Java tutorial
/* * Copyright Bruce Liang ( * * Version : JessMA 3.5.1 * Author : Bruce Liang * Website : * Project : * Blog : * WeiBo : * QQ Group : 75375912 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jessma.mvc; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.Filter; import javax.servlet.FilterChain; import javax.servlet.FilterConfig; import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; import javax.servlet.ServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import org.jessma.mvc.Action.ResultType; import org.jessma.util.BeanHelper; import org.jessma.util.GeneralHelper; import org.jessma.util.http.HttpHelper; /** * * MVC ? {@link Filter} * */ /* @WebFilter ( filterName="ActionDispatcher", urlPatterns={"*.action"}, asyncSupported=false, dispatcherTypes={ DispatcherType.ASYNC, DispatcherType.ERROR, DispatcherType.FORWARD, DispatcherType.INCLUDE, DispatcherType.REQUEST } ) */ public class ActionDispatcher implements Filter { static final String PATH_SEPARATOR = HttpHelper.URL_PATH_SEPARATOR; static final String CURRENT_PATH_PREFIX = "./"; private static final String GLOBAL_KEY = "global"; private static final String INCLUDE_KEY = "include"; private static final String INCLUDE_FILE_KEY = "file"; private static final String ACTIONS_KEY = "actions"; private static final String ACTIONS_PATH_KEY = "path"; private static final String ACTION_ENTRY_SEPARATOR = "!"; private static final String ACTION_KEY = "action"; private static final String ACTION_NAME_KEY = "name"; private static final String ACTION_CLASS_KEY = "class"; private static final String ACTION_ENTRY_KEY = "entry"; private static final String ACTION_ENTRY_NAME_KEY = "name"; private static final String ACTION_ENTRY_METHOD_KEY = "method"; private static final String RESULT_KEY = "result"; private static final String RESULT_TYPE_KEY = "type"; private static final String RESULT_NAME_KEY = "name"; private static final String ACTION_DEFAULT_ENTRY_METHOD = "execute"; private static final String CONFIG_FILE_KEY = "mvc-config-file"; private static final String DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = "mvc-config.xml"; private static final String ACTION_SUFFIX_KEY = "action-suffix"; private static final String BASE_PATH_KEY = "base-path"; private static final String BASE_PATH_TYPE_KEY = "type"; private static final String BASE_PATH_HREF_KEY = "href"; private static final String SUFFIX_CHARACTER = "."; private static final String DEFAULT_ACTION_SUFFIX = ".action"; private static final String I18N_KEY = "i18n"; private static final String I18N_DEF_LOCALE_KEY = "default-locale"; private static final String I18N_DEF_BUNDLE_KEY = "default-bundle"; private static final String BEAN_VLD_KEY = "bean-validation"; private static final String BEAN_VLD_ENABLE_KEY = "enable"; private static final String BEAN_VLD_BUNDLE_KEY = "bundle"; private static final String BEAN_VLD_VALIDATOR_KEY = "validator"; private static final String BEAN_VLD_DEFAULT_VALIDATOR = "org.jessma.mvc.validation.HibernateBeanValidator"; private static final String ACTION_FILTERS_KEY = "action-filters"; private static final String FILTER_KEY = "filter"; private static final String FILTER_CLASS_KEY = "class"; private static final String FILTER_PATTERN_KEY = "pattern"; private static final String FILTER_METHODS_KEY = "methods"; private static final String FILTER_DEFAULT_PATTERN = ".*"; private static final String FILTER_DEFAULT_METHODS = ".*"; private static final String ACTION_CONV_KEY = "action-convention"; private static final String CONV_ENABLE_KEY = "enable"; private static final String CONV_DETECT_PHYSICAL_FILE_KEY = "detect-physical-file"; private static final String CONV_BASE_PACKAGE_KEY = "action-base-package"; private static final String CONV_DISPATCH_FILE_PATH_KEY = "dispatch-file-path"; private static final String CONV_DISPATCH_FILE_TYPE_KEY = "dispatch-file-type"; private static final String CONV_PHYSICAL_FILE_PATH_KEY = "physical-file-path"; private static final String CONV_FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR_KEY = "file-name-separator"; private static final String CONV_DEFAULT_DISPATCH_FILE_PATH = "/WEB-INF/page"; private static final String CONV_DEFAULT_FILE_TYPE = "jsp"; private static final String CONV_DEFAULT_FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR = "_"; private static final String CONV_ACTION_PATH_NAME_SEPARATOR = "-"; private static final String CONV_ACTION_NAME_USUAL_ENDING = "Action"; private static final String RESULT_PATH_ALIASES_KEY = "result-path-aliases"; private static final String RESULT_PATH_ALIAS_KEY = "alias"; private static final String RESULT_PATH_ALIAS_NAME_KEY = "name"; private static final String RESULT_PATH_ALIAS_PATH_KEY = "path"; private static final String RESULT_PATH_PLACEHOLDER_BEGIN = "${"; private static final String RESULT_PATH_PLACEHOLDER_END = "}"; private static final String GLOBAL_RESULTS_KEY = "global-results"; private static final String GLOBAL_EXCEPTION_MAPS_KEY = "global-exception-mappings"; private static final String ENCODING_KEY = "encoding"; private static final String EXCEPTION_MAP_KEY = "exception-mapping"; private static final String EXCEPTION_KEY = "exception"; private String encoding; private String actionSuffix; private BasePathConfig basePath; private I18nConfig i18nCfg; private BeanValidation validation; private ActionConvention convention; private Map<String, ActionResult> globalResults; private List<ActionException> globalExceptions; private List<ActionFilterInfo> filterInfoList; private LinkedList<ActionFilter> filterList; private Map<String, Map<String, ActionEntryConfig>> actionPkgMap; private Map<Method, LinkedList<ActionFilter>> filterCache; private