Source code

Java tutorial


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package org.jw.service.entity;

import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
import java.beans.VetoableChangeListener;
import java.beans.VetoableChangeSupport;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.persistence.Basic;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.FetchType;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.Lob;
import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;
import javax.persistence.NamedQueries;
import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;
import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
import javax.persistence.OneToOne;
import javax.persistence.Table;
import javax.persistence.Temporal;
import javax.persistence.TemporalType;
import javax.persistence.Transient;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient;
import org.joda.time.LocalDate;
import org.joda.time.Period;
import org.joda.time.PeriodType;

 * @author Wilson
@Table(name = "CONTACT", catalog = "PUBLIC", schema = "CIR")
@NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findAll", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findById", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE = :id"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByRecordNumber", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.recordNumber = :recordNumber"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByRecordDate", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.recordDate = :recordDate"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByBirthdate", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.birthdate = :birthdate"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByLastName", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.lastName = :lastName"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByFirstName", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.firstName = :firstName"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByNickName", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.nickName = :nickName"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findBySex", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE = :sex"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByMaritalStatus", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.maritalStatus = :maritalStatus"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByNationaltiy", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.nationality = :nationality"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByHouseNumber", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.houseNumber = :houseNumber"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByStreet", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.street = :street"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByBarangay", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.barangay = :barangay"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByCity", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE = :city"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByArea", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.area = :area"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByPersonalBackground", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.personalBackground = :personalBackground"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByFamilyBackground", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.familyBackground = :familyBackground"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByWorkBackground", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.workBackground = :workBackground"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByPhoneNumber", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.phoneNumber = :phoneNumber"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByMobileNumber", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.mobileNumber = :mobileNumber"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByEmailAddress", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.emailAddress = :emailAddress"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findBySkypeAccount", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.skypeAccount = :skypeAccount"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByFacebookAccount", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.facebookAccount = :facebookAccount"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByFathersName", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.fathersName = :fathersName"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByMothersName", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.mothersName = :mothersName"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByReligion", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.religion = :religion"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByFoundBy", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.foundBy = :foundBy"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByCreatedDatetime", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.createdDatetime = :createdDatetime"),
        @NamedQuery(name = "Contact.findByUpdatedDatetime", query = "SELECT c FROM Contact c WHERE c.updatedDatetime = :updatedDatetime") })
public class Contact implements Serializable, ObservableEntity, SilentSetter, Comparable<Contact> {
    public static final String PROP_HISTORY = "history";
    @Column(name = "PROFILE_PICTURE")
    private byte[] profilePicture;
    @OneToOne(mappedBy = "contactId", optional = true, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    private LocationMap locationMapId;
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    public static final String PROP_GUARDIANSNAME = "guardiansName";
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    @Basic(optional = false)
    @Column(name = "ID")
    private Integer id;
    @Column(name = "RECORD_NUMBER", unique = true)
    private String recordNumber;
    @Column(name = "RECORD_DATE")
    private Date recordDate;
    @Column(name = "BIRTHDATE")
    private Date birthdate;
    @Column(name = "LAST_NAME")
    private String lastName;
    @Column(name = "FIRST_NAME")
    private String firstName;
    @Column(name = "NICK_NAME")
    private String nickName;
    @Column(name = "SEX")
    private String sex;
    @Column(name = "MARITAL_STATUS")
    private String maritalStatus;
    @Column(name = "NATIONALITY")
    private String nationality;
    @Column(name = "HOUSE_NUMBER")
    private String houseNumber;
    @Column(name = "STREET")
    private String street;
    @Column(name = "BARANGAY")
    private String barangay;
    @Column(name = "CITY")
    private String city;
    @Column(name = "AREA")
    private String area;
    @Column(name = "PERSONAL_BACKGROUND")
    private String personalBackground;
    @Column(name = "FAMILY_BACKGROUND")
    private String familyBackground;
    @Column(name = "WORK_BACKGROUND")
    private String workBackground;
    @Column(name = "PHONE_NUMBER")
    private String phoneNumber;
    @Column(name = "MOBILE_NUMBER")
    private String mobileNumber;
    @Column(name = "EMAIL_ADDRESS")
    private String emailAddress;
    @Column(name = "SKYPE_ACCOUNT")
    private String skypeAccount;
    @Column(name = "FACEBOOK_ACCOUNT")
    private String facebookAccount;
    @Column(name = "FATHERS_NAME")
    private String fathersName;
    @Column(name = "MOTHERS_NAME")
    private String mothersName;
    @Column(name = "GUARDIANS_NAME")
    private String guardiansName;
    @Column(name = "RELIGION")
    private String religion;
    @Column(name = "FOUND_BY")
    private String foundBy;
    @Column(name = "CREATED_DATETIME")
    private Date createdDatetime;
    @Column(name = "UPDATED_DATETIME")
    private Date updatedDatetime;
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "contactId")
    private Collection<ContactCall> contactCallCollection;
    @JoinColumn(name = "SERVICE_GROUP_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID")
    private ServiceGroup serviceGroupId;
    @JoinColumn(name = "STATUS_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID")
    private ContactStatus statusId;
    @JoinColumn(name = "TERRITORY_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID")
    private Territory territoryId;
    private String saveState;
    @Column(name = "PRINTED")
    private Boolean printed;
    @Column(name = "HISTORY")
    private String history;
    private final transient VetoableChangeSupport vetoableChangeSupport = new java.beans.VetoableChangeSupport(
    private final transient PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeSupport = new java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport(

