Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2009-2012, Lukas Eder, * All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * . Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * . Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * . Neither the name "jOOQ" nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.jooq.test; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.CUBRID; import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.FIREBIRD; import static; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import javax.swing.UIManager; import org.jooq.ArrayRecord; import org.jooq.DAO; import org.jooq.DataType; import org.jooq.ExecuteType; import org.jooq.Field; import org.jooq.Record; import org.jooq.Record1; import org.jooq.Record2; import org.jooq.Record3; import org.jooq.Record6; import org.jooq.Result; import org.jooq.SQLDialect; import org.jooq.Schema; import org.jooq.Table; import org.jooq.TableField; import org.jooq.TableRecord; import org.jooq.UDTRecord; import org.jooq.UpdatableRecord; import org.jooq.UpdatableTable; import org.jooq.conf.RenderMapping; import org.jooq.conf.Settings; import org.jooq.conf.SettingsTools; import org.jooq.debug.Debugger; import org.jooq.debug.console.Console; import org.jooq.debug.impl.DebuggerFactory; import org.jooq.impl.Executor; import org.jooq.test._.PrettyPrinter; import org.jooq.test._.TestStatisticsListener; import org.jooq.test._.converters.Boolean_10; import org.jooq.test._.converters.Boolean_TF_LC; import org.jooq.test._.converters.Boolean_TF_UC; import org.jooq.test._.converters.Boolean_YES_NO_LC; import org.jooq.test._.converters.Boolean_YES_NO_UC; import org.jooq.test._.converters.Boolean_YN_LC; import org.jooq.test._.converters.Boolean_YN_UC; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.AggregateWindowFunctionTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.BenchmarkTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.CRUDTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.DaoTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.DataTypeTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.EnumTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.ExecuteListenerTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.ExoticTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.FetchTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.FormatTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.FunctionTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.GeneralTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.GroupByTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.InsertUpdateTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.JoinTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.LoaderTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.MetaDataTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.OrderByTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.PlainSQLTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.PredicateTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.RecordTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.RenderAndBindTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.ResultTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.RoutineAndUDTTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.RowValueExpressionTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.SchemaAndMappingTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.SelectTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.StatementTests; import org.jooq.test._.testcases.ThreadSafetyTests; import; import; import; import; import org.jooq.types.UByte; import org.jooq.types.UInteger; import org.jooq.types.ULong; import org.jooq.types.UShort; import org.jooq.util.GenerationTool; import; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.postgresql.util.PSQLException; import; /** * The abstract test suite uses generic types to model the generated test schema * types, such as <code>T_AUTHOR</code>, <code>T_BOOK</code>, etc * * @author Lukas Eder */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public abstract class jOOQAbstractTest< // T_AUTHOR table A extends UpdatableRecord<A> & Record6<Integer, String, String, Date, Integer, ?>, // T_AUTHOR pojo AP, // T_BOOK table B extends UpdatableRecord<B>, // T_BOOK_STORE table S extends UpdatableRecord<S> & Record1<String>, // T_BOOK_TO_BOOK_STORE table B2S extends UpdatableRecord<B2S> & Record3<String, Integer, Integer>, // MULTI_SCHEMA.T_BOOK_SALE table BS extends UpdatableRecord<BS>, // V_LIBRARY view L extends TableRecord<L> & Record2<String, String>, // T_ARRAYS table X extends TableRecord<X>, // T_DATES table DATE extends UpdatableRecord<DATE>, // T_BOOLEANS table BOOL extends UpdatableRecord<BOOL>, // T_DIRECTORY table D extends UpdatableRecord<D>, // T_TRIGGERS table T extends UpdatableRecord<T>, // T_UNSIGNED table U extends TableRecord<U>, // T_IDENTITY table I extends TableRecord<I>, // T_IDENTITY_PK table IPK extends UpdatableRecord<IPK>, // Various tables related to trac ticket numbers T725 extends UpdatableRecord<T725>, T639 extends UpdatableRecord<T639>, T785 extends TableRecord<T785>> { protected static final List<Short> BOOK_IDS_SHORT = Arrays.asList((short) 1, (short) 2, (short) 3, (short) 4); protected static final List<Integer> BOOK_IDS = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4); protected static final List<Integer> BOOK_AUTHOR_IDS = Arrays.asList(1, 1, 2, 2); protected static final List<String> BOOK_TITLES = Arrays.asList("1984", "Animal Farm", "O Alquimista", "Brida"); protected static final List<String> BOOK_FIRST_NAMES = Arrays.asList("George", "George", "Paulo", "Paulo"); protected static final List<String> BOOK_LAST_NAMES = Arrays.asList("Orwell", "Orwell", "Coelho", "Coelho"); protected static final List<Integer> AUTHOR_IDS = Arrays.asList(1, 2); protected static final List<String> AUTHOR_FIRST_NAMES = Arrays.asList("George", "Paulo"); protected static final List<String> AUTHOR_LAST_NAMES = Arrays.asList("Orwell", "Coelho"); private static final String JDBC_SCHEMA = "jdbc.Schema"; private static final String JDBC_PASSWORD = "jdbc.Password"; private static final String JDBC_USER = "jdbc.User"; private static final String JDBC_URL = "jdbc.URL"; private static final String JDBC_DRIVER = "jdbc.Driver"; public static final JooqLogger log = JooqLogger.getLogger(jOOQAbstractTest.class); public static final StopWatch testSQLWatch = new StopWatch(); public static boolean initialised; public static boolean reset; public static Connection connection; public static boolean connectionInitialised; public static Connection connectionMultiSchema; public static boolean connectionMultiSchemaInitialised; public static Connection connectionMultiSchemaUnused; public static boolean connectionMultiSchemaUnusedInitialised; public static boolean autocommit; public static String jdbcURL; public static String jdbcSchema; public static Map<String, String> scripts = new HashMap<String, String>(); public static final int DEBUGGER_PORT = 5533; public static boolean RUN_CONSOLE_IN_PROCESS = false; protected void execute(String script) throws Exception { Statement stmt = null; String allSQL = scripts.get(script); if (allSQL == null) { try {"Loading", script); File file = new File(getClass().getResource(script).toURI()); allSQL = FileUtils.readFileToString(file); testSQLWatch.splitDebug("Loaded SQL file"); } catch (Exception ignore) { allSQL = ""; } scripts.put(script, allSQL); } for (String sql : allSQL.split("/")) { try { if (!StringUtils.isBlank(sql)) { sql = sql.replace("{" + JDBC_SCHEMA + "}", jdbcSchema); if (sql.toLowerCase().contains("multi_schema_unused.") && !sql.toLowerCase().contains("references multi_schema_unused")) { stmt = getConnectionMultiSchemaUnused().createStatement(); } else if (sql.toLowerCase().contains("multi_schema.") && !sql.toLowerCase().contains("references multi_schema.")) { stmt = getConnectionMultiSchema().createStatement(); } else { stmt = getConnection().createStatement(); } stmt.execute(sql.trim()); testSQLWatch .splitDebug(StringUtils.abbreviate(sql.trim().replaceAll("[\\n\\r]|\\s+", " "), 25)); } } catch (Exception e) { // There is no DROP TABLE IF EXISTS statement in Oracle if (e.getMessage().contains("ORA-00942")) { continue; } // There is no DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS statement in Oracle else if (e.getMessage().contains("ORA-02289")) { continue; } // There is no DROP {PROCEDURE|FUNCTION} IF EXISTS statement in // Oracle else if (e.getMessage().contains("ORA-04043")) { continue; } // There is no DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS statement in Oracle else if (e.getMessage().contains("ORA-04080")) { continue; } // There is no DROP TABLE IF EXISTS statement in DB2 else if (e.getMessage().contains("SQLCODE=-204") && e.getMessage().contains("SQLSTATE=42704")) { continue; } // There is no DROP TRANSFORM IF EXISTS statement in DB2 else if (e.getMessage().contains("SQLCODE=-20012") && e.getMessage().contains("SQLSTATE=42740")) { continue; } // There is no DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS statement in Postgres else if (e.getClass().getName().startsWith("org.postgresql")) { if ("42883".equals(((PSQLException) e).getSQLState())) { continue; } } // There is no DROP ** IF EXISTS statement in Derby else if (e.getCause() instanceof { if (sql.contains("DROP") || sql.contains("CREATE SCHEMA")) { continue; } } // There is no DROP ** IF EXISTS statement in SQL Server else if (e.getClass().getName().startsWith("")) { switch (((SQLServerException) e).getErrorCode()) { case 3701: // Tables case 218: // Types continue; } } // There is no DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS statement in Sybase else if (e.getClass().getName().startsWith("com.sybase")) { if (sql.contains("DROP SEQUENCE")) { continue; } } // There are no DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS and // DROP RULE IF EXISTS statements in Ingres else if (e instanceof SQLSyntaxErrorException) { if (sql.contains("DROP SEQUENCE") || sql.contains("DROP RULE")) { continue; } } // There are no IF EXISTS clauses in Sybase ASE else if (e.getMessage().contains("doesn't exist") && getDialect() == SQLDialect.ASE) { continue; } // There is no IF EXISTS clause in CUBRID's DROP VIEW statement else if (getDialect() == CUBRID && sql.trim().startsWith("DROP")) { continue; } // There is no IF EXISTS clause in Firebird's DROP statements else if (getDialect() == FIREBIRD && sql.trim().startsWith("DROP")) { continue; } // All other errors System.out.println("Error while executing : " + sql.trim()); System.out.println(); System.out.println(); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } finally { if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // Sybase throws an exception: JZ0S2: Statement object has already been closed } } } } } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { connection = getConnection(); // connectionMultiSchema = getConnectionMultiSchema(); autocommit = connection.getAutoCommit(); if (!initialised) { initialised = true; execute(getCreateScript()); } if (!reset) { reset = true; execute(getResetScript()); } } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { connection.setAutoCommit(autocommit); } @AfterClass public static void quit() throws Exception {"QUITTING"); // Issue a log dump on adaptive server. Don't know why this is needed // if (connection.getClass().getPackage().getName().contains("jtds")) {"RUNNING", "dump tran TEST with truncate_only"); connection.createStatement().execute("dump tran TEST with truncate_only"); } connection.close();"TEST STATISTICS");"---------------"); int total = 0; for (ExecuteType type : ExecuteType.values()) { Integer count = TestStatisticsListener.STATISTICS.get(type); if (count == null) count = 0; total += count;, count + " executions"); }"---------------");"Total", total); } public final Connection getConnection() { if (!connectionInitialised) { connectionInitialised = true; connection = getConnection0(null, null); if (RUN_CONSOLE_IN_PROCESS) { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); Debugger debugger = DebuggerFactory.remoteDebugger("", DEBUGGER_PORT); Console console = new Console(debugger, true, true); console.setLoggingActive(true); console.setVisible(true); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } } return connection; } public final Connection getConnectionMultiSchema() { if (!connectionMultiSchemaInitialised) { connectionMultiSchemaInitialised = true; connectionMultiSchema = getConnection0("MULTI_SCHEMA", "MULTI_SCHEMA"); } return connectionMultiSchema; } public final Connection getConnectionMultiSchemaUnused() { if (!connectionMultiSchemaUnusedInitialised) { connectionMultiSchemaUnusedInitialised = true; connectionMultiSchemaUnused = getConnection0("MULTI_SCHEMA_UNUSED", "MULTI_SCHEMA_UNUSED"); } return connectionMultiSchemaUnused; } final Connection getConnection0(String jdbcUser, String jdbcPassword) { try { String configuration = System.getProperty(""); if (configuration == null) { log.error("No system property '' found"); log.error("-----------"); log.error( "Please be sure property is set; example:${env_var:USERNAME}/db2/"); throw new Error(); } InputStream in = GenerationTool.class.getResourceAsStream(configuration); if (in == null) { log.error("Cannot find " + configuration); log.error("-----------"); log.error("Please be sure it is located on the classpath and qualified as a classpath location."); log.error("If it is located at the current working directory, try adding a '/' to the path"); throw new Error(); } Properties properties = new Properties(); try { properties.load(in); } finally { in.close(); } String driver = properties.getProperty(JDBC_DRIVER); jdbcURL = properties.getProperty(JDBC_URL) + getSchemaSuffix(); jdbcUser = jdbcUser != null ? jdbcUser : properties.getProperty(JDBC_USER); jdbcPassword = jdbcPassword != null ? jdbcPassword : properties.getProperty(JDBC_PASSWORD); jdbcSchema = properties.getProperty(JDBC_SCHEMA) + getSchemaSuffix(); Class.forName(driver); if (StringUtils.isBlank(jdbcUser)) { Properties p = new Properties(); if (getClass().getSimpleName().toLowerCase().contains("ingres")) { p.setProperty("timezone", "EUROPE-CENTRAL"); } return DriverManager.getConnection(getJdbcURL(), p); } else { return DriverManager.getConnection(getJdbcURL(), jdbcUser, jdbcPassword); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error(e); } } /** * Gets the jdbc url. * * Subclasses can override this method to add special parameters to the url * * @return */ protected String getJdbcURL() { return jdbcURL; } protected final String getCreateScript() throws Exception { return "/org/jooq/test/" + getDialect().getName().toLowerCase() + "/create.sql"; } protected final String getResetScript() throws Exception { return "/org/jooq/test/" + getDialect().getName().toLowerCase() + "/reset.sql"; } protected abstract Table<T725> T725(); protected abstract TableField<T725, Integer> T725_ID(); protected abstract TableField<T725, byte[]> T725_LOB(); protected abstract Table<T639> T639(); protected abstract TableField<T639, Integer> T639_ID(); protected abstract TableField<T639, BigDecimal> T639_BIG_DECIMAL(); protected abstract TableField<T639, BigInteger> T639_BIG_INTEGER(); protected abstract TableField<T639, Byte> T639_BYTE(); protected abstract TableField<T639, Byte> T639_BYTE_DECIMAL(); protected abstract TableField<T639, Short> T639_SHORT(); protected abstract TableField<T639, Short> T639_SHORT_DECIMAL(); protected abstract TableField<T639, Integer> T639_INTEGER(); protected abstract TableField<T639, Integer> T639_INTEGER_DECIMAL(); protected abstract TableField<T639, Long> T639_LONG(); protected abstract TableField<T639, Long> T639_LONG_DECIMAL(); protected abstract TableField<T639, Double> T639_DOUBLE(); protected abstract TableField<T639, Float> T639_FLOAT(); protected abstract Table<T785> T785(); protected abstract TableField<T785, Integer> T785_ID(); protected abstract TableField<T785, String> T785_NAME(); protected abstract TableField<T785, String> T785_VALUE(); protected abstract Table<U> TUnsigned(); protected abstract TableField<U, UByte> TUnsigned_U_BYTE(); protected abstract TableField<U, UShort> TUnsigned_U_SHORT(); protected abstract TableField<U, UInteger> TUnsigned_U_INT(); protected abstract TableField<U, ULong> TUnsigned_U_LONG(); protected abstract Table<DATE> TDates(); protected abstract Table<X> TArrays(); protected abstract TableField<X, Integer> TArrays_ID(); protected abstract TableField<X, String[]> TArrays_STRING(); protected abstract TableField<X, Integer[]> TArrays_NUMBER(); protected abstract TableField<X, Date[]> TArrays_DATE(); protected abstract TableField<X, ? extends UDTRecord<?>[]> TArrays_UDT(); protected abstract TableField<X, ? extends ArrayRecord<String>> TArrays_STRING_R(); protected abstract TableField<X, ? extends ArrayRecord<Integer>> TArrays_NUMBER_R(); protected abstract TableField<X, ? extends ArrayRecord<Long>> TArrays_NUMBER_LONG_R(); protected abstract TableField<X, ? extends ArrayRecord<Date>> TArrays_DATE_R(); protected DAO<A, AP, Integer> TAuthorDao() { return null; } protected final Class<AP> TAuthorPojo() { // Not all test configurations have generated POJOs. Discover them dynamically try { return on(TBook().getClass().getPackage().getName() + ".pojos." + TAuthor().getClass().getSimpleName()) .get(); } catch (ReflectException ignore) { return null; } } protected final Class<?> TBookPojo() { // Not all test configurations have generated POJOs. Discover them dynamically try { return on(TBook().getClass().getPackage().getName() + ".pojos." + TBook().getClass().getSimpleName()) .get(); } catch (ReflectException ignore) { return null; } } protected final Class<?> TBooleansPojo() { // Not all test configurations have generated POJOs. Discover them dynamically try { return on( TBook().getClass().getPackage().getName() + ".pojos." + TBooleans().getClass().getSimpleName()) .get(); } catch (ReflectException ignore) { return null; } } protected abstract UpdatableTable<A> TAuthor(); protected abstract TableField<A, String> TAuthor_LAST_NAME(); protected abstract TableField<A, String> TAuthor_FIRST_NAME(); protected abstract TableField<A, Date> TAuthor_DATE_OF_BIRTH(); protected abstract TableField<A, Integer> TAuthor_YEAR_OF_BIRTH(); protected abstract TableField<A, Integer> TAuthor_ID(); protected abstract TableField<A, ? extends UDTRecord<?>> TAuthor_ADDRESS(); protected abstract Class<? extends UDTRecord<?>> cUAddressType(); protected abstract Class<? extends UDTRecord<?>> cUStreetType(); protected abstract UpdatableTable<B> TBook(); protected abstract TableField<B, Integer> TBook_ID(); protected abstract TableField<B, Integer> TBook_AUTHOR_ID(); protected abstract TableField<B, String> TBook_TITLE(); protected abstract TableField<B, Integer> TBook_LANGUAGE_ID(); protected abstract TableField<B, Integer> TBook_PUBLISHED_IN(); protected abstract TableField<B, String> TBook_CONTENT_TEXT(); protected abstract TableField<B, byte[]> TBook_CONTENT_PDF(); protected abstract TableField<B, ? extends Enum<?>> TBook_STATUS(); protected TableField<B, Integer> TBook_REC_VERSION() { return null; } protected TableField<B, Timestamp> TBook_REC_TIMESTAMP() { return null; } protected abstract UpdatableTable<S> TBookStore(); protected abstract TableField<S, String> TBookStore_NAME(); protected abstract Table<L> VLibrary(); protected abstract Table<?> VAuthor(); protected abstract Table<?> VBook(); protected abstract TableField<L, String> VLibrary_TITLE(); protected abstract TableField<L, String> VLibrary_AUTHOR(); protected abstract UpdatableTable<B2S> TBookToBookStore(); protected abstract TableField<B2S, Integer> TBookToBookStore_BOOK_ID(); protected abstract TableField<B2S, String> TBookToBookStore_BOOK_STORE_NAME(); protected abstract TableField<B2S, Integer> TBookToBookStore_STOCK(); protected abstract UpdatableTable<BS> TBookSale(); protected final TableField<BS, Integer> TBookSale_ID() { return (TableField<BS, Integer>) TBookSale().getField("ID"); } protected final TableField<BS, Integer> TBookSale_BOOK_ID() { return (TableField<BS, Integer>) TBookSale().getField("BOOK_ID"); } protected final TableField<BS, String> TBookSale_BOOK_STORE_NAME() { return (TableField<BS, String>) TBookSale().getField("BOOK_STORE_NAME"); } protected final TableField<BS, Date> TBookSale_SOLD_AT() { return (TableField<BS, Date>) TBookSale().getField("SOLD_AT"); } protected final TableField<BS, BigDecimal> TBookSale_SOLD_FOR() { return (TableField<BS, BigDecimal>) TBookSale().getField("SOLD_FOR"); } protected abstract UpdatableTable<BOOL> TBooleans(); protected abstract TableField<BOOL, Integer> TBooleans_ID(); protected abstract TableField<BOOL, Boolean_10> TBooleans_BOOLEAN_10(); protected abstract TableField<BOOL, Boolean_TF_LC> TBooleans_Boolean_TF_LC(); protected abstract TableField<BOOL, Boolean_TF_UC> TBooleans_Boolean_TF_UC(); protected abstract TableField<BOOL, Boolean_YN_LC> TBooleans_Boolean_YN_LC(); protected abstract TableField<BOOL, Boolean_YN_UC> TBooleans_Boolean_YN_UC(); protected abstract TableField<BOOL, Boolean_YES_NO_LC> TBooleans_Boolean_YES_NO_LC(); protected abstract TableField<BOOL, Boolean_YES_NO_UC> TBooleans_Boolean_YES_NO_UC(); protected abstract TableField<BOOL, Boolean> TBooleans_VC(); protected abstract TableField<BOOL, Boolean> TBooleans_C(); protected abstract TableField<BOOL, Boolean> TBooleans_N(); protected abstract UpdatableTable<D> TDirectory(); protected abstract TableField<D, Integer> TDirectory_ID(); protected abstract TableField<D, Integer> TDirectory_PARENT_ID(); protected abstract TableField<D, Integer> TDirectory_IS_DIRECTORY(); protected abstract TableField<D, String> TDirectory_NAME(); protected abstract UpdatableTable<T> TTriggers(); protected abstract TableField<T, Integer> TTriggers_ID_GENERATED(); protected abstract TableField<T, Integer> TTriggers_ID(); protected abstract TableField<T, Integer> TTriggers_COUNTER(); protected abstract Table<I> TIdentity(); protected abstract TableField<I, Integer> TIdentity_ID(); protected abstract TableField<I, Integer> TIdentity_VAL(); protected abstract UpdatableTable<IPK> TIdentityPK(); protected abstract TableField<IPK, Integer> TIdentityPK_ID(); protected abstract TableField<IPK, Integer> TIdentityPK_VAL(); protected abstract Field<? extends Number> FAuthorExistsField(String authorName); protected abstract Field<? extends Number> FOneField(); protected abstract Field<? extends Number> FNumberField(Number n); protected abstract Field<? extends Number> FNumberField(Field<? extends Number> n); protected abstract Field<? extends Number> F317Field(Number n1, Number n2, Number n3, Number n4); protected abstract Field<? extends Number> F317Field(Field<? extends Number> n1, Field<? extends Number> n2, Field<? extends Number> n3, Field<? extends Number> n4); protected abstract Field<Result<Record>> FGetOneCursorField(Integer[] array); protected abstract Field<Integer[]> FArrays1Field(Field<Integer[]> array); protected abstract Field<Long[]> FArrays2Field(Field<Long[]> array); protected abstract Field<String[]> FArrays3Field(Field<String[]> array); protected abstract <Z extends ArrayRecord<Integer>> Field<Z> FArrays1Field_R(Field<Z> array); protected abstract <Z extends ArrayRecord<Long>> Field<Z> FArrays2Field_R(Field<Z> array); protected abstract <Z extends ArrayRecord<String>> Field<Z> FArrays3Field_R(Field<Z> array); protected abstract boolean supportsOUTParameters(); protected abstract boolean supportsReferences(); protected abstract boolean supportsRecursiveQueries(); protected abstract Class<?> cRoutines(); protected abstract Class<?> cLibrary(); protected abstract Class<?> cSequences(); protected abstract DataType<?>[] getCastableDataTypes(); protected abstract Executor create(Settings settings); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected final Schema schema() { return create().getSchemaMapping().map(TAuthor().getSchema()); } protected final Executor create() { String defaultSchema = System.getProperty("org.jooq.settings.defaultSchema", ""); Boolean renderSchema = Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("org.jooq.settings.renderSchema", "true")); Settings settings = SettingsTools.defaultSettings().withRenderSchema(renderSchema) .withRenderMapping(new RenderMapping().withDefaultSchema(defaultSchema)) .withExecuteListeners(TestStatisticsListener.class.getName(), PrettyPrinter.class.getName()); return create(settings); } protected final SQLDialect getDialect() { return create().getDialect(); } protected String getSchemaSuffix() { return ""; } @Test public void testStart() { // An initial test case to clean up the test database"STARTING"); } // IMPORTANT! Make this the first test, to