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 *  Copyright 2001-2013 Stephen Colebourne
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
package org.joda.time;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import org.joda.time.base.AbstractPartial;
import org.joda.time.field.AbstractPartialFieldProperty;
import org.joda.time.field.FieldUtils;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat;

 * Partial is an immutable partial datetime supporting any set of datetime fields.
 * <p>
 * A Partial instance can be used to hold any combination of fields.
 * The instance does not contain a time zone, so any datetime is local.
 * <p>
 * A Partial can be matched against an instant using {@link #isMatch(ReadableInstant)}.
 * This method compares each field on this partial with those of the instant
 * and determines if the partial matches the instant.
 * Given this definition, an empty Partial instance represents any datetime
 * and always matches.
 * <p>
 * Calculations on Partial are performed using a {@link Chronology}.
 * This chronology is set to be in the UTC time zone for all calculations.
 * <p>
 * Each individual field can be queried in two ways:
 * <ul>
 * <li><code>get(DateTimeFieldType.monthOfYear())</code>
 * <li><code>property(DateTimeFieldType.monthOfYear()).get()</code>
 * </ul>
 * The second technique also provides access to other useful methods on the
 * field:
 * <ul>
 * <li>numeric value - <code>monthOfYear().get()</code>
 * <li>text value - <code>monthOfYear().getAsText()</code>
 * <li>short text value - <code>monthOfYear().getAsShortText()</code>
 * <li>maximum/minimum values - <code>monthOfYear().getMaximumValue()</code>
 * <li>add/subtract - <code>monthOfYear().addToCopy()</code>
 * <li>set - <code>monthOfYear().setCopy()</code>
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * Partial is thread-safe and immutable, provided that the Chronology is as well.
 * All standard Chronology classes supplied are thread-safe and immutable.
 * @author Stephen Colebourne
 * @since 1.1
public final class Partial extends AbstractPartial implements ReadablePartial, Serializable {

    /** Serialization version */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 12324121189002L;

    /** The chronology in use. */
    private final Chronology iChronology;
    /** The set of field types. */
    private final DateTimeFieldType[] iTypes;
    /** The values of each field in this partial. */
    private final int[] iValues;
    /** The formatter to use, [0] may miss some fields, [1] doesn't miss any fields. */
    private transient DateTimeFormatter[] iFormatter;

    // Constructors
     * Constructs a Partial with no fields or values, which can be considered
     * to represent any date.
     * <p>
     * This is most useful when constructing partials, for example:
     * <pre>
     * Partial p = new Partial()
     *     .with(DateTimeFieldType.dayOfWeek(), 5)
     *     .with(DateTimeFieldType.hourOfDay(), 12)
     *     .with(DateTimeFieldType.minuteOfHour(), 20);
     * </pre>
     * Note that, although this is a clean way to write code, it is fairly
     * inefficient internally.
     * <p>
     * The constructor uses the default ISO chronology.
    public Partial() {
        this((Chronology) null);

     * Constructs a Partial with no fields or values, which can be considered
     * to represent any date.
     * <p>
     * This is most useful when constructing partials, for example:
     * <pre>
     * Partial p = new Partial(chrono)
     *     .with(DateTimeFieldType.dayOfWeek(), 5)
     *     .with(DateTimeFieldType.hourOfDay(), 12)
     *     .with(DateTimeFieldType.minuteOfHour(), 20);
     * </pre>
     * Note that, although this is a clean way to write code, it is fairly
     * inefficient internally.
     * @param chrono  the chronology, null means ISO
    public Partial(Chronology chrono) {
        iChronology = DateTimeUtils.getChronology(chrono).withUTC();
        iTypes = new DateTimeFieldType[0];
        iValues = new int[0];

     * Constructs a Partial with the specified field and value.
     * <p>
     * The constructor uses the default ISO chronology.
     * @param type  the single type to create the partial from, not null
     * @param value  the value to store
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the type or value is invalid
    public Partial(DateTimeFieldType type, int value) {
        this(type, value, null);