Map<Class<ActionFilter>, ActionFilter> filterMap; private Map<Class<? extends Action>, ActionConfig> convACMap; private Map<String, String> resultAliasMap; private FilterConfig filterCfg; private ServletContext context; private boolean pausing; private static ActionDispatcher instance; /* **************************************************************************************************** */ // Business Process // /* **************************************************************************************************** */ @Override public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException { filterCfg = filterConfig; context = filterConfig.getServletContext(); attachInstance(); loadConfig(); } private void loadConfig() throws ServletException { String confFile = filterCfg.getInitParameter(CONFIG_FILE_KEY); if (GeneralHelper.isStrEmpty(confFile)) confFile = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE; confFile = GeneralHelper.getClassResourcePath(ActionDispatcher.class, confFile); resetProperties(); loadConfigFile(confFile, true, null); loadActionFilters(); if (i18nCfg.defaultLocale != null) Locale.setDefault(i18nCfg.defaultLocale); ActionSupport.setBeanValidation(validation); context.setAttribute(Action.Constant.APP_ATTR_DEFAULT_APP_BUNDLE, i18nCfg.defaultBundle); context.setAttribute(Action.Constant.APP_ATTR_DEFAULT_VLD_BUNDLE, validation.bundle); context.setAttribute(Action.Constant.APP_ATTR_CONTEXT_PATH, context.getContextPath() + PATH_SEPARATOR); context.setAttribute(Action.Constant.APP_ATTR_BASE_TYPE, basePath.baseType); if (basePath.baseType == Action.BaseType.MANUAL) context.setAttribute(Action.Constant.APP_ATTR_BASE_PATH, basePath.baseHref); else context.removeAttribute(Action.Constant.APP_ATTR_BASE_PATH); } private void resetProperties() { encoding = null; actionSuffix = DEFAULT_ACTION_SUFFIX; basePath = new BasePathConfig(); i18nCfg = new I18nConfig(); validation = new BeanValidation(); convention = new ActionConvention(); globalResults = null; globalExceptions = null; filterInfoList = new ArrayList<ActionFilterInfo>(); filterList = new LinkedList<ActionFilter>(); actionPkgMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, ActionEntryConfig>>(); filterCache = new HashMap<Method, LinkedList<ActionFilter>>(); filterMap = new HashMap<Class<ActionFilter>, ActionFilter>(); convACMap = new HashMap<Class<? extends Action>, ActionConfig>(); resultAliasMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); } private void loadConfigFile(String confFile, boolean isMainConfigFile, Set<String> incFiles) throws ServletException { try { SAXReader sr = new SAXReader(); Document doc = File(confFile)); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); if (isMainConfigFile) { incFiles = new HashSet<String>(); incFiles.add(confFile); parseGlobal(root); } parseInclude(root, incFiles); parseActionPackage(root); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServletException("load MVC config fail", e); } } private void parseGlobal(Element root) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { Element global = root.element(GLOBAL_KEY); if (global != null) { Element enc = global.element(ENCODING_KEY); if (enc != null) parseEncoding(enc); Element acSuffix = global.element(ACTION_SUFFIX_KEY); if (acSuffix != null) parseActionSuffix(acSuffix); Element i18n = global.element(I18N_KEY); if (i18n != null) parseI8n(i18n); Element vld = global.element(BEAN_VLD_KEY); if (vld != null) parseBeanValidation(vld); Element bp = global.element(BASE_PATH_KEY); if (bp != null) parseBasePath(bp); Element acFilters = global.element(ACTION_FILTERS_KEY); if (acFilters != null) parseActionFilters(acFilters); Element rsPathAliases = global.element(RESULT_PATH_ALIASES_KEY); if (rsPathAliases != null) parseResultPathAliases(rsPathAliases); Element acConv = global.element(ACTION_CONV_KEY); if (acConv != null) parseActionConvention(acConv); Element gResults = global.element(GLOBAL_RESULTS_KEY); if (gResults != null) globalResults = parseResults(gResults); Element gExceptionMaps = global.element(GLOBAL_EXCEPTION_MAPS_KEY); if (gExceptionMaps != null) globalExceptions = parseExceptionLists(gExceptionMaps); } ensureGlobalResultNone(); } private void parseEncoding(Element enc) { String str = enc.getTextTrim(); if (GeneralHelper.isStrNotEmpty(str)) encoding = str; } private void parseActionSuffix(Element acSuffix) { String str = acSuffix.getTextTrim(); if (GeneralHelper.isStrNotEmpty(str)) { if (str.startsWith(SUFFIX_CHARACTER)) actionSuffix = str; else actionSuffix = SUFFIX_CHARACTER + str; } } private void parseI8n(Element i18n) { String dlc = i18n.attributeValue(I18N_DEF_LOCALE_KEY); if (GeneralHelper.isStrNotEmpty(dlc)) { i18nCfg.defaultLocale = GeneralHelper.getAvailableLocale(dlc); if (i18nCfg.defaultLocale == null) throw new RuntimeException(String.format("parse i18n fail (invalid default-locale '%s')", dlc)); } String bundle = i18n.attributeValue(I18N_DEF_BUNDLE_KEY); if (GeneralHelper.isStrNotEmpty(bundle)) i18nCfg.defaultBundle = bundle; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void parseBeanValidation(Element vld) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { String enable = vld.attributeValue(BEAN_VLD_ENABLE_KEY); validation.enable = GeneralHelper.str2Boolean(enable, true); String bundle = vld.attributeValue(BEAN_VLD_BUNDLE_KEY); if (GeneralHelper.isStrNotEmpty(bundle)) validation.bundle = bundle; if (validation.enable) { String vldClass = vld.attributeValue(BEAN_VLD_VALIDATOR_KEY); if (GeneralHelper.isStrEmpty(vldClass)) vldClass = BEAN_VLD_DEFAULT_VALIDATOR; Class<? extends BeanValidator> clazz = (Class<? extends BeanValidator>) Class.forName(vldClass); validation.validator = clazz.newInstance(); validation.validator.init(); } } private void parseBasePath(Element bp) { String type = bp.attributeValue(BASE_PATH_TYPE_KEY); if (GeneralHelper.isStrNotEmpty(type)) { basePath.baseType = Action.BaseType.fromString(type); if (basePath.baseType == Action.BaseType.MANUAL) { basePath.baseHref = bp.attributeValue(BASE_PATH_HREF_KEY); if (GeneralHelper.isStrEmpty(basePath.baseHref)) throw new RuntimeException( "parse base path fail ('href' attribute must be set if 'type' = \"manual\")"); if (!basePath.baseHref.endsWith(PATH_SEPARATOR)) basePath.baseHref += PATH_SEPARATOR; } } } private void parseActionConvention(Element acConv) { String enable = acConv.attributeValue(CONV_ENABLE_KEY); String detect = acConv.attributeValue(CONV_DETECT_PHYSICAL_FILE_KEY); String basePkg = acConv.attributeValue(CONV_BASE_PACKAGE_KEY); String dispatchPath = acConv.attributeValue(CONV_DISPATCH_FILE_PATH_KEY); String fileType = acConv.attributeValue(CONV_DISPATCH_FILE_TYPE_KEY); String physicalPath = acConv.attributeValue(CONV_PHYSICAL_FILE_PATH_KEY); String nameSep = acConv.attributeValue(CONV_FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR_KEY); convention.enable = GeneralHelper.str2Boolean(enable, true); convention.detect = GeneralHelper.str2Boolean(detect, true); convention.basePackage = GeneralHelper.safeString(basePkg); convention.dispatchPath = HttpHelper.ensurePath(parseResultPath(dispatchPath), CONV_DEFAULT_DISPATCH_FILE_PATH); convention.physicalPath = HttpHelper.ensurePath(parseResultPath(physicalPath), convention.dispatchPath); if (GeneralHelper.isStrNotEmpty(fileType)) convention.fileType = fileType; else convention.fileType = CONV_DEFAULT_FILE_TYPE; if (GeneralHelper.isStrNotEmpty(nameSep)) convention.separator = nameSep.substring(0, 1); else convention.separator = CONV_DEFAULT_FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void parseActionFilters(Element acFilters) throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { List<Element> filters = acFilters.elements(FILTER_KEY); for (Element filter : filters) { String clazz = filter.attributeValue(FILTER_CLASS_KEY); String pattern = filter.attributeValue(FILTER_PATTERN_KEY); String methods = filter.attributeValue(FILTER_METHODS_KEY); if (GeneralHelper.isStrEmpty(clazz)) throw new RuntimeException("parse action filter fail ('class' attribute must be set)"); if (GeneralHelper.isStrEmpty(pattern)) pattern = FILTER_DEFAULT_PATTERN; if (GeneralHelper.isStrEmpty(methods)) methods = FILTER_DEFAULT_METHODS; ActionFilterInfo info = new ActionFilterInfo(); info.afClass = (Class<ActionFilter>) Class.forName(clazz); info.pattern = Pattern.compile(pattern); info.methods = Pattern.compile(methods); filterInfoList.add(info); ActionFilter f = filterMap.get(info.afClass); if (f == null) { f = info.afClass.newInstance(); f.init(); filterList.addLast(f); filterMap.put(info.afClass, f); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void parseResultPathAliases(Element rsPathAliases) { List<Element> aliases = rsPathAliases.elements(RESULT_PATH_ALIAS_KEY); for (Element alias : aliases) { String name = alias.attributeValue(RESULT_PATH_ALIAS_NAME_KEY); String path = alias.attributeValue(RESULT_PATH_ALIAS_PATH_KEY); if (GeneralHelper.isStrEmpty(name)) throw new RuntimeException("parse result path alias fail ('name' attribute must be set)"); if (path == null) throw new RuntimeException("parse result path alias fail ('path' attribute must be set)"); resultAliasMap.put(name, parseResultPath(path)); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<ActionException> parseExceptionLists(Element exceptionMaps) throws ClassNotFoundException { List<ActionException> exceptions = new ArrayList<ActionException>(); List<Element> maps = exceptionMaps.elements(EXCEPTION_MAP_KEY); for (Element map : maps) { ActionException ae = new ActionException(); String clazz = map.attributeValue(EXCEPTION_KEY); ae.result = map.attributeValue(RESULT_KEY); if (GeneralHelper.isStrEmpty(clazz)) ae.exception = Exception.class; else ae.exception = (Class<? extends Exception>) Class.forName(clazz); if (ae.result == null) ae.result = Action.EXCEPTION; exceptions.add(ae); } return exceptions.isEmpty() ? null : exceptions; } private void ensureGlobalResultNone() { if (globalResults == null) globalResults = new HashMap<String, ActionResult>(); if (!globalResults.containsKey(Action.NONE)) globalResults.put(Action.NONE, new ActionResult(Action.NONE, Action.ResultType.FINISH)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void parseInclude(Element root, Set<String> incFiles) throws ServletException { List<Element> includes = root.elements(INCLUDE_KEY); for (Element inc : includes) { String fileName = inc.attributeValue(INCLUDE_FILE_KEY); String incFile = GeneralHelper.getClassResourcePath(ActionDispatcher.class, fileName); if (incFile == null) throw new ServletException(String.format("include file '%s' not found", fileName)); else { if (incFiles.contains(incFile)) continue; else incFiles.add(incFile); } loadConfigFile(incFile, false, incFiles); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void parseActionPackage(Element root) throws ClassNotFoundException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException { List<Element> acsList = root.elements(ACTIONS_KEY); for (Element actions : acsList) { String path = actions.attributeValue(ACTIONS_PATH_KEY); path = HttpHelper.ensurePath(path, PATH_SEPARATOR); Map<String, ActionEntryConfig> actionEntryMap = actionPkgMap.get(path); if (actionEntryMap == null) { actionEntryMap = new HashMap<String, ActionEntryConfig>(); actionPkgMap.put(path, actionEntryMap); } parseAction(actions, actionEntryMap); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void