Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2010 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jtsan; import org.objectweb.asm.Label; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import org.objectweb.asm.commons.GeneratorAdapter; import java.util.List; /** * Arranges instrumentation code around calls, both static and virtual. * * Inserts runtime class checking for all targets given. Delegates complex * visitor functionality to {@code MethodTransformer.GenerationCallback}, such * as: * * PC generation, * * LocalVarsSaver creation, * * bytecode generation, * * {@code EventListener} invocation, * * etc. * * @author Egor Pasko */ public class InstrumentCalls { private final int opcode; private final String owner; private final String desc; private final GeneratorAdapter gen; private final MethodTransformer.GenerationCallback cb; private List<MethodMapping.HandlerInfo> beforeTargets; private List<MethodMapping.HandlerInfo> afterTargets; private List<MethodMapping.HandlerInfo> exceptionTargets; private LocalVarsSaver saver; private LocalVarsSaver saverThis; public InstrumentCalls(MethodTransformer.GenerationCallback cb, GeneratorAdapter gen, int opcode, String owner, String desc) { this.cb = cb; this.gen = gen; this.opcode = opcode; this.owner = owner; this.desc = desc; } public void setBeforeTargets(List<MethodMapping.HandlerInfo> beforeTargets) { this.beforeTargets = beforeTargets; } public void setAfterTargets(List<MethodMapping.HandlerInfo> afterTargets) { this.afterTargets = afterTargets; } public void setExceptionTargets(List<MethodMapping.HandlerInfo> exceptionTargets) { this.exceptionTargets = exceptionTargets; } public void generateCall() { // Test staticExceptionCorrectness fails by two reasons: // 1. There is no proper class test prior to interceptor call for static method // 2. The signature of the interceptor is incorrect // TODO(vors): Fix instrumentation of static methods. int beforeListeners = countListenerCalls(beforeTargets); int afterListeners = countListenerCalls(afterTargets); int exceptionListeners = countListenerCalls(exceptionTargets); int listeners = beforeListeners + afterListeners + exceptionListeners; if (listeners > 0) { saver = cb.createLocalVarsSaver(); saver.saveStack(); if (opcode != Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC) { // Store the object in a local variable. saverThis = cb.createObjSaver(); saverThis.saveAndLoadStack(); } } if (beforeListeners > 0) { genListenerCalls(beforeTargets, false /* saveRet */); } if (listeners > 0) { saver.loadStack(); } if (exceptionListeners == 0) { // Invoke instrumenting method without interceptor. cb.visitMethodInsn(); } else { // We support zero or one exception handler for each class. if (exceptionListeners > 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Too many exceptionTargets to " + cb.getMethodName()); } MethodMapping.HandlerInfo exceptionInfo = exceptionTargets.get(0); Label startExceptionRegion = new Label(); Label endExceptionRegion = new Label(); gen.visitLabel(startExceptionRegion); cb.visitMethodInsn(); gen.visitLabel(endExceptionRegion); genTryCatchBlock(exceptionInfo, startExceptionRegion, endExceptionRegion); } if (afterListeners > 0) { genListenerCalls(afterTargets, true /* saveRet */); } } private static String addClassAsFirstArgument(String className, String desc) { return desc.replace("(", "(L" + className + ";"); } private int countListenerCalls(List<MethodMapping.HandlerInfo> targets) { int ret = 0; if (targets == null) { return 0; } for (MethodMapping.HandlerInfo target : targets) { if (!target.isExact() || target.getWatchedClass().equals(owner)) { ret++; } } return ret; } private void genTryCatchBlock(MethodMapping.HandlerInfo target, Label startExceptionRegion, Label endExceptionRegion) { Label startCatchRegion = new Label(); Label labelSkip = new Label(); Label labelAfter = new Label(); boolean isStatic = (opcode == Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC); gen.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.GOTO, labelAfter); gen.visitLabel(startCatchRegion); // TODO(vors): Handle static method exceptions incorrectly: we don't check class if (!isStatic) { // Skip the event if 'this' is not a child of the base class. saverThis.loadStack(); gen.instanceOf(Type.getObjectType(target.getWatchedClass())); gen.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFEQ, labelSkip); } // Restore stack to invoke exception handler. // dup() exception object. gen.dup(); if (!isStatic) { saverThis.loadStack(); gen.swap(); } gen.push(cb.codePosition()); cb.listenerCall(target.getHandler(), (isStatic ? "(" : ("(L" + target.getWatchedClass()) + ";") + "Ljava/lang/Throwable;J)V"); gen.visitLabel(labelSkip); // throw exception object to next handler in exception table. gen.throwException(); gen.visitLabel(labelAfter); // Mark try catch region with highest priority to all Exceptions. cb.topVisitTryCatchBlock(startExceptionRegion, endExceptionRegion, startCatchRegion, "java/lang/Throwable"); } private void genListenerCalls(List<MethodMapping.HandlerInfo> targets, boolean saveRet) { boolean returns = false; if (saveRet && saver.hasReturnValue()) { returns = true; } if (returns) { saver.saveReturnValue(); } for (MethodMapping.HandlerInfo target : targets) { Label labelSkip = new Label(); Label labelAfter = new Label(); boolean exact = target.isExact(); boolean callGenerated = false; boolean listenStatic = (opcode == Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC); if (!listenStatic) { saverThis.loadStack(); } // Shape the listener method's descriptor. String tailReplacement = "J)V"; int idx = desc.indexOf(")"); if (returns) { String retType = desc.substring(idx + 1, desc.length()); tailReplacement = retType + tailReplacement; } String actualDesc = desc.substring(0, idx) + tailReplacement; if (!listenStatic) { actualDesc = addClassAsFirstArgument(target.getWatchedClass(), actualDesc); } // Insert type match checking and the listener call. if (!exact && !listenStatic) { // Skip the event if 'this' is not a child of the base class. gen.dup(); gen.instanceOf(Type.getObjectType(target.getWatchedClass())); gen.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFEQ, labelSkip); gen.checkCast(Type.getObjectType(target.getWatchedClass())); } if (!exact || target.getWatchedClass().equals(owner)) { saver.loadStack(); if (returns) { saver.loadReturnValue(); } gen.push(cb.codePosition()); cb.listenerCall(target.getHandler(), actualDesc); callGenerated = true; } if (callGenerated && !listenStatic) { gen.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.GOTO, labelAfter); gen.visitLabel(labelSkip); gen.pop(); gen.visitLabel(labelAfter); } } if (returns) { saver.loadReturnValue(); } } }