     * Constructs a Partial with the specified field and value.
     * <p>
     * The constructor uses the specified chronology.
     * @param type  the single type to create the partial from, not null
     * @param value  the value to store
     * @param chronology  the chronology, null means ISO
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the type or value is invalid
    public Partial(DateTimeFieldType type, int value, Chronology chronology) {
        chronology = DateTimeUtils.getChronology(chronology).withUTC();
        iChronology = chronology;
        if (type == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The field type must not be null");
        iTypes = new DateTimeFieldType[] { type };
        iValues = new int[] { value };
        chronology.validate(this, iValues);

     * Constructs a Partial with the specified fields and values.
     * The fields must be specified in the order largest to smallest.
     * For year and weekyear fields with equal duration, year is defined
     * as being larger than weekyear.
     * <p>
     * The constructor uses the specified chronology.
     * @param types  the types to create the partial from, not null
     * @param values  the values to store, not null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the types or values are invalid
    public Partial(DateTimeFieldType[] types, int[] values) {
        this(types, values, null);

     * Constructs a Partial with the specified fields and values.
     * The fields must be specified in the order largest to smallest.
     * For year and weekyear fields with equal duration, year is defined
     * as being larger than weekyear.
     * <p>
     * The constructor uses the specified chronology.
     * @param types  the types to create the partial from, not null
     * @param values  the values to store, not null
     * @param chronology  the chronology, null means ISO
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the types or values are invalid
    public Partial(DateTimeFieldType[] types, int[] values, Chronology chronology) {
        chronology = DateTimeUtils.getChronology(chronology).withUTC();
        iChronology = chronology;
        if (types == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Types array must not be null");
        if (values == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Values array must not be null");
        if (values.length != types.length) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Values array must be the same length as the types array");
        if (types.length == 0) {
            iTypes = types;
            iValues = values;
        for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
            if (types[i] == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Types array must not contain null: index " + i);
        DurationField lastUnitField = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
            DateTimeFieldType loopType = types[i];
            DurationField loopUnitField = loopType.getDurationType().getField(iChronology);
            if (i > 0) {
                if (loopUnitField.isSupported() == false) {
                    if (lastUnitField.isSupported()) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Types array must be in order largest-smallest: "
                                + types[i - 1].getName() + " < " + loopType.getName());
                    } else {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Types array must not contain duplicate unsupported: "
                                + types[i - 1].getName() + " and " + loopType.getName());
                int compare = lastUnitField.compareTo(loopUnitField);
                if (compare < 0) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Types array must be in order largest-smallest: "
                            + types[i - 1].getName() + " < " + loopType.getName());
                } else if (compare == 0) {
                    if (lastUnitField.equals(loopUnitField)) {
                        DurationFieldType lastRangeType = types[i - 1].getRangeDurationType();
                        DurationFieldType loopRangeType = loopType.getRangeDurationType();
                        if (lastRangeType == null) {
                            if (loopRangeType == null) {
                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Types array must not contain duplicate: "
                                        + types[i - 1].getName() + " and " + loopType.getName());
                        } else {
                            if (loopRangeType == null) {
                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Types array must be in order largest-smallest: "
                                        + types[i - 1].getName() + " < " + loopType.getName());
                            DurationField lastRangeField = lastRangeType.getField(iChronology);
                            DurationField loopRangeField = loopRangeType.getField(iChronology);
                            if (lastRangeField.compareTo(loopRangeField) < 0) {
                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Types array must be in order largest-smallest: "
                                        + types[i - 1].getName() + " < " + loopType.getName());
                            if (lastRangeField.compareTo(loopRangeField) == 0) {
                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Types array must not contain duplicate: "
                                        + types[i - 1].getName() + " and " + loopType.getName());
                    } else {
                        if (lastUnitField.isSupported()
                                && lastUnitField.getType() != DurationFieldType.YEARS_TYPE) {
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Types array must be in order largest-smallest,"
                                    + " for year-based fields, years is defined as being largest: "
                                    + types[i - 1].getName() + " < " + loopType.getName());
            lastUnitField = loopUnitField;

        iTypes = (DateTimeFieldType[]) types.clone();
        chronology.validate(this, values);
        iValues = (int[]) values.clone();

