Java tutorial
/* * jLibrary, Open Source Document Management System * * Copyright (c) 2003-2006, Martn Prez Marin, Blandware (represented by * Andrey Grebnev), and individual contributors as indicated by the * @authors tag. See copyright.txt in the distribution for a full listing of * individual contributors. All rights reserved. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the Modified BSD License as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Modified * BSD License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Modified BSD License along with * this software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA, or see the * FSF site: */ package org.jlibrary.client.ui.repository; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.jackrabbit.util.Text; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.jlibrary.cache.CacheUtils; import org.jlibrary.client.Messages; import org.jlibrary.client.extraction.MetaDataExtractor; import org.jlibrary.client.i18n.LocaleService; import org.jlibrary.core.entities.Author; import org.jlibrary.core.entities.Category; import org.jlibrary.core.entities.Directory; import org.jlibrary.core.entities.Document; import org.jlibrary.core.entities.DocumentMetaData; import org.jlibrary.core.entities.Node; import org.jlibrary.core.entities.Repository; import org.jlibrary.core.entities.ResourceNode; import org.jlibrary.core.entities.ServerProfile; import org.jlibrary.core.entities.Ticket; import org.jlibrary.core.entities.Types; import org.jlibrary.core.factory.JLibraryServiceFactory; import org.jlibrary.core.jcr.JLibraryConstants; import; import; import; import; import org.jlibrary.core.repository.RepositoryService; import org.jlibrary.core.repository.exception.AuthorNotFoundException; import org.jlibrary.core.repository.exception.RepositoryException; import org.jlibrary.core.repository.exception.UnknownMethodException; import; import; import; import; import org.jlibrary.core.util.FileUtils; import org.jlibrary.core.util.JLibraryAPIUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * @author martin * * This class will perform tasks that are useful in several actions, for example * creating a document structure, creating resources, etc. * * Having all this business logic centralized here prevents duplicate code and * by consequence promotes a less error-phrone basecode. */ public class RepositoryHelper { static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RepositoryHelper.class); private static NullProgressMonitor nullMonitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); private static HTMLExtractor htmlExtractor = new HTMLExtractor(); private static ArrayList addedResources = new ArrayList(); /** * Creates a document into a repository * * @param repository Repository * @param parent Document's parent directory * @param file File that contains the document contents * @param crawlResources If <code>true</code> then jLibrary will try to extract * and create resources for this document. * * @throws RepositoryException If the document can't be created * @throws SecurityException If the user haven't enought rights to perform this operation */ public static void createDocument(Repository repository, Directory parent, File file, boolean crawlResources) throws RepositoryException, SecurityException { createDocument(repository, parent, null, file, crawlResources); } /** * Creates a document into a repository * * @param repository Repository * @param parent Document's parent directory * @param properties Document properties. It can be <code>null</code> if * you want jLibrary to perform the document data and metadata extraction * automatically. Note that the content property must not be filled on * the document's properties as is responsability of this method to grab * it from the file and replace URL references if necessary. * @param file File that contains the document contents * @param crawlResources If <code>true</code> then jLibrary will try to extract * and create resources for this document. * * @return Document New created document * * @throws RepositoryException If the document can't be created * @throws SecurityException If the user haven't enought rights to perform this operation */ public static Document createDocument(Repository repository, Directory parent, DocumentProperties properties, File file, boolean crawlResources) throws RepositoryException, SecurityException { addedResources.clear(); ServerProfile profile = repository.getServerProfile(); Ticket ticket = repository.getTicket(); if (properties == null) { properties = createDocumentProperties(repository, file, parent, repository.getRepositoryConfig().isExtractMetadata()); } Integer typecode = (Integer) properties.getProperty(DocumentProperties.DOCUMENT_TYPECODE).getValue(); RepositoryService service = JLibraryServiceFactory.getInstance(profile).getRepositoryService(); boolean modifiedFile = false; // Create resources structure, currently only if the document is an HTML file if (file.exists() && crawlResources && Types.isResourceSensible(typecode)) { createResourcesStructure(repository, parent, file); if (!addedResources.isEmpty()) { try { File tempFile = File.createTempFile("jlib", "html");, tempFile); file = tempFile; modifiedFile = true; htmlExtractor.changePaths(file, parent, addedResources); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } Document document; String apiVersion; boolean version1_2; try { apiVersion = service.getJLibraryAPIVersion(); version1_2 = JLibraryAPIUtils.equalsOrExceeds(apiVersion, JLibraryConstants.VERSION_1_2); } catch (UnknownMethodException e) { // the server is old, it does not understand this version1_2 = false; } if (file.exists()) { // Stream content FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(file); if (version1_2) { // in this version, a method which allows to save both // meta-data and data was added document = service.createDocument(ticket, properties, fis); } else { // using the old way: saving meta-data and data in the // separate calls document = service.createDocument(ticket, properties); service.updateContent(ticket, document.getId(), fis); } if (modifiedFile) { file.delete(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RepositoryException(e); } finally { if (fis != null) { try { fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } } else { // only the meta-data has to be created document = service.createDocument(ticket, properties); } EntityRegistry.getInstance().addNode(document); Iterator it = addedResources.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Node node = (Node); service.addResourceToDocument(ticket, node.getId(), document.getId()); document.getResourceNodes().add(node); Directory resourceParent = (Directory) EntityRegistry.getInstance().getNode(node.getParent(), node.getRepository()); if (!resourceParent.getNodes().contains(node)) { resourceParent.getNodes().add(node); EntityRegistry.getInstance().addNode(node); } } parent.getNodes().add(document); return document; } /** * <p>Builds all the needed properties for a document. It will fill the * metadata properties if specified. If the file exists, it will fill the * contents. If the file does not exist, then it will create a stub * document.</p> * * <p>Note that this method won't create any resources for the document.</p> * * @param repository Repository * @param parent Document's parent directory * @param file File that contains the document contents * @param extractMetadata If <code>true</code> then jLibrary will try to * extract the metadata. If <code>false</code> jLibrary will ignore * document metadata * * @return DocumentProperties Properties of the created document * * @throws RepositoryException If the document properties cannot be * obtained */ public static DocumentProperties buildDocument(Repository repository, Directory parent, File file, boolean extractMetadata) throws RepositoryException { DocumentProperties properties = createDocumentProperties(repository, file, parent, extractMetadata); return properties; } private static void createResourcesStructure(Repository repository, Directory parent, File file) throws RepositoryException, SecurityException { String[] filenames = null; try { filenames = filterResourceNames(htmlExtractor.extractResources(file)); } catch (ExtractionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return; } for (int i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++) { String resourcePath = filenames[i]; File resourceFile = new File(resourcePath); if (!resourceFile.exists()) { // try to add the parent's path filenames[i] = file.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() + System.getProperty("file.separator") + resourcePath; resourceFile = new File(filenames[i]); if (!resourceFile.exists()) { continue; } } ResourceNode resource = createResourceFromFile(filenames[i], file.getAbsolutePath(), nullMonitor, repository, parent); if (resource != null) { addedResources.add(resource); } } } private static String[] filterResourceNames(String[] filenames) { //TODO: Remove this Jackrabbit dependency for (int i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++) { filenames[i] = Text.unescape(filenames[i]); } return filenames; } public static Directory createDirectory(Repository repository, Directory dir, File file) throws RepositoryException, SecurityException { Directory parent = (Directory) EntityRegistry.getInstance().getNode(dir.getId(), dir.getRepository()); String directoryName = file.getName(); int indexColon = directoryName.indexOf(":"); if (indexColon != -1) { directoryName = directoryName.substring(0, indexColon); } String description = Messages.getMessage("autogenerated_description"); Directory directory = createDirectory(repository, parent, directoryName, description); return directory; } public static Directory createDirectory(Repository repository, Directory parent, String directoryName, String directoryDescription) throws RepositoryException, SecurityException { ServerProfile profile = repository.getServerProfile(); Ticket ticket = repository.getTicket(); RepositoryService service = JLibraryServiceFactory.getInstance(profile).getRepositoryService(); Directory directory = service.createDirectory(ticket, directoryName, directoryDescription, parent.getId()); parent.getNodes().add(directory); EntityRegistry.getInstance().addNode(directory); return directory; } public static Category findUnknownCategory(Repository repository) { if (repository.getCategories() != null) { Iterator it = repository.getCategories().