Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * JOGRE (Java Online Gaming Real-time Engine) - Server
 * Copyright (C) 2004  Bob Marks (
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
package org.jogre.server;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;

import nanoxml.XMLElement;

import org.dom4j.Attribute;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper;
import org.dom4j.Element;
import org.jogre.common.IJogre;
import org.jogre.common.comm.Comm;
import org.jogre.common.comm.ITransmittable;

 * This class provides an easy and effective point for accessing the server properties.
 * Since Beta 0.3 it can also be transferred to a server administrator client.
 * @author  Bob Marks
 * @version Beta 0.3
public class ServerProperties implements IJogre, ITransmittable {

    // Declare constants
    private static final String DEFAULT_FILENAME = "server.xml";

    private static final String XML_CUSTOM = "custom";
    private static final String XML_SUPPORTED_GAMES = "supported_games";
    private static final String XML_GAME = "game";
    private static final String XML_ELO = "elo";

    private static final String XML_ATT_TYPE = "type";
    private static final String XML_ATT_VALUE = "value";
    private static final String XML_ATT_HOST = "host";
    private static final String XML_ATT_MIN_PLAYERS = "minPlayers";
    private static final String XML_ATT_MAX_PLAYERS = "maxPlayers";
    private static final String XML_ATT_START_RATING = "startRating";
    private static final String XML_ATT_KFACTOR = "kFactor";

    // Persistent data
    private static final String XML_SERVER_DATA = "server_data";
    private static final String XML_DATABASE = "database";
    private static final String XML_CONNECTION = "connection";
    private static final String XML_ATT_ID = "id";
    private static final String XML_ATT_DRIVER = "driver";
    private static final String XML_ATT_URL = "url";
    private static final String XML_ATT_USERNAME = "username";
    private static final String XML_ATT_PASSWORD = "password";

    // User validation
    public static final String XML_ATT_VAL_USER_VALIATION_NONE = "guest";
    public static final String XML_ATT_VAL_USER_VALIATION_USER = "user";
    public static final String XML_ATT_VAL_USER_VALIATION_PASS = "password";
    public static final String[] VALIDATION_ARRAY = { XML_ATT_VAL_USER_VALIATION_NONE,

    // Data selection
    public static final String XML_ATT_VAL_XML = "xml";
    public static final String XML_ATT_VAL_DATABASE = "database";

    private static final File SERVER_FILE = new File(DEFAULT_FILENAME);

    private static ServerProperties instance = null;

    // Document
    private Document doc;

    private String jogreHomeDir;

    private File serverFile;

     * Private constructor to restrict access to this class.
    private ServerProperties() {
        // Create file definition for reader.
        try {
            String path = SERVER_FILE.toURL().getPath();
            String pathWithoutServerFile = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf(DEFAULT_FILENAME));
            jogreHomeDir = path.substring(0, pathWithoutServerFile.lastIndexOf("server"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            jogreHomeDir = null; // JOGRE home directory not created

        try {
            // Load up the XML document
            SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
            this.serverFile = new File(DEFAULT_FILENAME);
            if (serverFile.exists())
                this.doc = FileInputStream(serverFile));
        } catch (Exception e) {

     * Create server properties from a String.
     * @param string
    private ServerProperties(String string) {
        try {
            SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
            this.doc = StringReader(string));
        } catch (Exception e) {

     * Accessor to singleton instance of this class.
     * @return
    public static ServerProperties getClonedInstance() {
        if (instance == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("Server properties not initialised");
        else {
            // Deep copy the server element by parsing from String.
            return new ServerProperties(instance.toString());

     * Accessor to getting cloned instance.
     * @return
    public static ServerProperties getInstance() {
        if (instance == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("Server properties not initialised");

        return instance;

     * Accessor to server properties which takes an XMLElement.  Used in the
     * server administrator client and JogreServer.
     * @param elm   XMLElement containing server tree.
    public static void setUpFromString(String string) {
        instance = new ServerProperties(string); // read from element

     * Setup server properties from the server file (used in JogreServer).
    public static void setUpFromFile() {
        instance = new ServerProperties();

     * Save the server properties to a file.
    public void saveXMLFile() {
        try {
            OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat("    ", true);
            XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(new FileWriter(DEFAULT_FILENAME), format);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            ioe.printStackTrace(); // FIXME - proper logging