     * Constructs a Partial by copying all the fields and types from
     * another partial.
     * <p>
     * This is most useful when copying from a YearMonthDay or TimeOfDay.
    public Partial(ReadablePartial partial) {
        if (partial == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The partial must not be null");
        iChronology = DateTimeUtils.getChronology(partial.getChronology()).withUTC();
        iTypes = new DateTimeFieldType[partial.size()];
        iValues = new int[partial.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < partial.size(); i++) {
            iTypes[i] = partial.getFieldType(i);
            iValues[i] = partial.getValue(i);

     * Constructs a Partial with the specified values.
     * This constructor assigns and performs no validation.
     * @param partial  the partial to copy
     * @param values  the values to store
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the types or values are invalid
    Partial(Partial partial, int[] values) {
        iChronology = partial.iChronology;
        iTypes = partial.iTypes;
        iValues = values;

     * Constructs a Partial with the specified chronology, fields and values.
     * This constructor assigns and performs no validation.
     * @param chronology  the chronology
     * @param types  the types to create the partial from
     * @param values  the values to store
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the types or values are invalid
    Partial(Chronology chronology, DateTimeFieldType[] types, int[] values) {
        iChronology = chronology;
        iTypes = types;
        iValues = values;

     * Gets the number of fields in this partial.
     * @return the field count
    public int size() {
        return iTypes.length;

     * Gets the chronology of the partial which is never null.
     * <p>
     * The {@link Chronology} is the calculation engine behind the partial and
     * provides conversion and validation of the fields in a particular calendar system.
     * @return the chronology, never null
    public Chronology getChronology() {
        return iChronology;

     * Gets the field for a specific index in the chronology specified.
     * @param index  the index to retrieve
     * @param chrono  the chronology to use
     * @return the field
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is invalid
    protected DateTimeField getField(int index, Chronology chrono) {
        return iTypes[index].getField(chrono);

     * Gets the field type at the specified index.
     * @param index  the index to retrieve
     * @return the field at the specified index
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is invalid
    public DateTimeFieldType getFieldType(int index) {
        return iTypes[index];

     * Gets an array of the field type of each of the fields that
     * this partial supports.
     * <p>
     * The fields are returned largest to smallest.
     * @return the array of field types (cloned), largest to smallest
    public DateTimeFieldType[] getFieldTypes() {
        return (DateTimeFieldType[]) iTypes.clone();

     * Gets the value of the field at the specified index.
     * @param index  the index
     * @return the value
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is invalid
    public int getValue(int index) {
        return iValues[index];

     * Gets an array of the value of each of the fields that
     * this partial supports.
     * <p>
     * The fields are returned largest to smallest.
     * Each value corresponds to the same array index as <code>getFieldTypes()</code>
     * @return the current values of each field (cloned), largest to smallest
    public int[] getValues() {
        return (int[]) iValues.clone();

     * Creates a new Partial instance with the specified chronology.
     * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
     * <p>
     * This method retains the values of the fields, thus the result will
     * typically refer to a different instant.
     * <p>
     * The time zone of the specified chronology is ignored, as Partial
     * operates without a time zone.
     * @param newChronology  the new chronology, null means ISO
     * @return a copy of this datetime with a different chronology
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the values are invalid for the new chronology
    public Partial withChronologyRetainFields(Chronology newChronology) {
        newChronology = DateTimeUtils.getChronology(newChronology);
        newChronology = newChronology.withUTC();
        if (newChronology == getChronology()) {
            return this;
        } else {
            Partial newPartial = new Partial(newChronology, iTypes, iValues);
            newChronology.validate(newPartial, iValues);
            return newPartial;