prevent side-effects @Test public void testInsertIdentity() throws Exception { new InsertUpdateTests(this).testInsertIdentity(); } // IMPORTANT! Make this the an early test, to check for attaching side-effects @Test public void testUse() throws Exception { new SchemaAndMappingTests(this).testUse(); } @Test public void testTableMapping() throws Exception { new SchemaAndMappingTests(this).testTableMapping(); } @Test public void testSchemaMapping() throws Exception { new SchemaAndMappingTests(this).testSchemaMapping(); } @Test public void testMultiSchemaQueries() throws Exception { new SchemaAndMappingTests(this).testMultiSchemaQueries(); } @Test public void testSystemFunctions() throws Exception { new FunctionTests(this).testSystemFunctions(); } @Test public void testFetchResultSet() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchResultSet(); } @Test public void testFetchIntoResultSet() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchIntoResultSet(); } @Test public void testFetchLazy() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchLazy(); } @Test public void testFetchMap() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchMap(); } @Test public void testFetchMapPOJO() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchMapPOJO(); } @Test public void testFetchGroups() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchGroups(); } @Test public void testFetchArray() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchArray(); } @Test public void testFetchGroupsPOJO() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchGroupsPOJO(); } @Test public void testFetchWithMaxRows() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchWithMaxRows(); } @Test public void testFetchWithTimeout() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchWithTimeout(); } @Test public void testDAOMethods() throws Exception { new DaoTests(this).testDAOMethods(); } @Test public void testSelectGetSQLAndGetBindValues() throws Exception { new RenderAndBindTests(this).testSelectGetSQLAndGetBindValues(); } @Test public void testInsertUpdateGetSQLAndGetBindValues() throws Exception { new RenderAndBindTests(this).testInsertUpdateGetSQLAndGetBindValues(); } @Test public void testTruncate() throws Exception { new InsertUpdateTests(this).testTruncate(); } @Test public void testMetaModel() throws Exception { new MetaDataTests(this).testMetaModel(); } @Test public void testMetaData() throws Exception { new MetaDataTests(this).testMetaData(); } @Test public void testNumbers() throws Exception { new DataTypeTests(this).testNumbers(); } @Test public void testLiterals() throws Exception { new GeneralTests(this).testLiterals(); } @Test public void testQualifiedSQL() throws Exception { new PlainSQLTests(this).testQualifiedSQL(); } @Test public void testPlainSQL() throws Exception { new PlainSQLTests(this).testPlainSQL(); } @Test public void testPlainSQLWithSelfJoins() throws Exception { new PlainSQLTests(this).testPlainSQLWithSelfJoins(); } @Test public void testPlainSQLExecuteWithResults() throws Exception { new PlainSQLTests(this).testPlainSQLExecuteWithResults(); } @Test public void testPlainSQLAndComments() throws Exception { new PlainSQLTests(this).testPlainSQLAndComments(); } @Test public void testPlainSQLCRUD() throws Exception { new PlainSQLTests(this).testPlainSQLCRUD(); } @Test public void testPlainSQLWithQueryParts() throws Exception { new PlainSQLTests(this).testPlainSQLWithQueryParts(); } @Test public void testPlainSQLResultQuery() throws Exception { new PlainSQLTests(this).testPlainSQLResultQuery(); } @Test public void testCustomSQL() throws Exception { new PlainSQLTests(this).testCustomSQL(); } @Test public void testUnsignedDataTypes() throws Exception { new DataTypeTests(this).testUnsignedDataTypes(); } @Test public void testConversion() throws Exception { new DataTypeTests(this).testConversion(); } @Test public void testConversionResult() throws Exception { new DataTypeTests(this).testConversionResult(); } @Test public void testCustomConversion() throws Exception { new DataTypeTests(this).testCustomConversion(); } @Test public void testForUpdateClauses() throws Exception { new SelectTests(this).testForUpdateClauses(); } @Test public void testCastingToJavaClass() throws Exception { new DataTypeTests(this).testCastingToJavaClass(); } @Test public void testCharCasts() throws Exception { new DataTypeTests(this).testCharCasts(); } @Test public void testNestedCasting() throws Exception { new DataTypeTests(this).testNestedCasting(); } @Test public void testCastingToSQLDataType() throws Exception { new DataTypeTests(this).testCastingToSQLDataType(); } @Test public void testCastingToDialectDataType() throws Exception { new DataTypeTests(this).testCastingToDialectDataType(); } @Test public void testSequences() throws Exception { new GeneralTests(this).testSequences(); } @Test public void testSelectSimpleQuery() throws Exception { new SelectTests(this).testSelectSimpleQuery(); } @Test public void testSelectCountQuery() throws Exception { new AggregateWindowFunctionTests(this).testSelectCountQuery(); } @Test public void testSelectQuery() throws Exception { new SelectTests(this).testSelectQuery(); } @Test public void testAccessInternalRepresentation() throws Exception { new GeneralTests(this).testAccessInternalRepresentation(); } @Test public void testTypeConversions() throws Exception { new DataTypeTests(this).testTypeConversions(); } @Test public void testConditionalSelect() throws Exception { new PredicateTests(this).testConditionalSelect(); } @Test public void testConditions() throws Exception { new PredicateTests(this).testConditions(); } @Test public void testQuantifiedPredicates() throws Exception { new PredicateTests(this).testQuantifiedPredicates(); } @Test public void testRowValueExpressionConditions() throws Exception { new RowValueExpressionTests(this).testRowValueExpressionConditions(); } @Test public void testRowValueExpressionOverlapsCondition() throws Exception { new RowValueExpressionTests(this).testRowValueExpressionOverlapsCondition(); } @Test public void testRowValueExpressionRecords() throws Exception { new RowValueExpressionTests(this).testRowValueExpressionRecords(); } @Test public void