Java tutorial
/* =========================================================== * JFreeChart : a free chart library for the Java(tm) platform * =========================================================== * * (C) Copyright 2000-2004, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors. * * Project Info: * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this * library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * [Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. * in the United States and other countries.] * * --------------------- * * --------------------- * (C) Copyright 2002-2004, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors. * * Original Author: David Gilbert (for Object Refinery Limited); * Contributor(s): Thomas Meier; * * $Id:,v 1.3 2004/01/03 05:38:58 mungady Exp $ * * Changes * ------- * 15-Mar-2002 : Version 1, translation by Thomas Meier (DG); * 24-Oct-2002 : Fixed errors reported by Checkstyle (DG); * */ package org.jfree.chart.demo.resources; import java.util.ListResourceBundle; /** * Localised resources for Germany. * * @author TM */ public class DemoResources_de extends ListResourceBundle { /** * Returns the array of strings in the resource bundle. * * @return the resources. */ public Object[][] getContents() { return CONTENTS; } /** The resources to be localised. */ private static final Object[][] CONTENTS = { // about frame... { "about.title", "Info..." }, { "about.version.label", "Version" }, // menu labels... { "menu.file", "Datei" }, { "menu.file.mnemonic", new Character('D') }, { "menu.file.exit", "Beenden" }, { "menu.file.exit.mnemonic", new Character('B') }, { "", "Hilfe" }, { "", new Character('H') }, { "", "Info..." }, { "", new Character('I') }, // dialog messages... { "dialog.exit.title", "Programm beenden..." }, { "dialog.exit.message", "Soll das Programm beendet werden?" }, // labels for the tabs in the main window... { "", "Balkendiagramme" }, { "tab.pie", "Kreisdiagramme" }, { "tab.xy", "XY-Diagramme" }, { "tab.time", "Zeitreihen-Diagramme" }, { "tab.other", "Andere Diagramme" }, { "tab.test", "Testdiagramme" }, { "tab.combined", "Kombinierte Diagramme" }, // sample chart descriptions... { "chart1.title", "Horizontales Balkendiagrammet: " }, { "chart1.description", "Anzeige eines horizontalen Balkendiagramms mit den Daten eines " + "CategoryDataset. Die numerische Achse ist invertiert." }, { "chart2.title", "Horizontales Stacked Balkendiagramm: " }, { "chart2.description", "Anzeige eines horizontalen stacked Balkediagramms mit den Daten " + "eines CategoryDataset." }, { "chart3.title", "Vertikales Balkendiagrammt: " }, { "chart3.description", "Anzeige eines vertikalen Balkendiagramms mit den Daten eines " + "CategoryDataset." }, { "chart4.title", "Vertikales 3D Balkendiagramm: " }, { "chart4.description", "Anzeige eines vertikalen 3D Balkendiagramms mit den Daten eines " + "CategoryDataset." }, { "chart5.title", "Vertikales Stacked Balkendiagramm: " }, { "chart5.description", "Displays vertical stacked bars, representing data from a " + "CategoryDataset." }, { "chart6.title", "Vertikales Stacked 3D Balkendiagramm: " }, { "chart6.description", "Displays vertical stacked bars with a 3D effect, representing " + "data from a CategoryDataset." }, { "chart7.title", "Kreisdiagramm 1: " }, { "chart7.description", "A pie chart showing one section exploded." }, { "chart8.title", "Kreisdiagramm 2: " }, { "chart8.description", "A pie chart showing percentages on the category labels. Also, " + "this plot has a background image." }, { "chart9.title", "XY Plot: " }, { "chart9.description", "A line chart using data from an XYDataset. Both axes are " + "numerical." }, { "chart10.title", "Zeitreihe 1: " }, { "chart10.description", "A time series chart, representing data from an XYDataset. This " + "chart also demonstrates the use of multiple chart titles." }, { "chart11.title", "Zeitreihe 2: " }, { "chart11.description", "A time series chart, representing data from an XYDataset. The " + "vertical axis has a logarithmic scale." }, { "chart12.title", "Zeitreihe 3: " }, { "chart12.description", "A time series chart