     * Gets a copy of this date with the specified field set to a new value.
     * <p>
     * If this partial did not previously support the field, the new one will.
     * Contrast this behaviour with {@link #withField(DateTimeFieldType, int)}.
     * <p>
     * For example, if the field type is <code>dayOfMonth</code> then the day
     * would be changed/added in the returned instance.
     * @param fieldType  the field type to set, not null
     * @param value  the value to set
     * @return a copy of this instance with the field set
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is null or invalid
    public Partial with(DateTimeFieldType fieldType, int value) {
        if (fieldType == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The field type must not be null");
        int index = indexOf(fieldType);
        if (index == -1) {
            DateTimeFieldType[] newTypes = new DateTimeFieldType[iTypes.length + 1];
            int[] newValues = new int[newTypes.length];

            // find correct insertion point to keep largest-smallest order
            int i = 0;
            DurationField unitField = fieldType.getDurationType().getField(iChronology);
            if (unitField.isSupported()) {
                for (; i < iTypes.length; i++) {
                    DateTimeFieldType loopType = iTypes[i];
                    DurationField loopUnitField = loopType.getDurationType().getField(iChronology);
                    if (loopUnitField.isSupported()) {
                        int compare = unitField.compareTo(loopUnitField);
                        if (compare > 0) {
                        } else if (compare == 0) {
                            if (fieldType.getRangeDurationType() == null) {
                            if (loopType.getRangeDurationType() == null) {
                            DurationField rangeField = fieldType.getRangeDurationType().getField(iChronology);
                            DurationField loopRangeField = loopType.getRangeDurationType().getField(iChronology);
                            if (rangeField.compareTo(loopRangeField) > 0) {
            System.arraycopy(iTypes, 0, newTypes, 0, i);
            System.arraycopy(iValues, 0, newValues, 0, i);
            newTypes[i] = fieldType;
            newValues[i] = value;
            System.arraycopy(iTypes, i, newTypes, i + 1, newTypes.length - i - 1);
            System.arraycopy(iValues, i, newValues, i + 1, newValues.length - i - 1);
            // use public constructor to ensure full validation
            // this isn't overly efficient, but is safe
            Partial newPartial = new Partial(newTypes, newValues, iChronology);
            iChronology.validate(newPartial, newValues);
            return newPartial;
        if (value == getValue(index)) {
            return this;
        int[] newValues = getValues();
        newValues = getField(index).set(this, index, newValues, value);
        return new Partial(this, newValues);

     * Gets a copy of this date with the specified field removed.
     * <p>
     * If this partial did not previously support the field, no error occurs.
     * @param fieldType  the field type to remove, may be null
     * @return a copy of this instance with the field removed
    public Partial without(DateTimeFieldType fieldType) {
        int index = indexOf(fieldType);
        if (index != -1) {
            DateTimeFieldType[] newTypes = new DateTimeFieldType[size() - 1];
            int[] newValues = new int[size() - 1];
            System.arraycopy(iTypes, 0, newTypes, 0, index);
            System.arraycopy(iTypes, index + 1, newTypes, index, newTypes.length - index);
            System.arraycopy(iValues, 0, newValues, 0, index);
            System.arraycopy(iValues, index + 1, newValues, index, newValues.length - index);
            Partial newPartial = new Partial(iChronology, newTypes, newValues);
            iChronology.validate(newPartial, newValues);
            return newPartial;
        return this;

     * Gets a copy of this Partial with the specified field set to a new value.
     * <p>
     * If this partial does not support the field, an exception is thrown.
     * Contrast this behaviour with {@link #with(DateTimeFieldType, int)}.
     * <p>
     * For example, if the field type is <code>dayOfMonth</code> then the day
     * would be changed in the returned instance if supported.
     * @param fieldType  the field type to set, not null
     * @param value  the value to set
     * @return a copy of this instance with the field set
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is null or invalid
    public Partial withField(DateTimeFieldType fieldType, int value) {
        int index = indexOfSupported(fieldType);
        if (value == getValue(index)) {
            return this;
        int[] newValues = getValues();
        newValues = getField(index).set(this, index, newValues, value);
        return new Partial(this, newValues);