    public Contact() {
        this.area = "";
        this.barangay = "";
        this.birthdate = null; = "";
        this.contactCallCollection = null;
        this.createdDatetime = new Date();
        this.emailAddress = "";
        this.facebookAccount = "";
        this.familyBackground = "";
        this.fathersName = "";
        this.firstName = "";
        this.foundBy = "";
        this.guardiansName = "";
        this.houseNumber = "";
        this.lastName = "";
        this.maritalStatus = null;
        this.mobileNumber = "";
        this.mothersName = "";
        this.nationality = "";
        this.nickName = "";
        this.personalBackground = "";
        this.phoneNumber = "";
        this.profilePicture = null;
        this.recordDate = new Date();
        this.recordNumber = "";
        this.religion = "";
        this.saveState = "";
        this.serviceGroupId = null; = null;
        this.skypeAccount = "";
        this.statusId = null;
        this.street = "";
        this.updatedDatetime = new Date();
        this.workBackground = "";
        this.territoryId = null;
        this.locationMapId = null;
        this.printed = false;

    public Contact(Integer id) {
        super(); = id;

     * @return the id
    public Integer getId() {
        return id;

     * @param id the id to set
    public void setId(Integer id) {
        java.lang.Integer oldId =; = id;
        propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_ID, oldId, id);

     * @return the recordNumber
    public String getRecordNumber() {
        return recordNumber;

     * @param recordNumber the recordNumber to set
    public void setRecordNumber(String recordNumber) {
        java.lang.String oldRecordNumber = this.recordNumber;
        this.recordNumber = recordNumber;
        propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_RECORDNUMBER, oldRecordNumber, recordNumber);

     * @return the recordDate
    public Date getRecordDate() {
        return recordDate;

     * @param recordDate the recordDate to set
    public void setRecordDate(Date recordDate) {
        java.util.Date oldRecordDate = this.recordDate;

        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("recordDate", oldRecordDate, recordDate);
            this.recordDate = recordDate;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_RECORDDATE, oldRecordDate, recordDate);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the birthdate
    public Date getBirthdate() {
        return birthdate;

     * @param birthdate the birthdate to set
    public void setBirthdate(Date birthdate) {
        java.util.Date oldBirthdate = this.birthdate;

        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("birthdate", oldBirthdate, birthdate);
            this.birthdate = birthdate;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_BIRTHDATE, oldBirthdate, birthdate);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the lastName
    public String getLastName() {
        return lastName;

     * @param lastName the lastName to set
    public void setLastName(String lastName) {
        java.lang.String oldLastName = this.lastName;
        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("lastName", oldLastName, lastName);
            this.lastName = lastName.trim();
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_LASTNAME, oldLastName, lastName);
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("fullname", oldLastName, toString());
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the firstName
    public String getFirstName() {
        return firstName.trim();

     * @param firstName the firstName to set
    public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
        java.lang.String oldFirstName = this.firstName;
        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("firstName", oldFirstName, firstName);
            this.firstName = firstName.trim();
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_FIRSTNAME, oldFirstName, firstName);
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("fullname", oldFirstName, toString());
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the nickName
    public String getNickName() {
        return nickName.trim();