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Category category = (Category); if (category.isUnknownCategory()) { return category; } } } return null; } private static Author findAuthor(Repository repository, String authorName) { // Find author based in author text ServerProfile profile = repository.getServerProfile(); Ticket ticket = repository.getTicket(); RepositoryService service = JLibraryServiceFactory.getInstance(profile).getRepositoryService(); Author author = null; try { author = service.findAuthorByName(ticket, authorName); } catch (AuthorNotFoundException anee) { } catch (RepositoryException e1) { } if (author == null) { return Author.UNKNOWN; } return author; } /** * Creates a resource node * * @param resourcePath Path to the resource file * @param documentPath Path to the document file. It can be <code>null</code> * if the document it has been already created * @param monitor Progress monitor to track resource addition * @param repository Repository * @param parent Parent node for the resource * * @return ResourceNode Created resource node * * @throws RepositoryException If the resources can't be created * @throws SecurityException If the user doesn't have permissions to do this operation */ private static ResourceNode createResourceFromFile(String resourcePath, String documentPath, IProgressMonitor monitor, Repository repository, Node parent) throws RepositoryException, SecurityException { Ticket ticket = repository.getTicket(); ServerProfile profile = repository.getServerProfile(); RepositoryService service = JLibraryServiceFactory.getInstance(profile).getRepositoryService(); File resourceFile = new File(resourcePath); try { if ((documentPath != null) && !documentPath.equals("")) { String filteredResourcePath = StringUtils.replace(resourcePath, "\\", "/"); filteredResourcePath = filteredResourcePath.substring(0, filteredResourcePath.lastIndexOf("/")); String filteredDocumentPath = StringUtils.replace(documentPath, "\\", "/"); filteredDocumentPath = filteredDocumentPath.substring(0, filteredDocumentPath.lastIndexOf("/")); String subpath = StringUtils.difference(filteredDocumentPath, filteredResourcePath); // Remove the .. references if (subpath.length() > 0) { // subpath. We must create the directories String[] dirs = StringUtils.split(subpath, "/"); for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) { String dirname = dirs[i]; if (dirname.equals(".")) { continue; } if (dirname.equals("..")) { if (parent.getParent() != null) { parent = EntityRegistry.getInstance().getNode(parent.getParent(), parent.getRepository()); } continue; } // Look if the directory already exists boolean found = false; Iterator it = parent.getNodes().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Node node = (Node); if (!node.isDirectory()) continue; if (node.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(dirname)) { //catched parent = node; found = true; } } if (!found) { Node newParent = service.createDirectory(ticket, dirname, Messages.getMessage("autogenerated_description"), parent.getId()); EntityRegistry.getInstance().addNode(newParent); parent.getNodes().add(newParent); parent = newParent; } } } } String resourceName = resourceFile.getName(); // Check if the resource already exists. We will look on the // resources added for this document Iterator it = addedResources.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ResourceNode node = (ResourceNode); if (node.getName().equals(resourceName)) { if (node.getParent().equals(parent.getId())) { // Resource already exists return node; } } } // Check if the resource already exists. We will look now on the // resources added to other documents it = parent.getNodes().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Node node = (Node); if (!node.isResource()) continue; ResourceNode resourceNode = (ResourceNode) node; if (resourceNode.getName().equals(resourceName)) { return resourceNode; } } // It's a file. Create it monitor.subTask( Messages.getAndParseValue("new_document_wizard_add_resource", "%1", resourceFile.getName())); monitor.internalWorked(1); ResourceNodeProperties resourceProperties = new ResourceNodeProperties(); resourceProperties.addProperty(ResourceNodeProperties.RESOURCE_NAME, resourceName); resourceProperties.addProperty(ResourceNodeProperties.RESOURCE_TYPECODE, Types.getTypeForFile(resourcePath)); resourceProperties.addProperty(ResourceNodeProperties.RESOURCE_CONTENT, IOUtils.toByteArray(new FileInputStream(resourceFile))); resourceProperties.addProperty(ResourceNodeProperties.RESOURCE_PARENT_ID, parent.getId()); resourceProperties.addProperty(ResourceNodeProperties.RESOURCE_PATH, FileUtils.buildPath((Directory) parent, resourceName)); resourceProperties.addProperty(ResourceNodeProperties.RESOURCE_DESCRIPTION, Messages.getMessage("autogenerated_description")); ResourceNode resource = service.createResource(ticket, resourceProperties); return resource; } catch (InvalidPropertyTypeException ipte) { logger.error(ipte.getMessage(), ipte); throw new RepositoryException(ipte); } catch (PropertyNotFoundException pnfe) { logger.error(pnfe.getMessage(), pnfe); throw new RepositoryException(pnfe); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.error(ioe.getMessage(), ioe); throw new RepositoryException(ioe); } } /** * Creates a a resource from a file and adds it to a document * * @param repository Repository * @param parent Resource's parent directory * @param file File that contains the document contents * @param document Document in which the resource will be added * * @return ResourceNode Created resource node * * @throws RepositoryException If the resource can't be created * @throws SecurityException If the user haven't enought