Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2006 Gerardo Horvilleur Martinez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package org.jrman.parser; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f; import javax.vecmath.Color3f; import javax.vecmath.Matrix4f; import javax.vecmath.Point3f; import javax.vecmath.Vector3f; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.jrman.attributes.Attributes; import org.jrman.attributes.Basis; import org.jrman.attributes.DetailRange; import org.jrman.attributes.GeometricApproximation; import org.jrman.attributes.MutableAttributes; import org.jrman.attributes.Orientation; import org.jrman.attributes.ShadingInterpolation; import org.jrman.attributes.Space; import org.jrman.attributes.TextureCoordinates; import org.jrman.attributes.TrimCurveSense; import org.jrman.geom.AffineTransform; import org.jrman.geom.Bounds2f; import org.jrman.geom.Bounds3f; import org.jrman.geom.PerspectiveTransform; import org.jrman.geom.Transform; import org.jrman.main.JRMan; import org.jrman.maps.MipMap; import org.jrman.options.CameraProjection; import org.jrman.options.Display; import org.jrman.options.Exposure; import org.jrman.options.Filter; import org.jrman.options.Hider; import org.jrman.options.Quantizer; import org.jrman.parameters.Declaration; import org.jrman.parameters.ParameterList; import org.jrman.parameters.UniformArrayInteger; import org.jrman.parameters.UniformScalarFloat; import org.jrman.parameters.UniformScalarInteger; import org.jrman.parameters.UniformScalarString; import org.jrman.parameters.VaryingArrayFloat; import org.jrman.parameters.VaryingScalarFloat; import org.jrman.parameters.VaryingScalarTuple3f; import org.jrman.parser.keywords.AbstractKeywordParser; import org.jrman.parser.keywords.KeywordParser; import org.jrman.primitive.BicubicPatch; import org.jrman.primitive.BilinearPatch; import org.jrman.primitive.Cone; import org.jrman.primitive.CubicCurve; import org.jrman.primitive.Cylinder; import org.jrman.primitive.DelayedReadArchive; import org.jrman.primitive.Disk; import org.jrman.primitive.Hyperboloid; import org.jrman.primitive.LinearCurve; import org.jrman.primitive.NurbsRI; import org.jrman.primitive.ObjectInstance; import org.jrman.primitive.Paraboloid; import org.jrman.primitive.Point; import org.jrman.primitive.PointsPolygons; import org.jrman.primitive.Primitive; import org.jrman.primitive.Sphere; import org.jrman.primitive.Torus; import org.jrman.render.Renderer; import org.jrman.shaders.DisplacementShader; import org.jrman.shaders.Imager; import org.jrman.shaders.LightShader; import org.jrman.shaders.SurfaceShader; import org.jrman.shaders.VolumeShader; import org.jrman.util.Constants; public class Parser { private final static String KEYWORD_PREFIX = "org.jrman.parser.keywords.Keyword"; private final static Map<String, String> fullFileNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); private String currentDirectory; private boolean inAreaLightSource; private String beginName; private World world; private Frame frame; private Renderer renderer; private Map<String, KeywordParser> keywordParsers = new HashMap<String, KeywordParser>(); private MutableAttributes currentAttributes; private Attributes currentImmutableAttributes; private Stack<Attributes> attributeStack = new Stack<Attributes>(); private Stack<Transform> transformStack = new Stack<Transform>(); private Stack<World> worldStack = new Stack<World>(); private Stack<Frame> frameStack = new Stack<Frame>(); private Stack<State> stateStack = new Stack<State>(); private State state = State.OUTSIDE; private String currentOperation; // Just now to avoid compiler warnings... private Map<Integer, ObjectInstanceList> objectInstanceLists = new HashMap<Integer, ObjectInstanceList>(); private ObjectInstanceList currentObjectInstanceList; private boolean inObject; private CommandLine cmdLine; private int firstFrame = -1; private int lastFrame = -1; private int sphereCount; private int torusCount; private int cylinderCount; private int coneCount; private int diskCount; private int paraboloidCount; private int hyperboloidCount; private int bilinearPatchCount; private int bicubicPatchCount; private int polygonCount; private int pointCount; private int nurbsCount; private int curveCount; public static class State { public final static State OUTSIDE = new State("OUTSIDE"); public final static State BEGIN_END = new State("BEGIN_END"); public final static State FRAME = new State("FRAME"); public final static State WORLD = new State("WORLD"); public final static State ATTRIBUTE = new State("ATTRIBUTE"); public final static State TRANSFORM = new State("TRANSFORM"); public final static State SOLID = new State("SOLID"); public final static State MOTION = new State("MOTION"); public final static State OBJECT = new State("OBJECT"); private String name; public State(String name) { = name; } public String toString() { return name; } } public void setCurrentDirectory(String currentDirectory) { this.currentDirectory = currentDirectory; } public String getCurrentDirectory() { return currentDirectory; } public void parse(String filename) throws Exception { if (currentDirectory != null) { String fullFileName = (String) fullFileNames.get(filename); if (fullFileName == null) { fullFileName = currentDirectory + File.separator + filename; fullFileNames.put(filename, fullFileName); } filename = fullFileName; } FileReader fr = new FileReader(filename); Tokenizer st = new Tokenizer(new BufferedReader(fr)); // st.commentChar('#'); int tk; while ((tk = st.nextToken()) != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { try { if (tk != StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) throw new Exception("Expected keyword at line " + st.lineno()); String keyword = st.sval; KeywordParser kp = getKeyWordParser(keyword); if (!kp.getValidStates().contains(state)) throw new IllegalStateException( "Keyword" + kp + " is not valid in state " + state + ", at line " + st.lineno()); kp.parse(st); } catch (Exception pe) { System.err.println("Error: " + pe); pe.printStackTrace(); } } fr.close(); } public Parser(CommandLine cmdLine) throws ParseException { if (cmdLine == null) throw new NullPointerException("Command line cannot be null"); this.cmdLine = cmdLine; // parse frame subset numbers String frameValue = ""; try { if (cmdLine.hasOption(JRMan.OPTION_FIRSTFRAME)) { frameValue = cmdLine.getOptionValue(JRMan.OPTION_FIRSTFRAME); firstFrame = Integer.parseInt(frameValue); } if (cmdLine.hasOption(JRMan.OPTION_LASTFRAME)) { frameValue = cmdLine.getOptionValue(JRMan.OPTION_LASTFRAME); lastFrame = Integer.parseInt(frameValue); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new ParseException(frameValue + " is not a valid frame number"); } world = new World(); frame = new Frame(); frame.setEndOfFrameStatistics(cmdLine.hasOption(JRMan.OPTION_STATISTICS)); frame.setShowProgressEnabled(cmdLine.hasOption(JRMan.OPTION_PROGRESS)); frame.setFramebufferAlways(cmdLine.hasOption(JRMan.OPTION_FRAMEBUFFER)); currentAttributes = new MutableAttributes(); } private KeywordParser getKeyWordParser(String keyword) throws Exception { KeywordParser kp = (KeywordParser) keywordParsers.get(keyword); if (kp == null) kp = (KeywordParser) keywordParsers.get(keyword.toLowerCase()); if (kp == null) { char c = keyword.charAt(0); if (Character.isLowerCase(c)) keyword = Character.toUpperCase(c) + keyword.substring(1); kp = (KeywordParser) Class.forName(KEYWORD_PREFIX + keyword).newInstance(); kp.setParser(this); keywordParsers.put(keyword, kp); keywordParsers.put(keyword.toLowerCase(), kp); } return kp; } private void pushState(State state) { stateStack.push(this.state); this.state = state; } private void popState() { state = (State) stateStack.pop(); } private void pushAttributes() { attributeStack.push(new MutableAttributes(currentAttributes)); } public void pushAttributes(Attributes attributes) { attributeStack.push(new MutableAttributes(currentAttributes)); currentAttributes = new MutableAttributes(attributes); currentAttributes.setModified(true); } public void popAttributes() { currentAttributes = (MutableAttributes) attributeStack.pop(); currentAttributes.setModified(true); } public Attributes getAttributes() { if (currentImmutableAttributes == null || currentAttributes.isModified()) { currentImmutableAttributes = new Attributes(currentAttributes); currentAttributes.setModified(false); } return currentImmutableAttributes; } private void newObjectInstanceList(int sequenceNumber) { currentObjectInstanceList = new ObjectInstanceList(); objectInstanceLists.put(new Integer(sequenceNumber), currentObjectInstanceList); } private ObjectInstanceList getObjectInstanceList(int sequenceNumber) { ObjectInstanceList result = (ObjectInstanceList) objectInstanceLists.get(new Integer(sequenceNumber)); if (result == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown instance: " + sequenceNumber); return result; } public void attributeBegin() { pushAttributes(); pushState(State.ATTRIBUTE); } public void attributeEnd() { popAttributes(); popState(); inAreaLightSource = false; } public void transformBegin() { transformStack.push(currentAttributes.getTransform()); pushState(State.TRANSFORM); } public void transformEnd() { currentAttributes.setTransform((Transform) transformStack.pop()); popState(); } public void saveCurrentTransformAs(String name) { Global.setTransform(name, currentAttributes.getTransform()); } public void setCurrentTransformTo(String name) { currentAttributes.setTransform(Global.getTransform(name)); } public void setIdentity() { currentAttributes.setTransform(AffineTransform.IDENTITY); } public void rotate(float angle, float dx, float dy, float dz) { AxisAngle4f axisAngle = new AxisAngle4f(dx, dy, dz, (float) Math.toRadians(angle)); Matrix4f rotation = new Matrix4f(); rotation.setIdentity(); rotation.set(axisAngle); concatTransform(rotation); } public void scale(float sx, float sy, float sz) { Matrix4f scale = new Matrix4f(sx, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, sy, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, sz, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 