     * @param nickName the nickName to set
    public void setNickName(String nickName) {
        java.lang.String oldNickName = this.nickName;

        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("nickName", oldNickName, nickName);
            this.nickName = nickName.trim();
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_NICKNAME, oldNickName, nickName);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the sex
    public String getSex() {
        return sex;

     * @param sex the sex to set
    public void setSex(String sex) {
        java.lang.String oldSex =;

        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("sex", oldSex, sex);
   = sex;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_SEX, oldSex, sex);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the maritalStatus
    public String getMaritalStatus() {
        return maritalStatus;

     * @param maritalStatus the maritalStatus to set
    public void setMaritalStatus(String maritalStatus) {
        java.lang.String oldMaritalStatus = this.maritalStatus;
        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("maritalStatus", oldMaritalStatus, maritalStatus);
            this.maritalStatus = maritalStatus;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_MARITALSTATUS, oldMaritalStatus, maritalStatus);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the nationality
    public String getNationality() {
        return nationality;

     * @param nationaltiy the nationaltiy to set
    public void setNationality(String nationality) {
        java.lang.String oldNationality = this.nationality;

        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("nationality", oldNationality, nationality);
            this.nationality = nationality;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_NATIONALITY, oldNationality, nationality);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the profilePicture
    public byte[] getProfilePicture() {
        return profilePicture;

     * @param profilePicture the profilePicture to set
    public void setProfilePicture(byte[] profilePicture) {
        byte[] oldProfilePicture = this.profilePicture;

        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("profilePicture", oldProfilePicture, profilePicture);
            this.profilePicture = profilePicture;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_PROFILEPICTURE, oldProfilePicture, profilePicture);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the houseNumber
    public String getHouseNumber() {
        return houseNumber;

     * @param houseNumber the houseNumber to set
    public void setHouseNumber(String houseNumber) {
        java.lang.String oldHouseNumber = this.houseNumber;
        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("houseNumber", oldHouseNumber, houseNumber);
            this.houseNumber = houseNumber;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_HOUSENUMBER, oldHouseNumber, houseNumber);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the street
    public String getStreet() {
        return street;

     * @param street the street to set
    public void setStreet(String street) {
        java.lang.String oldStreet = this.street;

        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("street", oldStreet, street);
            this.street = street;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_STREET, oldStreet, street);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the barangay
    public String getBarangay() {
        return barangay;

     * @param barangay the barangay to set
    public void setBarangay(String barangay) {
        java.lang.String oldBarangay = this.barangay;

        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("barangay", oldBarangay, barangay);
            this.barangay = barangay;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_BARANGAY, oldBarangay, barangay);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the city
    public String getCity() {
        return city;

     * @param city the city to set
    public void setCity(String city) {
        java.lang.String oldCity =;
        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("city", oldCity, city);
   = city;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_CITY, oldCity, city);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the area
    public String getArea() {
        return area;

     * @param area the area to set
    public void setArea(String area) throws PropertyVetoException {
        java.lang.String oldArea = this.area;
        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("area", oldArea, area);
            this.area = area;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_AREA, oldArea, area);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the personalBackground
    public String getPersonalBackground() {
        return personalBackground;

     * @param personalBackground the personalBackground to set
    public void setPersonalBackground(String personalBackground) {
        java.lang.String oldPersonalBackground = this.personalBackground;

        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("personalBackground", oldPersonalBackground,
            this.personalBackground = personalBackground;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_PERSONALBACKGROUND, oldPersonalBackground,
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the familyBackground
    public String getFamilyBackground() {
        return familyBackground;

     * @param familyBackground the familyBackground to set
    public void setFamilyBackground(String familyBackground) {
        java.lang.String oldFamilyBackground = this.familyBackground;
        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("familyBackground", oldFamilyBackground, familyBackground);
            this.familyBackground = familyBackground;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_FAMILYBACKGROUND, oldFamilyBackground, familyBackground);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the workBackground
    public String getWorkBackground() {
        return workBackground;

     * @param workBackground the workBackground to set
    public void setWorkBackground(String workBackground) {
        java.lang.String oldWorkBackground = this.workBackground;