     * Return document.
     * @return
    public Document getDoc() {
        return this.doc;

     * Return the server port.
     * @return
    public int getServerPort() {
        return getIntAttribute("server_properties/configuration/server/@port", DEFAULT_PORT);

     * Set the server port.
     * @param portNum        Port number to set.
    public void setServerPort(int portNum) {
        setAttribute("server_properties/configuration/server/@port", portNum);

     * Gets the protocol (socket, http) that should be used
     * @return the protocol
    public String getProtocol() {
        return getStringAttribute("server_properties/configuration/server/@protocol", DEFAULT_PROTOCOL);

     * Sets the protocol that should be used. 
    public void setProtocol(String protocol) {
        setAttribute("server_properties/configuration/server/@protocol", protocol);

     * Return the maximum number of users.
     * @return
    public int getMaxNumOfUsers() {
        return getIntAttribute("server_properties/configuration/server/@max_users", DEFAULT_MAX_NUM_OF_USERS);

     * Set the maximum number of users.
     * @param maxUsers
    public void setMaxNumOfUsers(int maxUsers) {
        setAttribute("server_properties/configuration/server/@max_users", maxUsers);

     * Return the maximum number of tables.
     * @return maximum number of tables.
    public int getMaxNumOfTables() {
        return getIntAttribute("server_properties/configuration/server/@max_tables", DEFAULT_MAX_NUM_OF_TABLES);

     * Set the maximum number of tables.
     * @param maxTables
    public void setMaxNumOfTables(int maxTables) {
        setAttribute("server_properties/configuration/server/@max_tables", maxTables);

     * Return the maximum number of tables per user.
     * @return
    public int getMaxNumOfTablesPerUser() {
        return getIntAttribute("server_properties/configuration/server/@max_tables_per_user",

     * Set the number of tables per user.
     * @param maxNumOfTablesPerUser
    public void setMaxNumOfTablesPerUser(int maxNumOfTablesPerUser) {
        setAttribute("server_properties/configuration/server/@max_tables_per_user", maxNumOfTablesPerUser);

     * Return the user validation type (guest, user or password).
     * @return
    public String getUserValidation() {
        return getStringAttribute("server_properties/configuration/server/@user_validation");

     * Set the user validation.
     * @param userValidation
    public void setUserValidation(String userValidation) {
        setAttribute("server_properties/configuration/server/@user_validation", userValidation);

     * Return administrator username.
     * @return
    public String getAdminUsername() {
        return getStringAttribute("server_properties/configuration/admin_client/@username");

     * Set the administrator username.
     * @param adminUsername
    public void setAdminUsername(String adminUsername) {
        setAttribute("server_properties/configuration/admin_client/@username", adminUsername);

     * Return the administrator password
     * @return
    public String getAdminPassword() {
        return getStringAttribute("server_properties/configuration/admin_client/@password");

     * Set the administrator password.
     * @param adminPassword
    public void setAdminPassword(String adminPassword) {
        setAttribute("server_properties/configuration/admin_client/@password", adminPassword);

     * Return true/false if the administrator username / password is correct.
     * @param username   User specified username
     * @param password   User specified password
     * @return           True if this is indeed the administrator.
    public boolean isAdministrator(String username, String password) {
        if (username != null && password != null) {
            if (getAdminUsername().equalsIgnoreCase(username) && getAdminPassword().equals(password))

                return true; // this is indeed the administrator

        return false;

     * Return true/false if the administrator will receive messages.
     * @return
    public boolean isReceiveMessages() {
        return getBooleanAttribute("server_properties/configuration/admin_client/@receive_messages",

     * Set true/false if the administrator will receive messages.
     * @param receive_messages
    public void setReceiveMessages(boolean receive_messages) {
        setAttribute("server_properties/configuration/admin_client/@receive_messages", receive_messages);

     * Return the games that this server supports.
     * @return
    public String[] getSupportedGames() {
        // Check games element isn't null
        List supportedGamesElms = doc.selectNodes("/server_properties/supported_games");
        if (supportedGamesElms != null) {
            String[] games = new String[supportedGamesElms.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < supportedGamesElms.size(); i++) {
                Element elm = (Element) supportedGamesElms.get(i);
                games[i] = elm.attributeValue(XML_ATT_ID);

            return games;

        return null;

