Java tutorial
/* * Copyright Bruce Liang ( * * Version : Log-Cutter 2.0.2 * Author : Bruce Liang * Website : * Project : * Blog : * WeiBo : * QQ Group : 75375912 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.dom4j.Attribute; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import org.jessma.logcutter.util.GeneralHelper; import static org.jessma.logcutter.util.GeneralHelper.NEWLINE_CHAR; import static org.jessma.logcutter.util.GeneralHelper.isStrEmpty; import static org.jessma.logcutter.util.GeneralHelper.isStrNotEmpty; import static org.jessma.logcutter.util.GeneralHelper.str2Long; public class AppConfig { private static final String APP_NAME = "LogCutter"; private static final String APP_VERSION = "2.0.2"; private static final String CLASS_PATH = GeneralHelper.getClassResourcePath(AppConfig.class, "/"); private static final int PROCESS_ID = GeneralHelper.getProcessId(); private static final String DEF_CONF_FILE = CLASS_PATH + "../conf/config.xml"; private static final String DEF_LOG4J_CONF_FILE = CLASS_PATH + "../conf/log4j2.xml"; private static final String DEF_LOCK_FILE = CLASS_PATH + "../" + APP_NAME + ".lock"; private static final long DEF_START_CHK_DELAY = 0L * 60; private static final long DEF_CHK_INTERVAL = 72L * 60; private static final long DEF_DEL_FILES_EXPIRE = 90L; private static final long DEF_CUT_FILES_THRESHOLD = 10240L; private static final long DEF_CUT_FILES_RESERVE = 1024L; private static final long DEF_ARC_FILES_EXPIRE = 90L; private static String log4jConfigFile = DEF_LOG4J_CONF_FILE; private static String lockFile = DEF_LOCK_FILE; private static long startCheckDelay = DEF_START_CHK_DELAY; private static long checkInterval = DEF_CHK_INTERVAL; private static List<DelFilePath> delFiles = new ArrayList<DelFilePath>(); private static List<CutFilePath> cutFiles = new ArrayList<CutFilePath>(); private static List<ArcFilePath> arcFiles = new ArrayList<ArcFilePath>(); public static final String getAppName() { return APP_NAME; } public static final String getAppVersion() { return APP_VERSION; } public static final int currentProcessId() { return PROCESS_ID; } public static final String getClassPath() { return CLASS_PATH; } public static final String getDefaultConfigFile() { return DEF_CONF_FILE; } public static final String getLog4jConfigFile() { return log4jConfigFile; } public static final String getLockFile() { return lockFile; } public static final long getStartCheckDelay() { return startCheckDelay; } public static final long getCheckInterval() { return checkInterval; } public static final List<DelFilePath> getDelFiles() { return delFiles; } public static final boolean hasDelFiles() { return !delFiles.isEmpty(); } public static final List<CutFilePath> getCutFiles() { return cutFiles; } public static final boolean hasCutFiles() { return !cutFiles.isEmpty(); } public static final List<ArcFilePath> getArcFiles() { return arcFiles; } public static final boolean hasArcFiles() { return !arcFiles.isEmpty(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static final void init(String file) { try { SAXReader sr = new SAXReader(); Document doc = File(file)); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); // ??? ... // <global> Element global = root.element("global"); parseGlobal(global); // <delete-files> List<Element> dfs = root.elements("delete-files"); parseDelFiles(dfs); // <cut-files> List<Element> cfs = root.elements("cut-files"); parseCutFiles(cfs); // <archive-files> List<Element> afs = root.elements("archive-files"); parseArcFiles(afs); if (!hasDelFiles() && !hasCutFiles() && !hasArcFiles()) throw new RuntimeException("none of 'delete-files' / 'cut-files' / 