Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of TERMINAL RECALL * Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Chuck Ritola * Part of the project * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * chuck - initial API and implementation ******************************************************************************/ package org.jtrfp.trcl; import java.awt.Component; import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.MathArithmeticException; import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix; import org.jtrfp.trcl.beh.FacingObject; import org.jtrfp.trcl.beh.MatchDirection; import org.jtrfp.trcl.beh.MatchPosition; import org.jtrfp.trcl.beh.RotateAroundObject; import org.jtrfp.trcl.beh.SkyCubeCloudModeUpdateBehavior; import org.jtrfp.trcl.beh.TriggersVisCalcWithMovement; import org.jtrfp.trcl.core.TR; import org.jtrfp.trcl.gpu.GPU; import org.jtrfp.trcl.obj.PositionedRenderable; import org.jtrfp.trcl.obj.RelevantEverywhere; import org.jtrfp.trcl.obj.WorldObject; import com.ochafik.util.listenable.DefaultListenableCollection; import com.ochafik.util.listenable.ListenableCollection; public class Camera extends WorldObject implements RelevantEverywhere { //// PROPERTIES public static final String FOG_ENABLED = "fogEnabled"; public static final String FLAT_CUBE_POSITION = "flatCubePosition"; public static final String ROOT_GRID = "rootGrid"; private volatile RealMatrix completeMatrix; private volatile double viewDepth; private volatile RealMatrix projectionMatrix; private final GPU gpu; private volatile int updateDebugStateCounter; private RealMatrix rotationMatrix; private boolean fogEnabled = true; private final PropertyChangeSupport pcs = new PropertyChangeSupport(this); private double relevanceRadius = TR.visibilityDiameterInMapSquares * TR.mapSquareSize; private final ListenableCollection<ListenableCollection<PositionedRenderable>> relevantCubeCollection = new DefaultListenableCollection<ListenableCollection<PositionedRenderable>>( new ArrayList<ListenableCollection<PositionedRenderable>>()); private SpacePartitioningGrid rootGrid; Camera(GPU gpu) { super(gpu.getTr()); this.gpu = gpu; addBehavior(new MatchPosition().setEnable(true)); addBehavior(new MatchDirection()).setEnable(true); addBehavior(new FacingObject().setEnable(false)); addBehavior(new RotateAroundObject().setEnable(false)); addBehavior(new TriggersVisCalcWithMovement().setEnable(true)); addBehavior(new SkyCubeCloudModeUpdateBehavior()); }//end constructor private void updateProjectionMatrix() { final Component component = gpu.getTr().getRootWindow(); final float fov = 70f;// In degrees final float aspect = (float) component.getWidth() / (float) component.getHeight(); final float zF = (float) (viewDepth * 1.5); final float zN = (float) (TR.mapSquareSize / 10); final float f = (float) (1. / Math.tan(fov * Math.PI / 360.)); projectionMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[][] { new double[] { f / aspect, 0, 0, 0 }, new double[] { 0, f, 0, 0 }, new double[] { 0, 0, (zF + zN) / (zN - zF), -1f }, new double[] { 0, 0, (2f * zF * zN) / (zN - zF), 0 } }).transpose(); } /** * @return the lookAtVector */ public Vector3D getLookAtVector() { return getLookAt(); } /** * @param lookAtVector the lookAtVector to set */ public synchronized void setLookAtVector(Vector3D lookAtVector) { double[] heading = super.getHeadingArray(); heading[0] = lookAtVector.getX(); heading[1] = lookAtVector.getY(); heading[2] = lookAtVector.getZ(); //cameraMatrix=null; } /** * @return the upVector */ public Vector3D getUpVector() { return super.getTop(); } /** * @param upVector the upVector to set */ public synchronized void setUpVector(Vector3D upVector) { super.setTop(upVector); //cameraMatrix=null; } /** * @return the cameraPosition */ public Vector3D getCameraPosition() { return new Vector3D(super.getPosition()); } /** * @param cameraPosition * the cameraPosition to set */ public void