parseAction(Element actions, Map<String, ActionEntryConfig> actionEntryMap) throws ClassNotFoundException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException { List<Element> acList = actions.elements(ACTION_KEY); for (Element action : acList) { ActionConfig ac = new ActionConfig(); = action.attributeValue(ACTION_NAME_KEY); String clazz = action.attributeValue(ACTION_CLASS_KEY); if (clazz == null) ac.acClass = ActionSupport.class; else ac.acClass = (Class<? extends Action>) Class.forName(clazz); ac.results = parseResults(action); ac.exceptions = parseExceptionLists(action); parseActionEntry(action, ac, actionEntryMap); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void parseActionEntry(Element action, ActionConfig ac, Map<String, ActionEntryConfig> actionEntryMap) throws SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException, ClassNotFoundException { List<Element> aecList = action.elements(ACTION_ENTRY_KEY); for (Element entry : aecList) { String name = entry.attributeValue(ACTION_ENTRY_NAME_KEY); String method = entry.attributeValue(ACTION_ENTRY_METHOD_KEY); String entryName = GeneralHelper.isStrEmpty(name) ? : + ACTION_ENTRY_SEPARATOR + name; String entryMethod = GeneralHelper.isStrEmpty(method) ? (GeneralHelper.isStrEmpty(name) ? ACTION_DEFAULT_ENTRY_METHOD : name) : method; Method m = ac.acClass.getMethod(entryMethod); if (!String.class.isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType()) || !BeanHelper.isPublicInstanceMethod(m)) { String msg = String.format("invalid action entry method '%s'", m); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } actionEntryMap.put(entryName, new ActionEntryConfig(entryName, m, ac, parseResults(entry), parseExceptionLists(entry))); } if (actionEntryMap.get( == null) actionEntryMap.put(, new ActionEntryConfig(, ac.acClass.getMethod(ACTION_DEFAULT_ENTRY_METHOD), ac)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Map<String, ActionResult> parseResults(Element rsElement) { Map<String, ActionResult> map = new HashMap<String, ActionResult>(); List<Element> results = rsElement.elements(RESULT_KEY); for (Element result : results) { ActionResult ars = new ActionResult(); = result.attributeValue(RESULT_NAME_KEY); String type = result.attributeValue(RESULT_TYPE_KEY); ars.path = parseResultPath(result.getTextTrim()); if ( == null) = Action.SUCCESS; if (type == null || type.equals(Action.ResultType.DEFAULT.toString())) { if (! ars.type = Action.ResultType.DISPATCH; else ars.type = Action.ResultType.FINISH; } else ars.type = Action.ResultType.fromString(type); map.put(, ars); } return map.isEmpty() ? null : map; } private String parseResultPath(String path) { if (GeneralHelper.isStrEmpty(path)) return path; boolean isOK = true; int begin = -1; int end = -1; int length = path.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); do { begin = path.indexOf(RESULT_PATH_PLACEHOLDER_BEGIN, end + 1); if (begin != -1) { sb.append(path.substring(end + 1, begin)); end = path.indexOf(RESULT_PATH_PLACEHOLDER_END, begin + 2); if (end == -1) isOK = false; if (isOK) { String name = path.substring(begin + 2, end); String value = resultAliasMap.get(name); if (value != null) sb.append(value); else { String alias = RESULT_PATH_PLACEHOLDER_BEGIN + name + RESULT_PATH_PLACEHOLDER_END; throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "parse result path fail (alias '%s' not found in result path '%s')", alias, path)); } } } } while (isOK && begin != -1); if (isOK) { if (end < length - 1) sb.append(path.substring(end + 1)); } else throw new RuntimeException(String.format("parse result path fail (invalid result path '%s')", path)); return sb.toString(); } private void loadActionFilters() { if (!filterInfoList.isEmpty()) { Collection<Map<String, ActionEntryConfig>> packages = actionPkgMap.values(); for (Map<String, ActionEntryConfig> pkg : packages) { Collection<ActionEntryConfig> aecs = pkg.values(); for (ActionEntryConfig aec : aecs) loadActionFilterCache(aec); } } } private void loadActionFilterCache(ActionEntryConfig aec) { LinkedList<ActionFilter> filters = filterCache.get(aec.method); if (filters == null) { filters = matchActionFilters(aec); tryPutFilterCache(aec.method, filters); } } private LinkedList<ActionFilter> matchActionFilters(ActionEntryConfig aec) { Set<ActionFilter> tmpFilterSet = new HashSet<ActionFilter>(); LinkedList<ActionFilter> filters = new LinkedList<ActionFilter>(); for (ActionFilterInfo info : filterInfoList) { Matcher m = info.pattern.matcher(aec.container.acClass.getName()); if (m.matches()) { m = info.methods.matcher(aec.method.getName()); if (m.matches()) { ActionFilter filter = filterMap.get(info.afClass); if (!tmpFilterSet.contains(filter)) { filters.add(filter); tmpFilterSet.add(filter); } } } } return filters; } private void tryPutFilterCache(Method method, LinkedList<ActionFilter> filters) { if (!filters.isEmpty()) { Collection<LinkedList<ActionFilter>> fs = filterCache.values(); for (LinkedList<ActionFilter> f : fs) { if (filters.equals(f)) { filters = f; break; } } GeneralHelper.syncTryPut(filterCache, method, filters); } } @Override public void destroy() { while (!filterList.isEmpty()) filterList.removeLast().destroy(); if (validation.validator != null) validation.validator.destroy(); resultAliasMap = null; convACMap = null; filterList = null; filterInfoList = null; filterMap = null; filterCache = null; actionPkgMap = null; globalResults = null; globalExceptions = null; context = null; filterCfg = null; detachInstance(); } @Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse resp, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req; HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) resp; if (pausing) { response.setHeader("Retry-After", Integer.toString(5)); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Server is reloading, please retry after a few seconds"); return; } if (encoding != null) { request.setCharacterEncoding(encoding); response.setCharacterEncoding(encoding); } String reqPath = request.getServletPath(); if (reqPath.endsWith(actionSuffix)) { String actionPath = reqPath.substring(0, reqPath.length() - actionSuffix.length()); dispatchAction(request, response, new ActionPackage(actionPath)); } else chain.doFilter(request, response); } private void dispatchAction(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ActionPackage pkg) throws ServletException, IOException { ActionEntryConfig aec = null; try { aec = extractActionEntryConfig(pkg, true); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = String.format("Extract Action Convention '%s' fail (%s)", pkg, e.getMessage()); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, msg); return; } if (aec == null) { String msg = String.format("Action Entry '%s' not found", pkg); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, msg); return; } Action action = null; try { action = createAction(request, response, aec, pkg); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = String.format("Instantiate Action '%s (%s)' fail", pkg, aec.container.acClass.getName()); throw new ServletException(msg, e); } try { String result = executeAction(request, response, aec, action); dispatchResult(request, response, pkg, aec, action, result); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServletException(e); } } void dispatchResult(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ActionPackage pkg, ActionEntryConfig aec, Action action, String result) throws ServletException, IOException { ActionResult rs = findResult(request, pkg, aec, result); if (rs != null) processResult(request, response, pkg, rs, action); else { String msg = String.format("Result Name '%s' in Action Entry '%s' not found", result, pkg); throw new ServletException(msg); } } private ActionEntryConfig extractActionEntryConfig(ActionPackage pkg, boolean firstTime) throws Exception { ActionEntryConfig aec = null; Map<String, ActionEntryConfig> actionEntryMap = actionPkgMap.get(pkg.path); if (actionEntryMap != null) aec = actionEntryMap.get(; if (aec == null & firstTime && convention.enable) { extractActionEntryConvention(pkg); aec = extractActionEntryConfig(pkg, false); } return aec; } private String executeAction(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ActionEntryConfig aec, Action action) throws Exception { String result = null; LinkedList<ActionFilter> filters = filterCache.get(aec.method); try { if (filters == null) result = ActionExecutor.execute(action, aec.method); else { ActionExecutor executor = new ActionExecutor(filters, action, aec.method, context, request, response); result = executor.invoke(); } } catch (Exception e) { request.setAttribute(Action.Constant.REQ_ATTR_EXCEPTION, e); if (aec.exceptions != null) result = processActionException(request, aec.exceptions, e); if (result == null && aec.container.exceptions != null) result = processActionException(request, aec.container.exceptions, e); if (result == null && globalExceptions != null) result = processActionException(request, globalExceptions, e); if (result == null) throw e; } return result; } private String processActionException(HttpServletRequest request, List<ActionException> aes, Exception e) { String result = null; for (ActionException ae : aes) { if (ae.exception.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())) { result = ae.result; break; } } return result; } private Action createAction(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ActionEntryConfig aec, ActionPackage pkg) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { Action action = aec.container.acClass.newInstance(); action.setServletContext(context); action.setRequest(request); action.setResponse(response); if (action instanceof ActionSupport) { ActionSupport asp = (ActionSupport) action; asp.setActionDispatcher(this); asp.setActionPackage(pkg); asp.setActionEntryConfig(aec); } parseFormBean(aec, action, request.getParameterMap()); return action; } private ActionResult findResult(HttpServletRequest request, ActionPackage pkg, ActionEntryConfig aec, String result) { ActionResult rs = null; if (aec.results != null) rs = aec.results.get(result); if (rs == null && aec.container.results != null) rs = aec.container.results.get(result); if (rs == null && globalResults != null) rs = globalResults.get(result); if (rs == null && convention.enable) rs = makeConventionResult(result, request, pkg, aec); return rs; } private void processResult(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ActionPackage pkg, ActionResult ars, Action action) throws ServletException, IOException { switch (ars.type) { case DISPATCH: if (basePath.baseType == Action.BaseType.AUTO) request.setAttribute(Action.Constant.REQ_ATTR_BASE_PATH, HttpHelper.getRequestBasePath(request)); request.setAttribute(Action.Constant.REQ_ATTR_ACTION, action); RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher(response.encodeURL(ars.path)); if (rd != null) rd.forward(request, response); else { String msg = String.format("Dispatch URL '%s' not found", ars.path); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, msg); } break; case REDIRECT: response.sendRedirect(response.encodeRedirectURL(ars.path)); break; case CHAIN: request.setAttribute(Action.Constant.REQ_ATTR_ACTION, action); dispatchChainAction(request, response, pkg, ars.path); break; case FINISH: break; default: assert false; } } private final <T> void parseFormBean(ActionEntryConfig aec, Action action, Map<String, T> paramMap) { if (aec.formBeanAttr != null) { Object formBean = null; if ( != null) { formBean = BeanHelper.createBean(, paramMap); BeanHelper.setProperty(action,, formBean); } else if (aec.formBeanAttr.field != null) { formBean = BeanHelper.createBean(aec.formBeanAttr.field.getType(), paramMap); BeanHelper.setFieldValue(action, aec.formBeanAttr.field, formBean); } else { formBean = action; BeanHelper.setPropertiesOrFieldValues(formBean, paramMap); } if (action instanceof ActionSupport) { ActionSupport asp = (ActionSupport) action; asp.setFormBean(formBean); if (validation.enable) { asp.setAutoValidation(aec.formBeanAttr.validate); asp.setValidationGroups(aec.formBeanAttr.groups); } } } } private void dispatchChainAction(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ActionPackage currentPkg, String path) throws ServletException, IOException { ActionPackage pkg = new ActionPackage(path, currentPkg.path); dispatchAction(request, response, pkg); } static class ActionEntryConfig { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String name; private Method method; private ActionConfig container; private Map<String, ActionResult> results; private List<ActionException> exceptions; private FormBeanAttr formBeanAttr; private static class FormBeanAttr { private PropertyDescriptor property; private Field field; private boolean validate; private Class<?>[] groups; private FormBeanAttr() { } private FormBeanAttr(PropertyDescriptor pd) { = pd; } private FormBeanAttr(Field f) { this.field = f; } } private ActionEntryConfig(String name, Method method, ActionConfig container) { this(name, method, container, null, null); } private ActionEntryConfig(String name, Method method, ActionConfig container, Map<String, ActionResult> results, List<ActionException> exceptions) { = name; this.method = method; this.container = container; this.results = results; this.exceptions = exceptions; analysisFormBeanAttr(); } private void analysisFormBeanAttr() { FormBean formBean = method.getAnnotation(FormBean.class); if (formBean == null) formBean = container.acClass.getAnnotation(FormBean.class); if (formBean != null) { String value = formBean.value(); if (GeneralHelper.isStrEmpty(value)) formBeanAttr = new FormBeanAttr(); else { Class<?> stopClass = ActionSupport.class.isAssignableFrom(container.acClass) ? ActionSupport.class : Object.class; PropertyDescriptor pd = BeanHelper.getPropDescByName(container.acClass, stopClass, value); Method setter = BeanHelper.getPropertyWriteMethod(pd); if (setter != null) formBeanAttr = new FormBeanAttr(pd); else { Field field = BeanHelper.getInstanceFiledByName(container.acClass, stopClass, value); if (field != null) formBeanAttr = new FormBeanAttr(field); } if (formBeanAttr == null) { String msg = String.format( "Parse @FormBean in '%s#%s()' -> no property or field named '%s'", container.acClass.getName(), method.getName(), value); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } } formBeanAttr.validate = formBean.validate(); formBeanAttr.groups = formBean.groups(); } } } static class ActionPackage { private String path; private String name; private ActionPackage(String actionPath) { this(actionPath, null); } private ActionPackage(String actionPath, String currentPath) { int sepIndex = actionPath.lastIndexOf(PATH_SEPARATOR); if (sepIndex != -1) { path = actionPath.substring(0, sepIndex + 1); if (currentPath != null && path.startsWith(CURRENT_PATH_PREFIX)) path = path.replace(CURRENT_PATH_PREFIX, currentPath); if (!path.startsWith(PATH_SEPARATOR)) path = PATH_SEPARATOR + path; if (sepIndex < actionPath.length() - 1) name = actionPath.substring(sepIndex + 1, actionPath.length()); } else { path = PATH_SEPARATOR; name = actionPath; } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (path != null) sb.append(path); if (name != null) sb.append(name); return sb.toString(); } } private static class ActionFilterInfo { Class<ActionFilter> afClass; Pattern pattern; Pattern methods; } private static class ActionConfig { String name; Class<? extends Action> acClass; Map<String, ActionResult> results; List<ActionException> exceptions; } private static class ActionResult { String name; Action.ResultType type; String path; ActionResult() { } ActionResult(String name, ResultType type) { this(name, type, null); } ActionResult(String name, ResultType type, String path) { = name; this.type = type; this.path = path; } } private static class ActionException { Class<? extends Exception> exception; String result; } /* **************************************************************************************************** */ // Action Convention // /* **************************************************************************************************** */ private void extractActionEntryConvention(ActionPackage pkg) throws Exception { ActionEntryDesc desc = ActionEntryDesc.generate(convention.basePackage, pkg); ActionEntryConfig aec = parseActionEntry(desc); tryPutActionEntryConfig(pkg, aec); return; } private void tryPutActionEntryConfig(ActionPackage pkg, ActionEntryConfig aec) { loadActionFilterCache(aec); synchronized (actionPkgMap) { Map<String, ActionEntryConfig> actionEntryMap = actionPkgMap.get(pkg.path); if (actionEntryMap == null) { actionEntryMap = new HashMap<String, ActionEntryConfig>(); actionPkgMap.put(pkg.path, actionEntryMap); } GeneralHelper.syncTryPut(actionEntryMap,, aec); } } private ActionEntryConfig parseActionEntry(ActionEntryDesc desc) { checkConvActionConfigMap(desc); ActionConfig ac = convACMap.get(desc.clazz); ActionEntryConfig aec = new ActionEntryConfig(desc.entryName, desc.method, ac); aec.results = parseResults(desc.method); aec.exceptions = parseExceptionLists(desc.method); return aec; } private void checkConvActionConfigMap(ActionEntryDesc desc) { if (!convACMap.containsKey(desc.clazz)) { ActionConfig ac = new ActionConfig(); = desc.actionName; ac.acClass = desc.clazz; ac.results = parseResults(desc.clazz); ac.exceptions = parseExceptionLists(desc.clazz); GeneralHelper.syncTryPut(convACMap, ac.acClass, ac); } } private Map<String, ActionResult> parseResults(AnnotatedElement ae) { Map<String, Result> rsMap = parseResultAnnotations(ae); Map<String, ActionResult> arsMap = parseActionResultMap(rsMap); return arsMap.isEmpty() ? null : arsMap; } private Map<String, Result> parseResultAnnotations(AnnotatedElement ae) { Map<String, Result> map = new HashMap<String, Result>(); Result result = ae.getAnnotation(Result.class); if (result != null) GeneralHelper.tryPut(map, result.value(), result); Results results = ae.getAnnotation(Results.class); if (results != null) { Result[] rs = results.value(); for (Result r : rs) GeneralHelper.tryPut(map, r.value(), r); } return map; } private Map<String, ActionResult> parseActionResultMap(Map<String, Result> rsMap) { Map<String, ActionResult> map = new HashMap<String, ActionResult>(); Collection<Result> results = rsMap.values(); for (Result result : results) { ActionResult ars = new ActionResult(); = result.value(); ars.type = result.type(); ars.path = parseResultPath(result.path()); if (ars.type == Action.ResultType.DEFAULT) { if (! ars.type = Action.ResultType.DISPATCH; else ars.type = Action.ResultType.FINISH; } map.put(, ars); } return map; } private List<ActionException> parseExceptionLists(AnnotatedElement ae) { List<ExceptionMapping> emList = parseExceptionMappingAnnotations(ae); List<ActionException> aeList = parseActionExceptionList(emList); return aeList.isEmpty() ? null : aeList; } private List<ExceptionMapping> parseExceptionMappingAnnotations(AnnotatedElement ae) { List<ExceptionMapping> list = new ArrayList<ExceptionMapping>(); ExceptionMapping em = ae.getAnnotation(ExceptionMapping.class); if (em != null) list.add(em); ExceptionMappings ems = ae.getAnnotation(ExceptionMappings.class); if (ems != null) { ExceptionMapping[] emArr = ems.value(); for (ExceptionMapping em2 : emArr) list.add(em2); } return list; } private List<ActionException> parseActionExceptionList(List<ExceptionMapping> emList) { List<ActionException> exceptions = new ArrayList<ActionException>(); for (ExceptionMapping em : emList) { ActionException ae = new ActionException(); ae.exception = em.value(); ae.result = em.result(); exceptions.add(ae); } return exceptions; } private static class BasePathConfig { Action.BaseType baseType = Action.BaseType.AUTO; String baseHref; } private static class I18nConfig { Locale defaultLocale; String defaultBundle = Action.Constant.DEFAULT_APP_BUNDLE; } static class BeanValidation { boolean enable; BeanValidator validator; String bundle = Action.Constant.DEFAULT_VLD_BUNDLE; } private static class ActionConvention { boolean enable; boolean detect; String basePackage; String dispatchPath; String physicalPath; String fileType; String separator; } private static class ActionEntryDesc { String actionPath; String actionName; String entryName; String className; String methodName; Class<? extends Action> clazz; Method method; static ActionEntryDesc generate(String basePackage, ActionPackage pkg) throws SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException { ActionEntryDesc desc = new ActionEntryDesc(); desc.parseBasicInfo(basePackage, pkg); desc.parseEntryInfo(); return desc; } private void parseBasicInfo(String basePackage, ActionPackage pkg) { this.actionPath = pkg.path; this.entryName =; StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(basePackage); String subPath = pkg.toString(); if (!subPath.startsWith(PATH_SEPARATOR)) path.append(PATH_SEPARATOR); path.append(subPath); String[] paths = GeneralHelper.splitStr(path.toString(), PATH_SEPARATOR + SUFFIX_CHARACTER); int index = paths.length - 1; String[] entry = GeneralHelper.splitStr(this.entryName, ACTION_ENTRY_SEPARATOR); this.actionName = entry[0]; if (entry.length == 1) this.methodName = ACTION_DEFAULT_ENTRY_METHOD; else { paths[index] = entry[0]; String[] halfNames = GeneralHelper.splitStr(entry[1], CONV_ACTION_PATH_NAME_SEPARATOR); StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < halfNames.length; j++) { String part = halfNames[j]; if (j == 0) name.append(Character.toLowerCase(part.charAt(0))); else name.append(Character.toUpperCase(part.charAt(0))); name.append(part.substring(1)); } this.methodName = name.toString(); } StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i <= index; i++) { String str = paths[i]; String[] halfNames = GeneralHelper.splitStr(str, CONV_ACTION_PATH_NAME_SEPARATOR); for (int j = 0; j < halfNames.length; j++) { String part = halfNames[j]; if (i < index) name.append(part.toLowerCase()); else { name.append(Character.toUpperCase(part.charAt(0))); name.append(part.substring(1)); } } if (i < index) name.append(SUFFIX_CHARACTER); } this.className = name.toString(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void parseEntryInfo() throws SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException { Class<?> clazz = GeneralHelper.classForName(className); if (clazz == null && !className.endsWith(CONV_ACTION_NAME_USUAL_ENDING)) clazz = GeneralHelper.classForName(className + CONV_ACTION_NAME_USUAL_ENDING); if (clazz != null && Action.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) && BeanHelper.isPublicNotAbstractClass(clazz)) { Method method = clazz.getMethod(methodName); if (!String.