Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011-2012 Stephen Connolly. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import org.mozilla.javascript.Context; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; public class PseudoFileSystem { /** * Secret key used to hold the reference to the pseudo filesystem. */ private static final Object KEY = new Object(); private final PseudoFile root = new VirtualDirectoryPseudoFile(null, ""); private final Layer[] layers; public PseudoFileSystem(Layer... layers) { this.layers = layers; } public PseudoFileSystem(List<Layer> layers) { this(layers.toArray(new Layer[layers.size()])); } public String getPathSeparator() { return "/"; } public PseudoFile[] listChildren(PseudoFile dir, PseudoFileFilter filter) { TreeMap<String, Layer> names = new TreeMap<String, Layer>(); final String path = dir.getAbsolutePath(this); for (int i = layers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (String name : layers[i].listChildren(path)) { names.put(name, layers[i]); } } List<PseudoFile> result = new ArrayList<PseudoFile>(names.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, Layer> entry : names.entrySet()) { if (filter.accept(entry.getKey())) { result.add(entry.getValue().makeChild(this, dir, entry.getKey())); } } return result.toArray(new PseudoFile[result.size()]); } public PseudoFile root() { return root; } public PseudoFile getPseudoFile(String filename) { filename = StringUtils.removeEnd(filename, getPathSeparator()); if (filename.isEmpty()) { return root(); } int index = filename.lastIndexOf(getPathSeparator()); if (index != -1) { return getPseudoFile(getPseudoFile(filename.substring(0, index)), filename.substring(index + 1)); } return getPseudoFile(root(), filename); } public PseudoFile getPseudoFile(PseudoFile parent, String name) { if (name.equals(".")) { return parent; } if (name.equals("..")) { return parent.getParentFile(); } String parentPath = parent.getAbsolutePath(this); for (Layer layer : layers) { if (layer.listChildren(parentPath).contains(name)) { return layer.makeChild(this, parent, name); } } if (layers.length == 0) { return new VirtualDirectoryPseudoFile(parent, name); } return layers[0].makeChild(this, parent, name); } public synchronized void installInContext() { Context.getCurrentContext().putThreadLocal(KEY, this); } public synchronized void removeFromContext() { final Context context = Context.getCurrentContext(); if (context != null) { context.putThreadLocal(KEY, null); } } public static PseudoFileSystem current() { final Context currentContext = Context.getCurrentContext(); return currentContext != null ? (PseudoFileSystem) currentContext.getThreadLocal(KEY) : null; } public abstract static class Layer { public abstract List<String> listChildren(String relativePath); public PseudoFile makeChild(PseudoFile parent, String name) { return makeChild(PseudoFileSystem.current(), parent, name); } public abstract PseudoFile makeChild(PseudoFileSystem fs, PseudoFile parent, String name); } public static class FileLayer extends Layer { private final String prefix; private final File root; public FileLayer(File root) { this("", root); } public FileLayer(String prefix, File root) { this.prefix = StringUtils.isEmpty(prefix) ? "/" : "/" + StringUtils.removeEnd(StringUtils.removeStart(prefix, "/"), "/") + "/"; this.root = root; } @Override public List<String> listChildren(String relativePath) { relativePath = StringUtils.removeEnd(relativePath, "/") + "/"; if (relativePath.startsWith(prefix)) { final String pathFragment = relativePath.substring(prefix.length()); final String[] list = new File(root, pathFragment).list(); return list == null ? Collections.<String>emptyList() : Arrays.asList(list); } if (prefix.startsWith(relativePath)) { int index = prefix.indexOf('/', relativePath.length() + 1); if (index != -1) { return Collections.singletonList(prefix.substring(relativePath.length(), index)); } } return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public PseudoFile makeChild(PseudoFileSystem fs, PseudoFile parent, String name) { String relativePath = StringUtils.removeEnd(parent.getAbsolutePath(fs), "/") + "/" + name; if (relativePath.startsWith(prefix)) { return new FilePseudoFile(parent, new File(root, relativePath.substring(prefix.length()))); } if (prefix.equals(relativePath + "/")) { int lastIndex = prefix.lastIndexOf('/'); int index = prefix.lastIndexOf('/', lastIndex - 1); return new AliasFilePseudoFile(parent, root, prefix.substring(index + 1, lastIndex)); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(prefix) && prefix.startsWith(relativePath)) { return new VirtualDirectoryPseudoFile(parent, name); } return new NotExistingPseudoFile(parent, name); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("FileLayer"); sb.append("{prefix='").append(prefix).append('\''); sb.append(", root=").append(root); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } } public static class ZipLayer extends PseudoFileSystem.Layer { private final String prefix; private final File zipFile; private final Map<String, ZipEntry> contents; public ZipLayer(String prefix, File zipFile) throws IOException { this.prefix = StringUtils.isEmpty(prefix) ? "/" : "/" + StringUtils.removeEnd(StringUtils.removeStart(prefix, "/"), "/") + "/"; this.zipFile = zipFile; ZipFile file = new ZipFile(zipFile); Map<String, ZipEntry> contents = new TreeMap<String, ZipEntry>(); Enumeration<ZipEntry> entries = file.getEntries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); contents.put(this.prefix + StringUtils.removeStart(entry.getName(), "/"), entry); } this.contents = contents; } @Override public List<String> listChildren(String relativePath) { relativePath = StringUtils.removeEnd(relativePath, "/") + "/"; if (relativePath.startsWith(prefix) || prefix.equals(relativePath + "/")) { final String pathFragment = StringUtils.removeEnd(relativePath, "/") + "/"; Set<String> result = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (String path : contents.keySet()) { if (path.startsWith(pathFragment)) { int index = path.indexOf('/', pathFragment.length()); if (index == -1) { result.add(path.substring(pathFragment.length())); } else { result.add(path.substring(pathFragment.length(), index)); } } } return new ArrayList<String>(result); } if (prefix.startsWith(relativePath)) { int index = prefix.indexOf('/', relativePath.length()); if (index != -1) { return Collections.singletonList(prefix.substring(relativePath.length(), index)); } } return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public PseudoFile makeChild(PseudoFileSystem fs, PseudoFile parent, String name) { String relativePath = StringUtils.removeEnd(parent.getAbsolutePath(fs), "/") + "/" + name; final ZipEntry entry = contents.get(relativePath); if (entry != null) { return new ZipPseudoFile(parent, zipFile, entry); } if (prefix.equals(relativePath + "/")) { return new VirtualDirectoryPseudoFile(parent, name); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(prefix) && prefix.startsWith(relativePath)) { return new VirtualDirectoryPseudoFile(parent, name); } for (String childPath : contents.keySet()) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(childPath) && childPath.startsWith(relativePath)) { return new VirtualDirectoryPseudoFile(parent, name); } } return new NotExistingPseudoFile(parent, name); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("ZipLayer"); sb.append("{prefix='").append(prefix).append('\''); sb.append(", zipFile=").append(zipFile); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } } }