Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package org.jsoup.nodes;


 A data node, for contents of style, script tags etc, where contents should not show in text().
 @author Jonathan Hedley, */
public class DataNode extends LeafNode {

     Create a new DataNode.
     @param data data contents
    public DataNode(String data) {
        value = data;

     Create a new DataNode.
     @param data data contents
     @param baseUri Unused, Leaf Nodes do not hold base URis
     @deprecated use {@link #DataNode(String)} instead
    public DataNode(String data, String baseUri) {

    public String nodeName() {
        return "#data";

     Get the data contents of this node. Will be unescaped and with original new lines, space etc.
     @return data
    public String getWholeData() {
        return coreValue();

     * Set the data contents of this node.
     * @param data unencoded data
     * @return this node, for chaining
    public DataNode setWholeData(String data) {
        return this;

    void outerHtmlHead(Appendable accum, int depth, Document.OutputSettings out) throws IOException {
        accum.append(getWholeData()); // data is not escaped in return from data nodes, so " in script, style is plain

    void outerHtmlTail(Appendable accum, int depth, Document.OutputSettings out) {

    public String toString() {
        return outerHtml();

     Create a new DataNode from HTML encoded data.
     @param encodedData encoded data
     @param baseUri bass URI
     @return new DataNode
    public static DataNode createFromEncoded(String encodedData, String baseUri) {
        String data = Entities.unescape(encodedData);
        return new DataNode(data);