Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Villu Ruusmann * * This file is part of JPMML-Evaluator * * JPMML-Evaluator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * JPMML-Evaluator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with JPMML-Evaluator. If not, see <>. */ package org.jpmml.evaluator; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.dmg.pmml.DataType; import org.dmg.pmml.EmbeddedModel; import org.dmg.pmml.FieldName; import org.dmg.pmml.LocalTransformations; import org.dmg.pmml.MiningFunctionType; import org.dmg.pmml.MiningModel; import org.dmg.pmml.Model; import org.dmg.pmml.MultipleModelMethodType; import org.dmg.pmml.PMML; import org.dmg.pmml.Predicate; import org.dmg.pmml.Segment; import org.dmg.pmml.Segmentation; import org.dmg.pmml.TreeModel; import org.jpmml.manager.InvalidFeatureException; import org.jpmml.manager.UnsupportedFeatureException; public class MiningModelEvaluator extends ModelEvaluator<MiningModel> implements HasEntityRegistry<Segment> { private ModelEvaluatorFactory evaluatorFactory = null; public MiningModelEvaluator(PMML pmml) { this(pmml, find(pmml.getModels(), MiningModel.class)); } public MiningModelEvaluator(PMML pmml, MiningModel miningModel) { super(pmml, miningModel); } @Override public String getSummary() { MiningModel miningModel = getModel(); if (isRandomForest(miningModel)) { return "Random forest"; } return "Ensemble model"; } @Override public BiMap<String, Segment> getEntityRegistry() { return getValue(MiningModelEvaluator.entityCache); } @Override public MiningModelEvaluationContext createContext(ModelEvaluationContext parent) { return new MiningModelEvaluationContext(parent, this); } @Override public Map<FieldName, ?> evaluate(ModelEvaluationContext context) { return evaluate((MiningModelEvaluationContext) context); } public Map<FieldName, ?> evaluate(MiningModelEvaluationContext context) { MiningModel miningModel = getModel(); if (!miningModel.isScorable()) { throw new InvalidResultException(miningModel); } EmbeddedModel embeddedModel = Iterables.getFirst(miningModel.getEmbeddedModels(), null); if (embeddedModel != null) { throw new UnsupportedFeatureException(embeddedModel); } Map<FieldName, ?> predictions; MiningFunctionType miningFunction = miningModel.getFunctionName(); switch (miningFunction) { case REGRESSION: predictions = evaluateRegression(context); break; case CLASSIFICATION: predictions = evaluateClassification(context); break; case CLUSTERING: predictions = evaluateClustering(context); break; default: predictions = evaluateAny(context); break; } return OutputUtil.evaluate(predictions, context); } private Map<FieldName, ?> evaluateRegression(MiningModelEvaluationContext context) { MiningModel miningModel = getModel(); List<SegmentResultMap> segmentResults = evaluateSegmentation(context); Map<FieldName, ?> predictions = getRegressionResult(segmentResults); if (predictions != null) { return predictions; } Segmentation segmentation = miningModel.getSegmentation(); MultipleModelMethodType multipleModelMethod = segmentation.getMultipleModelMethod(); double sum = 0d; for (SegmentResultMap segmentResult : segmentResults) { Object targetValue = EvaluatorUtil.decode(segmentResult.getTargetValue()); Number number = (Number) TypeUtil.parseOrCast(DataType.DOUBLE, targetValue); switch (multipleModelMethod) { case SUM: case AVERAGE: sum += number.doubleValue(); break; case WEIGHTED_AVERAGE: sum += segmentResult.getWeight() * number.doubleValue(); break; default: throw new UnsupportedFeatureException(segmentation, multipleModelMethod); } } Double result; switch (multipleModelMethod) { case SUM: result = sum; break; case AVERAGE: case WEIGHTED_AVERAGE: result = (sum / segmentResults.size()); break; default: throw new UnsupportedFeatureException(segmentation, multipleModelMethod); } return TargetUtil.evaluateRegression(result, context); } @SuppressWarnings(value = { "fallthrough" }) private Map<FieldName, ?