1f); concatTransform(scale); } public void translate(float dx, float dy, float dz) { Matrix4f translation = new Matrix4f(); translation.setIdentity(); translation.setTranslation(new Vector3f(dx, dy, dz)); concatTransform(translation); } public void perspective(float fov) { PerspectiveTransform perspective = PerspectiveTransform.createWithFov(fov, 1f, Constants.INFINITY); Transform current = currentAttributes.getTransform(); currentAttributes.setTransform(perspective.preConcat(current)); } public void setDetailRange(float minVisible, float lowerTransition, float upperTransition, float maxVisible) { DetailRange detailRange = new DetailRange(minVisible, lowerTransition, upperTransition, maxVisible); currentAttributes.setDetailRange(detailRange); } public void setDetail(Bounds3f detail) { currentAttributes.setDetail(detail); } public void setBound(Bounds3f bounds) { currentAttributes.setBound(bounds); } public void setTransform(Matrix4f matrix) { currentAttributes.setTransform(AffineTransform.IDENTITY.concat(matrix)); } public void concatTransform(Matrix4f trans) { Transform current = currentAttributes.getTransform(); current = current.concat(trans); currentAttributes.setTransform(current); } public void setColor(Color3f color) { currentAttributes.setColor(color); } public void setOpacity(Color3f opacity) { currentAttributes.setOpacity(opacity); } public void setShadingInterpolation(String type) { currentAttributes.setShadingInterpolation(ShadingInterpolation.getNamed(type)); } public void setMatte(boolean b) { currentAttributes.setMatte(b); } public void setGeometricApproximation(String type, float value) { GeometricApproximation geometricApproximation = new GeometricApproximation(type, value); currentAttributes.setGeometricApproximation(geometricApproximation); } public void reverseOrientation() { Orientation orientation = currentAttributes.getOrientation(); currentAttributes.setOrientation(orientation.getReverse()); } public void frameBegin(int n) { pushState(State.FRAME); frameStack.push(new Frame(frame)); worldStack.push(new World(world)); pushAttributes(); frame.setFrameNumber(n); } public void begin(String renderer) { this.beginName = renderer; pushState(State.BEGIN_END); } public void end() { popState(); } public void frameEnd() { popAttributes(); world = (World) worldStack.pop(); frame = (Frame) frameStack.pop(); popState(); } public void motionBegin(float[] times) { pushState(State.MOTION); frame.setMotionTimes(times); } public void motionEnd() { popState(); } public void objectBegin(int sequenceNumber) { pushAttributes(); pushState(State.OBJECT); setIdentity(); newObjectInstanceList(sequenceNumber); inObject = true; } public void objectEnd() { currentObjectInstanceList = null; inObject = false; popState(); popAttributes(); } public void solidBegin(String operation) { pushAttributes(); pushState(State.SOLID); currentOperation = operation; } public void solidEnd() { popState(); popAttributes(); } public void worldBegin() { pushState(State.WORLD); frameStack.push(new Frame(frame)); worldStack.push(new World(world)); frame.defineScreen(); Global.setTransform("raster", frame.getRasterTransform()); // from "screen" to "raster" Global.setTransform("NDC", frame.getNDCTransform()); // from "raster" // to "NDC" saveCurrentTransformAs("camera"); // from "world" to "camera" setIdentity(); currentAttributes.setSpace(Space.WORLD); pushAttributes(); renderer = Renderer.createRenderer(frame, world, this); // Must be set after defining gridsize... SurfaceShader.setBetterHighlights(cmdLine.hasOption(JRMan.OPTION_QUALITY)); } public void worldEnd() { AbstractKeywordParser.reset(); boolean doRender = true; if (firstFrame > -1 && frame.getFrameNumber() < firstFrame) doRender = false; if (lastFrame > -1 && frame.getFrameNumber() > lastFrame) doRender = false; if (doRender) renderer.render(); renderer = null; world = (World) worldStack.pop(); frame = (Frame) frameStack.pop(); popState(); popAttributes(); currentAttributes.setSpace(Space.CAMERA); } public void setBasis(Basis uBasis, int uStep, Basis vBasis, int vStep) { currentAttributes.setBasis(uBasis, uStep, vBasis, vStep); } public void setSides(int sides) { currentAttributes.setSides(sides); } public void setTextureCoordinates(float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, float s3, float t3, float s4, float t4) { currentAttributes.setTextureCoordinates(new TextureCoordinates(s1, t1, s2, t2, s3, t3, s4, t4)); } public Declaration getDeclaration(String name) { return Global.getDeclaration(name); } public void setDeclaration(String name, String decl) { Global.setDeclaration(name, decl); } public void setFormat(int xResolution, int yResolution, float pixelAspectRatio) { if (xResolution > 0) frame.setHorizontalResolution(xResolution); if (yResolution > 0) frame.setVerticalResolution(yResolution); if (pixelAspectRatio > 0) frame.setPixelAspectRatio(pixelAspectRatio); } public void setFrameAspectRatio(float frameAspectRatio) { frame.setFrameAspectRatio(frameAspectRatio); } public