Java tutorial
/** * $RCSfile$ * $Revision: $ * $Date: $ * * Copyright (C) 2006 Jive Software. All rights reserved. * * This software is published under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL), * a copy of which is included in this distribution. */ package org.jivesoftware.multiplexer; import com.jcraft.jzlib.JZlib; import com.jcraft.jzlib.ZInputStream; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import; import; import; import org.jivesoftware.multiplexer.spi.ServerFailoverDeliverer; import org.jivesoftware.util.JiveGlobals; import org.jivesoftware.util.LocaleUtils; import org.jivesoftware.util.Log; import org.jivesoftware.util.StringUtils; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Random; /** * Thread that creates and keeps a connection to the server. This thread is responsable * for actually forwarding clients traffic to the server. If the connection is no longer * active then the thread is going to be discarded and a new one is created and added to * the thread pool that is kept in {@link ServerSurrogate}. * * @author Gaston Dombiak */ public class ConnectionWorkerThread extends Thread { /** * The utf-8 charset for decoding and encoding Jabber packet streams. */ private static String CHARSET = "UTF-8"; /** * The default XMPP port for connection multiplex. */ public static final int DEFAULT_MULTIPLEX_PORT = 5262; // Sequence and random number generator used for creating unique IQ ID's. private static int sequence = 0; private static Random random = new Random(); private static ConnectionCloseListener connectionListener; private String serverName; private String managerName; /** * JID that identifies this connection to the server. The address is composed by * the connection manager name and the name of the thread. e.g.: connManager1/thread1 */ private String jidAddress; /** * Connection to the server. */ private SocketConnection connection; /** * Store the last received stream features from the server */ private Element features; static { connectionListener = new ConnectionCloseListener() { public void onConnectionClose(Object handback) { ConnectionWorkerThread thread = (ConnectionWorkerThread) handback; thread.interrupt(); } }; } public ConnectionWorkerThread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name, long stackSize) { super(group, target, name, stackSize); ConnectionManager connectionManager = ConnectionManager.getInstance(); this.serverName = connectionManager.getServerName(); this.managerName = connectionManager.getName(); // Create connection to the server createConnection(); // Clean up features variable that is no longer needed features = null; } /** * Returns true if there is a connection to the server that is still active. Note * that sometimes a socket assumes to be opened when in fact the underlying TCP * socket connection is closed. To detect these cases we rely on heartbeats or * timing out when writing data hasn't finished for a while. * * @return rue if there is a connection to the server that is still active. */ public boolean isValid() { return connection != null && !connection.isClosed(); } /** * Returns the connection to the server. * * @return the connection to the server. */ public SocketConnection getConnection() { return connection; } /** * Creates a new connection to the server * * @return true if a connection to the server was established */ private boolean createConnection() { String realHostname = null; int port = JiveGlobals.getIntProperty("xmpp.port", DEFAULT_MULTIPLEX_PORT); Socket socket = new Socket(); if (JiveGlobals.getXMLProperty("xmpp.hostname") != null) { String hostname = JiveGlobals.getXMLProperty("xmpp.hostname"); // Use the specified hostname and port to connect to the server try { Log.debug("CM - Trying to connect to server at " + hostname + ":" + port); // Establish a TCP connection to the Receiving Server socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port), 20000); Log.debug("CM - Plain connection to server at " + hostname + ":" + port + " successful"); } catch (IOException e) { Log.error("Error trying to connect to server at " + hostname + ":" + port, e); return false; } } else { try { // Get the real hostname to connect to using DNS lookup of the specified hostname DNSUtil.HostAddress address = DNSUtil.resolveXMPPServerDomain(serverName, port); realHostname = address.getHost(); Log.debug("CM - Trying to connect to " + serverName + ":" + port + "(DNS lookup: " + realHostname + ":" + port + ")"); // Establish a TCP connection to the Receiving Server socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(realHostname, port), 20000); Log.debug("CM - Plain connection to " + serverName + ":" + port + " successful"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Error trying to connect to server: " + serverName + "(DNS lookup: " + realHostname + ":" + port + ")", e); return false; } } try { connection = new SocketConnection(new ServerFailoverDeliverer(), socket, false); jidAddress = managerName + "/" + getName(); // Send the stream header StringBuilder openingStream = new StringBuilder(); openingStream.append("<stream:stream"); openingStream.append(" xmlns:stream=\"\""); openingStream.append(" xmlns=\"jabber:connectionmanager\""); openingStream.append(" to=\"").append(jidAddress).append("\""); openingStream.append(" version=\"1.0\">"); connection.deliverRawText(openingStream.toString()); // Set a read timeout (of 5 seconds) so we don't keep waiting forever int soTimeout = socket.getSoTimeout(); socket.setSoTimeout(7000); XMPPPacketReader reader = new