> getRegressionResult(List<SegmentResultMap> segmentResults) { MiningModel miningModel = getModel(); Segmentation segmentation = miningModel.getSegmentation(); MultipleModelMethodType multipleModelMethod = segmentation.getMultipleModelMethod(); switch (multipleModelMethod) { case SELECT_ALL: return selectAll(segmentResults); case SELECT_FIRST: if (segmentResults.size() > 0) { return getFirst(segmentResults); } // Falls through case MODEL_CHAIN: if (segmentResults.size() > 0) { return getLast(segmentResults); } // Falls through case SUM: case AVERAGE: case WEIGHTED_AVERAGE: if (segmentResults.size() == 0) { return Collections.singletonMap(getTargetField(), null); } break; default: break; } return null; } private Map<FieldName, ?> evaluateClassification(MiningModelEvaluationContext context) { MiningModel miningModel = getModel(); List<SegmentResultMap> segmentResults = evaluateSegmentation(context); Map<FieldName, ?> predictions = getClassificationResult(segmentResults); if (predictions != null) { return predictions; } Segmentation segmentation = miningModel.getSegmentation(); MultipleModelMethodType multipleModelMethod = segmentation.getMultipleModelMethod(); ClassificationMap<Object> result; switch (multipleModelMethod) { case MAJORITY_VOTE: case WEIGHTED_MAJORITY_VOTE: { result = new ProbabilityClassificationMap<Object>(); result.putAll(countVotes(segmentation, segmentResults)); // Convert from votes to probabilities result.normalizeValues(); } break; case MAX: case AVERAGE: case WEIGHTED_AVERAGE: { // The aggregation operation implicitly converts from probabilities to votes result = new ClassificationMap<Object>(ClassificationMap.Type.VOTE); result.putAll(aggregateProbabilities(segmentation, segmentResults)); } break; default: throw new UnsupportedFeatureException(segmentation, multipleModelMethod); } return TargetUtil.evaluateClassification(result, context); } @SuppressWarnings(value = { "fallthrough" }) private Map<FieldName, ?> getClassificationResult(List<SegmentResultMap> segmentResults) { MiningModel miningModel = getModel(); Segmentation segmentation = miningModel.getSegmentation(); MultipleModelMethodType multipleModelMethod = segmentation.getMultipleModelMethod(); switch (multipleModelMethod) { case SELECT_ALL: return selectAll(segmentResults); case SELECT_FIRST: if (segmentResults.size() > 0) { return getFirst(segmentResults); } // Falls through case MODEL_CHAIN: if (segmentResults.size() > 0) { return getLast(segmentResults); } // Falls through case MAJORITY_VOTE: case WEIGHTED_MAJORITY_VOTE: if (segmentResults.size() == 0) { return Collections.singletonMap(getTargetField(), null); } break; default: break; } return null; } private Map<FieldName, ?> evaluateClustering(MiningModelEvaluationContext context) { MiningModel miningModel = getModel(); List<SegmentResultMap> segmentResults = evaluateSegmentation(context); Map<FieldName, ?> predictions = getClusteringResult(segmentResults); if (predictions != null) { return predictions; } Segmentation segmentation = miningModel.getSegmentation(); ClassificationMap<Object> result = new ClassificationMap<Object>(ClassificationMap.Type.VOTE); result.putAll(countVotes(segmentation, segmentResults)); return Collections.singletonMap(getTargetField(), result); } @SuppressWarnings(value = { "fallthrough" }) private Map<FieldName, ?> getClusteringResult(List<SegmentResultMap> segmentResults) { MiningModel miningModel = getModel(); Segmentation segmentation = miningModel.getSegmentation(); MultipleModelMethodType multipleModelMethod = segmentation.getMultipleModelMethod(); switch (multipleModelMethod) { case SELECT_ALL: return selectAll(segmentResults); case SELECT_FIRST: if (segmentResults.size() > 0) { return getFirst(segmentResults); } // Falls through case MODEL_CHAIN: if (segmentResults.size() > 0) { return getLast(segmentResults); } // Falls through case MAJORITY_VOTE: case WEIGHTED_MAJORITY_VOTE: if (segmentResults.size() == 0) { return Collections.singletonMap(getTargetField(), null); } break; default: break; } return null; } @SuppressWarnings(value = { "fallthrough" }) private Map<FieldName, ?