     * Gets a copy of this Partial with the value of the specified field increased.
     * If this partial does not support the field, an exception is thrown.
     * <p>
     * If the addition is zero, then <code>this</code> is returned.
     * The addition will overflow into larger fields (eg. minute to hour).
     * However, it will not wrap around if the top maximum is reached.
     * @param fieldType  the field type to add to, not null
     * @param amount  the amount to add
     * @return a copy of this instance with the field updated
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is null or invalid
     * @throws ArithmeticException if the new datetime exceeds the capacity
    public Partial withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType fieldType, int amount) {
        int index = indexOfSupported(fieldType);
        if (amount == 0) {
            return this;
        int[] newValues = getValues();
        newValues = getField(index).add(this, index, newValues, amount);
        return new Partial(this, newValues);

     * Gets a copy of this Partial with the value of the specified field increased.
     * If this partial does not support the field, an exception is thrown.
     * <p>
     * If the addition is zero, then <code>this</code> is returned.
     * The addition will overflow into larger fields (eg. minute to hour).
     * If the maximum is reached, the addition will wrap.
     * @param fieldType  the field type to add to, not null
     * @param amount  the amount to add
     * @return a copy of this instance with the field updated
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is null or invalid
     * @throws ArithmeticException if the new datetime exceeds the capacity
    public Partial withFieldAddWrapped(DurationFieldType fieldType, int amount) {
        int index = indexOfSupported(fieldType);
        if (amount == 0) {
            return this;
        int[] newValues = getValues();
        newValues = getField(index).addWrapPartial(this, index, newValues, amount);
        return new Partial(this, newValues);

     * Gets a copy of this Partial with the specified period added.
     * <p>
     * If the addition is zero, then <code>this</code> is returned.
     * Fields in the period that aren't present in the partial are ignored.
     * <p>
     * This method is typically used to add multiple copies of complex
     * period instances. Adding one field is best achieved using the method
     * {@link #withFieldAdded(DurationFieldType, int)}.
     * @param period  the period to add to this one, null means zero
     * @param scalar  the amount of times to add, such as -1 to subtract once
     * @return a copy of this instance with the period added
     * @throws ArithmeticException if the new datetime exceeds the capacity
    public Partial withPeriodAdded(ReadablePeriod period, int scalar) {
        if (period == null || scalar == 0) {
            return this;
        int[] newValues = getValues();
        for (int i = 0; i < period.size(); i++) {
            DurationFieldType fieldType = period.getFieldType(i);
            int index = indexOf(fieldType);
            if (index >= 0) {
                newValues = getField(index).add(this, index, newValues,
                        FieldUtils.safeMultiply(period.getValue(i), scalar));
        return new Partial(this, newValues);

     * Gets a copy of this instance with the specified period added.
     * <p>
     * If the amount is zero or null, then <code>this</code> is returned.
     * @param period  the duration to add to this one, null means zero
     * @return a copy of this instance with the period added
     * @throws ArithmeticException if the new datetime exceeds the capacity of a long
    public Partial plus(ReadablePeriod period) {
        return withPeriodAdded(period, 1);

     * Gets a copy of this instance with the specified period take away.
     * <p>
     * If the amount is zero or null, then <code>this</code> is returned.
     * @param period  the period to reduce this instant by
     * @return a copy of this instance with the period taken away
     * @throws ArithmeticException if the new datetime exceeds the capacity of a long
    public Partial minus(ReadablePeriod period) {
        return withPeriodAdded(period, -1);

     * Gets the property object for the specified type, which contains
     * many useful methods for getting and manipulating the partial.
     * <p>
     * See also {@link ReadablePartial#get(DateTimeFieldType)}.
     * @param type  the field type to get the property for, not null
     * @return the property object
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the field is null or unsupported
    public Property property(DateTimeFieldType type) {
        return new Property(this, indexOfSupported(type));