XMPPPacketReader(); reader.getXPPParser().setInput(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream(), CHARSET)); // Get the answer from the Receiving Server XmlPullParser xpp = reader.getXPPParser(); for (int eventType = xpp.getEventType(); eventType != XmlPullParser.START_TAG;) { eventType =; } String id = xpp.getAttributeValue("", "id"); String serverVersion = xpp.getAttributeValue("", "version"); // Check if the remote server is XMPP 1.0 compliant if (serverVersion != null && decodeVersion(serverVersion)[0] >= 1) { // Get the stream features features = reader.parseDocument().getRootElement(); // Check if there was an error if (features != null && "error".equals(features.getName())) { Log.debug("CM - Error while opening stream: " + features.asXML()); // Failed to secure the connection connection = null; return false; } // Check if TLS is enabled if (features != null && features.element("starttls") != null) { // Try to secure the connection since the server supports TLS if (!secureConnection(reader, openingStream)) { // Failed to secure the connection connection = null; return false; } } if (features != null && features.element("compression") != null) { // Try to use stream compression since the server supports it if (!compressConnection(reader, openingStream)) { // Failed to use stream compression (when enabled locally) connection = null; return false; } } if (!doHandshake(id, reader)) { // Failed to authenticate with the server connection = null; return false; } // Add connection listener connection.registerCloseListener(connectionListener, this); // Set idle time out (server needs to send heartbeats or traffic). Default 5 minutes connection.setIdleTimeout(5 * 60 * 1000); // Create reader that will process packets sent from the server. createSocketReader(reader); // Restore default timeout socket.setSoTimeout(soTimeout); return true; } Log.debug("CM - Server does not support XMPP version 1.0 or later"); } catch (SSLHandshakeException e) { Log.warn("Handshake error while connecting to server: " + serverName + "(DNS lookup: " + realHostname + ":" + port + ")", e); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Error while connecting to server: " + serverName + "(DNS lookup: " + realHostname + ":" + port + ")", e); } // Close the connection if (connection != null) { connection.close(); connection = null; } return false; } private boolean secureConnection(XMPPPacketReader reader, StringBuilder openingStream) throws Exception { Log.debug("CM - Indicating we want TLS to " + serverName); connection.deliverRawText("<starttls xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls'/>"); MXParser xpp = reader.getXPPParser(); // Wait for the <proceed> response Element proceed = reader.parseDocument().getRootElement(); if (proceed != null && proceed.getName().equals("proceed")) { Log.debug("CM - Negotiating TLS with " + serverName); connection.startTLS(true, serverName); Log.debug("CM - TLS negotiation with " + serverName + " was successful"); // TLS negotiation was successful so initiate a new stream connection.deliverRawText(openingStream.toString()); // Reset the parser to use the new secured reader xpp.setInput(new InputStreamReader(connection.getTLSStreamHandler().getInputStream(), CHARSET)); // Skip new stream element for (int eventType = xpp.getEventType(); eventType != XmlPullParser.START_TAG;) { eventType =; } // Get new stream features features = reader.parseDocument().getRootElement(); return true; } else { Log.debug("CM - Error, <proceed> was not received"); } return false; } private boolean compressConnection(XMPPPacketReader reader, StringBuilder openingStream) throws Exception { // Check if we can use stream compression String policyName = JiveGlobals.getXMLProperty("xmpp.server.compression.policy", Connection.CompressionPolicy.disabled.toString()); Connection.CompressionPolicy compressionPolicy = Connection.CompressionPolicy.valueOf(policyName); // Check if stream compression is enabled in the Connection Manager if (Connection.CompressionPolicy.optional == compressionPolicy) { Element compression = features.element("compression"); boolean zlibSupported = false; Iterator it = compression.elementIterator("method"); while (it.hasNext()) { Element method = (Element); if ("zlib".equals(method.getTextTrim())) { zlibSupported = true; } } if (zlibSupported) { MXParser xpp = reader.getXPPParser(); // Request Stream Compression connection.deliverRawText( "<compress xmlns=''><method>zlib</method></compress>"); // Check if we are good to start compression Element answer = reader.parseDocument().getRootElement(); if ("compressed".equals(answer.getName())) { // Server confirmed that we can use zlib compression connection.startCompression(); Log.debug("CM - Stream compression was successful with " + serverName); // Stream compression was successful so initiate a new stream connection.deliverRawText(openingStream.toString()); // Reset the parser to use stream compression over TLS ZInputStream in = new ZInputStream(connection.getTLSStreamHandler().getInputStream()); in.setFlushMode(JZlib.Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH); xpp.setInput(new InputStreamReader(in, CHARSET)); // Skip the opening stream sent by the server for (int eventType = xpp.getEventType(); eventType != XmlPullParser.START_TAG;) { eventType =; } // Get new stream features features = reader.parseDocument().getRootElement(); return true; } else { Log.debug("CM - Stream compression was rejected by " + serverName); } } else { Log.debug("CM - Stream compression found but zlib method is not supported by" + serverName); } return false; } return true; } private boolean doHandshake(String streamID, XMPPPacketReader reader) throws Exception { String password = JiveGlobals.getXMLProperty("xmpp.password"); if (password == null) { // No password was configued in the connection manager Log.debug("CM - No password was found. Configure xmpp.password property"); return false; } MessageDigest digest; // Create a message digest instance. try { digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { Log.error(LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("admin.error"), e); return false; } digest.update(streamID.getBytes()); String key = StringUtils.encodeHex(digest.digest(password.getBytes())); Log.debug("OS - Sent handshake to host: " + serverName + " id: " + streamID); // Send handshake to server StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<handshake>").append(key).append("</handshake>"); connection.deliverRawText(sb.toString()); // Wait for the <handshake> response Element proceed = reader.parseDocument().getRootElement(); if (proceed != null && proceed.getName().equals("handshake")) { Log.debug("OS - Handshake was SUCCESSFUL with host: " + serverName + " id: " + streamID); return true; } Log.debug("OS - Handshake FAILED with host: " + serverName + " id: " + streamID); return false; } private int[] decodeVersion(String version) { int[] answer = new int[] { 0, 0 }; String[] versionString = version.split("\\."); answer[0] = Integer.parseInt(versionString[0]); answer[1] = Integer.parseInt(versionString[1]); return answer; } /** * Creates a reader that will process incoming packets from the server. Incoming * stanzas will be handled by {@link ServerPacketHandler} through a pool of * threads. * * @param reader the reader to use to retrieve stanzas. */ private void createSocketReader(XMPPPacketReader reader) { ServerPacketReader serverPacketReader = new ServerPacketReader(reader, connection, jidAddress); connection.setSocketStatistic(serverPacketReader); } /** * Sends a notification to the main server that a new client session has been created. * * @param streamID the stream ID assigned by the connection manager to the new session. * @param address the remote address of the client. */ public void clientSessionCreated(String streamID, InetAddress address) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); sb.append("<iq type='set' to='").append(serverName); sb.append("' from='").append(jidAddress); sb.append("' id='").append(String.valueOf(random.nextInt(1000) + "-" + sequence++)); sb.append("'><session xmlns='' id='").append(streamID); sb.append("'><create><host name='").append(address.getHostName()); sb.append("' address='").append(address.getHostAddress()).append("'/></create></session></iq>"); // Forward the notification to the server connection.deliver(sb.toString()); } /** * Sends a notification to the main server that a client session has been closed. * * @param streamID the stream ID assigned by the connection manager to the closed session. */ public void clientSessionClosed(String streamID) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); sb.append("<iq type='set' to='").append(serverName); sb.append("' from='").append(jidAddress); sb.append("' id='").append(String.valueOf(random.nextInt(1000) + "-" + sequence++)); sb.append("'><session xmlns='' id='").append(streamID); sb.append("'><close/></session></iq>"); // Forward the notification to the server connection.deliver(sb.toString()); } /** * Sends notification to the main server that delivery of a stanza to a client has * failed. * * @param stanza the stanza that was not sent to the client. * @param streamID the stream ID assigned by the connection manager to the no * longer available session. */ public void deliveryFailed(Element stanza, String streamID) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); sb.append("<iq type='set' to='").append(serverName); sb.append("' from='").append(jidAddress); sb.append("' id='").append(String.valueOf(random.nextInt(1000) + "-" + sequence++)); sb.append("'><session xmlns='' id='").append(streamID); sb.append("'><failed>").append(stanza.asXML()).append("</failed></session></iq>"); // Send notification to the server connection.deliver(sb.toString()); } public void run() { try {; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Do not print this exception that was thrown to stop this thread when // it was detected that the connection was closed before using this thread } finally { // Remove this thread/connection from the list of available connections ConnectionManager.getInstance().getServerSurrogate().serverConnections.remove(getName()); // Close the connection connection.close(); } } /** * Indicates the server that the connection manager is being shut down. */ void notifySystemShutdown() { connection.systemShutdown(); } /** * Delivers clients traffic to the server. The client session that originated * the traffic is specified by the streamID attribute. Clients traffic is wrapped * by a <tt>route</tt> element. * * @param stanza the original client stanza that is going to be wrapped. * @param streamID the stream ID assigned by the connection manager to the client session. */ public void deliver(String stanza, String streamID) { // Wrap the stanza StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(80); sb.append("<route "); sb.append("to='").append(serverName); sb.append("' from='").append(jidAddress); sb.append("' streamid='").append(streamID).append("'>"); sb.append(stanza); sb.append("</route>"); // Forward the wrapped stanza to the server connection.deliver(sb.toString()); } }