> evaluateAny(MiningModelEvaluationContext context) { MiningModel miningModel = getModel(); List<SegmentResultMap> segmentResults = evaluateSegmentation(context); Segmentation segmentation = miningModel.getSegmentation(); MultipleModelMethodType multipleModelMethod = segmentation.getMultipleModelMethod(); switch (multipleModelMethod) { case SELECT_ALL: return selectAll(segmentResults); case SELECT_FIRST: if (segmentResults.size() > 0) { return getFirst(segmentResults); } // Falls through case MODEL_CHAIN: if (segmentResults.size() > 0) { return getLast(segmentResults); } return Collections.singletonMap(getTargetField(), null); default: break; } throw new UnsupportedFeatureException(segmentation, multipleModelMethod); } private List<SegmentResultMap> evaluateSegmentation(MiningModelEvaluationContext context) { MiningModel miningModel = getModel(); List<SegmentResultMap> results = Lists.newArrayList(); Segmentation segmentation = miningModel.getSegmentation(); LocalTransformations localTransformations = segmentation.getLocalTransformations(); if (localTransformations != null) { throw new UnsupportedFeatureException(localTransformations); } BiMap<Segment, String> inverseEntities = (getEntityRegistry()).inverse(); MultipleModelMethodType multipleModelMethod = segmentation.getMultipleModelMethod(); Model lastModel = null; MiningFunctionType miningFunction = miningModel.getFunctionName(); ModelEvaluatorFactory evaluatorFactory = getEvaluatorFactory(); if (evaluatorFactory == null) { evaluatorFactory = ModelEvaluatorFactory.getInstance(); } List<Segment> segments = segmentation.getSegments(); for (Segment segment : segments) { Predicate predicate = segment.getPredicate(); if (predicate == null) { throw new InvalidFeatureException(segment); } Boolean status = PredicateUtil.evaluate(predicate, context); if (status == null || !status.booleanValue()) { continue; } String id = inverseEntities.get(segment); Model model = segment.getModel(); if (model == null) { throw new InvalidFeatureException(segment); } // "With the exception of modelChain models, all model elements used inside Segment elements in one MiningModel must have the same MINING-FUNCTION" switch (multipleModelMethod) { case MODEL_CHAIN: lastModel = model; break; default: if (!(miningFunction).equals(model.getFunctionName())) { throw new InvalidFeatureException(model); } break; } ModelEvaluator<?> evaluator = evaluatorFactory.getModelManager(getPMML(), model); ModelEvaluationContext segmentContext = evaluator.createContext(context); Map<FieldName, ?> result = evaluator.evaluate(segmentContext); FieldName targetField = evaluator.getTargetField(); List<FieldName> outputFields = evaluator.getOutputFields(); for (FieldName outputField : outputFields) { FieldValue outputValue = segmentContext.getField(outputField); if (outputValue == null) { throw new MissingFieldException(outputField, segment); } // "The OutputFields from one model element can be passed as input to the MiningSchema of subsequent models" context.declare(outputField, outputValue); } List<String> warnings = segmentContext.getWarnings(); for (String warning : warnings) { context.addWarning(warning); } SegmentResultMap segmentResult = new SegmentResultMap(segment, targetField); segmentResult.putAll(result); context.putResult(id, segmentResult); switch (multipleModelMethod) { case SELECT_FIRST: return Collections.singletonList(segmentResult); default: results.add(segmentResult); break; } } // "The model element used inside the last Segment element executed must have the same MINING-FUNCTION" switch (multipleModelMethod) { case MODEL_CHAIN: if (lastModel != null && !(miningFunction).equals(lastModel.getFunctionName())) { throw new InvalidFeatureException(lastModel); } break; default: break; } return results; } private Map<FieldName, ?