        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("workBackground", oldWorkBackground, workBackground);
            this.workBackground = workBackground;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_WORKBACKGROUND, oldWorkBackground, workBackground);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the phoneNumber
    public String getPhoneNumber() {
        return phoneNumber;

     * @param phoneNumber the phoneNumber to set
    public void setPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) {
        java.lang.String oldPhoneNumber = this.phoneNumber;

        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("phoneNumber", oldPhoneNumber, phoneNumber);
            this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_PHONENUMBER, oldPhoneNumber, phoneNumber);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the mobileNumber
    public String getMobileNumber() {
        return mobileNumber;

     * @param mobileNumber the mobileNumber to set
    public void setMobileNumber(String mobileNumber) {
        java.lang.String oldMobileNumber = this.mobileNumber;
        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("mobileNumber", oldMobileNumber, mobileNumber);
            this.mobileNumber = mobileNumber;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_MOBILENUMBER, oldMobileNumber, mobileNumber);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the emailAddress
    public String getEmailAddress() {
        return emailAddress;

     * @param emailAddress the emailAddress to set
    public void setEmailAddress(String emailAddress) {
        java.lang.String oldEmailAddress = this.emailAddress;
        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("emailAddress", oldEmailAddress, emailAddress);
            this.emailAddress = emailAddress;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_EMAILADDRESS, oldEmailAddress, emailAddress);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the skypeAccount
    public String getSkypeAccount() {
        return skypeAccount;

     * @param skypeAccount the skypeAccount to set
    public void setSkypeAccount(String skypeAccount) {
        java.lang.String oldSkypeAccount = this.skypeAccount;

        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("skypeAccount", oldSkypeAccount, skypeAccount);
            this.skypeAccount = skypeAccount;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_SKYPEACCOUNT, oldSkypeAccount, skypeAccount);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the facebookAccount
    public String getFacebookAccount() {
        return facebookAccount;

     * @param facebookAccount the facebookAccount to set
    public void setFacebookAccount(String facebookAccount) {
        java.lang.String oldFacebookAccount = this.facebookAccount;
        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("facebookAccount", oldFacebookAccount, facebookAccount);
            this.facebookAccount = facebookAccount;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_FACEBOOKACCOUNT, oldFacebookAccount, facebookAccount);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the fathersName
    public String getFathersName() {
        return fathersName;

     * @param fathersName the fathersName to set
    public void setFathersName(String fathersName) {
        java.lang.String oldFathersName = this.fathersName;
        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("fathersName", oldFathersName, fathersName);
            this.fathersName = fathersName;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_FATHERSNAME, oldFathersName, fathersName);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the mothersName
    public String getMothersName() {
        return mothersName;

     * @param mothersName the mothersName to set
    public void setMothersName(String mothersName) {
        java.lang.String oldMothersName = this.mothersName;
        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("mothersName", oldMothersName, mothersName);
            this.mothersName = mothersName;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_MOTHERSNAME, oldMothersName, mothersName);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the religion
    public String getReligion() {
        return religion;

     * @param religion the religion to set
    public void setReligion(String religion) {
        java.lang.String oldReligion = this.religion;

        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("religion", oldReligion, religion);
            this.religion = religion;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_RELIGION, oldReligion, religion);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the foundBy
    public String getFoundBy() {
        return foundBy;

     * @param foundBy the foundBy to set
    public void setFoundBy(String foundBy) {
        java.lang.String oldFoundBy = this.foundBy;
        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("foundBy", oldFoundBy, foundBy);
            this.foundBy = foundBy;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_FOUNDBY, oldFoundBy, foundBy);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the createdDatetime
    public Date getCreatedDatetime() {
        return createdDatetime;

     * @param createdDatetime the createdDatetime to set
    public void setCreatedDatetime(Date createdDatetime) {
        java.util.Date oldCreatedDatetime = this.createdDatetime;
        this.createdDatetime = createdDatetime;
        propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_CREATEDDATETIME, oldCreatedDatetime, createdDatetime);

     * @return the updatedDatetime
    public Date getUpdatedDatetime() {
        return updatedDatetime;

     * @param updatedDatetime the updatedDatetime to set
    public void setUpdatedDatetime(Date updatedDatetime) {
        java.util.Date oldUpdatedDatetime = this.updatedDatetime;
        this.updatedDatetime = updatedDatetime;
        propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_UPDATEDDATETIME, oldUpdatedDatetime, updatedDatetime);

