Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Japplis. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.joeffice.spreadsheet; import org.joeffice.spreadsheet.cell.CellUtils; import static java.awt.font.TextAttribute.*; import static org.joeffice.desktop.actions.ExtraTextAttribute.*; import java.awt.Color; import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator; import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute; import java.text.AttributedString; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor; import*; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCellStyle; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFColor; import org.joeffice.desktop.actions.TextTransformer; import org.joeffice.desktop.ui.OfficeTopComponent; import org.joeffice.desktop.ui.Styleable; /** * Class that applies the style to the selected cells. * * This involves converting the {@link AttributedString} to a {@link CellStyle} and vice versa. * * @author Anthony Goubard - Japplis */ public class TableStyleable implements Styleable { @Override public void setFontAttributes(AttributedString attributes) { SpreadsheetTopComponent currentTopComponent = OfficeTopComponent .getSelectedComponent(SpreadsheetTopComponent.class); if (currentTopComponent != null) { JTable table = currentTopComponent.getSelectedTable(); List<Cell> selectedCells = CellUtils.getSelectedCells(table); for (Cell cell : selectedCells) { AttributedCharacterIterator attributesIterator = attributes.getIterator(); for (Attribute attribute : attributesIterator.getAllAttributeKeys()) { Object value = attributesIterator.getAttribute(attribute); addAttribute(attribute, value, cell); ((AbstractTableModel) table.getModel()).fireTableCellUpdated(cell.getRowIndex(), cell.getColumnIndex()); } } } } /** * Add the attribute as defined in {@link AttributedString} to the {@link MutableAttributeSet} for the JTextPane. * * @see java.awt.font.TextAttribute */ protected void addAttribute(AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute attribute, Object attributeValue, Cell cell) { CellStyle oldStyle = cell.getCellStyle(); Workbook workbook = cell.getSheet().getWorkbook(); CellStyle style = cell.getSheet().getWorkbook().createCellStyle(); style.cloneStyleFrom(oldStyle); Font newFont = copyFont(cell); if (attribute == FAMILY) { newFont.setFontName((String) attributeValue); CellUtil.setFont(cell, workbook, newFont); } else if (attribute == FOREGROUND) { Color color = (Color) attributeValue; if (cell instanceof XSSFCell) { ((XSSFCellStyle) style).setFillForegroundColor(new XSSFColor(color)); } else { HSSFWorkbook xlsWorkbook = (HSSFWorkbook) workbook; HSSFColor xlsColor = xlsWorkbook.getCustomPalette().findColor((byte) color.getRed(), (byte) color.getGreen(), (byte) color.getBlue()); if (xlsColor == null) { xlsColor = xlsWorkbook.getCustomPalette().addColor((byte) color.getRed(), (byte) color.getGreen(), (byte) color.getBlue()); } style.setFillForegroundColor(xlsColor.getIndex()); } style.setFillPattern(CellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); } else if (attribute == BACKGROUND) { Color color = (Color) attributeValue; if (cell instanceof XSSFCell) { ((XSSFCellStyle) style).setFillBackgroundColor(new XSSFColor(color)); } else { HSSFWorkbook xlsWorkbook = (HSSFWorkbook) workbook; HSSFColor xlsColor = xlsWorkbook.getCustomPalette().findColor((byte) color.getRed(), (byte) color.getGreen(), (byte) color.getBlue()); if (xlsColor == null) { xlsColor = xlsWorkbook.getCustomPalette().addColor((byte) color.getRed(), (byte) color.getGreen(), (byte) color.getBlue()); } style.setFillBackgroundColor(xlsColor.getIndex()); } } else if (attribute == WEIGHT) { short boldValue = Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD; if (newFont.getBoldweight() == Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD) { boldValue = Font.BOLDWEIGHT_NORMAL; } newFont.setBoldweight(boldValue); CellUtil.setFont(cell, workbook, newFont); } else if (attribute == UNDERLINE) { byte underlineValue = Font.U_SINGLE; if (newFont.getUnderline() == Font.U_SINGLE) { underlineValue = Font.U_NONE; } newFont.setUnderline(underlineValue); CellUtil.setFont(cell, workbook, newFont); } else if (attribute == SUPERSCRIPT) { short superscriptValue = Font.SS_NONE; if (SUPERSCRIPT_SUB.equals(attributeValue)) { superscriptValue = Font.SS_SUB; } else if (SUPERSCRIPT_SUPER.equals(attributeValue)) { superscriptValue = Font.SS_SUPER; } newFont.setTypeOffset(superscriptValue); CellUtil.setFont(cell, workbook, newFont); } else if (attribute == STRIKETHROUGH) { boolean strikeThrough = true; if (newFont.getStrikeout()) { strikeThrough = false; } newFont.setStrikeout(strikeThrough); CellUtil.setFont(cell, workbook, newFont); } else if (attribute == POSTURE) { boolean italic = true; if (newFont.getItalic()) { italic = false; } newFont.setItalic(italic); CellUtil.setFont(cell, workbook, newFont); } else if (attribute == SIZE) { newFont.setFontHeightInPoints(((Number) attributeValue).shortValue()); CellUtil.setFont(cell, workbook, newFont); } else if (attribute == JUSTIFICATION) { CellUtil.setAlignment(cell, workbook, CellStyle.ALIGN_JUSTIFY); } else if (attribute == ALIGNMENT) { if (attributeValue.equals(StyleConstants.ALIGN_LEFT)) { CellUtil.setAlignment(cell, workbook, CellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); } else if (attributeValue.equals(StyleConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT)) { CellUtil.setAlignment(cell, workbook, CellStyle.ALIGN_RIGHT); } else if (attributeValue.equals(StyleConstants.ALIGN_CENTER)) { CellUtil.setAlignment(cell, workbook, CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); } } else if (attribute == INDENTATION) { style.setIndention(((Number) attributeValue).shortValue()); } else if (attribute == TEXT_TRANSFORM) { String text = CellUtils.getFormattedText(cell); String transformedText = ((TextTransformer) attributeValue).transformText(text); cell.setCellValue(transformedText); } } private Font copyFont(Cell cell) { CellStyle style = cell.getCellStyle(); Workbook workbook = cell.getSheet().getWorkbook(); short fontIndex = style.getFontIndex(); Font xlsFont = cell.getSheet().getWorkbook().getFontAt(fontIndex); Font newFont = workbook.createFont(); newFont.setFontName(xlsFont.getFontName()); newFont.setFontHeight((short) xlsFont.getFontHeight()); newFont.setBoldweight(xlsFont.getBoldweight()); newFont.setItalic(xlsFont.getItalic()); newFont.setUnderline(xlsFont.getUnderline()); newFont.setColor(xlsFont.getColor()); return newFont; } @Override public AttributedString getCommonFontAttributes() { AttributedString commonAttributes = new AttributedString("Selection"); return commonAttributes; } }