Java tutorial
/** * =========================================== * Java Pdf Extraction Decoding Access Library * =========================================== * * Project Info: * Project Lead: Mark Stephens ( * * (C) Copyright 2006, IDRsolutions and Contributors. * * This file is part of JPedal * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * --------------- * * --------------- * * Original Author: Mark Stephens ( * Contributor(s): * */ package org.jpedal.examples.simpleviewer.utils; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JRadioButton; import javax.swing.ProgressMonitor; import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent; import org.jpedal.PdfDecoder; import org.jpedal.examples.simpleviewer.gui.SwingGUI; import org.jpedal.examples.simpleviewer.gui.popups.AddHeaderFooterToPDFPages; import org.jpedal.examples.simpleviewer.gui.popups.CropPDFPages; import org.jpedal.examples.simpleviewer.gui.popups.DeletePDFPages; import org.jpedal.examples.simpleviewer.gui.popups.EncryptPDFDocument; import org.jpedal.examples.simpleviewer.gui.popups.ExtractPDFPagesNup; import org.jpedal.examples.simpleviewer.gui.popups.InsertBlankPDFPage; import org.jpedal.examples.simpleviewer.gui.popups.RotatePDFPages; import org.jpedal.examples.simpleviewer.gui.popups.SavePDF; import org.jpedal.examples.simpleviewer.gui.popups.StampImageToPDFPages; import org.jpedal.examples.simpleviewer.gui.popups.StampTextToPDFPages; import org.jpedal.gui.GUIFactory; import; import org.jpedal.objects.PdfPageData; import org.jpedal.utils.Messages; import org.jpedal.utils.SwingWorker; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.Element; import com.lowagie.text.Image; import com.lowagie.text.PageSize; import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.AcroFields; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PRAcroForm; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfArray; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfCopy; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfEncryptor; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfImportedPage; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfName; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfNumber; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfStamper; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.SimpleBookmark; /** central location to place external code using itext library */ public class ItextFunctions { public final static int ROTATECLOCKWISE = 0; public final static int ROTATECOUNTERCLOCKWISE = 1; public final static int ROTATE180 = 2; public final static int ORDER_ACCROS = 3; public final static int ORDER_DOWN = 4; public final static int ORDER_STACK = 5; public final static int REPEAT_NONE = 6; public final static int REPEAT_AUTO = 7; public final static int REPEAT_SPECIFIED = 8; private final String separator = System.getProperty("file.separator"); private String fileName = ""; private GUIFactory currentGUI; private String selectedFile; /**copy of PdfDecoder*/ private PdfDecoder dPDF; public ItextFunctions(SwingGUI currentGUI, String selectedFile, PdfDecoder decode_pdf) { String fileName = new File(selectedFile).getName(); if (fileName.lastIndexOf(".") != -1) fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(".")); this.fileName = fileName.replaceAll("%20", " "); this.currentGUI = currentGUI; this.selectedFile = selectedFile; this.dPDF = decode_pdf; } /** uses itext to save out form data with any changes user has made */ public void saveFormsData(String file) { try { org.jpedal.objects.acroforms.AcroRenderer formRenderer = dPDF.getCurrentFormRenderer(); if (formRenderer == null) return; PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(selectedFile); PdfStamper stamp = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileOutputStream(file)); AcroFields form = stamp.getAcroFields(); List names = formRenderer.getComponentNameList(); /** * work through all components writing out values */ for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { String name = (String) names.get(i); Component[] comps = formRenderer.getComponentsByName(name); int type = form.getFieldType(name); String value = ""; switch (type) { case AcroFields.FIELD_TYPE_CHECKBOX: if (comps.length == 1) { JCheckBox cb = (JCheckBox) comps[0]; value = cb.getName(); if (value != null) { int ptr = value.indexOf("-("); if (ptr != -1) { value = value.substring(ptr + 2, value.length() - 1); } } if (value.equals("")) value = "On"; if (cb.isSelected()) form.setField(name, value); else form.setField(name, "Off"); } else { for (int j = 0; j < comps.length; j++) { JCheckBox cb = (JCheckBox) comps[j]; if (cb.isSelected()) { value = cb.getName(); if (value != null) { int ptr = value.indexOf("-("); if (ptr != -1) { value = value.substring(ptr + 2, value.length() - 1); // name is wrong it should be the piece of field data that needs changing. //TODO itext form.setField(name, value); } } break; } } } break; case AcroFields.FIELD_TYPE_COMBO: JComboBox combobox = (JComboBox) comps[0]; value = (String) combobox.getSelectedItem(); /** * allow for user adding new value to Combo to emulate * Acrobat * String currentText = (String) * combobox.getEditor().getItem(); * * if(!currentText.equals("")) value = currentText; */ if (value == null) value = ""; form.setField(name, value); break; case AcroFields.FIELD_TYPE_LIST: JList list = (JList) comps[0]; value = (String) list.getSelectedValue(); if (value == null) value = ""; form.setField(name, value); break; case AcroFields.FIELD_TYPE_NONE: break; case AcroFields.FIELD_TYPE_PUSHBUTTON: break; case AcroFields.FIELD_TYPE_RADIOBUTTON: for (int j = 0; j < comps.length; j++) { JRadioButton radioButton = (JRadioButton) comps[j]; if (radioButton.isSelected()) { value = radioButton.getName(); if (value != null) { int ptr = value.indexOf("-("); if (ptr != -1) { value = value.substring(ptr + 2, value.length() - 1); form.setField(name, value); } } break; } } break; case AcroFields.FIELD_TYPE_SIGNATURE: break; case AcroFields.FIELD_TYPE_TEXT: JTextComponent tc = (JTextComponent) comps[0]; value = tc.getText(); form.setField(name, value); // ArrayList objArrayList = form.getFieldItem(name).widgets; // PdfDictionary dic = (PdfDictionary)objArrayList.get(0); // PdfDictionary action // =(PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(dic.get(PdfName.MK)); // // if (action == null) { // PdfDictionary d = new PdfDictionary(PdfName.MK); // dic.put(PdfName.MK, d); // // Color color = tc.getBackground(); // PdfArray f = new PdfArray(new int[] { color.getRed(), // color.getGreen(), color.getBlue() }); // d.put(PdfName.BG, f); // } // moderatly useful debug code // Item dd = form.getFieldItem(name); // // ArrayList objArrayList = dd.widgets; // Iterator iter1 = objArrayList.iterator(),iter2; // String strName; // PdfDictionary objPdfDict = null; // PdfName objName = null; // PdfObject objObject = null; // while(iter1.hasNext()) // { // objPdfDict = (PdfDictionary); // System.out.println("PdfDictionary Object: " + // objPdfDict.toString()); // Set objSet = objPdfDict.getKeys(); // for(iter2 = objSet.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();) // { // objName = (PdfName); // objObject = objPdfDict.get(objName); // if(objName.toString().indexOf("MK")!=-1) // System.out.println("here"); // System.out.println("objName: " + objName.toString() + " - // objObject:" + objObject.toString() + " - Type: " + // objObject.type()); // if(objObject.isDictionary()) // { // Set objSet2 = ((PdfDictionary)objObject).getKeys(); // PdfObject objObject2; // PdfName objName2; // for(Iterator iter3 = objSet2.iterator(); // iter3.hasNext();) // { // objName2 = (PdfName); // objObject2 = ((PdfDictionary)objObject).get(objName2); // System.out.println("objName2: " + objName2.toString() + " // -objObject2: " + objObject2.toString() + " - Type: " + // objObject2.type()); // } // } // } // } break; default: break; } } stamp.close(); } catch (ClassCastException e1) { System.out.println("Expected component does not match actual component"); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } public void extractPagesToNewPDF(SavePDF current_selection) { final boolean exportIntoMultiplePages = current_selection.getExportType(); final int[] pgsToExport = current_selection.getExportPages(); if (pgsToExport == null) return; final int noOfPages = pgsToExport.length; // get user choice final String output_dir = current_selection.getRootDir() + separator + fileName + separator + "PDFs" + separator; File testDirExists = new File(output_dir); if (!testDirExists.exists()) testDirExists.mkdirs(); final ProgressMonitor status = new ProgressMonitor(currentGUI.getFrame(), Messages.getMessage("PdfViewerMessage.GeneratingPdfs"), "", 0, noOfPages); final SwingWorker worker = new SwingWorker() { public Object construct() { if (exportIntoMultiplePages) { boolean yesToAll = false; for (int i = 0; i < noOfPages; i++) { int page = pgsToExport[i]; if (status.isCanceled()) { currentGUI.showMessageDialog(Messages.getMessage("PdfViewerError.UserStoppedExport") + i + " " + Messages.getMessage("PdfViewerError.ReportNumberOfPagesExported")); return null; } try { PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(selectedFile); File fileToSave = new File(output_dir + fileName + "_pg_" + page + ".pdf"); if (fileToSave.exists() && !yesToAll) { if (pgsToExport.length > 1) { int n = currentGUI.showOverwriteDialog(fileToSave.getAbsolutePath(), true); if (n == 0) { // clicked yes so just carry on for this // once } else if (n == 1) { // clicked yes to all, so set flag yesToAll = true; } else if (n == 2) { // clicked no, so loop round again status.setProgress(page); continue; } else { currentGUI.showMessageDialog( Messages.getMessage("PdfViewerError.UserStoppedExport") + i + " " + Messages.getMessage( "PdfViewerError.ReportNumberOfPagesExported")); status.close(); return null; } } else { int n = currentGUI.showOverwriteDialog(fileToSave.getAbsolutePath(), false); if (n == 0) { // clicked yes so just carry on } else { // clicked no, so exit return null; } } } Document document = new Document(); PdfCopy writer = new PdfCopy(document, new FileOutputStream(fileToSave));; PdfImportedPage pip = writer.getImportedPage(reader, page); writer.addPage(pip); PRAcroForm form = reader.getAcroForm(); if (form != null) { writer.copyAcroForm(reader); } document.close(); } catch (Exception de) { de.printStackTrace(); } status.setProgress(i + 1); } } else { try { PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(selectedFile); File fileToSave = new File(output_dir + "export_" + fileName + ".pdf"); if (fileToSave.exists()) { int n = currentGUI.showOverwriteDialog(fileToSave.getAbsolutePath(), false); if (n == 0) { // clicked yes so just carry on } else { // clicked no, so exit return null; } } Document document = new Document(); PdfCopy copy = new PdfCopy(document, new FileOutputStream(fileToSave.getAbsolutePath()));; PdfImportedPage pip; for (int i = 0; i < noOfPages; i++) { int page = pgsToExport[i]; pip = copy.getImportedPage(reader, page); copy.addPage(pip); } PRAcroForm form = reader.getAcroForm(); if (form != null) { copy.copyAcroForm(reader); } List bookmarks = SimpleBookmark.getBookmark(reader); copy.setOutlines(bookmarks); document.close(); } catch (Exception de) { de.printStackTrace(); } } status.close(); currentGUI.showMessageDialog( Messages.getMessage("PdfViewerMessage.PagesSavedAsPdfTo") + " " + output_dir); return null; } }; worker.start(); } public void nup(int pageCount, PdfPageData currentPageData, ExtractPDFPagesNup extractPage) { try { int[] pgsToEdit = extractPage.getPages(); if (pgsToEdit == null) return; //get user choice final String output_dir = extractPage.getRootDir() + separator + fileName + separator + "PDFs" + separator; File testDirExists = new File(output_dir); if (!testDirExists.exists()) testDirExists.mkdirs(); List pagesToEdit = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < pgsToEdit.length; i++) pagesToEdit.add(new Integer(pgsToEdit[i])); PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(selectedFile); File fileToSave = new File(output_dir + "export_" + fileName + ".pdf"); if (fileToSave.exists()) { int n = currentGUI.showOverwriteDialog(fileToSave.getAbsolutePath(), false); if (n == 0) { // clicked yes so just carry on } else { // clicked no, so exit return; } } int rows = extractPage.getLayoutRows(); int coloumns = extractPage.getLayoutColumns(); int paperWidth = extractPage.getPaperWidth(); int paperHeight = extractPage.getPaperHeight(); Rectangle pageSize = new Rectangle(paperWidth, paperHeight); String orientation = extractPage.getPaperOrientation(); Rectangle newSize = null; if (orientation.equals(Messages.getMessage("PdfViewerNUPOption.Auto"))) { if (coloumns > rows) newSize = new Rectangle(pageSize.height(), pageSize.width()); else newSize = new Rectangle(pageSize.width(), pageSize.height()); } else if (orientation.equals("Portrait")) { newSize = new Rectangle(pageSize.width(), pageSize.height()); } else if (orientation.equals("Landscape")) { newSize = new Rectangle(pageSize.height(), pageSize.width()); } String scale = extractPage.getScale(); float leftRightMargin = extractPage.getLeftRightMargin(); float topBottomMargin = extractPage.getTopBottomMargin(); float horizontalSpacing = extractPage.getHorizontalSpacing(); float verticalSpacing = extractPage.getVerticalSpacing(); Rectangle unitSize = null; if (scale.equals("Auto")) { float totalHorizontalSpacing = (coloumns - 1) * horizontalSpacing; int totalWidth = (int) (newSize.width() - leftRightMargin * 2 - totalHorizontalSpacing); int unitWidth = totalWidth / coloumns; float totalVerticalSpacing = (rows - 1) * verticalSpacing; int totalHeight = (int) (newSize.height() - topBottomMargin * 2 - totalVerticalSpacing); int unitHeight = totalHeight / rows; unitSize = new Rectangle(unitWidth, unitHeight); } else if (scale.equals("Use Original Size")) { unitSize = null; } else if (scale.equals("Specified")) { unitSize = new Rectangle(extractPage.getScaleWidth(), extractPage.getScaleHeight()); } int order = extractPage.getPageOrdering(); int pagesPerPage = rows * coloumns; int repeats = 1; if (extractPage.getRepeat() == REPEAT_AUTO) repeats = coloumns * rows; else if (extractPage.getRepeat() == REPEAT_SPECIFIED) repeats = extractPage.getCopies(); Document document = new Document(newSize, 0, 0, 0, 0); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(fileToSave));; PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); PdfImportedPage importedPage; float offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0, factor; int actualPage = 0, page = 0; Rectangle currentSize; boolean isProportional = extractPage.isScaleProportional(); for (int i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++) { if (pagesToEdit.contains(new Integer(i))) { for (int j = 0; j < repeats; j++) { int currentUnit = page % pagesPerPage; if (currentUnit == 0) { document.newPage(); actualPage++; } currentSize = reader.getPageSizeWithRotation(i); if (unitSize == null) unitSize = currentSize; int currentColoumn = 0, currentRow = 0; if (order == ORDER_DOWN) { currentColoumn = currentUnit / rows; currentRow = currentUnit % rows; offsetX = unitSize.width() * currentColoumn; offsetY = newSize.height() - (unitSize.height() * (currentRow + 1)); } else if (order == ORDER_ACCROS) { currentColoumn = currentUnit % coloumns; currentRow = currentUnit / coloumns; offsetX = unitSize.width() * currentColoumn; offsetY = newSize.height() - (unitSize.height() * ((currentUnit / coloumns) + 1)); } factor = Math.min(unitSize.width() / currentSize.width(), unitSize.height() / currentSize.height()); float widthFactor = factor, heightFactor = factor; if (!isProportional) { widthFactor = unitSize.width() / currentSize.width(); heightFactor = unitSize.height() / currentSize.height(); } else { offsetX += ((unitSize.width() - (currentSize.width() * factor)) / 2f); offsetY += ((unitSize.height() - (currentSize.height() * factor)) / 2f); } offsetX += (horizontalSpacing * currentColoumn) + leftRightMargin; offsetY -= ((verticalSpacing * currentRow) + topBottomMargin); importedPage = writer.getImportedPage(reader, i); double rotation = currentSize.getRotation() * Math.PI / 180; /** * see * * for information about transformation matrices, and the coordinate system */ int mediaBoxX = -currentPageData.getMediaBoxX(i); int mediaBoxY = -currentPageData.getMediaBoxY(i); float a, b, c, d, e, f; switch (currentSize.getRotation()) { case 0: a = widthFactor; b = 0; c = 0; d = heightFactor; e = offsetX + (mediaBoxX * widthFactor); f = offsetY + (mediaBoxY * heightFactor); cb.addTemplate(importedPage, a, b, c, d, e, f); break; case 90: a = 0; b = (float) (Math.sin(rotation) * -heightFactor); c = (float) (Math.sin(rotation) * widthFactor); d = 0; e = offsetX + (mediaBoxY * widthFactor); f = ((currentSize.height() * heightFactor) + offsetY) - (mediaBoxX * heightFactor); cb.addTemplate(importedPage, a, b, c, d, e, f); break; case 180: a = (float) (Math.cos(rotation) * widthFactor); b = 0; c = 0; d = (float) (Math.cos(rotation) * heightFactor); e = (offsetX + (currentSize.width() * widthFactor)) - (mediaBoxX * widthFactor); f = ((currentSize.height() * heightFactor) + offsetY) - (mediaBoxY * heightFactor); cb.addTemplate(importedPage, a, b, c, d, e, f); break; case 270: a = 0; b = (float) (Math.sin(rotation) * -heightFactor); c = (float) (Math.sin(rotation) * widthFactor); d = 0; e = (offsetX + (currentSize.width() * widthFactor)) - (mediaBoxY * widthFactor); f = offsetY + (mediaBoxX * heightFactor); cb.addTemplate(importedPage, a, b, c, d, e, f); break; } page++; } } } document.close(); currentGUI.showMessageDialog( Messages.getMessage("PdfViewerMessage.PagesSavedAsPdfTo") + " " + output_dir); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void handouts(String file) { try { File src = new File(selectedFile); File dest = new File(file); int pages = 4; float x1 = 30f; float x2 = 280f; float x3 = 320f; float x4 = 565f; float[] y1 = new float[pages]; float[] y2 = new float[pages]; float height = (778f - (20f * (pages - 1))) / pages; y1[0] = 812f; y2[0] = 812f - height; for (int i = 1; i < pages; i++) { y1[i] = y2[i - 1] - 20f; y2[i] = y1[i] - height; } // we create a reader for a certain document PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src.getAbsolutePath()); // we retrieve the total number of pages int n = reader.getNumberOfPages(); // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4); // step 2: we create a writer that listens to the document PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(dest)); // step 3: we open the document; PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); PdfImportedPage page; int rotation; int i = 0; int p = 0; // step 4: we add content while (i < n) { i++; Rectangle rect = reader.getPageSizeWithRotation(i); float factorx = (x2 - x1) / rect.width(); float factory = (y1[p] - y2[p]) / rect.height(); float factor = (factorx < factory ? factorx : factory); float dx = (factorx == factor ? 