Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2011 Matthias Steinkogler, Thomas Frer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see */ package org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.thinbackup.backup; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.thinbackup.ThinBackupPeriodicWork.BackupType; import org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.thinbackup.utils.Utils; /** * A BackupSet contains references to a full and zero or more diff backups. It can be created from either a reference to * a full or diff backup directory or from a reference to a ZIP file. If it is created from a ZIP file, the BackupSet * must be unzipped before the data contained can be actually accessed (it is never unzipped automatically). */ public class BackupSet implements Comparable<BackupSet> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("hudson.plugins.thinbackup"); public static final String BACKUPSET_ZIPFILE_PREFIX = "BACKUPSET"; private boolean inZipFile = false; private File backupSetzipFile = null; private File unzipDir = null; private File fullBackup; private String fullBackupName = null; private List<File> diffBackups; private List<String> diffBackupsNames; /** * @param initial either a FULL or DIFF backup directory, or a BackupSet ZIP file. */ public BackupSet(final File initial) { fullBackup = null; diffBackups = null; boolean success = false; final String name = initial.getName(); if ((name.startsWith(BACKUPSET_ZIPFILE_PREFIX)) && (name.endsWith(HudsonBackup.ZIP_FILE_EXTENSION))) { inZipFile = true; backupSetzipFile = initial; } else { if (name.startsWith(BackupType.FULL.toString())) { fullBackup = initial; } else if (name.startsWith(BackupType.DIFF.toString())) { fullBackup = Utils.getReferencedFullBackup(initial); } } success = initialize(); if (!success) { LOGGER.warning(String .format("Could not initialize backup set from file/directory '%s' as it is not valid.", name)); } } private boolean initialize() { boolean success = false; diffBackupsNames = new ArrayList<String>(); if (inZipFile) { success = initializeFromZipFile(); } else { success = initializeFromDirs(); } if (!success) { fullBackup = null; fullBackupName = null; if (diffBackups != null) { diffBackups.clear(); } diffBackups = null; if (diffBackupsNames != null) { diffBackupsNames.clear(); } diffBackupsNames = null; } if (success && (diffBackupsNames != null)) { Collections.sort(diffBackupsNames); } return success; } private boolean initializeFromZipFile() { boolean success = true; ZipFile zipFile = null; try { Utils.waitUntilFileCanBeRead(backupSetzipFile); zipFile = new ZipFile(backupSetzipFile); final Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> zipEntries = zipFile.entries(); while (zipEntries.hasMoreElements() && success) { final ZipEntry entry = zipEntries.nextElement(); String tmpName = entry.getName(); tmpName = tmpName.substring(0, tmpName.indexOf(File.separator)); if (tmpName.startsWith(BackupType.FULL.toString())) { if ((fullBackupName == null) || fullBackupName.equals(tmpName)) { fullBackupName = tmpName; } else { LOGGER.warning(String.format( "Backup set '%s' contains multiple full backups and is therefore not valid.", zipFile.getName())); success = false; } } else if (tmpName.startsWith(BackupType.DIFF.toString()) && !diffBackupsNames.contains(tmpName)) { diffBackupsNames.add(tmpName); } } } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, String.format("Cannot initialize BackupSet from ZIP file '%s'.", backupSetzipFile.getName()), e); success = false; } finally { try { if (zipFile != null) { zipFile.close(); } } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, String.format("Cannot close ZIP file '%s'.", backupSetzipFile.getName()), e); success = false; } } return success; } private boolean initializeFromDirs() { boolean success = false; if (fullBackup != null) { fullBackupName = fullBackup.getName(); diffBackups = Utils.getReferencingDiffBackups(fullBackup); success = true; } if (success && (diffBackups != null) && !diffBackups.isEmpty()) { diffBackupsNames = new ArrayList<String>(diffBackups.size()); for (final File diffBackup : diffBackups) { final String tmpName = diffBackup.getName(); if (!diffBackupsNames.contains(tmpName)) { diffBackupsNames.add(tmpName); } else { LOGGER.warning( "Backup set contains multiple diff backups with the same name. This is not allowed; backup set is invalid."); success = false; } } } return success; } /** * @return true if this backup set has a referenced full backup. */ public boolean isValid() { return (fullBackupName != null); } public void delete() throws IOException { if (isValid()) { if (!inZipFile) { if (fullBackup != null) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(fullBackup); fullBackup = null; } if (diffBackups != null) { for (final File diffBackup : diffBackups) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(diffBackup); } diffBackups = null; } } else { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(backupSetzipFile); deleteUnzipDir(); } } } /** * Deletes the directory used for unzipping this BackupSet. Note that this will make BackupSets created from that * directory no longer usable. */ public void deleteUnzipDir() { if ((unzipDir != null) && (unzipDir.exists())) { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(unzipDir); } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.warning(String.format("Could not delete unzipping directory '%s'. Please delete manually.", unzipDir.getAbsolutePath())); } } } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer(); strBuf.append("[FULL backup: "); if (fullBackupName != null) { strBuf.append(fullBackupName); } else { strBuf.append("NONE"); } strBuf.append("; DIFF backups: "); boolean hasDiffs = false; if (diffBackupsNames != null) { for (final String diffBackup : diffBackupsNames) { strBuf.append(diffBackup); strBuf.append(","); } if (diffBackupsNames.size() > 0) { strBuf.deleteCharAt(strBuf.length() - 1); hasDiffs = true; } } if (!hasDiffs) { strBuf.append("NONE"); } strBuf.append("]"); return strBuf.toString(); } /** * Unzips this backup set if it was initialized from a ZIP file. Does does NOT change <i>this</i>. Unzip location is * Utils.THINBACKUP_TMP_DIR. deleteUnzipDir() may be called if the unzipped BackupSet is no longer needed. Before * using the returned BackupSet, it should be checked if it is valid. * * @return a new BackupSet referencing the unzipped directories, or the current BackupSet if it was either not created * from a ZIP file or is invalid. In case of an error an invalid BackupSet is returned. * @throws IOException - if an I/O error occurs. */ public BackupSet unzip() throws IOException { BackupSet result = null; if (inZipFile && isValid()) { result = unzipTo(new File(Utils.THINBACKUP_TMP_DIR)); } else { result = this; } return result; } /** * Unzips this backup set into a directory within the specified directory if it was initialized from a ZIP file. Does * NOT change <i>this</i>. deleteUnzipDir() may be called if the unzipped BackupSet is no longer needed. The directory * the BackupSet was unzipped to can be retrieved with getUnzipDir(). Before using the returned BackupSet, it should * be checked if it is valid. * * @param directory target directory * @return a new BackupSet referencing the unzipped directories, or the current BackupSet if it was either not created * from a ZIP file or is invalid. In case of an error an invalid BackupSet is returned. * @throws IOException - if an I/O error occurs. */ public BackupSet unzipTo(final File directory) throws IOException { BackupSet result = null; if (inZipFile && isValid()) { if (!directory.exists()) { directory.mkdirs(); } unzipDir = new File(directory, getBackupSetZipFileName().replace(HudsonBackup.ZIP_FILE_EXTENSION, "")); if (!unzipDir.exists()) { unzipDir.mkdirs(); } final ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(backupSetzipFile); final byte data[] = new byte[DirectoriesZipper.BUFFER_SIZE]; final Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> zipEntries = zipFile.entries(); while (zipEntries.hasMoreElements()) { final ZipEntry entry = zipEntries.nextElement(); final String fullPathToEntry = entry.getName(); final String pathToEntry = fullPathToEntry.substring(0, fullPathToEntry.lastIndexOf(File.separator)); final File entryDir = new File(unzipDir, pathToEntry); entryDir.mkdirs(); final String entryName = fullPathToEntry.substring(fullPathToEntry.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1); final BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(zipFile.getInputStream(entry)); final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( new File(unzipDir + File.separator + pathToEntry, entryName)); final BufferedOutputStream dest = new BufferedOutputStream(fos, DirectoriesZipper.BUFFER_SIZE); int count = 0; while ((count = != -1) { dest.write(data, 0, count); } dest.flush(); dest.close(); } zipFile.close(); final File[] backups = unzipDir.listFiles(); if (backups.length > 0) { result = new BackupSet(backups[0]); } else { // in case of an error (i.e. nothing was unzipped) return an invalid BackupSet result = new BackupSet(unzipDir); } } else { result = this; } return result; } /** * @param directory target directory * @return a reference