setPosition(Vector3D cameraPosition) { this.setPosition(cameraPosition.getX(), cameraPosition.getY(), cameraPosition.getZ()); } @Override public synchronized void setPosition(double x, double y, double z) { super.setPosition(x, y, z); //cameraMatrix = null; } private RealMatrix applyMatrix() { try { Vector3D eyeLoc = getCameraPosition(); Vector3D aZ = getLookAtVector().negate(); Vector3D aX = getUpVector().crossProduct(aZ).normalize(); Vector3D aY = getUpVector(); rotationMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix( new double[][] { new double[] { aX.getX(), aX.getY(), aX.getZ(), 0 }, new double[] { aY.getX(), aY.getY(), aY.getZ(), 0 }, new double[] { aZ.getX(), aZ.getY(), aZ.getZ(), 0 }, new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 } }); RealMatrix tM = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[][] { new double[] { 1, 0, 0, -eyeLoc.getX() }, new double[] { 0, 1, 0, -eyeLoc.getY() }, new double[] { 0, 0, 1, -eyeLoc.getZ() }, new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 } }); return completeMatrix = getProjectionMatrix().multiply(rotationMatrix.multiply(tM)); } catch (MathArithmeticException e) { } //Don't crash. return completeMatrix; }//end applyMatrix() public synchronized void setViewDepth(double cameraViewDepth) { this.viewDepth = cameraViewDepth; projectionMatrix = null; } private RealMatrix getProjectionMatrix() { if (projectionMatrix == null) updateProjectionMatrix(); return projectionMatrix; } public double getViewDepth() { return viewDepth; } private synchronized RealMatrix getCompleteMatrix() {//if(cameraMatrix==null){ applyMatrix(); if (updateDebugStateCounter++ % 30 == 0) { gpu.getTr().getReporter().report("org.jtrfp.trcl.core.Camera.position", getPosition()[0] + " " + getPosition()[1] + " " + getPosition()[2] + " "); gpu.getTr().getReporter().report("org.jtrfp.trcl.core.Camera.lookAt", getLookAt()); gpu.getTr().getReporter().report("org.jtrfp.trcl.core.Camera.up", getTop()); } //} return completeMatrix; } public synchronized float[] getRotationMatrixAsFlatArray(float[] dest) { applyMatrix(); RealMatrix rm = rotationMatrix; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { dest[i] = (float) rm.getEntry(i / 4, i % 4); } //end for(16) return dest; }// end getRotationMatrixAsFlatArray(...) public float[] getProjectionRotationMatrixAsFlatArray() { applyMatrix();//getProjectionMatrix() doesn't implicitly apply matrix since it would cause a recursion loop final float[] result = new float[16]; final RealMatrix mat = getProjectionMatrix().multiply(rotationMatrix); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { result[i] = (float) mat.getEntry(i / 4, i % 4); } //end for(16) return result; } public float[] getCompleteMatrixAsFlatArray() { final float[] result = new float[16]; final RealMatrix mat = getCompleteMatrix(); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { result[i] = (float) mat.getEntry(i / 4, i % 4); } //end for(16) return result; } /** * @return the fogEnabled */ public boolean isFogEnabled() { return fogEnabled; } /** * @param fogEnabled the fogEnabled to set */ public Camera setFogEnabled(boolean fogEnabled) { pcs.firePropertyChange(FOG_ENABLED, this.fogEnabled, fogEnabled); this.fogEnabled = fogEnabled; return this; } public ListenableCollection<ListenableCollection<PositionedRenderable>> getRelevantCubeCollection() { return relevantCubeCollection; } /** * @return the relevanceRadius */ public double getRelevanceRadius() { return relevanceRadius; } /** * @param relevanceRadius the relevanceRadius to set */ public void setRelevanceRadius(double relevanceRadius) { this.relevanceRadius = relevanceRadius; } /** * @return the rootGrid */ public SpacePartitioningGrid getRootGrid() { return rootGrid; } /** * @param rootGrid the rootGrid to set */ public void setRootGrid(SpacePartitioningGrid rootGrid) { pcs.firePropertyChange(ROOT_GRID, this.rootGrid, rootGrid); this.rootGrid = rootGrid; } }//end Camera