rights to perform this operation */ public static ResourceNode createResource(Repository repository, Directory parent, Document document, File file) throws RepositoryException, SecurityException { ResourceNode resource = createResource(repository, parent, file); ServerProfile profile = repository.getServerProfile(); Ticket ticket = repository.getTicket(); RepositoryService service = JLibraryServiceFactory.getInstance(profile).getRepositoryService(); service.addResourceToDocument(ticket, resource.getId(), document.getId()); return resource; } /** * Creates a a resource from a file * * @param repository Repository * @param parent Resource's parent directory * @param file File that contains the document contents * * @return ResourceNode Created resource node * * @throws RepositoryException If the resource can't be created * @throws SecurityException If the user haven't enought rights to perform this operation */ public static ResourceNode createResource(Repository repository, Directory parent, File file) throws RepositoryException, SecurityException { ServerProfile profile = repository.getServerProfile(); Ticket ticket = repository.getTicket(); ResourceNode resource = new ResourceNode(); resource.setName(file.getName()); resource.setTypecode(Types.getTypeForFile(file.getName())); resource.setDescription(Messages.getMessage("metadata_extracted")); resource.setNodes(new TreeSet()); resource.setParent(parent.getId()); resource.setPath(file.getAbsolutePath()); resource.setRepository(parent.getRepository()); resource.setImportance(Node.IMPORTANCE_MEDIUM); resource.setCreator(ticket.getUser().getId()); resource.setSize(new BigDecimal((double) file.length())); resource.setDate(new Date()); FileInputStream fis = null; try { RepositoryService service = JLibraryServiceFactory.getInstance(profile).getRepositoryService(); ResourceNodeProperties resProperties = resource.dumpProperties(); resource = service.createResource(ticket, resProperties); try { fis = new FileInputStream(file); service.updateContent(ticket, resource.getId(), fis); CacheUtils.addFileToCache(file, resource); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RepositoryException(e); } EntityRegistry.getInstance().addNode(resource); parent.getNodes().add(resource); } finally { if (fis != null) { try { fis.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.error(ioe.getMessage(), ioe); } } } return resource; } private static DocumentProperties createDocumentProperties(Repository repository, File file, Directory parent, boolean extractMetadata) { Ticket ticket = repository.getTicket(); Category unknownCategory = findUnknownCategory(repository); // Try to extract metadata HeaderMetaData header = null; if (extractMetadata) { MetaDataExtractor.extractMetaData(file.getAbsolutePath()); } Document document = new Document(); document.setTypecode(Types.getTypeForFile(file.getName())); DocumentMetaData metadata = new DocumentMetaData(); if ((header != null) && (header.getAuthor() != null) && (!header.getAuthor().equals(""))) { metadata.setAuthor(findAuthor(repository, header.getAuthor())); } else { metadata.setAuthor(Author.UNKNOWN); } if ((header != null) && (header.getKeywords() != null) && (!header.getKeywords().equals(""))) { metadata.setKeywords(header.getKeywords()); } else { metadata.setKeywords(""); } if ((header != null) && (header.getLanguage() != null) && (!header.getLanguage().equals("")) && LocaleService.getInstance().isSupportedDocumentLanguage(header.getLanguage())) { metadata.setLanguage(header.getLanguage()); } else { metadata.setLanguage(DocumentMetaData.UNKNOWN_LANGUAGE); } if ((header != null) && (header.getTitle() != null) && (!header.getTitle().equals(""))) { metadata.setTitle(header.getTitle()); if (document.getTypecode() == Types.HTML_DOCUMENT) { // It's very common that related web pages have the same title document.setName(file.getName()); } else { document.setName(header.getTitle()); } } else { metadata.setTitle(file.getName()); document.setName(file.getName()); } metadata.setUrl("file://" + file.getAbsolutePath()); metadata.setDate(new Date(file.lastModified())); if ((header != null) && (header.getDescription() != null) && (!header.getDescription().equals(""))) { document.setDescription(header.getDescription()); } else { document.setDescription(Messages.getMessage("metadata_extracted")); } document.setExternal(false); document.setMetaData(metadata); document.setNodes(new TreeSet()); document.setNotes(new HashSet()); document.setParent(parent.getId()); document.setReference(false); document.setRepository(parent.getRepository()); document.setImportance(Node.IMPORTANCE_MEDIUM); document.setCreator(ticket.getUser().getId()); document.setSize(new BigDecimal((double) file.length())); document.setDate(new Date()); document.setMetaData(metadata); String path = FileUtils.buildPath(parent, file.getName()); document.setPath(path); DocumentProperties docProperties = document.dumpProperties(); if (!(document.getTypecode() == Types.FOLDER) && !(document.getTypecode() == Types.IMAGE_DOCUMENT) && !(document.getTypecode() == Types.OTHER)) { if (unknownCategory != null) { try { docProperties.addProperty(DocumentProperties.DOCUMENT_ADD_CATEGORY, unknownCategory.getId()); } catch (PropertyNotFoundException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (InvalidPropertyTypeException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } return docProperties; } }