Java tutorial
/* =========================================================== * JFreeChart : a free chart library for the Java(tm) platform * =========================================================== * * (C) Copyright 2000-2004, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors. * * Project Info: * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this * library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * [Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. * in the United States and other countries.] * * --------------------- * * --------------------- * (C) Copyright 2003, 2004, by David M. O'Donnell and Contributors. * * Original Author: David M. O'Donnell; * Contributor(s): David Gilbert (for Object Refinery Limited); * * $Id:,v 1.18 2004/04/30 08:05:59 mungady Exp $ * * Changes * ------- * 22-Apr-2003 : Added standard header (DG); * */ package org.jfree.chart.demo; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GradientPaint; import java.util.Date; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.ClipPath; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.annotations.XYTextAnnotation; import org.jfree.chart.axis.ColorBar; import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.LogarithmicAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis; import org.jfree.chart.plot.ContourPlot; import; import; import; import org.jfree.ui.ApplicationFrame; import org.jfree.ui.RefineryUtilities; /** * A demonstration application to illustrate ContourPlot. * Command line options exist to control different plot properties * such as colorbar orientation, etc. List of options are available * by launching with the -? option, e.g., ContourPlotDemo -? * * @author DMO */ public class ContourPlotDemo2 extends ApplicationFrame { /** The x axis. */ private ValueAxis xAxis = null; /** The y axis. */ private NumberAxis yAxis = null; /** The z axis. */ private ColorBar zColorBar = null; /** A flag controlling the orientation of the z axis. */ //private static boolean zIsVertical = false; /** A flag indicating whether or not the x-values are dates. */ private static boolean xIsDate = false; /** ??. */ private static boolean asPoints = false; /** Logarithmic x-axis? */ private static boolean xIsLog = false; /** Logarithmic y axis? */ private static boolean yIsLog = false; /** Logarithmic z axis? */ private static boolean zIsLog = false; /** Inverted x axis? */ private static boolean xIsInverted = true; /** Inverted y axis? */ private static boolean yIsInverted = false; /** Inverted z axis? */ private static boolean zIsInverted = false; /** Annotate? */ private static boolean annotate = false; /** Number of x intervals. */ private static int numX = 10; /** Number of y intervals. */ private static int numY = 20; /** The plot ratio. */ private static double ratio = 0.0; /** Temp data storage. */ private double[] tmpDoubleY = null; /** Temp data storage. */ private double[] tmpDoubleX = null; /** Temp data storage. */ private double[] tmpDoubleZ = null; /** X outline. */ private double[] xOutline = null; /** Y outline. */ private double[] yOutline = null; /** Draw the outline? */ static boolean drawOutline = false; /** Fill the outline? */ static boolean fillOutline = false; /** ??. */ static int power = 4; /** * Constructs a new demonstration application. * * @param title the frame title. */ public ContourPlotDemo2(final String title) { super(title); final JFreeChart chart = createContourPlot(); final ChartPanel panel = new ChartPanel(chart, true, true, true, true, true); panel.