void setScreenWindow(float left, float right, float bottom, float top) { frame.setScreenWindow(new Bounds2f(left, right, bottom, top)); } public void setCropWindow(float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax) { frame.setCropWindow(new Bounds2f(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)); } public void setProjection(String name, ParameterList parameters) { CameraProjection cameraProjection = CameraProjection.getNamed(name); frame.setCameraProjection(cameraProjection); if (cameraProjection == CameraProjection.PERSPECTIVE) { UniformScalarFloat parameter = (UniformScalarFloat) parameters.getParameter("fov"); if (parameter != null) frame.setFieldOfView(parameter.getValue()); currentAttributes.setTransform(PerspectiveTransform.createWithFov(frame.getFieldOfView(), frame.getNearClipping(), frame.getFarClipping())); } else if (cameraProjection == CameraProjection.ORTHOGRAPHIC) { currentAttributes.setTransform( AffineTransform.createOrthographic(frame.getNearClipping(), frame.getFarClipping())); } saveCurrentTransformAs("screen"); // from "camera" to "screen" setIdentity(); } public void setClipping(float near, float far) { frame.setNearClipping(near); frame.setFarClipping(far); } public void setDepthOfField(float fstop, float focalLength, float focalDistance) { frame.setFStop(fstop); frame.setFocalLength(focalLength); frame.setFocalDistance(focalDistance); } public void setDepthOfField(float fstop) { frame.setFStop(fstop); } public void setShutter(float min, float max) { frame.setShutterOpen(min); frame.setShutterClose(max); } public void setPixelVariance(float variation) { frame.setPixelVariance(variation); } public void setPixelSamples(float xSamples, float ySamples) { frame.setHorizontalSamplingRate(xSamples); frame.setVerticalSamplingRate(ySamples); } public void setPixelFilter(String type, float xWidth, float yWidth) { frame.setFilter(new Filter(Filter.Type.getNamed(type), xWidth, yWidth)); } public void setExposure(float gain, float gamma) { frame.setExposure(new Exposure(gain, gamma)); } public void setQuantize(String type, int one, int min, int max, float ditherAmplitude) { if (type.equals("rgba")) { frame.setColorQuantizer(new Quantizer(one, min, max, ditherAmplitude)); } else if (type.equals("z")) { frame.setDepthQuantizer(new Quantizer(one, min, max, ditherAmplitude)); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("no such quantizer: " + type); } public void setDisplay(String name, String type, String mode, ParameterList parameters) { frame.setDisplay(new Display(name, type, mode)); UniformArrayInteger parameter = (UniformArrayInteger) parameters.getParameter("origin"); if (parameter != null) { frame.setOriginX(parameter.getValue(0)); frame.setOriginY(parameter.getValue(1)); } } public void setHider(String type, ParameterList parameters) { frame.setHider(Hider.getNamed(type)); frame.setHiderParameters(parameters); } public void setRelativeDetail(float relativeDetail) { frame.setRelativeDetail(relativeDetail); } public void setOption(String name, ParameterList parameters) { if (name.equals("limits")) { UniformScalarInteger param1 = (UniformScalarInteger) parameters.getParameter("gridsize"); if (param1 != null) frame.setGridSize(param1.getValue()); UniformArrayInteger param2 = (UniformArrayInteger) parameters.getParameter("bucketsize"); if (param2 != null) { frame.setBucketSizeX(param2.getValue(0)); frame.setBucketSizeY(param2.getValue(1)); } } else if (name.equals("statistics")) { UniformScalarInteger param = (UniformScalarInteger) parameters.getParameter("endofframe"); if (param != null) frame.setEndOfFrameStatistics(param.getValue() != 0); } else if (name.equals("quality")) { UniformScalarInteger param = (UniformScalarInteger) parameters.getParameter("highlights"); if (param != null) SurfaceShader.setBetterHighlights(param.getValue() != 0); } } public void setAttribute(String name, ParameterList parameters) { if (name.equals("displacementbound")) { UniformScalarFloat param1 = (UniformScalarFloat) parameters.getParameter("sphere"); if (param1 != null) currentAttributes.setDisplacementBound(param1.getValue()); UniformScalarString param2 = (UniformScalarString) parameters.getParameter("coordinatesystem"); if (param2 != null) currentAttributes.setDisplacementBoundCoordinateSystem(param2.getValue()); } else if (name.equals("identifier")) { UniformScalarString param = (UniformScalarString) parameters.getParameter("name"); if (param != null) currentAttributes.setObjectIdentifer(param.getValue()); } else if (name.equals("trimcurve")) { UniformScalarString param = (UniformScalarString) parameters.getParameter("sense"); if (param != null) currentAttributes.setTrimCurveSense(TrimCurveSense.getNamed(param.getValue())); } else if (name.equals("render")) { UniformScalarInteger param = (UniformScalarInteger) parameters.getParameter("truedisplacement"); if (param != null) currentAttributes.setTrueDisplacement(param.getValue() == 1); } } public void setSurface(String name, ParameterList