with a moving average." }, { "chart13.title", "High/Low/Open/Close Diagramm: " }, { "chart13.description", "A high/low/open/close chart based on data in a HighLowDataset." }, { "chart14.title", "Candlestick Diagramm: " }, { "chart14.description", "A candlestick chart based on data in a HighLowDataset." }, { "chart15.title", "Signal Diagramm: " }, { "chart15.description", "A signal chart based on data in a SignalDataset." }, { "chart16.title", "Wind Plot: " }, { "chart16.description", "A wind plot, represents wind direction and intensity (supplied " + "via a WindDataset)." }, { "chart17.title", "Scatter Plot: " }, { "chart17.description", "A scatter plot, representing data in an XYDataset." }, { "chart18.title", "Liniendiagramm: " }, { "chart18.description", "A chart displaying lines and or shapes, representing data in a " + "CategoryDataset. This plot also illustrates the use of a " + "background image on the chart, and alpha-transparency on the " + "plot." }, { "chart19.title", "Vertikales XY Balkendiagramm: " }, { "chart19.description", "A chart showing vertical bars, based on data in an " + "IntervalXYDataset." }, { "chart20.title", "Null Daten: " }, { "chart20.description", "A chart with a null dataset." }, { "chart21.title", "Keine Daten: " }, { "chart21.description", "A chart with a dataset containing zero series." }, { "chart22.title", "Diagramm in einer JScrollPane: " }, { "chart22.description", "A chart embedded in a JScrollPane." }, { "chart23.title", "Einzelserien Balkendiagramm: " }, { "chart23.description", "A single series bar chart. This chart also illustrates the use " + "of a border around a ChartPanel." }, { "chart24.title", "Dynamisches Diagramm: " }, { "chart24.description", "A dynamic chart, to test the event notification mechanism." }, { "chart25.title", "Overlaid Diagramm: " }, { "chart25.description", "Anzeige eines overlaid chart with high/low/open/close and moving " + "average plots." }, { "chart26.title", "Horizontales Kombi-Diagramm: " }, { "chart26.description", "Anzeige eines horizontally combined chart of time series and " + "XY bar plots." }, { "chart27.title", "Vertikales Kombi-Diagramm: " }, { "chart27.description", "Ein vertikal kominiertes Diagramm eines XY-Diagramms, TimeSeries " + "und eines VerticalXYBar-plots" }, { "chart28.title", "Kombi- und Overlaid-Diagramm: " }, { "chart28.description", "Ein kominiertes Diagramm eines XY-Diagramms, overlaid TimeSeries- " + "und eines HighLow & TimeSeries-plots" }, { "chart29.title", "Kombi- und Overlaid Dynamisches Diagramm: " }, { "chart29.description", "Anzeige eines dynamisch kombinierten und overlaid Diagramm, um " + "den event Benachrichtigungs-Mechanismus zu testen." }, { "charts.display", "Anzeige" }, // chart titles and labels... { "bar.horizontal.title", "Horizontales Balkendiagramm" }, { "bar.horizontal.domain", "Kategorien" }, { "bar.horizontal.range", "Werte" }, { "bar.horizontal-stacked.title", "Horizontal Stacked Balkendiagramm" }, { "bar.horizontal-stacked.domain", "Kategorien" }, { "bar.horizontal-stacked.range", "Werte" }, { "bar.vertical.title", "Vertikales Balkendiagramm" }, { "bar.vertical.domain", "Kategorien" }, { "bar.vertical.range", "Werte" }, { "bar.vertical3D.title", "Vertikales Balkendiagramm" }, { "bar.vertical3D.domain", "Kategorien" }, { "bar.vertical3D.range", "Werte" }, { "bar.vertical-stacked.title", "Vertikales Balkendiagramm" }, { "bar.vertical-stacked.domain", "Kategorien" }, { "bar.vertical-stacked.range", "Werte" }, { "bar.vertical-stacked3D.title", "Vertikales Balkendiagramm" }, { "bar.vertical-stacked3D.domain", "Kategorien" }, { "bar.vertical-stacked3D.range", "Werte" }, { "pie.pie1.title", "Kreisdiagramm 1" }, { "pie.pie2.title", "Kreisdiagramm 2" }, { "xyplot.sample1.title", "XY Plot" }, { "xyplot.sample1.domain", "X Werte" }, { "xyplot.sample1.range", "Y Werte" }, { "timeseries.sample1.title", "Zeitreihen Diagramm 1" }, { "timeseries.sample1.subtitle", "Wert von GBP in JPY" }, // not sure if this is correct { "timeseries.sample1.domain", "Datum" }, { "timeseries.sample1.range", "CCY pro GBP" }, { "timeseries.sample1.copyright", "(C)opyright 