Java tutorial
/* * jPOS Project [] * Copyright (C) 2000-2018 jPOS Software SRL * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.jpos.qi; import com.vaadin.icons.VaadinIcons; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.ValoTheme; import org.jdom2.Element; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; public class Header extends HorizontalLayout { private QI app; private Map<String, MenuBar.MenuItem> menuOptions; MenuBar.MenuItem userMenuItem; public Header(QI app) { super(); = app; setSizeFull(); setPrimaryStyleName("valo-menuitems"); // if (QIResources.JPOS_LOGO_TINY != null){ // Link homeLink = createLogo(); // addComponent(homeLink); // setComponentAlignment(homeLink, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); // setExpandRatio(homeLink, 0.1f); // } // Layout search = createSearch(); MenuBar mb = createMenu(); if (mb != null) { addComponent(mb); setComponentAlignment(mb, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT); setExpandRatio(mb, 0f); } } // private Link createLogo () { // Link homeLink = new Link("",new ExternalResource("")); // homeLink.setIcon(QIResources.JPOS_LOGO_TINY); // homeLink.addStyleName("qi-client-logo"); // return homeLink; // } private Layout createSearch() { CssLayout group = new CssLayout(); group.addStyleName("search-layout"); group.addStyleName("v-component-group"); TextField searchField = new TextField(); searchField.addStyleName("inline-icon"); searchField.addStyleName("tiny"); searchField.setIcon(VaadinIcons.SEARCH); searchField.setWidth("400px"); //TODO: vaadin8 incompatible methods // searchField.setImmediate(true); // searchField.addValidator(new RegexpValidator( // app.getMessage("errorMessage.invalidField", app.getMessage("search")),QIResources.ALPHANUMERIC_SYMBOLS_PATTERN) // ); // searchField.setValidationVisible(false); group.addComponent(searchField); Button searchButton = new Button(app.getMessage("search")); searchButton.addClickListener(event -> { if (searchField.getValue() != null && !searchField.getValue().isEmpty() /*&& searchField.isValid()*/) app.getNavigator().navigateTo("/search/" + searchField.getValue()); else app.displayNotification(app.getMessage("errorMessage.invalidField", app.getMessage("search"))); }); searchButton.addStyleName("tiny"); group.addComponent(searchButton); return group; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private MenuBar createMenu() { menuOptions = new LinkedHashMap<>(); MenuBar mb = new MenuBar(); mb.addStyleName(ValoTheme.MENUBAR_SMALL); mb.addStyleName(ValoTheme.MENUBAR_BORDERLESS); mb.setHtmlContentAllowed(true); Element cfg = app.getXmlConfiguration(); if (cfg != null) { Element menubar = cfg.getChild("menubar"); if (menubar != null) { for (Element e : menubar.getChildren()) { addMenubarItem(mb, e); } } } userMenuItem = mb.addItem(app.getUser().getNick(), null); userMenuItem.setIcon(VaadinIcons.USER); userMenuItem.addItem("Profile", selectedItem -> { removeSelected(); app.navigateTo("/profile"); }); userMenuItem.addItem("Log Out", selectedItem -> app.logout()); return mb; } private void addMenubarItem(MenuBar mb, Element e) { if ("menu".equals(e.getName())) { String perm = e.getAttributeValue("perm"); boolean allowed = perm == null || QI.getQI().getUser().hasPermission(perm); if (allowed) { MenuBar.MenuItem mi = mb.addItem(e.getAttributeValue("name"), selectedItem -> menuItemSelected(selectedItem, e)); decorate(mi, e); menuOptions.put(e.getAttributeValue("name"), mi); for (Element child : e.getChildren()) { addMenuItem(mi, child); } } } } private void addMenuItem(MenuBar.MenuItem mb, Element e) { if ("menu".equals(e.getName())) { String perm = e.getAttributeValue("perm"); boolean allowed = perm == null || QI.getQI().getUser().hasPermission(perm); if (allowed) { MenuBar.MenuItem mi = mb.addItem(e.getAttributeValue("name"), selectedItem -> menuItemSelected(selectedItem, e)); decorate(mi, e); for (Element child : e.getChildren()) { addMenuItem(mi, child); } } } else if ("separator".equals(e.getName())) { mb.addSeparator(); } } private void menuItemSelected(MenuBar.MenuItem selectedItem, Element e) { removeSelected(); app.navigateTo("/" + e.getAttributeValue("action")); selectedItem.setStyleName("underline"); } private void removeSelected() { for (String s : menuOptions.keySet()) { MenuBar.MenuItem item = menuOptions.get(s); item.setStyleName("menuitem"); } } private void decorate(MenuBar.MenuItem mi, Element e) { String style = e.getAttributeValue("style"); if (style != null) mi.setStyleName(e.getAttributeValue("style")); String iconName = e.getAttributeValue("icon"); if (iconName != null) { try { mi.setIcon(VaadinIcons.valueOf(iconName)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { mi.setIcon(VaadinIcons.EXCLAMATION); mi.setEnabled(false); } } } public void refresh() { userMenuItem.setText(app.getUser().getName()); } }