parameters) { currentAttributes.setSurface(SurfaceShader.createShader(name, parameters, getAttributes())); } public void setDisplacement(String name, ParameterList parameters) { currentAttributes.setDisplacement(DisplacementShader.createShader(name, parameters, getAttributes())); } public void setAtmosphere(String name, ParameterList parameters) { currentAttributes.setAtmosphere(VolumeShader.createShader(name, parameters, getAttributes())); } public void setExterior(String name, ParameterList parameters) { currentAttributes.setExterior(VolumeShader.createShader(name, parameters, getAttributes())); } public void setImager(String name, ParameterList parameters) { frame.setImager(Imager.createImager(name, parameters)); } public void setInterior(String name, ParameterList parameters) { currentAttributes.setInterior(VolumeShader.createShader(name, parameters, getAttributes())); } public void createLightSource(String name, int sequenceNumber, ParameterList parameters) { LightShader light = LightShader.createShader(name, parameters, getAttributes()); world.addLight(sequenceNumber, light); turnOnLight(light); } private void turnOnLight(LightShader light) { Set<LightShader> lightSources = new HashSet<LightShader>(currentAttributes.getLightSources()); lightSources.add(light); currentAttributes.setLightSources(lightSources); } private void turnOffLight(LightShader light) { Set<LightShader> lightSources = new HashSet<LightShader>(currentAttributes.getLightSources()); lightSources.remove(light); currentAttributes.setLightSources(lightSources); } public void illuminate(int sequenceNumber, int onOff) { LightShader light = world.getLight(sequenceNumber); if (onOff != 0) turnOnLight(light); else turnOffLight(light); } public void createAreaLightSource(String name, int sequenceNumber, ParameterList parameters) { createLightSource(name, sequenceNumber, parameters); inAreaLightSource = true; } public void setShadingRate(float size) { currentAttributes.setShadingRate(size); } public void objectInstance(int n) { renderer.addPrimitive(new ObjectInstance(getObjectInstanceList(n), getAttributes())); } public void addSphere(final float radius, float zMin, float zMax, float tMax, final ParameterList parameters) { if (inAreaLightSource) return; final float phiMin = (float) ((zMin <= -radius) ? -Math.PI / 2 : Math.asin(zMin / radius)); final float phiMax = (float) ((zMax >= radius) ? Math.PI / 2 : Math.asin(zMax / radius)); final float thetaMin = 0f; final float thetaMax = (float) Math.toRadians(tMax); if (!inObject) { renderer.addPrimitive( new Sphere(radius, phiMin, phiMax, thetaMin, thetaMax, parameters, getAttributes())); sphereCount++; } else { final Transform transform = currentAttributes.getTransform(); currentObjectInstanceList.addPrimitiveCreator(new ObjectInstanceList.PrimitiveCreator() { public Primitive create(Attributes attributes) { sphereCount++; return new Sphere(radius, phiMin, phiMax, thetaMin, thetaMax, parameters, createAttributes(transform, attributes)); } }); } } public void addTorus(final float majorRadius, final float minorRadius, float pMin, float pMax, float tMax, final ParameterList parameters) { if (inAreaLightSource) return; final float phiMin = (float) Math.toRadians(pMin); final float phiMax = (float) Math.toRadians(pMax); final float thetaMax = (float) Math.toRadians(tMax); if (!inObject) { renderer.addPrimitive( new Torus(majorRadius, minorRadius, phiMin, phiMax, 0f, thetaMax, parameters, getAttributes())); torusCount++; } else { final Transform transform = currentAttributes.getTransform(); currentObjectInstanceList.addPrimitiveCreator(new ObjectInstanceList.PrimitiveCreator() { public Primitive create(Attributes attributes) { torusCount++; return new Torus(majorRadius, minorRadius, phiMin, phiMax, 0f, thetaMax, parameters, createAttributes(transform, attributes)); } }); } } public void addCylinder(final float radius, final float zmin, final float zmax, float tMax, final ParameterList parameters) { if (inAreaLightSource) return; final float thetaMax = (float) Math.toRadians(tMax); if (!inObject) { renderer.addPrimitive(new Cylinder(radius, zmin, zmax, 0f, thetaMax, parameters, getAttributes())); cylinderCount++; } else { final Transform transform = currentAttributes.getTransform(); currentObjectInstanceList.addPrimitiveCreator(new ObjectInstanceList.PrimitiveCreator() { public Primitive create(Attributes attributes) { cylinderCount++; return new Cylinder(radius, zmin, zmax, 0f, thetaMax, parameters, createAttributes(transform, attributes)); } }); } } public void addCone(final float height, final float radius, float tMax, final ParameterList parameters) { if (inAreaLightSource) return; final float thetaMax = (float) Math.toRadians(tMax); if (!inObject) { renderer.addPrimitive(new Cone(radius, 0f, height, 0f, thetaMax, height, parameters, getAttributes())); coneCount++; } else { final Transform transform = currentAttributes.getTransform(); currentObjectInstanceList.addPrimitiveCreator(new ObjectInstanceList.PrimitiveCreator() { public Primitive create(Attributes attributes) { coneCount++; return new