0f : ((x2 - x1) - rect.width() * factor) / 2f); float dy = (factory == factor ? 0f : ((y1[p] - y2[p]) - rect.height() * factor) / 2f); page = writer.getImportedPage(reader, i); rotation = reader.getPageRotation(i); if (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270) { cb.addTemplate(page, 0, -factor, factor, 0, x1 + dx, y2[p] + dy + rect.height() * factor); } else { cb.addTemplate(page, factor, 0, 0, factor, x1 + dx, y2[p] + dy); } cb.setRGBColorStroke(0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0); cb.rectangle(x3 - 5f, y2[p] - 5f, x4 - x3 + 10f, y1[p] - y2[p] + 10f); for (float l = y1[p] - 19; l > y2[p]; l -= 16) { cb.moveTo(x3, l); cb.lineTo(x4, l); } cb.rectangle(x1 + dx, y2[p] + dy, rect.width() * factor, rect.height() * factor); cb.stroke(); p++; if (p == pages) { p = 0; document.newPage(); } } // step 5: we close the document document.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } } public void add(int pageCount, PdfPageData currentPageData, InsertBlankPDFPage addPage) { File tempFile = null; try { tempFile = File.createTempFile("temp", null); ObjectStore.copy(selectedFile, tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Exception e) { return; } int pageToInsertBefore = addPage.getInsertBefore(); boolean insertAsLastPage = false; if (pageToInsertBefore == -1) return; else if (pageToInsertBefore == -2) insertAsLastPage = true; try { PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); PdfStamper stamp = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileOutputStream(selectedFile)); if (insertAsLastPage) stamp.insertPage(pageCount + 1, reader.getPageSizeWithRotation(pageCount)); else stamp.insertPage(pageToInsertBefore, reader.getPageSizeWithRotation(pageToInsertBefore)); stamp.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ObjectStore.copy(tempFile.getAbsolutePath(), selectedFile); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { tempFile.delete(); } } public void rotate(int pageCount, PdfPageData currentPageData, RotatePDFPages current_selection) { File tempFile = null; try { tempFile = File.createTempFile("temp", null); ObjectStore.copy(selectedFile, tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Exception e) { return; } try { int[] pgsToRotate = current_selection.getRotatedPages(); if (pgsToRotate == null) return; int check = -1; if (pgsToRotate.length == 1) { check = currentGUI.showConfirmDialog(Messages.getMessage("PdfViewerMessage.ConfirmRotatePages"), Messages.getMessage("PdfViewerMessage.Confirm"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); } else { check = currentGUI.showConfirmDialog(Messages.getMessage("PdfViewerMessage.ConfirmRotatePages"), Messages.getMessage("PdfViewerMessage.Confirm"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); } if (check != 0) return; if (pgsToRotate == null) return; List pagesToRotate = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < pgsToRotate.length; i++) pagesToRotate.add(new Integer(pgsToRotate[i])); int direction = current_selection.getDirection(); PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); for (int page = 1; page <= pageCount; page++) { if (pagesToRotate.contains(new Integer(page))) { // int currentRotation = // Integer.parseInt(reader.getPageN(page).get(PdfName.ROTATE).toString()); int currentRotation = currentPageData.getRotation(page); if (direction == ROTATECLOCKWISE) reader.getPageN(page).put(PdfName.ROTATE, new PdfNumber((currentRotation + 90) % 360)); else if (direction == ROTATECOUNTERCLOCKWISE) reader.getPageN(page).put(PdfName.ROTATE, new PdfNumber((currentRotation - 90) % 360)); else if (direction == ROTATE180) reader.getPageN(page).put(PdfName.ROTATE, new PdfNumber((currentRotation + 180) % 360)); else throw new Exception("invalid desired rotation"); } } PdfStamper stamp = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileOutputStream(selectedFile)); stamp.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ObjectStore.copy(tempFile.getAbsolutePath(), selectedFile); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { tempFile.delete(); } } public void setCrop(int pageCount, PdfPageData currentPageData, CropPDFPages cropPage) { File tempFile = null; try { tempFile = File.createTempFile("temp", null); ObjectStore.copy(selectedFile, tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Exception e) { return; } try { int[] pgsToEdit = cropPage.getPages(); if (pgsToEdit == null) return; List pagesToEdit = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < pgsToEdit.length; i++) pagesToEdit.add(new Integer(pgsToEdit[i])); PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); boolean applyToCurrent = cropPage.applyToCurrentCrop(); for (int page = 1; page <= pageCount; page++) { if (pagesToEdit.contains(new