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Copyright 2009 web-accessibility-testing committers
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package org.julianharty.accessibility.automation;

import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension;
import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor;
import org.openqa.selenium.Keys;
import org.openqa.selenium.Point;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

 * Keyboard handler helper functions e.g. to tab through a web page.
 * The helper functions are intended to assist with automated testing of
 * keyboard navigation e.g. for usability and accessibility.
public class KeyboardHelpers {
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(KeyboardHelpers.class.getCanonicalName());
    private static final String TAB_KEYWORD = "Tab:";
    private static Dimension currentSize;

    private KeyboardHelpers() {
        // Helper class. Stop callers from instantiating us.

     * Uses the tab key to navigate around a web page.
     * Helps determine which elements are reachable with the tab key and
     * whether the first active element can be reached again (indicating we
     * can 'loop' around the tabable elements on the page.
     * Any iFrames are visited recursively.
     * A sample call follows:
     * <code><br/>
    public void testTabbingThroughGoogleSearchResults() throws InterruptedException { <br/>
       FirefoxDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); <br/>
       driver.get(""); <br/>
       int maxTabsToEnter = 300; <br/>
       int tabs = KeyboardHelpers.tabThroughWebPage(driver, maxTabsToEnter);<br/>
       assertTrue("Expected at least 50 tabs, only needed " + tabs, tabs > 50);<br/>
     } </code>
     * @param driver a WebDriver connection with the target page loaded.
     * @param maxTabsToEnter the maximum tabs we should need to visit all the
     * tabable elements. Consider providing a 2x or 3x the expected number,
     * particularly for complex, unknown content.  
     * @return the number of tabs issued if the method reached an element that
     * matched the first active element, else -1 if it failed to complete
     * within the specified number of tabs. 
     * @throws InterruptedException if the call to sleep fails. 
    public static int tabThroughWebPage(WebDriver driver, int maxTabsToEnter) throws InterruptedException {

        WebElement firstElement = driver.switchTo().activeElement();
        WebElement currentElement = firstElement;
        currentSize = firstElement.getSize();

        int tabsIssued = 0;
        int iFrame = 0;
        String currentTagName = "(not set)";
        try {
            while (tabsIssued < (maxTabsToEnter)) {
                Point currentLocation = currentElement.getLocation();
                logDetailsOfWebElement(currentElement, currentLocation, tabsIssued);
                currentTagName = currentElement.getTagName();

                 * for iframes switch to the iframe and call ourself recursively. We
                 * think it always starts from _top of the iframe. That call will
                 * tab until it 'falls out' of the active elements in the iframe.
                 * Body will then be returned, then we need to switch back to the
                 * parent.
                 * Note: use periods to separate nested frames.

                if (currentTagName.equals("iframe")) {
                    // A simple calculation to limit tabs in a 'broken' iFrame for now.
                    tabThroughWebPage(driver, maxTabsToEnter - tabsIssued);
                    // Will the following skip over the 'body' of the iFrame?
                    currentElement = driver.switchTo().activeElement();

                String currentTitle = getTitleOfCurrentElement(driver, currentElement);

                // Here is one of the termination conditions, if we find one of our titles.
                if (currentTitle.contains(TAB_KEYWORD + 0)) {
                            String.format("Title %s of element matches the value set", currentTitle),
                            currentElement, tabsIssued);
                    return tabsIssued;

                setWebElementAttributesAsAppropriate(driver, currentElement, tabsIssued, currentTagName);

                currentElement.sendKeys(Keys.TAB); // "\t" also works
                // TODO 2011Aug16 Don't sleep with IE driver, it's too slow
                // Thread.sleep(500L);

                String previousTagName = currentTagName;
                Point previousLocation = currentLocation;
                Dimension previousSize = currentSize;
                currentElement = driver.switchTo().activeElement();
                currentLocation = currentElement.getLocation();
                currentSize = currentElement.getSize();
                currentTagName = currentElement.getTagName();

                /* Loop termination is still imprecise. Typically the first element
                 * is the body element, however in some GWT applications it's a div
                 * element for reasons I don't yet fathom. 
                 * TODO(jharty): improve the precision and reliability of the 
                 * matching as we learn more about how to interact with elements
                 * on the page. 