     * Return the currently hosted games.
     * @return
    public Vector getCurrentlyHostedGames() {
        List supportedGamesElms = doc.selectNodes("/server_properties/supported_games/game[@host='true']");
        if (supportedGamesElms != null) {
            Vector games = new Vector(supportedGamesElms.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < supportedGamesElms.size(); i++) {
                Element elm = (Element) supportedGamesElms.get(i);

            return games;

        return null;

     * Return game element where ID = gameID.
     * @param gameID
     * @return
    public Element getGameElm(String gameID) {
        return getElement("/server_properties/supported_games/game[@id='" + gameID + "']");

      * Return the ELO element for this specified game.
      * @param gameId
      * @return
    public Element getELOElm(String gameId) {
        return getElement("/server_properties/supported_games/game[@id='" + gameId + "']/elo");

     * Add ELO element.
     * @param gameId
    public void addELOElm(String gameId) {
        Element gameElm = getGameElm(gameId);

        if (gameElm != null) {
            Element eloElm = DocumentHelper.createElement(XML_ELO);
            eloElm.addAttribute(XML_ATT_START_RATING, "1200");
            eloElm.addAttribute(XML_ATT_KFACTOR, "0-3000=24");

            // Add the eloElm

     * Delete the ELO element from the game.
     * @param gameId
    public void deleteELOElm(String gameId) {
        Element gameElm = getGameElm(gameId);
        Element gameEloElm = getELOElm(gameId);

        if (gameElm != null && gameEloElm != null)

      * Return the minimum number of players of a game.
     * @param gameID
     * @return
    public int getMinPlayers(String gameID) {
        return getIntAttribute("/server_properties/supported_games/game[@id='" + gameID + "']/@minPlayers",

     * Set the min players of a game.
     * @param gameId
     * @param minPlayers
    public void setMinPlayers(String gameId, int minPlayers) {
        setAttribute("/server_properties/supported_games/game[@id='" + gameId + "']/@minPlayers", minPlayers);

      * Return the maximum number of players of a game.
     * @param gameID
     * @return
    public int getMaxPlayers(String gameID) {
        return getIntAttribute("/server_properties/supported_games/game[@id='" + gameID + "']/@maxPlayers",

     * Set the max players of a game.
     * @param gameId
     * @param maxPlayers
    public void setMaxPlayers(String gameId, int maxPlayers) {
        setAttribute("/server_properties/supported_games/game[@id='" + gameId + "']/@maxPlayers", maxPlayers);

     * Return true/false if specified game is hosted or not.
     * @param   gameID
     * @return
    public boolean isGameHosted(String gameID) {
        return getBooleanAttribute("/server_properties/supported_games/game[@id='" + gameID + "']/@host", true);

     * Set if a game is hosted or not.
     * @param gameId
     * @param value
    public void setGameHosted(String gameId, boolean value) {
        setAttribute("/server_properties/supported_games/game[@id='" + gameId + "']/@host", value);

     * Return a custom server property string from the server.xml file for a given game.
     * @param gameID          The game whose property is sought.
     * @param propertyName    The name of the property that is sought.
     * @param defaultValue    The default value to return if the requested property
     *                        can't be found.
     * @returns The String for the property.
    public String getStringCustomProp(String gameID, String propertyName, String defaultValue) {
        try {
            Object obj = doc.selectSingleNode("/server_properties/supported_games/game[@id='" + gameID
                    + "']/custom[@type='" + propertyName + "']");
            if (obj != null)
                return ((Element) obj).attributeValue(XML_ATT_VALUE);
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

        return defaultValue;

     * Create a Vector of custom elements.
     * @param gameID
     * @return
    public List getCustomElms(String gameID) {
        return doc.selectNodes("/server_properties/supported_games/game[@id='" + gameID + "']/custom");

     * Add a new custom row.
     * @param curGame
    public void addNewCustomElm(String gameID) {
        // Create new custom element with blank type and values
        Element customElm = DocumentHelper.createElement(XML_CUSTOM);
        customElm.addAttribute(XML_ATT_TYPE, "");
        customElm.addAttribute(XML_ATT_VALUE, "");