testRowValueExpressionTableRecords() throws Exception { new RowValueExpressionTests(this).testRowValueExpressionTableRecords(); } @Test public void testRowValueExpressionValuesConstructor() throws Exception { new RowValueExpressionTests(this).testRowValueExpressionValuesConstructor(); } @Test public void testIgnoreCase() throws Exception { new PredicateTests(this).testIgnoreCase(); } @Test public void testLargeINCondition() throws Exception { new PredicateTests(this).testLargeINCondition(); } @Test public void testSubSelect() throws Exception { new SelectTests(this).testSubSelect(); } @Test public void testDistinctQuery() throws Exception { new SelectTests(this).testDistinctQuery(); } @Test public void testResultSort() throws Exception { new ResultTests(this).testResultSort(); } @Test public void testFetch() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetch(); } @Test public void testFetchMany() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchMany(); } @Test public void testFetchWithoutResults() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchWithoutResults(); } @Test public void testFetchIntoWithAnnotations() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchIntoWithAnnotations(); } @Test public void testFetchIntoWithoutAnnotations() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchIntoWithoutAnnotations(); } @Test public void testRecordFromWithAnnotations() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testRecordFromWithAnnotations(); } @Test public void testRecordFromWithoutAnnotations() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testRecordFromWithoutAnnotations(); } // @Test TODO [#1818] Re-enable this test public void testRecordFromWithIdentity() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testRecordFromWithIdentity(); } @Test public void testRecordFromUpdatePK() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testRecordFromUpdatePK(); } @Test public void testReflectionWithAnnotations() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testReflectionWithAnnotations(); } @Test public void testReflectionWithoutAnnotations() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testReflectionWithoutAnnotations(); } @Test public void testReflectionWithImmutables() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testReflectionWithImmutables(); } @Test public void testReflectionWithImmutablesAndConstructorProperties() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testReflectionWithImmutablesAndConstructorProperties(); } @Test public void testFetchIntoTableRecords() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchIntoTableRecords(); } @Test public void testFetchIntoTable() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchIntoTable(); } @Test public void testFetchIntoTables() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchIntoTables(); } @Test public void testFetchIntoCustomTable() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchIntoCustomTable(); } @Test public void testFetchIntoGeneratedPojos() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchIntoGeneratedPojos(); } @Test public void testFetchIntoRecordHandler() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchIntoRecordHandler(); } @Test public void testFetchIntoRecordMapper() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchIntoRecordMapper(); } @Test public void testFetchLater() throws Exception { new FetchTests(this).testFetchLater(); } @Test public void testRecordOriginals() throws Exception { new RecordTests(this).testRecordOriginals(); } @Test public void testRecordChanged() throws Exception { new RecordTests(this).testRecordChanged(); } @Test public void testConcurrentExecution() throws Exception { new ThreadSafetyTests(this).testConcurrentExecution(); } @Test public void testEmptyGrouping() throws Exception { new GroupByTests(this).testEmptyGrouping(); } @Test public void testGrouping() throws Exception { new GroupByTests(this).testGrouping(); } @Test public void testGroupByCubeRollup() throws Exception { new GroupByTests(this).testGroupByCubeRollup(); } @Test public void testHavingWithoutGrouping() throws Exception { new GroupByTests(this).testHavingWithoutGrouping(); } @Test public void testInsertUpdateDelete() throws Exception { new CRUDTests(this).testInsertUpdateDelete(); } @Test public void testInsertImplicit() throws Exception { new InsertUpdateTests(this).testInsertImplicit(); } @Test public void testInsertMultiple() throws Exception { new InsertUpdateTests(this).testInsertMultiple(); } @Test public void testInsertConvert() throws Exception { new InsertUpdateTests(this).testInsertConvert(); } @Test public void testInsertSelect() throws Exception { new InsertUpdateTests(this).testInsertSelect(); } @Test public void testInsertWithSelectAsField() throws Exception { new InsertUpdateTests(this).testInsertWithSelectAsField(); } @Test public void testUpdateWithRowValueExpression() throws Exception { new InsertUpdateTests(this).testUpdateWithRowValueExpression(); } @Test public void testUpdateSelect() throws Exception { new InsertUpdateTests(this).testUpdateSelect(); } @Test public void testInsertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate() throws Exception { new InsertUpdateTests(this).testInsertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate(); } @Test public void testInsertOnDuplicateKeyIgnore() throws Exception { new InsertUpdateTests(this).testInsertOnDuplicateKeyIgnore(); } @Test public void testInsertReturning() throws Exception { new InsertUpdateTests(this).testInsertReturning(); } @Test public void testMerge() throws Exception { new InsertUpdateTests(this).testMerge(); } @Test public void testMergeWithH2SyntaxExtension() throws Exception { new InsertUpdateTests(this).testMergeWithH2SyntaxExtension(); } @Test public void testMergeWithOracleSyntaxExtension() throws Exception { new InsertUpdateTests(this).testMergeWithOracleSyntaxExtension(); } @Test public void testBlobAndClob() throws Exception { new DataTypeTests(this).testBlobAndClob(); } @Test public void testDateTime() throws Exception { new DataTypeTests(this).testDateTime(); } @Test public void testDateTimeArithmetic() throws Exception { new