to the created ZIP file, the current ZIP file if the BackupSet was created from one (because no * zipping is performed in this case), or null if this BackupSet is invalid. */ public File zipTo(final File directory) { File zipFile = null; if (isValid()) { if (!inZipFile) { DirectoriesZipper zipper = null; try { if (!directory.exists()) { final boolean success = directory.mkdirs(); if (!success) { throw new IOException( String.format("Could not create directory '%s'.", directory.getAbsolutePath())); } } final String zipFileName = getBackupSetZipFileName(); zipFile = new File(directory, zipFileName); zipper = new DirectoriesZipper(zipFile); zipper.addToZip(getFullBackup()); for (final File diffBackup : getDiffBackups()) { zipper.addToZip(diffBackup); } } catch (final IOException ioe) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not zip backup set.", ioe); } finally { try { zipper.close(); } catch (final IOException ioe) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not zip backup set.", ioe); } } } else { zipFile = backupSetzipFile; } } return zipFile; } private String getBackupSetZipFileName() { return String.format("%s_%s_%s%s", BACKUPSET_ZIPFILE_PREFIX, getFormattedFullBackupDate(), getFormattedLatestDiffBackupDate(), HudsonBackup.ZIP_FILE_EXTENSION); } private String getFormattedFullBackupDate() { String result = ""; final Date tmp = Utils.getDateFromBackupDirectoryName(fullBackupName); if (tmp != null) { result = Utils.DIRECTORY_NAME_DATE_FORMAT.format(tmp); } return result; } private String getFormattedLatestDiffBackupDate() { String result = ""; if ((diffBackupsNames != null) && (diffBackupsNames.size() > 0)) { final Date tmp = Utils .getDateFromBackupDirectoryName(diffBackupsNames.get(diffBackupsNames.size() - 1)); if (tmp != null) { result = Utils.DIRECTORY_NAME_DATE_FORMAT.format(tmp); } } return result; } /** * Compares the backup sets by using the sets' associated full backups' backup date. * * @return -1 if this BackupSet's full backup date is before the other's, 0 if they are equal, 1 if is after the * other's. */ @Override public int compareTo(final BackupSet other) { final String otherFullBackupName = other.getFullBackupName(); if ((other == this) || ((fullBackupName == null) && (otherFullBackupName == null))) { return 0; } else if (fullBackupName == null) { return -1; } else if (otherFullBackupName == null) { return 1; } return fullBackupName.compareTo(otherFullBackupName); } /** * @param directory directory to search for * @return true if this BackupSet contains a backup directory with the same name or if directory is null. Note that * only the top level backup directories are checked, not any other contents of the BackupSet. */ public boolean containsDirectory(final File directory) { if ((directory == null) || (!directory.isDirectory()) || !isValid()) { return false; } final String directoryName = directory.getName(); boolean inDiffs = false; if (diffBackupsNames != null) { for (final String diffBackupName : diffBackupsNames) { inDiffs = directoryName.equals(diffBackupName); if (inDiffs) { break; } } } return (inDiffs || directoryName.equals(fullBackupName)); } /** * @param date date to search for * @return true if a backup for the given date exists in this BackupSet. */ public boolean containsBackupForDate(final Date date) { if ((date == null) || !isValid()) { return false; } Date tmp = null; boolean inDiffs = false; if (diffBackupsNames != null) { for (final String diffBackupName : diffBackupsNames) { tmp = Utils.getDateFromBackupDirectoryName(diffBackupName); inDiffs = (tmp != null) && date.equals(tmp); if (inDiffs) { break; } } } tmp = Utils.getDateFromBackupDirectoryName(fullBackupName); return (inDiffs || ((tmp != null) && date.equals(tmp))); } /** * @return true if this BackupSet was constructed from a ZIP file. */ public boolean isInZipFile() { return inZipFile; } /** * @return the full backup directory reference, or null if this BackupSet is in a ZIP file. */ public File getFullBackup() { return fullBackup; } /** * @return the name of full backup directory. */ public String getFullBackupName() { return fullBackupName; } /** * @return a List of diff backup directory references, or null if this BackupSet is in a ZIP file. */ public List<File> getDiffBackups() { return diffBackups; } /** * @return a List of diff backup directory names. */ public List<String> getDiffBackupsNames() { return diffBackupsNames; } /** * @return a reference to the directory where this BackupSet was unzipped, or null if it either was not yet unzipped * or if this BackupSet is not in a ZIP file. */ public File getUnzipDir() { return unzipDir; } }