Cone(radius, 0f, height, 0f, thetaMax, height, parameters, createAttributes(transform, attributes)); } }); } } public void addDisk(final float height, final float radius, float tMax, final ParameterList parameters) { if (inAreaLightSource) return; final float thetaMax = (float) Math.toRadians(tMax); if (!inObject) { renderer.addPrimitive(new Disk(height, 0f, thetaMax, 0f, radius, parameters, getAttributes())); diskCount++; } else { final Transform transform = currentAttributes.getTransform(); currentObjectInstanceList.addPrimitiveCreator(new ObjectInstanceList.PrimitiveCreator() { public Primitive create(Attributes attributes) { coneCount++; return new Disk(height, 0f, thetaMax, 0f, radius, parameters, createAttributes(transform, attributes)); } }); } } public void addParaboloid(final float radius, final float zmin, final float zmax, float tMax, final ParameterList parameters) { if (inAreaLightSource) return; final float thetaMin = 0f; final float thetaMax = (float) Math.toRadians(tMax); if (!inObject) { renderer.addPrimitive(new Paraboloid(radius, zmin, zmax, thetaMin, thetaMax, zmin, zmax, thetaMax, parameters, getAttributes())); paraboloidCount++; } else { final Transform transform = currentAttributes.getTransform(); currentObjectInstanceList.addPrimitiveCreator(new ObjectInstanceList.PrimitiveCreator() { public Primitive create(Attributes attributes) { paraboloidCount++; return new Paraboloid(radius, zmin, zmax, thetaMin, thetaMax, zmin, zmax, thetaMax, parameters, createAttributes(transform, attributes)); } }); } } public void addHyperboloid(final float x1, final float y1, final float z1, final float x2, final float y2, final float z2, final float tMax, final ParameterList parameters) { if (inAreaLightSource) return; final float thetaMin = 0f; final float thetaMax = (float) Math.toRadians(tMax); if (!inObject) { renderer.addPrimitive( new Hyperboloid(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, thetaMin, thetaMax, parameters, getAttributes())); hyperboloidCount++; } else { final Transform transform = currentAttributes.getTransform(); currentObjectInstanceList.addPrimitiveCreator(new ObjectInstanceList.PrimitiveCreator() { public Primitive create(Attributes attributes) { hyperboloidCount++; return new Hyperboloid(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, thetaMin, thetaMax, parameters, createAttributes(transform, attributes)); } }); } } public void addBilinearPatch(final ParameterList parameters) { if (inAreaLightSource) return; if (!inObject) { renderer.addPrimitive(new BilinearPatch(parameters, getAttributes())); bilinearPatchCount++; } else { final Transform transform = currentAttributes.getTransform(); currentObjectInstanceList.addPrimitiveCreator(new ObjectInstanceList.PrimitiveCreator() { public Primitive create(Attributes attributes) { bilinearPatchCount++; return new BilinearPatch(parameters, createAttributes(transform, attributes)); } }); } } public void addBicubicPatch(final ParameterList parameters) { if (inAreaLightSource) return; if (!inObject) { BicubicPatch patch = new BicubicPatch(parameters, getAttributes()); renderer.addPrimitive(patch); bicubicPatchCount++; } else { final Transform transform = currentAttributes.getTransform(); currentObjectInstanceList.addPrimitiveCreator(new ObjectInstanceList.PrimitiveCreator() { public Primitive create(Attributes attributes) { bicubicPatchCount++; BicubicPatch patch = new BicubicPatch(parameters, createAttributes(transform, attributes)); return patch; } }); } } private int evalIndex(int iu, int nu, int iv, int nv) { return (iv % nv) * nu + (iu % nu); } private void setPatchMeshDefaultParameters(int nu, int nv, ParameterList parameters) { Primitive.setDefaultParameters(parameters, getAttributes()); VaryingScalarFloat p = (VaryingScalarFloat) parameters.getParameter("u"); p.expandTo(nu, nv); p = (VaryingScalarFloat) parameters.getParameter("v"); p.expandTo(nu, nv); p = (VaryingScalarFloat) parameters.getParameter("s"); p.expandTo(nu, nv); p = (VaryingScalarFloat) parameters.getParameter("t"); p.expandTo(nu, nv); } public void addBilinearPatchMesh(int nu, String uWrap, int nv, String vWrap, ParameterList parameters) { int nU; if (uWrap.equals("periodic")) nU = nu; else if (uWrap.equals("nonperiodic")) nU = nu - 1; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown u wrap type: " + uWrap); int nV; if (vWrap.equals("periodic")) nV = nv; else if (vWrap.equals("nonperiodic")) nV = nv - 1; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown v wrap type: " + vWrap); setPatchMeshDefaultParameters(nu, nv, parameters); int[] uniformIndex = new int[1]; uniformIndex[0] = 0; int[] indexes = new int[4]; for (int j = 0; j < nV; j++) for (int i = 0; i < nU; i++) { indexes[0] = evalIndex(i, nu, j, nv); indexes[1] = evalIndex(i + 1, nu, j, nv); indexes[2] = evalIndex(i, nu, j + 1, nv); indexes[3] = evalIndex(i + 1, nu, j + 1, nv); addBilinearPatch(parameters.selectValues(uniformIndex, indexes, indexes)); uniformIndex[0]++; } } public void addBicubicPatchMesh(int nu, String uWrap, int nv, String