     * @return the contactCallCollection
    public Collection<ContactCall> getContactCallCollection() {
        return contactCallCollection;

     * @param contactCallCollection the contactCallCollection to set
    public void setContactCallCollection(Collection<ContactCall> contactCallCollection) {
        java.util.Collection<org.jw.service.entity.ContactCall> oldContactCallCollection = this.contactCallCollection;
        this.contactCallCollection = contactCallCollection;
        propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_CONTACTCALLCOLLECTION, oldContactCallCollection,

     * @return the serviceGroupId
    public ServiceGroup getServiceGroupId() {
        return serviceGroupId;

     * @param serviceGroupId the serviceGroupId to set
    public void setServiceGroupId(ServiceGroup serviceGroupId) {
        org.jw.service.entity.ServiceGroup oldServiceGroupId = this.serviceGroupId;

        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("serviceGroupId", oldServiceGroupId, serviceGroupId);
            this.serviceGroupId = serviceGroupId;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_SERVICEGROUPID, oldServiceGroupId, serviceGroupId);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the statusId
    public ContactStatus getStatusId() {
        return statusId;

     * @param statusId the statusId to set
    public void setStatusId(ContactStatus statusId) {
        org.jw.service.entity.ContactStatus oldStatusId = this.statusId;

        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("statusId", oldStatusId, statusId);
            this.statusId = statusId;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_STATUSID, oldStatusId, statusId);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

    public static final String PROP_ID = "id";
    public static final String PROP_RECORDNUMBER = "recordNumber";
    public static final String PROP_RECORDDATE = "recordDate";
    public static final String PROP_BIRTHDATE = "birthdate";
    public static final String PROP_LASTNAME = "lastName";
    public static final String PROP_FIRSTNAME = "firstName";
    public static final String PROP_NICKNAME = "nickName";
    public static final String PROP_SEX = "sex";
    public static final String PROP_MARITALSTATUS = "maritalStatus";
    public static final String PROP_NATIONALITY = "nationality";
    public static final String PROP_PROFILEPICTURE = "profilePicture";
    public static final String PROP_HOUSENUMBER = "houseNumber";
    public static final String PROP_STREET = "street";
    public static final String PROP_BARANGAY = "barangay";
    public static final String PROP_CITY = "city";
    public static final String PROP_AREA = "area";
    public static final String PROP_PERSONALBACKGROUND = "personalBackground";
    public static final String PROP_FAMILYBACKGROUND = "familyBackground";
    public static final String PROP_WORKBACKGROUND = "workBackground";
    public static final String PROP_PHONENUMBER = "phoneNumber";
    public static final String PROP_MOBILENUMBER = "mobileNumber";
    public static final String PROP_EMAILADDRESS = "emailAddress";
    public static final String PROP_SKYPEACCOUNT = "skypeAccount";
    public static final String PROP_FACEBOOKACCOUNT = "facebookAccount";
    public static final String PROP_FATHERSNAME = "fathersName";
    public static final String PROP_MOTHERSNAME = "mothersName";
    public static final String PROP_RELIGION = "religion";
    public static final String PROP_FOUNDBY = "foundBy";
    public static final String PROP_CREATEDDATETIME = "createdDatetime";
    public static final String PROP_UPDATEDDATETIME = "updatedDatetime";
    public static final String PROP_CONTACTCALLCOLLECTION = "contactCallCollection";
    public static final String PROP_SERVICEGROUPID = "serviceGroupId";
    public static final String PROP_LOCATIONMAPID = "locationMapId";
    public static final String PROP_STATUSID = "statusId";
    public static final String PROP_SAVESTATE = "saveState";

    public int hashCode() {
        int hash = 0;
        hash += (id != null ? id.hashCode() : 0);
        return hash;

    public boolean equals(Object object) {
        // TODO: Warning - this method won't work in the case the id fields are not set
        if (!(object instanceof Contact)) {
            return false;
        Contact other = (Contact) object;
        if (( == null && != null) || ( != null && ! {
            return false;
        return true;

    public String getFullname() {
        return toString();

    public String toString() {
        //return "org.jw.service.entity.Contact[ id=" + id + " ]";
        String stringName;

