Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2000-2012 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jetbrains.plugins.github.api; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HeaderElement; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.AuthScope; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.DeleteMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.HeadMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.StringRequestEntity; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpConnectionManagerParams; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jetbrains.plugins.github.exceptions.GithubAuthenticationException; import org.jetbrains.plugins.github.exceptions.GithubJsonException; import org.jetbrains.plugins.github.exceptions.GithubStatusCodeException; import org.jetbrains.plugins.github.util.GithubAuthData; import org.jetbrains.plugins.github.util.GithubSslSupport; import org.jetbrains.plugins.github.util.GithubUrlUtil; import org.jetbrains.plugins.github.util.GithubUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.util.ThrowableConvertor; import; /** * @author Kirill Likhodedov */ public class GithubApiUtil { public static final String DEFAULT_GITHUB_HOST = ""; private static final int CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 5000; private static final String PER_PAGE = "per_page=100"; private static final Logger LOG = GithubUtil.LOG; private static final Header ACCEPT_HTML_BODY_MARKUP = new Header("Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3.html+json"); private static final Header ACCEPT_NEW_SEARCH_API = new Header("Accept", "application/vnd.github.preview"); @NotNull private static final Gson gson = initGson(); private static Gson initGson() { GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); builder.setDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); builder.setFieldNamingPolicy(FieldNamingPolicy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES); return builder.create(); } private enum HttpVerb { GET, POST, DELETE, HEAD } @Nullable private static JsonElement postRequest(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String path, @Nullable String requestBody, @NotNull Header... headers) throws IOException { return request(auth, path, requestBody, Arrays.asList(headers), HttpVerb.POST).getJsonElement(); } @Nullable private static JsonElement deleteRequest(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String path, @NotNull Header... headers) throws IOException { return request(auth, path, null, Arrays.asList(headers), HttpVerb.DELETE).getJsonElement(); } @Nullable private static JsonElement getRequest(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String path, @NotNull Header... headers) throws IOException { return request(auth, path, null, Arrays.asList(headers), HttpVerb.GET).getJsonElement(); } @NotNull private static ResponsePage request(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String path, @Nullable String requestBody, @NotNull Collection<Header> headers, @NotNull HttpVerb verb) throws IOException { HttpMethod method = null; try { String uri = GithubUrlUtil.getApiUrl(auth.getHost()) + path; method = doREST(auth, uri, requestBody, headers, verb); checkStatusCode(method); InputStream resp = method.getResponseBodyAsStream(); if (resp == null) { return new ResponsePage(); } JsonElement ret = parseResponse(resp); if (ret.isJsonNull()) { return new ResponsePage(); } Header header = method.getResponseHeader("Link"); if (header != null) { String value = header.getValue(); int end = value.indexOf(">; rel=\"next\""); int begin = value.lastIndexOf('<', end); if (begin >= 0 && end >= 0) { String newPath = GithubUrlUtil.removeProtocolPrefix(value.substring(begin + 1, end)); int index = newPath.indexOf('/'); return new ResponsePage(ret, newPath.substring(index)); } } return new ResponsePage(ret); } finally { if (method != null) { method.releaseConnection(); } } } @NotNull private static HttpMethod doREST(@NotNull final GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull final String uri, @Nullable final String requestBody, @NotNull final Collection<Header> headers, @NotNull final HttpVerb verb) throws IOException { HttpClient client = getHttpClient(auth.getBasicAuth(), auth.isUseProxy()); return GithubSslSupport.getInstance().executeSelfSignedCertificateAwareRequest(client, uri, new ThrowableConvertor<String, HttpMethod, IOException>() { @Override public HttpMethod convert(String uri) throws IOException { HttpMethod method; switch (verb) { case POST: method = new PostMethod(uri); if (requestBody != null) { ((PostMethod) method).setRequestEntity( new StringRequestEntity(requestBody, "application/json", "UTF-8")); } break; case GET: method = new GetMethod(uri); break; case DELETE: method = new DeleteMethod(uri); break; case HEAD: method = new HeadMethod(uri); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Wrong HttpVerb: unknown method: " + verb.toString()); } GithubAuthData.TokenAuth tokenAuth = auth.getTokenAuth(); if (tokenAuth != null) { method.addRequestHeader("Authorization", "token " + tokenAuth.getToken()); } for (Header header : headers) { method.addRequestHeader(header); } return method; } }); } @NotNull private static HttpClient getHttpClient(@Nullable GithubAuthData.BasicAuth basicAuth, boolean useProxy) { final HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); HttpConnectionManagerParams params = client.getHttpConnectionManager().getParams(); params.setConnectionTimeout(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); //set connection timeout (how long it takes to connect to // remote host) params.setSoTimeout(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); //set