vWrap, ParameterList parameters) { int uStep = currentAttributes.getUStep(); int nU; if (uWrap.equals("periodic")) nU = nu / uStep; else if (uWrap.equals("nonperiodic")) nU = (nu - 4) / uStep + 1; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown u wrap type: " + uWrap); int vStep = currentAttributes.getVStep(); int nV; if (vWrap.equals("periodic")) nV = nv / vStep; else if (vWrap.equals("nonperiodic")) nV = (nv - 4) / vStep + 1; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown v wrap type: " + vWrap); int blnu; if (uWrap.equals("periodic")) blnu = nU; else blnu = nU + 1; int blnv; if (vWrap.equals("periodic")) blnv = nV; else blnv = nV + 1; setPatchMeshDefaultParameters(blnu, blnv, parameters); int[] uniformIndex = new int[1]; uniformIndex[0] = 0; int[] varyingIndexes = new int[4]; int[] vertexIndexes = new int[16]; int j = 0; for (int jj = 0; jj < nV; jj++) { int i = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < nU; ii++) { varyingIndexes[0] = evalIndex(ii, blnu, jj, blnv); varyingIndexes[1] = evalIndex(ii + 1, blnu, jj, blnv); varyingIndexes[2] = evalIndex(ii, blnu, jj + 1, blnv); varyingIndexes[3] = evalIndex(ii + 1, blnu, jj + 1, blnv); vertexIndexes[0] = evalIndex(i, nu, j, nv); vertexIndexes[1] = evalIndex(i + 1, nu, j, nv); vertexIndexes[2] = evalIndex(i + 2, nu, j, nv); vertexIndexes[3] = evalIndex(i + 3, nu, j, nv); vertexIndexes[4] = evalIndex(i, nu, j + 1, nv); vertexIndexes[5] = evalIndex(i + 1, nu, j + 1, nv); vertexIndexes[6] = evalIndex(i + 2, nu, j + 1, nv); vertexIndexes[7] = evalIndex(i + 3, nu, j + 1, nv); vertexIndexes[8] = evalIndex(i, nu, j + 2, nv); vertexIndexes[9] = evalIndex(i + 1, nu, j + 2, nv); vertexIndexes[10] = evalIndex(i + 2, nu, j + 2, nv); vertexIndexes[11] = evalIndex(i + 3, nu, j + 2, nv); vertexIndexes[12] = evalIndex(i, nu, j + 3, nv); vertexIndexes[13] = evalIndex(i + 1, nu, j + 3, nv); vertexIndexes[14] = evalIndex(i + 2, nu, j + 3, nv); vertexIndexes[15] = evalIndex(i + 3, nu, j + 3, nv); addBicubicPatch(parameters.selectValues(uniformIndex, varyingIndexes, vertexIndexes)); uniformIndex[0]++; i += uStep; } j += vStep; } } private void addLinearCurve(final boolean periodic, final ParameterList parameters) { if (inAreaLightSource) return; if (!inObject) { LinearCurve curve = new LinearCurve(periodic, parameters, getAttributes()); renderer.addPrimitive(curve); curveCount++; } else { final Transform transform = currentAttributes.getTransform(); currentObjectInstanceList.addPrimitiveCreator(new ObjectInstanceList.PrimitiveCreator() { public Primitive create(Attributes attributes) { curveCount++; return new LinearCurve(periodic, parameters, createAttributes(transform, attributes)); } }); } } public void addLinearCurves(int[] nVertices, String wrap, ParameterList parameters) { boolean periodic = wrap.equals("periodic"); int[] uniformIndex = new int[1]; int ptr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nVertices.length; i++) { uniformIndex[0] = i; int[] indexes = new int[nVertices[i]]; for (int j = 0; j < indexes.length; j++) indexes[j] = ptr++; addLinearCurve(periodic, parameters.selectValues(uniformIndex, indexes, indexes)); } } private void addCubicCurve(final boolean periodic, final ParameterList parameters) { if (inAreaLightSource) return; if (!inObject) { CubicCurve curve = new CubicCurve(periodic, parameters, getAttributes()); renderer.addPrimitive(curve); curveCount++; } else { final Transform transform = currentAttributes.getTransform(); currentObjectInstanceList.addPrimitiveCreator(new ObjectInstanceList.PrimitiveCreator() { public Primitive create(Attributes attributes) { curveCount++; return new CubicCurve(periodic, parameters, createAttributes(transform, attributes)); } }); } } public void addCubicCurves(int[] nVertices, String wrap, ParameterList parameters) { boolean periodic = wrap.equals("periodic"); int vStep = currentAttributes.getVStep(); int[] uniformIndex = new int[1]; int varyingPtr = 0; int vertexPtr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nVertices.length; i++) { uniformIndex[0] = i; int nv; if (periodic) nv = nVertices[i] / vStep; else nv = (nVertices[i] - 4) / vStep + 2; int[] varyingIndexes = new int[nv]; for (int j = 0; j < nv; j++) varyingIndexes[j] = varyingPtr++; int[] vertexIndexes = new int[nVertices[i]]; for (int j = 0; j < vertexIndexes.length; j++) vertexIndexes[j] = vertexPtr++; addCubicCurve(periodic, parameters.selectValues(uniformIndex, varyingIndexes, vertexIndexes)); } } public void addNuPatch(final int nu, final int uorder, final float[] uknot, final float umin, final float umax, final int nv, final int vorder, final float[] vknot, final float vmin, final float vmax, final ParameterList parameters) { if (inAreaLightSource) return; if (!inObject) { renderer.addPrimitive(new NurbsRI(nu, uorder, uknot, umin, umax, nv, vorder, vknot, vmin, vmax, true, parameters, getAttributes())); nurbsCount++; } else { final Transform transform = currentAttributes.getTransform(); currentObjectInstanceList.addPrimitiveCreator(new ObjectInstanceList.PrimitiveCreator() { public