'archive-files' found"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("load application configuration fail", e); } } private static void parseGlobal(Element global) { if (global != null) { // <start-check-delay> Element chkDelay = global.element("start-check-delay"); if (chkDelay != null) { String value = chkDelay.getTextTrim(); startCheckDelay = parseDelay(value); if (startCheckDelay < 0) { startCheckDelay = str2Long(value, -1); if (startCheckDelay < 0) startCheckDelay = DEF_START_CHK_DELAY; else startCheckDelay *= 60; } } // <check-interval> Element chkIntv = global.element("check-interval"); if (chkIntv != null) { checkInterval = str2Long(chkIntv.getTextTrim(), -1); if (checkInterval <= 0) checkInterval = DEF_CHK_INTERVAL; else checkInterval *= 60; } // <log4j-config-file> Element log4jCfg = global.element("log4j-config-file"); if (log4jCfg != null) { String config = log4jCfg.getTextTrim(); if (isStrNotEmpty(config)) log4jConfigFile = config; } // <lock-file> Element lcFile = global.element("lock-file"); if (lcFile != null) { String lock = lcFile.getTextTrim(); if (isStrNotEmpty(lock)) lockFile = lock; } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void parseDelFiles(List<Element> dfs) { for (Element e : dfs) { long delFilesExpire = DEF_DEL_FILES_EXPIRE; // <delete-files.expire> Attribute exp = e.attribute("expire"); if (exp != null) { delFilesExpire = str2Long(exp.getValue(), -1); if (delFilesExpire <= 0) delFilesExpire = DEF_DEL_FILES_EXPIRE; } // <file> List<Element> fs = e.elements("file"); for (Element f : fs) { DelFilePath fp = new DelFilePath(delFilesExpire); parseFilePath(f, fp); delFiles.add(fp); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void parseCutFiles(List<Element> cfs) { for (Element e : cfs) { long cutFilesThreshold = DEF_CUT_FILES_THRESHOLD; long cutFilesReserve = DEF_CUT_FILES_RESERVE; // <cut-files.threshold> Attribute threshold = e.attribute("threshold"); if (threshold != null) { cutFilesThreshold = str2Long(threshold.getValue(), -1); if (cutFilesThreshold <= 0) cutFilesThreshold = DEF_CUT_FILES_THRESHOLD; } // <cut-files.reserve> Attribute reserve = e.attribute("reserve"); if (reserve != null) { cutFilesReserve = str2Long(reserve.getValue(), -1); if (cutFilesReserve < 0) cutFilesReserve = DEF_CUT_FILES_RESERVE; } if (cutFilesThreshold <= cutFilesReserve) throw new RuntimeException("'cut-files.threshold' must greater then 'cut-files.reserve'"); // <file> List<Element> fs = e.elements("file"); for (Element f : fs) { CutFilePath fp = new CutFilePath(cutFilesThreshold, cutFilesReserve); parseFilePath(f, fp); cutFiles.add(fp); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void parseArcFiles(List<Element> afs) { for (Element e : afs) { long arcFilesExpire = DEF_ARC_FILES_EXPIRE; String arcPath = null; // <archive-files.expire> Attribute exp = e.attribute("expire"); if (exp != null) { arcFilesExpire = str2Long(exp.getValue(), -1); if (arcFilesExpire <= 0) arcFilesExpire = DEF_ARC_FILES_EXPIRE; } // <archive-files.archive-path> Attribute ap = e.attribute("archive-path"); if (ap != null) { arcPath = ap.getValue(); if (isStrEmpty(arcPath)) throw new RuntimeException("'archive-files.archive-path' attribute must not empty"); if (!arcPath.endsWith(File.separator)) arcPath = arcPath + File.separator; } else throw new RuntimeException("'archive-files.archive-path' attribute must be set"); // <file> List<Element> fs = e.elements("file"); for (Element f : fs) { ArcFilePath fp = new ArcFilePath(arcFilesExpire, arcPath); parseFilePath(f, fp); arcFiles.add(fp); } } } private static void parseFilePath(Element file, FilePath fp) { Attribute p = file.attribute("path"); if (p == null) throw new RuntimeException("'file' element must have 'path' attribute"); String path = p.getValue(); if (isStrEmpty(path)) throw new RuntimeException("'file.path' attribute must not empty"); if (!path.endsWith(File.separator)) path = path + File.separator; String name = file.getTextTrim(); if (isStrEmpty(name)) throw new RuntimeException("'file' element must not empty"); fp.setPath(path); fp.setName(name); } public static final String summary() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("configuration summary ").append(NEWLINE_CHAR); sb.append("------------------------------------------------------------").append(NEWLINE_CHAR); sb.append("[global]").append(NEWLINE_CHAR); sb.append(String.format("%21s : %-5d minutes", "start-check-delay", startCheckDelay)).append(NEWLINE_CHAR); sb.append(String.format("%21s : %-5d minutes", "check-interval", checkInterval)).append(NEWLINE_CHAR); sb.append(String.format("%21s : %s", "log4j-config-file", log4jConfigFile)).append(NEWLINE_CHAR); sb.append(String.format("%21s : %s", "lock-file", lockFile)).append(NEWLINE_CHAR); if (hasDelFiles()) { long expire = -1; for (int i = 0; i < delFiles.size(); ++i) { DelFilePath dfp = delFiles.get(i); if (dfp.getExpire() != expire) { expire = dfp.getExpire(); sb.append(String.format("[delete-files] (expire: %d days)", expire)).append(NEWLINE_CHAR); } sb.append(String.format("%5d. %s", i + 1, dfp)).append(NEWLINE_CHAR); } } else { sb.append("[delete-files]").append(NEWLINE_CHAR); sb.append(String.format("%10s", "(none)")).append(NEWLINE_CHAR); } if (hasCutFiles()) { long threshold = -1; long reserve = -1; for (int i = 0; i < cutFiles.size(); ++i) { CutFilePath cfp = cutFiles.get(i); if (cfp.getThreshold() != threshold || cfp.getReserve() != reserve) { threshold = cfp.getThreshold(); reserve = cfp.getReserve(); sb.append(String.format("[cut-files] (threshold: %d KBs, reserve: %d KBs)", threshold, reserve)) .append(NEWLINE_CHAR); } sb.append(String.format("%5d. %s", i + 1, cfp)).append(NEWLINE_CHAR); } } else { sb.append("[cut-files]").append(NEWLINE_CHAR); sb.append(String.format("%10s", "(none)")).append(NEWLINE_CHAR); } if (hasArcFiles()) { long expire = -1; String path = null; for (int i = 0; i < arcFiles.size(); ++i) { ArcFilePath afp = arcFiles.get(i); if (afp.getExpire() != expire || !afp.getArchivePath().equals(path)) { expire = afp.getExpire(); path = afp.getArchivePath(); sb.append(String.format("[archive-files] (expire: %d days, archive-path: '%s')", expire, path)) .append(NEWLINE_CHAR); } sb.append(String.format("%5d. %s", i + 1, afp)).append(NEWLINE_CHAR); } } else { sb.append("[archive-files]").append(NEWLINE_CHAR); sb.append(String.format("%10s", "(none)")).append(NEWLINE_CHAR); } sb.append("------------------------------------------------------------"); return sb.toString(); } private static final long parseDelay(String hhmm) { long ts = -1L; String[] tm = hhmm.split(":"); Calendar delay = null; Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); now.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); now.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); if (tm.length == 2) { int hour = GeneralHelper.str2Int(tm[0], -1); int minute = GeneralHelper.str2Int(tm[1], -1); if (hour >= 0 && minute >= 0) { delay = (Calendar) now.clone(); delay.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour); delay.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute); if (delay.compareTo(now) < 0) delay.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); } } if (delay != null) ts = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(delay.getTimeInMillis() - now.getTimeInMillis()); return ts; } }