        if (firstName.equals("") && !lastName.equals(""))
            stringName = getLastName();
        else if (lastName.equals("") && !firstName.equals(""))
            stringName = this.getFirstName();
        else if (!firstName.equals("") && !lastName.equals(""))
            stringName = this.getLastName() + ", " + this.getFirstName();
            stringName = this.getRecordNumber();

        return stringName;

    public String getSaveState() {
        return saveState;

    public void setSaveState(String saveState) {
        String oldSaveState = this.saveState;
        this.saveState = saveState;
        propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("saveState", oldSaveState, saveState);

    public void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener) {

    public void addVetoableChangeListener(String name, VetoableChangeListener listener) {
        this.vetoableChangeSupport.addVetoableChangeListener(name, listener);

    public void removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener) {

    public void removeVetoableChangeListener(String name, VetoableChangeListener listener) {
        this.vetoableChangeSupport.removeVetoableChangeListener(name, listener);

    public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {

    public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {

    public void addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener listener) {
        propertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(propertyName, listener);

    public void removePropertyChangeListener(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener listener) {
        propertyChangeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(propertyName, listener);

    public void silentSetProperty(String name, Object value) {
        switch (name.trim()) {
        case "recordNumber":
            this.recordNumber = (String) value;
        case "updatedDatetime":
            this.updatedDatetime = (Date) value;
        case "serviceGroupId":
            this.serviceGroupId = (ServiceGroup) value;
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Property not Supported: " + name);

     * @return the territoryId
    public Territory getTerritoryId() {
        return territoryId;

     * @param territoryId the territoryId to set
    public void setTerritoryId(Territory territoryId) {
        Territory oldTerritoryId = this.territoryId;

        try {
            this.vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("territoryId", oldTerritoryId, territoryId);
            this.territoryId = territoryId;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("territoryId", oldTerritoryId, territoryId);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

    public int compareTo(Contact t) {
        String firstName1 = this.firstName == null ? "" : this.firstName;
        String lastName1 = this.lastName == null ? "" : this.lastName;
        String firstName2 = t.getFirstName() == null ? "" : t.getFirstName();
        String lastName2 = t.getLastName() == null ? "" : t.getLastName();

        int lastCompare = lastName1.compareTo(lastName2);
        return (lastCompare != 0 ? lastCompare : firstName1.compareTo(firstName2));

    public LocationMap getLocationMapId() {
        return locationMapId;

    public void setLocationMapId(LocationMap locationMapId) {
        LocationMap oldLocationMap = this.locationMapId;
        this.locationMapId = locationMapId;
        propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("locationMap", oldLocationMap, locationMapId);

    public String getName() {
        return "";

    public void setPrinted(Boolean printed) {
        Boolean oldPrinted = this.printed;

        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("printed", oldPrinted, printed);
            this.printed = printed;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("printed", oldPrinted, printed);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

    public Boolean getPrinted() {
        return this.printed;

    public boolean hasDependentEntities() {
        return !getContactCallCollection().isEmpty();

    public boolean isMissingRequiredFields() {
        return (getFirstName().trim().equals("") && getLastName().trim().equals(""));

    public String getImplementingClassName() {
        return "Contact";

     * @return the guardiansName
    public String getGuardiansName() {
        return guardiansName;

     * @param guardiansName the guardiansName to set
     * @throws java.beans.PropertyVetoException
    public void setGuardiansName(String guardiansName) {
        java.lang.String oldGuardiansName = this.guardiansName;
        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange(PROP_GUARDIANSNAME, oldGuardiansName, guardiansName);
            this.guardiansName = guardiansName;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_GUARDIANSNAME, oldGuardiansName, guardiansName);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

     * @return the history
    public String getHistory() {
        return history;

     * @param history the history to set
    public void setHistory(String history) {
        java.lang.String oldHistory = this.history;
        try {
            vetoableChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange("history", oldHistory, history);
            this.history = history;
            propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_HISTORY, oldHistory, history);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {

    public String getAge() {
        if (this.birthdate == null)
            return "<No Birthdate>";

        LocalDate dob = LocalDate.fromDateFields(birthdate);
        LocalDate now =;

        Period period = new Period(dob, now, PeriodType.yearMonthDay());

        return String.format("%d years & %d months", period.getYears(), period.getMonths());

    public boolean getHasMap() {
        if (locationMapId == null)
            return false;
        else {
            if (locationMapId.getImage() == null)
                return false;
                return true;