.8); history.add(96.1); history.add(97.7); history.add(91.6); history.add(98.3); history.add(90.7); history.add(98.6); BasicDBObject ibm = new BasicDBObject(); ibm.put("id", 1); ibm.put("name", "IBM"); ibm.put("bid", 99.5); ibm.put("price", 90.7); ibm.put("ask", 90.7); ibm.put("chng", 0.3); ibm.put("trend", 1); ibm.put("history", history); BasicDBObject google = new BasicDBObject(); google.put("id", 2); google.put("name", "Google"); google.put("bid", 98.3); google.put("price", 92.9); google.put("ask", 91.2); google.put("chng", 0.1); google.put("trend", 0); google.put("history", history); BasicDBObject microsoft = new BasicDBObject(); microsoft.put("id", 3); microsoft.put("name", "Microsoft"); microsoft.put("bid", 94.5); microsoft.put("price", 97.3); microsoft.put("ask", 92.4); microsoft.put("chng", 0.5); microsoft.put("trend", 1); microsoft.put("history", history); BasicDBObject intel = new BasicDBObject(); intel.put("id", 4); intel.put("name", "Intel"); intel.put("bid", 96.3); intel.put("price", 92.1); intel.put("ask", 95.8); intel.put("chng", 0.7); intel.put("trend", 2); intel.put("history", history); BasicDBObject oracle = new BasicDBObject(); oracle.put("id", 5); oracle.put("name", "Oracle"); oracle.put("bid", 91.8); oracle.put("price", 98.2); oracle.put("ask", 94.7); oracle.put("chng", 0.4); oracle.put("trend", 1); oracle.put("history", history); BasicDBObject apple = new BasicDBObject(); apple.put("id", 6); apple.put("name", "Apple"); apple.put("bid", 95.7); apple.put("price", 91.8); apple.put("ask", 97.9); apple.put("chng", 0.9); apple.put("trend", 0); apple.put("history", history); BasicDBObject nvidea = new BasicDBObject(); nvidea.put("id", 7); nvidea.put("name", "NVIDEA"); nvidea.put("bid", 99.6); nvidea.put("price", 93.2); nvidea.put("ask", 91.5); nvidea.put("chng", 0.3); nvidea.put("trend", 1); nvidea.put("history", history); BasicDBObject sony = new BasicDBObject(); sony.put("id", 8); sony.put("name", "Sony"); sony.put("bid", 92.6); sony.put("price", 93.2); sony.put("ask", 96.2); sony.put("chng", 0.8); sony.put("trend", 1); sony.put("history", history); BasicDBObject samsung = new BasicDBObject(); samsung.put("id", 9); samsung.put("name", "Samsung"); samsung.put("bid", 97.2); samsung.put("price", 96.6); samsung.put("ask", 91.4); samsung.put("chng", 0.3); samsung.put("trend", 0); samsung.put("history", history); BasicDBObject motorola = new BasicDBObject(); motorola.put("id", 10); motorola.put("name", "Motorola"); motorola.put("bid", 92.2); motorola.put("price", 93.2); motorola.put("ask", 91.4); motorola.put("chng", 0.7); motorola.put("trend", 1); motorola.put("history", history); mConnection.getDB("StockTicker").createCollection("Tickers", null); mConnection.getDB("StockTicker").getCollection("Tickers").insert(ibm); mConnection.getDB("StockTicker").getCollection("Tickers").insert(google); mConnection.getDB("StockTicker").getCollection("Tickers").insert(microsoft); mConnection.getDB("StockTicker").getCollection("Tickers").insert(intel); mConnection.getDB("StockTicker").getCollection("Tickers").insert(oracle); mConnection.getDB("StockTicker").getCollection("Tickers").insert(apple); mConnection.getDB("StockTicker").getCollection("Tickers").insert(nvidea); mConnection.getDB("StockTicker").getCollection("Tickers").insert(sony); mConnection.getDB("StockTicker").getCollection("Tickers").insert(samsung); mConnection.getDB("StockTicker").getCollection("Tickers").insert(motorola); } } /** * * @param aUser users instance that is registering. * @return Boolean true if the user is, false if the user is not. */ @Override public Boolean createUser(IUser aUser) { BasicDBObject lUsers = new BasicDBObject(); DBObject lUser = mCollectionUser.findOne(new BasicDBObject("user", aUser.getUser())); if (lUser == null) { lUsers.put("user", aUser.getUser()); lUsers.put("pass", aUser.getPass()); mCollectionUser.insert(lUsers); return true; } return