Integer(page))) { float currentLeftCrop = currentPageData.getCropBoxX(page); float currentBottomCrop = currentPageData.getCropBoxY(page); float currentRightCrop = currentPageData.getCropBoxWidth(page) + currentLeftCrop; float currentTopCrop = currentPageData.getCropBoxHeight(page) + currentBottomCrop; float[] newCrop = cropPage.getCrop(); if (applyToCurrent) { newCrop[0] = currentLeftCrop + newCrop[0]; newCrop[1] = currentBottomCrop + newCrop[1]; newCrop[2] = currentRightCrop - newCrop[2]; newCrop[3] = currentTopCrop - newCrop[3]; } else { newCrop[2] = reader.getPageSize(page).width() - newCrop[2]; newCrop[3] = reader.getPageSize(page).height() - newCrop[3]; } reader.getPageN(page).put(PdfName.CROPBOX, new PdfArray(newCrop)); } } PdfStamper stamp = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileOutputStream(selectedFile)); stamp.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ObjectStore.copy(tempFile.getAbsolutePath(), selectedFile); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { tempFile.delete(); } } public void delete(int pageCount, PdfPageData currentPageData, DeletePDFPages deletedPages) { File tempFile = null; try { tempFile = File.createTempFile("temp", null); ObjectStore.copy(selectedFile, tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Exception e) { return; } try { int[] pgsToDelete = deletedPages.getDeletedPages(); if (pgsToDelete == null) return; int check = -1; if (pgsToDelete.length == 1) { check = currentGUI.showConfirmDialog(Messages.getMessage("PdfViewerMessage.ConfirmDeletePage"), Messages.getMessage("PdfViewerMessage.Confirm"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); } else { check = currentGUI.showConfirmDialog(Messages.getMessage("PdfViewerMessage.ConfirmDeletePage"), Messages.getMessage("PdfViewerMessage.Confirm"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); } if (check != 0) return; if (pgsToDelete == null) return; List pagesToDelete = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < pgsToDelete.length; i++) pagesToDelete.add(new Integer(pgsToDelete[i])); PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); List bookmarks = SimpleBookmark.getBookmark(reader); // int[][] xx = new int[pgsToDelete.length][1]; // for(int i=0; i<pgsToDelete.length;i++){ // xx[i][0] = pgsToDelete[i]; // } // // PageRanges pr = new PageRanges(xx); // int[] toRemove = linearize(pr.getMembers()); // // SimpleBookmark.eliminatePages(bookmarks,toRemove); SimpleBookmark.shiftPageNumbers(bookmarks, -1, new int[] { 5, 5 }); // if(1==1) // return; /** * check document will have at leat 1 page */ boolean pageAdded = false; for (int page = 1; page <= pageCount; page++) { if (!pagesToDelete.contains(new Integer(page))) { pageAdded = true; page = pageCount; } } if (!pageAdded) { currentGUI.showMessageDialog(Messages.getMessage("PdfViewerError.PageWillNotDelete")); return; } Document document = new Document(); PdfCopy writer = new PdfCopy(document, new FileOutputStream(selectedFile));; for (int page = 1; page <= pageCount; page++) { if (!pagesToDelete.contains(new Integer(page))) { PdfImportedPage pip = writer.getImportedPage(reader, page); writer.addPage(pip); pageAdded = true; } } writer.setOutlines(bookmarks); document.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ObjectStore.copy(tempFile.getAbsolutePath(), selectedFile); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { tempFile.delete(); } } public void stampImage(int pageCount, PdfPageData currentPageData, final StampImageToPDFPages stampImage) { File tempFile = null; try { tempFile = File.createTempFile("temp", null); ObjectStore.copy(selectedFile, tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Exception e) { return; } try { int[] pgsToEdit = stampImage.getPages(); if (pgsToEdit == null) return; File fileToTest = new File(stampImage.getImageLocation()); if (!fileToTest.exists()) { currentGUI.showMessageDialog(Messages.getMessage("PdfViewerError.ImageDoesNotExist")); return; } List pagesToEdit = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < pgsToEdit.length; i++) pagesToEdit.add(new Integer(pgsToEdit[i])); final PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); int n = reader.getNumberOfPages(); PdfStamper stamp = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileOutputStream(selectedFile)); Image img = Image.getInstance(fileToTest.getAbsolutePath()); int chosenWidthScale = stampImage.getWidthScale(); int chosenHeightScale = stampImage.getHeightScale(); img.scalePercent(chosenWidthScale, chosenHeightScale); String chosenPlacement = stampImage.getPlacement(); int chosenRotation = stampImage.getRotation(); img.setRotationDegrees(chosenRotation); String chosenHorizontalPosition = stampImage.getHorizontalPosition(); String