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(1000, 800)); panel.setMaximumDrawHeight(100000); //stop chartpanel from scaling panel.setMaximumDrawWidth(100000); //stop chartpanel from scaling // panel.setHorizontalZoom(true); // panel.setVerticalZoom(true); panel.setFillZoomRectangle(true); setContentPane(panel); } /** * Creates a ContourPlot chart. * * @return the ContourPlot chart. */ private JFreeChart createContourPlot() { final String title = "Contour Plot"; final String xAxisLabel = "X Values"; final String yAxisLabel = "Y Values"; final String zAxisLabel = "Color Values"; if (xIsDate) { this.xAxis = new DateAxis(xAxisLabel); xIsLog = false; // force axis to be linear when displaying dates } else { if (xIsLog) { this.xAxis = new LogarithmicAxis(xAxisLabel); } else { this.xAxis = new NumberAxis(xAxisLabel); } } if (yIsLog) { this.yAxis = new LogarithmicAxis(yAxisLabel); } else { this.yAxis = new NumberAxis(yAxisLabel); } if (zIsLog) { this.zColorBar = new ColorBar(zAxisLabel); } else { this.zColorBar = new ColorBar(zAxisLabel); } if (this.xAxis instanceof NumberAxis) { ((NumberAxis) this.xAxis).setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); ((NumberAxis) this.xAxis).setInverted(xIsInverted); } this.yAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); this.yAxis.setInverted(yIsInverted); if (!xIsDate) { ((NumberAxis) this.xAxis).setLowerMargin(0.0); ((NumberAxis) this.xAxis).setUpperMargin(0.0); } this.yAxis.setLowerMargin(0.0); this.yAxis.setUpperMargin(0.0); if (!xIsDate) { this.xAxis.setRange(10.5, 15.0); } this.yAxis.setRange(3.5, 7.0); this.zColorBar.getAxis().setInverted(zIsInverted); this.zColorBar.getAxis().setTickMarksVisible(true); final ContourDataset data = createDataset(); final ContourPlot plot = new ContourPlot(data, this.xAxis, this.yAxis, this.zColorBar); if (xIsDate) { ratio = Math.abs(ratio); // don't use plot units for ratios when x axis is date } if (asPoints) { plot.setRenderAsPoints(true); } plot.setDataAreaRatio(ratio); if (annotate) { if (asPoints) { final Number[] xValues = data.getXValues(); final Number[] yValues = data.getYValues(); //Number[] zValues = data.getZValues(); final Font font = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 20); for (int i = 0; i < xValues.length; i++) { final XYTextAnnotation xyAnn = new XYTextAnnotation(Integer.toString(i), xValues[i].doubleValue(), yValues[i].doubleValue()); xyAnn.setFont(font); plot.addAnnotation(xyAnn); } } else { final Font font = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 20); for (int i = 0; i < this.tmpDoubleX.length; i++) { final XYTextAnnotation xyAnn = new XYTextAnnotation(Integer.toString(i), this.tmpDoubleX[i], this.tmpDoubleY[i]); xyAnn.setFont(font); plot.addAnnotation(xyAnn); } } } if (fillOutline || drawOutline) { initShoreline(); plot.setClipPath(new ClipPath(this.xOutline, this.yOutline, true, fillOutline, drawOutline)); } final JFreeChart chart = new JFreeChart(title, null, plot, false); // then customise it a little... chart.setBackgroundPaint(new GradientPaint(0, 0, Color.white, 0, 1000,; return chart; } /** * Creates a ContourDataset. * * @return ContourDataset. */ private ContourDataset