socket timeout (how long it takes to retrieve data from remote // host) client.getParams().setContentCharset("UTF-8"); // Configure proxySettings if it is required final HttpConfigurable proxySettings = HttpConfigurable.getInstance(); if (useProxy && proxySettings.USE_HTTP_PROXY && !StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(proxySettings.PROXY_HOST)) { client.getHostConfiguration().setProxy(proxySettings.PROXY_HOST, proxySettings.PROXY_PORT); if (proxySettings.PROXY_AUTHENTICATION) { client.getState().setProxyCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials( proxySettings.getProxyLogin(), proxySettings.getPlainProxyPassword())); } } if (basicAuth != null) { client.getParams().setCredentialCharset("UTF-8"); client.getParams().setAuthenticationPreemptive(true); client.getState().setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(basicAuth.getLogin(), basicAuth.getPassword())); } return client; } private static void checkStatusCode(@NotNull HttpMethod method) throws IOException { int code = method.getStatusCode(); switch (code) { case HttpStatus.SC_OK: case HttpStatus.SC_CREATED: case HttpStatus.SC_ACCEPTED: case HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT: return; case HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST: case HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED: case HttpStatus.SC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED: case HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN: throw new GithubAuthenticationException("Request response: " + getErrorMessage(method)); default: throw new GithubStatusCodeException(code + ": " + getErrorMessage(method), code); } } @NotNull private static String getErrorMessage(@NotNull HttpMethod method) { try { InputStream resp = method.getResponseBodyAsStream(); if (resp != null) { GithubErrorMessageRaw error = fromJson(parseResponse(resp), GithubErrorMessageRaw.class); return method.getStatusText() + " - " + error.getMessage(); } } catch (IOException e) {; } return method.getStatusText(); } @NotNull private static JsonElement parseResponse(@NotNull InputStream githubResponse) throws IOException { Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(githubResponse); try { return new JsonParser().parse(reader); } catch (JsonSyntaxException jse) { throw new GithubJsonException("Couldn't parse GitHub response", jse); } finally { reader.close(); } } private static class ResponsePage { @Nullable private final JsonElement response; @Nullable private final String nextPage; public ResponsePage() { this(null, null); } public ResponsePage(@Nullable JsonElement response) { this(response, null); } public ResponsePage(@Nullable JsonElement response, @Nullable String next) { this.response = response; this.nextPage = next; } @Nullable public JsonElement getJsonElement() { return response; } @Nullable public String getNextPage() { return nextPage; } } /* * Json API */ static <Raw extends DataConstructor, Result> Result createDataFromRaw(@NotNull Raw rawObject, @NotNull Class<Result> resultClass) throws GithubJsonException { try { return rawObject.create(resultClass); } catch (Exception e) { throw new GithubJsonException("Json parse error", e); } } public static class PagedRequest<T> { @Nullable private String myNextPage; @NotNull private final Collection<Header> myHeaders; @NotNull private final Class<T> myResult; @NotNull private final Class<? extends DataConstructor[]> myRawArray; @SuppressWarnings("NullableProblems") public PagedRequest(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Class<T> result, @NotNull Class<? extends DataConstructor[]> rawArray, @NotNull Header... headers) { myNextPage = path; myResult = result; myRawArray = rawArray; myHeaders = Arrays.asList(headers); } @NotNull public List<T> next(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth) throws IOException { if (myNextPage == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } String page = myNextPage; myNextPage = null; ResponsePage response = request(auth, page, null, myHeaders, HttpVerb.GET); if (response.getJsonElement() == null) { throw new HttpException("Empty response"); } if (!response.getJsonElement().isJsonArray()) { throw new GithubJsonException("Wrong json type: expected JsonArray", new Exception(response.getJsonElement().toString())); } myNextPage = response.getNextPage(); List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(); for (DataConstructor raw : fromJson(response.getJsonElement().getAsJsonArray(), myRawArray)) { result.add(createDataFromRaw(raw, myResult)); } return result; } public boolean hasNext() { return myNextPage != null; } @NotNull public List<T> getAll(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth) throws IOException { List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(); while (hasNext()) { result.addAll(next(auth)); } return result; } } @NotNull private static <T> T fromJson(@Nullable JsonElement json, @NotNull Class<T> classT) throws IOException { if (json == null) { throw new GithubJsonException("Unexpected empty response"); } T res; try { //cast as workaround for early java 1.6 bug //noinspection RedundantCast res = (T) gson.fromJson(json, classT); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new GithubJsonException("Parse exception while converting JSON to object " + classT.toString(), e); } catch (JsonParseException e) { throw new GithubJsonException("Parse exception while converting JSON to object " + classT.toString(), e); } if (res == null) { throw new GithubJsonException("Empty Json response"); } return res; } /* * Github API */ @NotNull public static Collection<String> getTokenScopes(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth) throws IOException { HttpMethod method = null; try { String uri = GithubUrlUtil.getApiUrl(auth.getHost()) + "/user"; method = doREST(auth, uri, null, Collections.