Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2016 the original author or authors. * * This file is part of jGrades Application Project. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * You may obtain a copy of the License at * */ package org.jgrades.lic.service; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.jgrades.lic.api.exception.ViolationOfLicenceConditionException; import org.jgrades.lic.api.model.Licence; import org.jgrades.lic.api.model.LicenceProperty; import org.jgrades.logging.JgLogger; import org.jgrades.logging.JgLoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; class MacRule implements ValidationRule { private static final JgLogger LOGGER = JgLoggerFactory.getLogger(MacRule.class); private static final String MAC_PROPERTY_NAME = "mac"; private List<NetworkInterface> networkInterfaces; public MacRule() { try { networkInterfaces = Collections.list(NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces()); LOGGER.trace("Network interfaces in system: {}", networkInterfaces); } catch (SocketException e) { LOGGER.error("Error during preparing network interfaces", e); throw new ViolationOfLicenceConditionException(e); } } public MacRule(List<NetworkInterface> networkInterfaces) { this.networkInterfaces = networkInterfaces; } @Override public boolean isValid(Licence licence) { LOGGER.debug("Start checking MacRule for licence with uid {}", licence.getUid()); List<LicenceProperty> properties = licence.getProperties(); UnmodifiableIterator<LicenceProperty> macPropertyIterator = Iterators.filter(properties.iterator(), licenceProperty -> licenceProperty.getName().equals(MAC_PROPERTY_NAME)); LicenceProperty property = null; if (macPropertyIterator.hasNext()) { property =; } if (Optional.ofNullable(property).isPresent()) { return performValidation(licence, property); } else { LOGGER.debug("Mac property not found for licence with uid {}", licence.getUid()); } return true; } private boolean performValidation(Licence licence, LicenceProperty property) { LOGGER.debug("Mac property found for licence with uid {}", licence.getUid()); String requestedMac = property.getValue(); LOGGER.debug("Requested MAC: {}", requestedMac); for (NetworkInterface networkInterface : networkInterfaces) { try { String currentMac = getCurrentMac(networkInterface); LOGGER.trace("Proceeded network interface: {}, with MAC: {}", networkInterface.getDisplayName(), currentMac); if (currentMac.equalsIgnoreCase(requestedMac)) { LOGGER.debug("MAC {} is matching to expected MAC", currentMac); return true; } } catch (SocketException e) { LOGGER.debug("Error during extracting MAC for network interface {}", networkInterface.getDisplayName(), e); } } LOGGER.debug("There is no any network interfaces or all has not correctly MAC"); return false; } protected String getCurrentMac(NetworkInterface networkInterface) throws SocketException { byte[] macBytes = networkInterface.getHardwareAddress(); if (macBytes == null) { return StringUtils.EMPTY; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < macBytes.length; i++) { sb.append(String.format("%02X%s", macBytes[i], (i < macBytes.length - 1) ? ":" : StringUtils.EMPTY)); } return sb.toString(); } }