createDataset() { initData(); final Double[] oDoubleX = (Double[]) DefaultContourDataset.formObjectArray(this.tmpDoubleX); final Double[] oDoubleY = (Double[]) DefaultContourDataset.formObjectArray(this.tmpDoubleY); final Double[] oDoubleZ = (Double[]) DefaultContourDataset.formObjectArray(this.tmpDoubleZ); final Date[] tmpDateX = new Date[this.tmpDoubleX.length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.tmpDoubleX.length; i++) { tmpDateX[i] = new Date((long) (1000.0 * this.tmpDoubleX[i])); } ContourDataset data = null; if (xIsDate) { if (asPoints) { data = new DefaultContourDataset("Contouring", tmpDateX, oDoubleY, oDoubleZ); } else { data = new NonGridContourDataset("Contouring", tmpDateX, oDoubleY, oDoubleZ); } } else if (!asPoints) { data = new NonGridContourDataset("Contouring", oDoubleX, oDoubleY, oDoubleZ, numX, numY, power); } else { data = new DefaultContourDataset("Contouring", oDoubleX, oDoubleY, oDoubleZ); } return data; } /** * Sets options passed via the command line * * @param args the arguments. * * @return Flag indicating whether program should continue. */ protected static boolean processArgs(final String[] args) { final String[] options = { "-?", "-date", "-vertical", "-points", "-outline", "-filled", "-ratio:", "-numX:", "-numY:", "-power:", "-annotate" }; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { boolean foundOption = false; for (int j = 0; j < options.length; j++) { if (args[i].startsWith(options[j])) { foundOption = true; int index = 0; String tmpStr = null; switch (j) { case 0: // -? usage(); return false; case 1: xIsDate = true; break; case 2: //zIsVertical = true; break; case 3: asPoints = true; break; case 4: drawOutline = true; break; case 5: fillOutline = true; break; case 6: index = args[i].indexOf(':'); tmpStr = args[i].substring(index + 1); ratio = Double.parseDouble(tmpStr); break; case 7: index = args[i].indexOf(':'); tmpStr = args[i].substring(index + 1); numX = Integer.parseInt(tmpStr); break; case 8: index = args[i].indexOf(':'); tmpStr = args[i].substring(index + 1); numY = Integer.parseInt(tmpStr); break; case 9: index = args[i].indexOf(':'); tmpStr = args[i].substring(index + 1); power = Integer.parseInt(tmpStr); break; case 10: annotate = true; break; default: System.out.println("Only 11 options available, update options array"); } } } if (!foundOption) { System.out.println("Unknown option: " + args[i]); usage(); return false; } } return true; // continue running application } /** * Prints usage options. */ public static void usage() { System.out.println("Usage:"); System.out.println("ContourPlotDemo2 -? -date -vertical -points -outline -filled " + "-ratio:value -numX:value -numY:value"); System.out.println("Where:"); System.out.println("-? displays usage and exits"); System.out.println("-date the X axis will be a date"); System.out.println("-vertical the colorbar will be drawn vertically"); System.out.println("-points demos plotting data as point (not grid)"); System.out.println("-outline draws shoreline outline and clips dataArea"); System.out.println("-filled fills shoreline and clips dataArea"); System.out.println("-ratio forces plot to maintain aspect ratio (Y/X) indicated by value"); System.out.println(" positive values are in pixels, while negative is in plot units"); System.out.println("-numX number of values to generate along the X