     * Does this partial match the specified instant.
     * <p>
     * A match occurs when all the fields of this partial are the same as the
     * corresponding fields on the specified instant.
     * @param instant  an instant to check against, null means now in default zone
     * @return true if this partial matches the specified instant
    public boolean isMatch(ReadableInstant instant) {
        long millis = DateTimeUtils.getInstantMillis(instant);
        Chronology chrono = DateTimeUtils.getInstantChronology(instant);
        for (int i = 0; i < iTypes.length; i++) {
            int value = iTypes[i].getField(chrono).get(millis);
            if (value != iValues[i]) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Does this partial match the specified partial.
     * <p>
     * A match occurs when all the fields of this partial are the same as the
     * corresponding fields on the specified partial.
     * @param partial  a partial to check against, must not be null
     * @return true if this partial matches the specified partial
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the partial is null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the fields of the two partials do not match
     * @since 1.5
    public boolean isMatch(ReadablePartial partial) {
        if (partial == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The partial must not be null");
        for (int i = 0; i < iTypes.length; i++) {
            int value = partial.get(iTypes[i]);
            if (value != iValues[i]) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Gets a formatter suitable for the fields in this partial.
     * <p>
     * If there is no appropriate ISO format, null is returned.
     * This method may return a formatter that does not display all the
     * fields of the partial. This might occur when you have overlapping
     * fields, such as dayOfWeek and dayOfMonth.
     * @return a formatter suitable for the fields in this partial, null
     *  if none is suitable
    public DateTimeFormatter getFormatter() {
        DateTimeFormatter[] f = iFormatter;
        if (f == null) {
            if (size() == 0) {
                return null;
            f = new DateTimeFormatter[2];
            try {
                List<DateTimeFieldType> list = new ArrayList<DateTimeFieldType>(Arrays.asList(iTypes));
                f[0] = ISODateTimeFormat.forFields(list, true, false);
                if (list.size() == 0) {
                    f[1] = f[0];
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
                // ignore
            iFormatter = f;
        return f[0];

     * Output the date in an appropriate ISO8601 format.
     * <p>
     * This method will output the partial in one of two ways.
     * If {@link #getFormatter()}
     * <p>
     * If there is no appropriate ISO format a dump of the fields is output
     * via {@link #toStringList()}.
     * @return ISO8601 formatted string
    public String toString() {
        DateTimeFormatter[] f = iFormatter;
        if (f == null) {
            f = iFormatter;
            if (f == null) {
                return toStringList();
        DateTimeFormatter f1 = f[1];
        if (f1 == null) {
            return toStringList();
        return f1.print(this);

     * Gets a string version of the partial that lists all the fields.
     * <p>
     * This method exists to provide a better debugging toString than
     * the standard toString. This method lists all the fields and their
     * values in a style similar to the collections framework.
     * @return a toString format that lists all the fields
    public String toStringList() {
        int size = size();
        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(20 * size);
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            if (i > 0) {
                buf.append(',').append(' ');
        return buf.toString();

     * Output the date using the specified format pattern.
     * Unsupported fields will appear as special unicode characters.
     * @param pattern  the pattern specification, null means use <code>toString</code>
     * @see org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat
    public String toString(String pattern) {
        if (pattern == null) {
            return toString();
        return DateTimeFormat.forPattern(pattern).print(this);

     * Output the date using the specified format pattern.
     * Unsupported fields will appear as special unicode characters.
     * @param pattern  the pattern specification, null means use <code>toString</code>
     * @param locale  Locale to use, null means default
     * @see org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat
    public String toString(String pattern, Locale locale) {
        if (pattern == null) {
            return toString();
        return DateTimeFormat.forPattern(pattern).withLocale(locale).print(this);

     * The property class for <code>Partial</code>.
     * <p>
     * This class binds a <code>Partial</code> to a <code>DateTimeField</code>.
     * @author Stephen Colebourne
     * @since 1.1
    public static class Property extends AbstractPartialFieldProperty implements Serializable {

        /** Serialization version */
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 53278362873888L;

        /** The partial */
        private final Partial iPartial;
        /** The field index */
        private final int iFieldIndex;

         * Constructs a property.
         * @param partial  the partial instance
         * @param fieldIndex  the index in the partial
        Property(Partial partial, int fieldIndex) {
            iPartial = partial;
            iFieldIndex = fieldIndex;