<Header>emptyList(), HttpVerb.HEAD); checkStatusCode(method); Header header = method.getResponseHeader("X-OAuth-Scopes"); if (header == null) { throw new HttpException("No scopes header"); } Collection<String> scopes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (HeaderElement elem : header.getElements()) { scopes.add(elem.getName()); } return scopes; } finally { if (method != null) { method.releaseConnection(); } } } @NotNull public static String getScopedToken(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull Collection<String> scopes, @Nullable String note) throws IOException { String path = "/authorizations"; GithubAuthorizationRequest request = new GithubAuthorizationRequest(new ArrayList<String>(scopes), note, null); GithubAuthorization response = createDataFromRaw( fromJson(postRequest(auth, path, gson.toJson(request)), GithubAuthorizationRaw.class), GithubAuthorization.class); return response.getToken(); } @NotNull public static String getReadOnlyToken(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo, @Nullable String note) throws IOException { GithubRepo repository = getDetailedRepoInfo(auth, user, repo); List<String> scopes = repository.isPrivate() ? Collections.singletonList("repo") : Collections.<String>emptyList(); return getScopedToken(auth, scopes, note); } @NotNull public static GithubUser getCurrentUser(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth) throws IOException { JsonElement result = getRequest(auth, "/user"); return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(result, GithubUserRaw.class), GithubUser.class); } @NotNull public static GithubUserDetailed getCurrentUserDetailed(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth) throws IOException { JsonElement result = getRequest(auth, "/user"); return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(result, GithubUserRaw.class), GithubUserDetailed.class); } @NotNull public static List<GithubRepo> getUserRepos(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth) throws IOException { String path = "/user/repos?" + PER_PAGE; PagedRequest<GithubRepo> request = new PagedRequest<GithubRepo>(path, GithubRepo.class, GithubRepoRaw[].class); return request.getAll(auth); } @NotNull public static List<GithubRepo> getUserRepos(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String user) throws IOException { String path = "/users/" + user + "/repos?" + PER_PAGE; PagedRequest<GithubRepo> request = new PagedRequest<GithubRepo>(path, GithubRepo.class, GithubRepoRaw[].class); return request.getAll(auth); } @NotNull public static List<GithubRepo> getAvailableRepos(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth) throws IOException { List<GithubRepo> repos = new ArrayList<GithubRepo>(); repos.addAll(getUserRepos(auth)); String path = "/user/orgs?" + PER_PAGE; PagedRequest<GithubOrg> request = new PagedRequest<GithubOrg>(path, GithubOrg.class, GithubOrgRaw[].class); for (GithubOrg org : request.getAll(auth)) { String pathOrg = "/orgs/" + org.getLogin() + "/repos?type=member&" + PER_PAGE; PagedRequest<GithubRepo> requestOrg = new PagedRequest<GithubRepo>(pathOrg, GithubRepo.class, GithubRepoRaw[].class); repos.addAll(requestOrg.getAll(auth)); } String pathWatched = "/user/subscriptions?" + PER_PAGE; PagedRequest<GithubRepo> requestWatched = new PagedRequest<GithubRepo>(pathWatched, GithubRepo.class, GithubRepoRaw[].class); repos.addAll(requestWatched.getAll(auth)); return repos; } @NotNull public static GithubRepoDetailed getDetailedRepoInfo(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String owner, @NotNull String name) throws IOException { final String request = "/repos/" + owner + "/" + name; JsonElement jsonObject = getRequest(auth, request); return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(jsonObject, GithubRepoRaw.class), GithubRepoDetailed.class); } public static void deleteGithubRepository(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String username, @NotNull String repo) throws IOException { String path = "/repos/" + username + "/" + repo; deleteRequest(auth, path); } public static void deleteGist(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String id) throws IOException { String path = "/gists/" + id; deleteRequest(auth, path); } @NotNull public static GithubGist getGist(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String id) throws IOException { String path = "/gists/" + id; JsonElement result = getRequest(auth, path); return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(result, GithubGistRaw.class), GithubGist.class); } @NotNull public static GithubGist createGist(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull List<GithubGist.FileContent> contents, @NotNull String description, boolean isPrivate) throws IOException { String request = gson.toJson(new GithubGistRequest(contents, description, !isPrivate)); return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(postRequest(auth, "/gists", request), GithubGistRaw.class), GithubGist.class); } @NotNull public static GithubPullRequest createPullRequest(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo, @NotNull String title, @NotNull String description, @NotNull String from, @NotNull String onto) throws IOException { String request = gson.toJson(new GithubPullRequestRequest(title, description, from, onto)); return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(postRequest(auth, "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/pulls", request), GithubPullRequestRaw.class), GithubPullRequest.class); } @NotNull