DataTypeTests(this).testDateTimeArithmetic(); } @Test public void testManager() throws Exception { new CRUDTests(this).testManager(); } @Test public void testRelations() throws Exception { new CRUDTests(this).testRelations(); } @Test public void testUpdatablesCopy() throws Exception { new CRUDTests(this).testUpdatablesCopy(); } @Test public void testUpdatablesKeysMethod() throws Exception { new CRUDTests(this).testUpdatablesKeysMethod(); } @Test public void testUpdatablesPK() throws Exception { new CRUDTests(this).testUpdatablesPK(); } @Test public void testUpdatablesPKChangePK() throws Exception { new CRUDTests(this).testUpdatablesPKChangePK(); } @Test public void testUpdatablesUK() throws Exception { new CRUDTests(this).testUpdatablesUK(); } @Test public void testUpdatablesVersionAndTimestamp() throws Exception { new CRUDTests(this).testUpdatablesVersionAndTimestamp(); } @Test public void testStoreWithOptimisticLock() throws Exception { new CRUDTests(this).testStoreWithOptimisticLock(); } @Test public void testFormat() throws Exception { new FormatTests(this).testFormat(); } @Test public void testFormatHTML() throws Exception { new FormatTests(this).testFormatHTML(); } @Test public void testFetchFromCSV() throws Exception { new FormatTests(this).testFetchFromCSV(); } @Test public void testFormatCSV() throws Exception { new FormatTests(this).testFormatCSV(); } @Test public void testFormatJSON() throws Exception { new FormatTests(this).testFormatJSON(); } @Test public void testFormatXML() throws Exception { new FormatTests(this).testFormatXML(); } @Test public void testIntoXML() throws Exception { new FormatTests(this).testIntoXML(); } @Test public void testCombinedSelectQuery() throws Exception { new SelectTests(this).testCombinedSelectQuery(); } @Test public void testComplexUnions() throws Exception { new SelectTests(this).testComplexUnions(); } @Test public void testOrderByInSubquery() throws Exception { new OrderByTests(this).testOrderByInSubquery(); } @Test public void testOrderByNulls() throws Exception { new OrderByTests(this).testOrderByNulls(); } @Test public void testOrderByIndexes() throws Exception { new OrderByTests(this).testOrderByIndexes(); } @Test public void testOrderByIndirection() throws Exception { new OrderByTests(this).testOrderByIndirection(); } @Test public void testOrderByAndLimit() throws Exception { new OrderByTests(this).testOrderByAndLimit(); } @Test public void testLimit() throws Exception { new OrderByTests(this).testLimit(); } @Test public void testLimitNested() throws Exception { new OrderByTests(this).testLimitNested(); } @Test public void testLimitNamedParams() throws Exception { new OrderByTests(this).testLimitNamedParams(); } @Test public void testJoinDuplicateFieldNames() throws Exception { new JoinTests(this).testJoinDuplicateFieldNames(); } @Test public void testJoinQuery() throws Exception { new JoinTests(this).testJoinQuery(); } @Test public void testCrossJoin() throws Exception { new JoinTests(this).testCrossJoin(); } @Test public void testNaturalJoin() throws Exception { new JoinTests(this).testNaturalJoin(); } @Test public void testJoinUsing() throws Exception { new JoinTests(this).testJoinUsing(); } @Test public void testJoinOnKey() throws Exception { new JoinTests(this).testJoinOnKey(); } @Test public void testInverseAndNestedJoin() throws Exception { new JoinTests(this).testInverseAndNestedJoin(); } @Test public void testOuterJoin() throws Exception { new JoinTests(this).testOuterJoin(); } @Test public void testAliasing() throws Exception { Table<B> b = TBook().as("b"); Field<Integer> b_ID = b.getField(TBook_ID()); List<Integer> ids = create().select(b_ID).from(b).orderBy(b_ID).fetch(b_ID); assertEquals(4, ids.size()); assertEquals(BOOK_IDS, ids); Result<Record> books = create().select().from(b).orderBy(b_ID).fetch(); assertEquals(4, books.size()); assertEquals(BOOK_IDS, books.getValues(b_ID)); } // @Test // TODO [#579] re-enable this test when fixing this bug public void testUnaliasedSubqueryProjections() throws Exception { new SelectTests(this).testUnaliasedSubqueryProjections(); } @Test public void testArithmeticOperations() throws Exception { new FunctionTests(this).testArithmeticOperations(); } @Test public void testBitwiseOperations() throws Exception { new FunctionTests(this).testBitwiseOperations(); } @Test public void testAggregateFunctions() throws Exception { new AggregateWindowFunctionTests(this).testAggregateFunctions(); } @Test public void testCountDistinct() throws Exception { new AggregateWindowFunctionTests(this).testCountDistinct(); } @Test public void testLinearRegressionFunctions() throws Exception { new AggregateWindowFunctionTests(this).testLinearRegressionFunctions(); } @Test public void testListAgg() throws Exception { new AggregateWindowFunctionTests(this).testListAgg(); } @Test public void testWindowFunctions() throws Exception { new AggregateWindowFunctionTests(this).testWindowFunctions(); } @Test public void testStoredFunctions() throws Exception { new RoutineAndUDTTests(this).testStoredFunctions(); } @Test public void testFunctionsOnDates() throws Exception { new FunctionTests(this).testFunctionsOnDates(); } @Test public void testExtractInSubselect() throws Exception { new FunctionTests(this).testExtractInSubselect(); } @Test public void testFunctionsOnNumbers() throws Exception { new FunctionTests(this).testFunctionsOnNumbers(); } @Test public void testFunctionsOnStrings_TRIM() throws Exception { new FunctionTests(this).testFunctionsOnStrings_TRIM(); } @Test public void testFunctionsOnStrings_UPPER_LOWER() throws Exception { new FunctionTests(this).testFunctionsOnStrings_UPPER_LOWER(); } @Test public void testFunctionsOnStrings_CONCAT() throws Exception { new FunctionTests(this).testFunctionsOnStrings_CONCAT(); } @Test public void testFunctionsOnStrings_REPLACE() throws Exception { new FunctionTests(this).testFunctionsOnStrings_REPLACE(); } @Test public void testFunctionsOnStrings_RPAD_LPAD() throws Exception { new FunctionTests(this).testFunctionsOnStrings_RPAD_LPAD(); } @Test public void testFunctionsOnStrings_SUBSTRING() throws Exception { new FunctionTests(this).testFunctionsOnStrings_SUBSTRING(); } @Test public void