         * Gets the field that this property uses.
         * @return the field
        public DateTimeField getField() {
            return iPartial.getField(iFieldIndex);

         * Gets the partial that this property belongs to.
         * @return the partial
        protected ReadablePartial getReadablePartial() {
            return iPartial;

         * Gets the partial that this property belongs to.
         * @return the partial
        public Partial getPartial() {
            return iPartial;

         * Gets the value of this field.
         * @return the field value
        public int get() {
            return iPartial.getValue(iFieldIndex);

         * Adds to the value of this field in a copy of this Partial.
         * <p>
         * The value will be added to this field. If the value is too large to be
         * added solely to this field then it will affect larger fields.
         * Smaller fields are unaffected.
         * <p>
         * If the result would be too large, beyond the maximum year, then an
         * IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
         * <p>
         * The Partial attached to this property is unchanged by this call.
         * Instead, a new instance is returned.
         * @param valueToAdd  the value to add to the field in the copy
         * @return a copy of the Partial with the field value changed
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value isn't valid
        public Partial addToCopy(int valueToAdd) {
            int[] newValues = iPartial.getValues();
            newValues = getField().add(iPartial, iFieldIndex, newValues, valueToAdd);
            return new Partial(iPartial, newValues);

         * Adds to the value of this field in a copy of this Partial wrapping
         * within this field if the maximum value is reached.
         * <p>
         * The value will be added to this field. If the value is too large to be
         * added solely to this field then it wraps within this field.
         * Other fields are unaffected.
         * <p>
         * For example,
         * <code>2004-12-20</code> addWrapField one month returns <code>2004-01-20</code>.
         * <p>
         * The Partial attached to this property is unchanged by this call.
         * Instead, a new instance is returned.
         * @param valueToAdd  the value to add to the field in the copy
         * @return a copy of the Partial with the field value changed
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value isn't valid
        public Partial addWrapFieldToCopy(int valueToAdd) {
            int[] newValues = iPartial.getValues();
            newValues = getField().addWrapField(iPartial, iFieldIndex, newValues, valueToAdd);
            return new Partial(iPartial, newValues);

         * Sets this field in a copy of the Partial.
         * <p>
         * The Partial attached to this property is unchanged by this call.
         * Instead, a new instance is returned.
         * @param value  the value to set the field in the copy to
         * @return a copy of the Partial with the field value changed
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value isn't valid
        public Partial setCopy(int value) {
            int[] newValues = iPartial.getValues();
            newValues = getField().set(iPartial, iFieldIndex, newValues, value);
            return new Partial(iPartial, newValues);

         * Sets this field in a copy of the Partial to a parsed text value.
         * <p>
         * The Partial attached to this property is unchanged by this call.
         * Instead, a new instance is returned.
         * @param text  the text value to set
         * @param locale  optional locale to use for selecting a text symbol
         * @return a copy of the Partial with the field value changed
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the text value isn't valid
        public Partial setCopy(String text, Locale locale) {
            int[] newValues = iPartial.getValues();
            newValues = getField().set(iPartial, iFieldIndex, newValues, text, locale);
            return new Partial(iPartial, newValues);

         * Sets this field in a copy of the Partial to a parsed text value.
         * <p>
         * The Partial attached to this property is unchanged by this call.
         * Instead, a new instance is returned.
         * @param text  the text value to set
         * @return a copy of the Partial with the field value changed
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the text value isn't valid
        public Partial setCopy(String text) {
            return setCopy(text, null);

         * Returns a new Partial with this field set to the maximum value
         * for this field.
         * <p>
         * The Partial attached to this property is unchanged by this call.
         * @return a copy of the Partial with this field set to its maximum
         * @since 1.2
        public Partial withMaximumValue() {
            return setCopy(getMaximumValue());

         * Returns a new Partial with this field set to the minimum value
         * for this field.
         * <p>
         * The Partial attached to this property is unchanged by this call.
         * @return a copy of the Partial with this field set to its minimum
         * @since 1.2
        public Partial withMinimumValue() {
            return setCopy(getMinimumValue());