axis"); System.out.println("-numY number of values to generate along the Y axis"); } /** * Starting point for the demonstration application. * * @param args command line options, launch ContourDemoPlot -? for listing of options. */ public static void main(final String[] args) { if (!processArgs(args)) { System.exit(1); } final ContourPlotDemo2 demo = new ContourPlotDemo2("ContourPlot Demo"); demo.pack(); RefineryUtilities.centerFrameOnScreen(demo); demo.setVisible(true); } /** * Initialise data. */ private void initData() { final double[] tmpDoubleYY = { 6.782, 6.79, 6.882, 6.289, 6.339, 6.426, 6.584, 5.532, 5.788, 5.922, 6.053, 4.008, 4.185, 4.456, 4.801, 4.779, 4.572, 5.202, 5.613, 5.893 }; //3.5,7}; // add values to fill entire lake surface final double[] tmpDoubleXX = { 14.508, 14.413, 14.329, 14.512, 14.284, 14.085, 13.793, 13.603, 13.492, 13.229, 12.956, 11.087, 11.062, 10.937, 11.169, 11.837, 12.182, 12.802, 12.782, 12.687 }; //10.5,15}; // add values to fill entire lake surface final double[] tmpDoubleZZ = { 2.03, 1.23, 0.86, 3.99, 2.38, 3, 3.08, 6.63, 6.84, 7.38, 6.99, 10.4, 11.11, 10.97, 11.22, 11.25, 10.68, 7.93, 8.17, 7.4 }; //12.0, 0.0}; // add values to fill entire lake surface this.tmpDoubleY = new double[tmpDoubleYY.length]; this.tmpDoubleX = new double[tmpDoubleXX.length]; this.tmpDoubleZ = new double[tmpDoubleZZ.length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.tmpDoubleX.length; i++) { this.tmpDoubleX[i] = tmpDoubleXX[i]; this.tmpDoubleY[i] = tmpDoubleYY[i]; this.tmpDoubleZ[i] = tmpDoubleZZ[i]; } } /** * Initialise data. */ private void initShoreline() { final double[] yyOutline = { 6.93E+00, 6.91E+00, 6.90E+00, 6.88E+00, 6.86E+00, 6.85E+00, 6.83E+00, 6.85E+00, 6.86E+00, 6.88E+00, 6.90E+00, 6.90E+00, 6.90E+00, 6.89E+00, 6.88E+00, 6.86E+00, 6.84E+00, 6.83E+00, 6.81E+00, 6.79E+00, 6.78E+00, 6.76E+00, 6.74E+00, 6.73E+00, 6.71E+00, 6.69E+00, 6.68E+00, 6.66E+00, 6.64E+00, 6.63E+00, 6.61E+00, 6.59E+00, 6.58E+00, 6.56E+00, 6.54E+00, 6.53E+00, 6.52E+00, 6.50E+00, 6.49E+00, 6.47E+00, 6.45E+00, 6.44E+00, 6.42E+00, 6.40E+00, 6.39E+00, 6.37E+00, 6.35E+00, 6.34E+00, 6.32E+00, 6.30E+00, 6.29E+00, 6.27E+00, 6.25E+00, 6.24E+00, 6.22E+00, 6.20E+00, 6.19E+00, 6.17E+00, 6.15E+00, 6.14E+00, 6.12E+00, 6.10E+00, 6.08E+00, 6.07E+00, 6.05E+00, 6.04E+00, 6.02E+00, 6.00E+00, 5.98E+00, 5.97E+00, 5.95E+00, 5.93E+00, 5.92E+00, 5.90E+00, 5.88E+00, 5.87E+00, 5.85E+00, 5.83E+00, 5.82E+00, 5.80E+00, 5.78E+00, 5.77E+00, 5.76E+00, 5.74E+00, 5.73E+00, 5.71E+00, 5.70E+00, 5.68E+00, 5.66E+00, 5.65E+00, 5.63E+00, 5.62E+00, 5.60E+00, 5.59E+00, 5.59E+00, 5.57E+00, 5.56E+00, 5.54E+00, 5.52E+00, 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1.35437E+01, 1.35207E+01, 1.34981E+01, 1.34781E+01, 1.34716E+01, 1.34480E+01, 1.34250E+01, 1.34015E+01, 1.33788E+01, 1.33561E+01, 1.33335E+01, 1.33099E+01, 1.32865E+01, 1.32631E+01, 1.32406E+01, 1.32176E+01, 1.31952E+01, 1.31727E+01, 1.31503E+01, 1.31278E+01, 1.31054E+01, 1.31042E+01, 1.31121E+01, 1.31155E+01, 1.31301E+01, 1.31393E+01, 1.31449E+01, 1.31510E+01, 1.31494E+01, 1.31465E+01, 1.31426E+01, 1.31202E+01, 1.31070E+01, 1.30968E+01, 1.30835E+01, 1.30640E+01, 1.30547E+01, 1.30558E+01, 1.30479E+01, 1.30297E+01, 1.30115E+01, 1.29891E+01, 1.29667E+01, 1.29442E+01, 1.29205E+01, 1.28972E+01, 1.28748E+01, 1.28520E+01, 1.28337E+01, 1.28173E+01, 1.27973E+01, 1.27880E+01, 1.27757E+01, 