testFunctionsOnStrings_REPEAT() throws Exception { new FunctionTests(this).testFunctionsOnStrings_REPEAT(); } @Test public void testFunctionsOnStrings_ASCII() throws Exception { new FunctionTests(this).testFunctionsOnStrings_ASCII(); } @Test public void testFunctionsOnStrings_HashFunctions() throws Exception { new FunctionTests(this).testFunctionsOnStrings_HashFunctions(); } @Test public void testFunctionPosition() throws Exception { new FunctionTests(this).testFunctionPosition(); } @Test public void testFunctionsLikeDecode() throws Exception { new FunctionTests(this).testFunctionsLikeDecode(); } @Test public void testCaseStatement() throws Exception { new FunctionTests(this).testCaseStatement(); } @Test public void testEnums() throws Exception { new EnumTests(this).testEnums(); } @Test public <R extends TableRecord<R>> void testCustomEnums() throws Exception { new EnumTests(this).testCustomEnums(); } @Test public void testSerialisation() throws Exception { new GeneralTests(this).testSerialisation(); } @Test public void testARRAYType() throws Exception { new RoutineAndUDTTests(this).testARRAYType(); } @Test public void testARRAYProcedure() throws Exception { new RoutineAndUDTTests(this).testARRAYProcedure(); } @Test public void testUDTs() throws Exception { new RoutineAndUDTTests(this).testUDTs(); } @Test public void testUDTProcedure() throws Exception { new RoutineAndUDTTests(this).testUDTProcedure(); } @Test public void testAttachable() throws Exception { new GeneralTests(this).testAttachable(); } @Test public void testNULL() throws Exception { new GeneralTests(this).testNULL(); } @Test public void testIsTrue() throws Exception { new PredicateTests(this).testIsTrue(); } @Test public void testIsDistinctFrom() throws Exception { new PredicateTests(this).testIsDistinctFrom(); } @Test public void testLike() throws Exception { new PredicateTests(this).testLike(); } @Test public void testLikeRegex() throws Exception { new PredicateTests(this).testLikeRegex(); } @Test public void testDual() throws Exception { new GeneralTests(this).testDual(); } @Test public void testPackage() throws Exception { new RoutineAndUDTTests(this).testPackage(); } @Test public void testStoredProcedure() throws Exception { new RoutineAndUDTTests(this).testStoredProcedure(); } @Test public void testStoredProcedureWithDefaultParameters() throws Exception { new RoutineAndUDTTests(this).testStoredProcedureWithDefaultParameters(); } @Test public void testArrayTables() throws Exception { new RoutineAndUDTTests(this).testArrayTables(); } @Test public void testArrayTableSimulation() throws Exception { new RoutineAndUDTTests(this).testArrayTableSimulation(); } @Test public void testStoredProceduresWithCursorParameters() throws Exception { new RoutineAndUDTTests(this).testStoredProceduresWithCursorParameters(); } @Test public void testEquals() throws Exception { new GeneralTests(this).testEquals(); } @Test public void testBatchSingle() throws Exception { new GeneralTests(this).testBatchSingle(); } @Test public void testBatchMultiple() throws Exception { new GeneralTests(this).testBatchMultiple(); } @Test public void testBatchStore() throws Exception { new GeneralTests(this).testBatchStore(); } @Test public void testNamedParams() throws Exception { new RenderAndBindTests(this).testNamedParams(); } @Test public void testUnknownBindTypes() throws Exception { new RenderAndBindTests(this).testUnknownBindTypes(); } @Test public void testManyVarcharBindValues() throws Exception { new RenderAndBindTests(this).testManyVarcharBindValues(); } @Test public void testSelectBindValues() throws Exception { new RenderAndBindTests(this).testSelectBindValues(); } @Test public void testSelectBindValuesWithPlainSQL() throws Exception { new RenderAndBindTests(this).testSelectBindValuesWithPlainSQL(); } @Test public void testInlinedBindValues() throws Exception { new RenderAndBindTests(this).testInlinedBindValues(); } @Test public void testInlinedBindValuesForNumberTypes() throws Exception { new RenderAndBindTests(this).testInlinedBindValuesForNumberTypes(); } @Test public void testInlinedBindValuesForDatetime() throws Exception { new RenderAndBindTests(this).testInlinedBindValuesForDatetime(); } @Test public void testTableWithHint() throws Exception { new ExoticTests(this).testTableWithHint(); } @Test public void testPivotClause() throws Exception { new ExoticTests(this).testPivotClause(); } @Test public void testRelationalDivision() throws Exception { new ExoticTests(this).testRelationalDivision(); } @Test public void testConnectBySimple() throws Exception { new ExoticTests(this).testConnectBySimple(); } @Test public void testConnectByDirectory() throws Exception { new ExoticTests(this).testConnectByDirectory(); } @Test public void testExecuteListenerOnResultQuery() throws Exception { new ExecuteListenerTests(this).testExecuteListenerOnResultQuery(); } @Test public void testExecuteListenerCustomException() throws Exception { new ExecuteListenerTests(this).testExecuteListenerCustomException(); } @Test public void testExecuteListenerOnBatchSingle() throws Exception { new ExecuteListenerTests(this).testExecuteListenerOnBatchSingle(); } @Test public void testExecuteListenerOnBatchMultiple() throws Exception { new ExecuteListenerTests(this).testExecuteListenerOnBatchMultiple(); } // @Test TODO [#1868] Re-enable this test public void testExecuteListenerFetchLazyTest() throws Exception { new ExecuteListenerTests(this).testExecuteListenerFetchLazyTest(); } @Test public void testRenderNameStyle() throws Exception { new RenderAndBindTests(this).testRenderNameStyle(); } @Test public void testRenderKeywordStyle() throws Exception { new RenderAndBindTests(this).testRenderKeywordStyle(); } @Test public void testLoader() throws Exception { new LoaderTests(this).testLoader(); } @Test public void testBenchmark() throws Exception { new BenchmarkTests(this).testBenchmark(); } @Test public void testKeepStatement() throws Exception { new StatementTests(this).testKeepStatement(); } @Test public void testCancelStatement() throws Exception { new StatementTests(this).testCancelStatement(); } @Test public void testFinish() { // A final test case to clean up the test database"FINISHING"); } }