> selectAll(List<SegmentResultMap> segmentResults) { ListMultimap<FieldName, Object> result = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Set<FieldName> keys = null; for (SegmentResultMap segmentResult : segmentResults) { if (keys == null) { keys = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(segmentResult.keySet()); } // End if // Ensure that all List values in the ListMultimap contain the same number of elements if (!(keys).equals(segmentResult.keySet())) { throw new EvaluationException(); } for (FieldName key : keys) { result.put(key, segmentResult.get(key)); } } return result.asMap(); } public ModelEvaluatorFactory getEvaluatorFactory() { return this.evaluatorFactory; } public void setEvaluatorFactory(ModelEvaluatorFactory evaluatorFactory) { this.evaluatorFactory = evaluatorFactory; } static private <E> E getFirst(List<E> list) { return list.get(0); } static private <E> E getLast(List<E> list) { return list.get(list.size() - 1); } static private Map<Object, Double> countVotes(Segmentation segmentation, List<SegmentResultMap> segmentResults) { VoteCounter<Object> counter = new VoteCounter<Object>(); MultipleModelMethodType multipleModelMethod = segmentation.getMultipleModelMethod(); for (SegmentResultMap segmentResult : segmentResults) { Object targetCategory = EvaluatorUtil.decode(segmentResult.getTargetValue()); switch (multipleModelMethod) { case MAJORITY_VOTE: counter.increment(targetCategory); break; case WEIGHTED_MAJORITY_VOTE: counter.increment(targetCategory, segmentResult.getWeight()); break; default: throw new UnsupportedFeatureException(segmentation, multipleModelMethod); } } return counter; } static private Map<Object, Double> aggregateProbabilities(Segmentation segmentation, List<SegmentResultMap> segmentResults) { ProbabilityAggregator<Object> aggregator = new ProbabilityAggregator<Object>(); MultipleModelMethodType multipleModelMethod = segmentation.getMultipleModelMethod(); for (SegmentResultMap segmentResult : segmentResults) { Object targetValue = segmentResult.getTargetValue(); if (!(targetValue instanceof ClassificationMap)) { throw new TypeCheckException(ClassificationMap.class, targetValue); } ClassificationMap<?> values = (ClassificationMap<?>) targetValue; if (!(ClassificationMap.Type.PROBABILITY).equals(values.getType())) { throw new EvaluationException(); } Collection<? extends Map.Entry<?, Double>> entries = values.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<?, Double> entry : entries) { Object targetCategory = entry.getKey(); Double probability = entry.getValue(); switch (multipleModelMethod) { case MAX: aggregator.max(targetCategory, probability); break; case AVERAGE: aggregator.add(targetCategory, probability); break; case WEIGHTED_AVERAGE: aggregator.add(targetCategory, segmentResult.getWeight() * probability); break; default: throw new UnsupportedFeatureException(segmentation, multipleModelMethod); } } } switch (multipleModelMethod) { case MAX: break; case AVERAGE: case WEIGHTED_AVERAGE: aggregator.divide((double) segmentResults.size()); break; default: throw new UnsupportedFeatureException(segmentation, multipleModelMethod); } return aggregator; } static private boolean isRandomForest(MiningModel miningModel) { Segmentation segmentation = miningModel.getSegmentation(); if (segmentation == null) { return false; } List<Segment> segments = segmentation.getSegments(); // How many trees does it take to make a forest? boolean result = (segments.size() > 3); for (Segment segment : segments) { Model model = segment.getModel(); result &= (model instanceof TreeModel); } return result; } private static final LoadingCache<MiningModel, BiMap<String, Segment>> entityCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .weakKeys().build(new CacheLoader<MiningModel, BiMap<String, Segment>>() { @Override public BiMap<String, Segment> load(MiningModel miningModel) { Segmentation segmentation = miningModel.getSegmentation(); return EntityUtil.buildBiMap(segmentation.getSegments()); } }); }