Java tutorial
/* * jMaki Version 2 * * Copyright (c) 2009 * * Licensed under the MIT License: * * * */ package org.jmaki.model.impl; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.jmaki.model.IConfig; import org.jmaki.model.IContext; import org.jmaki.model.IWidget; import org.jmaki.util.JSONUtil; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; public class WidgetFactory { public static final String WIDGET_CONFIGS = "WIDGET_CONFIGS"; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static WidgetConfig loadConfig(IContext ctx, String name) { Map<String, WidgetConfig> cfgs = (Map<String, WidgetConfig>) ctx.getGlobalAttribute(WIDGET_CONFIGS); WidgetConfig wcfg = null; boolean devMode = ctx.isDevMode(); if (cfgs == null) { cfgs = new HashMap<String, WidgetConfig>(); } if (cfgs != null && !devMode && cfgs.get(name) != null) { wcfg = cfgs.get(name); } else { wcfg = new WidgetConfig(); } String baseDir = "/" + ctx.getGlobalConfig().getAttribute(IConfig.RESOURCE_ROOT) + "/" + name.replace(".", "/") + "/"; wcfg.setBaseDir(baseDir); // find the config InputStream in = null; // check the web app String resourceName = baseDir + "widget.json"; try { in = ctx.getResourceAsStream(resourceName); } catch (IOException e) { // do nothing } JSONObject json = null; if (in == null) { getLogger().finer("No widget.json at " + resourceName); } else { json = JSONUtil.loadFromInputStream(in); } String widgetDir = ctx.getWebRoot() + ctx.getContextRoot() + baseDir; if (json != null) { if (json.has("config")) { try { JSONObject config = json.getJSONObject("config"); JSONObject typeo = null; if (config.has("type")) { typeo = config.getJSONObject("type"); if (typeo.has("libs")) { List<ResourceURI> scripts = getResourceURIs(ResourceURI.SCRIPT, typeo.getJSONArray("libs"), baseDir, name); wcfg.setScripts(scripts); } if (typeo.has("styles")) { List<ResourceURI> styles = getResourceURIs(ResourceURI.LINK, typeo.getJSONArray("styles"), baseDir, name); wcfg.setStyles(styles); } } } catch (JSONException e) { getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Error parsing coinfig file " + resourceName, e); } } } boolean hasCSS = ctx.resourceExists(baseDir + "component.css"); boolean hasTemplate = ctx.resourceExists(baseDir + "component.htm"); wcfg.setHasCss(hasCSS); wcfg.setWidgetDir(widgetDir); wcfg.setHasTemplate(hasTemplate); if (hasTemplate) { try { StringBuffer template = ctx.getResource(baseDir, "component.htm"); wcfg.setTemplate(template); } catch (IOException e) { getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Error loading template " + baseDir + "component.htm", e); } } cfgs.put(name, wcfg); ctx.setGlobalAttribute(WIDGET_CONFIGS, cfgs); return wcfg; } public static StringBuffer getWidgetFragment(IWidget w, WidgetConfig wcfg, IContext ctx) throws IOException { StringBuffer templateBuffer = new StringBuffer(wcfg.getTemplate().toString()); replace(templateBuffer, "${uuid}", w.getUuid()); // default service URL to the name if (w.getService() != null) { replace(templateBuffer, "${service}", w.getService()); } if (w.getArgs() != null) { replace(templateBuffer, "${args}", w.getArgs().toString()); } if (w.getValue() != null && w.getValue() instanceof String) { if (((String) w.getValue()).startsWith("@{")) { replace(templateBuffer, "${value}", ""); } else { replace(templateBuffer, "${value}", w.getValue().toString()); } } replace(templateBuffer, "${webRoot}", ctx.getWebRoot()); replace(templateBuffer, "${widgetDir}", wcfg.getWidgetDir()); replace(templateBuffer, "${contextPath}", ctx.getContextRoot()); return templateBuffer; } public static void replace(StringBuffer buff, String target, String replacement) { if (buff == null || target == null || replacement == null) { return; } int index = 0; while (index < buff.length()) { index = buff.indexOf(target); if (index == -1) { break; } buff.replace(index, index + target.length(), replacement); index += replacement.length() + 1; } } static List<ResourceURI> getResourceURIs(int type, JSONArray ja, String baseURI, String name) throws JSONException { List<ResourceURI> resources = null; resources = new ArrayList<ResourceURI>(); for (int j = 0; j < ja.length(); j++) { Object o = ja.get(j); JSONObject so = null; String url = null; if (o instanceof JSONObject) { so = (JSONObject) o; url = so.getString("url"); } else if (o instanceof String) { url = (String) o; } if (url != null) { if (url.startsWith("/") || url.startsWith("http")) { baseURI = ""; } ResourceURI ri = null; try { ri = new ResourceURI(resolvePath("/resources/" + name.replace(".", "/"), url), "", type); } catch (WidgetConfigException e) { getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Error parsing widget " + name + " configuration.", e); } if (so != null && ri != null) { if (so.has("id")) { ri.setId(so.getString("id")); } if (so.has("uaTest")) { ri.setUATest(so.getString("uaTest")); } if (so.has("test")) { ri.setTest(so.getString("test")); } } resources.add(ri); } } return resources; } public static String resolvePath(String rootPath, String relativePath) throws WidgetConfigException { if (rootPath == null || relativePath.startsWith("/") || isExternalUri(relativePath)) return relativePath; int relativePathLen = relativePath.length(); int relativePos = 0; for (; relativePos < relativePathLen && relativePath.indexOf("../", relativePos) == relativePos; relativePos += 3) ; int numberOfDirUp = relativePos > 0 ? relativePos / 3 : 0; if (numberOfDirUp > 0) { int rootPos = rootPath.length(); int positionOfSlash; while ((positionOfSlash = rootPath.lastIndexOf('/', rootPos - 1)) > 0 && numberOfDirUp > 0) { rootPos = positionOfSlash; numberOfDirUp--; } if (numberOfDirUp > 0) { throw new WidgetConfigException( "Error parsing widget path rootPath : " + rootPath + ". relativePath : " + relativePath); } return rootPath.substring(0, rootPos) + '/' + relativePath.substring(relativePos); } return rootPath.endsWith("/") ? rootPath + relativePath : rootPath + '/' + relativePath; } public static boolean isExternalUri(String uri) { return uri.startsWith("http://") || uri.startsWith("https://"); } private static Logger logger; static Logger getLogger() { if (logger == null) { logger = Logger.getLogger("org.jmaki"); } return logger; } }