        // Add as child to this particular game
        Element gameElm = getGameElm(gameID);
        if (gameElm != null)

     * Delet an existing custom elm using a gameID and a custom elm type.
     * @param gameID
     * @param type
    public void deleteCustomElm(String gameID, String type) {
        Element gameElm = getGameElm(gameID);
        Object customElm = doc.selectSingleNode(
                "/server_properties/supported_games/game[@id='" + gameID + "']/custom[@type='" + type + "']");

        if (gameElm != null && customElm != null)
            gameElm.remove((Element) customElm);

     * Return the start rating for a specified game.
     * @param gameID   Game Id e.g. chess.
     * @return         Starting rating.
    public int getStartRating(String gameID) {
        return getIntAttribute("/server_properties/supported_games/game[@id='" + gameID + "']/elo/@startRating",

     * Set the start rating.
     * @param gameId
     * @param startRating
    public void setStartRating(String gameId, int startRating) {
        setAttribute("/server_properties/supported_games/game[@id='" + gameId + "']/elo/@startRating", startRating);

     * Return the k factor range string for a specified game.
     * @param gameID   Game Id e.g. chess.
     * @return         KFactor String e.g.
     *                 "0-2099=32,2100-2399=24,2490-3000=16"
    public String getKFactor(String gameID) {
        return getStringAttribute("/server_properties/supported_games/game[@id='" + gameID + "']/elo/@kFactor");

     * Set the kFactor for a particular game.
     * @param gameId
     * @param kFactor
    public void setKFactor(String gameId, String kFactor) {
        setAttribute("/server_properties/supported_games/game[@id='" + gameId + "']/elo/@kFactor", kFactor);

     * Return the user connection.
     * @return
    public String getCurrentServerData() {
        return getStringAttribute("server_properties/server_data/@current");

     * Set the current server data.
     * @param value
    public void setCurrentServerData(String value) {
        setAttribute("server_properties/server_data/@current", value);

     * Return the current database connection.
     * @return
    public String getCurrentDatabaseConnection() {
        return getStringAttribute("server_properties/server_data/database/@current");

     * Set the currenct database connection;
     * @param value
     * @return
    public void setCurrentDatabaseConnection(String value) {
        setAttribute("server_properties/server_data/database/@current", value);

     * Return database element.
     * @return
    public Element getDatabaseElement() {
        return getElement("server_properties/server_data/database");

     * Return the connection element.
     * @param connectionID
     * @return
    public Element getConnectionElm(String connectionID) {
        return getElement("server_properties/server_data/database/connection[@id='" + connectionID + "']");

     * Return the connection driver.
     * @param connectionID  Specified connection ID.
     * @return
    public String getConnectionDriver(String connectionID) {
        return getStringAttribute(
                "server_properties/server_data/database/connection[@id='" + connectionID + "']/@driver");

     * Set the connection driver.
     * @param connectionID
    public void setConnectionDriver(String connectionID, String driver) {
        setAttribute("server_properties/server_data/database/connection[@id='" + connectionID + "']/@driver",

     * Return the connection URL.
     * @param connectionID  Specified connection ID.
     * @return
    public String getConnectionURL(String connectionID) {
        return getStringAttribute(
                "server_properties/server_data/database/connection[@id='" + connectionID + "']/@url");

     * Set the connection URL.
     * @param connectionID
    public void setConnectionURL(String connectionID, String url) {
        setAttribute("server_properties/server_data/database/connection[@id='" + connectionID + "']/@url", url);

     * Return the connection username.
     * @param connectionID  Specified connection ID.
     * @return
    public String getConnectionUsername(String connectionID) {
        return getStringAttribute(
                "server_properties/server_data/database/connection[@id='" + connectionID + "']/@username");

     * Set the connection username.
     * @param connectionID
    public void setConnectionUsername(String connectionID, String username) {
        setAttribute("server_properties/server_data/database/connection[@id='" + connectionID + "']/@username",

     * Return the connection password.
     * @param connectionID  Specified connection ID.
     * @return
    public String getConnectionPassword(String connectionID) {
        return getStringAttribute(
                "server_properties/server_data/database/connection[@id='" + connectionID + "']/@password");