false; } /** * * @param aUser users instance that is login. * @return true if the user and password are, false if the user and password * are not. */ @Override public Boolean login(IUser aUser) { DBObject lObject = mCollectionUser .findOne(new BasicDBObject().append("user", aUser.getUser()).append("pass", aUser.getPass())); return lObject != null; } private double calcRandom(double N, double M) { return Math.random() * (N - M) + M; } private int calcRandomInt(int N, int M) { return (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * (N - M + 1) + M); } /** * * @param aId * @param aName * @return */ private BasicDBObject valuesOfRecords(Integer aId, String aName) { BasicDBObject lRecord = new BasicDBObject(); List<Double> lHistory = (List<Double>) mCollectionTicker.findOne(new BasicDBObject().append("id", aId)) .get("history"); double ask = Math.rint((calcRandom(80, 140)) * 100) / 100; double bid = Math.rint((calcRandom(ask - (ask * 5 / 100), ask)) * 100) / 100; double price = Math.rint((calcRandom(bid, ask)) * 100) / 100; double chng = (100 * (lHistory.get(0) - price)) / price; Integer trend = 2; if (chng > 0) { trend = 0; } else if (chng < 0) { trend = 1; } lHistory.add(0, Math.rint((price) * 100) / 100); if (lHistory.size() > 10) { lHistory.remove(10); } lRecord.put("id", aId); lRecord.put("name", aName); lRecord.put("bid", bid); lRecord.put("price", price); lRecord.put("ask", ask); lRecord.put("chng", Math.rint((chng / 100) * 100) / 100); lRecord.put("trend", trend); lRecord.put("history", lHistory); return lRecord; } @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { int time = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * 2 + 1); Thread.sleep(500 * time); int lval = calcRandomInt(1, 6); for (int i = 1; i < lval; i++) { int ltemp = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1); mCollectionTicker.update(new BasicDBObject().append("id", ltemp), valuesOfRecords(ltemp, mCollectionTicker .findOne(new BasicDBObject().append("id", ltemp)).get("name").toString())); } Token lToken = TokenFactory.createToken("stockticker", "records"); lToken.setList("data", listRecords()); for (WebSocketConnector lClient : mPlugIn.getClients()) { mPlugIn.getEm().getParent().getServer().sendToken(lClient, lToken); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(StocktickerService.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } /** * * @return listRecords List of items stock ticker */ @Override public List<IRecord> listRecords() { List<IRecord> lRecords = new FastList<IRecord>(); IRecord lRecord; DBObject lDocument; DBCursor lCursor = mCollectionTicker.find(); while (lCursor.hasNext()) { lDocument =; lRecord = new Record((Integer.valueOf(lDocument.get("id").toString())), (lDocument.get("name").toString()), (Double.valueOf(lDocument.get("bid").toString())), (Double.valueOf(lDocument.get("price").toString())), (Double.valueOf(lDocument.get("ask").toString())), (Double.valueOf(lDocument.get("chng").toString())), (Integer.valueOf(lDocument.get("trend").toString())), (List<Double>) lDocument.get("history")); lRecords.add(lRecord); } return lRecords; } /** * * @param aName name of the instrument to buy * @param aCant amount of the instrument to buy * @param aUserLogin User buying * @return true if the amount is less than 100, false if the amount is * greater than 100 */ @Override public Boolean buy(String aName, String aCant, String aUserLogin) { DBObject lBuy = mCollectionPurchasing.findOne(new BasicDBObject("user", aUserLogin).append("name", aName)); try { if (lBuy != null) { Integer lCant = Integer.valueOf(lBuy.get("cant").toString()) + Integer.parseInt(aCant); if (lCant <= 100) { Double lInversionTicker = Double.valueOf( (mCollectionTicker.findOne(new BasicDBObject("name", aName)).get("price").toString())); List<Double> lHistory = (List<Double>) (mCollectionTicker .findOne(new BasicDBObject().append("name", aName)).get("history")); Double lFirstHistory = lHistory.get(1); Double lInversion = Double.valueOf(lBuy.get("inversion").toString()) + (lInversionTicker * Integer.parseInt(aCant)); Double lValue = Double.valueOf(lBuy.get("value").toString()) + (lFirstHistory * Integer.parseInt(aCant)); mCollectionPurchasing.update(lBuy, new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject("cant", lCant) .append("inversion", lInversion).append("value", lValue))); return true; } return false; } else { Double lInversionTicker = Double.valueOf( (mCollectionTicker.findOne(new BasicDBObject("name", aName)).get("price").toString())); List<Double> lHistory = (List<Double>) (mCollectionTicker .findOne(new BasicDBObject().append("name", aName)).get("history")); Double lFirstHistory = lHistory.get(1); mCollectionPurchasing.insert(new BasicDBObject("user", aUserLogin).append("name", aName) .append("cant", aCant).append("inversion", Integer.valueOf(aCant) * lInversionTicker) .append("value", Integer.valueOf(aCant) * lFirstHistory)); return true; } } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } } /** * * @param aName name of the instrument to sell * @param aCant amount of the instrument to sell * @param aUserLogin User selling * @return true if the amount is less than the amount stored , false if the * amount is greater than the amount stored */ @Override public Boolean sell(String aName, String aCant, String aUserLogin) { DBObject lDocument = mCollectionPurchasing .findOne(new BasicDBObject("user", aUserLogin).append("name", aName)); Integer lCant = Integer.valueOf(lDocument.get("cant").toString()); Double lInv = Double.valueOf(lDocument.get("inversion").toString()); Double lVal = Double.valueOf(lDocument.get("value").toString()); Double lInversionTicker = Double .valueOf((mCollectionTicker.findOne(new BasicDBObject("name", aName)).get("price").toString())); Boolean lResult; if (lCant == Integer.valueOf(aCant)) { mCollectionPurchasing.remove(lDocument); lResult = true; } else if (lCant > Integer.valueOf(aCant)) { mCollectionPurchasing.update(lDocument, new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject("cant", lCant - Integer.valueOf(aCant)) .append("inversion", lInv - (Integer.valueOf(aCant) * lInversionTicker)) .append("value", lVal - (Integer.valueOf(aCant) * lInversionTicker)))); lResult = true; } else { lResult = false; } return lResult; } /** * * @param aUser user application * @return list of purchasing for user */ @Override public List<IPurchasing> readBuy(String aUser) { List<IPurchasing> lBuys = new FastList<IPurchasing>(); IPurchasing lBuy; DBObject lDocument; DBCursor lCursor = mCollectionPurchasing.find(new BasicDBObject("user", aUser)); while (lCursor.hasNext()) { lDocument =; lBuy = new Purchasing(((lDocument.get("user").toString())), (lDocument.get("name").toString()), (Integer.valueOf(lDocument.get("cant").toString())), (Double.valueOf(lDocument.get("inversion").toString())), (Double.valueOf(lDocument.get("value").toString()))); lBuys.add(lBuy); } return lBuys; } /** * * @param aUser user application * @return List<String> list of names of the instruments that are in the * table of deposits by user */ @Override public List<String> showComb(String aUser) { List<String> lCombs = new FastList<String>(); String lComb; DBObject lDocument; DBCursor lCursor = mCollectionPurchasing.find(new BasicDBObject("user", aUser)); while (lCursor.hasNext()) { lDocument =; lComb = (lDocument.get("name").toString()); lCombs.add(lComb); } return lCombs; } /** * * @param aUserLogin user application * @param aName name of the instruments * @return Integer amount of selected instruments that are in the table of * deposits for user. */ @Override public Integer chart(String aUserLogin, String aName) { DBObject lDocument = mCollectionPurchasing .findOne(new BasicDBObject("user", aUserLogin).append("name", aName)); Integer lcant = Integer.valueOf(lDocument.get("cant").toString()); return lcant; } }