1.27534E+01, 1.27310E+01, 1.27086E+01, 1.26863E+01, 1.26635E+01, 1.26412E+01, 1.26212E+01, 1.26115E+01, 1.26054E+01, 1.25980E+01, 1.25933E+01, 1.25813E+01, 1.25717E+01, 1.25584E+01, 1.25460E+01, 1.25345E+01, 1.25239E+01, 1.25205E+01, 1.25140E+01, 1.25061E+01, 1.25000E+01, 1.24971E+01, 1.24937E+01, 1.24791E+01, 1.24662E+01, 1.24511E+01, 1.24284E+01, 1.24061E+01, 1.23874E+01, 1.23804E+01, 1.23739E+01, 1.23723E+01, 1.23720E+01, 1.23628E+01, 1.23395E+01, 1.23171E+01, 1.23015E+01, 1.22964E+01, 1.23105E+01, 1.23121E+01, 1.23010E+01, 1.22837E+01, 1.22614E+01, 1.22382E+01, 1.22153E+01, 1.21931E+01, 1.21707E+01, 1.21480E+01, 1.21252E+01, 1.21024E+01, 1.20805E+01, 1.20713E+01, 1.20513E+01, 1.20294E+01, 1.20103E+01, 1.19939E+01, 1.19711E+01, 1.19488E+01, 1.19265E+01, 1.19041E+01, 1.18817E+01, 1.18592E+01, 1.18368E+01, 1.18143E+01, 1.17905E+01, 1.17680E+01, 1.17443E+01, 1.17218E+01, 1.16989E+01, 1.16756E+01, 1.16527E+01, 1.16302E+01, 1.16078E+01, 1.15849E+01, 1.15720E+01, 1.15808E+01, 1.15576E+01, 1.15343E+01, 1.15119E+01, 1.14891E+01, 1.14667E+01, 1.14443E+01, 1.14202E+01, 1.13969E+01, 1.13745E+01, 1.13517E+01, 1.13349E+01, 1.13324E+01, 1.13267E+01, 1.13198E+01, 1.13110E+01, 1.12886E+01, 1.12663E+01, 1.12467E+01, 1.12239E+01, 1.12000E+01, 1.11761E+01, 1.11527E+01, 1.11297E+01, 1.11070E+01, 1.10831E+01, 1.10605E+01, 1.10378E+01, 1.10142E+01, 1.09969E+01, 1.09733E+01, 1.09507E+01, 1.09320E+01, 1.09129E+01, 1.08996E+01, 1.08899E+01, 1.08803E+01, 1.08625E+01, 1.08398E+01, 1.08207E+01, 1.08083E+01, 1.07928E+01, 1.07836E+01, 1.07717E+01, 1.07503E+01, 1.07357E+01, 1.07126E+01, 1.06989E+01, 1.07027E+01, 1.06908E+01, 1.06807E+01, 1.06764E+01, 1.06767E+01, 1.06832E+01, 1.06974E+01, 1.06976E+01, 1.06902E+01, 1.06904E+01, 1.06970E+01, 1.07013E+01, 1.06911E+01, 1.06878E+01, 1.06763E+01, 1.06734E+01, 1.06723E+01, 1.06734E+01, 1.06701E+01, 1.06690E+01, 1.06597E+01, 1.06519E+01, 1.06467E+01, 1.06379E+01, 1.06224E+01, 1.06213E+01, 1.06279E+01, 1.06339E+01, 1.06378E+01, 1.06448E+01, 1.06607E+01, 1.06830E+01, 1.07058E+01, 1.07214E+01, 1.07419E+01, 1.07587E+01, 1.07815E+01, 1.08011E+01, 1.08234E+01, 1.08448E+01, 1.08675E+01, 1.08903E+01, 1.09126E+01, 1.09349E+01, 1.09581E+01, 1.09805E+01, 1.10033E+01, 1.10261E+01, 1.10484E+01, 1.10716E+01, 1.10939E+01, 1.11172E+01, 1.11400E+01, 1.11600E+01, 1.11823E+01, 1.12046E+01, 1.12270E+01, 1.12493E+01, 1.12702E+01, 1.12930E+01, 1.13153E+01, 1.13377E+01, 1.13609E+01, 1.13805E+01, 1.14009E+01, 1.14233E+01, 1.14438E+01, 1.14620E+01, 1.14784E+01, 1.14944E+01, 1.15162E+01, 1.15318E+01, 1.15460E+01, 1.15584E+01, 1.15703E+01, 1.15804E+01, 1.15897E+01, 1.16020E+01, 1.16099E+01, 1.16178E+01, 1.16230E+01, 1.16349E+01, 1.16446E+01, 1.16498E+01, 1.16577E+01, 1.16777E+01, 1.17005E+01, 1.17232E+01, 1.17455E+01, 1.17678E+01, 1.17906E+01, 1.18116E+01, 1.18339E+01, 1.18562E+01, 1.18786E+01, 1.18999E+01, 1.19227E+01, 1.19450E+01, 1.19678E+01, 1.19856E+01, 1.20024E+01, 1.20166E+01, 1.20304E+01, 1.20531E+01, 1.20755E+01, 1.20984E+01, 1.21207E+01, 1.21344E+01, 1.21567E+01, 1.21793E+01, 1.22023E+01, 1.22247E+01, 1.22470E+01, 1.22652E+01, 1.22740E+01, 1.22941E+01, 1.23042E+01, 1.23265E+01, 1.23488E+01, 1.23716E+01, 1.23939E+01, 1.24162E+01, 1.24394E+01, 1.24612E+01, 1.24844E+01, 1.25067E+01, 1.25300E+01, 1.25524E+01, 1.25753E+01, 1.25983E+01, 1.26209E+01, 1.26434E+01, 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