     * Set the connection password.
     * @param connectionID
    public void setConnectionPassword(String connectionID, String password) {
        setAttribute("server_properties/server_data/database/connection[@id='" + connectionID + "']/@password",

      * Return the storage location of xml data.
      * @return
    public String getXMLLocation() {
        return getStringAttribute("server_properties/server_data/xml/@location");

     * Set the XML location.
     * @param xmlLocation
    public void setXMLLocation(String xmlLocation) {
        setAttribute("server_properties/server_data/xml/@location", xmlLocation);

     * Return the maximum number of tables.
     * @return
    public boolean isUserValidationEqualTo(String string) {
        if (getUserValidation() != null)
            return getUserValidation().equals(string);

        return false;

     * Return true if no validation is required.
     * @return
    public boolean isUserValidationNotRequired() {
        return isUserValidationEqualTo(XML_ATT_VAL_USER_VALIATION_NONE);

     * Return true if a valid username is required.
     * @return
    public boolean isUserValidationUser() {
        return isUserValidationEqualTo(XML_ATT_VAL_USER_VALIATION_USER);

     * Return true if a valid username and a password is required.
     * @return
    public boolean isUserValidationPassword() {
        return isUserValidationEqualTo(XML_ATT_VAL_USER_VALIATION_PASS);

     * Return the JOGRE home directory.
     * @return
    public String getJogreHomeDir() {
        return this.jogreHomeDir;

     * Return the server file.
     * @return
    public File getServerFile() {
        return this.serverFile;

     * Return the current database connection element.
     * @return
    public Element getCurrentDatabaseConnElm() {
        String connectionID = getCurrentDatabaseConnection();
        return getElement("server_properties/server_data/database/connection[@id='" + connectionID + "']");

     * Return the user specified database connection e.g. Access, MySQL.
     * Dont worry about the syntax - this isn't used to create
     * an actual database connection but is displayed as text
     * in the Jogre server at start up to inform the user which
     * database is used to store server persistent data.
     * @return      Database type.
    public String getDatabaseType() {
        if (getCurrentDatabaseConnElm() != null)
            return getCurrentDatabaseConnElm().attributeValue(XML_ATT_ID);
        return null;

     * Return a list of connection ID's.
     * @return
    public Vector getConnectionIDs() {
        List list = doc.selectNodes("server_properties/server_data/database/connection/@id");
        Vector v = new Vector();
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
            Attribute att = (Attribute) list.get(i);
        return v;

     * Return the user specified driver e.g. sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.
     * @return   Driver to database.
    public String getDBDriver() {
        if (getCurrentDatabaseConnElm() != null)
            return getCurrentDatabaseConnElm().attributeValue(XML_ATT_DRIVER);
        return null;

     * Return the connection URL e.g. jdbc:odbc:.
     * @return
    public String getDBConnURL() {
        if (getCurrentDatabaseConnElm() != null)
            return getCurrentDatabaseConnElm().attributeValue(XML_ATT_URL);
        return null;

     * Return the database username (if required).
     * @return    Optional username.
    public String getDBUsername() {
        if (getCurrentDatabaseConnElm() != null)
            return getCurrentDatabaseConnElm().attributeValue(XML_ATT_USERNAME);
        return null;

     * Return the database password (if required).
     * @return     Optional password
    public String getDBPassword() {
        if (getCurrentDatabaseConnElm() != null)
            return getCurrentDatabaseConnElm().attributeValue(XML_ATT_PASSWORD);
        return null;

     * Return games element.
     * @return
    public Element getGamesElm() {
        return doc.getRootElement().element(XML_SUPPORTED_GAMES);

     * Add a new database element.
     * @param   connectionID   New user specified database connection ID.
    public void addDatabaseConnElm(String connectionID) {
        Element newDatabaseConnElement = DocumentHelper.createElement(XML_CONNECTION);
        newDatabaseConnElement.addAttribute(XML_ATT_ID, connectionID);
        newDatabaseConnElement.addAttribute(XML_ATT_DRIVER, IDatabase.DEFAULT_DRIVER);
        newDatabaseConnElement.addAttribute(XML_ATT_URL, IDatabase.DEFAULT_URL);
        newDatabaseConnElement.addAttribute(XML_ATT_USERNAME, "");
        newDatabaseConnElement.addAttribute(XML_ATT_PASSWORD, "");