public static GithubRepo createRepo(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String name, @NotNull String description, boolean isPublic) throws IOException { String path = "/user/repos"; GithubRepoRequest request = new GithubRepoRequest(name, description, isPublic); return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(postRequest(auth, path, gson.toJson(request)), GithubRepoRaw.class), GithubRepo.class); } @NotNull public static List<GithubIssue> getIssuesAssigned(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo, @Nullable String assigned) throws IOException { String path; if (StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(assigned)) { path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/issues?" + PER_PAGE; } else { path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/issues?assignee=" + assigned + "&" + PER_PAGE; } PagedRequest<GithubIssue> request = new PagedRequest<GithubIssue>(path, GithubIssue.class, GithubIssueRaw[].class); return request.getAll(auth); } @NotNull public static List<GithubIssue> getIssuesQueried(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo, @Nullable String query) throws IOException { query = URLEncoder.encode("@" + user + "/" + repo + " " + query, "UTF-8"); String path = "/search/issues?q=" + query; //TODO: remove header after end of preview period. ~ october 2013 //TODO: Use bodyHtml for issues - preview does not support this feature JsonElement result = getRequest(auth, path, ACCEPT_NEW_SEARCH_API); return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(result, GithubIssuesSearchResultRaw.class), GithubIssuesSearchResult.class).getIssues(); } @NotNull public static GithubIssue getIssue(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo, @NotNull String id) throws IOException { String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/issues/" + id; JsonElement result = getRequest(auth, path); return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(result, GithubIssueRaw.class), GithubIssue.class); } @NotNull public static List<GithubIssueComment> getIssueComments(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo, long id) throws IOException { String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/issues/" + id + "/comments?" + PER_PAGE; PagedRequest<GithubIssueComment> request = new PagedRequest<GithubIssueComment>(path, GithubIssueComment.class, GithubIssueCommentRaw[].class, ACCEPT_HTML_BODY_MARKUP); return request.getAll(auth); } @NotNull public static GithubCommitDetailed getCommit(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo, @NotNull String sha) throws IOException { String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/commits/" + sha; JsonElement result = getRequest(auth, path); return createDataFromRaw(fromJson(result, GithubCommitRaw.class), GithubCommitDetailed.class); } @NotNull public static GithubPullRequest getPullRequest(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo, int id) throws IOException { String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/pulls/" + id; return createDataFromRaw( fromJson(getRequest(auth, path, ACCEPT_HTML_BODY_MARKUP), GithubPullRequestRaw.class), GithubPullRequest.class); } @NotNull public static List<GithubPullRequest> getPullRequests(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo) throws IOException { String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/pulls?" + PER_PAGE; PagedRequest<GithubPullRequest> request = new PagedRequest<GithubPullRequest>(path, GithubPullRequest.class, GithubPullRequestRaw[].class, ACCEPT_HTML_BODY_MARKUP); return request.getAll(auth); } @NotNull public static PagedRequest<GithubPullRequest> getPullRequests(@NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo) { String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/pulls?" + PER_PAGE; return new PagedRequest<GithubPullRequest>(path, GithubPullRequest.class, GithubPullRequestRaw[].class, ACCEPT_HTML_BODY_MARKUP); } @NotNull public static List<GithubCommit> getPullRequestCommits(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo, long id) throws IOException { String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/pulls/" + id + "/commits?" + PER_PAGE; PagedRequest<GithubCommit> request = new PagedRequest<GithubCommit>(path, GithubCommit.class, GithubCommitRaw[].class); return request.getAll(auth); } @NotNull public static List<GithubFile> getPullRequestFiles(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo, long id) throws IOException { String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/pulls/" + id + "/files?" + PER_PAGE; PagedRequest<GithubFile> request = new PagedRequest<GithubFile>(path, GithubFile.class, GithubFileRaw[].class); return request.getAll(auth); } @NotNull public static List<GithubBranch> getRepoBranches(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo) throws IOException { String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/branches?" + PER_PAGE; PagedRequest<GithubBranch> request = new PagedRequest<GithubBranch>(path, GithubBranch.class, GithubBranchRaw[].class); return request.getAll(auth); } @Nullable public static GithubRepo findForkByUser(@NotNull GithubAuthData auth, @NotNull String user, @NotNull String repo, @NotNull String forkUser) throws IOException { String path = "/repos/" + user + "/" + repo + "/forks?" + PER_PAGE; PagedRequest<GithubRepo> request = new PagedRequest<GithubRepo>(path, GithubRepo.class, GithubRepoRaw[].class); while (request.hasNext()) { for (GithubRepo fork : { if (StringUtil.equalsIgnoreCase(fork.getUserName(), forkUser)) { return fork; } } } return null; } }