2002, by Object Refinery Limited" }, { "timeseries.sample2.title", "Zeitreihen Diagramm 2" }, { "timeseries.sample2.domain", "Millisekunden" }, { "timeseries.sample2.range", "Log Achse" }, { "timeseries.sample2.subtitle", "Millisekunden" }, //{"timeseries.sample3.title", "Zeitreihen Diagramm with Moving Average"}, { "timeseries.sample3.title", "Zeitreihen Diagramm mit gleitendem Durchschnitt" }, // not sure if this is correct { "timeseries.sample3.domain", "Datum" }, { "timeseries.sample3.range", "CCY pro GBP" }, //{"timeseries.sample3.subtitle", "30 day moving average of GBP"}, { "timeseries.sample3.subtitle", "30 Tage gleitender Durchschnitt von GBP" }, // not sure if this is correct { "timeseries.highlow.title", "High/Low/Open/Close Diagramm" }, { "timeseries.highlow.domain", "Datum" }, { "timeseries.highlow.range", "Wert ($ pro Aktie)" }, // not sure if this is correct { "timeseries.highlow.subtitle", "IBM Aktien Wert" }, // not sure if this is correct { "timeseries.candlestick.title", "CandleStick Diagramm" }, { "timeseries.candlestick.domain", "Datum" }, { "timeseries.candlestick.range", "Wert ($ pro Aktie)" }, // not sure if this is correct { "timeseries.candlestick.subtitle", "IBM Aktien Wert" }, // not sure if this is correct { "timeseries.signal.title", "Signal Diagramm" }, { "timeseries.signal.domain", "Datum" }, { "timeseries.signal.range", "Wert ($ pro Aktie)" }, // not sure if this is correct { "timeseries.signal.subtitle", "IBM Aktien Wert" }, // not sure if this is correct { "other.wind.title", "Wind Plot" }, { "other.wind.domain", "X-Achse" }, { "other.wind.range", "Y-Achse" }, { "other.scatter.title", "Scatter Plot" }, { "other.scatter.domain", "X-Achse" }, { "other.scatter.range", "Y-Achse" }, { "other.line.title", "Linien Plot" }, { "other.line.domain", "Kategorie" }, { "other.line.range", "Wert" }, { "other.xybar.title", "Zeitreihen Balkendiagramm" }, { "other.xybar.domain", "Datum" }, { "other.xybar.range", "Value" }, { "test.null.title", "XY Plot (null data)" }, { "test.null.domain", "X" }, { "test.null.range", "Y" }, { "", "XY Plot (keine Daten)" }, { "", "X-Achse" }, { "", "Y-Achse" }, { "test.scroll.title", "Zeitreihen" }, { "test.scroll.subtitle", "Wert von GBP" }, // not sure if this is correct { "test.scroll.domain", "Datum" }, { "test.scroll.range", "Wert" }, { "test.single.title", "Einzelserien Balkendiagramm" }, { "test.single.subtitle1", "Subtitel 1" }, { "test.single.subtitle2", "Subtitel 2" }, { "test.single.domain", "Datum" }, { "test.single.range", "Wert" }, { "test.dynamic.title", "Dynamisches Diagramm" }, { "test.dynamic.domain", "Wertebereich" }, { "test.dynamic.range", "Range" }, // to do { "combined.overlaid.title", "Overlaid Diagramm" }, //{"combined.overlaid.subtitle", "High/Low/Open/Close plus Moving Average"}, { "combined.overlaid.subtitle", "High/Low/Open/Close plus gleitender Durchschnitt" }, // not sure if this is correct { "combined.overlaid.domain", "Datum" }, { "combined.overlaid.range", "IBM" }, { "combined.horizontal.title", "Horizontales Kombi Diagramm" }, { "combined.horizontal.subtitle", "Zeitreihen und XY Balkendiagramme" }, { "", new String[] { "Datum 1", "Datum 2", "Datum 3" } }, { "combined.horizontal.range", "CCY pro GBP" }, { "combined.vertical.title", "Vertikales Kombi Diagramm" }, { "combined.vertical.subtitle", "Vier Diagramme in einem" }, { "combined.vertical.domain", "Datum" }, { "combined.vertical.ranges", new String[] { "CCY pro GBP", "Pfund", "IBM", "Bars" } }, { "combined.combined-overlaid.title", "Kombi und Overlaid Diagramm" }, { "combined.combined-overlaid.subtitle", "XY, Overlaid (zwei TimeSeries) und Overlaid " + "(HighLow und TimeSeries)" }, { "combined.combined-overlaid.domain", "Datum" }, { "combined.combined-overlaid.ranges", new String[] { "CCY pro GBP", "Pfund", "IBM" } }, { "combined.dynamic.title", "Dynamisches Kombi Diagramm" }, { "combined.dynamic.subtitle", "XY (series 0), XY (series 1), Overlaid (both series) " + "and XY (both series)" }, // to do { "combined.dynamic.domain", "X" }, { "combined.dynamic.ranges", new String[] { "Y1", "Y2", "Y3", "Y4" } }, }; }