     * Remove database element.
     * @param databaseID   Database element to be removed.
    public void deleteDatabaseConnElm(String databaseID) {
        Object dbElm = doc
                .selectSingleNode("server_properties/server_data/database/connection[@id='" + databaseID + "']");
        if (dbElm != null)
            ((Element) dbElm).getParent().remove((Element) dbElm);

     * Add games element.
     * @param gameID  New user specified gameID.
    public void addGamesElm(String gameID) {
        // Create default games Elm
        Element newGamesElm = DocumentHelper.createElement(XML_GAME);
        newGamesElm.addAttribute(XML_ATT_ID, gameID);
        newGamesElm.addAttribute(XML_ATT_HOST, "yes");
        newGamesElm.addAttribute(XML_ATT_MIN_PLAYERS, String.valueOf(DEFAULT_MIN_NUM_OF_PLAYERS));
        newGamesElm.addAttribute(XML_ATT_MAX_PLAYERS, String.valueOf(DEFAULT_MAX_NUM_OF_PLAYERS));


     * Remove games elm.
     * @param gameID   Games element to be removed.
    public void deleteGamesElm(String gameID) {
        Element gameElm = getGameElm(gameID);

     * Flatten element for transmission.
     * @see org.jogre.common.comm.ITransmittable#flatten()
    public XMLElement flatten() {

        // Create new element for transportation and set clone as text.
        XMLElement element = new XMLElement(Comm.ADMIN_SERVER_PROPERTIES);
        String serverConfig = toString();

        return element;

    // Private methods

     * Little helper method for setting an attribute.
     * @param xpath     Xpath to attribute
     * @param attValue  Doesn't set anything if it doesn't exist
    private void setAttribute(String xpath, String attValue) {
        Object obj = doc.selectSingleNode(xpath);
        if (obj != null && obj instanceof Attribute)
            ((Attribute) obj).setValue(attValue);

     * Little helper method for setting an attribute.
     * @param xpath     Xpath to attribute
     * @param attValue  Attribute value
    private void setAttribute(String xpath, boolean attValue) {
        setAttribute(xpath, attValue ? "true" : "false");

     * Little helper method for setting an attribute.
     * @param xpath     Xpath to attribute
     * @param attValue  Attribute value
    private void setAttribute(String xpath, int attValue) {
        setAttribute(xpath, String.valueOf(attValue));

     * Little helper method for returning an attribute as a String.
     * @param xpath  Xpath to attribute.
     * @return       Value or xpath or null if it cant find it.
    private String getStringAttribute(String xpath) {
        return getStringAttribute(xpath, null);

     * Little helper method for returning an attribute as a String.
     * @param xpath  Xpath to attribute.
     * @param defaultValue a default if the attribute is not there
     * @return       Value or xpath or null if it cant find it.
    private String getStringAttribute(String xpath, String defaultValue) {
        Object obj = doc.selectSingleNode(xpath);
        if (obj != null)
            return ((Attribute) obj).getValue();
        return defaultValue;

     * Little helper method for returning a boolean attribute.
     * @param xpath  Xpath to attribute.
     * @return       Value or xpath or null if it cant find it.
    private boolean getBooleanAttribute(String xpath, boolean defaultAtt) {
        Object obj = doc.selectSingleNode(xpath);
        if (obj != null)
            return "true".equals(((Attribute) obj).getValue());
        return defaultAtt;

     * Return integer attribute.
     * @param xpath
     * @param defaultAtt
     * @return
    private int getIntAttribute(String xpath, int defaultAtt) {
        Object obj = doc.selectSingleNode(xpath);
        if (obj != null)
            return Integer.parseInt(((Attribute) obj).getValue());
        return defaultAtt;

     * Little helper method to return an element from an xpath.
     * @param xpath
     * @return
    private Element getElement(String xpath) {
        Object obj = doc.selectSingleNode(xpath);
        if (obj != null)
            return (Element) obj;
        return null;

     * Print XML version.
     * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
    public String toString() {
        try {
            OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat();
            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
            XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(sw, format);
            return sw.toString();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return "";