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType()) || !BeanHelper.isPublicInstanceMethod(method)) { String msg = String.format("invalid action entry method '%s' for '%s%s'", method, actionPath, entryName); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } this.clazz = (Class<? extends Action>) clazz; this.method = method; } else { String msg = String.format("invalid action class '%s[%s]' for '%s%s'", className, CONV_ACTION_NAME_USUAL_ENDING, actionPath, entryName); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } } } private ActionResult makeConventionResult(String result, HttpServletRequest request, ActionPackage pkg, ActionEntryConfig aec) { final String SUCCESS_ENDS = convention.separator + Action.SUCCESS; String pkgNamePart =, convention.separator); String fileNamePart = pkgNamePart + convention.separator + result; String fileName = fileNamePart + SUFFIX_CHARACTER + convention.fileType; String dispatchPath = null; if (!fileNamePart.endsWith(SUCCESS_ENDS)) dispatchPath = makeDispatchPath(fileName, request, pkg, aec, convention.detect); else { dispatchPath = makeDispatchPath(fileName, request, pkg, aec, true); if (dispatchPath == null) { String fileNamePart2 = fileNamePart.substring(0, fileNamePart.length() - SUCCESS_ENDS.length()); String fileName2 = fileNamePart2 + SUFFIX_CHARACTER + convention.fileType; dispatchPath = makeDispatchPath(fileName2, request, pkg, aec, true); if (dispatchPath == null && !convention.detect) dispatchPath = makeDispatchPath(fileName, request, pkg, aec, false); } } if (dispatchPath != null) { tryPutActionResult(result, aec, dispatchPath); return aec.results.get(result); } else { String pkgPath = pkg.path.substring(1); String physicalPath = convention.physicalPath + pkgPath + fileName; String msg = String.format("physical target file '%s' not found for Action Result '%s' (%s)", physicalPath, result, pkg); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } } private String makeDispatchPath(String fileName, HttpServletRequest request, ActionPackage pkg, ActionEntryConfig aec, boolean detect) { String pkgPath = pkg.path.substring(1); String dispatchPath = convention.dispatchPath + pkgPath + fileName; if (detect) { String physicalPath = convention.physicalPath + pkgPath + fileName; String absolutePath = HttpHelper.getRequestRealPath(request, physicalPath); if (!(new File(absolutePath).isFile())) return null; } return dispatchPath; } private void tryPutActionResult(String result, ActionEntryConfig aec, String dispatchPath) { synchronized (aec) { if (aec.results == null) aec.results = new HashMap<String, ActionResult>(); GeneralHelper.syncTryPut(aec.results, result, new ActionResult(result, Action.ResultType.DISPATCH, dispatchPath)); } } /* **************************************************************************************************** */ // Reload MVC Config // /* **************************************************************************************************** */ /** ?? {@linkplain ActionDispatcher} */ public static final ActionDispatcher instance() { return instance; } private void attachInstance() { if (instance != null) throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "another filter instance exists which is assignable to '%s' " + "(only one such instance can be created for every application)", ActionDispatcher.class.getName())); instance = this; /* ? HttpHelper Servlet Context */ HttpHelper.initializeServletContext(context); } private void detachInstance() { if (instance == this) { /* HttpHelper Servlet Context */ HttpHelper.unInitializeServletContext(); instance = null; } } /** ? HTTP {@linkplain ActionDispatcher#reload(long) reload(long)} ?<br> * * ?? HTTP 503 * */ public void pause() { pausing = true; } /** ?? HTTP {@linkplain ActionDispatcher#reload(long) reload(long)} ? */ public void resume() { pausing = false; } /** ? MVC ?<br> * * @param delay : ????????? * @throws Exception : ????? * */ synchronized public void reload(long delay) throws Exception { String encoding = this.encoding; String actionSuffix = this.actionSuffix; BasePathConfig basePath = this.basePath; I18nConfig i18nCfg = this.i18nCfg; BeanValidation validation = this.validation; ActionConvention convention = this.convention; Map<String, ActionResult> globalResults = this.globalResults; List<ActionException> globalExceptions = this.globalExceptions; List<ActionFilterInfo> filterInfoList = this.filterInfoList; LinkedList<ActionFilter> filterList = this.filterList; Map<String, Map<String, ActionEntryConfig>> actionPkgMap = this.actionPkgMap; Map<Method, LinkedList<ActionFilter>> filterCache = this.filterCache; Map<Class<ActionFilter>, ActionFilter> filterMap = this.filterMap; Map<Class<? extends Action>, ActionConfig> convACMap = this.convACMap; Map<String, String> resultAliasMap = this.resultAliasMap; try { GeneralHelper.waitFor(delay); for (ActionFilter filter : filterList) filter.destroy(); if (validation.validator != null) validation.validator.destroy(); loadConfig(); } catch (Exception e) { for (ActionFilter filter : this.filterList) filter.destroy(); if (this.validation.validator != null) this.validation.validator.destroy(); if (validation.validator != null) validation.validator.init(); for (ActionFilter filter : filterList) filter.init(); this.encoding = encoding; this.actionSuffix = actionSuffix; this.basePath = basePath; this.i18nCfg = i18nCfg; this.validation = validation; this.convention = convention; this.globalResults = globalResults; this.globalExceptions = globalExceptions; this.filterInfoList = filterInfoList; this.filterList = filterList; this.actionPkgMap = actionPkgMap; this.filterCache = filterCache; this.filterMap = filterMap; this.convACMap = convACMap; this.resultAliasMap = resultAliasMap; throw e; } } }