chosenVerticalPosition = stampImage.getVerticalPosition(); float chosenHorizontalOffset = stampImage.getHorizontalOffset(); float chosenVerticalOffset = stampImage.getVerticalOffset(); for (int page = 0; page <= n; page++) { if (pagesToEdit.contains(new Integer(page))) { PdfContentByte cb; if (chosenPlacement.equals("Overlay")) cb = stamp.getOverContent(page); else cb = stamp.getUnderContent(page); int currentRotation = currentPageData.getRotation(page); Rectangle pageSize; if (currentRotation == 90 || currentRotation == 270) pageSize = reader.getPageSize(page).rotate(); else pageSize = reader.getPageSize(page); float startx, starty; if (chosenVerticalPosition.equals("From the top")) { starty = pageSize.height() - ((img.height() * (chosenHeightScale / 100)) / 2); } else if (chosenVerticalPosition.equals("Centered")) { starty = (pageSize.height() / 2) - ((img.height() * (chosenHeightScale / 100)) / 2); } else { starty = 0; } if (chosenHorizontalPosition.equals("From the left")) { startx = 0; } else if (chosenHorizontalPosition.equals("Centered")) { startx = (pageSize.width() / 2) - ((img.width() * (chosenWidthScale / 100)) / 2); } else { startx = pageSize.width() - ((img.width() * (chosenWidthScale / 100)) / 2); } img.setAbsolutePosition(startx + chosenHorizontalOffset, starty + chosenVerticalOffset); cb.addImage(img); } } stamp.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ObjectStore.copy(tempFile.getAbsolutePath(), selectedFile); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { tempFile.delete(); } } public void stampText(int pageCount, PdfPageData currentPageData, final StampTextToPDFPages stampText) { File tempFile = null; try { tempFile = File.createTempFile("temp", null); ObjectStore.copy(selectedFile, tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Exception e) { return; } try { int[] pgsToEdit = stampText.getPages(); if (pgsToEdit == null) return; List pagesToEdit = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < pgsToEdit.length; i++) pagesToEdit.add(new Integer(pgsToEdit[i])); final PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); PdfStamper stamp = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileOutputStream(selectedFile)); for (int page = 1; page <= pageCount; page++) { if (pagesToEdit.contains(new Integer(page))) { String chosenText = stampText.getText(); if (!chosenText.equals("")) { String chosenFont = stampText.getFontName(); Color chosenFontColor = stampText.getFontColor(); int chosenFontSize = stampText.getFontSize(); int chosenRotation = stampText.getRotation(); String chosenPlacement = stampText.getPlacement(); String chosenHorizontalPosition = stampText.getHorizontalPosition(); String chosenVerticalPosition = stampText.getVerticalPosition(); float chosenHorizontalOffset = stampText.getHorizontalOffset(); float chosenVerticalOffset = stampText.getVerticalOffset(); BaseFont font = BaseFont.createFont(chosenFont, BaseFont.WINANSI, false); PdfContentByte cb; if (chosenPlacement.equals("Overlay")) cb = stamp.getOverContent(page); else cb = stamp.getUnderContent(page); cb.beginText(); cb.setColorFill(chosenFontColor); cb.setFontAndSize(font, chosenFontSize); int currentRotation = currentPageData.getRotation(page); Rectangle pageSize; if (currentRotation == 90 || currentRotation == 270) pageSize = reader.getPageSize(page).rotate(); else pageSize = reader.getPageSize(page); float startx; float starty; if (chosenVerticalPosition.equals("From the top")) { starty = pageSize.height(); } else if (chosenVerticalPosition.equals("Centered")) { starty = pageSize.height() / 2; } else { starty = 0; } if (chosenHorizontalPosition.equals("From the left")) { startx = 0; } else if (chosenHorizontalPosition.equals("Centered")) { startx = pageSize.width() / 2; } else { startx = pageSize.width(); } cb.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_CENTER, chosenText, startx + chosenHorizontalOffset, starty + chosenVerticalOffset, chosenRotation); cb.endText(); } } } stamp.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ObjectStore.copy(tempFile.getAbsolutePath(), selectedFile); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { tempFile.delete(); } } public void addHeaderFooter(int pageCount, PdfPageData currentPageData, final AddHeaderFooterToPDFPages addHeaderFooter) { File tempFile = null; try { tempFile = File.createTempFile("temp", null); ObjectStore.copy(selectedFile, tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Exception e) { return; } try { int[] pgsToEdit = addHeaderFooter.getPages(); if (pgsToEdit == null) return; List pagesToEdit = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < pgsToEdit.length; i++) pagesToEdit.add(new Integer(pgsToEdit[i])); final PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); PdfStamper