                if (GeneralHelpers.locationMatches(currentLocation, previousLocation)
                        && GeneralHelpers.dimensionsAreEqual(currentSize, previousSize)
                        && currentTagName.equals(previousTagName) && !currentTagName.equals("body")) {
                            "Bad news: Element %s seems to match %s after tabbing. Are NativeEvents working?",
                            currentTagName, previousTagName), currentElement, tabsIssued);
                    // Tell the user to check native events are working
                    return -1;

                if (currentElement.equals(firstElement) && tabsIssued >= 3) {
                    logTerminationCondition("Current element matches first element", currentElement, tabsIssued);
                    return tabsIssued;
        } catch (WebDriverException wde) {
            String innerHTML = (String) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver)
                    .executeScript("return arguments[0].innerHTML;", currentElement);
            LOG.warning(String.format("Current Tag %s, InnerHTML for problem element is %s", currentTagName,
            throw wde;
        return -1;

     * A helper method to log details of the web element from WebDriver.
     * @param element the element to report on
     * @param location the co-ordinates of the element
     * @param tabsIssued the number of tab keys issued so far
    private static void logDetailsOfWebElement(WebElement element, Point location, int tabsIssued) {
        // Probably want to print various attributes e.g. the link text"%03d: Tag name %s WebElement %s name %s text %s value %s", tabsIssued,
                element.getTagName(), element.hashCode(), element.toString(), element.getText(),
        // RenderedWebElement rwe = (RenderedWebElement) element;"[%03d] Location (%03d,%03d)", tabsIssued, location.x, location.y));

     * Sets various attributes of web elements to help visualise the tab order.
     * Some elements are inappropriate to set attributes. These will be
     * skipped.
     * @param driver WebDriver instance
     * @param currentElement the element to consider setting the attributes for
     * @param tabsIssued the tabs issued so far, used as part of the title 
     * attribute
     * @param currentTagName the textual description of the current element
    private static void setWebElementAttributesAsAppropriate(WebDriver driver, WebElement currentElement,
            int tabsIssued, String currentTagName) {
        if (currentTagName.equals("body") || currentTagName.equals("iframe") || currentTagName.equals("html")) {
        try {
            ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("arguments[0].style.background = \"orange\";",
            ((JavascriptExecutor) driver)
                    .executeScript("arguments[0].title = \"" + TAB_KEYWORD + tabsIssued + "\";", currentElement);
        } catch (WebDriverException wde) {
            LOG.log(Level.WARNING, String.format("Tried to set the background for %s", currentTagName), wde);

     * A simple helper method to log the termination condition.
     * The main reason this has been created is to reduce duplication in the
     * main method. 
     * TODO (jharty): This code is ugly and probably worth reassessing at some
     * point.
     * @param whyTerminated a text-based description of which valid termination
     * was detected. Useful while we're trying to improve the loop detection.
     * @param currentElement the current element on the web page
     * @param tabsIssued the number of tab keys issued so far
    private static void logTerminationCondition(String whyTerminated, WebElement currentElement, int tabsIssued) {"Terminating tabThroughWebPage because [%s], tabbed through %d elements",
                whyTerminated, tabsIssued));"Tag name %s WebElement %s name %s text %s value %s", currentElement.getTagName(),
                currentElement.hashCode(), currentElement.toString(), currentElement.getText(),

     * Returns the title of the current Web Element.
     * At the moment it makes no distinction between web elements. We may want
     * to limit the query to elements that have a 'title'. 
    private static String getTitleOfCurrentElement(WebDriver driver, WebElement currentElement) {
        String currentTitle = (String) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("return arguments[0].title;",
        return currentTitle;

     * Gets the value of a webdriver element if it's available.
     * Current versions of Webdriver throw an exception if the value isn't 
     * available, older versions did not. This helper method catches the 
     * exception and returns (unavailable) as a string. 
     * @param currentElement a webdriver element.
    private static String getValueFromWebdriverIfAvailable(WebElement currentElement) {
        String valueOfCurrentElement;
        try {
            valueOfCurrentElement = currentElement.getAttribute("value");
        } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
            valueOfCurrentElement = "(not available)";
        return valueOfCurrentElement;

     * for (WebElement divs : driver.findElements("div")) {
     *   Boolean res = (Boolean) driver.executeScript (return arguments[0].onclick != undefined", element);
     *   }