Primitive create(Attributes attributes) { nurbsCount++; return new NurbsRI(nu, uorder, uknot, umin, umax, nv, vorder, vknot, vmin, vmax, true, parameters, createAttributes(transform, attributes)); } }); } } public void addPointsPolygons(final int[] nVertices, final int[] vertices, final ParameterList parameters) { if (inAreaLightSource) return; setPolygonST(parameters); if (!inObject) { renderer.addPrimitive(new PointsPolygons(nVertices, vertices, parameters, getAttributes())); polygonCount += nVertices.length; } else { final Transform transform = currentAttributes.getTransform(); currentObjectInstanceList.addPrimitiveCreator(new ObjectInstanceList.PrimitiveCreator() { public Primitive create(Attributes attributes) { polygonCount += nVertices.length; return new PointsPolygons(nVertices, vertices, parameters, createAttributes(transform, attributes)); } }); } } private void setPolygonST(ParameterList parameters) { VaryingScalarFloat sParam = (VaryingScalarFloat) parameters.getParameter("s"); VaryingScalarFloat tParam = (VaryingScalarFloat) parameters.getParameter("t"); VaryingArrayFloat stParam = (VaryingArrayFloat) parameters.getParameter("st"); VaryingScalarTuple3f pParam = (VaryingScalarTuple3f) parameters.getParameter("P"); if (sParam == null && stParam == null) parameters.addParameter(pParam.extract(Global.getDeclaration("s"), 0)); if (tParam == null && stParam == null) parameters.addParameter(pParam.extract(Global.getDeclaration("t"), 1)); } public void addPolygon(final ParameterList parameters) { if (inAreaLightSource) return; setPolygonST(parameters); VaryingScalarTuple3f pParam = (VaryingScalarTuple3f) parameters.getParameter("P"); int[] uniformIndex = new int[1]; uniformIndex[0] = 0; int[] indexes = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; for (int i = 1; i < pParam.getCount() - 1; i++) { indexes[1] = i; indexes[3] = i + 1; addBilinearPatch(parameters.selectValues(uniformIndex, indexes, indexes)); polygonCount++; bilinearPatchCount--; // TODO: fix this } } public void addPoints(final ParameterList parameters) { if (inAreaLightSource) return; VaryingScalarTuple3f pParam = (VaryingScalarTuple3f) parameters.getParameter("P"); parameters.removeParameter("P"); VaryingScalarFloat widthParam = (VaryingScalarFloat) parameters.getParameter("width"); parameters.removeParameter("width"); UniformScalarFloat constantWidthParam = (UniformScalarFloat) parameters.getParameter("constantwidth"); parameters.removeParameter("constantwidth"); // TODO: same space optimization as for PointsPolygon int[] uniformIndex = new int[1]; uniformIndex[0] = 0; int[] indexes = new int[1]; for (int i = 0; i < pParam.getCount(); i++) { final Point3f p = new Point3f(); pParam.getValue(i, p); float tw; if (widthParam != null) tw = widthParam.getValue(i); else if (constantWidthParam != null) tw = constantWidthParam.getValue(); else tw = 1f; final float w = tw; indexes[0] = i; final ParameterList param = parameters.selectValues(uniformIndex, indexes, indexes); if (!inObject) { renderer.addPrimitive(new Point(w, p.x, p.y, p.z, param, getAttributes())); pointCount++; } else { final Transform transform = currentAttributes.getTransform(); currentObjectInstanceList.addPrimitiveCreator(new ObjectInstanceList.PrimitiveCreator() { public Primitive create(Attributes attributes) { pointCount++; return new Point(w, p.x, p.y, p.z, param, createAttributes(transform, attributes)); } }); } } } public void addDelayedReadArchive(String filename, float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax, float zmin, float zmax) { renderer.addPrimitive( new DelayedReadArchive(this, filename, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, getAttributes())); } public void makeTexture(String picturename, String texturename, String swrap, String twrap, String filter, int swidth, int twidth) { try { MipMap.makeMipMap(picturename, texturename, MipMap.Mode.getNamed(swrap), MipMap.Mode.getNamed(twrap), filter, swidth, twidth); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't create texture: " + picturename); } } public void resetCounts() { sphereCount = 0; torusCount = 0; cylinderCount = 0; coneCount = 0; diskCount = 0; paraboloidCount = 0; hyperboloidCount = 0; bilinearPatchCount = 0; bicubicPatchCount = 0; polygonCount = 0; pointCount = 0; nurbsCount = 0; curveCount = 0; } public int getBicubicPatchCount() { return bicubicPatchCount; } public int getBilinearPatchCount() { return bilinearPatchCount; } public int getConeCount() { return coneCount; } public int getCylinderCount() { return cylinderCount; } public int getDiskCount() { return diskCount; } public int getHyperboloidCount() { return hyperboloidCount; } public int getParaboloidCount() { return paraboloidCount; } public int getPointCount() { return pointCount; } public int getPolygonCount() { return polygonCount; } public int getSphereCount() { return sphereCount; } public int getTorusCount() { return torusCount; } public int getNurbsCount() { return nurbsCount; } public int getCurveCount() { return curveCount; } }