stamp = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileOutputStream(selectedFile)); String chosenFont = addHeaderFooter.getFontName(); Color chosenFontColor = addHeaderFooter.getFontColor(); int chosenFontSize = addHeaderFooter.getFontSize(); float chosenLeftRightMargin = addHeaderFooter.getLeftRightMargin(); float chosenTopBottomMargin = addHeaderFooter.getTopBottomMargin(); String text[] = new String[6]; text[0] = addHeaderFooter.getLeftHeader(); text[1] = addHeaderFooter.getCenterHeader(); text[2] = addHeaderFooter.getRightHeader(); text[3] = addHeaderFooter.getLeftFooter(); text[4] = addHeaderFooter.getCenterFooter(); text[5] = addHeaderFooter.getRightFooter(); Date date = new Date(); String shortDate = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT).format(date); String longDate = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG).format(date); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss a"); String time12 = formatter.format(date); formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(""); String time24 = formatter.format(date); String fileName = new File(selectedFile).getName(); BaseFont font = BaseFont.createFont(chosenFont, BaseFont.WINANSI, false); for (int page = 1; page <= pageCount; page++) { if (pagesToEdit.contains(new Integer(page))) { String[] textCopy = new String[text.length]; System.arraycopy(text, 0, textCopy, 0, text.length); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { textCopy[i] = textCopy[i].replaceAll("<d>", shortDate); textCopy[i] = textCopy[i].replaceAll("<D>", longDate); textCopy[i] = textCopy[i].replaceAll("<t>", time12); textCopy[i] = textCopy[i].replaceAll("<T>", time24); textCopy[i] = textCopy[i].replaceAll("<f>", fileName); textCopy[i] = textCopy[i].replaceAll("<F>", selectedFile); textCopy[i] = textCopy[i].replaceAll("<p>", "" + page); textCopy[i] = textCopy[i].replaceAll("<P>", "" + pageCount); } PdfContentByte cb = stamp.getOverContent(page); cb.beginText(); cb.setColorFill(chosenFontColor); cb.setFontAndSize(font, chosenFontSize); Rectangle pageSize = reader.getPageSizeWithRotation(page); cb.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_LEFT, textCopy[0], chosenLeftRightMargin, pageSize.height() - chosenTopBottomMargin, 0); cb.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_CENTER, textCopy[1], pageSize.width() / 2, pageSize.height() - chosenTopBottomMargin, 0); cb.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, textCopy[2], pageSize.width() - chosenLeftRightMargin, pageSize.height() - chosenTopBottomMargin, 0); cb.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_LEFT, textCopy[3], chosenLeftRightMargin, chosenTopBottomMargin, 0); cb.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_CENTER, textCopy[4], pageSize.width() / 2, chosenTopBottomMargin, 0); cb.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, textCopy[5], pageSize.width() - chosenLeftRightMargin, chosenTopBottomMargin, 0); cb.endText(); } } stamp.close(); } catch (Exception e) { ObjectStore.copy(tempFile.getAbsolutePath(), selectedFile); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { tempFile.delete(); } } public void encrypt(int pageCount, PdfPageData currentPageData, EncryptPDFDocument encryptPage) { String p = encryptPage.getPermissions(); int encryptionLevel = encryptPage.getEncryptionLevel(); String userPassword = encryptPage.getUserPassword(); String masterPassword = encryptPage.getMasterPassword(); int permit[] = { PdfWriter.AllowPrinting, PdfWriter.AllowModifyContents, PdfWriter.AllowCopy, PdfWriter.AllowModifyAnnotations, PdfWriter.AllowFillIn }; int permissions = 0; for (int i = 0; i < p.length(); ++i) { permissions |= (p.charAt(i) == '0' ? 0 : permit[i]); } File tempFile = null; try { tempFile = File.createTempFile("temp", null); ObjectStore.copy(selectedFile, tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Exception e) { return; } try { PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); PdfEncryptor.encrypt(reader, new FileOutputStream(selectedFile), userPassword.getBytes(), masterPassword.getBytes(), permissions, encryptionLevel == 0); } catch (Exception e) { ObjectStore.copy(tempFile.getAbsolutePath(), selectedFile); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { tempFile.delete(); } } private int[] linearize(final int[][] input) { // if you already know that all sub arrays of input are of the same // size, // you do not need to determine the size iteratively int size = 0; for (int k = 0; k < input.length; ++k) { size += input[k].length; } final int[] output = new int[size]; int offset = 0; for (int k = 0; k < input.length; ++k) { System.arraycopy(input[k], 0, output, offset, input[k].length); offset += input[k].length; } return output; } // <end-13> }